Basic Macroeconomic Relationships. Chapter 9 Figure 9.1.

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Transcript of Basic Macroeconomic Relationships. Chapter 9 Figure 9.1.

Basic Macroeconomic Relationships

Chapter 9 Figure 9.1

Average and Marginal Propensities to Consume and Save

Average Propensities

APC = C/DI APS = S/DI since DI = S + C APC + APS = 1

Marginal Propensities

MPC = ∆C/∆DI MPS = ∆S/∆DI Since DI = S + C ∆DI = ∆S + ∆C MPC + MPS = 1

Chapter 9 Table 9.1

Chapter 9 Figure 9.2

The Consumption and Saving Functions

Chapter 9 Figure 9.3

Nonincome determinants of consumption and saving

Wealth Borrowing Expectations Real interest rateOther important considerations Switching to real GDP Change along schedule Simultaneous shifts taxation

Chapter 9 Figure 9.4(a)Shifting the Consumption


Chapter 9 Figure 9.4(b)

Shifting the Saving Schedule

Chapter 9 Table 9.2The Investment Demand


Chapter 9 Figure 9.5

The Investment Demand Function

Chapter 9 Figure 9.6

What Shifts the Investment Demand Function?

Acquisition maintenance and operating costs.

Changes in taxes on business Technological Improvements Stock of capital goods on hand Planned inventory changes Expectations Instability of investment.

Chapter 9 Figure 9.7

Investment is highly volatile!

Multiplier effect

A change in spending, say investment ultimately changes output by more than initial change in investment spending. That surprising result is called multiplier effect.

Multiplier = change in real GDP /initial change in spendingOR change in real GDP = Multiplier*initial change in spending

Chapter 9 Table 9.3The AE multiplier

M = 1/(1- MPC) = 1/MPS

Chapter 9 Figure 9.8

Chapter 9

Figure 9.9

How M varies with the MPC

The AE multiplier

M = 1/(1- MPC) = 1/MPS M = change in real GDP/change in

spending M = ∆GDP/∆AE = ∆Y/∆AE Change in AE can come from any

component of aggregate expenditure

AE = C + Ig + G + Xn

The multiplier and the marginal propensities

Multiplier = 1/1-MPC As MPC+MPS=1 Multiplier = 1/MPS If MPS= 0.25 then multiplier ? If MPS= 0.2 then multiplier? If MPS= 0.33 then multiplier?