Barwon SW Getting Going with Moodle 2

Post on 10-May-2015

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Introductory session for participants in the Barwon South Western Learn Local ementor programme.

Transcript of Barwon SW Getting Going with Moodle 2

Learn Local - Vic Government

e-Learning Program 2011Getting going with Moodle 2


LMSWhat is it?

• a software application or Web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. •provides the trainer with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance. •provides students with the ability to use interactive features such as threaded discussions, video conferencing, and discussion forums.

About MoodleSoftware

Moodle is a software package for producing Internet-based courses and web sites. It is a global development project designed to support a social constructionist framework of education.

Moodle is provided freely as Open Source software (under the GNU Public License). Basically this means Moodle is copyrighted, but that you have additional freedoms. You are allowed to copy, use and modify Moodle provided that you agree to: provide the source to others; not modify or remove the original license and copyrights, and apply this same license to any derivative work


Constructionism asserts that learning is particularly effective when constructing something for others to experience. This can be anything from a spoken sentence or an internet posting, to more complex artifacts like a painting, a house or a software package.

For example, you might read this page several times and still forget it by tomorrow - but if you were to try and explain these ideas to someone else in your own words, or produce a slideshow that explained these concepts, then it's very likely you'd have a better understanding that is more integrated into your own ideas. This is why people take notes during lectures (even if they never read the notes again).


Good for:• familiar web-page look and feel, with newsy front page• adaptable – repository, course, group work, collaboration,

self paced, facilitated• providing forums/support to learners• introducing teachers to online tools, training ground• relatively easy to learn and use (but takes time)• group/collaborative work• automated “assessment” • difficult to create course content • Incorporate course content made with rapid elearn tools

(using SCORM)

DeliveryModels of training delivery that compliment the use of a LMS

Fully OnlineFully Online Knowledge Preparation for F2F Skills Workshop

Knowledge Preparation for F2F Skills Workshop

Blended – Mix of online & F2F

Blended – Mix of online & F2F

Skill recognition/currency/


Skill recognition/currency/


Skills update on demand

Skills update on demand

Collaborative Learning with Peers

Collaborative Learning with Peers

ToolsPotential Tools to underpin a flexible delivery

Learner Management


Learner Management


Virtual ClassroomVirtual Classroom

Web 2 Portal(Blog, Wiki, Facebook)

Web 2 Portal(Blog, Wiki, Facebook)

Manuals,CD ROMS

USBExisting resources

Manuals,CD ROMS

USBExisting resources


A Model


Industry Knowledge

Staff Capacity

ComplianceeLearning Training Tools Collaboration

Authentic Tasks

Trainer/LearnerCommunication Model

Self Paced

eLearning PlatformStructured

Content Models

Communication and collaboration may take place using Chats and Forums for conversational activities and Choices to gain group feedback.

Adding Wikis to your courses is an excellent way to allow students to work together on a single piece.

Content Tools

• Work can be submitted by students and marked by teachers using Assignments or Workshops. Automatic marking can be achieved by using Quizzes. You can integrate quizzes from third party software.

• Content may be delivered and supported using Lesson module and SCORM activities. Key words can be added to Glossaries by yourself or, if you allow it, your students. You can add content from third party software

• Surveys and Databases are also very powerful additions to any course.

Content Tools

• Content can be generated quickly using purpose built “rapid elearning software” such as:

• Articulate• Captivate• Udutu• iSpring Presenter

Resource Tools

• Moodle supports a range of different resource types that allow you to include almost any kind of digital content into your courses. You can create your own text and webpages quickly.

• Of course the resource may already exist in electronic form (word, PDF, etc) so you may want to link to an uploaded file or external website or simply display the complete contents of a directory in your course files and let your users pick the file themselves.


• Use Wikis to create content together, Forums and Comments to exchange ideas, Database to collectively gather resources, Glossary to create shared understanding of concepts ... and more!


• Grades can be created in each activity in a course which are then added to the Gradebook. For example, grades in Assignment (all types), Quiz and Workshop activities are automatically added to Gradebook. In some activities you will have to turn grading on, such as ratings 'on' in Forum, Glossary and Database to send them to the Gradebook.

• Students can do self and peer assessment type tasks by evaluating (and even rate) each other's Forum posts, Glossary entries, and Database entries.

Log on

Username: your surname (lower case)

Password: barwon

You will be asked to change your password – write it down!

Implementing Moodle•Define your delivery model

•Plan your delivery – adapt!

•Link activities to assessment

•Determine your support

•Embed knowledge sharing and industry knowledge

•Consider peer review and collaboration

•Use Multimedia in your content

•Consider rapid elearning tools

I can set you up with a Moodle for your provider to have a play with and deliver from the life of this course. Just let me know and I will set this up for you.