Barnham Broom Mardle

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Transcript of Barnham Broom Mardle

Barnham Broom Mardle

Issue 12 November 2017Contents

• Letter from the Editor

• Ladies Section News

• Men’s Section News

• Senior Section News

• Junior Section News

• Barnham Pros

• Update from Barnham Broom

Many games were played with a stick

and ball

as far back as the early days of man.

Till the 14th century, golfers teed off

at St. Andrews, Scotland with clubs in


Today men and women both play golf

as a group or just one or two.

Players, rich, poor, pro, or in between

practice their swing with clubs, old and


They don't go thirsty cause they bring

their own

whatever it takes to enjoy the day.

Sometimes they play several games at


as they win money or give it away.

There's nothing better than a green

golf course

with the sweet scent of spring in the


To escape the drudgery of the


where you can laugh, joke, brag,

gamble and swear.

Last Date for Material for

December edition November 30th

To -

Letter from the Editor Welcome to this 12th Edition

of the Mardle and the last one from

our current Captains.

I have really enjoyed editing the

Mardle and hope you are all enjoying

keeping up with all the latest news.

However it would be really good to have a deputy/co-editor for times when

I am away and to help with ideas to keep the Mardle relevant for all

members. Please email me if you feel you would like to help in this way.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Christmas Jolly, an opportunity for all

sections to join in the Christmas fun.

Once again Matthew is running the Christmas Draw with some fantastic

prizes. Entry is via board in the Shop.

Di Daniels - Editor

News from the Pros...

News From the Men

Unfortunately this is my last contribution to Mardle. I hope

you have enjoyed this section of the club’s Newsletter

during the last year, and have found some of the

information provided both helpful, (hopefully gives you a

better understanding of the more Basic rules) and also

contributing to more enjoyable Golf because of It.

Rule books are always available on site (free of charge)

from the Secretary and if you are relatively new to Golf I

would urge you to spend some time reading up.

May I just give you one EXAMPLE how it can contribute

greatly to the amount of enjoyment, and less

disappointment to your game.

Take this scenario.

Competitor taking part in a Medal competition.

Drives from the Tee into a Hazard. On finding their ball,

proceed to clear the debris away from the ball to enable it

to be addressed, followed by a fantastic shot onto the


Imagine the elation at achieving such a stroke, only to be

told, by your playing partners, you have incurred two

penalty shots for (1.) Touching or moving a loose

impediment within the hazard. ( 2.) Touching the ground

or any obstruction while addressing the ball.

This situation did actually occur earlier in the year in one of

our competitions.

Imagine the Disappointment this competitor felt through

the lack of knowledge of a very Basic rule

Roger Garwood – Men’s Captain

Welcome to Captains Corner November Edition

Sadly this will be my last contribution to Mardle as Club

Captain. I hand over my chain of office to my Vice Captain,

Barry Edwards on the 23rd of November at the clubs

A.G.M. I wish Barry every success in the coming year.

I do hope as many members as possible, take the trouble to

attend YOUR A.G.M. to have your say, and to offer your

opinion to debate on the evening.

May I offer my sincere thanks to all the Club members who

have supported and contributed to my very enjoyable year

in office (A great honour) I hope in some small way I may

have helped individuals and also, to have made our many

new members welcome and to feel part of the Barnham

Broom community.

I must congratulate all our competition winners this golfing

year and they will all be presented with their Trophies at

the A.G.M. Do come along to receive your trophy on the

23rd November 7.00pm.

It has been great to spend time watching the more

experienced members of the Junior section, being

successful in County competitions and indeed selecting

them in my teams for club and county. They are a credit to

Barnham Broom. Congratulations to Ellie Brown, on

obtaining a Scratch Handicap, also turning Professional.

Last but not least, I am pleased to report much success on

the revival of mixed comps. It was the intention of the Lady

Captain and I to resurrect the mixed section. This has seen

all original Mixed Trophies competed for, two new

trophies donated by Diana Daniels and Barry Edwards and

also Seniors and Ladies taking part in successful mixed

fixtures against other clubs.

Roger Garwood – Men’s Captain

Daniels Vase 2017

10 couples consisting of a Senior and a Lady took part in

this new mixed Greensomes Competition. A rainy start

gave way to better weather although the course proved

tough for many players. However the clear winners gained

a superb 44 points. Well done Roger and Teresa.

3 R’S Rogers Rules


News from the Ladies

Lady Captain's Twelfth Tee

The twelfth issue of The Mardle, and my final entry before

handing over to the new Captain. The idea for The Mardle was

my first objective on becoming Lady Captain, almost exactly a

year ago. It was met with support from the main Committee

and Management and in no small part due to Diana Daniels,

who immediately agreed to become Editor, and has excelled in

the role, aided and abetted by contributions from all sections

of the Club, Management and Pros. It has achieved both Aims

& Objectives of informing and cementing the role of inclusivity

throughout the sections of the Club. I sincerely wish it and all

contributors a long and successful life.

Friendly Matches

The final Friendly Match was played at Richmond Park on 11th

October, 2017 and was (awful I know but I can't remember –

will have to update you later)

Mixed Inter Club Friendly Matches

I have tried to resurrect these and with the support of Roger

Garwood, Club Captain achieved just two matches this year.

The first Match was finally played on 8th October following

many set backs v Richmond Park, at home, we are very grateful

to them for offering the fixture and a delicious lunch (many

thanks to Chef) was enjoyed by all. It really was a lovely social

occasion and we look forward to the return match next year at

Richmond Park. The result was a very friendly half.

The 2nd Match was played v Bawburgh away on 29th October.

The weather was cold and wet but Barnham battled through

and won – congratulations to all who participated. Again an

enjoyable social occasion and we look forward to entertaining

them at Barnham Broom next year – definitely earlier in the

year, when hopefully the weather conditions will be more


It is hoped that there will be more of these fixtures next year

and we have already been invited for a match v Caldecott Hall

away. Details to be confirmed.

Away Days 4th - 5th October

This year was in my opinion the best yet. Once again it was

organised by Jill Oakley (Devlin) who always does a great job of

organising us all into different competitions each day, together

with prizes, a meal and accommodation. The Venue was

Greetham Valley and both courses were great and the

accommodation superb. Ladies if you didn't come this year –

don't miss out – sign up in plenty of time for next year. It really

is a great event.

Fun Competition Results

50 Club Draw

Once more there was no winner in this month's draw!

Rollover means even bigger prize – please dont forget to

sign up and place you money in the competition box in an

envelope with your name on it. Please encourage others

with you to do the same.

24th October - 3 Clubs & a Putter

This proved to be a very unpopular competition with a very

poor turn out and should have been played over 18 not 9 as

transpired. However the Winning Team on a magnificent

score of 41 were Sheena Perry, Teresa Tarrant and Julie

Banks – well played Ladies. Such a great score – why do we

normally play with so many clubs???

31st October – Halloween Jolly

This proved a very popular competition with a great turn out – Halloween Decorations and Chocolates added to the

feel of the competition but were surpassed by the attire of

Vicki & Francesa – well done Ladies, you looked great.

The winners on countback were Chris Wright, Chris

Fernihough & Jane Johnson with a score of 48. Also with a

score of 48 were Teresa Tarrant, Wendy Johnson and

myself. Thank you Ladies for the support for the day.


Norfolk County Ladies AGM - 20th November, 2017

As a member of a Norfolk Club you are all eligible to attend

this meeting which is held annually at Wensum Valley. Jo

Ashmore is Lady President and Barnham Broom as you all

know has won both their Leagues so will be presented with

the Trophies at this event.

Come along and enjoy the success with fellow members.

Main Committee AGM - 23rd November, 2017

Any Lady Member is eligible to become a Committee

Member on the Club Committee, the list for proposals is on

the Mixed Notice Board, you simply need a Proposer and a


If you would like to raise anything at the main AGM then it

has been requested that all questions be submitted in writing

beforehand and via Alan Hemsley.

Ladies Section AGM - 25th November, 2017

There are vacancies on our Committee and if you would like

to become a Committee Member, all you need to do is find

yourself a proposer and seconder and put your name on the

list displayed in our Changing Room.

Please come along and attend, attendance of this Meeting is really what being a member of a club is all about. I look

forward to welcoming you.

If you have any concerns that are appropriate for discussion

then please put your proposals in writing to the Secretary,

Chris Wright.

Captain's Final Fling – 21st November, 2017

This will take place on 21st November, the competition is a

Round Robin with a difference as it will be played over 12

holes, in teams of 3. Nearest the Pin, Nearest the Pin in 3, and

Straightest Drive. The meal will be a Roast Chicken Lunch, for

£7.75 with a Vegetarian option, a List will be displayed in the

Changing Room for your selection. Meanwhile the competition

is live online. I hope as many of you as possible will join in,

with this, my last event as your Captain.

Please remember if you play in this competition as all

competitions followed by a meal your attendance at the meal is

expected – thank you.

Dates for Your Diary

I have been asked by the incoming Lady Captain to remind you

that the Annual Coffee Morning will take place on 5th

December, our only fund raising event in the calendar. Tee

times have been booked for Ladies following this event. Last year attendance was very disappointing, so we are hoping for a

much better turn out this year, as someone said or something

similar "Your Ladies Section Needs You".

The second date for your diary is 12th December – the Ladies

Christmas Lunch. I am delighted that Wendy has decided to

continue with this event and I do hope subsequent Captains

will also. Everyone agreed that last year was a great success

and this year is planned to be even more spectacular with

entertainment (not just a quiz) in addition to the meal!

Goodbye & Thank You

I have found the role of Lady Captain an extremely busy one.

It has been an interesting year, supporting Barnham Broom

Teams, where possible and networking at social events most

enjoyable and informative. I have been proud to be Captain in

the year, so much success has been achieved by the Ladies

Section. I have tried throughout the year to highlight the

successes of the League Teams and individual success.

Together with my Committee we have strived to offer and

invite participation in Fun Competitions, League Matches,

Friendly Matches, Knock Out Competitions, Annual Trophy

Competitions, County Competitions, Club Competitions all of

which have been played for enjoyment and as stated before

with great success.

When I became Captain I was told the way to be a good

Captain is to have a good Committee, I hope I have achieved

the former and I have certainly been fortunate to enjoy

working with one of the latter, my sincere thanks to all

members of the committee, for their continued support and

loyalty. The entire section owes a great deal to these Ladies,

who give voluntarily of their time for the good of the Ladies


I wish my Vice Captain, Wendy Johnson the very best as she

commences her year as Lady Captain of this great club.

Liz Whales Lady Captain 2017

News from the Ladies (cont) News from The Seniors

Events since September issue have included the

October & November Medals plus the October

Stableford. We also enjoyed a Mixed Greensomes

competition with the Ladies in October. The other Men’ Seniors

Greensomes Trophy event was organised again this year by Barrie

Rivers, contested in November & produced £200.00 for the

Arthritic Society! Our remaining programme for the year will

include a Captain’s Charity Texas Scramble on 8th November,

November’s Stableford (15th) & our December Medal which is

held just in advance of our AGM on 6th December.

Obviously the ever popular Swindles (Mon/Wed/Fri) will also

continue – forever!

As I write this I am very mindful of our Hodds team who go to

Middleton Hall GC this week to, hopefully, progress through to

the third round against a team who have enjoyed firstly, a bye in

the first round, & then a ‘walk-over’ in the second, leaving them a

home draw against us in round three! So far Barnham Broom GC

Seniors have beaten Ryston (home) and Gt Yarmouth & Caister (away) – exceptionally good result. Good luck on Friday lads.

With the year’s programme coming towards an end we are

planning for AGM matters including potential new committee

members & changes of officers, financial reconciliation & audit,

Any Other Business submissions, charity representation, award

presentation preparations, and captains’ & treasurer’s reports. End

of year celebrations, in terms of our Christmas Lunch, is also

looming so don’t forget to add your name & guest to the listing on

the notice board. Our host will be our new Captain, Barrie


I’m not sure how things will work for me with regard to this

report & whether it will be my last, at least as Seniors’ Captain so,

what I’ve decided is to take a space in December’s Mardle to

summarise my view of the 2016-17 Seniors year, if the editor will

permit that (thanks Di)!

A narrow defeat at Wensum Valley GC finished off a fairly

successful season of matches this year (apparently, our result

there was their worst result at home all season!).


Hunstanton Abandoned Loss(2-4)

Wensum Valley Win(5-1) Loss 2.5-3.5

Caldecott Hall Win(3.5-2.5) Win (3.5-2.5)

Cromer Win 5-1 Win (3.5-2.5)

Swaffham Win 4-2 Loss (2-4)

Sheringham Win(3.5-2.5) Loss (2-4)

Rookery Park Win (4-2) Loss(0-6)

Thetford Win (4.5-1.5) Win 3.5-2.5

Eaton Win (5-1) Win (4-2)

Mundesley (not

seniors) Loss 2-4 Loss (2-4)

Gt Yarmouth &

Caister Win (4-2) Loss (1-5)

Sprowston Half 3-3 Loss (2.5-3.5)


Here is the latest record of recent competition results (last 2 to 3


Teams/Pairs 1st 2nd 3rd 4th










Capt Away

Day Team








B. Ireland




Robbie Blades








Stan Dixon






Barrie Rivers


G.Knights &




MEDALS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

June C.Thorman


D.Littlechild A.Dewing B.Edwards

Ron Pitt





D.Ashmore J.Shaw A.Walker

Handicap A.Thurston


L.Gardner R.Human A.Dewing

August J.Farrow(65) F..Preston D.Littlechild C.Thorman

September N.Orpin (70) D.Ashmore P.Scott T.Lynne

All Winners C.Thorman


A.Walker R.Human J.Farrow

October G.Knights


P.Bangay R.Garwood D.Garner

November R.Human


R.Philips C.Tucker L.Gardner

Stablefords 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

SSAFA (July) M.Boyce





(Capt’s Day)



L..Gardner T.Lynne I.WIilson

September T.Lynne(39) D.Ashmore A.Leeds R.McLean

October M.Coe (41) B.Ireland C.Tucker E.Charlie

It may now be an opportunity to mention that we, as

Seniors, perhaps more so than other sections, are reminded

of our human vulnerability towards health issues. By this I

mean while we have two of our friends who have been

suffering poor health in recent times.

We should take some time to wish them well into recovery

for one (Paul) & comfort amongst their family for the other


I hope you will make an effort to attend our Seniors AGM

this year, & the club AGM on 23rd November.

Happy Golfing,

Barry Edwards - Seniors Captain

News from the Juniors

Tom Piper and Charlie Woodward.

Tom won the junior club championship scratch section

with a score of 80 and Charlie won the Handicap section

with a nett 76 playing off 16.

10 juniors played in total on Saturday 28th October in

windy conditions.

There are two junior competitions left to play for before

the end of 2017.

They are the Davis trophy which will be played on the 18th

November and the singles trophy which is to be played on

the 24th November.

Juniors wishing to play please enter through Alan.

Alan Hemsley - Golf Professional

A big thank you to all those members who have been

supporting our fundraising, whilst celebrating our 40th

anniversary this year!

We have completed four successful charity events so far

with our glamourous black tie ball which will complete our

celebrations next week.

The charity ball will be a fantastic night with wonderful

food and drink, guest speakers, silent auction and with the

fabulous JW swing, swing swing live band. A night not to

be missed! It will be a truly memorable event to finish this

exciting year.

Tickets are still available so don’t hesitate to get in touch

and book your table. Remember members pay the

reduced rate of £67.50 per ticket.

Our silent auction will have some amazing items to bid for:


LIMITED EDITION - Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team

2016 Framed blue print celebrating Nico Rosberg’s World

2016 championship win!

Signed by:

Toto Wolff

Paddy Lowe

Lewis Hamilton

Nico Rosberg

This was donated by Brian Lemon’s son who works for the

Mercedes team.

We have many other fantastic items including our very

own head chef James Conway, who will be your private

chef for a dinner party for up to 8 people in the New Year!

Full Ts&Cs will be available to view on the night!

Pre auction bids can be made by emailing for details

before Friday 24th November 2017.

We have been holding a variety of events throughout the

year supporting these two deserving charities!

BEAT (a charity supporting anyone affected by eating

disorders, anorexia, bulimia, ENDOS or any other difficulty

with food, weight or shape)

SEPSIS TRUST (a charity supporting the NHS and how it

deals with Sepsis whilst increasing public awareness and

supporting those affected by Sepsis)

40-Hole Golf Competition event (MEMBERS ONLY):

Hosted on Monday 1st May 2017


Golf Invitation Day (MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY):

Hosted on Thursday 20th July 2017


Golf Competition Cup (MEMBERS ONLY):

Hosted on Sunday 24th September 2017


Barnham Broom’s Race Night

Hosted on Saturday 14th October 2017

£1253 RAISED

Update from Barnham Broom