Barellan Central School Term 1, Week 5A...Barellan Central School Parent’s and Citizens...

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Transcript of Barellan Central School Term 1, Week 5A...Barellan Central School Parent’s and Citizens...

Perseverance Conquers All


Barellan Central School Boree Street, Barellan NSW 2665

Phone: 02 6963 9202 • Fax: 02 6963 9302

Email: Principal: Mr Bob Willetts


20th February, 2012

Term 1, Week 5A

7/8 “Lapping” up Technology Parents of Year 7/8, if you’d like to check what

your children have been doing in English this

week, get them to log into MOODLE and show

you their work.

Please Note Change of Date

The date of the PSSA Swimming Carnival

has changed to Monday 27th February.

Information Technology Innovation - Year

7, 8 and 9 receive laptops

The library was packed last Tuesday as year7/8

and 9 and their parents awaited delivery of their

new laptops. Usually students have to wait until

year 9 to receive their laptops, but in another

BCS innovation, all of our year 7 and year 8 stu-

dents have taken delivery of a laptop as well.

The feedback from the students, teachers and

parents about this initiative has been outstand-

ing and we look forward to staying at the fore-

front of innovation throughout the year with the

transition to MOODLE 2 which will give increased

functionality to students, teachers and parents.

Thanks to all of the parents for taking the time

to attend the briefing about the DER laptops and

cyber safety.

Sporting Opportunities A Plenty!

It is fantastic to see how many opportunities are

available for students in a wide range of sports

at this time of year. As part of the school policy,

students who participate in sports must have

their academic clearance. This is obtained by

following the school rules and being up to date

with their school work.

Masters Games

Best of luck to everyone participating in the

Barellan Masters Games this weekend. Don’t

forget to warm up and warm down!

RAP Sports Trials

Congratulations to all of the students who partic-

ipated in the RAP sports trials last week. The

trials bring six schools together to try out for our

combined CHS sporting teams. Selection in one

of the RAP sports teams is a success in itself.

Leading Learning

The Riverina Principals conference will be in Al-

bury this week and I have been invited to deliver

a presentation on how the school MOODLE

(Modular, Object Oriented Dynamic Learning En-

vironment) has enhanced learning at BCS. We

have some wonderful examples from within the

school, if you have a story about how any of our

innovations over the past few years have en-

hanced learning for your child, please let us


Family Health and Fitness: Miniman Triath-

lons – An awesome atmosphere

If you are looking for a great family event, have

a look at the Elite Energy Triathlon calen-

dar. I took my children down to the Huskisson

Triathlon last weekend and my son Keegan

participated in his first “Miniman” Triathlon

(along with hundreds of other children) .

Children from 7 years of age can participate and

it is a wonderfully safe and supportive atmos-

phere. All children receive a medal and a fantas-

tic sense of achievement when they participate.

All they need is a bike (any form of deadly

treadly) and some swimming goggles. Highly


Perseverance Conquers All


Tuesday - Kinder/One Wednesday - Year 2/3

Wednesday - Year 4/5/6

Don’t forget your library bags!

Barellan Central School Parent’s and Citizens Association

Membership Slip

Paying your membership entitles

you to vote at upcoming P&C Meetings.

$5.00 Per Family

Name ...........................................................

Please return slip with your money

to the front office Thankyou


Mon 20/2 Thur 23/2 Fri 24/2

Marissa Lucas Jo Flagg Tina Haeusler

Mon 27/2 Thur 1/3 Fri 2/3

Sarah Lees Joy Geltch Jeanette Brumby

Mon 5/3 Thur 8/3 Fri 9/3

Jo Ohlsen Julie Kenny Colleen McDonald

Mon 12/3 Thur 15/3 Fri 16/3

Alison Male Sue Wilson Volunteer Reqd

Mon 19/3 Thur 22/3 Fri 23/3

Denise McDermott Rebecca Rainbird Volunteer Reqd

Mon 26/3 Thur 29/3 Fri 30/3

Jo Flagg Sarah Lees Jeanette Brumby

Mon 2/4 Thur 5/4 Fri 6/4

Rhonda Duncan Karen Smith CLOSED

PSSA Swimming Carnival The Coolamon/Ardlethan District PSSA

Swimming Carnival will be held at the Barellan

Swimming Pool on Monday 27th February, 2012.

As we have a small primary staff, we would ask

if any parents are willing to assist with

timekeeping or any other job on the day, please

contact the school and leave a message for

Mr Hinde.

Mobile Library Dates 2012

March - Tuesday 20th April - Tuesday 24th May - Tuesday 22nd June - Tuesday 19th July - Tuesday 17th

August - Tuesday 21st September - Tuesday 18th

October - Tuesday 23rd November - Tuesday 20th December - Tuesday 11th


February 2012 Tuesday 21 Year 11 RYDA @ Yanco

Wednesday 22 Primary Parents Meet & Greet

2pm in the Library Monday 27 Primary Zone Swimming

Carnival @ Barellan

March 2012 Friday 2 Secondary Riverina

Swimming Carnival @ Leeton


The BCS P&C are catering for a wedding in Binya on the 31st March at midday. The P&C would love anyone who was available to help on the day to contact Sarah Lees on 6963 9409.

BCS was well represented at the Seconadary Zone Swimming Carnival in Coolamon last Friday. Results still to come.

Perseverance Conquers All

Meet and Greet

A Meet and Greet and Parent Information Ses-

sion will be held for parents on Wednesday 22nd

February at 2pm. This will be an opportunity for

parents to meet their child’s teacher as well as

hear about some of the things that will be hap-

pening throughout this term and ideas we have

for the remainder of the year. We will have all

parents meet for a general information session,

where the classroom teachers will provide par-

ents with information specific to their class. An

afternoon tea will be provided. We encourage all

parents of student in Kinder to Year 6 attend and

find out how the home/school partnership is im-

portant in the education of children.

Parent Information Sessions for 2012

This year we will again be running some parent

information sessions related to the curriculum

and what is being taught to your children. A

questionnaire will be handed out at the Meet and

Greet and will also be available on MOODLE,

asking for suggestions as to what you would like

to see in these sessions. Please have a think and

have some suggestions ready for us to consider.


At the end of last year a list of stationery sup-

plies went home. Please ensure that you child

has all the necessary stationery supplies to as-

sist them with their learning.

Nut-Free School

Please remember that our school is a “Nut-Free

Zone”. We would like to encourage all children

and parents to check the ingredients of all food

items such as muesli bars to make sure they do

not contain nuts.

Old Magazines

If you have any old magazines at home that you

no longer want, please send them in as they are

always required for various activities in all KLA’s.

Holiday Reading is Rad!

We hope that all students participated in reading

as part of the Holiday Reading is Rad! program

over the summer holidays. We have begun test-

ing the students as part of their Accelerated

Reader program for this year and some of the

results have indicated that many students have

indeed been reading. Now it’s time for students

to return their Reading Diaries, if they haven’t

already done so. Once we have all diaries re-

turned we can begin handing out the Reading


Australian Schools Competitions ENTRY FORM

Family Name: ____________________________ * Computer Skills Yr 3-10 $5.00ea Names ________________________________________

* Science Yr 3-12 $5.00ea Names ________________________________________

* Mathematics Yr 3-12 $5.00ea Names ________________________________________

* Primary Spelling Yr 3-6 $7.00ea Names ______________________________________

* Writing Yr 3-12 $10-00ea Names ______________________________________

*English Yr 3-12 $5.00ea Names__________________________________ Payment enclosed : $ ________________________

Australian Schools Competitions 2012 The Australian Schools Competitions run by the University of New South Wales will be on again this year. Competitions are held in schools throughout Australia and the Pacific. All students from years 3 to 12 are encouraged to participate. Results are collated from throughout the state so students can compare their progress with others. Participating in the competitions is good practice for the students in undertaking external examinations (e.g. Naplan, School Certificate, and HSC). All students receive a certificate of participation or for those students who perform well, certificates of merit or even distinction. Entry fees (subsidised by the school) are $5.00 for each stu-dent for each competition, except for the writing competi-tion which costs $10 and the spelling competition which costs $7.00 (these last two are hand marked by specialists in their fields which is why they cost extra). The entry form is included in this week’s Gazette and is due back with the pay-ment to the school office by Monday, March 12. Dates for competitions will be included in the school calendar as they become closer.


Perseverance Conquers All

Let’s Meet Year 2/3

Paige, Norman & I

were making and

decorating a 3D cube

to hang on the wall.


I like being in Year

2/3. Jane

If you get hungry you

can always have Crunch

& Sip at 10am. You

need to bring your fruit.


Nikita, Melissa & Lily

making 3D shapes.

We don’t have pizza and chips in the

morning because it won’t give us energy.


Apples are my

favourite fruit. Lily

Crunch & Sip helps us stay fit and

healthy. Annabelle

Crunch & Sip helps our

brains to be healthy

and it stops us

getting sick. Wyatt

Fruit & water give you energy and helps you

grow faster. Aysel


Lachlan Jane

Wyatt Arnold




Ryan Cooper



Jake Norman



Ebony Nikita



Perseverance Conquers All


In conjunction with the John O’Brien Festival in Narrandera, there will be two great

competitions for children running.

Teddy Bears Picnic Sunday 18th March 2012

12.30pm in the Narrandera Park Teddy Bear Competition

Age Groups Under 5yrs, 5-8yrs, 9-12yrs, OPEN

Sunday 18th March 2012 10.30pm in the

Narrandera Park Age Groups

Kindy, Year1, Year 2, Year 3

Flyers available from the Front Office

Barellan Diner NOW OPEN

· Serving Freshly Battered Fish · 5oz Meat Patty Hamburgers

· Fresh ‘made to order’ Sandwiches · Meals & Roast of the Day · General Takeaway Items

· Milk & Soft Drinks Available · FREE tea & Coffee with every Sit Down Meal Ordered

· Full Aussie Breakfast

EFTPOS Available Opening Hours - As the Rooster crows until late at night

Phone 6963 9385

There will be no tennis this Friday due to

the Masters Games. Tennis will resume

Friday 2nd March.

Perseverance Conquers All

Barellan Swap Meet

Sunday 25th March

6.00am - 2.00pm

Barellan Show Ground

Sites Available Inside $30.00

Sites Outside $20.00

Car Entry $5.00 Per Car

Gate Entry $5.00 All Adults

Refreshments Available

All Proceeds to Barellan Aged Care

Barellan Rural Fire Brigade Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Barellan

Rural Fire Brigade will be held at the fire station

on Monday 27th February 2012

commencing at 7.30pm.

Ian Barbour Lyn Woodham

President Secretarty

0407 972 132 6963 9111


Griffith Friday Night Junior Tennis Registration Day—Friday 24th February at

5.00pm. Come along for a parent/child fun night.

Junior Competition starts Friday 2nd March 2012. Cardio Tennis sessions now available

Contact Cheryle 04029 126 586 or Jeremy 0414 991 623

Barellan Masters Games

Donations of Cakes & Slices

greatly appreciated.

Drop to the Kiosk Saturday / Sunday

Barellan Masters Games

Helpers Needed

BBQ & Kiosk @ Sports Ground

Saturday & Sunday

If available phone Jo Ohlsen 6963 9526

Or just turn up.