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Physical and Mechanical Properties of Woven Cotton Fabrics after Nanosilver Finishing

Amid, et al., BAOJ Nanotech 2015, 1:1 1: 001

BAOJ Nanotech, an open access journal Volume 1; Issue 1; 001

Amid H1*, Nosraty H2 and Maleki V2

1College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA2Textile Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

BAOJ Nanotechnology

*Corresponding author: Hooman Amid, Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant at North Carolina State University, 1000 Main Campus Dr. Raleigh, NC 27695, Tel: +1-919-8071014; Fax: +1-919-5152376; E-mail:

Rec Date: July 21, 2015, Acc Date: August 20, 2015, Pub Date: August 24, 2015.

Citation: Amid H, Nosraty H, Maleki V (2015) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Woven Cotton Fabrics after Nanosilver Finishing. BAOJ Nanotech 1: 001.

Copyright: © 2015 Amid, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Research Article

AbstractMany studies have investigated the anti-bacterial properties of nanosilver-finished textiles; however, physical and mechanical properties of such fabrics have not been studied as much. In the present study, we have examined some physical and mechanical properties of plain weave cotton fabrics before and after nanosilver finishing. Four nanosilver concentrations (100, 300, 500 and 700 parts per million (ppm)) were applied and the results were analyzed by ANOVA statistical tests. It was found that at high Ag concentrations (500 and 700 ppm) air permeability, tensile strength, failure elongation, and tear strength of the fabric reduced. Higher nanosilver concentrations (500 and 700 ppm) resulted in lower crease recovery and higher bending rigidity, and reduced the fabric comfort adversely. Based on the results, Ag concentration that would not reduce the fabric comfort is proposed.

Keywords: Mechanical properties; Nanosilver finish; Physical properties; Concentration; Woven cotton fabric

IntroductionNanomaterials have shown extensive applications in the textile industry, from nanoparticle-polymer composite fibers [1-4] to UV resistant, hydrophilic/hydrophobic/antibacterial nanoparticle-finished fabrics [5-11]. Antibacterial property is one of the most common functionalities that nanoparticles impart to textiles. Some of the nano-structured antibacterial agents include TiO2, gold and zinc oxide nanoparticles, copper nanoparticles, and silver nanoparticles [12-14].

Silver nanoparticles have a high ratio of surface area to volume that provides their finished products with great bacteriostatic properties [15-17]. Antibacterial properties and applications of nanosilver [12,13,18-21], methods to incorporate them in textile substrates [12,14,15,18,22-30], and their environmental side effects [12-14,16,17,20,26] are studied extensively in the literature.

Antibacterial performance of nanosilver is proven in the literature; however, the effects of such finish on physical and mechanical properties of the nanosilver-finished textile substrates have not been investigated as much.It is reported that nanosilver finish did not cause significant mechanical damage or reduced comfort in PET fabrics [23,24]. It is worthy of attention that lower air and water vapor permeability and higher bending rigidity is generally associated with reduced fabric comfort [24,31]. Gosh et al studied the physical properties of the cotton-PET fabric after nanosilver finishing and found no considerable deterioration in the properties

[32]. In case of viscose fabric, which has a similar chemical composition to cotton, Tinosan® CEL resulted in diminished mechanical performance [8].

In general, cotton fabrics are susceptible to loss of their comfort and abrasion resistance, and reduced-still-present biodegradation after silver nanoparticles treatment [16,19,24,33]. Parameters associated with nanoparticle antibacterial finishes and cotton fabrics were reviewed extensively [12,14,34,35]. Jeong et al studied the surface characteristics and physical properties of cotton fabric that was treated by a mixture of chitosan and silver nanoparticles and found that the tensile strength of the fabric decreases with lowering the percentage of chitosan [36]. In addition, similar reduction in the mechanical properties and air permeability of cotton fabrics was reported after application of ZnO nanoparticles [37].

The main goal of this study was to establish possible relationship(s) between the concentration of nanosilver finish and physical-mechanical properties of woven cotton fabric; the antibacterial functionality and durability of nanosilver is not the focus of this study. In the case of cotton, it is reported that effective antibacterial functionality is present at Ag concentrations higher than 100 ppm [19,24] and commercial antibacterial textile materials have Ag concentrations of less than 300 ppm [38]. Therefore, we applied Ag concentrations of 100, 300, 500, and 700 ppm to cotton woven fabrics and compared their physical-mechanical properties to that of the raw (no Ag treatment) fabric. We ignored concentrations lower than 100 ppm because of their inefficient antibacterial properties [19,24] and considered concentrations higher than 300 ppm to determine potential trend/relationship(s).

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BAOJ Nanotech, an open access journal Volume 1; Issue 1; 001

Materials and MethodsThe fabric was woven (plain) from ring-spun cotton yarns and the basic properties of raw and finished samples are shown in Table 1.

Finished samples were prepared with four Ag concentrations. The untreated (raw) sample was labelled ‘A’ and samples finished with Ag concentrations of 100 ppm, 300 ppm, 500 ppm and 700 ppm were labelled ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’, respectively. All samples, A-E, were washed and desized (conventional enzymatic desizing with Amylases) after purchasing. The treated samples were washed to remove unreacted nanosilver residue and weighed afterwards. Washing process included 3 cycles of soaking the sample in deionised water (45°C) for 3 hours. The add-on % was ensured by the change in fabric basic weight and were correlated to the increase in Ag concentration. The nanosilver finishing solution was provided by NanoNasb Pars Company; it was a colloidal aqueous dispersion of silver nanoparticles, without any surfactants and particles smaller than 50 nm (Table 2). This was prepared by reduction of silver nitrate to silver nanoparticles using sodium borohydride (NaBH4).

Finishing methodWe chose exhausting finishing method because of its simplicity, acceptable stability, commercial availability, and good homogeneity

and dispersion [5,22,23]. Fabric samples were soaked in 60ºC suspension batch of nanosilver particles, with four Ag concentrations for 30 minutes with gentle stirring. Samples were then dried in open air for 24 hours and conditioned for the tests. Figure 1 shows the images of raw and finished samples at two total magnification levels of ×200 and ×800, taken by optical microscope.

Testing procedure

Air permeability: The volume of air (cm3) which passes through one square centimeter of the fabric at a given pressure (1cm H2O) in a second is described as air permeability. The test was performed according to ASTM D737 [31]. Ten different specimens along the length of each fabric sample were subjected to the air stream with constant pressure of 100 Pa, using the Shirley MO215 air permeability tester. It should be noted that lower air permeability is generally associated with reduced fabric comfort [24,31].

Thickness: The thickness of the fabric at the given pressure of 1lb/in2 was measured according to ASTM D1777, by Shirley SDLO 34 fabrics thickness tester [31]. The thickness of the fabric was measured for bending rigidity/modulus studies.

Bending rigidity: Length of fabric that makes it bend at a given angle due to its weight is defined as the fabric bending length. This is a measure of the fabric stiffness and according to the standard testing method ASTM D1388 the mentioned angle is θ = 41.5. Equation (1) expresses this definition, where ‘L’ is the fabric strip length (in centimeters) and ‘C’ is the bending length (in centimetres) [31].

( )C L F q= ×Equation (1)

1/3cos( / 2) tan( )( ) [ ]8

F q qq

×= , θ = 41.5

For each fabric sample, five 25-mm strips in both warp and weft directions were tested. The bending length in both directions was measured to calculate the bending rigidity.

Bending rigidity is a value that represents the fabric’s resistance to bending. This was calculated by Equation (2); where ‘W’ is the fabric unit area weight (g/cm2) and ‘G’ is the bending rigidity ( [31].

3 310G W C= × ×Equation (2)

Density Yarn Count (Nm) Fabric mass per unit area (g/m2)

Warp(ends/cm) Weft(picks/cm) warp WeftA



(100 ppm)


(300 ppm)


(500 ppm)


(700 ppm)

34 27 50.5 45.5120.16 120.93 121.29 121.40 121.66

Add-on(%) 0.63 0.94 1.03 1.25

Table 1: Fabric samples specifications

Figure 1: Optical microscope images of samples at ×200 and ×800 total magnifications (A: raw, B, C, D, and E-100, 300, 500, and 700 ppm, respectively)

BAOJ Nanotech, an open access journal Volume 1; Issue 1; 001

Page 3 of 7Citation: Amid H, Nosraty H, Maleki V (2015) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Woven Cotton Fabrics after Nanosilver Finishing. BAOJ Nanotech 1: 001.

Water vapor permeability (WVP): The mass of water vapour that passes through a given area (1m2) of a textile material in an hour because of the pressure difference is known as WVP. Specimens were placed on bowls full of water, with a diameter of 9 cm on a Shirley WVP tester and the testing conditions were based on ASTM F2298. To facilitate air circulation, bowls rotate throughout the 5-hour test duration. WVP of fabrics was calculated by Equation set (3) [31].

‘M’ is the total mass of evaporated water that goes out of the system (M1: system weight before test, M2: system weight after test), all units are in grams. ‘m’ is the mass of evaporated water that is locked

up in the fabric (m1: fabric weight before test, m2: fabric weight after test), and ‘N’ is the mass of evaporated water that passes through the fabric.

Failure load: The tensile test was done by INSTRON® tensile tester according to ASTM D5034. Five fabric strips in both warp and weft directions were subjected to the load and the average force was expressed as the fabric breaking strength [31].

Failure elongation: Failure elongation is defined by Equation (4); where ‘L0’ is the initial length of strip (strain gauge = 20 cm), ‘L’ is the length of strip at the rupture point, and ‘E%’ is the failure elongation [31]. According to the standard testing conditions, the speed of jaws was 50 mm/min.

Size distribution Smallest detected 10% 50% 90% 97% Largest detected

Size (nm) 4 < 13 < 21 < 39 < 46 50

Table 2: Size distribution of silver nanoparticles (% vol. distribution measured by laser light scattering technique)

PropertyRaw sample Nanosilver finished samples

A B(100PPM) C(300PPM) D(500PPM) E(700PPM)






Thickness (mm) in (1 lb/in²) 0.2394 0.2750 0.2774 0.2876 0.2901

Air Permeability (cc)average 355.0 354.5 349.0 344.0 334.0

CV% 3.18% 2.04% 2.85% 4.04% 3.72%

WVP (%)average 98.47% 98.48% 98.49% 98.58% 98.73%

CV% 0.75% 0.65% 0.55% 0.59% 0.53%


Recovery Angle

Warp dir.average 92.4 89.7 82.2 70.6 61.8

CV% 4.98% 3.37% 1.97% 5.35% 5.65%

Weft dir.average 92.4 67.0 62.0 59.6 57.3

CV% 6.4% 9.23% 7.68% 10.20% 7.13%



cal P



Bending Rigidity (

Warp dir.average 118.25 198.30 201.30 218.77 199.59

CV% 12.51% 4.96% 5.88% 8.50% 6.51%

Weft dir.average 54.40 112.07 127.75 144.10 122.72

CV% 17.59% 5.05% 10.26% 7.45% 5.77%


Load (N)

Warp dir.average 352.018 350.128 340.470 120.134 71.960

CV% 4.81% 1.79% 3.90% 10.68% 16.03%

Weft dir.average 276.868 260.648 252.166 90.496 50.804

CV% 1.81% 8.61% 3.10% 28.67% 26.27%


Elongation (%)

Warp dir.average 10.602 8.014 7.996 8.002 7.166

CV% 5.13% 2.40% 5.76% 3.48% 7.19%

Weft dir.average 24.832 24.832 22.834 17.606 15.292

CV% 1.10% 2.74% 1.38% 4.00% 5.49%


Strength (N)

Warp dir.average 26.879 26.028 22.694 18.873 17.888

CV% 2.22% 2.93% 6.13% 3.34% 8.37%

Weft dir.average 26.352 25.785 23.369 20.264 18.590

CV% 3.06% 1.99% 4.23% 1.78% 4.41%

Table 3: Physical and mechanical properties of fabric samples

M = M1-M2 m = m2-m1 N = M - m WVP% = N / (m+M) Equation (3)

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BAOJ Nanotech, an open access journal Volume 1; Issue 1; 001

0 0% [( ) ] 100E L L L= − × Equation (4)

Crease recovery: The ability of the fabric to return after wrinkling is called crease recovery. Fabric samples are folded under 20 N force for one minute and the angle of recovery is measured after one-minute recovery on Shirley crease angle machine. It is notable that lower crease recovery is correlated to reduced fabric comfort [31].

Tear strength: The force that is required to continue a tear in a fabric under specified conditions is defined as the tongue tear strength of fabric (N) [31]. This test was done by Elmendorf Tearing Tester (ASTM D2261), and five specimens were tested for each direction.

Results and DiscussionTable 3 shows the summary of the results, categorized by physical and mechanical properties.

In order to examine the uniformity of the experiments’ conditions, test of homogeneity of variances was performed. It was confirmed that all of the experiments were conducted in homogeneous condition according to Duncan theory. Significance level of the ANOVA tests was 0.05 and Table 4 presents the significance values for all tests; all these values were above 0.05.

PropertySignificance Value

Warp Direction Weft Direction

Crease Recovery 0.17 0.88

Bending Rigidity 0.75 0.63

Failure Strength 0.27 0.11

Failure Elongation 0.10 0.19

Tear Strength 0.11 0.25

Air Permeability 0.29

WVP 0.91

Table 4: Significance values of variances for all tests

Physical propertiesAir permeability: Figure 2 shows that by applying the nanosilver finish and increasing the concentration, air permeability of fabric samples began to decrease. This change was significant for samples D and E and proposed that higher Ag concentrations (500 ppm and 700 ppm) would decrease the fabric air permeability and comfort. This reduction was attributed to pore filling action of silver nanoparticles.

Figure 3 shows the thickness of the samples. The nanosilver treated samples showed higher thickness comparing to the raw sample while there was no considerable difference between the treated samples.

Water vapor permeability (WVP): WVP% of fabric samples is shown in Figure 4 where increasing the nanosilver concentration resulted in no considerable change in WVP%.

Figure 2: Effect of nanosilver finishing on air permeability (cm3/cm2/s) of fabric samples

Figure 3: Effect of nano-silver finishing on the thickness of fabric samples (mm *10-2) under the pressure of 1 lb/in2

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BAOJ Nanotech, an open access journal Volume 1; Issue 1; 001

Crease recovery: Figure 5 shows the crease recovery in the warp and weft directions. Application of silver nanoparticles reduced the crease recovery in both directions and the effect was more pronounced in the weft direction. Pore/void filling action of the silver nanoparticles resulted in lower crease recovery of the nanosilver-treated samples. This effect was more significant in the weft direction since lower weft density provided more pore/void volume for the nanoparticles to fill in. Lower crease recovery in both directions corresponds to reduced fabric comfort that is not desired [31].

Mechanical properties

Bending rigidity: Figure 6 presents the bending rigidity of samples. There was no general trend or significant difference between the nano-finished fabric samples; however, the bending rigidity of untreated fabric was considerably lower than that of the treated ones. This was in agreement with the reduced flexibility found in crease

Figure 4: Effect of nano-silver finishing on the water vapor permeability of fabric samples (%)

Figure 5: Effect of nano-silver finishing on the crease recovery angle of fabric samples

recovery results for the nanosilver-treated samples. The increase in the bending rigidity of treated samples was explained based on the pore/void volume filling action of nanoparticles, discussed in part 3.1.4. Higher bending rigidity in the warp direction was because of higher warp density. Compared to the untreated samples, lower flexibility (lower crease recovery and higher bending rigidity) of the nanosilver-treated fabric suggested reduced comfort in the finished samples [24,31].

Failure load: Figure 7 demonstrates the failure load of fabric samples. Higher tensile strength in the warp direction was because of the higher warp density. Application of nanosilver reduced the failure load in both warp and weft directions, and the reduction was considerable in samples D and E (Ag concentrations of 500 and 700 ppm, respectively). This behaviour was also reported in the work of Jeong (2009) where higher concentration of Ag nanoparticles in the finishing solution resulted in lower tensile strength [36].

Figure 7: Effect of nano-silver finishing on the failure load of fabric samples (N)

Figure 6: Effect of nano-silver finishing on the bending rigidity ( of fabric samples

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BAOJ Nanotech, an open access journal Volume 1; Issue 1; 001

This decrease was due to the slightly acidic environment of the finishing solution, resulting from residual of the silver salt that was not reduced thoroughly. Acidic environments can adversely react with cellulosic structure of cotton and reduce its mechanical properties.

Failure elongation: Figure 8 shows the failure elongation of fabric samples in warp and weft directions. Higher density in the warp direction provided more room for weft yarn movement, resulting in higher fabric elongation in the weft direction. The decrease in the elongation of treated samples corresponds to their weaker structure explained in Part 3.2.2.

Tear strength: Figure 9 illustrates the tear strength of the samples. Applying the nanosilver treatment did not affect the tear strength; however, Ag concentrations above 300 ppm led to a considerable drop in the tear strength. This decrease in the tear strength of the finished samples was explained based on the argument presented in Part 3.2.2.

ConclusionsWe treated plain-weave cotton fabrics with four concentrations of nanosilver (100, 300, 500, and 700 ppm) and investigated the effects of such finish on physical and mechanical properties by comparing the finished and raw (untreated) samples to each other. We found that high concentrations of nanosilver (500 and 700 ppm) resulted in significant reduction in air permeability, tensile strength, tear strength, and failure elongation of treated fabrics. Pore/void filling action of silver nanoparticles resulted in lower air permeability of treated sample. Not-thoroughly-reduced silver nitrate residual promoted a slight acidic environment in the finishing solution and diminished the mechanical performance. Finished samples showed less flexibility (lower crease recovery and higher bending rigidity) resulting from pore/void filling action of Ag nanoparticles. Water vapor permeability of the samples did not change considerably. Lower air permeability and flexibility of 500- and 700-ppm nanosilver finished fabrics resulted in reduced fabric comfort. It was concluded that nanosilver concentrations above 300 ppm could adversely influence the comfort and mechanical performance of the treated fabrics.

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