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NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

December 2012

2BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code











Board Courses Vocational Education and Training Courses (VET) Content Endorsed Courses (CEC)



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Section A: Board of StudiesEligibilitySatisfactory completion of the Preliminary course or its equivalent is a prerequisite for entry into HSC course. In cases of non-completion of course requirements, an ‘N’ determination will be submitted on the appropriate forms. Courses that were not satisfactorily completed will not be printed on Records of Achievement.

The Extension courses in English and Mathematics comprise 60 hours Preliminary, 60 hours HSC Extension course 1 and 60 hours HSC Extension course 2. HSC Extension course 1 may not be completed without completion of the Preliminary Extension course. HSC Extension course 2 may not be completed without completion of the Preliminary Extension course and HSC Extension course 1. With the exception of VET, in all other subjects where Extension courses are available, they comprise a 60-hour HSC course, which may not be commenced until the related Preliminary course has been completed.

Principals may allow a student who has received an ‘N’ determination to proceed to the HSC course provisionally while concurrently satisfying any outstanding Preliminary course requirements. Principals will be required to confirm, at the time of HSC entries, that the student has now satisfactorily completed Preliminary course requirements and that their entry for the HSC course is valid.

Satisfactory Completion of a CourseCourse completion CriteriaA student will be considered to have satisfactorily completed a course if, in the principal’s view, there is sufficient evidence that the student has:

a) followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board; and

b) applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school; and

c) achieved some or all of the course outcomes.Patterns of studyTo qualify for the Higher School Certificate, Year 11 2013, and Year 12 2014, students must satisfactorily complete a Preliminary pattern of study comprising at least 12 units and an HSC pattern of study comprising at least 10 units. Both patterns must include:

at least six units from Board Developed courses; at least two units of a Board Developed course in English; at least three courses of two units value or greater (either board Developed or Board

Endorsed courses); at least four subjects.

To satisfy pattern of study requirements for the Higher School Certificate a student may count a maximum of six Preliminary units and six HSC units from courses in Science.While the Board of Studies does not mandate attendance requirements, the Principal may determine that, as a result of absence, the course completion criteria may not be met. Students whose attendance is called into question will be required to prove to the principal’s satisfaction, following a review of their performance, that they are meeting the course completion criteria. Clearly, absences will be regarded seriously by the Principal who must give students early warning of the consequences of such absences. Warning letters must relate students’ absence to the non-completion of course requirements.

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Board of Studies Requirements for Internal AssessmentSchool Internal Assessment ProgramUsing the assessment requirements in the syllabus, schools must develop an internal assessment program for each course that:

specifies the assessment tasks and the weighting for each task provides a schedule of the tasks for the course.

Schools must also establish procedures that will apply to the assessment programs for all courses. These procedures are detailed in this booklet.

Assessment of Preliminary CoursesThe principal will certify that students have satisfactorily completed Preliminary courses. Satisfactory completion includes achievement of some or all of the course outcomes.

In Preliminary courses, the components, weightings and tasks in the syllabus are advisory and may be varied to suit school needs. These are outlined in this booklet. The components, weightings & tasks are different for different subjects.

Assessment of VET coursesVET courses are competency based. No internal assessment mark is required for these courses. The Board and the Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board (VETAB) require that for each student a competency-based approach to assessment is used and that the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) of the competencies achieved by students hold a record.

In a competency-based course, assessment of competencies is criterion referenced. Thus a student’s performance is judged against a prescribed standard, not against the performance of other students.

The purpose of assessment is to judge competence on the basis of performance. A student is judged as either competent or not yet competent. This judgement is made on the basis of evidence, which may be in a variety of forms.

At this College the following VET courses are offeredFRAMEWORK1. Business Services2. Hospitality3. Information Technology4. Retail Studies

NON FRAMEWORK1. Aged Care Nursing, Nursing


These courses have a mandatory work placement requirement.

Record of School AchievementThe Record of School Achievement (RoSA) is the new credential for students who leave school after Year 10 and before they receive their Higher School Certificate (HSC).

As part of the RoSA, schools award students grades based on their achievements in the Stage 5 and Preliminary courses they complete. Teachers already award A to E grades for Stage 5 courses, and from 2013 they will also be awarding grades for Preliminary courses.

Only students who leave school and who satisfy eligibility requirements for the RoSA will receive the formal credential. Students who leave school and who are not eligible for a RoSA will be able to receive a Transcript of Study when they choose to end their secondary studies. The Transcript of Study will contain the same information as the RoSA for courses satisfactorily completed. The following words will appear at the bottom of the Transcript of Study – Not eligible for a Record of School Achievement. If a student starts a course but leaves school before completing it, their RoSA will show evidence of their enrolment. A RoSA will also show results of any VET or Life Skills courses completed in Year 10 and/or Year 11.

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All students will also have access to a record of their grades through Students Online.

Students who receive their HSC will be able to receive a RoSA at the same time as their HSC, detailing their achievement in their earlier years of study.

To qualify for the RoSA a student must have:• attended a government school, an accredited non-government school or a recognised school

outside NSW• completed courses of study that satisfy the Board’s curriculum and assessment requirements

for the RoSA• complied with all requirements imposed by the Minister or the Board and• completed Year 10.

The Common Grade ScaleTeachers will use the Common Grade Scale for Preliminary Courses for all Board Developed and Board Endorsed Courses to determine grades. The grade descriptions are derived from the knowledge, skills and understandings developed in Stage 6 syllabuses and provide a general description of typical performance at each grade level, A to E.

The Common Grade Scale describes performance at each of five grade levels.


The student demonstrates extensive knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies highly developed skills and processes in a wide variety of contexts. In addition the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using perceptive analysis and evaluation. The student effectively communicates complex ideas and information.

BThe student demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies well-developed skills and processes in a variety of contexts. In addition the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using analysis and evaluation. The student clearly communicates complex ideas and information.

CThe student demonstrates sound knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies skills and processes in a range of familiar contexts. In addition the student demonstrates skills in selecting and integrating information and communicates relevant ideas in an appropriate manner.

DThe student demonstrates a basic knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies skills and processes in some familiar contexts. In addition the student demonstrates skills in selecting and using information and communicates ideas in a descriptive manner.


The student demonstrates an elementary knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies some skills and processes with guidance. In addition the student demonstrates elementary skills in recounting information and communicating ideas.

Preliminary students will be given a grade for each Preliminary subject they complete.

Literacy and Numeracy Tests

As part of the suite of RoSA initiatives, students intending to leave school will be able to take optional, online literacy and numeracy tests. The tests focus on the literacy and numeracy skills required by school leavers for employment and further education.There will be one test for literacy and one test for numeracy with concepts drawn from the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) developed and endorsed by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Each test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and will be 60 minutes long.

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The tests will be reported separately from the Record of School Achievement. They are not a requirement for the award of the credential.

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SECTION B: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT POLICYThe Purpose and Scope of AssessmentTowards the end of Year 11 this College will certify that students have satisfactorily completed their courses. The college will conduct a number of assessment tasks to test the mandatory components set for each subject. Assessments are designed to measure achievements in a wider range of syllabus objectives than can be measured in an examination. They measure performance in the whole course, but do not take into account interest, attitudes or conduct.General Policy and Procedures1. The date for commencement of assessments may vary from course to course but all courses will

include tasks completed or tested only during the Preliminary course.2. The nature of assessment tasks will be determined by the College and may vary from year to

year.3. A Student Assessment Booklet will be issued for the benefit of students before formal

assessments commence. This booklet will include this policy and individual subject guides providing information on what is to be assessed; how it will be assessed; approximate timing of extra tasks, the relative value of each task.

4. At least two week’s notice will be given in writing before the exact due date of an assessment task.

5. There will be a moratorium on all assessment tasks the week prior to formal exams.6. Students will be given meaningful feedback on their performance in each task. This will normally

be in the form of an indication of student ranking on the task and a written descriptive statement indicating outcomes students have or have not attained.

7. Records will be kept within each subject area of student achievement in all assessment tasks.8. When there is more than one class to be assessed in the same course, a variety of methods may

be used to compare performances across the group including: the setting of common tasks, moderation of marks, team marking, using samples of student work as ‘bench marks’.

9. Assessment is based on actual performance not potential performance. There will therefore be no compensation for extended illness and misadventure or for domestic problems that may affect a student’s performance during the course.

10. Non-completion of an assessment taskA student who fails to submit or is absent from an assessment task WILL HAVE A “0” MARK RECORDED for that task, UNLESS a valid reason with appropriate documentation is provided. (Eg illness or endorsed leave).Any student who fails to complete an assessment task on the due date must see the subject Head Teacher on their FIRST DAY back to College with all supporting documentation to validate their absence (doctor’s certificate, letter from a government department. etc.). The subject Head Teacher will make a decision, in consultation with the class teacher, on the legitimacy of the reason and inform the student of the result.All assessment tasks still need to be submitted regardless of late submission. The late task will still be marked and feedback given even though a zero mark has been awarded. A “Late Assessment Task” notification slip will be attached to the late assessment task (see booklet P7). In the case where a student’s absence from a task is deemed legitimate, the task, a substitute task or even, in exceptional circumstances, an estimate, based on other evidence, may be given. Students who fail to submit a task will receive a warning letter from the subject teacher and will have 3 days to respond. Failure to follow the above procedure will result in “0” mark.

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HOWEVER, THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SHOULD BE NOTED:Students should not make appointments at times that they know have been scheduled for an assessment task – this will never be deemed as a LEGITIMATE reason for absence.Assignments that are handed in late (beyond the final publicised date for submission) without a negotiated and approved extension will be awarded a “0”. HOWEVER, to fulfil the requirements of the course the student must complete all set tasks including the missed assessment task. The student may submit a ‘Request for Consideration’, but the granting of such privileges will be rare.A register is kept by the Executive Officer of Appeals that go before the Assessment Review Panel which records information on all students who submit a ‘Request for Consideration’. This register may be consulted when considering the legitimacy of an absence.If a Doctor’s Certificate is presented as evidence it must state that the student was unfit to participate in the particular Preliminary Assessment Task at the scheduled time.Students must phone the College if they are going to be absent from an assessment task or are unable to present an assignment on the due date. The student must give the following details to the office:

I. Their name & YearII. The task being missedIII. The reason for missing the taskIV. Their expected date of return

For an assignment/project task over an extended period the Doctor’s Certificate would have to indicate a long-term illness over the majority of time given to complete the tasks.10. Students will be given warnings in writing if they are approaching failure to complete the 50% level of Assessment tasks in any subject.11. Marks on documents such as half-yearly and yearly reports are only indicators of achievement and may only partially contribute to the final assessment.12. MalpracticeIf a student is found guilty of an act of malpractice (for example taking prohibited materials such as notes, a programmable calculator etc. into an exam room) or of plagiarism* (See page 60) then the student will have imposed a penalty determined by the Head Teacher of that subject. Students may appeal against the decision to the Assessment Review Panel on a ‘Request for Consideration’ form (page 17).13. Students enrolling before June 30th will have their school assessment calculated from Bankstown Senior College. The sending school is to provide assessment marks for Preliminary courses for students who transfer after June 30th. The marks will be developed from assessment information collected during the students’ period at the school.

* Examples of plagiarism are: Copying, buying, stealing or borrowing someone else’s work in part or in whole and

presenting it as their own. Using material directly from books, journals, CD’s or the internet without acknowledging

the source. Submitting work that contains a large contribution from another person e.g. a parent or

subject coach that is not acknowledged. Paying someone to write or prepare material that is associated with a task.

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REVIEW PROCESS FOR INDIVIDUAL TASKSThe principal will select the members of the Assessment Review Panel. The panel will consist of at least three members: an Executive Officer (fixed position), the Head Teacher of the subject concerned and the Year Adviser. If the Executive officer is also the Head Teacher concerned then a reserve executive member will be selected.Any student has a right to appeal the decision of the Head Teacher by lodging a “Request for Consideration” form with that Head Teacher to be forwarded to the Assessment Review Panel.If the Review Panel accepts the legitimacy of the request then the Head Teacher of the subject will either.

Set an alternative task or Arrange for an estimate mark to be made for missed examination which will not be greater

than the average mark for all previous Assessment task of the other students in that examination

If the student has been absent for previous tasks and examinations then the estimate will reflect this situation

The Assessment Review panel will: Adjudicate on all ‘Request for Consideration’ forms submitted; Review appeals against final assessment marks and ranks; Review of assessment gradings will not involve reconsideration of the teacher’s

judgement of the worth of individual assessment tasks. It will only consider procedures for determining the final assessment mark.

REVIEW PROCESS OR “N” DETERMINATIONStudents may appeal in writing to the Principal against “N determination” decisions concerning aspects of the award of Record of Achievement.Procedures for students with non-completion of course determinationIf a student fails to complete any course work a formal “N” (non-completion) warning letter will be issued. Students who receive “N” warning letters will be sent a letter outlining the time for an appointment with the Assessment Panel. The Assessment Panel will consist of the Assessment Coordinator, the Year Advisor, and possibly a student (from the SRC) and the class teacher if she/he wishes to attend.Before the interview students must:

Complete the work indicated on your ‘program for improvement’ found on the “N” warning letter

Show the work to your class teacher and Head Teacher and get them to sign the ‘program for improvement’ slip.

At the interview students: Must bring the signed ‘program for improvement’ slip and acknowledgement of

receipt from each warning letter. Will discuss their progress and the most appropriate course of action determined May be given a further program for improvement/ letter warning or other action

as deemed appropriate by the Panel.Any student who does not comply with this process by:

Not participating in the interviews Not completing and submitting outstanding work Failing to negotiate with class teacher and/or Head Teacher

will be sent an official Warning of Expulsion letter for non-serious participation by post-compulsory age students.

10BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Late Assessment Task

You did not hand in / complete your task by the due date. You have not provided the required documentation and as a result you have been awarded a zero mark for this task only.

Student Name: _______________________ Date of Task: _____________________

Name of Task: ______________________________________________________________

Mark you would have been awarded if you had met the requirements: ______________________

Teacher signature: _______________________

HT signature: _____________________

If you feel this decision is unfair complete an Appeal Form (this is provided in you Assessment Booklet) and lodge it with the HT.

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Cnr Eldridge Rd & Antwerp StBANKSTOWN NSW 2200

Telephone: 9707 3288


Assessment Task WarningCourse_________________________________ Faculty____________________________________

Dear:____________________________________I am writing to inform you that you/your son/daughter ___________________________have/has not completed the following assessment task(s):


A mark of zero (0) was awarded for the following reason (as ticked): The task was not submitted

The task was submitted late without a medical certificate

Absence from a Task without medical certificate

Malpractice / Plagiarism

A non-serious attempt

Please note that a failure to complete 50% of assessment tasks in a course can lead to the NON-AWARD of a Higher School Certificate/Preliminary Certificate or School Certificate.The task MUST be completed & submitted to fulfil the requirements of the course.Yours faithfully

________________________________ __________________________________

Head Teacher Class Teacher (Please return to Head Teacher as above)

I have received and read the notice of a zero mark for me/my son/daughter………………………………

in…………………………………(course). I understand that the task must be completed and submitted.

Signature of Student (over 18 years)/Parent/Guardian _____________________ Date ____________

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Date: ________________


Cnr Eldridge Rd& Antwerp St

BANKSTOWN 2200Telephone: 9707 3288

Student Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

Dear ____________________________

The purpose of this letter is to warn you that ________________________________ is in danger of receiving an (‘N’) determination for non-completion of course requirements in the course listed below. This determination will mean that he/she will not receive a result in this course on his/her Higher School Certificate Record of Achievement and it will/may affect his/her eligibility for the Award of a Higher School Certificate and attainment of an AQF Certificate I / II in their VET course.

Course in jeopardy:

The following information specifies those areas where he/she is failing to meet Board of Studies course requirements:

SECTION AThe Satisfactory completion of a course requires principals to have sufficient evidence that the student has:(a) followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board; and(b) applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in

the course by the school; and(c) achieved some or all of the course outcomes.(d) Satisfactorily undertaken required hours of workplacement

He/she has not to date satisfactorily met _______________________________________(a), (b), (c), (d) or all four areas


The following information outlines why the teacher has deemed the student to have not applied themselveswith diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school.

Aspect Unsatisfactory (if ticked) Action Required

Attendance _________% absence for the course

To attend regularly.

Written Class work To take notes, and complete all expected written class tasks.

Class discussion and participation To fully participate in discussions and class activities.

Regular homework/study To complete all set homework and assignments and to follow a regular study/revision program.

Satisfactory effort during workplacement

To complete mandatory workplacement hours.

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Each student will be given a maximum of three attempts to demonstrate competency in module in each VET course. If after three attempts, competency has not been achieved, the student will be deemed as “not competent” in that area of the course. The student also has to undertake the required number of workplacement hours or they will not achieve the necessary qualifications in their VET framework course.

The following table lists those tasks, competencies or outcomes not yet completed or achieved, and/or for which a genuine attempt has not been made. In order for __________________________________to satisfy course completion criteria, the following tasks, competencies or outcomes need to be satisfactorily completed/achieved.

TaskName / Competency

Date TaskInitially Due

(If applicable)CompetencyAttempt No.

Action Requiredby Student

Date to beCompleted by(If applicable)

Please regard this letter as an official warning. The Board of Studies requires schools to issue students with official warnings in order to give them the opportunity to redeem themselves.The Board required principals to issue a minimum of two course-specific warnings prior to a final “N” determination being made for the course.

This is the ____ warning we have issued concerning this course. Please discuss this matter with _____________ and contact the school if further information or clarification is needed. (Student)

Yours sincerely


Class Teacher Head Teacher

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Request for Consideration


To the Executive Officer, Assessment Review Panel.

Student’s Name:……………………………………………………………………………


Assessment Task (missed, late, performance affected):…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Date Task was conducted:……………………………………………………………………………………………

Details of Reasons for the Request for consideration:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




Assessment Review Panel Signatures ………………………………………………………………………………

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Examination Procedures and Instructions for Preliminary Students

During the exam period:

1. Please check that the timetable you are using is the final copy and not a draft version

2. Times listed on the timetable are starting and finishing times. It is the responsibility of the students to arrive at the examination room at least 10 minutes earlier than the official starting time, so they can be seated.

3. Students who ARRIVE LATE (up to half an hour) must sign a book, which will be at the door of the examination room, clearly stating the time of arrival. They will be allowed to sit for the exam but will NOT get any extra time. Arrival time is also to be written on the student’s exam paper.

4. Students who ARRIVE MORE THAN HALF AN HOUR LATE must sit for the exam, but they may receive a ZERO mark. They are also to sign the book in the exam room stating the time of arrival but they will not get extra time. Arrival time will be written on their exam paper.

5. For all exams students are not allowed to leave the exam room early.

6. Students must place their I.D. cards on the desk.

7. Students are to bring all necessary equipment for each exam. Equipment will not be allowed to be borrowed during the exam. All excess property such as bags, pencil cases and paper brought into the exam room are to be placed at the front or sides of the exam room.

8. Students must behave responsibly and follow all teacher instructions at all times while in the examination room. Students who misbehave or disturb others may be requested to leave and may receive a zero mark. A full report on misbehaviour will be written and other consequences may follow.

9. Students ARE NOT to:

Talk during the examination Borrow material from other students Have mobile phones with them during the exam. If the phone is in a bag it must be switched off during the exam. Wear caps during the exam Take pencil cases, bags and their own paper or notes to their desk Have food

10. All of the above will be considered a form of malpractice. Offenders may receive a zero mark for that exam.

11. Students MAY have water in a clear bottle

12. All written work and question papers must be handed in at the end of the exam.

13. If students are absent from an examination they must:

Phone the College on 9707 3288 to let their Year Advisor or the relevant Head Teacher know that they will be absent See the Head Teacher of the subject missed on the first day of their return Give the Head Teacher their doctor’s certificate or other documentation Ensure the doctor’s certificate clearly states that the student is unfit to sit for an exam on that day Be prepared to sit for a make-up exam on the very first day of return from their absence or at a time determined by the

Head Teacher

14. Failure to follow this procedure may result in a student receiving a zero mark.

15. If a student is ill during an exam and is unable to complete the exam they should:

Notify the teacher in charge. The teacher in charge is to enter details on the registration sheet in the exam room On the first day of return to the College speak to the Head Teacher in charge of the subject and provide

documentation to support your illness and absence from the exam. The Head Teacher may, in consultation with the class teacher, set an alternative paper, give an assessment mark based on other assessment tasks or ask the student to complete the original paper for practice

16. Students are allowed to go home if they do not have an examination. If students wish to stay at school they must go to the library or cafeteria for study purposes only. Students should use their time wisely.

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SECTION C: ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS & WEIGHTS & OUTCOMES FOR ALL COURSES ENGLISH 20ESL CourseFundamentals of EnglishStandard CourseAdvanced CourseEnglish Studies (CEC)

MATHS 25General MathematicsMathematicsMathematics Extension 1

SCIENCE 28PhysicsChemistryBiologySenior Science

TECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED STUDIES 32Information Processes & TechnologyIndustrial Technology

HUMAN SOCIETY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT 34Business StudiesEconomicsLegal StudiesAncient History Modern HistorySociety and Culture

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CREATIVE ARTS 40MusicVisual Arts

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 42PD/H/PE LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH 43Arabic BeginnersArabic Continuers Chinese Background speakers Vietnamese Continuers


1. Business Services2. Hospitality Operations3. Information Technology 2 Unit Preliminary/HSC4. Retail Operations 2 Unit Preliminary/HSC5. ConstructionNON FRAMEWORK COURSE

1. Certificate 111 Aged Care Work – Assistant in Nursing 120hrs

CONTENT ENDORSED COURSES (CEC) 54Ceramics 2 Unit PreliminaryPhotography 2 Unit PreliminaryComputing Applications /2Unit Preliminary/HSCExploring Early Childhood Studies – Preliminary/HSCSport, Lifestyle and RecreationWork Studies

20BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

English ESLOutcomes:

1 A student demonstrates an understanding of the relationships between composer, responder, text and context.

2 A student identifies and describes relationships among texts.

3 A student demonstrates understanding of cultural reference in texts.

4 A student develops language relevant to the study of English.

5 A student demonstrates understanding of how audience and purpose affect the language and structure of texts.

6 A student interprets texts using key language patterns and structural features.

7 A student describes the ways different technologies and media of production affect the language and structure of particular texts.

8 A student uses a variety of textual forms appropriately, for different purposes, audiences and contexts in all modes.

9 A student engages with a wide range of texts to develop a considered and informed personal response.

10 A student assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas.

11 A student analyses and synthesizes information and ideas from a range of texts in a range of modes and media.

12 A student draws upon the imagination to transform experience into text.

13 A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing.

14 A student reflects on own processes of learning English.

Task Outcomes Date

Course Requirements

Elective:Texts & HowThey Work

Area ofStudy:Identity


Through Language


1. Viewing / Representing (10%) 1,4,6 Term 1

Wk 9 10% 10%

2. Half Yearly Exam Writing (5%), Listening (5%), Reading (10%)

2,5,13 Term 2Wk 5/6

5% 15% 20%

3. Viewing /Representing (5%), Speaking (20%) 3,4,9,11,13 Term 2

Wk 925% 25%

4. Listening (10%), Writing (10%) 3,12 Term 3

Wk 520% 20%

5. Yearly ExamListening (5%), Reading (10%), Writing (10%)

7,8,10,14Term 3Wk 9/10 5% 20% 25%

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TOTAL 20% 60% 20%100%

English FundamentalsOutcomes:

1 Recognises some of the relationships between context and meaning.

2 Recognises the ways in which changes in context require changes in form.

3 Understands how the responder interacts with the text and context to shape meaning.

4 Develops language relevant to the field of English.

5 Communicates ideas effectively using appropriate language forms, features and structures.

6 Responds to and composes texts for a range of purposes and audiences, in various forms, modes and media.

7 Interprets texts using key language patterns and structural features.

8 Uses a range of appropriate processes and technologies to investigate, organise and clarify ideas.

9 Uses effective work practices.

10 Understands and uses various and appropriate strategies and styles of learning.

11 Reflects on and assesses own processes of responding and composing.







1. Speech 2, 5, 6 Term 1 Week 7

25% 25%

2. Unseen Text

3, 4, 6,11 Term 2 Week 2

25% 25%

3. Listening 1, 3, 4 Term 2 Week 9

25% 25%

4. Prepared Essay

6, 8, 9 Term 3Week 9 25% 25%

TOTAL 50% 25% 25% 100%

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English StandardOutcomes:

1 A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships between composer, responder, text and context.

2 A student identifies and describes relationships among texts.

3 A student develops language relevant to the study of English.

4 A student identifies and describes language forms and features and structures of particular texts that shape meaning and influence responses.

5 A student describes the ways different technologies and media of production affect the language and structure of particular texts.

6 A student engages with a wide range of texts to develop a considered and informed personal response.

7 A student selects appropriate language forms and features, and structures of texts to explore and express ideas and values.

8 A student articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts.

9 A student assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas.

10 A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas from a range of texts for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts.

11 A student draws upon the imagination to transform experience into text.

12 A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing.

13 A student reflects on own processes of learning.


MODULE A:Poetry:

The Power of Language

MODULE B:Study and Analysis of Film /Media



1. Unseen Texts based on Area of Study

Term 1Wk 10 1,2,3,6,8,12,13 W: 10%

V/R: 10% 20%

2. Half-Yearly Exam

Term 2Wk 5 1,3,5,7,9,10,11 R: 5%

W: 5% 10%

3. Module A task Term 2Wk 9 3,4,5,7,9,10 R: 10%

S: 15% 25%

4. Module B task Term 3Wk 5 1,3,5,8,9 L: 15%

V/R: 5% 20%

5. Yearly Exam Term 3Wk 9/10 1,2,3,4,10 R: 5%

W: 5% W: 5%

W: 5%(MOD A)

R: 5%(MOD B)


TOTAL 40% 30% 30% 100%

KEY: R: Reading W: Writing S: Speaking L: Listening V/R: Viewing / Representing

23BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

English AdvancedOutcomes

1 A student describes and explains the relationships between composer, responder, text and context in particular texts.

2 A student describes and explains relationships among texts.3 A student develops language relevant to the study of English.4 A student describes and explains the ways in which language forms and features, and structures of

particular texts shape meaning and influence responses.5 A student demonstrates an understanding of the ways various textual forms, technologies and their media

of production affect meaning.6 A student engages with a wide range of texts to develop a considered and informed personal response.7 A student selects appropriate language forms and features, and structures to explore and express ideas

and values.8 A student articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts.9 A student assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and technologies in the investigation and

organisation of information and ideas.10 A student analyses and synthesis’s information and ideas from a range of texts for a variety of purposes,

audiences and contexts.11 A student draws upon the imagination to transform experience into text.12 A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing.

12AAdvanced onlyA student demonstrates a capacity to understand and use different ways of responding to and composing particular texts.

13 A student reflects on own processes of learning.


MODULE A:Poetry:

The Power of Language

MODULE B:Study and Analysis of

Film / Shakespeare



1. Unseen Texts based on Area of Study

Term 1Wk 10 1,2,3,6,8,12,13 W: 10%

V/R: 10% 20%

2. Half-Yearly Exam

Term 2Wk 5 1,3,5,7,9,10,11 R: 5%

W: 5% 10%

3. Module A task

Term 2Wk 9


R: 10%S: 15% 25%

4. Module B task

Term 3Wk 5 3,4,5,8,9 L: 15%

V/R: 5% 20%

4. Yearly Exam Term 3Wk 9/10 1,2,3,4,10,12A R: 5%

W: 5% W: 5%

W: 5%(MOD A)

R: 5%(MOD B)


TOTAL 40% 30% 30% 100%

KEY: R: Reading W: Writing S: Speaking L: Listening V/R: Viewing / Representing

24BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

English StudiesOutcomes

P1.1 A student analyses extended responses and short texts in a range of forms to gain knowledge, understanding and appreciation of how English is used to convey meaning

P1.2 A student explains the ideas and values of the texts

P1.3 A student explains how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in extended and short texts in a range of forms

P1.4 A student produces a range of texts that demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills gained in conveying meaning through language and other techniques

P2.1 A student comprehends sustained written, spoken and multi-modal texts at an appropriate level to enrich their personal lives and to provide a sound basis for current and future education, careers and citizenship

P2.2 A student demonstrates further development of skills in expression in English at an appropriate level of accuracy and fluency to enrich their personal lives and to provide a sound basis for current and future education, careers and citizenship

P2.3 A student demonstrates skills in using the language conventions of a variety of textual forms

P3.1 A student recognises a range of purposes for and contexts in which language is used and the appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone when writing and speaking for those purposes

P3.2 A student recognises a range of audiences and the appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone when writing and speaking for those audiences

P4.1 A student plans and organises, with teacher support to complete tasks and projects, both individually and collaboratively

P4.2 A student works effectively, both as an individual and within a group, to locate and communicate information and ideas related to a variety of topics

Task Outcomes DateEnglish

and Family


Achieving Through English

Playing the



Class Family Cookbook Knowledge/skills (20%)Working skills (10%)

1.1, 2.3,3.1, 4.1

Term 1 Week 9 30% 30%

Formal Exam and Portfolio Tasks

Knowledge/skills(20%)Language use (15%)

1.2, 1.3,1.4, 2.1,2.2, 3.1 3.2, 4.2

Term 2 Week 4 40% 40%

Portfolio Tasks and Response Task Knowledge/skills (20%)Language Use (10%)Working Skills (5%)

1.1, 1.2, 1.42.1, 3.2 4.1

Term 3 Week 7 30% 30%

TOTAL 30% 40% 30% 100%

25BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

General MathematicsOutcomes:

P1 Develops a positive attitude to mathematics and appreciates its capacity to provide enjoyment and recreation

P2 Applies mathematical knowledge and skills to solving problems within familiar contexts

P3 Develops rules to represent patterns arising from numerical and other sources

P4 Represents information in symbolic, graphical and tabular forms

P5 Represents the relationships between changing quantities in algebraic and graphical form

P6 Performs calculations in relation to two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures

P7 Determines the degree of accuracy of measurements and calculations

P8 Models financial situations using appropriate tools

P9 Determines an appropriate form of organisation and representation of collected data

P10 Performs simple calculations in relation to the likelihood of familiar events

P11 Justifies his/her response to a given problem using appropriate mathematical terminology

Task Outcomes DateComponents

WeightConcepts, Skills & Techniques

Reasoning & Communication

1. Class Test P1,2,3,5,8,11 T1 W9 10 10 20%

2. Half Yearly P1-11 T2 W5/6 15 15 30%

3. Class Test P1-9,11 T3 W3 10 10 20%

4. Trial HSC P1-11 T3 W9/10 15 15 30%

Total 50% 50% 100%

26BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


P1 Demonstrates confidence in using mathematics to obtain realistic solutions to problems

P2 Provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context

P3 Performs routine arithmetic and algebraic manipulation involving surds, simple rational expressions and trigonometric identities

P4 Chooses and applies appropriate arithmetic, algebraic, graphical, trigonometric and geometric techniques

P5 Understands the concept of a function and the relationship between a function and its graph

P6 Relates the derivative of a function to the slope of its graph

P7 Determines the derivative of a function through routine application of the rules of differentiation

P8 Understands and uses the language and notation of calculus

Task Outcomes DateComponents

WeightConcepts, Skills & Techniques

Reasoning & Communication

1. Class Test P1-4 T1 W9 10 10 20%

2. Half Yearly P1-5 T2 W5/6 15 15 30%

3. Class Test P1-5 T3 W3 10 10 20%

4. Trial HSC P1-8 T3 W9/10 15 15 30%

Total 50% 50% 100%

27BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Mathematics Extension 1Outcomes:

PE1 Appreciates the role of mathematics in the solution of practical problems

PE2 Uses multi-step deductive reasoning in a variety of contexts

PE3 Solves problems involving permutations and combinations, inequalities, polynomials, circle geometry and parametric representations

PE4 Uses the parametric representation together with differentiation to identify geometric properties of parabolas

PE5 Determines derivatives which require the application of more than one rule of differentiation

PE6 Makes comprehensive use of mathematical language, diagrams and notation for communicating in a wide variety of situations

Task Outcomes DateComponents

WeightConcepts, Skills & Techniques

Reasoning & Communication

1. Class Test PE1-3, 6 T1 W9 10 10 20%

2. Half Yearly PE1-3,6 T2 W5/6 15 15 30%

3. Class Test PE4 T3 W3 10 10 20%

4. Trial HSC PE1-6 T3 W9/10 15 15 30%

Total 50% 50% 100%

28BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


P1 Outline the historical development of major principles and ideas in physics.

P2 Apply the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science with particular emphasis on first hand investigations in physics.

P3 Assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in physics.

P4 Describe applications of physics, which affect society or the environment.

P5 Describe the scientific principles employed in particular areas of physics research.

P6 Describe the forces acting on an object, which cause the changes in its motion.

P7 Describe the effects of energy transfers and energy transformations.

P8 Explains wave motion in terms of energy sources and the oscillations produced.

P9 Describes the relationship between force and potential energy in fields.

P10 Describes theories and models in relation to the origins of matter and relates these to the forces involved.

P11 Identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans.

P12 Discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first hand investigations and secondary sources.

P13 Identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in physics.

P14 Draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information.

P15 Implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a member of a team.

Task MainOutcomes Date

ComponentsKnowledge &

Understanding1st Hand

InvestigationProblem Solving Total

1. Practical P 2, &11-15

Term 1Wk 8/9 10% 10% 5% 25%

2. Half Yearly P7, 8, 9, 4, 13, 14

Term 2 Wk 5/6 15% 10% 25%

3. Open ended


P2, 6-7,11-15

Term 2Wk 9-10 15% 10% 25%

4. Yearly Exam

P1, 6-10, 13, 14

Term 3Wk 9/10 15% 5% 5% 25%

TOTAL 40% 30% 30% 100%

29BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


P1 Outlines the historical development of major principles, concepts & ideas in chemistry.

P2 Applies the processes that are used to test & validate models, theories & laws of science with particular emphasis on first hand investigations in chemistry.

P3 Assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in chemistry.

P4 Describes applications of chemistry, which affect society or the environment.

P5 Describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of research in chemistry.

P6 Explains trends & relationships between elements in terms of atomic structure & bonding.

P7 Describes chemical changes in terms of energy inputs & outputs.

P8 Describes factors that influence the type & rate of chemical reactions.

P9 Relates the uses of carbon to the unique nature of carbon chemistry.

P10 Applies simple stoichiometric relationships.

P11 Identifies improvements to investigation plans.

P12 Discusses the validity & reliability of data gathered from first hand investigations & secondary sources.

P13 Identifies appropriate terminology & reporting styles to communicate information & understanding.

P14 Draws valid conclusions from gathered data & information.

P15 Implements strategies to work effectively as a team member or as an individual.

Task MainOutcomes Date

ComponentsKnowledge &

Understanding1st Hand

InvestigationProblem Solving Total

1. Practical Test P11-15 Term 1Wk 7

15% 5% 20%

2. Research Assignment

P1-6 Term 2Wk 3

10% 10%

3. Half Yearly P6-10 Term 2Wk 5/6

5% 5% 10%

4. Open ended Investigation

P11-15 Term 3Wk 8

15% 15% 30%

5. Yearly P 6-10, 13,14 Term 3Wk 9/10

25% 5% 30%

TOTAL 40% 30% 30% 100%

30BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


P1 Outlines the historical development of major biological principles, concepts and ideas.

P2 Applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science, with particular emphasis on first hand investigations in biology.

P3 Assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in biology.

P4 Describes applications of biology which affect society or the environment.

P5 Describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of biological research.

P6 Explains how cell ultrastructure and the coordinated activities of cells, tissues and organs contribute to macroscopic processes in organisms.

P7 Describes the range of organisms in terms of specialization for a habitat.

P8 Analyses the interrelationships of organisms within the ecosystem.

P9 Explains how processes of reproduction ensure continuity of a species.

P10 Identifies and describes the evidence for evolution.

P11 Identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans.

P12 Discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first hand investigations and secondary sources.

P13 Identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in biology.

P14 Draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information.

P15 Implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a team member.

Task Outcomes DateComponents

Knowledge & Understanding

1st Hand Investigation

Problem Solving Total

1. Open EndedInvestigation

P2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

Term 1Wk 8 5% 10% 5% 20%

2. Half Yearly P2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14

Term 2Wk 5/6

5% 5% 5% 15%

3. Practical Test

P2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Term 2Wk 9-10

5% 10% 5% 20%

4. Field Research Assignment

P1, 3, 5, 10 13, 14, 15

Term 3Wk 5

15% 10% 5% 20%

5. Yearly Exam P 2, 9, 12, 13, 14

Term 3Wk 9/10

10% 5% 10% 25%

TOTAL 40% 30% 30% 100%

31BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Senior ScienceOutcomes:

P1 Outline the historical development of scientific principles, concepts, and ideas.

P2 Apply the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories, and laws of science, with particular emphasis on first hand investigations.

P3 Assesses the impact of particular technological advances on science.

P4 Identifies applications of science that affect society and the environment.

P5 Identifies areas of current scientific research.

P6 Identifies the origins of earth’s resources.

P7 Explains relationships between organisms in the environment.

P8 Describes reactions between compounds.

P9 Describes the structure of body organs and systems.

P10 Describes the effect of energy transfers and transformations.

P11 Identifies and implements improvements to investigation plans.

P12 Discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first hand investigations and secondary sources.

P13 Identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in science.

P14 Draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information.

P15 Implements strategies to work effectively as an individual or as a member of a team.

Task MainOutcomes Date

ComponentsTotalKnowledge &

Understanding1st Hand

InvestigationProblem Solving

1. Open ended Investigation

P2, P4, P6,11-15

Term1Wk 10-

11 5% 15% 5% 25%

2. Half Yearly P1,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,14

Term 2Wk 5/6 15% 5% 20%

4. Field work P4, 11-15 Term 3Wk 5/6 15% 10% 25%

5. Yearly Exam

P1, 4, 6-10,12-14

Term 3Wk 9/10 20% 10% 30%

TOTAL 40% 30% 30% 100%

32BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Information Processes and TechnologyOutcomes:

P1.1 Describes the nature of information processes and information technology.

P1.2 Classifies the functions and operations of information processes and information technology.

P2.1 Identifies the information processes within an information system.

P2.2 Recognises the interdependence between each of the information processes.

P3.1 Identifies social and ethical issues.

P4.1 Describes the historical development of information systems and relates these to current and emerging technologies.

P5.1 Selects and ethically uses computer based and non-computer based resources and tools to process information.

P6.1 Analyses and describes an identified need.

P6.2 Generates idea, considers alternatives and develops solutions for a defined need.

P7.1 Recognises and applies management and communication techniques to project work.

P7.2 Uses technology to support group work.

Assessment components




ghtin Task 1

Group projectMy IPT!

Task 2Half-Yearly Exam

Task 3Individual projectEntrepreneur!

Task 4Yearly Exam

Course outcomesAssessed

P1.1, P2.1, P3.1, P5.1, P7.1

P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P3.1, P4.1, P5.1, P6.1, P6.2, P7.1,

P1.2, P2.2, P4.1, P6.1, P6.2, P7.2

P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P2.2, P3.1, P4.1, P5.1, P6.1, P6.2, P7.1, P7.2

Due dates T1 W9 T2 W5/6 T3 7 T3 W9/10

Task components

System Design and Development

System Documentation


Multiple-choice questions

Short-answer questions

Extended response questions

System Design and Development

System Documentation


Multiple-choice questions

Short-answer questions

Extended response questions

Introduction to information skills and systems

20 5 5 5 5

Tools for information processes 50 5 10 20 15

Developing information systems 30 10 5 10 5

Marks 100 20% 20% 35% 25%

33BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Industrial TechnologyCategory A

Focus – Timber Products and Furniture IndustriesOutcomes: Preliminary

P1.1 Describes the organisation and management of an individual business within the focus area industry.P1.2 Identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques including new and developing

technologies.P2.1 Describes and uses safe working practices and correct workshop equipment maintenance techniques.P2.2 Works effectively in team situations.P3.1 Sketches, produces and interprets drawings in the production of projects.P3.2 Applies research and problem solving skills.P3.3 Demonstrates appropriate design principles in the production of projects.P4.1 Demonstrates a range of practical skills in the production of projects.P4.2 Demonstrates competency in using relevant equipment, machinery and processes.P4.3 Identifies and explains the properties and characteristics of materials/ components through the production of

projects.P5.2 Uses appropriate documentation techniques related to the management of products.P6.1 Identifies the characteristic of quality manufactured products.P6.2 Identifies and explains the principles of quality and quality control.P7.1 Identifies the impact of one related industry on the social and physical environment.P7.2 Identifies the impact of existing, new & emerging technologies of one related industry on society and the


Outcomes Components Weightings % Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Term1Week 10

Term2Week 4

Term 2Week5/6

Term 3Week 7

Term 3Week 4/5

1.1 1.2 6.2 7.1 7.2 Industry Study 20 10 10 303.1 3.2 3.3 5.2 Design Management

& Workplace Communication

30 30

2.2 3.1 3.3 4.1 4.24.3 6.1

Production 30

1.2 2.1 4.2 6.2 7.2 Industry Related Manufacturing Technology


100 10 35 10 35 10

Task 1 - Industry Study: Students are to present an Industry Report on the study of an organisation and management of an individual business within the focus area. The report must address questions set out in the assessment criteria and be presented in an appropriate digital format

Task 2 - Project Management: Students are to construct an individual project using a range of processes and techniques relevant to the Production and Project Development.

Task 3 - Half yearly Exam: This exam will assess student knowledge of Industry structural, technical, environmental, sociological, personnel and OHS issues

Task 4 - Portfolio Presentation: Students are to present their Design Project Portfolio to the teacher, using appropriate methods of presentation for marking.

Task 5 - Yearly Exam: This exam will assess student knowledge and understanding of a range of materials, processes, tools, equipment and machinery related to the construction of projects

34BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Business Studies

Topic 1: Nature of BusinessTopic 2: Business ManagementTopic 3: Business Planning

Outcomes:P1 Discusses the nature of business, its role in society and types of business structureP2 Explains the internal and external influences on businessesP3 Describes the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to medium enterprisesP4 Assesses the processes and interdependence of key business functionsP5 Examines the application of management theories and strategiesP6 Analyses the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholdersP7 Plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issuesP8 Evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situationsP9 Communicates business information and issues in appropriate formatsP10 Applies mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations



Outcomes Weighting of Task

Knowledge & Understanding

of Course Content

Stimulus-based Skills

Inquiry & Research

Communication of Information, Ideas & Issues in Appropriate

Forms1. Topic 1

Term TestTerm 1 Wk 10

P1,P2,P6,P7,P8 10% 10%

2. Topics 1-2Half Yearly exam Term 2 Wk 5/6

P1,P2,P6,P7,P4,P5,P8,P9 15% 5% 5% 5%

3. Topic 2 Stimulus based skills assessmentTerm 2 Wk 10

P2,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10 15% 10% 5%

4. Business PlanningTerm 3 Wk 8


20% 5% 10% 5%

5. Topics 1 – 3Yearly ExaminationTerm 3 Wk 9/10

P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P8,P9,P10 40% 20% 15% 5%

TOTAL 100 % 40 % 20 % 20 % 20 %

35BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


Topic 1: Introduction to EconomicsTopic 2: Consumers and BusinessTopic 3: MarketsTopic 4: Labour MarketsTopic 5: Financial MarketsTopic 6. Government in the Economy

Outcomes:P1 Demonstrates understanding of economic terms, concepts and relationshipsP2 Explains the economic role of individuals, firms and governments in an economyP3 Describes, explains and evaluates the role and operation of marketsP4 Compares and contrasts aspects of different economiesP5 Analyses the relationship between individuals, firms, institutions and government in the

Australian economyP6 Explains the role of government in the Australian economyP7 Identifies the nature and causes of economic problems and issues for individuals, firms and governmentsP8 Applies appropriate terminology, concepts and theories in economic contextsP9 Selects and organises information from a variety of sources for relevance and reliabilityP10 Communicates economic information, ideas and issues in appropriate formsP11 Applies mathematical concepts in economic contextsP12 Works independently and in groups to achieve appropriate goals in set time lines



Outcomes Weighting of Task

Knowledge & Understanding of Course Content

Stimulus- based Skills

Inquiry & Research

Communication of Information,

Ideas & Issues in Appropriate


1. Topic 1Term test & assignmentTerm 1 Wk 10

P1, P2, P4, P8, P10, P12 10% 5% 5%

2. Topics 1 - 3 Half Yearly examTerm 2 Wk 5/6

P1,P2, P3, P4, P5, P7, P8, P10, P11

10% 5% 5%

3. Topics 2 & 3Stimulus based skill assessmentTerm 2 Wk 8

P1, P2, P3, P5, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11

20% 5% 10% 5%

4. Topics 4 -5-6Research task/ oral presentation Term 3 Wk 6

P1, P2, P3, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12

30% 10% 15% 5%

5. Topics 1 – 6Yearly examTerm 3 Wk 9/10

H1, H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12

30%15% 10% 5%

TOTAL100 40 20 20 20

36BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Legal StudiesOutcomes:

Topic 1: Core Part I - The Legal SystemTopic 2: Core Part II – The Individual & the LawTopic 3: Core Part III – Law in Practice

Outcomes:P1. Identifies and applies legal concepts and terminologyP2. Describes the key features of Australian and international lawP3. Describes the operation of domestic and international legal systemsP4. Discusses the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing issuesP5. Describes the role of law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict, as well as initiating and

responding to changeP6. Explains the nature of the interrelationship between the legal system and societyP7. Evaluates the effectiveness of the law in achieving justiceP8. Locates, selects and organises legal information from a variety of sources including legislation, cases,

media, international instruments and documentsP9. Communicates legal information using well-structured responsesP10. Accounts for differing perspectives and interpretations of legal information and issues

Task Outcomes Weighting Knowledge & Understanding Research Communication

1. Topic 1Term TestTerm 1 Wk 9

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 10% 10%

2. Topic 1Half Yearly ExamTerm 2 Wk 5/6

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 20% 15% 5%

3. Topic 2Research / Oral Presentation TaskTerm 2 Wk 10

P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P8, P10

20% 5% 10% 5%

4. Topic 3Extended ResponseTerm 3 Wk 6

P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10

20% 5% 10% 5%

5. Topics 1-3Yearly ExaminationTerm 3 Wk 9/10

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P9, P10

30% 25% 5%

TOTAL 100% 60% 20% 20%

37BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Ancient HistoryOutcomes:

A student develops the skills to:P1.1 Describe and explain the contribution of key people, groups, events, institutions, societies and sites within

the historical context P2.1 Identify historical factors and explain their significance in contributing to change and continuity in the

ancient worldP3.1 Locate, select and organise relevant information from a variety of sourcesP3.2 Identify relevant problems of sources in reconstructing the pastP3.3 Comprehend sources and analyse them for their usefulness and reliabilityP3.4 Identify and account for differing perspectives and interpretations of the pastP3.5 Discuss issues relating to ownership and custodianship of the past P3.6 Plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and synthesising information from a

range of sourcesP4.1 Use historical terms and concepts appropriatelyP4.2 Communicate knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues using appropriate oral and

written forms

Task Outcomes Weighting of Task


Knowledge & Understanding of Course Content

Source-based Skills

History Inquiry & Research

Communication of Historical

Understanding in Appropriate Forms

Part I: Introduction1. Investigating the

Past: History, Archaeology and ScienceResearch ICT TaskTerm 1 Wk 8

P3.2, P3.4, P3.5, P4.1 10% 5% 5%

2. Investigating the Past &Case StudyHalf Yearly Exam Term 2 Wk 5/6

P1.1, P3.1, P4.1, 20% 10% 10%

Part II: 3. Studies of Ancient

Societies, Sites and SourcesSource-based StudyTerm 2 Wk 10

P2.1, P3.1, P3.6

20% 5% 10% 5%

Part III: 4. Historical

InvestigationResearch and presentationTerm 3 Wk 7

P3.3, P4.2, P3.6 20% 10% 5% 5%

5. Yearly Exam Term 3 Wk 9/10

P1.1, P2.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P4.1, P4.2

30% 20% 5% 5%

Total 100% 40% 20% 20% 20%

38BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Modern History

A student develops the skills to:P1.1 Describe the role of key individuals, groups and events of selected studies from the eighteenth century to

the present P1.2 Investigate and explain the key features and issues of selected studies from the eighteenth century to the

presentP2.1 Identify forces and ideas and explain their significance in contributing to change and continuity from the

eighteenth century to the presentP3.1 Ask relevant historical questionsP3.2 Locate, select and organise relevant information from different types of sourcesP3.3 Comprehend and analyse sources for their usefulness and reliabilityP3.4 Identify and account for differing perspectives and interpretations of the pastP3.5 Plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and synthesising information from

different types of sourcesP4.1 Use historical terms and concepts appropriatelyP4.2 Communicate a knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues, using appropriate

and well structured oral and written forms

Task Outcomes Weighting of Task

ComponentsKnowledge &

Understanding of Course Content

Source-based Skills

History Inquiry & Research

Communication of Historical Understanding

in Appropriate FormsPart I: Case Studies 1.Case Study 12.Research ICT

TaskTerm 1 Wk 6

P1.1, P1.2, P3.1, P3.4, P4.1

10% 5% 5%

3.Case Study 1 & Case Study 2

Half Yearly Exam Term 2 Wk 5/6

P1.1, P2.1, P3.3, P3.4, P4.2

20% 10% 10%

Part II: 4.Historical

InvestigationResearch and presentationTerm 3 Wk 1

P1.2, P3.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P4.2

20% 10% 5% 5%

Part III: Core Study5. The World at

the Beginning of the Twentieth

the Beginning Century of theTwentiethCenturySource-basedStudyTerm 3 Wk 6

P1.1, P2.1, P3.1, P3.3, P3.4, P4.1, P4.2 20% 5% 10% 5%

6.Yearly Exam Term 3 Wk 9/10

P1.1, P2.1, P3.2, P3.3, P3.4, P4.1, P4.2

30% 20% 5% 5%

39BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Total 100% 40% 20% 20% 20%

40BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Society and Culture (120 indicative hours)

• The Social and Cultural World (20% of course time)• Personal and Social Identity (40% of course time)• Intercultural Communication (40% of course time)


P1 describes the interaction between persons, societies, cultures and environments across timeP2 identifies and describes relationships within and between social and cultural groupsP3 describes cultural diversity and commonality within societies and culturesP4 explains continuity and change, and their implications for societies and culturesP5 investigates power, authority, gender and technology, and describes their influence on decision-making and participation in societyP6 differentiates between, and applies, the methodologies of social and cultural researchP7 applies appropriate language and concepts associated with society and culture P8 selects, organises and considers information and sources for usefulness, validity and biasP9 plans an investigation and analyses information from a variety of perspectives and sources P10 communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic formsP11 works independently and in groups to achieve appropriate goals in set timelines



Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Date: Term 1Week 9


Date : Term 2Week 6


Date : Term 3Week 2


Date: Term 3Week 9 & 10


In class short responses

with research notes

Half Yearly Exam

Research methodology

and report writing

Yearly Examination

Knowledge and understanding

of course content

45 5 10 10 20

Application and evaluation of

social and cultural

research methodologies

30 5 5 15 5

Communication of information,

ideas and issues in

appropriate forms

25 5 5 10 5

Marks 100 15 20 35 30

Course Outcomes

P2, P3, P5, P8, P10, P11

P1, P2, P5, P6, P7

P3, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10,


P1, P2, P3, P5, P6, P7, P10

41BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


P1 Performs music that is characteristic of the topics studied.

P2 Observes, reads, interprets and discusses simple musical scores characteristic of topics studied.

P3 Improvises and creates melodies, harmonies and rhythmic accompaniment for familiar sound sources reflecting the cultural and historical contexts studied.

P4 Recognises and identifies the concepts of music and discusses their use in a variety of musical styles.

P5 Comments on and constructively discusses performances and compositions.

P6 Observes and discusses concepts of music in works representative of the topics studied.

P7 Understands the capabilities of performing media, explores and uses current technologies as appropriate to the topics studied.

P8 Identifies, recognizes, experiments with and discusses the use of technology in music.

P9 Performs as a means of self expression.

P10 Demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities.

P11 Demonstrates a willingness to accept constructive criticism.

Task Outcomes DateComponents

WeightingPerformance Core

Composition Core

Musicology Core

Aural Core

1. Composition using graphic notation

P2, P3, P7, P8, P10, P11

Term 1Wk 10

Graphic notation


2. Half Yearly Exam

P1,P4, P6, P7, P8, P9 P10, P11

Term 2Wk 5/6 10% Written

10% 20%

3. Written Assignment

P2, P4, P5, P7, P10, P11

Term 2Wk 10

Written Assignment


4. Research Task

P2, P4, P5, P7, P10, P11

Term 2Wk 10

Viva Voce 10% 10%

5. Composition P2, P3, P7, P8, P10, P11

Term 3Wk 6

15% 15%

6. Yearly ExamP1,P2,P4,P5,P7,P9,P10

Term 3 Wk 9/10 15%

Written Response


TOTAL 25% 25% 25% 25% 100%

42BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Visual ArtsOutcomes:


P1 Explores the conventions of practice in art making

P2 Explores the roles and relationships between the concepts of artist, artwork, world and audience

P3 Identifies the frames as the basis of understanding expressive representation through the making of art

P4 Investigates subject matter and forms as representations in art making

P5 Investigates ways of developing coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art

P6 Explores a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intentions

P7 Explores the conventions of practice in art criticism and art history

P8 Explores the roles and relationships between concepts of artist, artwork, world and audience through critical and historical investigations of art

P9 Identifies the frames as the basis of exploring different orientations to critical and historical investigations of art

P10 Explores ways in which significant art histories, critical narratives and other documentary accounts of the visual arts can be constructed

Task Outcomes DateComponents

TotalArt Making Art Criticism and Art History

1. Portfolio 1/ VAD P1, P2, P3,

P4, P5, P6Term 1 Wk 10

15% 5% 20%

2. Portfolio 2/ VADP1, P2, P3,

P4, P5, P6Term 2Wk 10

15% 5% 20%

4. Half Yearly Exam P7, P8, P9, P10 Term 2 Wk 5/6

15% 15%

5. Portfolio 3/ VAD P7, P8, P9, P10 Term 3 Wk 7

20% 5% 25%

6. Yearly Exam P7, P8, P9, P10Term 3

Wk 9/1020% 20%

TOTAL 50% 50% 100%

43BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


P1 Identifies and examines why individuals give different meanings to health

P2 Explains how a range of health behaviours affect an individual’s health

P3 Describes how an individual’s health is determined by a range of factors

P4 Evaluates aspects of health over which individuals can exert some control

P5 Describes factors that contribute to effective health promotion

P6 Proposes actions that can improve and maintain an individual’s health

P7 Explains how body systems influence the way the body moves

P8 Describes the components of physical fitness and explains how they are monitored

P9 Describes biomechanical factors that influence the efficiency of the body in motion

P10 Plans for participation in physical activity to satisfy a range of individual needs

P11 Assesses and monitors physical fitness levels and physical activity patterns

P12 Demonstrates strategies for the assessment, management and prevention of injuries in first aid settings (Option 1)

P15 Forms opinions about health-promoting actions based on a critical examination of relevant information P16

P17 Analyses factors influencing movement and patterns of participation

Assessment ComponentsK



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TASK Course Component Outcomes Weighting

of task

Research ReportWk 10 Term 1

Better Health for Individuals (10%)

P2, P3, P4 10% 5% 5%

Half Yearly ExamWk 5/6 Term 2

Better Health for Individuals (10%)Fitness Choices (5%)

P1 – P6, P10,P15 – 16

15% 5% 10%

Lab ReportWk 11 Term 2

Fitness Choices (10%)Body In Motion (20%)

P7, P9, P10, P17 30% 15% 5% 10%

Practical Demonstration / ScenarioWk 6 Term 3

First Aid (15%) P12 15% 15%

Yearly ExamWk 9/10 Term 3

BHFI (10%)BIM (10%)FC (5%)FA (5%)

P1 – P12, P15 – P17 30% 15% 5% 10%

TOTAL 100% 40% 30% 30%

44BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Arabic BeginnersOutcomes:

P1.1 Establishes and maintains communication in Arabic

P1.2 Manipulates linguistic structures to express ideas effectively

P1.3 Sequences ideas and information in Arabic

P1.4 Applies knowledge of the culture of Arabic-speaking communities to interact appropriately

P2.1 Understands and interprets information in texts using a ranges of strategies

P2.2 Conveys the gist of and identifies specific information in texts

P2.3 Summarises the main points of a text

P2.4 Draws conclusions from or justifies an opinion about a text

P2.5 Identifies the purpose, context and audience of a text

P3.1 Produces texts appropriate to audience, purpose and context

P3.2 Structures and sequences ideas and information

P3.3 Applies knowledge of the diverse linguistic structures to convey information and express original ideas in Arabic

P4.1 Identifies values, attitudes and beliefs of cultural significance

P4.2 Reflects upon significant aspects of language and culture

Task Outcomes DateComponents

TotalListening &Responding

Reading & Responding

Speaking Writing

1. Aural task 3.1, 3.2 Term 1Wk 9

35% 35%

2. Half Yearly task

1.1,1.2,1.3, 1.4, 2.1,2.2,2.3,3.1, 3.2,3.3

Term 2Wk 4/5 15% 5% 20%

3. Oral task 1 1.1, 1.2,1.3,1.4

Term 2Wk 8

10% 10%

4. Oral task 2 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Term 3Wk 6

5% 5%

5. Yearly task 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.1, 4.2

Term 3Wk 9/10

20% 10% 30%

TOTAL 35% 35% 15% 15% 100%

45BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Arabic 2 Unit ContinuersOutcomes:

P1.1 Uses arrange of strategies to maintain communication

P1.2 Conveys information appropriate to context, purpose and audience

P1.3 Exchanges and justifies opinions and ideas on known topics

P1.4 Reflects on aspects of the past, present and future experience

P2.1 Applies knowledge of language structures to create original text

P2.2 Describes, narrates and reflects on real or imaginary experiences in the past, present or future

P2.3 Structures and sequences ideas and information

P3.1 Identifies and conveys the gist, main points, supporting points and detailed items of specific information

P3.2 Summarizes, interprets and evaluates information

P4.1 Recognises and employs language appropriate to different social contexts

P4.2 Identifies and employs language appropriate to different social contexts

P4.3 Reflects upon significant aspects of language and culture

Task Outcomes DateComponents

TotalSpeaking Writing Listening &Responding

Reading & Responding

1. Oral task 1 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,1.4, 2.3

Term 1Wk 8

10% 10%

2. Half Yearly task

1.3, 1.4, 3.1,4.1,2.1,2.2,2.3

Term 2Wk 5/6 5% 15% 20%

3. Aural task 1.3,2.3,4.2 Term 2Wk 11

30% 30%

4. Oral task 2 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,2.3

Term 3Wk 7

10% 10%

5. Yearly task 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

Term 3Wk 9/10

5% 25% 30%

TOTAL 20% 10% 30% 40% 100%

46BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Vietnamese 2 Unit Continuers


The student:

1.1 Uses a range of strategies to maintain communication

1.2 Conveys information appropriate to context, purpose and audience

1.3 Exchanges and justifies opinions and ideas on known topics

1.4 Reflects on aspects of the past, present and future experience

2.1 Applies knowledge of language structures to create original text

2.2 Describes, narrates and reflects on real or imaginary experiences in the past, present or future

2.3 Organises and sequences ideas and information

3.1 Identifies and conveys the gist, main points, supporting points and detailed items of specific information

3.2 Infers point of view, attitudes or emotions from language and context

3.3 Summarises, interprets and evaluates information

3.4 Compares and contrasts aspects of texts

4.1 Recognises and employs language appropriate to different social contexts

4.2 Identifies values, attitudes and beliefs of cultural significance

4.3 Reflects upon significant aspect of language and culture

NOTE: Written or spoken texts created by students incorporating their own ideas

Task Outcomes DateComponents

TotalSpeaking Listening &Responding

Reading & Responding Writing

1. Oral Task 1 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,4.1,4.2,4.3

Term 1Wk 9 10% 10%

2. Half Yearly task

1.1,1.2,1.3, 1.4, 3.1,3.2, 3.3, 3.4 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

Term 2Wk 5/6 15%


3. Aural task 3.1,3.2 Term 3Wk 3

30% 30%

4. Oral task 2 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,2.3

Term 3Wk 7

10% 10%

5. Yearly task 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

Term 3Wk 9/10

25% 5% 30%

TOTAL 20% 30% 40% 10% 100%

47BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Chinese Background SpeakersOutcomes:

P1 Conveys information, opinions and ideas appropriate to context, purpose and audience

P2 Exchanges and justifies opinions and ideas

P3 Uses appropriate features of language in a variety of contexts

P4 Sequences and structures information and ideas

P5 Uses a variety of features to convey meaning

P6 Produces texts appropriate to context, purpose and audience

P7 Produces texts which are persuasive, creative and discursive

P8 Identifies main points and detailed items of specific information

P9 Summarizes and interprets information and ideas

P10 Infers points of view, values, attitudes and emotions from features of language in texts

P11 Compares and contrasts aspects of texts

P12 Responds to texts personally and critically

P13 Understands aspects of the language and culture of Chinese-speaking communities


ComponentsSpoken and

Written Exchanges

Reading and Responding

Listening andResponding

Writing in Chinese Total

Outcomes 1.1-1.34.1-4.3




1. Spoken and Written Exchanges (Speech)

Term 1Wk 7 10% 10%

2. Half Yearly Term 2Wk 5/6 15% 10% 5% 30%

3. Writing in Chinese (Assignment)

Term 2Wk 11 10% 10%

4. Spoken and Written

Exchanges (Assignment)

Term 3Wk 6

10% 10%

5. Yearly Exam

Term 3Wk 9/10

25% 10% 5% 40%

TOTAL 20% 40% 20% 20% 100%

48BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


49BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

TERM UOC CODE Units Of Competency (UOC) HrsVET

Assessment Task Cluster & Method of Assessment

Prelim & HSCExam

weightings to total 100%**


Cluster A Workplace Safety and Environmental PracticesWritten Task, Practical, Self- assessment, 3rd Party Evidence

240 Indicative Hours over 2yrs

Prelim Half Yearly (10%)

Prelim Yearly Exam (20%)

35 hrs Work-placement




Participate in OHS processes*

Participate in environmentally

sustainable work practices*

Develop keyboard skills (Delivery)



Terms 2 / 3




Communicate in the workplace*

Deliver a service to customers*

Produce simple word processed





Cluster B Communicating in the WorkplaceWritten Task, Case Study, Scenario, Practical

Terms 3



Handle mail

Communicate electronicallyDevelop keyboard skills (Assess)




Cluster C Mail and EmailPractical Task, Scenario, Written Task, Self- assessment

Terms 4 / 5

7 HSC UOCs Cluster D New Work Station at Exquisite Adventures,Teacher Questioning, Written task, Practical

35 hrs Work-placement

HSC Half Yearly (30%)

Trial HSC Exam (40%)




Organise and complete daily work

activities *

Work effectively with others *

Maintain business resources




Term 5



Use business technology *

Create and use spreadsheets



Cluster E SpreadsheetsPractical, Teacher Questioning, Written work

Terms 6 / 7



Work effectively in a business environment *Process and maintain workplace information *



Cluster F In the WorkplaceInternet Research, Written Task, Work placement Diary Log

Total number of UOCs over 2 years is 15

*Units of Competencies examinable in the HSC exam.


The final estimate exam mark will only be used as the HSC exam mark in the advent of misadventure. This mark is derived from a minimum of two exams over Prelim and HSC years.

Business Services is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course and assessment is competency- based using South West Sydney region validated holistic assessment tasks (cluster assessments) reflecting the standard of relevant industries. Competency based assessment is largely activity based and practical. However competency also implies that an individual displays an understanding of the knowledge that underpins the practical performance of a task. Students must successfully attempt all units of competency and it is important to recognise that you cannot be accredited with units towards your Preliminary and HSC course completion without the successful completion of 70 hours of work-placement over 7 terms. The HSC examination is optional but can be used as part of an ATAR if only one VET course has been nominated for the HSC examinations.

50BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Hospitality Operations OutlineQUALIFICATION: Statement of Attainment SIT20307 Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations)

(SIT07v3.0 Training Package)


UOC CODE Units Of Competency (UOC) TITLE Hrs

VETAssessment Task Cluster & Method of Assessment

Prelim & HSC

Exam weightings

to total 100%***

Term 1


Cluster A - Getting Ready for WorkWritten Task, Case StudyObservation of practical work,Internet Research

240 Indicative Hours over 2yrs

Prelim Half


Prelim Yearly Exam 35 hrs Work placement **


Follow Health safety and security procedures *Follow workplace hygiene procedures *Organise and prepare food * (Delivery only)


Term 2


Implement food safety procedures *Organise and prepare food


Cluster B - Prepare Food SafelyWritten Task. Observation of practical, Workplacement Journal and Portfolio of Evidence, Case Study

Term 3


Receive and store kitchen suppliesPrepare sandwiches


Cluster C - Sandwich CateringWritten Task, Scenario, Practical

Term 4


Cluster D – Presenting Food Scenario, Written Assignment, Practical, Oral Questioning, Portfolio

35 hrs Work placement**

HSC Half Yearly

Trial HSC Exam

**Work placement Journal must be completed


Present food *Prepare appetizers and salads


Term 5


Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge *Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices *

20 15

Cluster E – Going Green at WorkWritten Assignment, Internet Research

Term 6


Clean and maintain kitchen premises *Use basic methods of cookery *

1040 Cluster F, Part A – Let’s

Cook Written, Practical

SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes



Cluster F, Part B – Let’s Cook Written, Practical

Term 7


Work with colleagues and customers *Work in a socially diverse environment *


Cluster G - Working Effectively with othersWritten Assignment, Role Play, Oral presentation, Internet Research

Total No. of UOCs over 2 years is15

*Units of Competencies examinable in the HSC exam Tot

al 245

*** The final estimate exam mark will only be used as the HSC exam mark in the advent of misadventure. This mark must be derived from a minimum of two exams over the Prelim and HSC years.

51BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

H/P RETAIL SERVICES (240 HOURS)Retail Services is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course. Assessment is based on assessing whether students have achieved competencies of each module studied. When the student has achieved competency in some / or all 7 modules and completed a minimum of 35 hours of work placement for the 120 hour course, he/she will receive a Statement of Attainment in Certificate II Retail Services.

Students can choose to continue into Yr 12 and complete the 240 hour course and be eligible for Certificate II Retail Services including an additional 35 hours of work placement (70 hours over the two years).

RETAIL SERVICES ASSESSMENT SCHEDULEQUALIFICATION: SIR20212 Certificate II in Retail Services for implementation in 2013

TERM UOC CODE Units Of Competency (UOC) TITLE HrsVET

Assessment Task Cluster & Method of


HSC requirements

Exam estimate mark &


Term 1


Cluster A Safety (15 hrs)240 Indicative Hours over 2yrs

35 hrs Workplacement

Prelim Half Yearly 10%

Prelim Yearly Exam 20%

SIRXWHS101 Apply safe work practices * 15SIRXCCS202SIRXCOM101

Interact with customers*Communicate in the workplace to support team and customer outcomes*

208 Cluster B Customer

Service (28 hrs)

Term 2 and

Term 3




Communicate in the workplace to support team and customer outcomes*Work effectively in a customer service environment*----------------------------------------------------Operate retail technologyBalance and secure point –of-sale terminalPerform retail financial duties




Cluster C Working in the Industry (27 hrs)

-----------------------------------Cluster D Retail Technology (55 hrs)

Term 4 and

Term 5

7 HSC UOCsCluster E Stock Maintenance (30 hrs)-----------------------------------Cluster F Sales and Security (45 hrs)

35 hrs Workplacement

HSC Half Yearly 30%

Trial HSC Exam 40%



Organise and maintain work areas Perform stock control procedures----------------------------------------------------Apply point- of- sale handling procedures*Minimise loss*Sell products and services *




Merchandise products Advise on products and services


Cluster G Retail General Selling (40 hrs)

Term 7Optional

extraSIRXMER202 Revision /Plan, create and maintain


Cluster H Create a Display (15 hrs optional) Only if teacher has qualification.

Total number of UOCs over 2 years is 14. *UOCs examinable in the HSC exam.


*** The final estimate exam mark will only be used as the HSC exam mark in the advent of misadventure. This mark must be derived from a minimum of two exams over the Prelim and HSC years.

52BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


Information Technology is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course. Assessment is based on testing whether students have achieved the outcomes of each module. When they have achieved the outcomes of a module, they are deemed to be competent in that module. Once a student has proven their competency in every module of the 2-year course they will receive Certificate II Information Technology. A student may choose to sit for the HSC IT exam in which case the IT mark will contribute to the student’s ATAR.

QUALIFICATION SOA ICA30111 Certificate III Information, Digital Media and Technology (ICA11v1 Training Package)


UOC CODEUnits Of Competency (UOC)

TITLE Hrs VET Assessment Task Cluster

HSC requirements

Exam estimate mark &

weighting 5 PRELIMINARY UOCs Cluster A Working in the Industry

Observation and collection of documentsObservation and review of tools

240 Indicative Hours over 2yrs

35 hrs Work placement

Prelim Half Yearly

Prelim Yearly Exam

Term 1ICAICT202A


Work and communicate effectively in an IT environment*Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement



Term 2 & 3



Participate effectively in OHS communication and consultative processes* Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices



Cluster B Safety Research, report and presentation

ICAICT302A Install and optimise operating system software*

20 Cluster C Operating System Software Research and reportMultimedia presentation

6 HSC UOCs Cluster D

Diagnostic testing (TBA) 35 hrs Work placement

HSC Half Yearly

Trial HSC Exam


Run standard diagnostic tests*Create user documentation 10


Term 5



Operate application software packages*Produce digital images for the web Use advanced features of computer applications*


Cluster E

Web and Software Applications(TBA)

Term 6 ICAWEB302A Build simple websites using commercial programs*

30 Cluster F Web Technologies (TBA)

Term 7UOC(s) to be clustered and

RTO approved for Cluster G

Revision Completion and review of all Competencies

Cluster G (alternative Stream available to accredited teachers)

Total number of UOCs over 2 years- 11

*Units of Competencies examinable in the HSC exam


*** The final estimate exam mark will only be used as the HSC exam mark in the advent of misadventure. This mark must be derived from a minimum of two exams over the Prelim and HSC years.

Workplacement is a compulsory activity for this course and involves 35 hours for the 120 hour course (1 year) or 70 hours for the 240 hour course (2 years).

* Units of Competencies examinable in the HSC exam.

Task Module Date

Unit Assessment Completed Work module Work completed

2. Half Yearly All modules studied Term 2 Weeks 5/6

53BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

6. Yearly Exam All modules studied Term 3 Weeks 9/10

** All tasks are competency based. Assessment is ongoing.

54BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

CONSTRUCTIONQUALIFICATION: Certificate II in Construction Pathways CPC20211from the CPC08v7 Training Package

TERM Unit Code Units Of Competency (UOC) TITLE Hrs VETAssessment Task Cluster &

Method of Assessment

Prelim and HSC

Exam weightings

to total 100%**

Term 1

6 PRELIMINARY UOCs 240 Indicative Hours over 2 years

Prelim Half Yearly 40%

Prelim Yearly Exam60% 35 hrs Work placement

CPCCOHS1001A *Work safely in the construction industry 10 Cluster A - WorkCover WHS Induction Test


*Carry out measurements and calculations- (Element 1 and 2)*Read and interpret plans and specifications- (Element 5 and 6)Use carpentry tools and equipment- (Element 3 and 4)*Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry- (Delivery only)

1010 5 5

Cluster B – Small project, Cement float, fastener box, Oil Stone CasePractical, Teacher observations, teacher questioning and Written test.


Handle carpentry materials- (Elements 1 and 4)*Conduct workplace communication- (Elements 1 and 3)*Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry- (Delivery only)

15 5 5

Cluster C – Take home project Mallet Practical, Teacher observations, Teacher questioning and Written test.

Term 3



*Plan and organise work-Use carpentry tools and equipment- (Elements 1, 2 and 5)*Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry*Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry (Elements 2, 3 and 4)

10 5 5


Cluster D - Tool box and BBQ TablePractical, Teacher observations, teacher questioning and Written test.

Terms 4-5

9 HSC UOCs35 hrs Work placement

HSC Half Yearly 40%

Trial HSC Exam 60%


Erect and dismantle formwork for footings and slabs on ground-EApply basic leveling procedures *Carry out measurements and calculations (Elements 2, 3 and 4))Carry out concreting to simple formsHandle construction materials


Cluster E – School Project – Concreting Practical, Teacher observations, teacher questioning and Written test.


Handle carpentry materials- (Elements 2 and 3)*Read and interpret plans and specifications- (Elements 1 to 4)


Cluster F – Wall FramingPractical, Teacher observations, teacher questioning and Written test

Terms 6-7


Handle wall and floor tiling materialsUse wall and floor tiling tools and equipment


Cluster G - TilingPractical, Teacher observations and Written Test



Cluster A


*Conduct workplace communication (Elements 2 and 4)*Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry (Elements 1,5 and 6)


Cluster H – WPL JournalTeacher observations, teacher questioning and Written test, Third party evidence

Total 15 UOCs over 2 yrs *UOCs examinable in the HSC 255** The final estimate exam mark will only be used as the HSC exam mark in the advent of misadventure. It must be derived from a minimum of two exams over the Prelim and HSC years.

55BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


South West Sydney Area Health Services operate on four sites: Bankstown, Macarthur, Fairfield and Liverpool Hospitals, and delivers the Certificate III in Health Services Assistance course to government schools in the South West Sydney area. The course is a 6-unit subject in Year 11 and 12 and consists of 335 indicative hours of theory and 150 hours of clinical practice over seven school terms. It is delivered within the hospital environment and enables the integration of theoretical and practical components of the course. The theoretical component of the course will run on a specific timetabled afternoon from approximately 1:30 – 5:30pm. The practical aspects will occur at negotiated times such as after school, on weekends and possibly a shift during school holidays.

If you successfully complete the course you will gain a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance qualification which is an entry point into jobs in hospitals, community and residential care.

A full list of competency units and additional information will be provided by the facilitating RTO hospital.

56BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


M1 Generates a characteristics style that is increasingly self-reflective in their ceramic practice

M2 Explores concepts of artist/ceramist/sculptor/designer/maker, interpretations of the world and of audience response in their making of ceramic works

M3 Investigates different points of view in the making of ceramic works

M4 Explores ways of generating ideas as representations in the making of ceramic works

M5 Engages in the development of different techniques suited to artistic intentions in the making of ceramic works

M6 Takes into account issues of occupational health and safety in their practice

CH1 Generates in their critical and historical investigations ways to interpret and explain ceramic works and practices

CH2 Investigates the roles and relationships of the concepts of works, world, artist/ceramist/sculptor/designer/maker and audience in critical and historical investigations

CH3 Distinguishes between different points of view in their critical and historical studies

CH4 Explores ways in which histories, narratives and other accounts can be built to explain practices and interests in ceramics

CH5 Recognises how ceramic works are used in various fields of cultural production

Task Outcomes DateComponents

TotalMaking Critical and Historical Studies

1 Completed Work and Process Diary

M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5

T1, W8 30% 5% 35%

2Hand Building Module and Process Diary

M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5

T2, W10 20% 5% 25%

3 Sculpture Module and Process Diary

M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5

T3, W6 20% 5% 25%

4 Case Study CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5 T3, W2 15% 15%

TOTAL 70% 30% 100%

57BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


M1 Generates a characteristic style that is increasingly self-reflective in their photographic and/ or video and /or digital practice

M2 Explores concepts of artist/photographer, still and moving works, interpretations of the world and audience response, in their making of still and/or videos and/or digital works

M3 Investigates different points of view in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images

M4 Generates images and ideas as representations/simulations in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images

M5 Develops different techniques suited to artistic intentions in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images

M6 Takes into account issues of occupational health and safety in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital works

CH1 Generates in their critical and historical practice ways to interpret and explain photographs and/or videos and/or digital imaging

CH2 Investigates the roles and relationships among the concepts of artist, work, world and audience in critical and historical investigations

CH3 Distinguishes between different points of view and offers interpretive accounts in critical and historical studies

CH4 Explores ways in which histories, narratives and other accounts can be built to explain practices and interests in the fields of photography and/or video and/or digital imaging

CH5 Recognises how photography and/or video and/or digital imaging are used to in various fields of cultural production

Task Outcomes Date



Critical and


1 Portfolio 1 M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 T2, W2 25% 25%

2 Case Study 1 CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5 T1, W8 15% 15%

3 Portfolio 2 M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 T2, W10 25% 25%

4 Case Study 2 CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5 T2, W8 15% 15%

5 Portfolio 3 M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 T3, W6 20% 20%

TOTAL 70% 30% 100%

58BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


1 Unit Course: a single mark out of 502 Unit Course: a single mark out of 100

The components and weighting are detailed below. The allocation of weighting to particular tasks set is school based, but the overall percentages allocated to each assessment component must be maintained.

Assessment Components and Weights

Component Weight

A. Knowledge 40%

B. Practical Skills 60%

Total 100%

No. Assessment Task Description Date Component Values Total

1 Assignment -Systems and History of Computers

T1W6 A 20 20

2 Folio of work generated using MS WORD

T1W8 A




3 Folio of Spreadsheets using EXCEL Software

T2W3 A




4 Folio of Database documents using ACCESS

T3W5 A




5 Yearly Exam T3W9/10 A 20 20

59BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

EXPLORING EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES – 2 UNITThe Exploring Early Childhood course aims to give students the knowledge about childhood development that will enable them to support and encourage development when interacting with children. It provides the opportunity to consider a range of issues in relation to the individual student, their family and the community. As well as reflecting on the personal relevance of childhood issues, students are encouraged to consider the implications for future interactions with children, be these as a parent, friend, carer or educator.

Outcomes:1.1 Analyses prenatal issues that have an impact on development 1.2 Examines major physical, social-emotional, behavioural, cognitive and language development of

young children 1.3 Examines the nature of different periods in childhood — infant, toddler, preschool and the early

school years 1.4 Analyses the ways in which family, community and culture influence growth and development of

young children 1.5 Examines the implications for growth and development when a child has special needs 2.1 Analyses issues relating to the appropriateness of a range of services for different families 2.2 Critically examines factors that influence the social world of young children 2.3 Explains the importance of diversity as a positive issue for children and their families 2.4 Analyses the role of a range of environmental factors that have an impact on the lives of young

children 2.5 Examines strategies that promote safe environments 3.1 Evaluates strategies that encourage positive behaviour in young children 4.1 Demonstrates appropriate communication skills with children and/or adults 4.2 Interacts appropriately with children and adults from a wide range of cultural backgrounds 4.3 Demonstrates appropriate strategies to resolve group conflict 5.1 Analyses and compares information from a variety of sources to develop an understanding of child

growth and development 6.1 Demonstrates an understanding of decision making processes 6.2 Critically examines all issues including beliefs and values that may influence interactions with others



























1 Risk Assessment 2.4, 2.5,

6.1(Knowledge 25%)

T2 W2 25% 25%

2 Children’s book1.3, 1.4,

4.1(Skills 25%)

T2 W9 25% 25%

3 Observation & Written Report

3.1, 6.2(Skills 15%;

Knowledge 10%)T3 W7 25% 25%

4 Yearly Exam All T3 W10 10% 5% 10% 25%TOTAL 35% 25% 25% 100%

60BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

SPORT, LIFESTYLE AND RECREATION - 2 UNITThe Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies course is designed to meet the needs of the increasing number of students returning to Years 11 and 12. The course encourages students to continue to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the role of sport, a healthy lifestyle and recreation in everyday life.

Objectives:1. Knowledge and understanding of the factors that influence health and participation in physical activity2. Knowledge and understanding of the principles and processes impacting on the realisation of movement

potential3. The ability to analyse and implement strategies that promote health, physical activity and enhanced

performance4. A capacity to influence the participation and performance of self and others5. A lifelong commitment to an active, healthy lifestyle and the achievement of movement potential



A. Knowledge & Understanding Skills 50

B. Skill 50


61BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

No. Assessment Task Description Timing Component Weighting

1 Practical skills and participation Ongoing B 25 %

2 Healthy Lifestyle Week 2, Term 2 A & B 25 %

3 Resistance Training Week 2, Term 3 A & B 25 %

4 Yearly Exam Week 9/10 Term 3 A 25 %

TOTAL 100 %



1. Investigates a range of work environments2. Examines different types of work and skills for employment3. Analyses employment options and strategies for career management4. Assesses pathways for further education, training and life planning5. Communicates and uses technology effectively6. Applies self- management and teamwork skills7. Utilises strategies to plan, organise and solve problems8. Assesses influences on peoples working lives9. Evaluates personal and social influences on individuals and groups

Task Outcomes Date Knowledge and Understanding

Skills TOTAL

1. My Career Presentation 3-6 T1 W8 5% 15% 20%

2. Work StudiesPortfolio 1-9

T2 W4 5% 20% 25%

3. In Class Exam3,4,7,8,9

T2 W8 15% 5% 20%

4. Project & Journal 1-9 T3 W8 5% 30% 35%

TOTAL 30% 70% 100%

62BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Bankstown Senior College


What is it?Plagiarism is the use of someone’s words or ideas in your work without acknowledging where they came from. Plagiarism is theft.The problem of copying and using other people’s work and ideas without permission is a major issue in education. BSC acknowledges this problem and actively supports an anti-plagiarism stance and will enforce this policy in class work, assignments and assessment tasks.

Common Forms of Plagiarism Downloading an assignment from an online source and submitting it as your own work Copying another student’s work and submitting it as your own work Copying information from a web site, book, magazine etc. and presenting it as your own Copying sentences or paragraphs from someone else’s work (essay or book) Quoting a source word for word without using quotation marks.

Avoiding PlagiarismTeachers at BSC will educate and remind students about plagiarism, how to reference and acknowledge sources and the use of bibliographies.

What are the consequences?Each faculty supports the policy and may penalise students if plagiarism occurs. Such penalties could include:

deduction of marks a zero mark being awarded a repeat of the assessment task an “N” award etc.

The above material was sourced from http:/

63BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Suspicion ofplagiarism

Class teacherinvestigates Refer to HT

Appeal to DPif required

Class teacherinforms student

of decision Consequence

If confirmed

No action

Not confirmed NoYes

Board of Studies – Key Words

DefineState meaning and identify essential qualities.

Define the whole term.

Demonstrate Show by example. Use 2 or 3 examples from different areas. Link back to the topic frequently.

Distinguish Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from to note differences between.

State why it is different.

Examine Inquire into. State what you looked at.Extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details. Look for the most important bit.Extrapolate Infer from what is known. Make a prediction from the data. State the information you

used and how it gave you the answer.Interpret Draw meaning from. Use all the data to state a single idea.Investigate Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about. Write as a prac report/experiment. Make sure you link your

results to your conclusion.Predict Suggest what may happen based on available

information.Based on the data make a prediction. Link the data to your prediction. Draw support from a variety of sources.

Recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences.

Dot points if not enough time – cover the whole topic.

Recommend Provide reasons in favour. Supporting statements each with a reason. No contradiction.Recount Retell a series of events. List in order.

Leave spaces between in case you need to add a point.Dot point and then number when finished.

Synthesis Putting together various elements to make a whole.

Think of the “big picture” and how all the data fits together.State the common points in separate pieces of information/data.

Account Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of: narrate a series of events or transactions.

State the difference or similarity – then give at least one reason why.The reason gets the extra mark.

Apply Use, utilise and employ in a particular situation.

“Because this works in a particular way. In this situation it will …………….”

Appreciate Make a judgement about the value of. Give your reasons with at least one related example.Calculate Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures

or information.Link your answer to the facts or figures.“Show your working out in written form”.

Clarify Arrange or include in classes/categories. Give the reason for your classification scheme. Use a table if appropriate.

Compare Show how things are similar of different. State both sides (advantages and disadvantages, this technique vs the other).

Construct Make; build; put together items or arguments.

Build using paragraphs of discussion and then a conclusion. If an argument then for and against could be presented in a table.It could be a visual representation eg Timeline.

Contrast Show how things are different or opposite. Just look for differences. State or explain why or give an example.

Critically analyse/evaluate

Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to analysis/evaluation.

Use your knowledge. Evaluate the response/data. Make sure you state the data/evidence that supports your point of view.

Deduce Draw conclusions. State the data you have used to make a conclusion.Analyse Identify components and the relationship

between them; draw out and relate implications.

List the important points. State the differences and or similarities between points in separate pieces of information/data.

Assess Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size.

Give your reasons.State the given data you have used.Make a conclusion.

Describe Provide argument characteristics and features.

Give details.

Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against.

State both sides.State the data you have used to make a conclusion on one side or the other.

Identify Recognise and name. State what you are looking at.Give details.

Justify Support an argument or conclusion. State your reasons with related examples link it to your conclusion/argument.

Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of.

Look at “big picture”.State main parts.

Summarise Express, concisely, the relevant details. Look at “big picture”.Pick out main details.

64BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code


Section C1 Independent evidence of illness: to be completed by a medical practitioner

Section C2:Independent evidence of misadventure: to be completed by a relevant person such as a police officer or Counsellor

Date of misadventure event:: Were you a witness to the event? Yes / No If No how did you obtain the evidence you are providing? Are you known to the student? Yes / No If Yes, nature of relationship: Description of event: Name: Profession: Place of work / organisation:

65BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code

Bankstown Senior College, in line with the Board of Studies procedures, advises that students should attend examinations and submit assessment tasks unless it is considered detrimental to their health. Students who are unwell or experience misadventure must seek independent medical advice either immediately before or after each task OR examination AND present this medical certificate to the Head teacher on their first day back to college.The person completing Section C1 or C2 must NOT be related to the student. Independent evidence of illness – complete Section C1.

Diagnosis of medical condition:

Date of onset of illness:

Date(s) and time(s) of all consultations / meetings relating to this illness:

Please describe how the student’s condition/symptoms could affect their examination performance. (If the student was unable to attend an examination, it is essential that you provide full details in the space provided or on additional sheet(s) and attach them to the application.)

Any other comments or information which may assist in the assessment of the student’s appeal. (If there is not enough space, please attach additional sheet(s).)

Please note that any fee for providing this report is the responsibility of the student.

Name of doctor or other health professional providing this information :


Place of work/organisation:


Contact phone: Signed: Date:

Address: Contact Phone: Date:


We would like to know that the students and/or their families have received, read and understood the Bankstown Senior College Assessment Policy Booklet.

It is of vital importance that all students and parents of students under the age of 18 years are fully aware of the college’s policy for assessment and the various procedures involved in this area.

We would like to highlight the following points:

Students must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks, which contribute in excess of 50% of the available marks.

Students who fail to submit or are absent for an assessment task WILL HAVE A “0” MARK RECORDED for that task, UNLESS a valid reason with appropriate documentation is provided on the first day back to college.

Please contact the college and make an appointment with the Year Advisor to discuss any aspect of the Assessment policy, which you do not understand or need further clarification.Students – Please return this signed reply note to your Mentor teacher during the next timetabled lesson. If you are under 18 years of age, your parent or caregiver must sign the reply as well.

PLEASE SIGN HEREI have read the Bankstown Senior College Assessment Policy. I understand the policy and procedures for Assessment and accept responsibility for meeting all assessment requirements.

____________________________ ____________________________

Parent/Caregiver signature Student Signature



66BANKSTOWN SENIOR COLLEGE – Prelim Assessment Handbook 2013NSW Department of Education & Communities – Schools CRICOS Provider Code