
Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Band

Marketing and PR Presentation


ObjectivesWhat are the objectives for this project?The objectives of this project are to sell CD’s, sell merchandise, and promote the band to gain a larger audience and make more people aware of them and their music style. We would want to double our fan base size by the time we have reached our album goal.

Who do you want to target?We would like to target people in their late teens, or whom are in their early twenties. We could possibly target an audience who are in their College and University years as well.

How many records do you want to sell?Giving they have already released two albums, we would be hoping to get more sales than before on this one. We would be hoping to sell about 30,000 records this time within the first year of it’s release.

What would make this a successful exercise?We could make this a successful exercise by creating posters and a Facebook fan page which will promote the band and the upcoming album release. The more publicity the album gets and the more people that know about the new release, the more people there will be likely to buy it and listen, recommending it to friends and family if they like it.


Band Profile

Name: Class Of Nuke ‘Em High

Album Name: Chaos and Whim

Age: 21, 29, 25.

Previous releases:• My Fellow Americans (2005)• Bloody Mary Mix (2009)

Genre: Punk/Rock

Style: • Leather jackets• Ripped Jeans• Boots• Dark, ripped t-shirts• Safety pins and studs• Chains• Eyeliner and dark make-up

Contemporaries:• Billy Idol• Adam and The Ants• As friends Rust• Black Lungs• Break Even• Cancer Bats• Cobra Skull


Think SMARTSpecific: Is there a clear aimThe specific aim of our project is to make album sales and to gain a larger audience, making the band more popular.

Measureable: How will you measure the effect?Our project/objective is measurable as we have stated a number of albums we could like to sell. This means we can see how close we are getting to our target and how far off we are.

Achievable: Is it something that you can do?Our goal is achievable in our opinions because the band has already sold 2 albums successfully so we raised the target goal for this one slightly as we have no reason for concern and the band has already achieved a strong fan base containing a niche audience.

Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen?We feel this goal is realistic as it has been a few years since the last album release. This means more people have had the chance to discover the band and get into their style of music. It also means existing fans will be anticipating the new release and will want to buy it straight away, as well as talking to friends and family about it causing word of mouth and getting more people interested.

Time-related: Are there timescales for your project?We have set the timescale of wanting 30,000 album sales within the first year of it’s release. We have also set the timescale of wanting to gain a larger audience and double our fan base by the time we have sold 30,000 albums.



Who is the audience for this band?

What age are they?• Late teens and early 20’s. • College and University students.

What do they look like?• Punk-like. • Typically following the punk fashion and trends.

Why do they like this band?Because they are interested in finding a new, modern Punk band, but are fond of the older Punk style.

Who else do they like?• Billy Idol• Break Even• Cancer Bats



What magazines might they get in to?• Maximum Rock ‘n’ Roll• KERRANG!

What TV channels would they be on? • KERRANG!• MTV• 4Music

Which radio stations would play their music?• KERRANG!• Maximum Rock ‘n’ Roll• Devil’s Night Radio!• Anarchy and Angels

Who would they give interviews to?• KERRANG!• Maximum Rock ‘n’ Roll

Which forms of social media would you use?• Facebook• Twitter• YouTube

How would you use social media?• Promote the band• Tour dates• Album release dates• Competitions and giveaways



What merchandise would you use to promote this band?• T-shirts• Bags• Badges and patches• Concert DVD’s• CD’s• Wrist bands• Hats• Programme• Posters• Jewellery• Jumpers/hoodies• Lanyards• Belts• Dolls and figurines• Guitar picks• Flags• Pens


Manage the message

What is the message you want to communicate about this band?The message this band is giving is that they don’t care if you are not particularly a Punk, and if you listen to their band and would consider yourself a fan they would treat you like the rest of their fans, whether they be Punk or not. Basically, you do not have to fit into the typical stereotype of a Punk, as long as you enjoy their music.

What is the main selling point of the band and the album? This band creates modern punk music, with inspiration from Billy Idol and Adam and the Ants, but they have an older Punk style, with the traditional traits such as studs, leather, safety pins, ripped clothing and dark makeup.



“You’ll die of regret if you don’t buy the album.”

“Class Of Nuke ‘Em High are out of this world.”

“The songs will never get old.”

“You’ll never get better than this.”

“Chaos and Whim is the best Punk album of 2013.”



What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album?

Our band would play gigs in small clubs and restricted areas, or smaller festivals. They would play somewhere that is not well known or exactly “mainstream”. They wouldn’t appear on a TV chat show because they’re a niche band and there is only a small group of people that would listen to their music. Plus, because they are not particularly a well-known band it would be difficult to be able to appear on a chat show. They wouldn’t go on a huge arena tour as they would want to remain a niche band and we could put up posters in popular Punk hang-outs which would give details of where the band was doing a gig. The posters could also be placed around various areas where they would be seen by the target audience of the band, e.g. Colleges, University’s, and alternative shops.