Ban on Homework Monologue

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Ban on Homework Monologue

BAN ON HOMEWORKFrom 102 Monologues for Middle School Actors by Rebecca Young

I just heard the most amazing news! I never thought my mom being on the school board could be a good thing, but because of her, I just got the biggest scoop ever.

Get this. They’re thinking about banning homework. Can you believe that? I thought my mom was just trying to prank me last night when she told us that at dinner, but my friend Heather just heard it, too! They’re going to vote on it at next month’s meeting after they hold a debate over the pros and cons.

Hello? What can possibly be the cons? Everything is a pro! No more late nights doing page after page of math problems that I’ll never need to know in real life. No more projects that take all weekend to complete. No more summer reading projects that completely ruin the whole entire summer. Even if they don’t take that long to really do, they’re hanging over you head the whole time. It’s like this huge weight on your shoulders. Who can enjoy summer like that? Weighted down with stress and worry. We’re supposed to be having fun! Living it up. I f I wanted to work all summer, I’d get a job. A paying one. Not reading some stupid thick book that I would never ever pick to read on my own, and then making some lame collage or shadow box about it.

Clearly I’m all for a homework ban. I say, “Free the nights! Free the summers!” Let us have some time off. “Free our brains!” That can be the slogan. I’ll go tell Mom. I’ll make her a sign. She can hold it up at next month’s meeting. She can be the one to start the revolution. She’ll be the coolest mom ever! (Mime picking up a piece of paper) Wait! What’s this? Pro homework? Are you kidding me? Mom!! We need to talk!