Ball and Chain

Post on 12-Jul-2016

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A really stupid short about relationships.

Transcript of Ball and Chain


Written by

Clive Makong'o



We watch from a distance as BEN COLLINS (14) sits at a bench. He looks around, takes out his phone, dialling. It rings for a moment before going to voice mail.

BENHey Sarah. I’m just calling to find out where you are. I’m at the park, waiting.

He sighs, hanging up.


Ben still sits at the park. It’s gotten slightly darker. Almost no-one is still here.

SARAH (14) walks up to Ben, quiet with a sombre air about her. She reaches him, standing silently in front of him. Ben looks up at her, hiding his annoyance.



BENWhere were you?

SARAHI’m sorry.

BENI called you.

SARAHI know. I just...

BENI’ve been here for a long time.

SARAHI think we should break up.

Silence. Ben stares at her, saying nothing.

SARAH (CONT’D)I’m sorry.

She turns and leaves the park. Ben sits there, staring out at the distance.


Ben walks down the stairs, a camping bag over his shoulder. He reaches the bottom and stops.

BEN(calling out)


A moment.

The the door at the end of the hall swings open. It’s dark in there. We can just about make out the silhouette of a WOMAN. She stands motionless, shrouded in darkness.

Ben is slightly startled as he looks on. Behind her we can see the faint flicker of a screen, barely illuminating a MAN sitting on a chair.

BEN (CONT’D)Oh mom. Erm... I’m going now.

She says nothing, standing completely still.

BEN (CONT’D)I’ll see you tomorrow.

He heads for the door, stopping to look back for a moment. The door slowly closes as Ben watches.


Ben, MALCOLM ANDREWS (13), JAMES NELSON (14), ALEX STEVENS (14) and HARRY LEWIS (13) sit together around a table, playing poker. A big pile of snacks sits in the middle of the table.

Ben looks down at his cards. He’s got nothing. He looks around at the others, checking for any signs. Everyone’s got their cards close.

A tension hangs in the air.


JAMESAre you gonna bet or what?

BENI’m thinking.



We all know you’ve got nothing. Just fold.

BENFolding is for losers.

ALEXJesus. Just go dude.

BENAlright then. I’ll go.

He dramatically pushes in all his food into the centre. Groans around the table.

MALCOLMAre you serious.

BENDamn right. You got the balls?

Harry, Malcolm and Alex all throw their cards down, folding.

BEN (CONT’D)Thought so.

He turns to James.


James looks up at him, eyes narrowed. Ben looks back, putting on his best look of confidence.

JAMESYou sure talk a big game.

Uh oh. A bead of sweat slowly makes it’s way down his neck. James notices it, his grin widening. Ben discreetly wipes it away.

It’s too late.

JAMES (CONT’D)Alright. If you insist.

James goes all in. The rest of the table looks on in awe.

JAMES (CONT’D)What you got Ben?


Ben looks down at his cards. Sighing in defeat, he puts the cards down on the table.

Absolutely nothing.

The table CRACKS UP. Ben looks on at them, annoyed.

BENYeah whatever.

HARRYWhy didn’t you just fold.

BENShut up man.

ALEXThat was so dumb.

James rakes in all the food.

JAMESAll the better for me.

Ben sits sulking as Alex deals out cards for the next round.

ALEX(to Ben)

None for you.

Off Ben, sulking.


The boys lie in sleeping bags looking up at the roof.

ALEX(to Malcolm)

So how’s it going with Samantha?

MALCOLMUgh. She’s so annoying. I dumped her.

HARRYWhat? When?




MALCOLMShe was just so needy. Always telling me to do stuff for her.

HARRYWell did you guys ever... Do anything?


No. All she wanted to do was hold hands.


BENThat’s girls for you. Always want something and they give nothing in return. You can’t trust them.

JAMESIt was the same with Megan.

BENScrew women.


BENI say we make a pact. No more women.

HARRYWoah, hold on...

BENI’m serious. They’re just trouble.

HARRYBut still...

BENNo buts. They’re no good.

ALEXI’m down.

JAMESMe too.


BENLet’s do it.

Ben gets up from his sleeping bag. The rest follow suit, facing each other in a circle.

He places his hand in the centre. They look at each other for a moment and put their hands in the centre.

BEN (CONT’D)From now on, we will not bother with girls. We shall treat them as the deceitful, manipulative creatures they truly are.


They break the circle with a celebratory WHOOP.



LEGEND: 10 years later.

BEN (24) sits at a table, staring sternly across at JANE (26). He’s lean and sharp, on his guard. She looks back at him uncomfortably, shaken by his intensity.

BENSo, what do you do?

JANEErm... I’m write articles for a magazine.

BENReally? What kind?

JANEA fashion magazine.

BENHuh. That must be nice.

JANEI enjoy it. What about you?

BENMe? I own a few restaurants.

Jane’s eyes widen in surprise.


JANEWow. Really?


JANEHow? That’s insane. You’re so young.

BENWell they were my dad’s. But he died so I got them.

JANEOh I’m sorry.

BENIt’s alright, it was a while ago.

JANEHow did he...

BENHe... had an accident.

An awkward beat. Jane sips her wine.

JANEErm, so how many do you own?

Ben eyes her, calculating.


JANEWow. That’s so many. You must be doing well.

He scoffs loudly, stunning Jane.

BENI knew it.


BENAll you care about is money.

JANEWha --


BENYou’re all the same.

He gets up, throwing his napkin on the table.



He walks out, leaving Jane sitting at the table alone. She groans in frustration. Eyeing him in rage as he leaves. A hint of something vicious in her eyes.

She SLAMS THE TABLE, startling the people around her.



Ben’s car pulls into a large house, parking. He gets out, heading for the door.


Ben walks into the house. Heading into the living room. He sits on the couch, turning on the TV. RYAN (25) walks up behind him, holding a beer bottle.

RYANYou want one?


He heads to the kitchen.

RYAN (O.S.)How did your date go?

BENSame as usual.

RYAN (O.S.)Goddammit Ben.

Ryan walks in, holding another beer. He hands it to Ben, taking a seat next to him.


RYAN (CONT’D)Did you even try?

BENYes I tried. It just didn’t work out.

Ryan shakes his head.

RYANOh you got a message by the way.

BENWhat was it?

RYANSome guy called Malcolm. Apparently you went to school together.

BENOh, yeah. I remember him.

RYANOh good. That would’ve been awkward. Anyway, he’s getting married.

Ben double takes.

BENWhat? Malcolm?

RYANYup. He wanted the address so he could send you an invite.

Ben sits silently, shaken.

RYAN (CONT’D)And your mom called again. You should call her back.

Ben shoots him a look. He gets up, heading upstairs.


It’s a quiet bar. A few people sitting around by themselves. Ben, HARRY (23) JAMES(24) and MALCOLM (23) sit somberly at a booth sipping drinks.

They each wear extravagant hats that really don’t work with the mood. It’s a lame way to spend a stag night. Awkward looks around the table.


HARRYSo where’s Alex?

MALCOLMErm, he wasn’t able to make it. He’s on holiday with his girlfriend’s family.


JAMESWho else is coming?

MALCOLM-- It’s just you guys.


MALCOLMSh -- We didn’t want to do anything crazy.

Awkward silence.

JAMESSo who’s the lucky lady?

MALCOLMYou remember Samantha?

A moment as they try to recall.

BENFrom school?


HARRYNo way.

JAMESHow did that happen?

An odd look on Malcolm’s face as he tries to remember.

MALCOLMI don’t know. It just sort of happened.


HARRYHmm. It feels the same with Ellen. One day you’re friends and the next, you’re just head over heels.

A skeptical look on Ben and James’ face.






No really. What did you mean by that?

Ben sighs.

BENI just don’t believe in that.

JAMESYeah. That seems a little ridiculous.

Harry and Malcolm are visually offended.

HARRYRidiculous? How can you say that?

JAMESThat just doesn’t seem reasonable.

BENI’ve never met a woman that I can say that about.

MALCOLMYou just haven’t met the right one.

James and Ben scoff loudly.

JAMESOh come on. That’s what everyone says. I mean, what are the odds that there’s a person out there that’s exactly right for you?



As Harry and Malcolm move to respond but something -- happens. They struggle for a moment, their faces straining.

James and Ben are stunned. Speechless, as they watch.

Then they glaze over. James and Ben look to each other, flabbergasted.

For a moment they just sit there, unblinking and completely still. Ben and James can’t even move.

Then they start muttering something, quietly to themselves, in unison. We can’t hear it but it is creepy.

Slowly, they start to come back. They blink slowly, recovering.

And they’re back to normal. Sipping their drinks like nothing happened. Ben and James look at each other, still just dumbstruck.

HARRYHey who are you guys gonna come with?



HARRYTo the wedding. Who are you going to bring?

Ben stares at him.

BENAre you... Do you not...


He blinks for a moment, thinking.


I need the bathroom.

He shoots up to his feet, gesturing to James. He takes a moment to get it.


JAMESOh right. Yeah me too.

He stands up and they head for the bathroom, looking back at the table constantly as they walk away.


Ben and James walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.

JAMESWhat the hell was that?

BEN I don’t know.

JAMESThat was the strangest --

BENThis whole thing is really weird. Why are we the only ones here? I didn’t even hear he was engaged.

JAMESAnd where the hell is everyone else? It can’t just be us.

BENSomething’s going on.


The four guys stand outside the bar, ready to go home. They’re all pretty sober. It was a lame stag night.

HARRYWell, I’m off. Ellen’s going to be waiting for me.

BENWell see you tomorrow.

JAMESYeah, have a good night.

MALCOLMI’m actually going to head back too. Need to be well rested. Big day tomorrow.


Ben and James glance at each other.

BENThat sounds like a good idea. Guess that’s it for the night.

JAMESAnd Malcolm, congratulations.


The two go their separate ways.

Ben and James stand together, watching them go.

BENWhich one should we follow?

JAMESLets split up. I’ll take Malcolm and you go with Harry.

BENAlright. I’ll call you as soon as I see anything.



Malcolm gets out of a taxi, heading into the hotel. A few moments later, another taxi pulls up and James steps out, collar high above his ears, trying to be discreet.

He follows inside.

In front of us, a FIGURE steps forward. Clearly a woman, judging by the high heels, but we can’t tell much else.. The woman stands for a moment, watching James.

Then she heads inside.


Harry walks up to his door, taking out his keys. Ben watches intently from a taxi across the street. Harry enters the house.


Ben quickly pays the man, getting out and slinking across the road and around the house. He crouches low as he makes his way around, passing under windows.

He reaches the back, stopping at the living room window. He peeks into the house carefully. A deathly silence as he observes.

Inside, Harry walks into the sitting room. ELLEN (25) sits on the sofa, sulking. She notices him walk in, giving him the cold shoulder.

He says something we can’t hear, and she doesn’t respond. He looks at her, noticing her mood. His head drops and he moves to the sofa, trying to comfort her.

It doesn’t work. She’s cold as ice. Frustrated, he gets up, anger building on his face. He starts yelling. His muffled anger makes it to the window.

She turns to him, shocked at the outburst. He’s still going, yelling louder and louder. She starts to look more and more worried.

It’s so fast. She shoots up, SMASHING A VASE ON HIS HEAD.

Harry collapses instantly, slumped over the sofa. She sighs heavily, leaving the room. Ben’s eyes almost pop out as he watches.


Holy shit.

She comes back inside, carrying a large handbag. She sets it on the floor, struggling to move Harry onto the couch, sitting upright.

She goes for her bag, taking out -- something.

It’s mechanical but crude, a mess of wires, lights and metal. She starts working, untangling the wires, sticking them on Harry’s head, chest and neck.

She places a metal bowl on his head. Ben stares on, perplexed.

She plugs in the machine and it slowly starts lighting up. She grabs a remote from the handbag, a hefty thing, and proceeds to adjust the dials.

Then she presses a button and the machine begins to WHIR. The lights go nuts, flashing wildly.


Harry shoots up in his seat, eyes wide open. Ellen walks in front of him.

She starts saying something. And he repeats it. Then she says something else. And he repeats it.

Ben looks on in horror. He slowly backs away from the window, reaching frantically for his phone.

He sprints to the road, dialling. He continues running down the sidewalk with his phone to his ear. James picks up.

JAMESHey. What’s up.


James! Something fucked up is going on! Harry’s girlfriend just knocked him out and then she put this shit on his head and it was glowing and he started repeating what she said it was so fucked.

JAMESWoah. Slow down.

BENDid anything happen with Malcolm.

JAMESWhat are you talking about?

BENWith Malcolm. Did anything weird happen?

JAMESI’m not with Malcolm.

BENWhat? You were following him.

JAMESNo I wasn’t.


JAMESI went straight home.

Ben stops, trying to understand.


Then it dawn on him.


He drops his phone turning around.

In front of him stands a WOMAN, wearing a hood. She holds a bat in her hand.

Then it comes at him, way to fast to dodge.

And he’s out.





Slowly, Ben’s eyes blink open. He’s groggy, his head hangs low. He’s drained.


He sits tied to a chair, with several shadowy WOMEN attaching nodes to his chest. We see the same bowl on his head. In front of him the dim glow of a screen.

He realises what’s going on desperately trying to shake free from his ties. He’s too weak. He can barely move.



They don’t.

BEN (CONT’D)What are you doing?

They tighten his ropes, raising his head towards the screen and locking it in a brace.

BEN (CONT’D)Who are you?!

A woman steps in front of him, hidden in the darkness.


WOMANWe are women.

BENWhat are you doing to me?

WOMANWe’re just going to... fix you.

She heads for the TV, turning it on. A weird TONE plays, followed by several blinking dots.

BENWhat is this? What’s happening.

WOMANDon’t worry. It’ll be over soon.

She grabs a remote on the table, adjusting the dials.

BENPlease. Don’t do this.

She stops adjusting the dials, turning to Ben.

WOMANBelieve me. This is for your own good.

She presses a button and immediately Ben shoots up in his seat. The lights start up, the TONE gets louder and they TV starts flashing images very quickly.

She steps out, closing the door behind her.

Ben sits there SCREAMING for help. Tears start streaming down his face as he slowly gives up.





It’s bright. Ben sits at a table, sipping a coffee whilst working on his laptop.


A few moments later, Jane (from the date) walks in, chipper and walks up behind Ben.

She reaches him, dropping down and kissing him on the cheek.

Ben smiles turning around.

BENHey baby. What happened?

JANEOh I got stuck in traffic.

He stands up, hugging her tightly. He pulls out a chair for her.

BENYou want any coffee?

JANENo thanks. I’m good.

Ben smiles sitting down. He goes back to typing. Jane looks at him, eyes narrowed. He notices the look, turning to her.


JANEYou said no work.

BENI’m sorry. It’s just an emergency came up so I have to get this done.

He goes back to typing again. Jane isn’t pleased.

JANEYou promised.

BENI know I did, but this is really important.

JANESo, more important than me?

BENI didn’t say that. This is just more urgent.

JANEWell you promised.


BENWhat don’t you get? I have to finish this, it’s an emergency. I mean seriously -


Benjamin Collins.

Ben stops short, stiffening in his seat. His eyes glaze over.

JANE (CONT’D)You will stop working and you will spend quality time with me.

BENI will stop working and I will spend quality time with you.

JANEGood. You can come back now.

Ben blinks, looking around in slight confusion. The confusion fades and he looks down at his computer, then up at Jane.

BENYou know what. This can wait.

He closes the laptop, turning to her with a smile.

BEN (CONT’D)So, how’ve you been?

As she starts to talk, smiling broadly, we slowly PULL BACK from them, getting a view of all the other couples in the shop.

We pull back further, leaving the shop and PANNING ACROSS the couples walking together on the street. Each of them laughing, smiling and just having a great time.

We flash across several different men, each arm in arm with a woman, in different areas, across shopping malls, restaurants, having picnics or

And deep in their eyes, each and every one of them, lies a deep deep sadness.



