Balanced score card model of BSNL mohnish case analysis

Post on 14-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Balanced score card model of BSNL mohnish case analysis

Presentation on case formulation On

Impact Of Implementation Of Balanced Business Score Card (BBSC) On

Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study Of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL)

Presented by:Mohnish Wakte Sem IVSec R(P)

• Ans 1:• This gives to make a relationship

between the employees and the motivation level is increased by adopting the model in positive manner and give the employer a organizational acceptance to the organization.

• Makes the employee the clear vision and strategy to get the profit ,learning and involvement in the organization growth.

• Ans 2:• It gives to obtain the different components of

Organizational Effectiveness are - Organisation’s Mission & Goals, Acceptance Level of BSC, Satisfaction level with Remuneration & Benefits, Employee- Management Relations, Employees’ Motivation Levels,

• Employees’ Commitment & Enthusiasms, Employees’ Responsibility Levels, Participative Leadership,

• Need to change the format of BSC, Employees’ Growth Opportunities.

• The clarity of Organisation’s Mission & Goals is indicates belongingness of BSNL Employees. with organisation .

• Employees feel that targets given in Balanced Business Scorecard (BSC) would help BSNL

meet competition.• Increase the participation and mutual

consultation while setting Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) & Key Result Area (KRAs) and targets in BBSC.

This case is about the implementation of different models like Balanced Score Card Model and Organizational Effectiveness Model on BSNL and their effect on the employee satisfaction ,motivation commitment as well as organizational commitment.

Bsnl is very much need of such type models as there is low increase in the growth of the BSNL in the market and this model like balanced score model will definitely help them to make their employee as effective to perform for the organization

Strength: Balanced score card and other models

applied on BSNL. Motivatonal and coordination of the

employees. Weakness: No weaknesses

Opportunity : This will help to make growth in the

market. Models give references to get the

opportunity and find mission ,goals etc from the models.

Threats: May affect or unacceptable from the


BSNL is facing problem from their employees as they are not concentrating on the organizational level.

Also the growth is not according to the market.

Take the advantages of the both the models impact on the employees and take the advantage of that impact.

Employees should be motivated to take the learning from the models.

Learn employees to give future growth and growth of the employees.

Make the employees aware of the profit and include them to take part in the growth by using the models .

As this models give different solution and if the employee and different organization teams coordinate than BSNL will definitely grow and give a good competition to other players in the market.

Thank you