Bainbridge High School Alumni Banquet 2021 June 26, 2021 ...

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Transcript of Bainbridge High School Alumni Banquet 2021 June 26, 2021 ...

Bainbridge High School Alumni Banquet – 2021 June 26, 2021 @ Bainbridge, IN Community Bldg.

President Carolyn Roth Hiser from the BHS Class of 1967 welcomes the 192 alumni and friends attending the 106th BHS Alumni banquet.

Our military veterans lead everyone in the pledge to the U.S. flag.

Thursa Etcheson Evens (BHS 1945) shared greetings from the Bainbridge Improvement Society (BIS) that operates the Bainbridge Community Building. She also introduced alumni from classes prior to 1950.

Former BHS faculty attending the banquet included (L-R) vo-ag instructor Harold Doremire and coach Pat Rady.

On the right is BHS Alumni vice president Patty Minnick (BHS 1967) who emceed the program.

Both the 2020 and 2021 winners of the Bainbridge High School Alumni scholarship were recognized at the banquet. Shown (L-R) 2020 scholarship winner Josie Lyons, BHS Alumni scholarship committee chairman Janet Houser O’Hair (BHS 1969) and 2021 scholarship winner Reghan Christy.

Janet also discussed the current “Share the Dream” program at the Putnam County Community Foundation and the plaque shown below that recognizes all those who helped in 2019 raise an added $30,000 for the BHS Alumni endowment. The framed paintings donated by Rick Johnston “The Bearded Painter” are now on permanent display.

Over 20 North Putnam High School graduates who attended Bainbridge until it was consolidated in 1969 are shown standing for recognition.

Among those who identified themselves in this BHS/NPHS group on their registration forms included, in no particular order: Mike Clodfelter, 1970; Mike Martin, 1970; Mindy Martin, 1970; Ed McBride, 1970; Charlotte Osborn Tillett, 1970; Steve Miller, 1970; Pam Barton Miller, 1971; David Berry, 1971; Suzanne English Lachmayer, 1971; Elliot Lachmayer, 1971; Janice McCullough Montgomery, 1971; Frieda Poynter Dozier, 1971; Marilynne Clodfelter Phipps, 1971; Lynn Adamson Smith, 1971; Brenda Malicoat, 1972; Brenda McBride, 1972; Jim Robertson, 1974 and Teresa Robertson, 1974.

Dorothy Bettis Lukenbill introduced the BHS class of 1960 members attending and spoke briefly about her classmates.

Keith Lukenbill gave the response for the class of 1961 and introduced his classmates attending the banquet.



Front L-R Kay Cruse Abbott, Sara Bridges, Tom Parker and Ted Bock.

Back L-R Keith Lukenbill, Doretha Nicholson Morgan, Jim Lasley, Donna Witty Lasley, David Soots, Larry Parker, Don Hutcheson and Benny Chadd. Mary Lynn Hanks Emery

was in attendance but not available for the photo.

Carl Ferrand (BHS 1964) led the recognition of the outstanding BHS vocational agriculture program that existed from 1952 to 1969. Two national champion 4-H/FFA judging teams and several other top state teams came out of the program.

Carl shows off his BHS FFA jacket that is just a little short of fitting in 2021.

National champion BHS judging teams: on left is the 1954 National 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest Team Champions L-R Coach Norman Evens, Charles Nicholson, David Lane, Jerry Malayer & Marvin Bullerdick. On the right is the 1962 national FFA dairy judging team champions with names under photo.

At left seated is Harold Doremire, the last vo-ag teacher at BHS. In back are some of his former FFA members (L-R) Mike Clodfelter (NPHS 1970), Jim Robertson (NPHS 1974), Dennis O’Hair (BHS 1969) and Don Lambermont (BHS 1969.)

Lower left are Harold Doremire and Carl Ferrand visiting prior to banquet.

Below are (L-R) Jim Robertson, Teresa Robertson, Harold Doremire and Joyce Robertson.

Max Newgent (below left) from the BHS class of 1952 was honored as the alumnus that came the farthest to attend the banquet. He lives in Sebring, Florida. Honored as representing the most senior BHS class were the ladies in other photo from the 1945 class, on left is Thursa Etcheson Evens and on the right is Betty Young Gibbs. These 3 alumni will have contributions to the BHS Alumni Scholarship fund given in their honor.

The Hanks family was recognized as the BHS family with the most siblings attending the banquet. Seated (L-R) Emily Hanks Swords (BHS 1962), Linda Hanks (BHS 1966),Mary Lynn Hanks Emery (BHS 1961) and their first cousin Patsy Hanks McCammack.In back are: (L-R) John Hanks (BHS 1966) and Jim Hanks (BHS 1968.) Five siblings plus Patsy were in attendance. They received special BHS Alumni Banquet certificates.

Seven former BHS cheerleaders came forward to assist in leading everyone in singing the BHS school song to close out the banquet. Shown (L-R) are Marilyn O’Hair Winters (BHS 1965), Sara Bridges (BHS 1961), Darlene Buzzard Bee (BHS 1966), Janet Lents Clampitt (BHS 1969), Louise Buttery Miller (BHS 1963), Carol Evens McFarland (BHS 1969) and partially hidden in back is Pat O’Hair Martin (BHS 1969.)

The Class of 1964 had the most classmates present with 12 for the alumni banquet other than the 1961 honored class. Those from the ’64 class and their family members attending included: (seated L-R) Jackie Minnick Fowler, Rhonda Rossok, Beverly Caldwell, Kathy Dearinger Coffin and Linda Jackman Barnett. In middle row (L-R) Linda McCarty Everts, Deb Albin, Linda Snider, Kathy Reynolds Canada, Anita Ferrand, Marilyn O’Hair Winters, Roxanne Bell and Diana Ader. In back (L-R) are: Stanley Everts, Don Albin, Hal Snider, Jr., Gary Canada, Carl Ferrand, Steve Winters, Bill Houser, Don Bell and Alan Ader

Several members of the BHS class of 1952 and their family sat together at the banquet. On left from front to back are Doyne Priest, Dick Thompson, Dick’s son Bert Thompson and Bob Miles (BHS 1949.) On right from front to back are: Terry Newgent the son of the next shown attendee ‘52 classmate Max Newgent and Donna Mae Blois Miles (BHS 1952.) Doyne is also the webmaster for our BHS Alumni website.

BHS Alumni Assn. treasurer Joe Martin (BHS 1965) on left greets his cousins Doyne Cruse (BHS 1968) and Kay Cruse Abbott (BHS 1961.)

Assisting with distribution of name tags at the Banquet were (L-R) honorary BHS alumnus Diana Ader, Glenda Thompson Nelson (BHS 1966), honorary BHS alumnus Paula Martin and Marilyn O’Hair Winters (BHS 1965) who was elected as the new BHS Alumni Assn. vice president for 2021-2022.

Visiting just prior to the Banquet were (L-R) Louise Buttery Miller (BHS 1963), Roger Riggen (BHS 1967), current BHS Alumni Assn. recording secretary Pat O’Hair Martin (BHS 1969) and Brenda Brackney Heacock (BHS 1963.)

After the banquet Chyril Purcell Hoke (BHS 1968) and her good friend Sandy Wilding share a few moments of joy!

Photo on left includes (L-R) Janet Lents Clampitt (BHS 1969), Steve Winters (BHS 1964) and Gus Martin (BHS 1967.)

The other photo is of the BHS class of 1961 standing for recognition at the banquet. There were 13 members of the class in attendance.

Friends seated together prior to the banquet include: (L-R) Claire Stanley Winings (BHS 1958), Kaye Harlan Jeffries (BHS 1958) and Jim Harris.

Glenda Thompson Nelson (BHS 1966) and honorary BHS alumnus Jim Nelson (on left) welcome Norman Taylor (BHS 1966) and hiswife Pearl back home again in Indiana after many years in Arizona.

Detro family members shown together included:(L-R) Jessie Lukenbill Detro (BHS 1962), their daughter Shannon Detro along with Dan Detro (BHS 1959).

Members respectively from the BHS classes of 1964, 1965 & 1966. Shown (L-R) are Carl Ferrand (BHS 1964), Dick McFarland (BHS 1966) and Joe Martin (BHS 1965).

Rossok family share some farewell time together after the banquet. Shown (L-R) are Dean Rossok (BHS 1967) along with his wife Sandy Rossok and Bill Rossok’ssurviving spouse Rhonda Rossok.

On left is Bill Houser (BHS 1964) who was able to attend the BHS Alumni banquet for the first time since 1969. On right is fellow ‘64 classmate Carl Ferrand.

Photos & captions produced by Alan Ader, Rockville, Indiana