Bagel Bites

Post on 24-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Bagel Bites

  • 7/25/2019 Bagel Bites


    Wet mixture:1 cup+2tbsp barely warm water1 tbsp malt syrup1 tsp yeastCombine all and leave for a few minutes to activate yeast.

    Dry ingredients:

    3.5 cups plain flour (or you can use bread flour)2 tsp saltMix and add wet ingredients. Mix with a fork and knead with hands till you haveformed a smooth dough. Set aside in an oiled bowl for 45-60 mins.

    MEANWHILE, take a block of 250g cream cheese and form teaspoon balls (about 30).Place balls into freezer.

    Take dough out and punch down to release gas. Grab a handful, flatten and wrap aball of cream cheese inside. Place on parchment paper and continue till all dough and cheese balls are used up. Set aside, covered with tea towel, for about 20minutes.

    MEANWHILE, get the poaching liquid ready: 1.7litres water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp bicarb soda, 2 tbsp malt syrupBring to boil.

    Boil the bagel bites in the liquid for about 1-1.5 minutes. Place onto parchmentpaper, cover top with eggwash and topping of your choice (I used poppy seeds and sugar, you can add cinnamon, or garlic granules, or sesame seeds, or chives. Up to you).

    Oven: 165 degrees preheated, bake for 25-30 minutes till golden brown.