Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2029 -€¦ · Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan...

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Transcript of Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2018 - 2029 -€¦ · Badby Parish Neighbourhood Plan...

Badby Parish

Neighbourhood Plan

2018 - 2029


Basic Conditions Statement

March 2018

Table of Contents


Basis of Submission 1

Basic Conditions 1

Section 1: National Planning Policy Framework Policy and Advice

1.1 National Framework 2

1.2 BPNP fit with the NPPF Core Planning Principles 2

1.3 BPNP fit with Sustainability Objectives 4

Section 2: Sustainable Development

2.1 Requirement for Sustainability 6

2.2 BPNP fit with the three dimensions of Sustainable



Section 3: Local Planning Policies

3.1 Requirement 7

3.2 Conformity with Local Planning Policies 7

Section 4: European Union Obligations

4.1 Environmental Impact and Habitat Regulations 12

4.2 Human Rights 12

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 1


Basis of Submission

The draft Plan is submitted by Badby Parish Council, which is a qualifying body as defined by the Localism Act


The Parish Council applied to Daventry District Council for the designation of the whole of Badby Parish as a

Neighbourhood Area and the application was approved the Council on 26th February 2015

The draft Plan proposals relate to planning matters (the use and development of land) and have been prepared in

accordance with the statutory requirements and processes set out in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as

amended by the Localism Act 2011) and the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012

The draft Plan identifies the period to which it relates as 2018 to 2029

The draft Plan does not deal with county matters (mineral extraction and waste development), nationally

significant infrastructure or other matters set out in Section 61K of the Town and Planning Act 1990.

Badby Parish Council confirms that this draft Plan relates only to the Parish of Badby and to no other

Neighbourhood Areas and is the only Neighbourhood Development Plan in the designated area. No other

Neighbourhood Development Plan exists nor is in development for part or all of the designated area.

Basic Conditions

Paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires that Neighbourhood Plans must

meet the following basic conditions:

I. the draft Plan must have appropriate regard to national policies and advice contained in the National

Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

II. the draft Plan must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development

III. the draft Plan must be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development

plan for the area of the local planning authority

IV. the draft Plan is compatible with relevant EU obligations.

At an early stage of developing our draft Plan the Working Group produced an “Outline of the Basic Conditions

governing our Plan”. Whilst not forming part of the Plan itself, this was maintained on our website as a means of

ensuring that Planning Group Members and other interested parties had a clear understanding of what our Plan

could and could do and that debate on our policies was as well informed as possible.

Within the Plan itself, each policy is linked to specific higher-level guidance and a full list of over-arching

requirements is included as Appendix E to the Plan

This Basic Conditions Statement has been prepared as a formal statement of compliance and addresses the

requirements in four sections as follows:

Section 1 demonstrates the conformity of the Plan (BPNP) with the NPPF policies and advice

Section 2 shows how the BPNP will contribute to the NPPF requirement for sustainable development;

Section 3 demonstrates the conformity of the BPNP with the West Northants Joint Core Strategy (WNJCS)

and Daventry District Council Saved Adopted Local Plan Policies

Section 4 demonstrates compliance with the appropriate EU obligations.

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 2

Section 1: National Planning Policy Framework Policy and Advice

The National Planning Policy Framework was published in March 2012. It provides guidance to Local Authorities

and decision makers and lists 12 Core Planning Principles and 13 Sustainability Objectives against which plans will

be judged. To keep things simple our compliance with each list has been listed separately.

The underlying theme of “Sustainability” is further addressed in Section 2

NPPF Core Planning Principle How BPNP relates to guidance

1.Planning should be genuinely plan-led

empowering local people to shape their

surroundings with plans setting out a positive

vision for the area and addressing larger than local


The draft Plan supports a vision for the parish based on

appraisals, surveys and consultations, with goals that will

help deliver the community’s aspirations whilst embracing

wider issues

2.Planning should be a creative exercise in finding

ways to enhance and improve the places in which

people live their lives

The draft Plan reflects the strong local desire to protect the

existing natural and built environment with particular policies

covering Landscape and Countryside (B1), Open spaces (B5 &

B6) and Built Heritage (B3)

At the same time, it seeks to ensure the continued viability of

the parish by supporting limited housing growth(B2),

protecting community facilities(B4) and fostering existing

employment opportunities(B7)

3.Planning should proactively drive and support

sustainable economic development to deliver the

homes, business and industrial units,

infrastructure and thriving local places that the

country needs

As indicated more fully in Section 2, the draft Plan seeks to

balance the three dimensions of Sustainability whilst

reflecting local opinion and WNJCS and DDC policies. Policy

B2 supports limited housing growth, particularly that which

meets established local needs for affordable housing, and

Policy B7 supports the establishment of new businesses and

the development of home-working

4.Planning should always seek to secure high

quality design and a good standard of amenity for

all existing and future occupants of land and


Policy B2 of the draft Plan requires that new development is

generally in sympathy with its surroundings and is of a scale

which retains the rural form character of the village

Policies B3 underscores the requirement for sympathetic

development in that part of the village designated a

Conservation Area

1.11.1National Framework

1.2 BPNP Fit with NPPF Core Planning Principles

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 3

5.Planning should take account of the different

roles and character of different areas, promoting

the vitality of our main urban areas, protecting

the Green Belt around them, recognising the

intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside

and supporting thriving rural communities within


Policy B1 of the draft Plan recognises the importance of the

parish’s setting, not only to parishioners but to a wider local

community. It seeks to protect a number of important views

and limits new development to the Built Confines or

Exception Sites

6.Planning should support the transition to a low

carbon future in a changing climate, taking full

account of flood risk and coastal change, and

encourage the re-use of existing resources and

the use of renewable resources

The draft Plan makes a small contribution to carbon

reduction by focusing future development within the

Confines (and therefore within walking distance of principal

amenities) (Policy B), by asking Badby Parish Council to

safeguard bus services (Parish Action 8) and by encouraging


It also seeks to mitigate flood risk by ensuring that new

developments incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems and

are not located in areas designated at risk of flooding by the

Environment Agency (Policy B10)

7.Planning should contribute to conserving and

enhancing the natural environment and reducing

pollution. Allocations of land for development

should prefer land of lesser environmental value,

where consistent with other policies in the


As noted elsewhere, the landscape setting of the parish is

highly valued and Policy B1 of the draft Plan pays particular

attention to its protection and restricts land allocation to the

Built Confines or Exception Sites

8.Planning should encourage the effective use of

land by reusing land that has been previously

developed (Brownfield land) provided it is not of

high environmental value

Our draft Plan effectively meets this requirement by

restricting development to the Built Confines and precluding

further development in open countryside.

9.Planning should promote mixed-use

developments and encourage multiple benefits

from the use of land in urban and rural areas,

recognising that some open land can perform

many functions

The draft Plan explicitly recognises the multiple benefits of

recreational use of the open countryside (Policy B1), green

spaces (Policy B5) and Local Amenity Spaces(B6) and seeks to

protect them for this reason.

10.Planning should conserve heritage assets in a

manner appropriate to their significance, so that

they can be enjoyed for their contribution to the

quality of life for this and future generations

The draft Plan includes a policy B3 to conserve heritage


11.Planning should actively manage patterns of

growth to make fullest use of public transport,

walking and cycling, and focus significant

development in locations which are or can be

made sustainable

By restricting development to the Built Confines, the draft

plan effectively ensures that new developments are within

walking distance of parish amenities and local transport


BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 4

12.Planning should take account of and support

local strategies to improve health, social and

cultural wellbeing for all, and deliver sufficient

community and cultural services to meet local


Policies B1, B5 &B6, relating to the countryside, greens and

Local Amenities underpin a healthy outdoor environment

whilst B4 supports other community facilities, including a

very well used Village Hall

1.3 BPNP Fit with the NPPF Sustainability Objectives

NPPF Sustainability Objective How BPNP relates to guidance

SO1 Build a strong competitive economy generally

Recognising and seeking to address potential barriers to

growth including a lack of housing

Policy B2 of the draft Plan supports

the provision of more housing to meet

established local needs

Policy B7 supports improvements in

the communications infrastructure to

facilitate home-working

SO2 Ensure the vitality of town centres Not applicable

SO3 Support a prosperous rural economy

Encouraging the expansion of all types of business and

enterprise in rural areas which respect the countryside,

including rural tourism and leisure enterprises and the

development and diversification of agricultural and other

land-based businesses

Policy B1 recognises the particular

value the parish’s setting and seeks to

protect it for the benefit, not only of

parishioners, but the many visitors

who help maintain the viability of

pubs and other enterprises

Policy B4 recognises the contribution

existing community facilities make to

the life and prosperity of the parish

and seeks to ensure their continued


Policy B7 supports in particular

measures to support the growth of


SO4 Promote sustainable transport

Seeking to reduce congestion and greenhouse gas emissions

Ensuring that safe and suitable access to any proposed site

can be achieved for all people and

Protecting and exploiting the use of sustainable transport

modes (e.g. walking & cycling)

Policy B9 lays down requirements in

respect of new developments and

Parish Council Actions arising from

the Plan deal with other matters as


PA 4 deals with the maintenance of

rights of way

PA 10 supports the establishment of

cycle ways in the area

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 5

PAs 6 & 7 request action on parking

and speeding

PA 8 relates to support for local bus


SO5 Support a high-quality communications infrastructure

Recognizing that improvements in broadband and other

communications technology can improve the quality of life

and reduce travel needs

The draft Plan supports improvements

in the telecommunications

infrastructure in Policy B7 and a Parish

Action is included at PA 9

SO6 Deliver a wide choice of high quality homes

In rural areas being responsive to local circumstances and

planning housing development to reflect local needs,

particularly affordable housing and

Locating housing where it will enhance or maintain the vitality

of rural communities and avoiding new isolated homes in the

countryside unless special circumstances demand them

Policy B2 supports the provision of

affordable housing to meet

established local needs.

By requiring development to be within

the Built Confines, it complies with

guidance on location

SO7 Require good design

Ensuring that local and neighbourhood plans include robust

and comprehensive policies that set out the quality of

development expected and

Responding to local character and history and reflecting local

surroundings and materials, while not preventing or

discouraging appropriate innovation

Policies B2 and B3 of the draft Plan

include policies which are designed to

protect the built heritage without

being overly proscriptive

SO8 Promote healthy communities

Planning positively for the provision & retention of shared

space and community facilities

Protecting & enhancing public rights of way & access

Policies B1, B5 &B6, relating to the

countryside, greens and Local

Amenities underpin a healthy outdoor

environment whilst B4 supports other

community facilities, including a very

well used Village Hall

SO9 Protect Green Belt land Not applicable

SO10 Meet the challenge of climate change and flooding

Planning for new development in locations and ways which

reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Supporting the transition to a low carbon future in a changing

climate, taking full account of flood risk and encouraging the

re-use of existing resources and the use of renewable ones


As outlined in 1.2 above contributions

to CO2 reduction come from

Policy B2 by focussing development

within the Confines

Policy B7 by encouraging home-


Parish Action 8 by asking Badby Parish

Council to safeguard bus services

Flood risk is addressed in Policy B10

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 6

SO11 Conserve and enhance the natural environment

Protecting & enhancing valued landscapes

Minimising impacts on bio-diversity, protecting, in particular,

areas of ancient woodland and land within or outside

designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Policy B1 seeks to protect the

surrounding countryside and is

underpinned by a number of special

designations at national and local level

SO12 Conserve and enhance the historic environment

Sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets

and putting them to viable uses consistent with their


Recognizing the contribution made by the heritage assets to

communities including their economic vitality

Ensuring that any new development makes a positive

contribution to maintaining local character & distinctiveness

Policy B3 is intended to protect the

historic built environment and is again

underpinned by a number of special

designations at national and local level


SO13 Facilitate the sustainable use of minerals Not applicable

Section 2: Delivering Sustainable Development

‘Sustainable Development’ is the over-riding theme of current government policy on planning. The NPPF

describes the terms as follows:

“Sustainable means ensuring that better lives for ourselves won’t mean worse lives for future generations.

Development means growth. We must accommodate the new ways by which we earn our living in a competitive

world, we must house a rising population which is living longer and wants to make new choices and we must

respond to the changes that new technologies offer us”. It goes on to postulate three dimensions of sustainability

and the roles planning should play in relation to each:

an economic role -contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring

that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places at the right time to support growth and

innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of


a social role -supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing

required to meet the needs of the present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built

environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health,

social and cultural well-being and

an environmental role - contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic

environment; and as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently,

minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a low carbon


2.1 Requirement

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 7

2.2 Fit of BPNP Goals and Objectives with Sustainable Development

The following table summarises some responses made in Section 1.3



BPNP Compliance

Economic In supporting limited housing development, the draft Plan (Policy B1)

makes an important contribution to this dimension whilst safeguarding the

environmental dimension.

Further contributions are made by support for homeworking and

communications infrastructure improvement (B7)

Social The Plan seeks to maintain the viability of the community by supporting

affordable housing and restricting development to the Built Confines (B2)

with easy access to facilities

It recognises the importance of community facilities to the vibrancy of life

and seeks to protect them (B4)

It further supports a healthy environment by protecting, for recreational

use, the surrounding countryside, village greens and local amenity spaces

Environmental As indicated in Section 1.3 above, the parish benefits from beautiful natural

and built environments and their protection forms an important part of the

Plan (B1 & B3)

Policies on building location (B2) and home-working (B7) contribute to CO2

reduction. Policy B10 seeks to obviate flood risk

Section 3: Local Planning Policies

The BPNP must demonstrate that it is in general conformity with the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy

adopted in 2014 and the saved policies of the Daventry District Local Plan 1997

The BPNP is confirmed to be in general conformity with local planning policy and references to overarching

requirements are included in notes accompanying each BPNP policy in the body of the Plan

Given that the WNJCS alone contains no less than 77 policies, to keep matters simple the table below restricts

itself to those policies which are relevant to our Plan and go further than simply echoing national policy. They are

dealt with in the order that policies appear in the plan

3.2 Conformity with Local Planning Policy

3.1 Requirement

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 8

BPNP Policy Related WNJCS and DDC Policies

B1. Landscape and Countryside

recognises the value of the

parish’s setting and seeks to

protect it by requiring that new


is located within the Built

Confines or on Exception


maintains the scale, form

and character of the

existing settlement

protects or enhances

identified views

important to an

appreciation of the


WNJCS Policy S1 The Distribution of Development states

that ‘new development in rural areas will be limited with

the emphasis being on respecting the quality of


WNJCS Policy R1 Spatial Strategy for the Rural Area

further states that ‘residential development in rural areas

should not affect open land which is of particular

significance to the form and character of the village

WNJCS Policy BN1 Green Infrastructure Corridors

designates 2 swathes of land bordering the parish as GICs

and requires that such areas will be ‘recognised for their

important contribution to sense of place and conserved,

managed and enhanced’.

WNJCS Policy BN8 The River Nene Strategic Corridor

makes similar provisions for the Nene and its tributaries

DDC Policy GN1 General. This states that general

development will be concentrated in towns, limited in

villages and severely restrained in open countryside

DDC Policy EN1 Special Landscape Area. The parish sits

within an SLA and the following requirements therefore


Whilst new development for the purposes of

agriculture, forestry, recreation or tourism may

from time to time be necessary, they will be

strictly controlled

Villages situated within Special Landscape Areas

make their own contributions to the quality of

those areas and proposals within such villages

will be required to demonstrate that they are not

harmful to that quality

B2 Housing supports limited

further development providing


is located within the Built

Confines or on Exception


the size and height of

properties are in keeping

with properties in the

immediate locality

it brings a mix of tenure,

type and size of dwelling

that meets demonstrated

local needs for dwellings

WNJCS Policy H1 Density and Mix and Type of Dwellings

requires that new development will provide for mix of

house types, sizes and tenures to cater for different

accommodation needs including the needs of older

people and vulnerable groups and has regard to the

setting of the site and the existing character and density

of the local area

WNJCS Policy H2 Affordable Housing and WNJCS Policy

H3 Rural Exception Sites explain these terms and state

that the provision of affordable housing to meet

identified local needs in rural areas on ‘Exception Sites’

will be supported. Such sites must be within or

immediately adjoin the main built-up area of the


BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 9

that are affordable,

smaller-scale and suitable

for the retired.

It is of a scale that retains

and enhances the rural

form and character of the


DDC Policy HS22 Infill Villages Badby is designated a

Restricted Infill Village and this policy requires that


Is small scale & within the existing ’Village


Has no impact on open land of particular

significance to the form or character of the

village or

Comprises a renovation or conversion

sympathetic to its surroundings

NB This designation may be changed in the DDC 2a Plan

currently at draft stage

DDC Policy EN42 Design of Development requires that

designs promote or reinforce local distinctiveness

and enhance their surroundings

take account of local building traditions and


the scale, density. massing, height, landscape

layout and access of the proposal combine to

ensure the development blends well with its


B3 Heritage recognises the value

of our built heritage and seeks to

safeguard it by ensuring that

development preserves

and enhances the

character of the

Conservation Area and is

in keeping with adjacent

buildings and spaces

proposals for new build

adjacent to Listed

Buildings are of a form

and scale in keeping with

their neighbours

historic stone boundary

walls and grass verges are


WNJCS Policy BN5 Historic Environment and Landscape

states that planning policy will seek to secure & enhance

heritage and landscape features which contribute to the

character of the area including

Conservation Areas

significant historic landscapes, including historic


locally and nationally important buildings,

structures and monuments

It adds that ‘proposals to sustain and enhance the area’s

understanding of heritage assets for tourism and historic

interest leisure pursuits will be supported

DDC Policy EN2 Conservation Areas & published

Guidance: DDC designated much of Badby as a

conservation area in 1993 and the following policies

therefore apply,

Any new development is required to be

sympathetic to the historic built environment in

style and scale

Development which would block important views

and lead to the enclosure of open spaces will be


BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 10

B4 Local Community Facilities

contribute significantly to the

well-being of the community and

this policy seeks preserve them

WNJCS Policy RC2 Community Needs states that the loss

of existing community facilities, including built sports

facilities and areas of open space will be resisted unless it

can be demonstrated that:

there is evidence that improvements can be

made through the provision of a replacement

facility of equal or better quality, taking into

account accessibility, or

the proposal will bring about community benefits

that outweigh the loss of the facility

B5 Green Spaces adds one Local

Green Space and one Important

Open Space to the 8 Village

Greens (which already enjoy

statutory protection under the

Commons Act 2006) and seeks to

protect them.

WNJCS Policy R1 Spatial Strategy for the Rural Area

states that “residential development in rural areas should

not affect open land which is of particular significance to

the form and character of the village

WNJCS Policy RC2 Community Needs also applies (See

B4 above)

B6 Local Amenity Spaces lists 4

such amenities and supports

measures to maintain and

improve them

WNJCS Policy RC2 Community Needs again applies (See

B4 above)

B7 Employment supports job

creation as follows

Proposals for


development will be

supported provided

they do not detract

from the character and

appearance of the

area. They should not

cause adverse impact

on the local area by

reason of noise, light

pollution, or traffic

levels beyond the

capacity of local rural


New business and

industrial development

within the parish will

be supported with

similar provisos

Proposals that

promote homeworking

and self-employment

through small-scale

WNJCS Policy R2 Rural Economy is as follows.

Proposals which sustain and enhance the rural economy

by creating and safeguarding jobs and businesses will be

supported where they are of an appropriate scale for

their location, respect the environmental quality and

character of the rural area and protect the best and most

versatile agricultural land.

DDC Policy EN 38 Agricultural Development supports

proposals for agricultural development provided that the

design, siting, and external appearance of the proposed

development is not damaging to the appearance of the

landscape or the amenity of residential areas

DDC Policies EM 11 to 14 Restricted Infill Villages* state

that in such villages planning permission for new business

and industrial development will normally be granted

provided that

the scale and character of the proposal reflects

the residential nature of the surroundings

it is within the existing confines of the village

it is not on open land which has a particular

significance to the form and character of the


where renovation or conversion of existing

buildings is involved, the proposal is in keeping

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 11

changes of use of

buildings and

improvements in the


infrastructure will be


with the character and quality of the village


(*Note at B2 above may apply)

B8 Community Facilities and CIL

makes clear the intention to seek

CILs where appropriate and

indicates priorities for


WNJCS Policy INF2 Contributions to Infrastructure

Requirements The narrative supporting this policy (11.18

to11.26) explains the operation of CILs and outlines areas

to which they may be applied

B9 Traffic Management and

Transport states that

developments will be supported

providing that

they have satisfactory

means of access and

adequate parking


roads within the village to

access the development

will support the

additional traffic or can

be appropriately adapted

at cost to the developer

The following Badby Parish

Council Actions also arise

Parish Actions 6 & 7 in

conjunction with NCC, address

concerns about parking and


Parish Action 8 support proposals

to retain and enhance bus


Parish Action 10 support

proposals for cycle ways to

Daventry and surrounding


WNJCS Policy C1 Changing Behaviour and Achieving

Modal Shift states that priority will be given to proposed

transport schemes that will contribute to behavioural

change by:

providing access by walking, cycling and public

transport to key facilities and services;

promoting the use of walking, cycling and public

transport over and above car trips.

WNJCS Policy C5 Enhancing Local and Neighbourhood

Connections states that the connections within urban

areas, between neighbourhoods and town and district

centres, or the rural hinterlands of West

Northamptonshire with their most accessible service

centre will be strengthened by the following measures:

improvements to the strategic and local bus


improvements to cycling networks and cycle


sustaining or improving existing demand

responsive transport, particularly in rural areas,

to fill key gaps to the scheduled network and

enhancing the network where gaps presently


WNJCS Policy R3 A Transport Strategy for the Rural

Areas states improved accessibility and sustainable

transport within rural areas and the avoidance of

congestion and ‘rat running’ will be secured by reviewing

walking connections within villages to identify specific

improvements required ensuring the safety of


DDC Policy GN2 General Policy includes the following

BPNP Basic Conditions Statement March 2018 12

Permission will normally be granted for development

provided it

has satisfactory means of access and sufficient

parking facilities

will not have an adverse effect on the road


B10 Water Management

acknowledges the potential for

water related problems and

supports development with the

following provisos

it is not located in an area

designated at risk in the

Environment Agency’s

Long-term Flood Risk


where, required it has

the necessary Land

Drainage Consents

it incorporates the latest

Sustainable drainage

Systems proposed by

Northamptonshire CC to

maximise water retention

within the site and

minimise run-off

WNJCS Policy BN7 Flood Risk requires that developments

comply with NPPF guidance and NCC Flood and Water

Management advice. “All new development, including

regeneration proposals, will need to demonstrate that

there is no increased risk of flooding to existing

properties and proposed development is safe and shall

seek to improve existing flood risk management”

(NCC on-line Flood Toolkit details the requirement for

Land Drainage Consent for developments near


WNJCS Policy BN7A Water Supply, Quality &

Wastewater Infrastructure adds the following:

“Development should use sustainable drainage systems,

wherever practicable, to improve water quality, reduce

flood risk and provide environmental benefits”

Section 4: European Union Obligations

Screening opinions were sought in respect of both Strategic Environmental Assessments and Habitat Regulations

Assessments which concluded that in neither case were full assessments required. We confirm therefore that the

draft Plan is fully compatible with relevant EU regulations

4.2 Human Rights

The Plan has been produced in full consultation with the local community and, in complying with overarching

national policies, has had regard to the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European

Convention on Human Rights and complies with the Human Rights Act 1998

1.14.1 Environmental Impact and Habitat Regulation