[BACK OFFICE SERVICES] The Three R’s of Successful Customer Service

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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There are many processes behind businesses, big or small. Some institutions have a large body of employees, while others rely on a handful of well-trained individuals. And these staff has different shoes to fill whenever at work – as front office or back office services per se. We here at SPi Global have an abundant knowledge on the purpose and function of back office services, so believe us when we say that it is not as simple as it seems. Here are the 3 R's of Successful Customer Service. Read more: http://www.spi-global.com/blog/think-tank/back-to-basics-rs-successful-customer-service/

Transcript of [BACK OFFICE SERVICES] The Three R’s of Successful Customer Service

Successful Customer Service

Reputation like the Golden Egg

Reputation like the Golden Egg

Reputation like the Golden Egg

Reputation like the Golden Egg

Risks like a walk on a thin ice

Risks like a walk on a thin ice

Risks like a walk on a thin ice

Rewards in settlements and profit

Rewards in settlements and profit

Rewards in settlements and profit