B1 – HOW ORGANISMS WORK. Learning Objective To be able to explain how diet and exercise effect the...

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B1 – Diet and exerciseLearning ObjectiveTo be able to explain how diet and exercise effect the human body

Key words: Carbohydrates, Sugars, Fats, Malnutrition, Metabolic rate.

Starter activity: Which MacDonald's food contains the most fat, and which contains the most sugar?

B1 L1

Contains 60% of your recommended daily fat intake

Contains 45% of your recommended daily fat intake

Contains 200% of your recommended sugar intake



BestAble to describe what is meant by metabolic rate.

Able to answer exam question

Success Criteria

At the end of this lesson it will be:

Able to explain what a balanced diet is

• Food also provides the proteins, vitamins and minerals you need to grow and replace damaged cells and tissues.

Good sources of protein which-Build new cells

Good sources of vitamins which

Good sources of calcium (mineral)

Balanced diet

• When the Body gets just enough of each of the nutrients, that is known as a balanced diet.

A balanced diet contains the correct amounts of:

• Carbohydrates• Proteins• Fats• Vitamins• Minerals• Fibre• Water

Learning objective check

• What is a balanced diet?

Good Able to explain what a balanced diet is

MalnutritionMalnutrition is when you eat the wrong amount of each nutrient, either too much or too little (Protein, Carbohydrate, Fats, Vitamins, minerals)

What happens if you eat too much Fat?• If you eat too much of the nutrient Fat, the blood cholesterol level

rises, this rise is also affected by your genes.

• People with high blood cholesterol are at increased risk of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels

When you eat too little nutrients

When the Body doesn't get enough of the important nutrients, you can not only die of hunger but it can also contract Deficiency diseases.


Explain how a diet high in fat affects cholesterol.

MetabolismMetabolism is the rate at which all the chemical reactions in the cells of the body are carried out.

Thinking points:

- Who needs the most energy?

Three things that affect metabolic rate:•Activity Levels•The ratio of fat to muscle in the body•Genes (inherited factors)


Explain, in terms of metabolism why person A is thinner than person B.


Learning objective check

Better Able to describe what is meant by metabolic rate.

Check point: Which nutrient?1. Which 3 nutrients provide the body with energy?2. Of these 3 which one also is used for growth and repair of muscle

tissue?3. Of these 3 which one is our main source of energy?4. Look at the table below and answer the following questions

a. Per gram which nutrient provides us with the most energy?b. Would you gain more weight eating more protein or more fat? Explain why. c. If you wanted to lose weight which nutrient should you reduce in your diet?

Explain why.

Nutrient Energy (calories) per gram

Carbohydrate 4.2

Protein 4.1

Fat 9.0

• B1.1 Diet and Exercise : Evaluating slimming claims BL1FP June 2012

Past paper questions

1. How many grams of carbohydrate did the child eat?2. The amount of carbohydrate you calculated in part 1 was more than the

UK guideline daily amount for the child. How much more?3. 3. Give two possible health effects on the child of eating so many

biscuits every day.

One day a ten-year-old child ate a whole packet of the biscuits. The biscuits in the pack had a mass of 400 g.

Version 2.0

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Learning objective check

Best Able to answer exam question

Plenary – Identify 3 main points from lesson

• Identify 3 main points from this lesson that you expect to be tested on for you exam.

Why does a person become malnoushired?

Give two signs of malnourishment.

What two nutrients do we need in small amounts to maintain good health.

State three things that affect metabolic rate:

Define metabolic rate

Name the three major nutrient groups and state why we need each

Name two factors that influence blood cholesterol levels.

Name three important things in the body cholesterol is used for.

Explain the link between cholesterol and heart disease.

Why does a person become malnoushired?

Give two signs of malnourishment.

Complete the table to evaluate the use of statins and cholesterol blockers for

treating high cholesterol levels.

What two nutrients do we need in small amounts to maintain good health.

Use the information on the left to work out the BMI for the following people. What dietary and medical advice would you give to each?

State three things that affect metabolic rate:

Define metabolic rate

Name the three major nutrient groups and state why we need each

Name two factors that influence blood cholesterol levels.

Name Mass (kg)

Height (m)

BMI Advice

Mr X

Miss P

Mrs Q










What are statins and cholesterol blockers used for? Explain how each works..

Drug Advantages Disadvantages


Cholesterol blockers

• .

Name three important things in the body cholesterol is used for.

BMI = mass in kg (height in m)2

Underweight <18Normal 19-24Overweight 25 - 29Obese >30

Explain the link between cholesterol and heart disease.

Name a source of:Saturated fat:Unsaturated fat:

How can you change the fat intake in your diet to reduce cholesterol?

Why does a person become malnoushired? Their diet is not balancedGive two signs of malnourishment.Overweight / underweightDeficiency disesase

Complete the table to evaluate the use of statins and cholesterol blockers for

treating high cholesterol levels.

What two nutrients do we need in small amounts to maintain good health.Vitamins Minerals

Use the information on the left to work out the BMI for the following people. What dietary and medical advice would you give to each?

State three things that affect metabolic rate:•Activity Levels•The ratio of fat to muscle in the body•Genes (inherited factors)

Define metabolic rateis the rate at which all the chemical reactions in the cells of the body are carried out.

Name the three major nutrient groups and state why we need each•Carbohydrate – energy source•Fat – energy, make hormones, insulation•Protein – build new cells

Name two factors that influence blood cholesterol levels. Diet Genes

Name Mass (kg)

Height (m)

BMI Advice

Mr X

Miss P

Mrs Q











Obese –eat less fat and sugar; exercise


Underweight – increase calorie intake

What are statins and chloesterol blockers used for? Explain how each works.Drugs that lower blood cholesterol.Statins block enzyme in liver. Cholesterol blockers reduce dietary absorption.

Drug Advantages Disadvantages


Cholesterol blockers

• Can lower cholesterol to zero

• Good for people with high cholesterol due to


• Good for people with high cholesterol due to

diet• Less side effects than


• Need cholesterol to make hormones etc

• Potentially fatal side effects

• Can interact badly with other drugs.

• Can cause diarrhoea.

Name three important things in the body cholesterol is used for.Cell membranesSteroid hormonesBile

BMI = mass in kg (height in m)2

Underweight <18Normal 19-24Overweight 25 - 29Obese >30

Explain the link between cholesterol and heart disease. If you have a high ratio of LDLs to HDLs you have an increased risk of heart disease. This encourages cholesterol to be deposited in the walls of coronary arteries,Blockage prevents glucose and oxygen reaching the heart muscle so heart muscle cells cannot respire so die.

Name a source of:Saturated fat: Meat, dairy, eggsUnsaturated fat: olive oil, peanuts, corn oil, sunflower oil, oily fish, margarine

How can you change the fat intake in your diet to reduce cholesterol?Eat less saturated fats and more unsaturated