ayurvedic therapies in daily life---dinacharya ppt

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Transcript of ayurvedic therapies in daily life---dinacharya ppt


DAILY REGIME(dinacharya)

2-Nov-14 1

Dr.Rajimunnisa Begum

P.G scholar ,k.c dept.&



Prevention of disease &

maintenance of health

Curing the diseased

“Prevention” is better than “cure”

2-Nov-14 2

Importance of daily health

regimes in Ayurveda.

“Dinacharya” means the “appropriate

daily regimes” which should be followed

the Ayurveda way, for a physically,

mentally and spiritually healthy life. 2-Nov-14 3


Right from waking up in the

morning till sleeping at night, all

the daily routines have been given

utmost importance in Ayurveda.

2-Nov-14 4


There is a well known proverb – “Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.

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According to Ayurveda -

One who is desirous of a long, healthy life

should wake up at the time of – “BRAHMA


Brahma muhurta - means approximately

1to1/2 hour before sunrise.

Brahma = Knowledge. ‘Brahma muhurta’ is

the best time for gaining knowledge

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2-Nov-14 7

Evacuate your bowels

You can train yourself to do this at this time

If your digestion is normally sluggish drink a glass of warm water

Do not avoid answering the nature’s call

Do not strain too, if you do not have the urge.

After this wash your hands clean and splash some clean water on your face

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BRUSHING TEETH (Danta-dhawan

2-Nov-14 9

When to brush teeth?

Ayurveda mentions that teeth must

be brushed –

In the morning

And also after eating food.

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What to use for brushing ?

According to Ayurveda twigs of the following

herbs can be used to brush teeth :

◦ Arka

◦ Vata (Banyan tree)

◦ Khadira

◦ Karanja

◦ Arjuna

◦ Nimba- is best among bitter herbs.

◦ In absence of twigs “powders” of herbs like

Triphala, Trikatu & Trijatak can be used

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Herbal tooth brush twig

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Benefits of Brushing teeth

Freshens up the mouth

Removes bad odour from the


Removes coating on teeth

Alleviates ‘Kapha’

Increases desire for food

Makes on feel pleasant2-Nov-14 14


2-Nov-14 15

Benefits of tongue-scrapping:

Removes bad taste from mouth

Eliminates bad odour of mouth

Reduces swelling of tongue

Relieves stiffness of tongue

Enhances the sense of taste.

Thus helps maintain oral hygiene

Stimulates the taste buds.

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“Gandusha” means filling the mouth

with a certain fluid, without rinsing

movement of the mouth and holding it

until the eyes start watering.

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Fluids used for Gargling (Gandusha)

Fluids like Sesame oil, honey, milk,

meat soup, rice gruel, herbal


On daily basis Gargling is usually

done with sesame oil, or meat


2-Nov-14 18

Benefits of Gargling (Gandusha)

Strengthens the mandible

Improves voice quality

Nourishes the face

Enhances taste-perception

Prevents drying of throat, chapping of lips and tooth-decay

Strengthens teeth & gums

Reduces hypersensitivity of teeth to sour taste or hard food substances

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Mouth wash (Kawal) is very similar

to Gargling (Gandusha).

The only difference is that in this

method the movement of rinsing

the fluid in the mouth is done

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“EYE” is the most important among

all the sense organs.

Hence “COLLYRIUM” is applied to

the eyes to protect it from various

eyes diseases.

It is useful to maintain the health of

the eyes.

2-Nov-14 21


• Collyrium made from Antimony

• To be applied daily for protection of eyes


• Collyrium made from Berberisaristata (Darvi)

• To be apllied once in 5 or 8 nights for facilitating good lacrymationof eyes during the ‘night’

2-Nov-14 22


It cleanses the eyes

Improvises Vision

Generates a shine and twinkle in the eye.

Protects and cures various eye diseases

2-Nov-14 23

When not to apply collyrium



After alcohol intake



Suppression of natural urges

Diseases of the head

Redness and pain in eyes

Swollen eye

Excessive watering of eyes

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INHALATION (Dhumapana) &


2-Nov-14 25

•Relieves heaviness of head

•Relieves hoarseness of voice.

•Relieves Rhinitis & neck stiffness

•Relieves Pain in the eyes and ears

•Relieves cough & hiccough.

•Relieves dyspnoea, Relieves lock jaw.

•Relieves Obstruction of the throat

•Strengthens the teeth

Purpose of Medicated

Smoking? Some part of the increased vitiated

Kapha in the head region is

instantly eliminated by inhalation of

Medicated herbal smoke


Hence it is suggested following

collyrium application.

2-Nov-14 26

Time for inhalation of

medicated smoke

After bathing

After eating

After tongue-scraping

After sneezing

After brushing teeth

After nasya (nasal instillation)

After applying collyrium

After sleep

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NASYAM (Nasal drops or instillation)

2-Nov-14 28

NASYAM means administration of

medicated oil or ghee through the


What to use as Nasal

drops? A herbal medicated “Oil” specially

indicated for Nasal instillation on a

daily basis is – “ANU THAILAM”

Anu thailam is specially conducive

to spreading into minute channels

of the body.

2-Nov-14 29

Signs of appropriate Nasal


Lightness of head

Sound sleep and waking up in time

Cure of diseases

Pleasant mind

Clarity and proper functioning of all

the sense organs

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EXERCISE( vyayama)

2-Nov-14 31

Signs of appropriate exercising :


Increased respiration rate

Lightness of the body

Increased heart rate

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Benefits of exercise :

It nourishes the body

Gives good complexion

Maintains proportionate body parts by improving the musculature.

Enhances the digestive power

Prevents laziness

Lightness of the body

Detoxifies the body

Increases tolerance to exertion, heat or cold.

2-Nov-14 33

Rules for Exercise according to

Ayurveda :

Heavy exercise should be done in the

Winter & Spring season.

Mild exercise should be done in all the

remaining seasons.

Walking daily increases the life span,

strength, intelligence

Walking improves digestion & health

of “indriyas” or sense organs.

2-Nov-14 34

ABHYANGA (Oil Massage)

2-Nov-14 35

Use lukewarm oil for Abhyanga, Oil selected

depending on season, dosha predominance &

condition, but “Sesame oil” is best

7 Positions for Abhyanga

Sitting SupineLeft


ProneRight lateral

Supine again

Sitting again

2-Nov-14 36

Benefits of Daily Abhyanga (oil


Delays Ageing process

Relieves Fatigue & relaxes the body

Helps cure Vata diseases

Improves Vision

Improves skin complexion

Nourishes the body

Improves Sleep

Strengthens the body

Increases the Life span2-Nov-14 37



2-Nov-14 38

Daily Foot-massage Benefits:

Reduces Dryness of body

Removes the stiffness or numbness in


Relaxes the feet

Gives strength & Stability to feet

Improves health of ‘eyes’

Pacifies Vata

Prevents – Sciatica, Cracking of feet &

Muscle stiffness in the legs2-Nov-14 39


massage) Head massage should be done


2-Nov-14 40

Benefits of Daily ‘Shiro-

abhyanga’ (Head massage) Prevents hair-fall

Prevents early graying of hair

Strengthens hair roots

Gives nourishment to all the sense

organs like – eyes, ears, nose,

tongue & skin

Gives good complexion to face

Good & sound sleep

2-Nov-14 41

UDWARTANA (Herbal powder


2-Nov-14 42


“UDWARTANA” means – Massaging

the body with fine powders (churnas)

of various herbs of astringent taste.

It is mainly done after oil massage

Sometimes paste of herbal powders

can also be used

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Benefits of “Udwartana”

Reduces excess “Kapha dosha”

Reduces excess “Body fat”

Strength & Stability of body

Clear & healthy complexion to skin

Reduces heaviness of body

Dilates blood vessels

Prevents rashes & itching

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Benefits of Daily bath

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•It is sacred

•Helps live a long life

•Improves strength of heart

•Increases “Oja”

•Relaxes the body

•Removes excess Sweat, itching &

Foul body odour

•Removes drowsiness


2-Nov-14 46

•Cleans the feet

•Cure foot-diseases

•Relieves tiredness

•Good for health of


•Prevents growth of


Other daily regimes are :

Wearing comfortable clothes depending

on the climate – enhances beauty,

pleases mind.

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Wearing garlands made of ‘fragrant

herbs & – e.g. Sandalwood, Saffron &

fragrant flowers like jasmine – pleases


2-Nov-14 48

Wearing comfortable foot wear – good

for eyes, gives strength and protects

feet from diseases

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Wearing head – turban (cap) & using

umbrella – protects head & hair from

sun, wind, rain, dust, and enhances


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2-Nov-14 52


Unhealthy life styles are the principal causes of modern day illnesses .

In recognizing the importance of years of life,

This wellbeing or wellness associated with social, mental, spiritual,& physical functioning.

It is possible only by these therapies.

So health management is free & enjoyable but disease management is costly & painful.

So every one should follow the dinacharya.

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