Ayc Scottish

Post on 04-Mar-2016

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Accent Your Character

Transcript of Ayc Scottish

  • Thank you for purchasing Accent Your Character. We are certain it will bring more life to your characters for whatever your needs. This CD is designed to give you an introduction to the dialect and inspire you to put some kick in your character. Paul Meier takes a humorous and entertaining approach, reacting to a wide range of encounters with a variety of characters. Use this document while you listen to the CD, or consult it afterwards.

    Be sure to look for our other audio products at www.pulpgamer.com. For more in-depth dialect training visit www.paulmeier.com. You may also find real-life speakers of this dialect at Paul's online archive of dialects and accents, the International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA), at http://web.ku.edu/idea/ .


    The following are the encounters or scenarios explored on this track.

    1. A raven has been following you around for days, you finally say something to it.

    2. Youre not going crazy, there is someone speaking to you from inside your head.

    3. You are trying to rescue someone you can't see from a deep pit in the ground.

    4. You have just been beaten in an eating contest and must congratulate the winner.

    5. You take a wrong turn but have no choice but to ask for directions from someone on the wrong side of town.

    6. You ate something bad and you know the cook that did it to you.7. You are forced to order the execution of a friend and decide to tell

    him yourself.8. You are told by a friend he needs some of your blood for an

    experiment he is working on.9. You awaken and look into a mirror to find your nose missing and

    a leprechaun running away with it.10. Everyone has taken off their shoes in the tent and at least one of

    them has foot odor.11. You are the one with the foot odor and owe apologies.12. You tease the kids that you will feed them to the closet monster if

    they don't get to bed.13. You are hunting fox and you can't find your dog.14. Accidentally swallowing a bug gives you an idea for a recipe.15. You are trying to convince your mother to make you that dessert

    you love so much.16. You are ordering food at a small pub.17. You meet unwelcome guests at your birthday party.18. You are picked up by your ear and being removed from someone

    else's party.19. You meet a pair of bandits on the road looking to rob you.20. Your working your way through the dungeon of a castle when you

    come across a man chained to the wall.21. You sign up for an archery contest.22. You awaken to find a surprise guest had made her way into your

    room.23. You awaken and haven't a clue where you are.24. You earn a living playing music on the street, and royalty walks

    by.25. You visit the bazaar looking for information about the black

    market.26. The elders call upon you to find a lost child.27. You are accused of robbing someone.

    28. You are trying to sell a magic ring, though you are not sure what it does yourself.

    29. You try to convince a new adventuring companion to wear ladies panties for tomorrow's journey to bring luck.

    30. When you return to your cage trap, you find you have captured a young lady.

    31. You are shopping to buy a dress as a gift, yet you know nothing of fashion and need to get help.

    32. You are given an article of clothing as a gift and you hesitate to admit how unfashionable it is.

    33. You propose marriage.34. You accept or decline a marriage proposal.35. You are asked to participate in an obscure tribal tradition you

    aren't exactly sure about.36. You try to intimidate someone into letting you pass.

  • Catch-phrases

    Here are some of the slang, catch-phrases, insults, and idioms that Paul demonstrates:

    Auxters: armpitsAye: yesBairn: childBiddee: old womanBlether: a talkative person, or to talk excessivelyBlutered: drunkBonny: prettyBottle merchant: cowardBraw: goodBurn: streamByre: cow-shedChuffed: pleasedCloot: clothCrabit: ill-tempered, grumpyDour: glum Druth: thirstEedjit: idiotFusty: mouldy, mustyGaloot: idiotGlen: river valleyGuttered: drunkHammered: drunkHaver: speak nonsenseKen: knowKirk: churchMad: drunk hes mad wi itMannie: manManky: filthyMental: hes mental (tough)Mingin: filthy, revolting, ugly, drunkMucker: friendNed: hooligan, delinquentNumpty: studid personOch: oh (exclamation)Pure dead brilliant: rather goodSkoosh: a fizzy, soft drink, or as a verb to accomplish with ease (Ill skoosh the hanginSkoosht: drunkSassanach: low-lander, or anyone from the southSkiver: a shirkerSleekit: sly, cunningTad: a little; I was a tad skooshtTeuchter: (chooch-ter) highland, rural person, Gaelic speakerWheesht: be quiet

    And as he explores the above scenarios and encounters, these are some of the words and phrases you hear him use:

    What you followin me around for?You thenk ahm an eejit?Am I soon goin to be deed?Stop your bletherin.Youre meekin me crabit.Get off outa here, ye sleekit theng.Wheesht.I canna believe ahm havin a conversation wi mysel.Ah must be guttered.Ah shood goo to the kirk.And see muh prayers.Are ye speakin Scottish to me?Ah have a teuchter in muh heed.Och aye, ah do.Theres a wee rope comin down to ye.Meek sure it doesnt hit you on the heed.Poot the rope around your auxters.Wear ye blutered?Wha, ah canna hear ye.Dye ken what yere sayin?

    Yere haverin mon.Yere a Sassenach.Ah got a mucker a mine, James.He and I are goin tae pool ye out.Yeve beaten me fair and square.Ahm a tad fool.Ah know Im gonna get kelled.Ahm gonna have to ask those neds for directions.Ah must have been a numpty to come doon here.Ah seem to be a lettle lost.As a friend, a mucker.Ahm a bet of bottle merchant.Doon the road, turn left at the kirk, follow the road doon the glen, over the burn, until I see the motorway.They werent cooked.You eejit.Do you ken what Im sayin,Lesten, Jamie.Ill never retain the respect of the Sassenachs.Death, be hangin.Weve known each other sence we were bairns.We used to get hammered together.We used to skive off together from school.You want some of muh blood! From muh veens!Normally, Id be chuffed to help ye, butAhm a bet of a bottle merchant when it comes to muh blood.I feent at the sight of it.I know yere muh mucker, but I have to turn ye doon.Ask muh sester, shell giye anything. Shes mental.Oh my God, my nose, Ive got hole in muh face.Come back you little beggar!Whose feet stink?Your feet are mingin.It smells like Danish Blue. Gorgonzola.Alright ye wee bairns. Off to bed.We have monters in the loch. Aye, the Loch Ness Monster.Todees the dee for the big hunt.And ah canna find muh hounds.Wheres that dog, Brach.That doggies a bottle merchant if ever I saw one.It didna teeste so bad!Grasshopper pie, wi real grasshoppers.Ahve heard they have an hallucinatory effect.What fun! To get blutered on grasshopper pie!Haggis and chips and a dram of Glenfidditch.Ye made me eat worms the other day!So Ill take your presents, but you have to leave now.I have not had muh tea yet! I cant leave before the cake!A lettle bet of ice cream and jelly!Oh my God, theyre a couple of tough customers. They look mental!Theyre goin to rob me and beat me for sure and leave me for deed.Oh you poor mannie.The hond of the fair princess. Sign me up.What sort of dream was that?Ah dont know where I am.Ah thenk she must have ben a wetch.Fall for the bonnie lassies. Look where its got me noo.Ahve been playin the pipes on the street for many years.To be the royal piper. What an honour!Ah haird that ef ye knew the right person.There was sairtain mairchandise, not strictly legal.Things that had, like, fallen off the back of a lorry.Jooty-free whiskey. Thats what ahm lookin for.Och, the poor wee bairn.Wandered away, ded et. On yonder crag. Choozday.Ahll get muh muckers to help me.A Highlander. I never stole a thing in muh life.Youve insulted my honour. Itll be pistols at dawn.It was offered me by an old man in a bazaar.Ive had it on muh finger for the last ten years.Surely its worth a hundred pounds.

  • Its protected me for ten years, through my journeys through all the world.For you my lord; fefty.Now Davie, were goin tomorra into the secret city of the Empress.Ive haird that ef the guards detect any male vibes theyll shoot you on sight.Ah hafta tell ya wha ahm wearin under muh kelt.Ladies drawers. For luck.And ah want ye to dee the seem.Ah brought this pretty wee pink pair, for ye.Oh, ye poor lassie. My but yere a bonnie theng.Let me help ye out.Allow me milady.Gi me your hond.Oh ah see yeve scraped your knee.Ah have muh first-aid ketAh aways travel wi muh first-aid ket.Thes might steng a lettle.There noo. A better.Ahm hopeless when et comes to ladies fashions.Thats bonny.Could ye try et on.Im tryin et on?Noo, noo, ah really do have a girlfriend.But shes not nearly as bonny as ye.Oh, Hamish, ye shoodnt have.A wee skirt? A many skirt?Wha century are ye from?Someone saw ye comin.Musta thought ye wear a right eejit.Oh, Fiona, when we get married, ah promise ye.Yes ahm proposin, whadye thenk?Are ye chuffed?Och, thats pure dead brilliant.Yes, Ill marry ye, you galoot.Well have a big weddin in the kirk.And a honeymoon in MajorcaAh, Fiona, ah was just doonstairs.A married couples have to goo through thes retual.But apparently, ets a rule.They poot ye en thes wee grass hut.Thes old tribal wooman covers us in goat cheese.Then the whole tribe comes en wi spoons.Guid for a laugh.Weve had a guid time on your island.What dye mean, were cetizens of the island noo?Listen, were from Scotland. In Europe.Wed love to stee, but we have to goo.How about a wee geft.Lets just think of et as an exit tax.And heres five for your old biddy.

    Dialect features

    1. Trilled r raven, crazy2. Raven, name, say, face3. Following, lot, lorry 4. Dark l; look, lazy, led5. Around, down, south, about 6. Goose, to, who, you, stupid, goose7. Energy on th; these things8. Pit, mist, fill9. Glottalized t; get out of it10. Cook, look, put 11. Goat, nose, dont