Ayatul Kursi - 4th October 2015 v 1 - SISTERSNOTES | · PDF fileAyatul Kursi October 4, 2015...

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Transcript of Ayatul Kursi - 4th October 2015 v 1 - SISTERSNOTES | · PDF fileAyatul Kursi October 4, 2015...

Ayatul Kursi October 4, 2015

[This is a transcript of a lecture given by Sister Eman al Obaid. We ask Allah subhana wa ta’ala for His forgiveness and His Mercy. Anything that is good from these notes is from Allah subhana wa ta’ala.

Any mistakes & misrepresentations are my own. I ask Allah subhana wa ta’ala for His forgiveness and to put forgiveness in the hearts of those who read them. JazakAllah Khairan.]

Ayatul Kursi • • • • • •


Ayatul Kursi October 4, 2015

Greatest Ayah of the Quran Ayatul Kursi is Ayah 255 of Surah Al Baqarah. It is the Greatest Ayah in the Quran as it is telling us about Allah. The first knowledge we need is to know who is Allah.

The motivation to learn Ayatul Kursi is as below:

1. It is part of the Azkaar before sleeping: The Shaitaan cannot come near to the person who recites Ayatul Kursi before sleeping and an angel is appointed as guard by Allah to protect him.

2. It is Sunnah to recite Ayatul Kursi after obligatory prayers. The reward for reciting it after obligatory prayers is that nothing can prevent a person from entering paradise except death.

3. Ayatul Kursi is recited as part of Morning and Evening supplication as it protects us from evil people, sins and anything that we can see or not see.

After Ayat ul Kursi, In Ayah 256 of Surah Al Baqarah, Allah tells us that there is no compulsion in religion. Islam is the religion of peace, justice and freedom. Allah tells the Prophet SAW that you cannot force the people to belief or do good deeds. The Prophet SAW’s job is just to convey the message.

Ayatul Kursi • • • • • •


Why is there no compulsion in religion?

This is because Allah made the way of guidance and falsehood very clear. Therefore our job is to just covey the message as the truth and falsehood has been made clear. We should teach the religion in a peaceful way.

Explanation of Ayatul Kursi

ٱ#Ayatul Kursi starts with “Allah”. Allah is informing us about Himself in Ayatul Kursi. No one is able to call himself by the name “Allah”. Allah stopped the brains of the people to call them as “Allah”

ھ إال ھو .1 ـ ال إل

The first information that Allah tells us we should not tire ourselves looking anywhere except to Allah. No one deserves our attachment, love, fear and reliance except Allah. Before Allah tells us about himself He is telling us that we should not attach to anyone but Him. We should not seek the praise from anyone but Him. This is because no one is like Allah.

”.means “The everlasting and Never dies ٱلحى .2 We should not attach to anything that will perish and our love and attachment should be for only Allah as He is everlasting. We need to attach to Allah out of love and magnify. This gives us the security that Allah will never leave us. Allah will never detach Himself from us unless we detach from Him.

Ayatul Kursi • • • • • •


”.means “The Self Sufficient Master ٱلقیوم .2

Allah is not depending on anyone and everyone in the life is dependent on Allah. Allah does not need a wife, a son or even worshippers. Allah does not need anyone not even angels. Allah assigned angels specific jobs to the angels to honor the angels. Allah does not need anyone and everyone needs Allah to take care of him or her. Allah is taking charge of us without us even asking us.

”means “The Sleep and slumber never overtakes him ال تأخذه سنة وال نوم .3

For the human being the sleep is over powering and it shows our weakness. Allah never gets tired and He never bored no matter how many times we ask him Unless we get bored. Everyone in the heavvens and skies is asking Allah and it does not tire us.

وٲت وما فى ٱألرض .4 ـ م لھ ما فى ٱلس means “To Him belongs what is in the

heavens and what is in the earth” Allah is the real owner and He owns everything in the heavens and earth. We cannot own anything. We should not attach to anyone to give us anything. Anything we want; we should ask Allah. If we want happiness, we need to ask Allah, as He is the owner of happiness. We need to have a 1-1 relationship with Allah.

Allah appreciates us when we ask Him and even if we ask him repeatedly. On the contrary, when we ask the people they get tired of us.

We do not own anything. Anything we are given in this Duniya e.g. our limbs, our children, our home, our time i.e. is a trust. We will need to answer for everything we have been entrusted with on the Day of Judgment.

Ayatul Kursi • • • • • •


means “Who is he that can intercede with Himمن ذا ٱلذى یشفع عنده إال بإذنھ .5

except by His permission” This shows the power of Allah as no one can intercede on the Day of Judgment without the permission of Allah. Intercession is not random but by Allah’s permission. Ibrahim A.S cannot intercede for his father because Allah is not pleased with his father due to Kufr. Another example is that of Nuh A.S who could not intercede for his disbelieving wife and son before the flood that drowned all the disbelievers.

Even Angels will intercede on the Day of Judgment but only by the permission of Allah.

یعلم ما بین أیدیھم وما خلفھم .6 means “Allah knows that is between our hands and

what is behind us” This means Allah knows about our Past and future. The meaning of this includes that Allah knows about our present. No one knows about the future except Allah. Every Therefore we need to attach ourselves to Allah because no one understands and knows about us like Allah. Allah knows our heart and He even knows what we are thinking about. He will grant us what is best for us.

ن علمھ ال إ بما شاء .7 وال یحیطون بشىء مNo one can encompass anything from His knowledge except by His permission. Anything that we know is because Allah allowed me to know. Allah makes things apparent for us according to what is suitable for us

وٲت وٱألرض .8 ـ م وسع كرسیھ ٱلسKursi Allah is the footstool of Allah. Knowing about the greatness of Kursi Allah makes us more attached to Allah. The footstool of Allah is expanded far more than the heavens and the earth. The earth and the heavens compared to the footstool of Allah are like a ring in the desert. The Arsh i.e. the throne of Allah is greater than the footstool of Allah. The footstool compared to Arsh Allah is like a ring in the desert. Both the throne and footstool are creation of Allah.

Ayatul Kursi • • • • • •


وال یـوده حفظھما .9It will not make Allah tired to protect the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth need Allah’s protection. We human beings are very small compared to the skies and the earth. Allah should be the one I attach to protect myself, my family, my faith, my wealth etc. No one can protect us but Allah.

وھو ٱلعلى ٱلعظیم .10Allah is the The Most High and The Most Great. We should attach to Him alone out of love and magnify. Allah is above the seventh heavens and He is the most close to us and He knows everything about us by His knowledge, by His hearing and seeing. Allah is the Most High and no one is higher than Allah in place or position. Allah is the Most Great, No one can affect the greatness of Allah or harm him.