Axure rp 6.5 教育訓練 day2

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Axure rp 6.5 教育訓練 day2

「 AxureRP」進階功能

Day 2

大綱• Widgets & Masters• Building Interactions• Dynamic Panels• Conditions, Values, and Variables• 練習

Widgets & Masters

Widgets & Masters

• Add, edit, and style a widget. Then, convert them to a master that you can manage centrally and reuse throughout your design.

1:Add a Button Shape and Set the Rollover Style

2:Duplicate and Distribute the Button Shapes

3:Convert the Button Shapes to a Master

4:Change the Master to Place in Background

5: Place the Master on Each Page

6: Add Links to the Button Shapes in the Master


• 招募系統 _第一階段 V0.16

Building Interactions

Building Interactions

• Make the OnClick Event of a Button Shape enable and set focus on a Text Field using the Case Editor. Then, use the page's OnPageLoad event to put the cursor in a Text Field when the page is loaded.

1: Add a Button Shape and Two Text Fields

2: Disable the Second Text Field

3: Make Clicking the Button Disable the First Text Field

4: And Enable the Second Text Field

5: And Set Focus on the Second Text Field

6: Set Focus on Text Field 1 when the Page Loads


• 下拉式選單連動

Dynamic Panels

Dynamic Panels

• Create a simple image carousel using the dynamic panel. Start by placing an Image Widget on each panel state. Then, add an interaction to a Button Shape to advance through the states with animation.

1: Add an Image and a Button Shape

2: Convert to Dynamic Panel and Add States

3: Add An Image to Each State

4: Make Clicking Next Set the Panel to the Next State


• Ball Free Fall

Conditions, Values, and Variables

Conditions, Values, and Variables

• Create a Condition to check if the text in a Text Field is blank and link to the appropriate page. Use a Variable to store the text entered into a Text Field. Then, use the Variable to set the text on a Widget on the next page.

1: Add a Text Field and Button Shape

2: Add a Condition to Check that the Text Field in Not Blank

3: Set the OnLoadVariable to the Text Field Value

4: Add the Action to Open Page 1

5: Add a Second Case for When the Text Field is Blank

6: Add a Rectangle to Page 1

7: Set the Rectangle Text When the Page Loads

8: Put the OnLoadVariable in the Welcome Message

練習• 依權限看到不同頁面

• 請使用 AxureRP V6.5版

