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Transcript of AWJgyio MAi;-itftt^ ADVBKIHNG PAYS JOURNAL...

AWJgyio MAi;-itftt^



• i - .




Wariiingtonfiuw Prcsmt Good T«un But Local BaseiMdl

Arflsta Are Vkton.



Is Largest Individiial Pokit In LaiVl ATiatkm MeH Hdd

In Baltimore Tuesday.

The ManawM White Bose bu«ball tMun won two victoriM on Memorial Day over the G«nacond team, of Waahington, which ioumeyed hero for the occaaion. The viaitow arriv ed her« 'loaded np," as per inatrvctions from the local management, but their big gnna failed to penetrate the local heavy armor. The m<Hning game was won by the aeow of 7 to 1. The after­noon game vaa umexed I9 ^ « connt of 8 to 3. V

Averill aaceaded the mound for the locals in the first game. He walked

-"the first man to face him, same be-ooming reckless and tried to steal sec­ond base bat was duly teggged in proper fashion by Sannden who caught Catcher Bitenour's perfMt peg. AveriU whiffed the neott two to malce up fmr walking their prede eessor.

Ellison first up for the locals took the first thing offered him and made a hit out of tt. Bitenonr grounded to s«cond and Brower rolled an easy one to the pitcher. Adams, keeper of the hot comer, smacked the ant-while horsehide into deep. center field for -three bases, scoring ElUsai. Keid Died out to right field.

Things stood as they were until tba dzth inning when the viaiten pro­duced a sina^ foUowsd^ by a double

-for the run that tlsd the seore. TiiiBiher and Saondan Mkwsd wtth a finding feature w)Me the fonner cuight * fly off his sihoa laeea flniah-ing a. donkle play bgr tossing the baH <» SaunAtn at second.

Trimmsr, with oiie out in the csv^ •ath, m * ^ first bise on error, tadaiif ftaHwd on error, advancing to third an enSr ^ d fisally iooxing on error -. In'

'•Ite etghtii the loeab had their Ikttiagi bee. mtenov filed out to the i^teher. Btower fined to ri^it. Adasaa aad Pij|i ih—m gut MiMiij *\\%\ i^ise fMt for ^l^lP^ders to handle. Xite^

and'i^iBden hit satsly. Paar hit by iiie pitcher and Averill base on UOls. £Ilij»oB stmek


Lieut. Lyman Patterson, of BiJtl-more, popularly known to his many friends in Manassas as "Pat," again donned his flying togs on Tuesday and to«V part in the fourth annual avia tion meet held under the auspicies of the Flying Club of Baltimore. Lieut Patterson is a son of Mrs. Ballantyne Patterson and was a stadent at Kastem College here brfore America Altered the late world war.

Says the Baltimore Sun under date of Wednesday morning: "Honors were many and applause was plenti­ful Lewis M. Bobb, of Parkersburg, Pa., got more than honor when he cap­tured the largeat monetary prize of the day—4260 for winning a precision flying contest cMMfaieted by Lieut Kent D. Carrie. Lieut Lyman Patterson came outtiie largeat individual point -winner.

In the balloon-sniping contest the first observer shooting down three bal loons in the shortest time won. Cap­tain William T. Tipton and Lieut Ly-< man Patterson shot down the three rdeased ballooons in Uiree minutes and forty-five seconds. Captain Wil­liamson, pilot and Lieut Carey,.ob-servK, were second, t h ^ time being six minutes.

Lieut Patterson won the silver cup in the predion flying cmttast iat Na­tional Guard pilots. TUa contest ne­cessitated rising to an altitude of 2,-000 feet and a^Taling down for a marked landing. UMnaant Patter-s<m landed wUldn fortr-eii^ feet of themaifc.

Followjng tba Beet menban d the Baltiaese Fbrtng CMt and viifitiag aviators hdd a banquet on the Cea-toify Boof. Bfehard Alexander pre­sented a silver loving cup to I%N>t Patterson for his pwfonnance te Ite tfational 6aas4 Pieeision Contust

AT MAY FESTIVAL Little Mias Peggy Bfansaeld Is

Crowned Qoeeen %A May at Graded School Monday.


—: 4-Lidiea' Memorial AsiM>cUtlen

Met Wednesday—'Program ' at Cemetery Tomorrow.


County Stadeo€B Will Compete tut Alumni Award June 6-7

Lyo^ Memorial UedaL

Maisy proud parents, relatives and friends of children journeyed to the Bennett school lawn on Monday even­ing to witness the annual May day fes­tivities of UM children of the primary grades.

All who attended were well reward­ed for the program was the beat in nuLhy years. Mudi credit is due to Miss Grace Moran and her untiring effurts, and to those who assisted her.

Miss Virginia Speiden presided ably at the piano throughout the evening, playing the aoeompanimenta in finish­ed fashioft.

The program opened with a song, "Peek-a-Boo," with motions by chil­dren of the first three grades.

In well spoken, clear and appropri­ate sentences. Master Russell Creel, in his very youthfal manner, welctuned the spectators to the exercisee. A red, v^ te and blue scarf drill by eighteen girls fnmt the fourth gtade followed. Next came a flag driU aad a song h^ boys of the same grade Master Martin Weatherall "Our Flag."

of of

(By Misa Hutchison) The regular quarterty meeting

the Ladies' Memorial Association Manassas waa held at the home of BCrs. Albert Speiden on Wednesday, M^y 24, at a o'clodc, with an attend aeoe of eight members wid one visi­ter, Ufe President of the local Daugh-tan.

The body was called to order by the Association President, Mrs. Westwood Ehitchison, and the proceedings opeU' ed formally with prayer by the Bev. A Stuart Gibson.

The general routine of business em-toaced ofllcial and committee reports, namely: From the Historian, the Rev. Qibson, on the C. S. M. A. Qiiestioa-qaire; from the executive committee, l|b'. W. Hutchison, Mesdames Barbour aM SpeMen, on the upkeep of the Con-isderate cemetery r. from the secre­tary, on "Cards imd Flowers"; from ^ principal of the Manassas high fchool, on Essay Contest; from the

^ . 3. M. A. Park treasurer, Mrs. W. ^ ^ ^ ^uiehison, on the suggested aim of ' " ^ ^ }ga» local association in the interest of

the Manassas Battlefleld Coiifedexste A feaat for the eyes was the Minuet y , ^ i^c.. from eommitte» on books

by eight little boys and gMs in Colo­nial costume from the soeond aad tUrdgpides. This event p^nrod to be Ma «< the oust popular on the Vio-

libntry i s


Inle U ^ at TsM 0'dM» P. M.


In tiw Garden -« IhvocatioB

Bttenonr hit safely sconng Pear- t ^ ^ ^ L . Br«w«F made the la«t out aec^ we«»pw

to firstt erill allowed four bitB and stradi

of the Washingtonians i | w ae^t siame was even a Uttle bet-

ter.tlvin the morning game. The via-Ikiii* acoaad the first run of the game in the third Inning b«rt the bmae \MS* caaia threegh in their half of this in-wfug wttit two runs. Dennis made his base on carrors but was oat on a fields er^ ehoiee off Ellisoa'a bet Bitenonr Ut a hot liner through the ptteher's hex and took secood beae wUle Elli­son scored an overthrow ol third base, Bt«tosr tsildng seemd and scoring on Browair>a afiriiiy gxenndar thrcngh third base. Adorns aad BeM retired ^ aide by fafliag to ceanert wWi ttie ban.

(Song) SduMl W. B. Winslow

Weodrow Smith '•? franklin Ooueh Somethmg Edward

f y

i \

D M ^ ^ t e Boses dioce the fourth imdng In this game for tbair regular batting-araand hming. Saunders led eff with a hitatolesecond andetarted to thfard wiMB Triaaier laid grounder that would have easy osrt. Sawders, however, made a beeak beck to seeond nAsn he saw the iMd jdayed to tke hot ceiMe. Both •eared OB Feezeon'k neat two-beggee tolaftfldd. Dennis Ufted to the csB-ter AaUer who dropped the bell and vederOiew tUrd base in ea effort to heed off Pearwm. Peersea •eeriag easUy. Ellhoa eame tkraoi^ wtth •ecritee hit Bitaaoor greeedsd out Idtcher to first beee. teewer hit s ^ ly and Adaaw drew a be Brower seoriiw on B^d^ Ut tiuoogh tte pitcher mA mtsaui base. Sean-ders oaAsd the firs weehe wHfa the thix^oot

In the fifth famhw the visiton made three hits aad proAieed two ruaa. The locals laat roe alM caaM to this in­ning. Tiheawi Ut safely mid went arouad the heesa oa e m n aad dariag base reaaing, scoring when e a a ^ off third. In thk iaalng the viaitan ia-trodueed Lumaa to pit)^ for their star hsrler Samvan, the loeeb bevfag gsttsn an to Ms eadethead shoeto.

Dennis aOewed bet five Uta end re­tired fifteen aMa by tfce' etrlheiiee route, ictirtas 0w satire sido la M s aiswier in Oe thM, essaatt aad e M k l K t ^ a . '^bsM caught several pietty fliss dor-lag Ae game. Saunders would heve had a perfect game at bat bAt for Ut of unusual bad ) a ^ in the sixth ianing when the ball he hit the keystone eomer sadi aad

the seeoad baseman's gleea The «aal eeere was r t o IL

Sahete 101 TeU

Smitii I Belong to the King (S^ig) SdKxrf Getting Beedy er. CUkben'k Day

Floreoee BaynMsd A Secret , With Jasper A Bsee ^ t h e r i a e Hottel Discei^ent i Girla. I'U Be a Snabeeat (Sohg) S Girls Basket of Boaea « Girls A Pussier Paul Bottle Sky Happenfaigs SmaB.CUrla WilUng Woikexa Primary Caaas Bri^itea. the Cener MaUna Smith

Ti^leea 9 Persona V«Vfr»g SunsUae Addle Cxmtik Tit ftt Xat Marie J M ^ EBriia snd Dothan <mnsical reoord)

Bene Qnoeh A Bee^ie FJoca Hottle Solo The Ahn !'*'» Boys Center MalM Crooeh little Soaheema (eeoi^

' Primary CUss Jane John Bottle

Jeasas Battle Mza. Wiesiiwr

i f t OsueseCwaeh Ge«i «ye CUdesa's Day

EHsskeOi Cnsieh D*m QbA Cta^BeeCacn^

W. &

from the Allan SslgKr fraaee.

like annual eleetioa of <rfBeers auide one diMige, titat of vice-piesidnt lbs . Albert Speideii being named to

A recitation, "A Uttle Bey^ l^n-i^tteceed Mrs. B. L. WlDiB, Washing. Wee," by Master Geocge GeneMrTjB, ^ .^ent . ' broai^ff tenaia of leoghter fceaa his ^„IB» tat Memorial Day. Juae >d^ andtsnce. (were duly discussed end approved,

A flower hoop drTl was given>by .vith various committee ajvpointmento eighteen Uttiegiris from tiie Oted god i gglgBQiaBta; ffrede. . > C<mgrcSsman R. Walton Moore, of

An apimviiato viMtg ertitled *l*ej yirginie, aad Benj. G. Humphreys, of Awakening of ^ i n g , " led uf to tke jii^jMippi^ „ , announced as speak-ehooeing and caewaing of the Markers of tite occasion. Mr. Hamphr^s' Queen. Taking part in the p l ^ father was a ConfMcrete g<mena and

Little Mas Katoeryne Brow^ . ftiead of Jeffeiaon Itevis. Tlisee as -Bidn.» little ifi»« JHwaggentlwaen wiH be introduced by Mr.

'" -" Themton Deeios. The lirogram wiQ begin at 2 p. m.

with a line of mardk beginning at the cemetery gates. Marshals wUI direct and keqp> order. The Omfedaete or-gaoisaticnis with htmond gueata wxB. take precedence, followed' by the sehoojs and dtisena.

Ilie march will halt at the east side of the monument The U. D. C. Ritual wfU be ceadaeted by liie Gamp Chaplain. A Manorial Tribute will

_ , , „ J w J I *>• wad by the Bev. T. D. D. C^rk. Burke, of Manassas, made a b u s i n 5 , a j , f l j , ^ ^ ^ , , , ^ „ ^ j j . ^ trip to GalaesvlUe *» M<«^y- . 'wiU then contmne to tlie paviHoa,

Mr. and VM. UA Bseraoa and ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Marshals will seat the an-Wood end fattle SOB. o i i i i i_-i_»_ ~

The examinations for the High School Alumni Association scholarr ship will i ^ given .at the High School on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4 and 7. The examinations for the schol­arship will be ibB usual high school entrance examinations, and will be given according to the following schedule: Tuesday, il^thmetie and geography; Wednesday, EngliA com­position and grammar.

The value of the s^olarshqt is one hundred dollars; it is open to all appli­cants from Prince William County, but not from Manassas District

The Hiigh School wishes to express full appreciation of the gift of ^ G. Olliver Lynch Memorial MedaL The model, which will be awarded annually for excellence In track atfaletaes is given by Mrs. M. Lynch in memory of her son, a former student of the High School, who died in France from wotuids received in the Great War.

The students making the best rec­ords in the r^iwts sent out from the High Sehod to tiie first of May iste the following:

^rst yoer: ElizabeUi Coleman, Ar-dath Evans, Constance Henry, Mary Lee Arringtoo, Wilmer Jasper, Gladys Ball, Herman L«nd< and Lala Hixso.

Seeond year: MUdred Maaroe, Buaaa HarrisMi, ' Jamas - W i e ^ , ChriatiBe Moser, (3e«rge Johnson.


Fstlw (rf Mayor p . P. Davis Ex­pired Wednesday at His

Home at Bristow.

Bobert H. Davis, father of Harry P. Davis, mayor of Manaasas, and one of the most widely Itnown merchants of this section of Virginia, succumbed at the family home at Bristow Wednse-dsy night following an illness of mere than three months.

Mr. Davis was in his sixty-fourtfk year and besides Uie widow, who wsfi formerly Miss Anna Harrison, eail Mayor Davis, is survived by another son, Jennings Davis, and three dattgh> tors. Miss Leone Davis, Mrs. Ernest Carroll and Mrs. Nelson Wampler. The deceased was also the father of the late J. R. B. Davis, of Manassas.

The entire county of Prince Willians and particularly the municipality of Manassas extends Its heartfelt feliri-totions to the family of Mayor Davia in the loss of a Ufe-hmg resident and one of its most highly respected eiti-sens. Mr. Davis had been intensely active in every movement for the up­lift and betterment of this communitr for nearly half a century and his gea-ial assistance in evrything of a pubQe nature will be miaaed by his bnsinssa and dvte associates 1

For nearly a decade Mr. Davia headed the schoxd board for Brente-

,41Be distriet end titreugh his efferia Tbkd year: Mary Evans, Lulu Arey,' many improvemeato ia the adneaticBal

Oara Bexmde, Olivia Athey, Cethe- iacilitisa In that vicinity wwte offecse^ tine Weir wid Ethel Bobin^n. He was a director of the Natteait

Fourth yeut Annabell Merrffl, &al4 ef ICanassas. He was a megs* NelleQyda.' .bere^Manaaseh Lodge, No.182, A F.

« A M.. Alexandria Chapter, Old Do­minion Commandery, No. 11, and Aant T o a ^ A. O. IL S., of BiiAmead. T^aMtal services were at the faadr residence at Bristow today at S o'eto^ u n ^ Sfasonic auspieeii. Botfal at the Manassas eemetwry.


Abeat Twenty Memben Thalr Ctebs at Meetb« Here.

ing, Tatoa as "Bun," Uttle Mlsa Warren Pattie as "Spring," little IJBas Vtrgie Allred as "Mary May^ and Ut­tle Misses Ghiistfaie Meetee aad Eva Lunsford as Mries. TUa group beU oounael aad chose Ut0e Miss Peggy Manafleld air toeir Mi^ (ineen.

May pole dances eonelBded the peo -graaL ••


Mr. C. A. Sinclair and Mr. John'

the diance ia order.

Amoi« the features of the program will be The ReU Call, pxcaentation of


MOBioiiAKT mocniKi (M18. Dodge)

The Missionary Meetiag of the Prae-byteriaa church aut Taseday after-BoeB,May2S. Hymv saiw, "Bedc ef Agsa," 1 Sarreader Afl." Prsyer by Mrs. J. J. Kaiphey.

Mrs. & T. H. Hedge, who is deve-tie«a Iseder of tUa eeeiaty, spoke oa the Uth dtapter eC CsiintUaas. 2d verse, aad 6th cbaptor a< Oeletioaa. Mia. George McDea^ waa at BeB-atan Jaaet ta t t t .

Topic far the afterBooa ''•oath AaMriea." Mrs. McDonald, aa leadsc. bed prepersd aa latoiesliag paper aad artielea CB the wUeh abewed that the Bever as widely open for uppu laiiili" aa now. llita meeting waa aa asped-aOy interssting eae, having BM* for the first tisse at Mr. aad Mrs. Baker's hoantifnl hMse. Oariag the sodel hoar 4sllfeh(mQiMrawbeny ice CTSBM and cake wtTe aerved, whiile the Vle-trela played sslertieea from Bode-beever ( J y p ^ Sarithls aii«lBg).


proved in health. His brotiier. Mr, itkok Ellis, who haa been serioasly SI of pneamoniac is uiiivalsarfag

Mr.* I penoer Badmer left an Mon­day to Jcdn a party of geverament surveyen in Dulath, Minn. M£M Lney Bockae accompanied U n to Wad»-ingtoa. '

Mr. John Sweeney. Jr.. aad Misses Mary and Mabel Sweeqey ewtored to Alexaadxia last wedc

Miss NeU Cave haa returned from a visit to her sister. Mrs. Fredniek Grahaa^ in. WaaUagtsa.

Mr. C B. Qreess attanded the ets<A-boMate' B»sstiiig <tf the Coaaty Fak AesoctotioB on Wednseday.

Miaa Looiae Pseraoa is vJaWag friaada ia Wariuagtea.

A hocse. owned by Mr. Staart (gar­ter, waa killed by the n^htt expi near the dqtot on Tuesday a i^t .

Measra. WiU Armatroag, Lecaerd Slopar aad T. S. Meredidi aMtoied to Manassas on. Satarday.

Mr. aad Mrs. J. Friaed Lodge aad Mr. and Mrs. George EOmer, of PhU-adelpUa. spent Monday last viaitiBg the hettleWsld near Stone Hoaee aad leeUag ap lead marks asar Catiier-pfa ead iMasavlUe. Mr. Lodge hes visited aD the bettlsasMs to the U..8. aad ia the possssssr of oae haadred aad forty histories aad haa aaria aee-ea t r ^ to the hsttlaHsMs ^ WaUaaa eeaaty.

(Olivia Athey, Assist Secretary) A called meeting lof the Girls' and

Boys' Agricidtnial and Home iSceaom-1 lea County <%ib was held in the County Court Hoxme Saturday, May 20, 1S22.

The meeting was called to ordor tv tiie president Glen Bowman, who t^ened irith the song "Battle Hymn of DemoBstratkm Work," followed by tiw club yeU. AU joined in the Lord'a Prayer. B(A of cluba was cafied aad the foUewfag clubs were teprssented; Grovetoa 6, Bristow 6, Caxmon Branch 6, Woodlawa 2, MsnassSs i, deid BUge X. The aiinixtos of last meettag were rend t^ the aeeretaty and ap­proved.

The ehdi song 'K)ld Virgtaia'' waa then sung.

In order of business the president of the club brought before th» meeting a plan that was suggested and ac­cepted by aU the chdw in the county to giye 60 per cent of aU the ^iae money

Mrs. Atlee Wadiington, have been visiting family of Mr. R. A. Peezeoa»

'^:9**^^^}**^'^^!^\^i» Confederate Flag Picture en be- for lJtt2 toward putting up a buikUng hosprtal in ^ChmJettesviUe^^udi ta- ^ ^ ^ t^^ Ladiea' Memorial Assoria- t„ demonstration woric at the fair

tioB^of Manassas by Mr. T. E. Md lake; aeeeptauee on behalf the Graded School Inr HbM* Annie Lanrie Mer


far Celorad Teeth Claeei Saeeceafi^ Tear !

groanda. AJtter much dismsaJon 4 coBunittee ccmsiatiBg of Hetea Arthar. Mr. Browning and Glen Bowman was

chaat, VirgiBia ^ddan, EMra Qpa- «ppofaited to aee the resident of the ner and Master Dabney Waters. (Breech by Dahney Waters.

t*ieaeatioB ef GoU nsdal to aesay-ist of Mstissssi High Stiwol, by Boa. a A Sinclair to lUs May Evaaa. of lankhell.iriioee papw on "Jefferson Davis" wtoa first place % a series tA eaeeUent easays;' oU-tdias mdodies iel I T Mrs. Hodge aad Mr. Oatfc, wtOi aele s i i 4 ^ by lb. S. B. Wag-

» wm

"Uttle' ead prajwe.



Mws Laaicr Meraa Washii^ton Taseday

asetMed to

aad siatar-ia-lew, Mr. Mie. pMatoB Meraa. whe apaat

Dey Meiaa istaiasd to

Taseday BMMdng.

Mtas Beatrice Croea aad nephew. Mr. A. L. Rector. ssotMed to Waeh-

B Friday <m haste ass, aad eceos^enied heoie by Mr.

Mra. W. a Sempaoa whe wimiA tte 1 at the bMae e( Mr.

L. Bartsr aad

\m. the tUrd peregra^ of the arti-by Mr. B. S. Hynson aad

"MeryUad aad Virgiaia Daiiy-erUeh appeared ia laet wed(%

Xoomel, aad error in reafiag copy wae The fliet senteaee ia this per-

agxa^h ^baOA have rsed ee felkwa "We kave aew sigasd up oa the aew pecQag eeatnwt, bstessa SO aad 90 per east of Oe asOi tlMir

omPANT c wore Compeay C. of the M. E. Church

ef wUch Mrs Lacy A Cocke is Captala, haa raised itoriag the year 924SL07. BotsrithBtaading * e fact that

r CIBH the greatsat aaadMT of Vstaiaus. they have werfeed eaBsBtly.

Ike Cieix ds Oaane gepe to Mrs. C K. Nash, she hevtag eaptared |160. ' The aseaibers cf Ompaay C will

eoafer with Mie. C B. Mask, tteiabisun af tka Captth M s

Fate Association aad see what could be Coaaty and Stote short tuiusas Bacasssd. The sakjeet of rsie-

ing moaey to sead eoonty piesUsat to the Stote courae was discnsssd after irindi meticn waa made a a f seconded that sedi eUb try to ndae $1JW to hrip pey his expenses for the tr^. Miss Gilbert a^bitoed the natare of the CoMty ^ e e t Courae u d aissd tiiat tbs debs to the eeaaty "MA ea-

toiamsBts aad txy to rUat menay to help with the ei^enee ef the gMa coadag froas dahe.. It waa alee eav-gested that a sperial effort be auido to sead^gfais whe are aaeais to ch^s. Date of CoBi^ &ort wee given Jeae IMh to 240. The d ^ wUIe to sea-skm t^anned that a Ug coaaty raQy ef all dub meiabers bs haU the teat day ef the Short (bourse.

Miss Gilbert aanoBBoed the time of Ju^giag the BeoBi Impreveawat Work. '• Jaty t»4X-n. Mrs. Davb who will do tiie iadgiag to arrive tothecouBty Wedaseday J ^ lOth. The following pitoas to be awarded for the work. First, 126 to be ased for expowes Aato Short Coarse, 2d prise |16 aad 3d $10. thees priasa to be uaed to same way. A prise sf the "Wcadertal Feller Brash Fhior Map" to be givea for the bset story IBow I Impceved MyBoeak" AD Star PtH aad Certlfi-

aad MadaOMPstitt Bafase cloatagShveiml dab yd

songs were peactieed, among were. "Beoet tat Clab Work."

edjean to aMct agaia Satarday, Jaae 2dth.

After a week of programs aad fsa-tivities which cenuBeneed on Wednaa-day May 4, the Manassas Inditttrial Sched for Colored! Teuth dosed ito twenty-seventh year on Tuesday, Me. morial Day, on iiritich day it is their osnal custom to doee.

Ihe school is to be commended far the way to which it traias ths eoloraA youth of the country, trafayag thapm for usefalnesa and to take their pro^ er jdace In the lead.

Wedncaday ef laat weift was devot­ed to tiw music departateat and tarnation class. Thursday to the vanced daaa mcerdaes of the mar schooL The aenior dass day e ^ odss s wwe held Friday night

The beecalaareato aervice waa held at S:W p. m., Sunday, at ths Fbat Baptist chordi. Ber. Geckge W. IVjweQ ddKveriag the

Itaiday wat day aad on Taaeday the meat took pfaMc.


In %>e ffilver Aaaiversary editioa of tiie Seward (Ndtraska) lad^endeat-Democrat an article i^tpeared coneem-iBg a feratar Priaee WUUam coaa^ boy, Mr. Fred F. .SidUvaa, iHw owe CMdnetod a steie et ladspeadant OB. Says the fisdepeadeBt-OHMcrat "Fted F. SuOivaa, ownsr aad aiansgei ef tiia

'Peopke* Variety stace» hee besa to tUa '•BS Itoe ef bostoeee at the saaM toea. tiea for the pest tea yeeie. He wee to ths geeeral ateieaatile bosiBess priar to taking up hk leddeaos at MlUoa^ Neb. He owna Ua ewa hoese. The appearaace of Us store is very ettrast-tve, aset ead deaa, aad Mr. SoIBsaa is to be eewMeaded fee Us abOity to so ••r^Mi^sHy siadati asters ef tUa


—Mr. Herbsrt E. Naeh daatly rseovered from his Bses to fee e^da at his di Teat


at the

a. l7B MEETS

We regret very moeh to aanounce the reaigaatien of oar near editor whidi w l l take efftet with the be.]

ef tke estoiac wedL }

n» Geto Glee CMb held ite rsgular monthly sseetiag at SadHifieU Sehe(d Wedaesday. May ^7. at Whi^ t iae

Miss Gilbeit was with es Teaeday afwraoon, aad aaaietad es with oar iswlin. whkh we hope to taiah tliia •oeto, thctehy eaa^letiBC ear teet yeer% work.

At oar meetiag Wednesday we di»> cussed plans far ear pkaic Saturday. A good program waa given, which all ssswiad to enjey.

ftiss GilhaeC s p ^ e of ths suaamer eoerse to be giv«t at Eastern dnitag a week to June. We hope to send oar prasideat and secretary.

BaapectfUlly submitted, VERNICE POSEY,

• ' ll."J»,' fT'T'Wi""?^" <mf^m^ imfBii """I T


cue • I M * i X X 31

Through the courtesy of the Quaker Oats Company we will show free

Moving Picture Show Featuring the World's Greatest Dairy Cattle 6,000 feet of livesrock film—Effect of a pure bred sire upon a grade herd. Selecting the heavy producing cow; stock judging dem-onstrations; moving irfctutcs yf the iRrorl4't greatest individuals. " ,

Tk Greatest livestock Picture Ever Produced

Grand opportunity to view the various an­gles of the livestock industry. Every reel a feature. Every feature of educational value to anyone interested in livestock. Everybody invit«L Cyidrmi admitted otdy wteii nc ccnnpaidbdtbsr ididts at



The (WMral object of the above •tried enit ia to have tale of the real cetate in Prince William county of which the late C. S. Hereford died •eised and poeaeeaed; to apply the pro-eeeda, ai far aa neceeaary, to the pay-nent of the debto doe by the eaUte of C. S. Hereford, deeeaaed; to eemmvte the widow's dower in the funds aris­ing from the sale, and to distribote such fund, after the payment of eoata of suit and said debta, to those entit­led thereto.

And an affidavit having been made and filed that the defendants, Lucy Hereford, Annie Davis Hereford and R. C. Hereford, her husband, are not residents of this state, it is ordered that the said Ln^ Hereford, Annie Davis Hereford and R. C. Hereford, her husband, do appear within tea days after due publication hereof, and do wliat is necessary to protect their interests in this suit.

And it is further ordered that a copy of tU* order be published once a week for four successive ¥reeIcB, in the Ma­nassas Joomal, a newspaper published and circulating in the county of Prince William, and that a copy be posted at the front door of the covthouse of this oouaty as required by law.

GEO. G. TYLER, CtaHc A true Copy:

GEO. G. TTLER, Oork. C. A. Sinclair, p. q. $1-4

} f


MONDAY, JUNE 5,81>. M.

Manassas M


Tk Four Chassis— Standard Baids M Througk

From tire carrier to radiator, the Buick four cbaMi* is of the same powerful eoDStmclion asjthe Buick six.

Buick cars for twenty years hare beeik bwk for dependability—and the Buick four embodies standard units which hare proyed themsdres through years of

Conqwre the Buick four chassn part by part with any otiber four cylinder

T ^ Washington Wood Wmidiig CkfOxptmy JOHN F. MURREIX, Provristov

Manufacturers of High Grade Cabinet and MBttworfc -DtALEBS m _ • "

3 and 5 Ply Wood Paaeis»3heet Rock, Compo Upson a«i|iBeaTer Board : " •.; „ .. .Stock mi'Week'. . .. • ^

LUMBER TwelliiaiidBto..l«.W.

VIRGINIA: In the Clerk's Ofliee of the Circuit

Court of the County of Prince William, May 4,1922. BLSIE HEIDENREICH GOATEB,

Cmnplainant • B .


IN CHANCERY n e eb}«et at the above styled antt

is to obtain a divorce a vinculo matri­monii for the complainant from tiio de­fendant on tfae groond of wilful deeer-tion Uid mbandoament without just cause or ttcease, for mere tHaa ttoee years prior jb> the institutiott c< this •ait, and for general relief.

And an aiBdavit liaving been made and filed in this eOee that the defend­ant, Horace Hany Goater, ia not reddent of the State c Virginia, and that to the beat of jrfBanf a knowledge and belief, his last known post-office address or i aee of abode waa Balboa, Caaal Zone, Panama. It is therefore

{eordered that tiie said defendant d» Btppear here within ten days after doe piAlieation.of tiiis wder and do what is necessary to protect his interests in this suit. It is fnrtiier wdered that a eoKT of this ordn be published once a « e ^ far four eoccMnve we^u, in tiie ManasBSs Journal, a sampa^a print­ed and circulated in the county of Prince William, Virginia; that a copy be sent by registered mail by the clerk of this court to the said Horace Harry Goater, Balboa, Canal Zone, Panama, and titat a c<q>y of the same be poated by the said derk at the £r<mt door of the eemrthonse of said county on or be-fMe the next succeeding Ride Day af-ttt tUs'order is entered.

GEO. G. TYLER, Cleric A true Copy:

GEO. G. TYLER, Clerk. R. B. Wasfamgtoo, p. q. Sl-4





TTndor and by virtue <•' a' deed of trust executed by W. H. Bail^ and Nettie V. Bailey, his wife, on the 12th day of April, -1921, recorded in deed bode 76, pages S4e-7, Trince WllUam oCnnty dork's ofiee, to secure to the beweflriary therein named tiie sum of

with kitssest, as set fbrln in aaid trast, defiuH having been made IB tin payment of t«» scni-anaaa! in­stallments al intersst, wUeh gives the Mtid beneAdary the right to have said trust executed, and the nadenigned trustee having been directed by the said bencAdary to exseote the said trust, he ahaO, on tbs 10th day of Jane, U a . in front rf the Paoplaa Nattonal Sank of Mtnaesas, Va., at about 11 o'clock a. mu, offer for sale to the high' eat bidder, tor eaah, the foltowing de-serfted two tracts of lead, te-wit:

FIRST-—^Lyiag aad being sitaate at er near BniAey, Prince WiUam

MUoiateg Uw lands of Bar-Craig and JesMa, cootairiBg SS and b^ag tiw laupeity upoa

wUeh the said Craig now rssidea. SECOND:—That eertahi tract of

lyiV aad hatag dtMte ia Ma-INstriet, said eoos^, aad ad-

Joiaiag the laads ef Baitoar, Yeog.

We hare just received a car <rf Em-enon Buggks. If In n e ^ of a bug-gy, caD ami see them. Prices n^i.

LArkin - PorreD Coaapany McosroaATiD

Manassas, ^^rgmia


r Ae tna tnct




fiaaraatced First aSxSH inches A T 0 E 6 TDtB TSOUBUS

CRA8. E. mLLBU, INC «U Idth St., 4 Deasa Net«fc •( • St.

WaahlMftsa, P. C


for the Bride —a zUi 9t bvtlBC Cham aad KseUod

she wa b« pmd to VM la INT

tUi ortaUtakaMirt hcniii its



Al Msfl Oiiffs or b^airiaB wfll



4 t

TT^tT mm ^f^vtmn^rw

FpoDLAx ivN^ % vm ^


BsiiUiahed U9S

Hie Mana8$^ Journal FobUstwd Kv«r7 Friday by


-f-D. R. LKWI9. BusiBM* MaaM«r

BntaraA at tb« po«t oflkee at ManatMH, V«^ M aM0&d<«kM mail mattw •

SubflcriptioD—11.50 a year in Advance

ito poison gasaa aa a means of offensiTe or d»-fenaive combat If th« United States finds it­self engaged in tliat conflict, it should be pre­pared to meet its foe, wliatever instruments may be employed. The Edgewood Arsenal should remain intact, even if the force that may be kept there is reduced to little more than a guard.— TimM Dispatch.





RECONCILING EUROPE The end of the Genoa (Conference dissappoint-

ed thiB expectations of many at e ach ed the expectations of many that the powers of Europe were going to 4top glowering at each other and getting ready for another war, and that they would settle down and work in har­mony, though the conference had some useful results.

If these powers only could settle down and live in peace, it would do much to promote pros­perity in this country. They have, unf«rtunate-ly, found that their differences are too deep for any far reaching project of harmony at present. When great powers have been almost ruined, when thfey have lost the flower of their manhood and thdr interests seem radically conflicting, it takes time to forget old ranonrs and reach co-tqierative agreements.

The differences between Russia and the rest of the world, seem for the moment to be impos­sible to bridge. The two conceptions of life are wholly opposite. The bolshevistic has brought that once wealthy country down to the extremes of poverty and hunger and apparently It must suffer and starve untal its people rise and throw off the autocratic rulers who ccmtrol them by guns and bayonets.

NaitJkma thai |>elieve in encouraging 9ood service ^ d earnest wfork and intdligeoce, by alTowing people to ke^ the property that they accumuMte, naturaly do not like to invest money in a cotmtry where such property has been con­fiscated. The bolshevists should realize that if ihey want to secure leans from ttie countries ttiat b^eve in protecting individuid ownership, they will have to conf(Otn to the idefs that prevail in such countries.

The nations ought to cut down their armies, stop printing pi4>er money, get down to business. Th6 Qeanans ought to pay every cent of the re­parations asked them, but to get it out of tJion will probably cost more than it wiH come to. It jwver paya to spend tQ&;Ht»dtltoftaaBC«a"g *•-

[deed ettt lemon. Europe shoidd Hdnk more of le fature and lees «f the paat.--Culpepar Ex-


POISON GAS AND PEACE There are idealists moved by sincere impul-

jrho would abdish iD poison gas in war if they could not persuade Uis worid at large to agree to such a reform and to adhere to it, they would have thor own country take the \ead by abolidiing its own gas works and so^wnding its own peace-time resttarchea.

It is difBcuHrto qearrel witii pec le who at-wfoa^ this position. On the moral aide they have an ue argnoaeat Tliere if no linmanitarfaua de-j^tse to be made of this method <rf IdBiBg mwi. tontiy tliat the victima would die aOre ffddUyl mad ffoffer less i]ti t b ^ death ttor<^ tqr Ms« ga^af^ l^an odMnriaa, ia no anaiim.

Bot there is a Vitape tut the diatfer i^oA war's itefoRiiers ovwlpi^ Each nation of tiiw eartfc muft in the find aniysia, protert its own. IPU-tary allianees, leagne of natkna or other eo-op-crativ« aspodatieiis wQ| not aofllce. once a eoontrr finds t aelf at war witii an aBemy...AIlie8 may go to HM aqipnrt'of aadt n natioBr bat theae ak Ilea «n««Et t M oatton do amm l^ibag «f tta

If poison gas oooM IM abadntdy outlawed and it would remain ovdaved, America would not dare engaan in its prodnetion. No other indi-vidoal nation would dare do it. Bat human ex^ poience has shown that no infltrumeatality baa been permanently aboUiAed. A Iwtion with its back to the wall fighting for its life wiQ make

' use of any means at its command to defwid it-sdf . It was tiionght, f <» exanq^ tiiat the dnm-dum bullets w«e a thing of the part, and y^ the Germans are charged with having used even deadlier shot

During the disannaaoent conference a move­ment was started to aboBsh ontrii^t the use of poison gas in war. The American delegation waa willing to lf»d itadf to that propos^ but the matter Mver reached the treaty stage. It waa put df for further eonrideratioB aa we many other 'ininor^ iaanca of similar nature.

Meanwhile thOTe haa bean aa active affect in C<«grBas to wi^ out the Edgeweod Araenal where the American army makes its gaa, ita gas Baaka and engages in its eqierimentation. Up

^^ this time neither the house nor the Senate has agreed to the destruction of what is periwps the moet extensive gas plant in the worid. No responaiUe group of legislators has J een .wil-lixig to assume responsibility for disarming'the country in this hi^ important rennet

If another war comes, it is aoQost inevita­ble that some one of the beOigerents wfil reaort

BE YOUR OWN CHECKER-UP Imagine how quickly all of us would take a

brace for the better if we kne# that when we broke a rule we were going to be checked up for it right away.

When I sold cash registers one of the argu­ments we used was that it kept the clerks in the store from the temptation to slip a few dolUura from the cash drawer.

Many men. you know, are good because they never had a chance to. be crooked. They have never had to resist temptation, or they have been dtecked up so vigorously that they never had a chance to get away with anything.

The argument for cash registers was a sound one, because I think it is generally admit­ted that a man who nefl gently places tempta­tion before bis employees is subject to Uame if any of them get into trouble.

For this reason, all devices, such as check protectors, counter-signed checks, double entry books, combination locks, burs^ alanna, cash registers, and time clocks are good things because they make it difficult for people to go crooked.

Now think what a godsend it would be if there were some device that would ring a bell when we turn out a slopy pece of work, or auto-maticaly give us a lack when we use only' about a quarter oi our energy on omr job.

If it is up to ourselves to be our own check­er-up we may sleep peacefully for a year before our creditors close in and put the sheriff in charge. Or if we are working for anol er inan it may be six months before he gets around and ties the can to us.

There is an old sa3ring that if you give some mea enough rope they will hang themselves. Un­fortunate^ this is true, but a lot of productive citizens are lost this way. . Why not keep these m«i in leash instead of letting them pass out at the long end of the roi>e?

I have alwasrs admired the way baseball av­erages are kept because these records enable every man to know just where he stands in re­lation to every other man on his team and on competing teams

hi baseball there ie no ai^wnent about who is the best hitter in the country. T^e figures are there—^own to the fourth decimal point.

Some companies keep similar reconlsi al­most a« scientific, on their salesmen, and when these are published so that every salesman may see what every other salesman is doing, the effct is very salutary. .

The plan has been worked but, I understand, for iHrpdueti<m departments, blackboards showing graphicaly just what each man and each ma-ehihe is doing.

These record systons are ^worthless, how­ever, unless they are maintained on a strictly up-to-the-minute^baeis.. If a man loafed on the jSk last week he ought to know about it. the fdllow-ing week. If you wait a month to tell him he won't bdieve you.

That is the reason why I bdieve in the effect following promptly <m the -. cause.-^Tlie 'I n>e Metal Ma aa'ne.

WBAR APOPPT! Wear a {Mppy; and nmambcr tliat Ua fane of teQUaat rad b «7iiil)<die of tha lif»Uood that ten nflBoa mm turn

ahad • That tha world 'xnii^t be eBfranchtaad tarn an ovarpow-

ering dread— •' Tbat the UviDs vai$^ hawa froedoaa, M a gift, f n m thoaa

tmfmmisMmmmmmim Wimaamm HH PAffll^EglSg

Wear a poppy; and laaMBibar that its ttiat, ofaiahro aecnt WiQ be fngspiit timmA the agaa «f tho eooac* sad

tatant That faaapirad tii* raoOsM Mrits. «ko M^oivad flia aaU,

ttU Muit Whan, to l^*e a iiHk Uml, Vb ttadf bad to ba apiat. Wiar a pomr; aad Teatambar ^bUt its petals aadi aw-

Qt an Bpiati. jMt a fraattaa ot fta <wy amaUaat grata— Bet « housed aailUaA fippiw. w e n te wmtmr f ( tta

alaia • , " Om bat aoetbe oar dead, wMi toiwladga Oat tiMy have

aetdiad ia vato. Wear a peppy; aai re»a»ber, as y«e pfa it aa yoar

Tbat groat anay of tta laDaa, aow la at lost;

Wbek Ifta Artfaoi'k batgUa, oidiatad is a U ^ aad hOr

bora at aaivlea gHa ttaaa laak aBOV —CH4KTJM BALL BAVBL

L A U 6 B A N D L I V E Mothw—*Yoa wan a long time ea the freat pordi

with Mr. mStag last ai^rt. my eUM. What waa going oar

Daiwbtor—'Did yoa aTar rit oa the Aoot pacdi with fatter before yoa married, U m f

Me*bn—'1 aoppaae I did." Daa^rtar—«W^ motbar. it% the aaaa aU werid."

• • • "Do yea tUak I ahaU »m mM Pm iibulT. dactar?" ''How old a n yoa aawT" Torty." •Do yoa driak, gambia or aaaefca or hmn yoa any

of any UadT" nia, I deat driak. I »e«ar tuMt, I lootha awik-bi fiaet I bavaa% u y vtoa."

Wei^ Vaod baavaao, wbot do yoa woM to Hva oa-tfly yean UrV

The Wife:«tait that

bO. B a ^ a

— snnaiAN SAID IT A aoklia- in tto Ek^Msb army wrote hooM: *They

pot m« IB barrada; tbey took away aqr clottsa and pot mo is khaU; tbey took away my aaaw aad auide me 'No. 67S'; tbey took me to a efaoreh. wbare Fd never been before; aad tiicy made DM liatm to a acrmoa Cor forty minatee. Then the paxaen aaid: Tfo. S76. Art tfaoa weary, ait tboa langoid?' aad I got aevao day» bi tta gaaxdheaao bocaaae I aaawered that I certainly waa."


^9 iGiNlX


A year ago— almost unknown

Today-"-a leader

A sweeping verdict for QUAIJTy


Base BaU Goods, Teimis and Fkhing Tackle/ R i^s and Pistoi Cartrids^ of att kiiuk

Jewelry, Qocks> Victor Reccnrds and IheReal '<Victrola^ aU atthe

Right Prices.

H. D. Wenricli Go. -''. Incinp<aated :'

Ftne Watch and Jeweky RepairiiW MANASSAS, TIBGINIA


SpMt Sedan Coapa



Toariag Car Poa<blei . . . Sport

...r:.. .......f»«s tm INS

;ar Toariag Car.. ITIS til»

Haaaoa Ugbt Bix. tMSM F. O. B, Factory


Powell Motor Co. Sakaroom aad Serrieo Station 1821 14th Street. N. W.

WASHINGTON. D. C. Phone North »212


GAR A G E I . ^ ' • - • - • • • - ' ; • • _ • • ' . . • • • . • " '

Now Open for Biismett We vnicmiy to <io expert npairai^

on your satbiMille sod Out f l | ^ *>«

Ton wffl find m locsAi^ teck of the _ Ck>niwdi Siqipiy Compuy, opposite the frdglit aCpot*

Fence & Turner PSOnkSTORS

kaiiivad Siandaid ^ Ho ADAMS

Joint Stock Land Bank FIVE PER CENT FARM LOAN 6010)5

D M May 1,1982 OptkMwi May 1,1932

ExMvt fraa FedOTftl, Stete, Mnidpia aad Lecd * • F«dOT«l Fam LoM Act.

FadwttI Ckutm and Uaitad

PriMsIa jfiaM 4 S ^ i

Cran^ Parris & Omipanj BANKERS


ACTIVE STOCKS We are apecialiata in Ffoanee, Mort­

gage and Diaeoont Company soevuritiea and offer:, 10 Frontier Mortgage Unita_..tll6.00 fi Metropolitan Finance Unite- 80.00

10 Commonwealth Finance, p£d. M.OQ 10 Commonwealth Finance, com. 46.00 5 U. S. Morteage Units 160.00

10 Cleveland Diaeoont,* com. Bid 20 Midland Tnut & Savinga— 9JS0 10 Colonial Finance _ 28.00 10 Pirat Pea«Iea Truat Unita— 86.00 6 Bankera Union Unita. 90.00

10 FidaUty Capital Corp. Unite- 86J0» 6 Motor Horthaho U i ^ . - . . — 66.00

10 National EqniUbta Isreat-ment .__.226.00

20 Seeoritioa Aeceptaaea Unita- tOM Note IVae Special Offar&ga

1000 Owanwood — — ' M 10 Commonwealth Hotd - . _ OSJIS 60 D. W. Griffith. CUsa i t — - 6J»

100 Unltad Ogar Canada.....— .JS 100 Millar Tnin Control S.1S 10 n g g ^ Wiggty Corp, eoai. 9SM 10 Piggly Wlg^y Cox^, pfd. OO.OS 6 Weat Indies Fmit Unita—116.09

100 Hydro United Tire.— tM 10 N<rfBeless Typewriter Ibdta Offer

100 ttadiO, com - . _ 4J» 10 L. S. 8ted Storea Unita.-13&0S

600 Oil Operators Trast—..— J» We boy, aeli and qoota all mriiatad

soenritiee, no margin aeconnta, no p«r> tial paymenta. <Sish eoly. Writa ftr oar ust of high grade bottda.

BUCK& c a S12.«1S mnm

1420 N. T. AT» Stadka aad Baoda btablabad 1910

fSlgin H/aldi




8& a d 1 iSlreds. R W^ WASHINGTOlf, D. C

DB. y^ V. caLLcni • ft


If OnCB TO TBS PUBUC ! The Facaaen' Mataal Telepbone Oo

baa Sled with the StaU CorporattoB r^-.««-.t^ ach»eitd. Va.. notiee at advaaea ia ratea for talepboae ft«ai |6iW par year to $0.00 par : wbidi will be hi effect oa and aftar Joae 1. 1022, naleaa atbatwiaa wdafa* by tbat riimiiilashai FABlKERS* MUTUAL TELB>BONS



SabMribe «*^THB JOU»<AL —|L8i> a jrgsr in advnee. .


BRffiP LOCAL NEWS -^ >-Kr. J. P. 1900 ia «mm]wda£ «t Uft home naar torn from •& attack of typhoid fevw.

—Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Ctomwell «re the proud poueator* of a fine young aw, bom to them laat week.

—^Unjon aervicea will b« held at the Baf^iat duirdi «a Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. William Stevens will preach.

—The Comroencemmt ezeicisea of Manaaaaa High School will be held on the night of Jane It at Eaatem Col' lege Aad^riiun.

—The Bradley Sunday School will hold ita Children Day ezeiciaea at the Methodist church, Sunday morning, June 4, at 11 o'clock.

—Episcopal aervicea will be held in the Lutheran church next toiday morning at 11 odock when the Holy Commonion will be celebrated.

—The Ladiea' Aid of the Grace J(. E. dinrch, South, will meet on Thurs­day aftemo<m, June 8, at 3:80 p. m., at the home of Mra. R. S. Rynsoo.

—Children'a Day servicea will be held at the Preabyterian church Sun day at 11 a. m. Hon. C. J. Heetxe will pve report of the Preabyterian

— The 8th Virginia Begiment Chap­ter, U. D. C. of Hickory Grove, haa raised (40 toward the oonnty'a <iuoto of f 100 for tbe pnrdiaae of the Henry Farm.

—Bom to Mr. and lira. Walter Vaughan Wright at the home of Mra. Wright'*.par«it8, Mr. and Mra. C. E. Fiaher,' on Tltnraday, a aouj WUter Vanghifw Wrigiht, Junior.

— The regular monthly meeting of Manaaaaa Chapter, U. D. C, wiU be held at the home of the preaideot, Mrs. W. A. Newman, on the fint Wad^ nesday in June^ at 3 p. m. .

—The firatjaervieea to beJteld in the new Trinity Eipiacopal church will be held Ml Triid^ ftinday, June 11, at 11 a. m. Holy communicn «&1 abo "be observed at tfaia tim&

—The Ladies of the 17. B, church will give an iee cream social at the home of Mrs. Linaweaver, Saturday evening June 10. The pnUk is oor-diaOy tiivited to attend.

—The Chric League of Greenwkh will give an entertainment twaaiating of aeveral plays at the adw^ hOuae Saturday, Juse 8, at 8 p. m. Admis-aion 18e-SS&^ BefcesliaMtfU iwm hi on sale.

—^There will be no Lutheran preach ing aervicea held at the Bethel Lutheran church hec^ on Sunday on account Of tiie Sunday School C<myen-tiao. Sunday School wiU be held all 10 a. m.

—lb-. Bobert £ . Lee, of Ravwa worth, who haa been at Hot Springa for 'aome tfanei for Ida baaKh, is very ilL Hia death ia maneBtaiily «cpect-ed. His n^other, and wife arc at; his ^edside.

' —Tli« Bennett School Patroas' League wiahea to thaidc the public for the splendid eotttribntwna which have beeu given toward keeping the Graded School in seaaion isx the extra month.

Mrs. i. P. Lyon, Secretary,

—Egirth Yirginla Begt. Chapter U. a< a will ofasen* Hemenal Day on Jime 3 at Me^norial Qall, Bidmry Grove. Speakiag by Mrs. Bd9«t A. Hntdnsen at S p. n . Befnstonenta served on the lawn. AU are cordially invited to come.

—Children's Day. advices wiQ be held at the Pkesfagrteriaa dnoch Sun day at 11 a. la. Hon C X Meetse will give retort of the Preabytwian General Aaseaibiy. Sandagr Scho<d will be YoAA at 10 a. UL No evening service wiU be held.

—"Home Acres," a play by the senior d a n of the Hdiron Seminary, will be givea at the Cannon Bnmcfa school hotise en Saturday evening, June 3, and at Buckhall, Wednesday evening Jime 7. An ateisaion ^ 20 cents wiU be charged.

—On Monday, the first day of the June term of the ctrenit court, at noon the portrait ef Judge WiUiam E. Lip­scomb will be presented with brief ceremeniea. Judge Lipscomb waa the aticf judfe <rf coa% eenrt irito ever preaided at eoort ia Mewsssss. The county eoort was sbaUahsd throo^Mot tha state a aaBber ef years ago.

—As a resatt of the overturning ef of the VeUe tooriag csr belengiag to Messrs. H. Ebaar MeU and B. M. Weir, MeKMcT KasseQ, colored, who was drivlag the car en the road to Briatow Taeaday aigfat in company five ooknad friends, obtained a frac­tured akaU. He is now in a Waahing-ton hospital He lost eoatrol of the car when ene of the front tirea Mew out, the ear running into the diteh a abort distance beyond the branch line crossing, overturaed twtes. Except Bassell the \\ igsia sasaped with out serious injufT*



When a "" g****™ bays a pair oC opry clawiw. tffs a purty food plaa to kssp y o o wtadowHriksdal paUad dfivOk

—lir. Jeaae §roaby has punhased a Ford touring car.

—The White Rose baseball team journeys to Purcellville tomorrow to play the strong baseball team there. The two teams divided a twin biU here on May 18.

—Miaa Rose Rice redted *n%e Bebd Yell" at the Confe<terate Memorial Hx' ereiaea held in Warreoton last Satur. day afternoon. Congressman Steagel, of Alabama, delivered the dress of ths day.

—G«>eral John J. Pershing and his staff witnessed the inspection of the Marine Post at Qnaatico last Thurs­day. He lunched at the Hostess House and later in the day he was' entertained at tea at the home of General Smedley Butter.

— Tbe medal offered annually by the Ladies' Memorial Aaaodation to Mansssss ffi^ Sehoot on soma sub­ject of Civil War history was won this year by Miss Mary Evans for her )^pelr on J ^ o a o n Davis, tite Presi­dent of the Confiederacy. The paper by Miss Kell Hyde, of Brlstow^ OB tlw same subject also won hawkndde n o i -tion.

-At a meeting of the Ladies' Ms-morial aaaodatioA of ManaaaaS May 24, 1922, there was a bill preaented hy a party riw had nOt been authw-|sed to do w ^ in aaid ea ta toy , and said Mil was directed to he paid, and notice givot tiutt in future no bills win be paid and «> work to be dona in aaid cemetery unieas aatboiicad by the Cluwman of the Executive Com-auttee,

—Says The Loudoua Timea "Jack Thorpe, who spent laat summer- in Leeaburg and was later arxeated in Waahington by the officeris of Manaa­aaa, Prince William county, Virginia, for pasaing wortUeaa Checka, haa ea-caped from the eonvict road fWce and is retorted to have been seen near Leeaburg. A reward haa been offer­ed fer'lua apprebbnsiaii and the au­thorities aire making a .tlsoroagfa search for hiin.".

—The aeries of Union Evangelistic meetings bMog ecmducted 'Jby B«v. Clovia G. Chappell, paator of the Mt. Vernon IHace M. E. church, Washing­ton, in the Bapitist dmrch i t e ^ every night, vti well attended, the church being packed abnost 10 capacity. Rev. Chai^en preaenta hia cmigregation witii an example of modem day preaching. Under the able direction of Mr. caufflea R. McDonald the com­bined choirs of the local drardwa are furnishing the meetings with e x e ^ ent music. The meetings will run through next week.

THt.UAltiflBAS JOtAOUU MAl lMASk VOiaNU 1] 1.1 I g • • ^ " " ^

FBn>Alr« JUNE 2, I ta

mssm *


B U S Y J No transaetioD ig too small to receive the care­ful conaideratioD of The Peoples National Bank, and we are never too busy to attend to our cus­tomers' requirements i romptly, or to extend to them the fullest measure of co-operation.

II The business and professional vaea, the fanners and wage earners, and the women of this city and section, will find it to their advantage to make use of our exceptional facilitiefl.

"If 8 a Pleasure to Serve You"

Hie Peoples National Baok MANASSAS* VmOINIA

M > » » M » » » > > » > » M M H *


We liaTe the soaps, perfumes, powders and toUet arti­cles of aH kind* tkatwiO mak^jrour bath a pleasure* And how good it makes one feel to rise fmn tke iNkth and atep into fresh, dean clothes! We have the many GWie d>mB* Wu need to k e ^ baby dean and healthy.

We Mredijrayf glad to a^ise you.


'^TITWITHFLOWSBS." A««My tar G«ie Brsa. Cb i^Mhi


1EC«6B B. COCKB» Provzktor ' ^ 4 Fffl Preaeriptioes.'' •trctela

>- • :-r: • - •> : • ^ :-r; *-*• ;-r; •*•••?:•*• ;T; • ' • r-'i ••


Wtth Bibw Marphy sad Wafter

His "baddy" had saved him; later he saved hia 'nraddy," th«a came the "jott." that brought him hade to the atrai^t patii and his bride. It's ao good yea jart cant afford to niaa i t Also PatiM News. Admisskn—Mati-nea, fc-llc; night, l l c -»e .

M<WrDAT. JUNE S A six-red pietare ptsssntsd by ths

Quaker Oat Co. It wiU he of great in­to famers wkd Jslfjiaeii No

wBl be charged.


. . ta . . •THE 8ILVBS UNXNG"

Two orphan girls are adopted, one by a famSy af wealth and rsAasasnt, and tte other by a laadly stsijad in sia and sqaalor, bat that's aaoavh; be sure and see it, and lock at tha pttoa. Adaaksion, lle-17e.




Pesis, Fertilizers Binder Twine

j Hay, Horse Feed Mfu:hinery, Etc



BargaiD Prices

Wekter, - $240 Shoninger, $235 Stieff, - $210

Hugo Worch 1110 G St N. W.



30 Banking Mortgage h Troat D. C .„-• 20.00

800 Miller Train Control 20 Piggly Wiggly Corp. 8%

pfd „ — _ 10 Piggly W i g j ^ Corp., com­

mon 100 Chaphi Sacka Corp., 1%

pfd. ;. . 60 dutpin Sacka Corp., com­

mon A , 6 National Eqnitable Lnsst-

ment, nnits . 200.00 6 Rogers Milk Prodaets,anits 110.00

20 Virginia Rate CHasa- S6.00 SOO Radio Corporat 1 o s o f

America 1, 10 Scott Gaa * AppUance..: 10 Stock Bschaage Seearity

80 Cbeapea Adding ^^Mn^ 16 L. R. Steel, common. , _ _

100 Waahington loS Mf . Co., pfd.






JCkt ».00

8.00 7.00


100 Washington ke Mfg. Go. common .»..-.*»..„J.......„...

100 WichiU Royalty 600 Owenwood Oil Corponijon 88 Jewel Jriliea Coal OOMJ&. 20 latsm^ioaal Shoe Heel

Corp. . ' •. 26 Birmiiighaih l i ^ n s . 10 PnUdsM IWal Ckb, Sya-

t t i . * 200 OsntfaMntal Asphalt A F»L

p f d . - - — " i • • ' I • ,•' 260 Revere Motors _; ^ S7S Adraaea Oil 10 Ou W. (tetfUhk Glass A 26X7. & Moyfaig Pietaoiw

Cmp. ._.._.___ 10 Metropolitaa Credit Corpi.,

nnits ^_„.... '„ 26 nKHnnson Mfg. Co.T«atsnn

Light, nnits '. : 30 Vreeland Motors, nnits 20 Union Storage Corp., pfd.

D. C. ......._..... ^..... 200 Newsbox Sales Corp. I 600 Seamons Oil

60 Empire. Food Prodaets Ck>rp., pfd. ..„.._, :

3 Soatfaem Motors, onits—... 10 Steviens Dnryea, units ...

200 Canadian Petrolsnm — 600 Revere Oil Conwany. .._ 100 Morrison Cradle Corp.,



.90 J>6 3 0


BU 12.00 «0.00

S.00 Mi .60



70.00 8.60 7J>0

40.00 1.6a .25

4.00 76.00 86.00



6J00 26 Gnarantee Royalty Syndi

cate _ 9.75 WE BUT. SELL AND QUOTE

N. Y. and Boston Curb issues. Foreign Bonds. Goyemment Bonds, Municipal. Pnblie Utility and Indostrfal BOnda, Unlisted sad Listed Stocks. Bend aad Secarities of every description that have a Market Tatae. \nmi yioa are in the Market to B » or SeD, sod want a Sqaar* Peal, Cafl, Write or ~~ Mate 382.

RIEHEB A CO., BR(«SSS 1315 F Street. N. W.


PeinileiiiB hAistiy Crude Oil

Have greatly strengthened the mar­ket and increased iSe demand for

Gties Serfice Secarities We ahaU be ad to expiate why we believe there will be farther advaneae te Oe price of crude <HL

He Glies Smiee Cmpay faitke Petroleam todastry






Service irias s policy ia the Isrgest

eompanles ia the w«rld meaas fair aad

firil payme^ of iosaas, aad it eosta

yea ao mora.

Call en this agency



General Insurance Agoicy



Order* by Mail RecMvef Prompt AttmitiMi r

' 'Hie Friendly Shop" BRESLAU-ARNOtJO

3 0 6 G S L R . ^ Washington, JKlC

If you want the newest st^es in.



It's really worth youf while to pay this shop a visit. Our connections in New York are with the most fadiionable msAufa^iirm and you will find


>*•>•*• . - • - : 4 - * > • -» ; ^ *• *w, •»'. • * • .-*", • - • ,-*•

The Journal, $1.50 Year

^SkrnfclaB«a*Ma». S7.See kaaah

•Mtesi !• isn. sis,

We taeoartaead the saeuiitiss e<ftis cmpucstiea.

Fte details

IknsW.BrabijtCi Sie . l l Eves



Write for catalof.


OUMT makes in bodi pianos aad players in oar used



Write U8. Sold OD pajrmentB

Knabe Warerooms, lac , J.aWaams,Pre*.,

1S30 ••G* St, WasfainitoD,D.C \,^

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE All persons having dates against

the estate of the late G. W. Nott erill preeent daiai, daly verified, to the aa-McsigBad for paymsat dahas, if aay, aaat bo pree anted piamptiy.

24 C A. WMn.m. IteV. Fcteal lyiewritss Kuhaacs " - * • Wiiaaign«> IX tt.

p FRIDAT, JUNE 2, 1922



For Si^«—Eig^t-room bonae OB Wut Centre street. M. i . fipttle S-1

For Sale—Marble top bed-room set and child's crib. . Jfra. G. R. Eat-eliffe. , M *

For J^t—Three rooms and bath. Apply Jftumal OtBce. 62?

'r St»mp collections, old staqjped en-v^p««, Confederate stamps, old coins boufht Charles Koben, 616 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 51-8»

For Sale, Cheap.—Pnre bred Hol-stein boll, 2% years, and 4 Holstein heifers to freshen in late summer. F. H. May, Brenteville, Va. 2-4*

. For Sale.—Used Dodg« Roadster, in fine condition and offered at a bargain. Plaxa Garage, Manassas, Va. 2-2*

For Bale.—Two months' old grade Guernsey male calf. Sire Colonel of Avoca, r««istered Guwnaey. Mrs. Sadie Ward, Blanassas, R. 3. 2-2*

For Rent—Pasture for twenty cat­tle. F. Warner Lewis, Blanassas. 2-tf

For Sale.—Two fine milch cows, &«sh this spring. Apply to B. M. BridweU, Bristow, Va. 2-2*

I am now prepared to furnish milk, cream or butter, in uiy quanti^ and have pasture for rent.' F. E. Saffe'r, Manassas, Va. 2-2*

Sprinkle lire Works is now ready to serve you. Tires repaired as good as new. Bring them or mail them. Sprinkel Building, Main StreM. 2-tf

Three IM h. p. Fairbank's-Morse gas engine. C C. Lynn. 2-4*

Lost.—Silver handled umbrella. In­itial B. V. B. Leave at Journal Office. Reward. 2^*

I Drant to rent pasture for thirty •mall cattle. Geo. H. ^lith, Manas­sas, Va. 2-2*

Boy Wanted SoMewheie In this town Is oBe boy f ^ is a "go-getter" sphrit, full of grit and amlMtion, ana abeolntely hootet. We want that boy. He will be the ooiy boy agent in this town for the famous MOVIE WEEKLY MAGAZINE. He will work after sehool and other spare time.. His pay will be what he makes it; besides fine prizes and free Movie Tieketa. When he makes good, he will be promoted. If you are betwaea 14 and 19 years old, de­termined to "make good" and truly think you are the boy for this job, ti>en apply 1^ letter to Mr. E. L. ^ b e r g -Pimoaalj'' 8zd-Seer, 119 West 40thr8teiftt, We* TtfrK Oty.

rive fnll'Mtatb of any past selliiur kBee;.7onr age; pateafs foB

and business; your sehool and at least two refer«aeea.

GOOD SIGHT is more to a pair of glasses

_ ^ style. A prinx-nes, or a ptSi'at gold rimmed spectades. may present an elegant appearance, butt their value Ilea in how well they eor-re^ your partieolar defect of vi­sion. Lenses are ground after a spe­cific prescription based upon care­ful examhmtion A( the eyes, yet, to the ordinary perswi, a pair of lense of wh^ly dtf ereat jpowers may have exactly the same appearance. TIK important—the vital part off oUain-ing passes i» aeeamg a proper di­agnosis of d^eicts (^'vision.. Only profesaional meo of knowledge, skill and experienee i*a raider satisfao-tory and dependable service along this .line, aad wiMn such assistaaee ia re<iaired<a visit should be made to SUM oae oC tecognind aidOif. ^ v » your ejes eismineit novl

Dr. 6. Vt. ffines. XSesdnate Opto­metrist. '

Next i^dt—MaBBssas, ^nrgini*, June 6 and t, iSSSL

OOea—New Priaee WiOiaai Hetd. Boars—^10 al m. to S p. BL

Mrs. C. F. Brower, of Cathargin, is a Manassas visitor today.

Mr. E. B. Wright, of Bristow, was a visitor in Manassas today.

Mr. Joe Heflin, of The Plains, was a Manassas visitor on Tuesday.

, Mrs. Walter Hixson spent the week end visiting Mrs- B. C. C o m w ^

Miss Julia Lewis,of Washington,was a visitor is Manassas on Tuesday.

Mr. Fred Gue spent the week-end in Washington visiting Mr. Joplin Adam-son.

Mr. C. D. Bock, of Hazard Kratocky, is visiting his mother, Mrs. R. C. Buck.

Mr. Harry M. Pearson, of ^aymar-ket, was a Manassas visitor last Sat­urday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill Brown visited their son at the Universi^ of Virgin­ia last Sunday.

Mr. J. Burchell Leachman, of Oc-coquan, paid a '^ying visit" to Ma­nassas last night

Mrs. A. M. Criglez^ of BaItinK»«, spent the week end in Manassas vis­iting relatives.

Rev. C. S. FVye, pastor of the CBf-ton Baptist chiirdi, was a MSBSBBSS visitor yesterday.

Mayor A. O. Weedon, of Warrenton, was the guest of Mr. snd Mrs. Albert Speiden on Tuesday last

Mrs. John Taylor, of Washington, visited .Mrs. John Hombakmr several days the earlier part of this mek.

V Mrs. M. E. Akers spent tiie week

end and Monday at the hoaie <rf Mr. a ^ Vxf. C. J. Ziride, aear Wartaa-ton.

Mr. Raymond R«d, and- son and daughter, of Washing^too; visited Mr. Reid's fatiia, Mr. Ira Beid. hura last wieeJC' •'

Mrs. W. M. MeCuen and daughter, Miss Maragret aad Mrs. Jesse Oos-by, attended H i ^ Mass at Fairfax Toasday. ^

ICr. aad Mrs. Albert Speiden aad dangiit^, Virginia, motored to Mew Baltintore £taim^y and qpcatt the day with relatives.

Mr. GondifC .WiUiams, of Rsjeitii, North Carolina, spent the weck-oid %if «Unassas viitttas Us t«r«Bts, Mir. ami Mrs I* B. Williiuns.

Miss Mianw and Mr. Samuel Chinb, of Vienna, spent Sunday at the. home of their aont and'niKle, BIr. and Mrs L. b Shaver, of n«sr tcnfn.

Chokan $5.00

Dear Mft^Mii: It is s feature of oar satablishmeBt to femedel

ftars and altar than into tiM r«ry latest style, at - very modctrate prices. Each Mdw receives oar

prompt attentoin. Ail manufacturing alterationa and repairs done on preoiises under my

perscnal supervniion. Gannests.made, rsmodeled <a re-dyed by the most aiodem scientific methods. ""

It is evw my aim to associate my name and establistunent with high class, prompt and courteous s^rvlea, so that you eao safety reeooxmand your friends to me for satisfaetioa and faithful work at all timesi

Trusting to be favorod with a visit from yoa or your frieods witen thialting of fur work, I am, >

Respectively yours,


t«» F. St . N. W., Waahington, D. C. (Oppouto timw WiUard HetoL)










These cars are now on display at oar show rooms. We invite you. to OHXie to Wadtington at our expense.

M I N K E R M O T O R C O . 1333 Utir Street, N. W.



«iMm eM«HCst M eOt#T MtSO t o MCMCKMr



Mr. and Mrs. William Gibbtxis. of Washington, are spending tin week Willi Mrs. Gibbons' par«its, Ibr. and Mrs. O. S. Piayne, of aear town.

Mr John T. Broaddns has return­ed home after spending a f«w days at the ho^e of Miss Mary Belie Jofanatoa, in Chulestoa, WMt Virginia.

Miss Vesta Hottensteih, of Wash-ingti»,: spent several days thia week witli her brother-in-law and sfcrtar, Mr. ai^ Mrs. CSuales Beavar,

lb'. Paul Qnigg, stadeut for the past year at the V. P. L, Kacksburg, stop­ped over in Manassas yesterday morn­ing ei£ route to iiis home in Clifton.

Miss Effie Golidc, ^ Washlagtan, and a.former resident of MaaassaSi visited friends here over the w»ek end.

Mr; fra E. Cam^wt, <rf Rustaisnt, w a Mw-'M" visitw Tneaday.

Mr. and Mia. George Edmonds, of [ Alegcattiria, spent the vfedc md with Mr . iad Mrs. W. K Akan. Ltttfe Hms Rath'Akan aeeoat^aaM ttoaw.

Mr. John Wood, of Riehinond, ia visttiag Va eooiB, Mr. J a d Miradiaiit. on aattle stcaeb Mr. Wood taaght at the Chester H ^ School dariac tha past sassiom.

Messrs. Lee ^mnkel and Robert ^rbilcel were in Waaliiagton en Son-day, to sae titeir grandasother, Mrs. Sarah Keys, who is taUag trcatiaeat at Providenee HosfiftaL

Mias Maijorie Browar, stndaot at Virginia Orilega, Reaaofce, cteriag tha past swsiBB aa4 wko is sp«>dii« her

n»wMw Tarstinm, at her Caaaiyia, is a visitor ia todsgr.

Ifr. Warren Merchaat, e< BattiKosa, son o< Mr. B. N. Marchaat, qteat Sat-nrday aight aad Sanlay in Maaaasss vMtta« Us anda aad aoat. Dr. aad. Mrs. W. Ffcwam Mar^aniC TWa Mr. Msitlisiil'i i ia t visit to sas aiaee be l«ft hflM *a a tey Mgkt years ago.


USED GARS STUDEBAKER sets a mmrk for^you to diootat—

Used Ours wben bouglit irDm 08 are sxAd to satisfy and guaranteed to pleasi.'


1918 Studebaker, $ 2 5 a Chalm«s 1917« $250 1919 Studebaker, $450. Buick •* $350

'' SiCwfeBiaitfrs are aU Btiuilt and Guaranteed Similar to New

STUDEBAKER Franklin 3076 llain519

817-819 14th Street N. W. - " - WASHINGTON, D. C.

VQtGINU: In tha Clerk's Office of the Cireoit

Coort of Prince WQIiam County, tha 10ti> day of May, 1922. JAMJKI R. DORRKL, Plaintiir

vs. ANNIE M. HAISLIP, Defendant

IN ATTACHMENT The object of the ^>ove-styled suit

Is to obtain a judgment by James R. Dorrell, the plsintiir, against Ajmie M. Haislip, defendant tbareto, for the sum of nine hundred dollars (.f900.00), together with interest thereon from the 18th day of October, 1921, until paid, and together with 10% addi-ticmal as coat of collection; to attach the eetote, both real and personal, owned by the said Annie M. Haislip aad situate in the county of Prince William and State of Virginia, includ­ing a certain lot or parcel of land, td-geUier with the buildings thereon, ly­ing and being situate on the north side of Centre stz^^t, in the town of Manassas, in Prince William County, Va., and being ttie saine land that was conveyed to the said Annia M. Haislip by W. L. Compton and wife by deed date of March 30, 1921, and of record In the clerk's office of the circuit court of Prince William county in Deed Book 76, page 498; to have the istote, both real and personal, of the said Annie M. Haislip, against vrbich such attachment is issued, sold and the pro­ceeds of sale applied in satisfaction of sndi Judgment; uid to obtain such other relief as may be just and right under tiie laws of this State. And it appepriag by ai&davit, filed according to law, that the said Annie M. Haislip, the shove-named defendant, is not a resident of the State of Virginia, it is therefore ordered that tha said Annie M. Haislip do appear within ten days after due publicatioB of this order, in the jerk's ofllce d our said cireoit court, aad do what k aecsManr to pro­tect her interests.

Aiul it is furtlwr ordered that tiiis wder be published once a week for four conseeotive weeks in the Manas­sas Joomal, a newspaper printed and pablished in the county of Prince Wil-Item, Virginia; that a copy of tUs or­der be sent by registered mafl by the cl«^ of our said circuit coart to -the Annie M. Haislip to the postoOea ad­dress irivcn in tha said afiidavit; tiiat a copy be posted by the ssid clerk at the front door of thi; eoarthmise of tjds county on or befovs the next suc­ceeding sale day sifter this order of pnldleatlan is entered; and t ^ t the said darii shall file a oertiiieato of tiia fact with the papws in this ease.

: GEO. G. TYLER, Clariu By his Deputy, L. LEDMAN.

AtitiaCepy: GEO. G. TTLER, dark.

By his Deputy, L. LEDMAN. 62-4


1221 F Street N. W. WASHINGTON, p. C.




Seti. $16.50 Up Jr.. $3!rbrt. tiifaillMii. Sr..$7Sim! hna Seb,$159

SOn» Umm*»imKa ai|20$ Listentaig-U Coaecrts frMi 10 A-M. to 10 P. M..


724UihSLlLff..1Uifiii.B.C L I. MBIIIAI. Ip . (Ei<i3ZT)


N ATCO TIRES N«ia«idi,S9xS.. . . . . $5.75 N«iH8kM,S0x3H-'- K ^ NeB-Sidi,3Sz4 $10^00 Otlnr a n a ia ProvoiiiaB

GMiaateed 60M MOee

Mai Oricn Pmaptly Skipped

Iblioiial Aido Tire Co. 4S9KStnrt,N.W.










l l l4-14«k9L.N.W. The Hew stcnre devoted ent ir^ to aiugical instmntenta, ho^Mtai aad s i ^ roon supplies. Rassonsble price* and coorteeaa • a l e and feoiale attendants.


First National Bank A l M A J t — t i . VA.

oaBaoMAnD iwoiiiui

IT TOO WANT TOUR PRUmiltt moBf Tou wAirr ir—TBT T H MANASqAS JoviniAi.



1$14 H Street WASHINGTON, D. C

Stateery, hnA« Every Requisite for tlie Esoitoire


AT 818 14lh* STREET-

KODAKS and everything fw kodaking

FIUCS DEVELOPED and prints sent oat on day of receipt Vat GOLF. TENNIS, BASEBALL

and every sport, we haadle . tlie bert makes


Buys the Geauiae

Victrola Ceosok ^^XuHiH

Styk240' *"~' tem cTtr aiMn A amall down payment

and we ddiver tibe Victrola No red tape

Lowest Terms JAf\ INTEREST 11 I N U TO PAY i i

s MONTHLY M Ob Mi aAcr wtkk.


The largest stodc of Victor B a e o ^ fai tha Sooth—buy aay anmber

tliroai^oar msdlkic Dept.

Dance Hits ss well as every one of tha vocaljaad g g S w p t ^ YICTOK RCCQHD9-

write f or a catak>gtta at SBsa.

IPI^iiie labor

coBvetdence of the city-

.install Dependable



COLUMBIA SIX $995.00 Moerr POPULAR i t a



AUTO flBm>W8


WrHe or Wn Us

MINKER MOTOR CO. i m 144k StrM«» N. 7 .





p. O. B. n j N T . MICH.

THE PEOPLES CAR 8aa 'A, Catpareit, Tty it—asay


D. C CUNE, M.D. Di^dries or Onantico, Va.

Manassas Tranfer Co* W. t . ATHBT.


VUtjBI , FRIDAT. SVlfR X 1922 omsmmmmBmmimtBm r'



Dae Marek 1,1941

Earnings for the past six yean have averaged over 2.14 times interest charges. Listed on Washing­ton, Baltimore and Cleveland Stock Exchanges. We recommend these bonds for inv^tment. Price 82, yielding over 6.66%. Descriptive circular will be mailed on request

CRANE, FARRIS & COMPANY 823 Fifteenth Street

WASmNGTON, D. C. EstaUisked 188S

John Le Edwards ^ C o . WASHINGTON, D. C ~ RICHMOND, VA.






m Tbcre Are Mscrii iMi^

curtas I

la tmry w w i H y s m Their Good Jud^^ent

wke «iBt ta fwtkiM tiM a n awr fri—da. They kiva

pnmpta tha oaaa «f '*EDMONINr whm t k m iBBaadafI

Malun at SPBCTACUB i EDMONDS _ n.c

A lost Husbaod A loat hnri>and vaa recantlr found at oar Loaeh Coontar eating Ua diaaer. B» jvui viaUaFt tmUi oax tooldtag mai ttewajwaaarvedhim. Neltkatlw loved Uawaekis , i i i« he lovad our eookf^ mora.

MORAL: If any DMBtben <tf your fkmiljr ate A. W. a I* look for tfaMft ban, and OMM down ywBMitaoaMttBMa. Ik wiB Bot only do yos good, birt ha|p tawk tlia aiDnotwiy dt fltat aadleH eooUag. ^

*Wa faad yea w«B far !••."



• . •

Rcdeaned h ^ tetling G>w Peas and Soy Beans. Price $2.aS per bushel for the best mixed Peas jou erer saw. Sori iwn and Millet. Seed at low prices. Besite Twine, FertflisBsr, Plants of all kinds. PyroK for spraying.

Our prices are cheapest for best quality.


Bav. T. H. MacLaod praach«d Sun dax aMrniBff «a UM signifieuiM of MMBwiia Oar. TIM Pnabytarian Buutey School will next M ^ n t e Doeiaion Day.

Sev. C. H. Vmr prMcfaed in Bap­tist ehareh Boaday nigltt oa "Sow-ins seed."

lU. and Ml*. BMriaa ^ v e left Mr, BaiiMnnaa'a fann and a n look tnc for a home near here. "

It is rumored that anotb^ of our yoona ladies has a diamond there are persistent mmors of the' wed dkig bells in the near fntore.

Lawn tennis is the game oecnpy ing most of the time of the young folks Jost now.

l b s . Frank Crosen has a hen with a record of laying a doable egg every day. Or every time she lays the egg is nearly roan<t, and that inside of this first shell are layer| of albumen; there is a normal egg with another hard shelL

It is repMted that representative Kitchen, of Hicbigsa, will deliver the addrt^ at the commMcement exercises of the graduation class of the high school.

There is only one member of this year's class; Miss Roth Biorden.

Mrs. Higglesworth spent the week end in WariiingtMi. D. C.

Dr. William E. F<ad was a recent visitor at his cousin's, Mrs M. F. Mon-tiphly.

Mrs. George Kidwell spent the week end with her mother in Wash­ington, the mother being qnite ilL

The high school baselwl team went to Manassas to play the Manassas team last Thursday afternoon. They were defeated by a score of 9 to 18 in favor of Manassas, bat the boys were not discouraged as they play­ed a good clean game. Qmte a nam-ber of the high school girls went to the game chaperoned by Misses Bod-son and CambelL

There has been quite a panther scare here for the past two weeks, bat as it has be«i aboot thirty-five yrears sjjpee one has b e n seen here Oie panther has about devolved in­to a bunch of misehevions men and boys ont for some fan with a sack of leaves, a whistle making a good* imitstian of the panther cry, plenty of ivagfantion and the fan wms all


Mr. G. E. Mamson, of THrtpnia Sem­inary, spent the week end bi Dom-fnes with his friend, Mr. Leon Waters.

A party of yo^ng folks spoit i lat.-orday fishing and bwting on the Po­tomac The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Keys, Misses Norah Beasley and Constance Waters, Messrs. Magrader Keys, George Waters, Wilbor Pawner. .

Miss Faith Brawner spaA Monday witii- Miss Gpldie Keys.

Mr. and Mrs. K. & Bnnraer have rented and moved vt the new yatson-age in Doafries.

Mrs. O. H. Biawner has started a mnsie dasa. We fai^e to see a good many of tiw yoonger class takis ad-vantag* o< tita oppoitarity.

Mx. Boaeoa darios, «< Woodbridc*. eaUod on IGsa Geldie X«rt Soatey last.

Mn. b n e s t VHii vWtad frindi in. town Monday.

Mrs. D. C CKas spent Monday at t t e Mary Waddagtaa H o s t e l fa Fradarieksbiirs wttk k

KfnchelM, wko hps « very wrieaB oper-

«• IfaV t . W» at* cl>< t» Mar As is

^ . aad Mrs. B. P. K«ys, of Breaay ined aboot thfaty

Friday. May 19. in bomr te\ lOsa Norak Be^sley^ Urtiiday. Tka

b iMt s M srlittfc iJayaiil aad iwrsshaMBta sajjiysa iBi-ta a bkte hany ^ e a nB JspnTtiJ sriaUng Misa BMsIey auu^ lutppy !•• tana of the ds^. Miss Baasley r»-ottnA many idee aad astfal ineaems.

Mr. Pnneis Kays sari Us trtaid. Miss Mabal Canady, etOti ea fiiands in Dussfriea Sanday.

Mrs. W. W. DovaU, of Newport News, who was caDed bsre owii« to the s^ons illness of her sbter, Mrs. Wilson Kindteloe, is now visitiag her puwtts, Mr. aad Mrs. S. G. Keys,-of HpUn, befoiis bar retam to berk

Wm rnntsiMi Waters spsa* the w e r i c M wHh bsr paisata, Mr. kad MIS. B . A . Wafean.

Sevata] Craa Daiafriiis visited laat waek ts see the "May-pfaaa A s laCt for WaaUag-

tea aad hoar the pnaoaaeed "graad."

Mia. Eaiiwaa Kays D. &

. MIS. Coefl GarxisoB called ea C H. Brawner this

L R. CONNER & COMPANY SaAalioB^4|Baftr^Price

We invite you to come to our store and look our prices over on our

Meats, Groceries and Green ae

Vegetables We find that the great majority of people, when they buy food, connder quality first a d in view of this fact you will find in our store goods of the best quality only.

We pay cash for all kinds of produce — calves, hogs, chicks, ducks, egg% butttnr, Indesi etc

Our motto is "FuU measure, full weight and honest goods for your money. We aim to PLEASE YOU, if we succeed, tell others; if not, tdl us. Fair and cour­teous treatment » - prompt service to alL Give us a call when in need oi anydiing in Ae grocery en* nieat line.

nK»e as and we wQl deliyier your ord<nr to your door. It is a ploasore f or OS to Mnreand ple*M jun


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Brka Bawie Jofai ^ Mveriala, MC

'" •i.ii'^ijiia'" ,

$5.00 a d $1«IA^ SAYPD ON S n i ^ FOp





COMPANY m-VJi l4Ui VM. Aka*|S M. J. An.



Aire U a Aaa. Msar C B^


aw. RKirs imiw.

» % <4

WT»-«ffNyflOf SVSgVNVll 2HJ.

—ilTfeMia zno si XSOJL Hor Of ^ -


F U S S E L L ^ S Real Cream fee Cream

FuMell-Young Ice Cream Co. •^x

1306 Wiscontin Ave., N. W. WASHINGTON. D. C.




^ T C ^ t A G B > a big £Ktor to ptnfitafale ^ 1 kcdog and eooaMBiod baying. Lice ^ ^ worth while thtnga k wotka both 1 ^ the £ntiMr or d w man in town a mad bak ctiiar i> a m i ecoaomy.

A ooocxece toot ocQar properly made, 1 pioo^ water-ptottf and pctmaacat, wffl MMNK pnrfiacitMlf m mofc wayi tfaaaone.

n a r J M I K o n grw jmi piMM

JE5 ryoar lacal BaiMcaaaiiiptto

IHB ATLAS PORTLAND CBMBNT OOUPAKir •-r--^-r "'i iTiiii riiiiii niiiiiifcth

,»i ii.<iiii^^iHk*h.


' 4)da*t F<»get Tliat We Are HeadqnaQers F<»

PhnAiig and EJectrJKJ JIaterial - M i l I I ' • I I i - i I II • ! . • _ i I * I . I ' • " * " ' ' ' . . ' • • ' ' • "


^Otir Stodc of Fans are the Best WeScllhdikWvkn. UwiwetteiidatMrriMe. G i e s a d l

Only Way to Pr^arve Oriental Rugs

By " ^ S K i l ftoceM" we warii l A r^iair ru«», no matter hew aefled •ad worn oat tiwy may be. We ijfeive.MW edgee, re-nap the worn eat part, weave in helee <rf a raff « * perfect a t a ^ e* deeijw y i i eolor. Stral^taB crooked rugs, redoee tile rise «r fit U M B to roflMa. AH work done 1^ bead oidy. Can and see for yoarseU.


A. H. B A K S H I A N BrtrtBehed » Teats

81117thStreet,N. W. PheiwIWaSWl WA8HINGT(»f,D.C.





^ Svedd SiJe 3<h3i Star Cad rm d Q o e • 9nadt.Mtiiuf . . . ••^•A*>



; l^mlTread Rdbkr Cmm, IK. 1235 New Yerk N.W.

t S. S. BTKD. HL,


GHAS. P. snASNS, Viee-Pr«idnt

t O B ^ M a

The Journal, $1.50 Year

The BreatevUle Home Denumetra-tkm Clab met at the home of Mre. Paul Cooksey hut Friday afternoon and oAeers were elected for the year •a foUowi: President, Mrs. Paul Cooksey; vice-president, Mrs. John jSeymour; • secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Jamison, reporter, Miss Violet Keys. The ladies were very fortu­nate In having Miss Burke, of Blacks^ burg, to speak to them with many helpful hints and-bits of advice. Miss Gilbert presided as temporary chair­man in ber iisual pleasing manner." Befresbmenta were served during the social hour by the hostess.

The ladies of the Brentsville Ken­sington will meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Mowry next Tharsday, May 26. The subje<^ for the evening will be "Foreign Missions in my Church." As several churches are represented in the society each lady is asked to respond with interesting for­eign missions of her respective church.

The • Brwitsville baseball team for the seastm looks very promising in the practice games, as no regular games iiave been played yet The boys want uniforms which they deserve, if we ex­pect good work. To raise funds for this purpose several members, assist­ed by friends, are preparing an enter-tainment to be given June 8. An ad­mission of 16e will be charged. Pleaaa patronise this entertainment and be proud of your team.

Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. S. R Spitser were Mr. Owen Wade, Mrs. Baber and son of Catlett, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whetsd itnd Mr. Jesse Whetzel, of Nokesville, ^Mr. and Mra. John Seymour, Mr. £rvin Wade and soi^ Misses Alene Keys, Dora and Mary Lam and Messrs. J. M. Keys'and John Donovan.

The sum of %1BM was rmlised at the social last Friday evening.

Rev. and Mrs. Burnett CMmsley, of Bemingfeda, spent Sunday evening at tiie home <a Mrs. Martha Molidr.

Quite a nnmbw from here attended the H ^ day at Manase'aa last SatMS *iy, ' Ainong the Sunday' guests ai the

Iwme of Mr. R. H. Keys were Mr. Joe Foaey and fami^, of Canova; Mr. and Mrs. Balph Stevens, Messrs. CSiester and Bruce Stevens, all of Washington, and Misses Loniae Suthard, Dora u d Mary Lam, Messrs. C3araiea Sathaid and Clyde Hedriek.

Mr. Herbert K ^ and family, e< In­dependent HiB, vjaited relatives In ftreBtavQle Sanday.' '->•

Mr. Hermaa Lam kiat a vtiuidde oew tiiis week.'

Mr. and Mrs. James Woodyard, <rf Adeit, speirt the week-«pd with Mends Itere." '

The iday to be given by the^onng fcrfks aain the direction of Mrs. Paul Coduey is making good progress and promises to be worth more than the 16e. adiich will be charged for admis­sion. Come have a good time and help the baB team get their uniforms.

Mr. Bose and daughter, Mrs. Ti-grrtt, of Covii^gton, Va., are visiting Mr. Koee's danght^, Mrs. Louis Jamison. Mrs. Jamison entertained at dinner in their honor botit Sunday and Monday <d ithi» week. The gneata teiday were Mr. and Mrs. KAlen and Monday Mrs. K. M. Bradshaw and -aons. Miss Smith and Mm. Faal Cook­sey and amm.

Mrs. Dewey Keep visited her aunt, Mrs. R. O. EffiM), on Monday.

Mr. K. M. Bra^haw u d family motored to Occeqnan To^aday and spent the day fishdng.

Ber. E. Z. P e n ^ Mr. mud Mrs. Reu­ben Bowers uid acm,.aad Mr. and Mrs. & J. Barnes, all of Manassaa. visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coehacr one even­ing last week.

Among the Sunday v i sors at the home vt Mr. and Mra. G. B. Shoe-aMfcmr w « e Mr. ahd Mrs. J<An Ser moor, Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Dove and family and Mr. Ervin Wade aad acm.

Mr. Waltn- Keys pardtaaed a Ford toarteg ear last week.

There wiQ be an important meetiqg of the Patrons' League at the school hoase on Jane 1, at 8 o'dedc A large attendance is requested.

Miss Viola Donevaa spoit a few days with hei brother here befMe leaving for Pennsylvaaia, where she will remain for a few weeica before leaving for Gi te Cod, Maaa., where ahe wiB spend the snamer. ' Mra. T. H. Cockmj with ber daugh-

ter^a-tew, Mrs. Paid Cooksey and graadson, ^eat Satorday at tkm home of her coosia, Mr. D. H. Cartsr, near Miaaieville.

A FAMLT AFFAIR l U a btmidry of oara iaflor thefaaH

fly waridac-hic fluaBy too. Wa saa taaadar «*«; tWa yoor fkauty wears aad do it tata freoa aayoM^ also. la tto laag

• yaaH ted it mora ecoDeiairal. No damp waah—No haag eat No

liiailat T?ii Buoks ea aaytUag.

Ik Tobaii Lanilry F.W.

M i a a i C W i i t i i g l i . a C Tea Aia Wa Gta



r r r f r r r r f

• E ' r r

^i^'^^^^^i'^^i^^i^iinii^^i^^^^i^^^i^i'ii^m'um^ii'm^'ffRr ^"•rnrj


fiir len Dollan and Nbie^

[E 3 0 x 3 H dre Mtuation today is just this—

Ttup man wbo buys an USCO at ^10 .90 is justi«

fied in beUeving that his money i» going farther in tire value dian it ever nas gone or could go before.

Naturally he apin«ciate« the qual^ ity of USCO. That waa established long ago.

It is stiU fredi in his mind that USCX> led die national market into the $10.90 price range.

* The makers of U . S. Tires

always intended the 30 3Vi USCO to be the high tat value in its 6eld.

At $10.90 itcreates ti new dasa^icadon of money'$ wordu


Unitad States Tins Unittd Stakes ODubbsrCompany Wiimtim

30x3% USCO

no2? c^llfaiaSapr

4 i i A i A i i A i i I A A A A A A i

^ * ^ ^ ^ ** '*'** ** * * .* * * * ! llifcJlt!tklt! ] J ^ Where you am

U* S*Tiress

MANASSAS MOTOR CO. E. N. PATTIB, Catharpia. Va. CATLETT 6ABAGBL Catlett, Va. a B. ROLAND. Bayawrkat. Va. PIEDM<»rr GARAGfE, Nekaavtlle, Va.


£itaM&aiy OiBogs

Freeh stock of fast seUiag tirea, in-elodhig Portage, and otiier popnlar makaa. In order to malm room for fxh tare riiiim>«ita wa tittt thaae at rediieed prices.


SSxS . . . . I S . S S Mz4 ....$14.4S

atiSM.. Ma»»4-. nx4 .. S2x4 ..



t2a4Vi. «*«4W. 84x4^. » a 4 M . » x S .




»aadfHhk,$l .SS. Other a i sa^ lUS



a&llf.TlBEiE U4S 14A Street, N. W. (Osr. Ehsde Uaad AfaL>



Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed by Benj. W. K n r i ^ on November 16,1920,of record in the clerk's oflRce of Priiwe William County in deed book 75, pages 170-71, to secure certain indebtedness therein ful­ly described, in the paymait of iHkieh default has been made, the nnderrigned trustee therein named having been requested so to do by the holders^ said in­debtedness, wiD offo' tm ssle, at puUic aoetioB, to the hii^iest bidder, on

Satnday, Jsne 24,1922 at twelve o'doek m., in front of the Post OfiRce in the Town of Msnsssss, aforesaid county, all that certain tract or pared of land, in said county between Bristow and Gainesville; on Rocky Branch,an,d adjoining the lands of HaO, Robertson and othws, known as tlie Elisabeth Murphy place, on «4>ich there is a luge dweOing, ootbuildii«s, good timber, eedar posts, water, etc, eoBtsining, mora or isas, #8


2-td Trastas.

Me Pasternak The Connectiait ATaane

USS Ceaa. Ave, N. W. .

Tidloring 1232 14ttl Street, N. W.

Waahtegtea, D. C

ftresse* Three Gronpa

$ia J^S $39 Vaidoes up to $75

Smart Hats $5 and $10

Values $10 to $30

Priced Right Used Cars

RelMill,RepeiBied and Fv ly

Oakland Cars Aad Other Maine aft Begaia

Thit Weeks : >ecial

Oakland Gmipany

1709 L Street. N. W. Waahrngtea, D. a

TIRES Win the confidence of the most discriminatii^ mo­torist and assure us of your future business. A tiial, will convince your commu­nity. Strictly fresh firsts, non-skid. Seat subject to ypur inspection. Swsfac-tton guaranteed.

aim. nOaic. Ood. »*a sTJs


Itx4 U.M ttmt HITS ste4 nu aUH :-HMH ItetH mMi


u e


eOQlY S. WOOO, INC 150214th street, N. W.

Franklin 2332 Washington, D. a

OOee of Virginia State Highway Coaa-missMB, Ri^aKMid, Va.

May 16,1822. Sealed bids wiD be reeeiTad at the

<MBee of the Virginia State Highwar CommissioB, IIS S. Tiard %., RidK mood, Va., xat& noon. May St, 1922. for the oonatmetion of:

PROJECT 7»—Roate 1—One thirtr foot reinforced concrete bridge o v ^ Chappawamaic Creek, in Prince WQ-liam Coanty, approzimatdy 160 Os. Tda. Concrete. Amoairt c< eartiilal AtA ia |260.0a

Plana and spediicatioas for inspec­tion are oa file at the Ofltee of the Sute Highway Commiamaaer IIS S. Third St., RichaMDd, Va., aad at the Oflke «f the Mstriet Engineer, Frai-eri^aborg, Va. ^wriftpatfama and bidding proposals may be obtained by reqneat from tiie OCke ef the State Highway Cemmissinwar, U S S. tMal S t m t , lUrtimiiBd, Va. Plana f^ bridge oa Project 79 eaa be eecared fiaat Mr. W. F. Hefeart, IM N. Sth ^ Birhmoad, Va., on payment of 'M,4S.

Aa Engiaear will ba at the OAoe «f the IMatriet Ewr., riiiliiililrSlBi|fc Va, lS:ao a. m. Satardar, May t7. S ahow pamapaetita bidders o««r tite

TW State Higliway Commiasioner taaereaa the iWit to reject any or aU lada. G. P. COLEMAN.

S-2 State Highway Commisaioner.


Wi ^ yT"'^--- • ffi •.'.'^ ^ ' 'P f ; ' * . ' " • ?r ."TKVTtfKr" . «7


FosxnreuBG Mr. aiid Mr*. C K. Abel u d sen,

Clint, Jr., of Watidaogt»n, spaat ti>e week end at the bom* of Mn. Georffie CoraveU.

Ur. and l i n . James Anderson and dnoffater, Marjorie, of WashinKton, •peat the week «id at their hone.

Mr*. J. E. Tapscott called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. WiUiams Sunday.

Mrs. Belle Dunn and ^ r . and Mrs. A. h. Foulger had u their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Dunn and daughter, Dorothy, Mr. and Mzs. J. I. Dunn and two sons, Alvin and Aubrey.

Mrs. Nesaie Atcbiaon, of Washing­ton, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Gfeorgie Comwell, of Oak Hill

Mr. andt Mrs. J.X. Dunn and t*o sons, Alvin and Aubrey, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. t. Keys Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hales and dnughter, Lillia* and son Robert and .Mrs. Hales' mother, Mrs. LiHian Cora-well all of Washington, spent Tuea-<iay aftamoon with Kr. and Mn. W. E. King and Mrs. Belle Dunn.

Mrs. J. E. Tapaoett, Miss EtU Tap­scott, Miss Oertroda Liming .and l b . Clarence Tapaeott sailed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. WilUama Tues­day evening.

School haa rwaoUy de istAd $26 to Sndley Church,

l^e Misses Akers with their naoth Mn. Ema Akers, and brothars, «^dri* District Methodiat ehwch de­er,

Measr*. John and Benjamin, ail. of Washington, were the guaita <a rela­tives here the 80th.

Ur. and Mrs. L. K. Lynn and family and Katharine Eattie ap«i« Sunday afternoon at Stone House, th« home ef Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ayrea.

The Bev. C. L. Beard waa a guest at the home of Mrs. M. £ . WUkina after services at Sudley on Sunday.



Dr. Haramil, P. E., of the Alez-


There will be sendoes at the Primi­tive Baptist Church here Sunday at 11 a. m., Elder Alderton, pastor.

There will also be baptising Sunday aftemotn at fonr o'clock by Rev. Ni-col, pastor of New Baptist Church.

Mr. Sales, of Fredericksburg, waa a caller at Mr. Clarke's Wednesday.

Mr. Silas °B«id, of Waahington, is visiting relatiTes here.

Miss Lndis Clarke returned home Sunday from a fe^ days' stay in the city.

Miss Pauline Florence, acemnpanied by a lady friend, Tlsited her parenta the week-end.

Mrs. J. L. Hinton and fami^ visited Accotink Sunday and were gUasta of Mr. and Mra. Henry Hinton.

Mra. Carrie Gee, nee Hinten, of Nor­folk, and Ifr. WQi Hinton wen callera at the home of tiie Claike family laat Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clarke motored to Stafford Satatfday and wn« victors at Mrs. Cluke's father, Mr. W. T, Greene.

Mrs. Clarke and John Thomaa, jr., expect to be gone about two wMika.

Mr. D. a Alexander attmdAd tiw bait games at Woodbridge on Toeaday.

The maeldndry f « the ehaeae Caor tory haa arrived wad we hope it will soon be in operation.

Mr. W. L. Browning wata in Minnie-ville On Mmiday.

Mr. and M^. A. S. Boatwright and son, Sinclair, of Manaaaa% aeeom-panied by some friends, Vi^ed Mra. E. J. Alexander' Sunday.


The commencement exercisea ol Catharpin graded school were held in the school building last "nHmday eve­ning in tite praaenee of a larse land appreciative andkooe of patrona and friends. The progfkm ctmalstAd of aongs, recitatiens and plays, alao a very beantifQl drill by twelve of tha achool girla. The-wholeinsognuM re­flecting much eradtt upon b<^ teach­ers and pupiM.

Mr. and Mra. Wade Akers and Mr. J. W. Polen, of Washingtim, spent the first ef tiic week with relativea here and were aeeonpanied baaa* by Mr. Akera' mother, lb s . J. H. Alcan, who baa bean making an Mctended visit to her aister, Mra. Etta Lyan.

Mr. BetUey Aaderaoa, of Waah­ington, visited faia parmta, Mr. and Mrs. L L A a d m w ike test of ^ week.

Mr. Robert Aiidenon, of Mt. Plaw-ant F a m haa haen 4ulta indlapuaad for sevaral dagp*.

Mr. and Mra. E. M. Pattie and diilr A«n were eaUers at the boow «< Mr. and Mra. George ftnitli at Haynar-ket Snday aflenteon, WIMTC MIS. Smithls aMtiier, Mis. Chutea W. For-sythe haa baen ill for the pnat two weeks, aiacc ake and her turned from Southern Goorg^ wfaera they bad spent tiia wiatsK

Maaara. Maurice James and Jeaaa Porsythe and Mra. Joae^dae Robia^ sen, whe hava baea with their aaotber during bar iHneaa, will ratum to tbalr reapoetive homea in New Tork, OUo, Georgia and WaridngtM Oty, tUa week. Miss Beasie Forsytfae remain­ing witii btr SMtbar, WIM for SHmy year* waa a rsai4Hik af this ty. Mn. Pofaytba in tar at this tiasa.

Miaa Aania Trotb ia tte goaat at her eeosia, Mn. R. L. Wbaaler at •bil low Oraaa ^ana," aaar Mawana.

Mtea Aliee Mats ia viittiav l b * . Bntb HaB this wedL

Mrs. J. C KidwsU spent Friday at tile lioasa of her soa aad. daagfatar-iB-taw, Mr. and Mrs. Haasy SAwsO, af Beak HiU Farm.

Mlaa Edna Mae Kidwdl spent San-day with her parents at "Rock Hall."

Mas. J. W. Alvey aad small son, Jamaa WorthiaftaB. Jr., aad Mte Boae Steper wan Wamataa viattan OB Wednsaday.

The Jaaier Leagoa of Catharpla

The beautiful weather of the paat week," and the good condition of the roads.'have been enjoyed by numerona visiton and motorists, oat for the week-end and the 30th.

Mn. Blanch Dav& Currie, Miss Ann Currie and Mr. Kent Currie, with several guests, ali from Baltimon, have been spending a few daya at "Woodlawn," the old Davis home.

Mr. and Mn. John Weber, at Waah­ington, were gtiesta.for the week-«Ml and over the 80th of Mr. and) Mra. J. W. Garrett

Mr. and Mn. A. W. Ampblett have with them two litttle nephews, one an infant of two months, who arrived on Wednesday, having made tiie long trip from Nebraska under the can of a nurse. Their father, Mr. Boy Amph-lett, is expected later.

The moving pictures for Saturday are "The Little Minister," with Alyce Calhoun starring as "Bobbie," and Fairy Seomon in "The Simple Life."

Mrs. Fonyth, 'who haa been serious-y ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George W. Smith, is improving. Her daughtor. Miss Bessie Fonyth, is still with her. Several other memben of the family, whcl wen anmmoned laat week, have returned to their homea.

Miss ZiUian Hntehiaon, who has re­cently graduated from the State Nor­mal at Farmville, is at lioaM fbr a iiliort vacation, after vriiieh abe wUI rafom to Farmville for tho eonrsa at the aaanaer normaL

Miaa Flraneea Thornton, wiio waa a atttdent at a aonthem c<dleg» dnriog the past aasaioB, ia vi^tinc nlattraiB hen b«fnf«' vAtg to bar IXHBa ia Ptuunaa. '

Miss Edna Moorman has reinraed to her hoate naar Lynehbarg foir tba summer.

The parish hall did not hold the big crowd that waa preaent at the finals of Haynarket leaded achool, which were held last Friday evonkig; The exerciaea were opened with prayer by the Bev. T. M. Browne, iriio alao pre­sented the eertifieatea of pronsotioa. An apprtqpriate address waa made by the t»rincipal, Prof. Barry Peanon. The teachen and pupila a n to be con­gratulated «» the very entotaining and well arranged pn^Etam praaontcd which waa modi enjoyed aad ap­plauded.

liverad one of Ida axosUent aermona at the Methodist ehurefa hen Iwit Sunday, l b . Hudaon baa conelfdM hia visit to hie sister and bnther-in-law, Mr. aad Mra. Manh, alid re­turned to Ua borne ia Lony, Va., laat Saturday.

Mrs. T. C. Moore and Mn. Jamea Bapnett wan Waahiagton visiton 'Saturday.

On account of the eonflictiag ser­vice at the U. B. ebnre^ on tfas nigrht of June 11, the Methodiat Sunday School wil begin their CfaUdnn's Day exercises at 7:80 Q dock and the U. Iii servieea will buTin at 8:80 o'clock so that thoae who wish may attend both services. People attend­ing these servieea are requested to be at the Methodist church at 7: SO sharp that then may be no failun ia the plans.

Several families from this vicin­ity a n attending the Union Service at Manasas this week.

Mr. Stevens, of Manasaa, a vet­eran of three wara, attended ehunh service hen last Sunday p. m.

Little Miss Margnrette Farquhar is visiting relativea in Waahington

Mra. Chandler entertained the lit­tle Misses Flor^KO Raymond, Ma line Smith and Marguntte Farqnhar one day laat week.

Mr. and Mra. Herbert ComwsU are the proud parente of a bal^ aon since last Saturday.

Misa Effie Weaver haa- retamed from a visit to Alexandria.

Mr. C. B. Evans went to Washing­ton (»e day laat week to consult a specialist concerning bia -eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gue Jr., of Manaaaas called at the C%aadlar and Winalow homea Sunday.

The painten have finiabed their work on the exterior of Mr. G. W. Eenalay's reaidenee.

Mr. Joe Heasley motored down froei ASaspadria Sunday evening.

lira. Henaley and cbUdren return-ad to -Alexandria tlairsday, aftt^ apandinar a week beia. \i\

Mn MaUnda Bitanoor vidtad bsr aiater hen Thursday, bar niece ae-cwnpanying her hmna for a viait.

Mr. Arthur Colbert went to Waah-ingtrai Saturday.


SpeOM^ in cktonie dlseaaes^ X make atndy and. treatmeBt

of any kind of disease tbe fam­ily Doctor is not coring. Tell

' me your trouble and rU tdl yon yoor disease a ^ what can be done for it. Il l send blank and spedmat pas|, Oive me your namei


Washing During the next few weeki I wUI offer die

Jte Wdiiig 1 ^ ^ lor

$120.00 This machine wdk regukrly for$lSO.OO. It b equipped with DKYtor and reveriibfe wringer. On exhflbition at

CornweD Sqyly Co.


Washing Storing

Largest Stod of H ^ Grade Oriental Rags

in Washington

NEJIB HEKIHIAN 1512 H Street N. W.


9 The IGng for YOUR Wedding

GcnuuM Orca^e Blottom Wedding Ringt —tart in» masWa turn, ia s«ld or pla«>

CMBnntfM Ortaige BUnSom

EngagemtHt RUigt

*7 MdM Isdu. TkCT a n caqsMtagbcantltS. tat tke ofaaat MOWCJIB nottt, •MOtOnt to ( . d n t MSal endmon M OiMka o S CaiB»««, bitesi f"^ HMk nA- biMl»i1n ta d l . t i r i it .dacnt a«*l xnv k -tMaaa rad Vt*«(M wWfc 1

n)d..7!fis SMivMtui . f I vkti. ft* prim at rOw «t lmd. na i . . .SUS WtF k.HUtM a crftrt

at. BMian <h» ibic vltb. la thre* (U7< U >«. u * w t MtMtd. W* win nMad moMr. Oor rMMOiOr 1* prand .hr <mt W Tw wrrio* Co <lTrl»lwtt.»

Swd fw Mr &M II "TiUMMMrt u d Wktftasatae


00981 yHiiTirti j U i i D C

Used Cars "T^EBE ia only Me place to ^ boy uaed aatomoMlea, aad

that is fnm an eatabbabed niia^ ble dealer, handling ataadard BMkea. All of oor can a n eon-

^tfonad a a d a n a o U at Cb^ a n tB baksr tba market-valna.


Sudey & Haner UeedCafDepC

leiT 1 4 * Smat Weslhwai WASHmCTOM. D. C

Brighter Farm light Better Farm life

THB soocess of &«nen (AsfMnds npoai tbe vs^ th«7 worft.

The bappioess of iacnen dspeoai xxpatx the -way tfaey in*.

Willys Light both incraaMS farmers'soox Cess and happiness by adding to farm pleas . tires with its radiant Uglit and aiding farm pm^TSH wiui its raady power. ; It is so dependably andeoooomical Hatt it saves for lauuscs as it ssrvM tfasnti

^ i n y a Ugjit is poarsred by die famous WiUys^Enigbt d«eve-'viat« sngine wUeli bums.-lBBffOMos attd Xmpifwtfv wttn BSS*

It hnk £fi^ adnat^eg and a thwiasnd

Call or writa as atfd let ns eapUn what WiUr light wiU aceocnpUdi and how llittto it costs. '




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TW strsiV poaities «f U N

efftiw Copy wffl be MBt free


82MS(li SU'WaaUogteii, D. C. Diraet i^truU wire te New York.


Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extract captains all the valued dri« prindples of purest Cod Liver Oil ^thoat the nauseat­ing taste of the oil itsell, and has provien ideal in treating run-down, weakened conditions, esp«feially in children. Moat penKms in whom are found tubemilar tendencies ai« to a greateV or leas extent anemic—the nood pale and in^v-ftrished. Bexall Wine of Cod liver Eftraet, in addition to the medicinal virtuea of Cod liver Oil, contains peptooate of Inm to help sopidy Ais deficiency.

In the treatment of children who are pale end listless and who catch odd easily, you may oonfidaitly expect aa inereaae in the appetite and w^(fat and the gnierd appearanoe^ good iMalUi very quickly after beginning the use of

Rexall Wine < Cod Liver Extract sometimes after two or three days' treatment We strongly reeommend, however, that the treatment with Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extzset, be eontinued until auch a Jiiae aa there is every indieatioiB of a porfeet h^lthy cunOThw, Aged persons who fltid tbdr general atrenth below its normal state win find in Rexall Wine of God LiVnr Kctzaet Qmt wM, herthfol tonic of iriiid ^ e aystem ia so greatly In need. Remember, Rexall ?nne <rf Cod Liver Extract is goaaataed to aatiafy, or i»»ey back. PRICE tLO&


Doweil's Pharmacy "THE REXALL STORE*


Hugh Reilly. Co^ PAINTS-GLASS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


1834 N«w York Ave. N. W. Washington, D. C.

Get Oar Prices before buying ebe-idtere.