Avvo Webinar: Don't You Know I'm Local? Straightening Out the Google+ Local Insanity

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Avvo Webinar: Don't You Know I'm Local? Straightening Out the Google+ Local Insanity

Don't You Know I'm Loco?

Straightening out the Google+ Local insanity.

Gyi Tsakalakis gt@attorneysync.com @gyitsakalakis

Gyi Tsakalakis – AttorneySync

2835 North Sheffield

Chicago, IL 60657


Don't You Know I'm Loco? With a lot of help from…


Smart local search experts

Mike Blumenthal

David Mihm Mike Ramsey

More Helpful folks: http://localu.org/about/faculty/

Why We Are Here

Understand how people use Google to find local businesses, like law firms. Learn about recent changes to Google’s Local platform.

Learn about how to find local business citations to improve your firm’s visibility in Google local search results.

97% of consumers search for local businesses online. - Google


How Big is Local Search?

How Big is Local Search?

“1 in 3 Searches at Google are Local” - Ed Parsons Geospatial Technologist at Google


Does Location Matter to Clients?


More Local Lawyer Search Engine Results

What’s happening to Google Places for Business?

We’ve recently upgraded the Google Places for Business dashboard, giving business owners an updated interface, more ease in updating their business information, and updates on the status of their edits. - Google


“Google is in the midst of a massive migration of claimed business listings from the old Places Dashboard to the new Places for Business Dashboard. Simultaneously, they are apparently also in the midst of merging the new Places for Business Dashboard interface and functionality with the Google+ Page management interface … confusing on both a branding and functional level.” - Mike Blumenthal @ Local University (10/22/13)


How to Navigate Google Plus Local’s Platform

What kind of Google Local Page is it?

New Google Places Dashboard?

Upgraded to social using Google+ widget?

Not upgraded to social using Google+ widget?

Old Google Places Dashboard (verified, no Google+ page)?

Google Business listing? Google+ (local business/place category)?

Local Google+ page?

Google Places?

A Guide to Google Local Listing Page Identification (via Local U)

What kind of Google Local Page is it?


Google & Your Business: law firm


Click the link below to review Google and Your Business forum results for “law firm.”


Step 1: Google+ Business

Step 2: Pick Google Local Business Category

This one.

Step 3: See if Business Already Exists

Oh, hey!

No, This is Not My Business

Follow Google Places quality guidelines:


• Do not include marketing taglines in your business name.

• Do not include phone numbers or

URLs in the business name field, unless they are part of your business name.

• Do not attempt to manipulate search

results by adding extraneous keywords or a description of your business in the business name field.

Request admin rights?

If You’re Already Using Google+

Link your Google+ page and your website



rel=“publisher” vs rel=author

What’s the difference between rel=author vs rel=publisher?

rel=publisher helps a business create a shared identity by linking

the business’ website (often from the homepage) to the business’

Google+ Page.

rel=author helps individuals (authors!) associate their individual

articles from a URL or website to their Google+ profile. While

rel=author and rel=publisher are both link relationships, they’re

actually completely independent of one another.

Maile Ohye, Developer Programs Tech Lead at Google


Google Places for Business Support


Engage With Your Audience

• Respond to client reviews. • Share photos, videos, and other updates with your audience. • Customize your cover photo. • See local insights for your Google+ page, including analytics

displaying how many people saw your posts, shares, and business information on Google.


Google Plus Local Guide

Formatting tips - When crafting the social post, surrounding a word or phrase in “*” will create a bold feature, surrounding a word or phrase in “_” will create an italicized feature, and surrounding a word or phrase in “–“ will create a strikethrough feature. Once posted:

*Words* will appear as Words _Phrases_ will appear as Phrases -Sentences- will appear as Sentences

Microblogging is an option - While character limits constrain content length can on other networks, Google+ doesn’t prevent you from turning your posts into microblogs. Sometimes the best engagement and sharing on Google+ comes out of a post that, instead of just linking to a webpage, includes a large chunk of that pages’ content within the post itself, and then guides the reader to read the rest of the story by sharing the link. If you’re really feeling ambitious, posting the entire piece of content as a social share alone – with no link – has also been done and can lead to greater engagement from followers. Don’t be afraid to test these strategies to see which work best for brand’s followers.

Brady Callahan (UpTik Media, LLC) Using Google Plus: A Guide for Local Businesses

Beyond the Basics


Google Maps Business Photos


Google Maps Business Photos


“Citations are defined as "mentions" of your business name and address on other webpages, even if there is no link to your website. An example of a citation might be an online yellow pages directory where your business is listed, but not linked to. It can also be a local chamber of commerce, or a local business association where your business information can be found, even if they are not linking at all to your website.” - GetListed.org


Where to Get Citations

Local News Sites

Local Business Directories Local Competitor Analysis

Local Blogs

Local Schools

Local Community Organizations

Local Professional Organizations

Local Government Sites

Local Business Citation Tools


https://getlisted.org/static/resources/local-citations-by-city.html https://www.whitespark.ca/local-citation-finder



Local Search Beyond Google Plus


By and large, the primary factors seem to have stayed largely the same for the past couple of years: • Proper category associations • A physical address in the city being

searched Consistent, high-quality citations from sources that are:

Authoritative Trustworthy Industry-relevant

• Your NAP information featured clearly on your website

• Your location as a keyword in title tags and headlines

• A smattering of reviews on both Google and third-party sites

• A handful of high-quality inbound links

David Mihm Director of Local Search Strategy at Moz

Web Equity


“The many elements of an online presence can build on each and work together for a business. The process is best done in an environment with more control rather than less. Because of the changing nature of the Internet, a SMBs marketing investment should always reinforce and strengthen the elements over which they have the most ownership.” - Mike Blumenthal

Gyi Tsakalakis gt@attorneysync.com @gyitsakalakis

Gyi Tsakalakis – AttorneySync

2835 North Sheffield

Chicago, IL 60657



Thanks. Feel free to email me with questions or to request slides.