Avrahm - files.meetup.comfiles.meetup.com/1236495/New Gods of Toril.doc  · Web viewAmaun-Eli...

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Transcript of Avrahm - files.meetup.comfiles.meetup.com/1236495/New Gods of Toril.doc  · Web viewAmaun-Eli...

Amaun-EliThe Lord of Light, The Healing Hand, Time’s Guardian

Greater DeitySymbol: An hourglass without sands, fashioned of brass centered in a white sun. Four

Blade-like rays of pink and yellow radiate outward. Home Plane: The Floating Continent. Elysium.Alignment: Neutral Good (chaotic)Portfolio: Healing, Light, Phoenix, Phoenarii, Renewal, Self-Perfection, Sun, Time, VitalityWorshippers: Artists, Athletes, Healers, Monks (Sun Souls), Orphans, Phoenarii, Scholars of

history, Seers, Temporal Mages Cleric Alignment: LG, CG, NG, CN, LN, NDomains: Healing, Light, Protection, Strength, Sun, TimeFavored Weapon: Gelelia, the Sword of Light (Katana)

Amaun-Eli (Ah-MŪ-ahn Ē-lī) is both a new god, and an ancient one as well. He is the merging of the god Lathander, and the man Eli, formerly the god Avrahm. In the Year of Haunting (DR 1377), the fallen god Avrahm (Eli), with the help of a group of adventurers, acquired the power of two fallen gods. These powers were the victim of Shar’s machinations to destroy an entire Crystal Sphere near to Realmspace. Fearing the same fate for Toril, Eli showed Lathander the future, and the Morninglord’s own defeat. Understanding that the only recourse was to unify the gods in a more progressive way than the failed Dawn Wars, Lathander agreed to his own rebirth- the merging of the two to create a potent new deity. Information on both predecessor gods can be found elsewhere. (Faiths and Pantheons for Lathander, Avrahm.doc for the Timelord) The followers of Amaun-Eli are in flux, as the two churches merge and find a new path. There are two major centers of his clergy at present. The Temple of Time is based out of Candlekeep, and emphasizes his aspects of Time and Healing. His Temple of Dawn in Silverymoon has become the other major temple, but his faith is found all over Toril. In recent years, Lathanderites were working towards a codified concept called the Deliverance- they believe this has come about in the form of Amaun-Eli. Many mortals and gods alike secretly worry about this new, very powerful deity, for both predecessors were impulsive (if well meaning) gods, with little forethought to the consequences of their action, until after the fact. The clergy works very well with the clerics all good, and most neutral gods. Most of the previous alliances have held strong. The most notable change is from the dissolution of the Triad of Light, Formerly Tyr, Lathander, and Ilmater. Instead, a new alliance, called the Lightbringers has arisen, dedicated to destroying the evil powers of the pantheon. This group includes Amaun-Eli, Tæyr, Ilmater, Sune, Torm, and Eldath. This has caused some of the darker deities to consider alliances that they might not have before. The new god has pledged to strengthen their relationship with Kelemvor for a few reasons. First, Death is the start of a new journey for the soul. Second, both previous gods had an incredible dislike for undead, and finally, as Amaun-Eli is the Dawn of all things, Kelemvor would be his natural compliment as the end of all things. Clerics of Amaun-Eli pray at dawn, as the Lathandrites once did. They honor the old festivities of both gods. Auranites will often multi-class with Temporal Mage, Paladin, or Liberal Defender. Dogma: Treat the poor and orphaned better than you expect to be treated. Strive always to aid the less fortunate, and find sacredness in renewal. From any failure, success can be found, and like the phoenix, there is always renewal from the end of anything. Time is the measure of all things; protect it from those who would bend it towards evil ends.


Amaun-EliWizard 20/Cleric 20/Monk 10/Fighter 10/Temporal Wizard 5Medium Outsider (Good)Divine Rank: 20Hit Dice: 20d4+200 (Wiz) plus 20d8+200 (Clr) plus 10d8+100 (Mnk) plus 10d10+100 (Fgtr) plus 5d4+50 (TW)(1090 hp)Initiative: + 32, Always goes first (+ 12 Dex, +20 Divine)Speed: 50AC: 104 (+ 12 Dex, +20 Divine, +28 Natural, + 14 Deflection, +17 Wis, +2 Monk)Attack: +5 Ghost Touch Disruption Holy Keen Katana

+77/+72/+67/+72 melee; unarmed +70/+60/+50; or spell + 77 melee touch or + 81 ranged touch Damage: +5 Ghost Touch Disruption Holy Keen Katana 1d10+14+d6; unarmed 1d12+9/1d12+9/1d12+9; or by spellFace/Reach: 5ft by 5ftSpecial Attacks: Divine Blast (20d6), Fire Burst (20d6; 20yrd radius), Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-like Abilities, Turn Undead 20/daySpecial Qualities: DR 50/+4, SR 52, Divine Aura (20 Miles, DC39) Divine Immunities, Godly Realm (100 miles Outer Plane, 2000 ft Material Plane), Plane Shift at will, Remote Communication 20 miles, Teleport w/o Error at will, Understand, Speak, Read, Write all languages and speak directly to all beings within 20 miles. Saves: Fort 58 Ref 58 Will 64Abilities: Str 28 Dex 35 Con 30 Int 45 Wis 45 Cha 39Skills: Alchemy 71, Balance 66, Bluff 68, Climb 63, Concentration 64, Diplomacy 68, Gather Information 68, Heal 71, Hide 66, Intimidate 66, Jump 63, Knowledge: (Arcana) 74, (History) 74, (Religion) 71, Listen 71, Scry 71, Search 71, Spellcraft 74, Spot 71, Survival 71, Swim 63, Use Rope 66. Always receives a 20 on checks. Feats: Blind-Fighting, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft All Magics, Create Portal, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Dual Spell Casting, Extra Turning, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Katana), Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Magical Aptitude, Magical Artisan, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Scribe Scroll, Snatch Arrows, Spell Penetration, Spell Thematics, Spellcasting Prodigy, Spirited Attack, Spring Attack, Time school, Twin Casting, Weapon Focus (Katana), Widen Spell, Wild SchoolClass Abilities: Calm Chaos, Choose your Fate, Evasion, Fast Movement, Flurry of Blows, Ki Strike (magic), Purity of Body, Slow Fall 40ft., Spell Power +1, Summon Familiar, Still Mind, Temporal Spell Access, Time Resistance, Time Slip/Stop/Ghost 1/day, Time Spell Level Bonus, Turn Undead, Unarmed Strike, Wholeness of Body.Divine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability/Energy Drain, Banish/Imprisonment, Energy Immunity, Fire, Immortal, Mind Affecting Effects, Transmutation, Temporal MagicSalient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality (Save DC 60 for duplicated spells non-magical items last 20 days, magical items last 20 hours), Arcane Mastery, Avatar, Clearsight, Craft Artifact, Divine Blessing, Divine Blast (10/day up to 20 miles), Divine Creation, Divine Shield (20ft hemisphere 200 HP), Divine Spellcasting, Energy Burst (Fire 20 yds 20d6), Instant Counterspell, Life and Death, See Magic, Supreme Initiative, Temporal Manipulation (Can choose all Initiative orders)Domain Powers: Fire Magic at 21st Level, +2 v Time magicSpell-Like Abilities: Animate Objects, Anti-Magic Field, Articus’ Devolutionary Warrior, Burning Hands, Chaos Hammer, Cloak of Chaos, Detect Temporal Anomaly, Dispel Law, Dispel Magic, Elemental Swarm (Fire), Fire Seeds, Fire Shield, Fire Storm, Identify, Imbue with Spell Ability, Incendiary Cloud, Magic Circle against Law, Nystul’s Magic Aura, Mordenkeinen’s Disjunction, Paradox, Protection from Law, Protection from Spells, Produce Flame, Resist Energy (Fire), Shatter, Spell Resistance, Temporal Push, Temporal Shell, Time Reaver, Time Slip, Time Snare, Wall of Fire Spell Turning, Wesley’s Delayed DamageWizard Spells 4/22/22/22/22/22/23/23/23/23/20Cleric Spells 6/22+1/22+1/22+1/22+1/21+1/21+1/20+1/19+1/18+1Possessions: Gelelia, the Sword of LightOther Divine PowersSenses: 20 Miles, Remote Sensing, Block SensingPortfolio Sense: Phoenix, Orphans, Time MagicAutomatic Actions:New DomainsTime DomainDeities: Amaun-EliGranted Power: A Cleric with access to the time domain is granted a +2 saving throw to all spells that affect their speed (Haste, Slow, Time Stop, etc)Time Domain Spells:1- Detect Temporal Anomaly 2- Time Slip 3- Time Snare4- Temporal Push 5- Articus’ Devolutionary Warrior 6- Paradox7- Wesley’s Delayed Damage 8- Time Reaver 9- Temporal Shell


AvrahmThe Orphaned One, The Phoenix Lord, Lord of Time & Wild MagicIntermediate Deity

Symbol: An hourglass without sands, fashioned of brass. In the top chamber is a

phoenix feather. In the bottom chamber is the symbol for chaos.

Home Plane: The Floating Continent. Elysium.Alignment: Neutral Good with Chaotic Tendencies.Portfolio: Orphans, Phoenix, Phoenarii, Time, Wild MagicWorshippers: Orphans, scholars of history, seers, temporal mages, wild magesCleric Alignment: LG, CG, NG, CN, LN, N, NEDomains: Chaos, Fire, Magic, TimeFavored Weapon: Gelelia, the Sword of Light (Katana)

The patron of orphans, phoenix, and the lesser-known specialty mages of time and wild magic, Avrahm (Ah-vrum) is a deity of seemingly diverse portfolios. He is a young power, dating from the end of the Time of Troubles. He actively seeks to protect those who were orphaned, being quick to anger if they are mistreated or marginalized. He has sworn protection of the Phoenix race, and to a lesser extent, the Phoenarii, a nearly extinct race of beings closely related to the firebird. He is also the keeper of the timeline, and patron to those who would live in the moment of wild magic. Avrahm appears as he did in life. He is a mildly handsome man in his early thirties, with an athletic beard. His dark hair and beard are trimmed short and clean, and his dark eyes sparkle over high cheekbones and a prominent nose. His ears are slightly pointed, suggesting a distant elvan heritage. The temple of Avrahm is based out of Candlekeep, the site of his first appearance since attaining divinity. It is very loosely organized, consisting mainly of mages, orphans and their caretakers, and a handful of specialty priests. The clergy works very well with the clerics of knowledge and magic gods, and Illmater as well. The faithful revere Mystra as the Goddess of All Magic, and acknowledge Azuth as the Patron of Wizards in general. Clerics of Savras work warily with Avramites, since Savras is the Patron of Divination, which has ties to Time. Clerics of Avrahm have no set time of the day to pray for spells. They choose a time that is most comfortable to the individual. As of yet, they have no specific holidays that they follow, but they do hold the Feast Of Orphan on the first of every month. During this feast, they hold an open picnic or dinner, and invite the poor, destitute, and orphaned to share a meal. Avrahmites are required to perform a weekly Deed of Good Service, where they seek out an orphan, or poor, and treat them to a meal. Avrahmites will often multi-class as Temporal or Wild Mages. History/Relationship: Avrahm began life as mortal, growing up in a family of adventurers in Shadowdale. His father was a Paladin of Tyr, and his mother a Temporal Mage. He had a gift of magic at an early age. At age 8, when his 18-year-old twin siblings Palin and Shiela left to go adventuring, he snuck aboard the caravan with them. Palin was a newly ordained Paladin of Tyr like his father, and Shiela was a


rare mentalist, known as a telepath. Three days into the caravan route, they discovered Avrahm, and set back to Shadowdale. They returned the morning after their parents were attacked and slain by old rivals in their beds. When the three siblings learned of this, they swore revenge, and began a ten-year journey to tack down their killers. During those ten years, Avrahm learned to wield temporal magic, as well as wild magic. In the process, he helped Palin rescue a Phoenix and a small clutch of Phoenarii from a dark cult that was trying to corrupt it to fell purposes. The siblings were named feather-friends, and given honors as protectors of their hidden village. This unnamed village, near Candlekeep, served as their second home when they needed time to rest and recover. On a sadder turn, the year before the time of troubles, Shiela was lost to them. She died when they were trying to stop a sect of Talona from experimenting on an orphanage. Palin and Avarhm relocted the surviving children to Candlekeep, and left them in the capable healing hands of Mirrah of Mystra. During the time of troubles, Palin and Avrahm returned to Shadowdale. While they were there, the avatar of Bane attacked the dale. The dark god was trying to slaughter as many people as he could to restore some of his lost divinity, in order to challenge Helm and re-ascend to the planes. Bane nearly succeeded when the fallen goddess Mystra returned as a Magic elemental, and slew his avatar. Avrahm was present for the slaying, and saw the massive destructive power that was unleashed. Desperate to save the dale from the destruction, he attempted to use a temporal spell to stop the unleashed energies. Instead, he absorbed them, and was flung into the astral plane. In the Astral, his will fought the massive influx of energy, and slowly mastered it over ten years. He was able to return to the Realms as a divine power, under the patronage of Mystra. As a god, he has been incredibly active in such a short time. He has made allies of the gods of magic, Mystra, Azuth, and to an extent, Savras. He holds particular enmity towards Talona for her cult’s part in slaying his sister, and Bane because of his actions in Shadowdale. He respects Torm in honor of his brother, ad has earned Illmater’s respect for his work with orphans.Dogma: Treat the poor and orphaned better than you expect to be treated. There is power in chaos, and time isn’t as static as most believe. From any failure, success can be found, and like the phoenix, there is always renewal from the end of anything.Clergy and Temple: The First Temple, in Candlekeep, is the center of Avrahm’s worship. It is composed of an orphanage and a mage laboratory. The building looks like a traditional boarding school, except for the aviary on the roof, and symbolic nesting roost for a phoenix. Since Mirrah of Mystra runs the orphanage, and because Mystra is Avrahm’s Patron, clerics of the goddess are as much part of the structure as his faithful. There is a small temple in the Phoenarii’s hidden village, and one in Shadowdale as well. The clergy tend to either devote themselves to magical research, or travel extensively. They are welcomed by most good and neutral faiths, due to their Deeds of Good Service. Clerics of Avrahm can substitute clerical spells with time magic, or wild magic. The hierarchy of the faith is simple. Wizards and clerics are of equal standing, and there is one Senior Priest at each temple. Each Senior Priest communicates magically with the others regularly, and creates protocol by democratic process. The Chosen of Avrahm, a unique defender of the faith, exists semi autonomously from the temple itself.


AvrahmWizard 20/Cleric 17/Monk 8/Arch Mage 5/Temporal Wizard 5/Wild Wizard 5Medium Outsider (Good)Divine Rank: 15Hit Dice: 20d4+200 (Wiz) plus 17d8+170 (Clr) plus 8d8+80 (Mnk) plus 5d4+50 (Argm) plus 5d4+50 (TW) plus 5d4+50 (WW)(940 hp)Initiative: + 27, Always goes first (+ 12 Dex, +15 Divine)Speed: 50AC: 98 (+ 12 Dex, +15 Divine, +28 Natural, + 14 Deflection, +17 Wis, +1 Monk)Attack: +5 Lawful Holy Keen Katana

+65/+55/+50/+45 melee; unarmed +70/+60/+50; or spell + 59 melee touch or + 68 ranged touch Damage: +5 Lawful Holy Keen Katana 1d10+14; unarmed 1d12+9/1d12+9/1d12+9; or by spellFace/Reach: 5ft by 5ftSpecial Attacks: Divine Blast (20d6), Fire Burst (20d6; 20yrd radius), Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-like Abilities, Turn Undead 17/daySpecial Qualities: DR 50/+4, SR 47, Divine Aura (15 Miles, DC34) Divine Immunities, Godly Realm (10 miles Outer Plane, 1400 ft Material Plane), Plane Shift at will, Remote Communication 15 miles, Teleport w/o Error at will, Understand, Speak, Read, Write all languages and speak directly to all beings within 15 miles. Saves: Fort 53 Ref 53 Will 59 Abilities: Str 28 Dex 35 Con 30 Int 45 Wis 45 Cha 39Skills: 1197 points Alchemy 71, Balance 66, Bluff 68, Climb 63, Concentration 64, Diplomacy 68, Gather Information 68, Heal 71, Hide 66, Intimidate 66, Jump 63, Knowledge: (Arcana) 74, (History) 74, (Religion) 71, Listen 71, Scry 71, Search 71, Spellcraft 74, Spot 71, Survival 71, Swim 63, Use Rope 66. Always receives a 20 on checks. Feats: Combat Casting, Craft All Magics, Create Portal, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Dual Spell Casting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Katana], Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Magical Aptitude, Magical Artisan, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Scribe Scroll, Snatch Arrows, Spell Thematics, Spellcasting Prodigy, Spring Attack, Time school, Twin Casting, Widen Spell, Wild SchoolClass Abilities: Arcane Reach, Calm Chaos, Choose your Fate, Evasion, Fast Movement, Flurry of Blows, Ki Strike (magic), Mastery of Counterspelling, Mastery of Elements, Mastery of Shaping. Playing with Fire, Purity of Body, Slow Fall 40ft., Spell Power +1, Summon Familiar, Still Mind, Temporal Spell Access, Time Resistance, Time Slip/Stop/Ghost 1/day, Time Spell Level Bonus, Turn Undead, Unarmed Strike, Wholeness of Body, Wild Access, Wild Surge, Wild ZoneDivine Immunities: Ability Damage, Ability/Energy Drain, Banish/Imprisonment, Chaos Magic, Energy Immunity, Fire, Immortal, Mind Affecting Effects, Transmutation, Temporal MagicSalient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality (Save DC 60 for duplicated spells non-magical items last 15 days, magical items last 15 hours), Arcane Mastery, Avatar, Clearsight, Craft Artifact, Divine Blessing, Divine Blast (10/day up to 15 miles), Divine Creation, Divine Shield (14ft hemisphere 140 HP), Divine Spellcasting, Energy Burst (Fire 20 yds 20d6), Instant Counterspell, Life and Death, See Magic, Supreme Initiative, Temporal Manipulation (Can choose all Initiative orders)Domain Powers: Chaos and Fire Magic at 21st Level, +2 v Time magicSpell-Like Abilities: Animate Objects, Anti-Magic Field, Articus’ Devolutionary Warrior, Burning Hands, Chaos Hammer, Cloak of Chaos, Detect Temporal Anomaly, Dispel Law, Dispel Magic, Elemental Swarm (Fire), Fire Seeds, Fire Shield, Fire Storm, Identify, Imbue with Spell Ability, Incendiary Cloud, Magic Circle against Law, Nystul’s Magic Aura, Mordenkeinen’s Disjunction, Paradox, Protection from Law, Protection from Spells, Produce Flame, Resist Energy (Fire), Shatter, Spell Resistance, Summon Monster IX (Chaos), Temporal Push, Temporal Shell, Time Reaver, Time Slip, Time Snare, Wall of Fire Spell Turning, Wesley’s Delayed Damage, Word of Chaos Wizard Spells 4/22/22/22/22/22/23/23/23/23/20Cleric Spells 6/22+1/22+1/22+1/22+1/21+1/21+1/20+1/19+1/18+1Possessions: Gelelia, the Sword of LightOther Divine PowersSenses: 15 Miles, Remote Sensing, Block SensingPortfolio Sense: Phoenix, Orphans, Time Magic, Wild MagicAutomatic Actions:


TæyrThe Even-Handed, The Just One, Vigilant One, Wolf FoeGreater Deity

Symbol: A knotwork longsword, point down, holding the scales of balance in dual wolf heads as the hilt (Fenrir)

Home Plane: Mechanus, The Court of JusticeAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Courage, Justice, Combat Tactics, TrustWorshippers: Clerics, Fighters, Judges, Monks,

Paladins, Police, Sages, Cleric Alignment: LG, LN, LEDomains: Law, Knowledge, Protection,

Retribution, WarFavored Weapon: “Justicar” (Longsword)

Before every criminal trial in civilized lands, prayers to Tæyr (Tāēr) are invoked, so that the proceedings follow the truth of the matter, and the letter of the law. Tæyr is an old god made new from an even more ancient source. Once the head of the Triad of Good, Tyr merged with his original self, the Tyr from beyond Faerun. Still the God of Justice, he has returned to the art of tactics and combat, of strategy and law in its purest form. Laws are made to Create Equality and Preserve Truth. They are meant to bring Learning and Civility to the barbarous hordes. They are meant to be the Light that banishes the Darkness of ignorance and corruption. They are embodied in the reborn god, Tæyr. Tæyr actively appears in his temples, and in places of law in his new form, looking at once more wild and yet more commanding and civilized than before, to spread the change in his philosophy, and promote truth. He appears in full iron platemail, complete with a rounded, winged helm. A wolfskin cloak hangs off of his powerful shoulders, the head covering the rounded portion of his helm. Ice blue eyes stare resolutely, and his good, left hand grips a longblade of shining silver. An iron bucker hides his missing hand. All of his accoutrements of war are heavily embossed in complex knotwork. Where once he attributed his missing hand to the Chaos Hound Chazef, he has remembered his forgotten past, and its true loss at the hands of the beast Fenrir. He came to Faerun six millennia past, from a world that called him an Asgardian, or God


of Light. He followed Shar to Toril, and became trapped here. Over time, he forgot the truth of his origins, remembering only that he was once somewhere else. When he recently merged with an avatar of his original world, the shackles of memory and place shattered, and he remembered everything. This was a rebirth for the god, reflecting his massive alignment shift from Lawful Good back to the original Lawful Neutral. Tæyr now commands all of his powers from both worlds. Clerics of Tæyr still pray to him at dawn, and he has tried to make the conversion of philosophy as painless as possible, but he has made it clear that Justice and Truth must sometimes be brought by War. In this, he now is in direct conflict with Tempus, the Lord of Battles, because Tempus encourages chaos and individuality in war, whereas Tæyr promotes order and unity. His subordinate gods Helm, Torm, and the Red Knight relocated their divine homes with him to Mechanus from Mt. Celestia. (His realm is now near Dwoemerheart, home of the Goddess of Magic, Mystra.) Their dedication to Law is strengthened, leaving Helm and the Red Knight unchanged, but forcing Torm to reassess his role as the God of Devotion and Obedience. These traits are lawful, but good, and Tæyr accepts that evil can exist in a lawful function as well. (The needs of the Self have their place in a lawful society, promoting competition and challenging others from complacency.) Time will tell if this strain causes issues. Tæyrthians, as his clerics are called, still hold all the old traditions and holidays, as well as honoring Marpenoth 15th as the Day of Rebirth, when Tyr remembered himself, and rededicated himself to his ideals. Tæyrthians will pick this day to rededicate themselves to a task, or a devotion. His clerics often multiclass with Paladin, and can take the Non-Good variants as well. As long as they are Lawful in Ethos, their Moral alignment can be Neutral or Evil.History/Relationship: Tæyr comes from a world beyond the stars, where he was Tyr, third son of a god called Odin. He was not truly a god, but of a race called Asgardians, who were near immortal beings, worshipped as if he was truly divine. He was called the God of War, Knowledge and Trust. Tyr, along with his father Odin, and brother Thor, eventually earned true divinity through adventure and bravery, rising to the rank of Lesser Deity. Eventually his home was threatened by a mythical creature called Fenrir, a wolf of monstrous proportions. The armies of Asgard eventually came into a stalemate with the creature and its horde. Fenrir opted to surrender on the condition that one of the Asgardians agree to place their hand in its mouth as a sign of trust. Tyr agreed, and Asgardian dwarves bound Fenrir with a mythical silk cord. Fenrir had one last laugh, however, biting off Tyr’s hand in the process. The beast was then shackled to the World tree Yggsdrasil, and a prophesy was spun where Tyr and Fenrir would be forced to fight once more during Ragnorock, the End of Times. At some point in the intervening years, Shar, the Lady of Loss entered into Tyr’s world, and stole a temple dedicated to him. His avatar chased after her, and became trapped in Faerun. Over time, he ascended into godhood in the Realms, his sense of Justice shifting his alignment and portfolio. He even began to call Toril his home. In the millennia that passed, Tyr took it upon himself to bring Law and honor to Toril. He founded the Triad with Lathander (then Auramantor), and Illamter, and stood as the Judge of the Gods. During the Time of Troubles, he failed in his task, and was blinded by the High God, Ao. Recently, he presided over the Trial of Cyric, the Prince of Lies. On 1374, Marpenoth 15, the Chosen of Avarhm, God of Time freed Tyr’s original avatar, and restored his complete memories. The transformation that ensued from effectively the merging of two different gods had a profound effect on Tyr. He took the name Tæyr, which was his name as an Asgardian, before he was completely divine. Tæyr chose it to honor what he once was, even as he strives to be better than he now is. As Tæyr, he has taken it upon himself to personally combat Shar. Even though her theft brought him the chance to become a greater god and multi-spheric in worship, she represents everything that he opposes.


Tæyr retains most of his old alliances and rivalries. He is now at greater odds with Tempus than he was before, and has renewed his ire at Shar. Although Avarhm is chaotic in nature, he has formed an alliance with the God of Time as well, seeing to bring balance to what he sees as an inevitable war of the gods. Mystra has formed a pact with Tæyr, seeing to strengthen magic and oppose Shar. Of all his alliances, it is with Tymora that his ties have becomes strained. Lady Luck and Tyr were some-time lovers, an odd pairing indeed. With Tæyr’s new rededication to balance and law, Tymora’s very chaotic nature makes her too unpredictable for him. With Tæyr moving into a neutral position, the Triad has been reformed, with Sune, the Goddess of Beauty taking Tyr’s place. Although lathander welcomes Tæyr’s rebirth, and Illmater has no direct objections to his aims of Law and truth, Tæyr’s new philosophy on evil has effectively removed them from his direct influence. Finally, and perhaps strangest of all, Tæyr has strengthened his tie to Oghma, the Binder. Since Tyr was once a god of Knowledge, and Tuth leads to Knowledge, Tæyr has decided that an alliance with the God of Knowledge can only further Truth.Dogma: Law and truth are blades that banish ignorance, darkness and loss. All things must be brought into the fullness of the law, so that suffering and discord cannot find purchase in the hearts of sentient creatures. Courage is a weapon, one that can be taught and encouraged. All creatures should understand that cowardice is the vice of the corrupt, and that true courage isn’t bravado, but in standing up for what is right.Clergy and Temple: His temple and clergy structure has not changed, except for the fact that Tæyr introduced a new type of cleric, the Jsuticars of Tæyr. These special clerics have jurisdiction over all others of the faith, and are expected to be living embodiments of that his ideals are meant to be.