AVE9 2011 Abstract

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Transcript of AVE9 2011 Abstract

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract






    La mappa della produzione industriale mondiale WSTS: previsioni dautunno per i semiconduttori

    La distribuzione elettronica in EuropaARM colpisce al core

    MILANO,29 MARZO 2012



    Associazione Nazionale

    Fornitori Elettronica








    Mark Burr-Lonnon, vice presidente di Mouser

    an assodel electronics forum


  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    Vi mai successo di spostare un masso e trovarci

    sotto delle ormiche, tutte in fla, di corsa, a

    lavorare? Tutte a spingere, insieme, la larva, la

    oglia o il pezzo di cicala fnalmente stecchita?

    E magari avete provato a stuzzicarle con qualche

    ostacolo inventato l per l? Un pezzo di legno,

    un rammento, un qualsiasi accidente che potesse

    metterle in difcolt?Solo per costringerle ad arrabattarsi per superare

    quel qualche cosa e vedere, se e quando, ce

    lavrebbero atta?

    C qualche analogia con la situazione attuale?

    Cialtroni noi?

    Troppo acile! Nella elettronica industriale

    la mancanza di sostegni e di attenzione alle

    PMI ha negli anni addestrato le aziende alla

    sopravvivenza. Le nuove strette globali le

    obbligano, ora, a ar proprio limperativo di

    raggrupparsi e di puntare a delle economie di

    squadra almeno su strategie e obiettivi di settore.

    Teoricamente lo dicono tutti. Nella prat ica il

    chi lo faporta lassociazionismo a essere il perno

    della accenda e qui casca lasino. Ovvero, anche

    chi vorrebbe trova poco o nulla in rierimenti:

    a parte Assodel che si rafgura come il classico

    cerino acceso nel buio.

    Per quanto poca sia la sua luce, lunica!

    Propaganda elettorale?

    Non proprio, ma se i pochi che ci leggono sirendessero conto di quanto Assodel a e di

    quanto, come gruppo, si potrebbe are insieme,

    concentrando risorse e sorzi, le cose magari non

    di molto, migliorerebbero.

    Altrimenti ci resta solo il lamentarci: come anno i


    Al capolinea ci siamo (quasi) arrivati.

    E incrociamo le dita, perch non neppure

    detto che sia quello defnitivo.

    La recessione, in ogni caso, sul piatto.

    Da qui, un esame di coscienza si impone per tutti.

    E sicuramente lesame (con qualcosa di pi)

    andrebbe atto a quella massa di cialtroni (politici

    e conniventi) che nella bagarre scatenata sul Paese

    continuano imperterriti a non rendersi conto delledifcolt che sono davanti a tutt i.

    Basti r icordare che mentre il Governo Monti

    chiedeva la fducia in Parlamento (ndr siamo a

    met dicembre) la Camera aveva appena approvato

    un aumento salariale del 15% circa per i propri

    dipendenti di Montecitorio (relativamente pochi

    ma anche relativamente pi ricchi di qualsiasi

    altra categoria di lavoratori) e la Regione Lazio

    atto passare, alle due di notte, (ndr notizie dei

    Tg) il vitalizio per qualche suo assessore che

    (poveraccio!) ne era ancora escluso.

    Cialtroni loro

    Se questo il clima, poco da stupirsi di quanto

    accade (e potr accadere) al mercato.

    Le imprese non hanno soldi e,spreada parte, non li

    hanno le Banche che cercano di recuperare liquidit

    in ogni modo.

    Fatto noto e lampante come il dato che le nuove

    tassazioni portano il peso fscale a gravare

    sullimpresa, si, al 45% ma, ufciosamente, a

    oltre il 65%: causa i costi enne volte calcolatida Confndustria e Centri Studi economici per le

    inefcienze logistiche, burocratiche, di trasporti e

    via dicendo del sistema Paese.

    Una enormit tale che anche il pi in malaede

    osservatore della Corea del Nord giudicherebbe

    improponibile per chi vuole imprendere, ma

    praticamente assurdo per chi deve impegnarsi

    su terreni tecnologici dove il valore aggiunto

    a quanto viene realizzato in prodotti e sistemi

    non compensabile con motivazioni di brand

    ed estetici legati a quella estemporaneit della

    improvvisazione italica che aiuta a galleggiare (si

    fa per dire) nel made in Italy.

    Cialtroni loro! e cialtroni noi?

    Silvio Baronchelli


    A&V ELETTRONICA Anno XXIII - 09/2011




  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    A&V ELETTRONICA Anno XXIII - 09/2011



    Grande successo di pubblico per

    RomaTech & Lighting Fortro-

    nic, levento romano dedicato

    allelettronica e alle tecnologie

    per il lighting che si svolto il 1

    dicembre a Roma presso il Centro

    Congressi di Acea. Massima la sod-

    disazione espressa dai visitatori e

    dai partner dellevento per la qualit

    dei contenuti e la rappresentativitdelle aziende presenti.

    Con oltre 300 operatori pre-

    senti, levento ha inatti saputo

    concentrare in ununica giornata

    una ftta agenda di appuntamenti

    con i principali esperti del settore

    dellinsegnistica e della segnaletica,

    incontri con i top player del mer-

    cato e approondimenti di elevato

    contenuto innovativo in un mix

    vincente di tecnologia e design.

    Lottima riuscita della giornata ro-

    mana stata sancita dalla presenza

    di relatori di spicco e personaggi

    autorevoli, quali:

    On. Gilberto Casciani, Presi-

    dente II Commissione Aari

    comunitari e internazionali della

    Regione Lazio

    Ing. Michele Barone, Acea

    Illuminazione Pubblica Spa

    Ing. Giancarlo Daniele, Ammini-

    stratore Unico di AceaIlluminazione Pubblica Spa

    Pro. Gianni Forcolini, Dip.

    Indaco Politecnico Milano

    Ing. Massimo Peirone, con-

    sulente tecnico Aifl e docente

    Politecnico Milano

    Pro. Corrado Terzi, Universit

    La Sapienza di Roma

    Per lalto valore e linnovazione

    dei contenuti, levento stato

    patrocinato da Roma Capitale edalla Regione Lazio e ha ottenuto

    i prestigiosi riconoscimenti della

    Camera dei Deputati e delSenato

    RTech Frtric: u ccetrt

    i tecgie er efciez eergetic

    RUBRICHEAssodel Informa

    della Repubblica. Linnovazione

    tecnologica viene inatti riconosciu-

    ta e promossa dalle istituzioni quale

    marcia in piper uscire dai mo-

    menti economici pi difcili e quale

    leva per incrementare il vantaggio

    competitivo delle pmi italiane sul

    mercato internazionale.

    Promosso da Assodel(AssociazioneNazionale Fornitori Elettronica) e dal

    Consorzio Latium IES(International

    Electronic Suppliers), Roma Tech &

    Lighting Fortronic si avvalso del

    supporto attivo di Aifl(Associa-

    zione Nazionale Fabbricanti Insegne

    Luminose),CEI(Comitato Elettro-

    tecnico Italiano), Enea(Agenzia

    nazionale per le nuove tecnologie,

    lenergia e lo sviluppo economico

    sostenibile) e Albiqual(Albo dei

    costruttori qualifcati di impianti


    Per maggiori inormazioni:

    www.ortronic.itI Fortronic promossi da Assodel per la prima

    met dellanno abbracciano diversi argomenti

    e diverse aree territoriali sia in Italia sia


    Il programma prevede, in particolare:


    29 febbraio, Torino

    Focus sul mondo dellelettronica industriale


    29 marzo, Milano

    Focus sul Solid State Lighting


    27 marzo, Oxford

    Focus su LED lighting design


    4 aprile, Milano

    Focus su Radio Frequenza e sulle

    connessioni Wireless


    13 giugno, Tunisi

    Focus su energy efficiency


    26 giugno, Oxford

    Focus su Radio Frequenza e sulle

    connessioni Wireless

    Oltre allorganizzazione dei forum Fortronic

    - strutturati secondo il consueto format che

    prevede una sessione di conferenze a elevato

    contenuto tecnologico e unarea espositiva

    dove poter toccare con mano le ultime

    soluzioni proposte dalle aziende - Assodel

    partecipa con una presenza importante alle

    principali manifestazioni internazionali.

    Nello specifico, il primo semestre prevede la

    partecipazione a Light+Building

    (15-20 aprile, Francoforte), con unarea

    di 80mq, e a Solarexpo-Greenbuilding

    (9-11 maggio, Verona).

    Per maggiori informazioni:

    segreteria@assodel.it - www.fortronic.it

    Il CalEndaRIo EvEnTIdEl pRImo sEmEsTRE 2012

    Giunto alla sua sedicesimaedizione, ilRepertorio Fornitoria cura di Assodel, rappresenta unostrumento di lavoro per chi opera

    nel mercato dellelettronica rap-

    presentando il95% di chi in Italia

    ornisce, producendo o commer-

    ciando, componenti o sottoinsiemi

    elettronici allindustria.

    Il directory si conermato essere

    il rierimento per antonomasia di

    tutti i:

    Distributori di Componenti Elet-

    tronici (soci e sostenitori);Produttori di Semiconduttori

    e Componenti PEMCO (Passivi,

    Elettromeccanici e Connessione).

    I rerzie u eiziee Reertri Fritri

    Grazie a una impostazione con chiavi

    di lettura incrociata, il Reperto-

    rio Fornitori permette di sapere inmaniera semplice e immediata come

    e dove reperire un determinato com-

    ponente. Oltre 500 pagine di schede

    aziende, cross reerence, rierimenti e

    indicazioni per conoscere i protago-

    nisti del mercato nazionale.

    Il Repertorio anche online sul


    Per ricevere la nuova edizone del

    repertorio, contattare la Segreteria:Francesco Fioroni

    Tel. 02 210 111 247


  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    Il Solid State Lighting rappresenta

    una concreta opportunit per le

    applicazioni e la creativit delle

    imprese e dei lighting specialist italiani:

    i LED stanno vivendo un orte momento

    di crescita e rappresentano la sorgente

    di luce ideale con cui sperimentare

    nuove soluzioni.

    Per questo motivo, il Lighting rappresen-

    ta il programma prioritario di Assodel

    che ha preso limpegno di dare vita a

    una community di competenti.

    IL PROGRAMMAInnanzitutto, il neologismo illumino-

    tronica sta a indicare lintegrazione

    tra elettronica e illuminotecnica, due

    mondi dierenti ma che devono necessa-

    riamente interacciarsi tra loro. Assodel

    consapevole dellesigenza di costruire un

    rierimento per il corretto traserimento

    di competenze tra chi produce LED, chi

    li distribuisce, chi progetta lelettronica,

    chi produce il corpo illuminante, chi

    acquista il prodotto, chi lo installa e chi,

    inne, progetta la luce negli ambienti.

    Per questo motivo, lassociazione propo-

    ne una serie di attivit, quali:

    Aggregazione: limportanza di ar parte

    di un gruppo ocalizzato, allinterno di

    Assodel, con interessi comuni: il gruppo

    lighting. Lobiettivo, inoltre, di dare vita

    a una comunit di installatori/elettrici-

    sti competenti che, a valle del processo,

    contribuiscano alla diusione di unacorretta cultura della luce.

    Una serie di attivit, inne, validate

    e supportate da un Comitato Tecnico,

    Iuitric: u rgett cctet

    A&V ELETTRONICA Anno XXIII - 09/2011



    Associazioni & Dati

    Il programma di attivit messo a punto da Assodel per chi progetta, produce,installa, utilizza, vende e acquista nel mondo del Solid State Lighting

    www.fortronic.itUN PROGETTO CONCATENATO





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    enti fieristici

    ovvero una task orce di esperti, e

    un Comitato Promotore, un gruppo

    di aziende qualicate. La volont di

    segnalare, attraverso le pubblicazioni e

    il sito Internet, i prodotti pi innovativi

    per tecnologia ed estetica. Marchi e

    attestati rilasciati dallassociazione per

    qualicare i vari attori del mercato.

    Formazione: corsi specializzati (nan-

    ziati e a pagamento) suddivisi in due

    loni, LED technology e LED lighting,

    per ornire competenze a tutta la liera.

    Partnership: con altre associazioni

    di categoria in Italia e allestero, con

    istituzioni e universit, per valorizzare

    limpegno di un gruppo che crede nella

    collaborazione e nel are rete per ren-

    dere lindustria italiana pi competitiva.

    Eventi: un programma di interventi

    (Lumen Fortronic) a Milano, Padova,

    Verona e Roma sulla tecnologia LED e

    sulle sue varie applicazioni nel lighting

    (stradale, architetturale, industriale,

    signage). Un premio, lAward Ecohi-

    tech, alle soluzioni pi innovative e pi

    ecienti di enti e imprese.

    Estero: missioni internazionali e orum

    allestero - in Turchia, in Tunisia, in UK

    e in altri Paesi europei - per promuoverele competenze italiane e avorire nuove

    opportunit di business. Una orte pre-

    senza nelle ere internazionali, prima tra

    tutte Light+Building. Oltre allintento

    di creare un dialogo con le imprese cine-

    si per meglio comprendere investimenti

    e programmi.

    Comunicazione: un ampio spettro di

    iniziative, come LEDin, la rivista intera-

    mente dedicata al Solid State Lighting,

    e ilVademe.com, il directory (il Chia cosa) sul mercato del lighting con i

    nominati e le tipologie di prodotto dei

    maggiori player del settore.

    LIlluminotronica rappresenta lunione

    dei due mondi dellelettronica edellilluminotecnica

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    WSTS(World Semiconductor

    Trade Statistics) ogni anno si

    incontra un paio di volte e

    tipicamente rivede sia landamento

    corrente del mercato che le previsioni

    dei due anni a venire. I due incon-

    tri, sempre in luoghi prestigiosi e

    attraenti, avvengono uno in primaverae uno in autunno. Lultimo si tenuto

    in Spagna a Barcellona dal 15 al 18

    novembre e alcuni giorni dopo stato

    lanciato il comunicato stampa con il

    sommario delle elucubrazioni svolte

    dai 62 ornitori di semiconduttori

    che compongono lassociazione e che

    rappresentano, a detta di WSTS, il 75%

    del mercato totale.

    Come detto, lincontro dei produttori

    si tenuto a met novembre e quindi

    sicuramente con i dati di atturato di

    settembre ben consolidati e probabil-

    mente con almeno una prima stima

    della chiusura di ottobre. Se a questo

    si aggiunge il backlog, che quasi

    sicuramente copre no alla ne danno,

    le previsioni di chiusura dovrebbero

    ormai essere vicinissime agli eet-

    tivi valori che si otterranno alla ne


    wsTs: reiii utu

    i ci czte!

    UN 2011 DEBOLE DEBOLESE VA BENE!Un primo fash dei dati pubblicati da

    WSTS, raggruppati per area geograca,

    sono visibili in Tabella 1, ma prima

    di analizzare i valori per area vale la

    pena guardare ai dati totali per una

    valutazione globale.

    Dopo un 2010 che ha visto una

    crescita del mercato totale quasi del

    32%, il 2011 previsto chiudere a

    un misero +1,3% che, tradotto in

    valori assoluti, signica che il mercato

    mondiale chiuder a 302,3 miliardi

    di dollari che si misurano con i 298,3

    miliardi del 2010.

    Leggermente migliori le previsioni

    per il 2012 che WSTS vede collocarsi

    a un +2,6% che rappresenta un salto

    a 310 milioni di dollari. Un ulteriore

    miglioramento previsto per il 2013

    quando il mercato dovrebbe crescere

    molto vicino al+6%.

    LA CINA RALLENTALA CRESCITA, MA NONSI FERMA!Insieme ai dati di Tabella 1 il graco

    di Figura 1 ore un quadro acquisibile

    pi rapidamente dellandamento delle

    varie aree geograche censite da

    WSTS. Nella parte superiore si misura

    landamento annuale (a partire dal

    2006) con i relativi coecienti di

    crescita anno-su-anno mentre nellaparte ineriore rappresentata la

    quota percentuale annuale per ognuna

    delle regioni: Americhe, Europa,

    A&V ELETTRONICA Anno XXIII - 09/2011



    Dati e previsioni per il mercato mondiale dei semiconduttori

    Associazioni & Dati

    Franco Musiari

    Semiconduttori-Mercatomondialesuddivisoperareageografca(in milioni di dollari e variazioni %) Tabella 1

    MercatoMondialeSemiconduttori(per regione) Figura 1

    Fonte: WSTS

    I semiconduttori

    mondiali nel 2011


    Sono 302,3 i miliardi di dollari che

    WSTS si aspetta alla chiusura del 2011

    Mercato Variazione % Anno-su-Anno

    2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013

    Americhe 53.675 55.643 56.378 59.365 39,3% 3,7% 1,3% 5,3%

    Europa 38.054 38.062 37.261 39.316 27,4% 0,0% -2,1% 5,5%

    Giappone 46 .561 43 .109 45.487 47.644 21 ,6% -7,4% 5,5% 4,7%

    Asia Pacifco 160.025 165.458 171.049 181.759 33,8% 3,4% 3,4% 6,3%

    Tot. Mondiale 298.315 302.272 310.175 328.084 31,8% 1,3% 2,6% 5,8%

    Fonte: WSTS

    I semiconduttori


    nel 2012


  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    una giusticazione: se ricordate l11

    marzo di questanno 2011 un tremendo

    terremoto al largo della parte nord-

    orientale del Giappone, e lo tsunami

    conseguente, hanno causato danni

    ingenti alle abbriche collocate

    nellarea. Pi di una ventina di linee di

    produzione vennero impattate in modo

    pesante causando una caduta della

    capacit produttiva stimata nellintorno

    del 20% della produzione totale per

    almeno due mesi.

    E la piccola Europa? Continua nel

    suo ineluttabile destino di perdita di

    quota di mercato; lunica consolazione

    che nellorizzonte delle previsioni

    questa emorragia sembra ermarsi al

    12%. Ormai non c altro che possa

    essere traserito nel ar-est con

    un qualche vantaggio. Lontani nelpassato i tempi che vedevano lEuropa

    al 25/30%, rimane ancora (ma per

    quanto?) lillusione che qui sia rimasta

    lintelligenza che progetta!

    DAL LATO DEI COMPONENTII numeri sono riportati nella Tabella

    2 dove la linea del totale, che vede

    qualche piccola deviazione per via

    degli arrotondamenti, stata gi

    commentata. Se partiamo dalle amigliecon i maggiori scostamenti dalla media

    del +1,3% balzano allocchio, sul

    ronte positivo, i Discreti, i Sensori e

    Giappone e Asia-Pacico (in altre

    parole: Cina).

    Cosa appare? Nel 2010 e nel 2011

    le Americhe ovvero gli Stati Uniti

    che ne costituiscono il grosso sono

    cresciuti un poco pi del mercato,

    il che equivale a dire che hanno

    recuperato un pizzico di quota,

    cosa che non succedeva da tempo!

    Pi precisamente, nel 2010 hanno

    recuperato un punto percentuale

    passando dal 17% al 18% e nel

    2011 hanno aggiunto un altro 0,4%

    portandosi al18,4% del valore

    mondiale. Ma stando alle previsioni

    immediatamente successive sembra

    che la cosa sia un breve transitorio

    destinato a spegnersi gi nel 2012.

    Ma anche la Cina (o meglio lAsia-

    Pacico) ha guadagnato un puntopercentuale passando dal 53,6 al

    54,7%; ma un livello ben diverso dai

    ritmi a cui ci aveva abituato negli

    anni precedenti.

    Chi ci ha rimesso? In primis ilGiappone che ha riportato un 2011

    con un calo del-7,4% sul 2010.

    Ma i produttori del Sol Levante hanno

    A&V ELETTRONICA Anno XXIII - 09/2011



    Associazioni & Dati

    i Micro. Mentre sul ronte negativo si

    distinguono le Memorie.

    Le memorie, si sa, sono partico-

    larmente legate alle condizioni disbilanciamento tra domanda e oerta

    e si vede come nel 2010, anno in

    cui la domanda ha battuto loerta,

    questo comparto abbia battuto il

    mercato 55,4% a 31,8%. Dalla met

    del 2011, stando ai rapporti di DRA-

    Mexchange, la domanda si ridotta

    e i prezzi non i pezzi sono andati

    in caduta quasi libera. I risultati del

    primo semestre sono bruciati e sembra

    continueranno a bruciarsi anche nella

    prima met del 2012. Risultati: -13%questanno e -5% (quasi) nel 2012.

    Guardando invece a chi andato bene

    nel 2011 una menzione speciale va

    ai sensori che chiuderanno a +17%

    dopo un + 45% dellanno prima.

    Probabilmente, il settore automotive

    ha contribuito, ma sicuramente tutti

    i sensori di gravit e accelerazione

    che oggi equipaggiano i cellulari e

    tutti i gadget per le varie tipologie di

    playstation hanno dato un contributo

    non trascurabile.

    Subito dopo si collocano i componenti

    discreti che si aggiudicano un +11%

    circa. Quasi sicuramente drogati

    dalla domanda di ecienza che si

    a sempre pi pressante e pervasiva

    e con lintroduzione massiccia di

    energie alternative quali leolico ed

    il otovoltaico. IGBT e Power MOSFET

    sono probabilmente i driver della

    crescita di questo settore. Al terzo

    posto larea micro con un +8%.Va ricordato che in questa categoria

    WSTS include uno spettro alquanto

    ampio di prodotti: MPU, MCU, DSP

    e DSC. Ma oltre allinormatica, che

    divora MPU, c lautomotive, la

    meccatronica, il settore industriale e

    quantaltro che assorbono MCU, ma

    anche DSP e DSC in volumi industriali.

    E non dimentichiamo che ogni touch-

    screen che entra oggi sul mercato

    e sono tanti contiene un micro per

    il controllo.

    SullEuropa un clima autunnale in

    tutto e per tutto!

    Semiconduttori-Mercatomondialesuddivisopertipologiadiprodotto(in milioni di dollari e variazioni %) Tabella 2

    Mercato Variazione % Anno-su-Anno

    2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013

    Discreti 19.802 21.939 22.685 23.906 39,7% 10,8% 3,4% 5,4%

    Opto 21.702 22.836 24.172 25.798 27,3% 5,2% 5,9% 6,7%

    Sensori 6.903 8.093 8.636 9.195 45,2% 17,2% 6,7% 6,5%

    Integrati 249.909 249.405 254.681 269.185 31,3% -0,2% 2,1% 5,7%

    Analogici 42.285 42.995 44.334 47.307 32,1% 1,7% 3,1% 6,7%

    Micro 60.633 65.514 67.854 72.418 25,5% 8,1% 3,6% 6,7%

    Logiche 77.377 80.241 84.654 89.297 18,6% 3,7% 5,5% 5,5%

    Memorie 69.614 60.655 57 .839 60.163 55,4% -12,9% -4,6% 4,0%

    Tot. Prodotti 298.316 302.273 310.174 328.084 31,8% 1,3% 2,6% 5,8%

    Fonte: WSTS

    I sensori

    nel 2011



    nel 2011


    Il Giappone paga lo scotto del

    terremoto e del conseguente tsunami

    e segna un -7,4%

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract



    ADEC - South AfricaAssciatin Distributrs Eectrnic Cmpnents

    ARDEC - Russia Autnmus Register Distributrs Eectrnic Cmpnents

    ASSODEL - ItalyAssciazine Nazinae Frnitri Eettrnica

    CEDA - ChinaChina Eectrnics Distributr Aiance

    ECAANZ - AustraliaEectrnic Cmpnents Assciatin

    Austraia and New Zeaand

    ECIA - United StatesEectrnic Cmpnents Industry Assciatin

    ECSN - United KingdomEectrnic Cmpnents Suppy Netwrk

    ELCINA - IndiaEectrnic Industries Assciatin India

    FBDI - GermanyFachverband der Baueemente Distributin

    FEDELEC - TunisiaTunisian Federatin Eectricand Eectrnic Industries

    SE - SwedenThe Swedish Eectrnics Trade Assciatins

    JEpIA - JaanJapan Eectrnic Prducts Imprters Assciatin

    SpDEI - FranceSyndicat Pressinne de a Distributinen Eectrnique Industriee

    Down in the(Bookings)Delta

    November 2011

    N dubt, the ast 2 years were quite eventu r

    the Eurpean cmpnents industry and specicay


    2009 started with the market jumping int an abyss,

    created by the nance market disaster 2008/2009, ny

    t be wed in 2010 by the steepest upturn in recent

    histry, with 53% grwth the semicnductr distributin

    market in Eurpe r that year. S, the expectatins

    r 2011 at the beginning the year were cautiusy

    ptimistic. What wed was a buish grwth unti May

    2011, supprted by acatin ears ater the Japanese


    In the rst ha 2011, the industry grew again int

    dube gures, 23% t be exact, r the semicnductrdistributin industry (IP&E nt ar behind).

    But it seems that specicay distributin-assciated

    industry segments ike industria autmatin and the

    autmtive sectr expanded their inventries ver-

    prprtinay, just t nd ut that the ramicatins

    the Japanese natura disaster were much smaer than

    expected. Nw ha the market has t much inventry

    and has therere naturay stepped n the brakes

    regarding new rders.The cncusin is that a huge prtin the current

    slowdown is an inventory correction that shud end

    by the end caendar year 2011, and that in 2012 we can

    k rward t anther rund at east mderate grwth.

    But what about the other part o the slow-down? The

    consumer and the world economy at large?

    As we have seen in the ast crisis, the cmpnents market

    has arrived in the rea wrd. With 2/3 the tta market

    vaue cnsumed by cnsumer-type prducts (phnes,

    cmputers, tabets, game cnses etc.), it is cear that

    it is nt the investment gds cyces that are driving themarket behaviur but the cnsumers, wh act n dierent

    principes, with this eect: cyces are much shrter and

    much mre dependent n the vera market ecnmics.

    What current actors are there which could inuence

    both directly and indirectly the components market?The

    Eur crisis, gba ecnmic swdwn, ears infatin

    (Eurpe, US, China), natura disasters (rst Japan, then

    Thaiand), the US debt, an verheated grwth in the ast

    18 mnths. It reads ike the pt r the erfect storm.

    But hw much these wi reay take eect? Nt eventhe experts can te, but taking essns rm 2009, at east

    that much is cear when n ne knws what is cming,

    there wi be mre cautin ging rward - which adds t

    the inventry crrectin (it is nt quite cear where ese

    excess inventry sits beside custmers; it cud be that


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    Year XXII n 3 - 2011

    News IDEA

    by Georg Steinberger

    Chairman DMASS & President FBDi


    Distribution-associatedindustry segments like industrialautomation and the automotive

    sector expanded their inventoriesover-proportionally

    Adam Fletcher

    Chairman of IDEA

    Just to remind readers.

    I you would like to have theoriginal graphicsused in this article just email to the IDEA secretaryatsegreteria@ideaelectronics.com

    The IDEA statistics are taken rom actualbookings and billings returns made by a substantialpercentage o the electronic component distributorsin Europe, including all the major distributiongroups. Their sales represent Circa 70% o the totalEuropean distribution market so the trends shownare truly representative.

    II - CEDA, Executive Meetingtakes place in Xian, China

    IV - Q3 2011, the market hasclearly slowed across Europe!

    VI - The South African market,an overview

    VII - Dear original equipmentmanufacturer

    VII - Solid State Lightingmarket (forecast)

    VIII - Strong september drives3Q11 Connector Industrygrowth

    X - Forecasting 2012: reasonsto be cheerful

    XII - Building on Fortronicsuccess!

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    China Electronics Distributor

    Alliance (CEDA) has successuy

    cmpeted the CEDA West China

    Meeting inXian, the capita city Shaanxi

    prvince. This meeting cused n heping

    CEDA members t expre West Chinas

    market demand and t devep the crrect

    emerging market strategies r West China.

    CEDA executives netwrked with Shaanxi

    prvince and Xian municipa gvernment

    cias, tp eectrnics manuacturers and

    research institutes t discuss cabratin

    in the eectrnics suppy chain. It tk

    pace at the China E ectrnic (Xian) Fair,

    the argest ranchise eectrnics techngy

    shw in China.

    CEDA executives rm Arrw Asia, Avnet,

    WPG, Future Eectrnics, Muser, TTI,

    RS Cmpnents, Cmtech, SZCEAC,

    Hnestar, AsiaCm, Mrnsun, lierda,

    Zetrn, letd attended the meeting.

    Invited by CEDA t meet industry suppy

    chain giants incuded eaders Shaaxin

    prvinces Industry and Inrmatin

    Techngy Bureau, Xian CEC High Tech

    Park, Xian Internatina Harbur Serviceand Shaanxi Eectrnics Institutin.

    As invited were tp ca eectrnics

    manuacturers, incuding Xian Industry

    Autmatin and Cntr System Cmpany,

    Shaanxi Pwer Fan Cmpany, Shaanxi

    Eectrnics Techngy research institutes,

    Xian Pwer Eectrnics Techngy

    research institutes, Xian N.205 research

    institute, Xian Jiatng University Kai-Yuan

    Grup, and Xian Feiyu Eectric Cmpany.

    Chen Wen Hai, Vice President o the

    China Electronic Appliance Corporation

    (CEAC), expained t CEDA executives

    hw techngy cmpanies address

    their marketing strategies and gave a

    presentatin at CEF Xian. They visited

    CEDA members bths incuding TTI/

    Muser, Cmtech, CE-Pwer, letd, Taiy

    Yuden and Sunrd Inc.

    Lou Qing Jian, Vice Governor o Shaanxi

    Province, addressed his pening speech

    at CEF Xian and nted that the Chinese

    eectrnics industrys restructuring and

    recatin is bringing huge pprtunities

    t state-run cmpanies and research

    institutes, driving techngica innvatin

    in deense, industry and civi prduct

    devepment. He encurages the

    technica cabratin suppiers and

    manuacturers t use cmpimentary

    resurces and devep west Chinas suppy

    chain tgether.

    Electronics component distribution has

    seen ast and diversifed development in

    China which enables China to become

    truly part o the worldwide electronics

    supply chain. The Ministry o Industry and

    Inormation Technology values electronics

    technology distribution service sector and

    supports CEDA development, said Chen.

    Mi Ji Rong, Bureau Chie o the Shaanxi

    Province Industry and InormationTechnology and Sotware Sector, attended

    the CEDA dinner and intrduced key

    industry gures Shaanxi prvince.

    Shaanxi reached RMB 75 biin (US$

    12 biin) revenue rm eectrnics saes

    ast year, cntributed t by 400+ majr

    state-run tp eectrnics manuacturers

    and research institutes. Shaanxi has strng

    resurces and capacities in technica

    innvatin and high-end manuacturing

    activities. Phtnic and Internet industryare rapidy deveping in the prvinces.

    Huawei Technologyand ZTE Cor

    have buit research centers in Xian. IC and

    cmpnent design and manuacturing

    are as strengths the prvince that can


    I I L

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    cmpnents suppiers buid a Wrk-in-

    Prgress inventry as we, which expains

    the sti reativey high utiisatin rate

    waer abs).

    one big and t date incacuabe actr

    is the Eurpean autmtive industry,

    accunting r a huge prtin the

    Eurpean (even wrse: German)

    cmpnents cnsumptin. Chasing

    ne recrd ater the next r sme time,

    specicay in China, the expectatins

    r 2012 purprtedy have becme very

    mderate which cud ead t a steep

    drp in rders (actring in the high

    inventry eves cmpnents). Itay,

    France and Germany wi nt ike this


    Ceary, the market demand des

    nt vanish vernight. Therere the

    exaggerated swdwn in bkings wi

    ease ut sn, but a decine in demand

    wi inevitaby ead t a swer recvery

    the bkings at a wer eve.

    In ther wrds, the tw recrd years 2010

    and 2011 (mainy due t the strng rstha) wi stand r sme time. Aready,

    king at the situatin in Western

    Euroe, mre roduction is eaving

    shre (specicay big custmers).

    The exceptins are Germany and its

    Eastern neighburs, wh in the meantime

    accunt r ver 50% the distributin

    market, and grwing. Here, the

    prductin base remains stabe; hwever,

    the market is extremey cmpetitive.

    Ging rward, neither GDP nr the tta

    cmpnents market, nr the distributin

    market expectatins are very ptimistic.

    Market research in the cmpnents

    business ike Electronic Outlook expect

    2011 t be negative aready (-0.8%gbay, -3.8% r Eurpe).

    This is nt ging t happen r the

    distributin sectr, at east nt r the

    semicnductr part. Even under the wrst

    circumstances in Q4/2011 (ets say minus

    20%) the distributin market wi grw at

    east singe-digit in 2011, setting a new

    recrd year. 2012 then has t dea with

    such a high cmparisn basis.

    As the rst ha 2011 bied recrd

    resuts, yu can cacuate r yurse what

    mst prbaby wi happen rm January t

    June 2012.

    What are the key messages going

    orward? Eurpe is a mature eectrnics

    market that mst certainy wi ace varius

    chaenges, endgenus and exgenus.

    The cmpetitive strength in varius industry

    segments is enrmus but specicay

    Western Eurpe has st its manuacturingedge and is dwn t its bare bnes.

    Design yes, design infuence yes, but

    ca manuacturing decining, market

    utk very mderate. As t be actred

    in - the eectrnics industry in Eurpe

    has dicuties in nding empyees

    in the yunger generatins. What is

    nt erded by the cst cutters, wh

    cntinue t deprive Eurpe meaningu

    manuacturing structures, wi be et witha wrkrce in the ate 40s, eary 50s, with

    very ew successrs in sight.

    The current chaenges the industry are

    a mere refectin what is ging n in

    sciety in genera. N miraces are waiting

    t happen t change this. What has been

    st des nt cme back, and new ideas

    need t ead t new business that can be

    cmpetitivey manuactured here.

    The remaining wrd market eaders that

    Eurpe have are nt the big cngmerates

    but the innvative sma and medium

    sized cmpanies that cincidentay are

    distributin custmers. And new wrd

    market eaders rm Eurpe wi cme rm

    there as we.

    The distribution industryhas t nd

    ways t hep this business growth -

    with techngy, engineering supprt,marketing, services and, yes, as suppy

    chain services that we prvide better

    than anyne. Hwever, the seeds need t

    cme rm smene ese - Gvernments,

    innvatrs, pineers, and entrepreneurs.

    When no one knowswhat is coming, therewill be more caution

    going orward

    by Amy Wang



    CEDA, Executive

    Meeting takes placein Xian, China

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    ce is t be sited in CNT Netwrks and

    CoC and Michae liu, PhD is eected the

    rst secretary genera CEDA.

    CEDA has been ully supported by ECIA/

    NEDA (Electronic Component Industry

    Association/National Electronic Distribution

    Association), and IDEA (International

    Distribution o Electronics Association).

    They opened resources to help CEDAs

    development, saidAmy Wang, VP o

    COC and CNT Networks, addressing

    thanks t the internatina cunter-parties

    that heped CEDAs devepment.

    CEDA is representing ranchised

    distributrs in China with the missin

    enhancing executive netwrking, prtecting

    distributrs benets, estabishing

    distributin business reguatins, sharingmarket inteigence, driving eectrnics

    cmpnent suppy chain devepment,

    and prmting new vaues the

    ranchised distributin service mde.

    When the Chinese gvernment drives

    prductin-service chain devepment in

    the natin, CEDA wi ensure that incentives

    r eectrnics cmpnent distributin

    peratins are transerred rm the

    techngy service chain, trading service

    chain, gistic service chain and nanciaservice chain.

    We thank Shaanxi province and Xian

    municipality government, or support

    in hosting the CEDA West Meeting

    and bringing in executive networking

    opportunities to seek new business

    collaboration, liu said. CEDA will bring

    in an eective supply chain service to

    west China and drive West China-made

    components to world market.

    back up CEDA members businesses.

    Xian CEC Industry Park can provide

    the best acilities and services to CEDA

    members to set up business hubs and

    develop the West China market, said

    Lin Bin, VP o Xian CEC Industry Park, a

    subsidiary China Eectrnic Crpratin,

    as a mther cmpany CEAC. CEDA

    is deveping strategies t everage ca

    resurces r CEDA members.

    Mark Burr-Lonnon, VP o Mouser, spke

    n beha exhibitrs and TTI/Muser.

    West China is important to the electronics

    industry. I hope its new product

    development activities can be developed

    as well as Europe and North America.

    Muser, a CEDA member, red ut a

    arge exhibitin bth at CEF Xian in a

    strategica mve t the west China market.

    We organized the CEDA West China

    Meeting during CEF Xian time so that

    executives can observe technical and

    market trends at CEF, and promote

    ranchise and catalog service at one

    stop,said Michael Liu, PhD, CEO oCNT Networks. CEDA arranged executive

    meetings t netwrk with the members

    ca tp eectrnics manuacturers and

    research institutes during the shw perid.

    The meeting as discussed and agreed

    the CEDA missin, rganizatin structure

    and artices prpsed by the preparatry

    ce CEAC, CNT Netwrks and China

    outk Cnsuting (CoC). The meeting

    as agreed that the aiances secretary

    This CEDA meeting reached the wing


    1 A unding members are CEDA bard


    2 The meeting appinted Michae liu

    as secretary genera CEDA and

    secretary ce t be sited in CNT

    Netwrks/China outk Cnsuting;

    3 During the start-up perid, CEDA

    wi adpt a fat structure incuding

    a Chairman and Executive Bard

    Members t best use members


    4 The secretary genera wi ensure jb

    descriptins are prduces ang with

    recmmendatins r Chairman and

    executive bard members, and revise

    the CEDA Artice r bard members;

    5 New CEDA members wi be recruited

    by the secretary and detais sent t

    executive bard members t apprve

    every mnth. The apprva is carried

    ut using an eectrnics/nine t

    t be deveped by CNT Netwrks at


    6 T devep msty distributr

    membership. Cmpnent suppiersaready amng the members wi


    7 Muser and TTI t have tw separate

    seats in the bard;

    8 The secretary t w up Shenzhen

    custmers and seek sutins (Dec 31,


    9 The secretary t w up ECIA t

    understand authrized distributr

    inventry nine isting system and get

    input CEDA (Dec 31, 2011);10The secretary t prpse a custmer

    credit reerra ramewrk CEDA

    members t share credit experiences

    (Dec 31, 2011);

    11The secretary t prpse a CEDA

    brandname prmtin pan r the

    bard (Dec 31, 2011);

    12 China DTAM and distributin statistica

    wrk wi be nt be part the 2011

    pan. It wi be re-discussed when the

    CEDA rganizatin is in pace.


    I I L

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    CEDA has beenully supported by ECIA

    and IDEA

    About CEDA

    About China ElectronicFair

    About Cntronics.com

    About 52solution.com

    About China

    Outlook Consulting

    CEDAis a nn-prt rganizatinthat deivers service t eectrnics

    cmpnent distributrs and reatedparties with u supprt rminternatina cunter-parties andthe Chinese gvernment.

    China Electronics Fair (CEF) wasunded in 1964, and is endrsedby bth the Ministry Industry andInrmatin Techngy and theMinistry Cmmerce. CEF runs

    three catins annuay, Shenzhenin Apri, Shanghai in Nvemberand West China/in August (rtatingbetween Chengdu and Xian) Ithsts 150,000 key visitrs annuay.

    Cntronics.com is an interactivenine patrm r engineers tbetter design circuits, seect theright cmpnents and deivertimey appicatin sutins. It hepsengineers t design circuitry that

    enabes better IC perrmance.

    52solution.com is a speciaizedsutin centers-based websitethat prvides system architectneeded technica resurces rR&D engineers. It heps engineerst earn the sutins in ht apps,share experiences, and imprveeciency thrugh webinars, techvides, tech artices, iteraturedwnad, sampe request, and

    nine rums,etc.

    China Outlook Consultingenabes business executives internatina semicnductr andcmpnent suppier/distributrs tdevep better business strategiesr the Chinese market thrughthe China eoutk newsetter andcustmer research services.

    amy Wngrssing th Ceda mting

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract



    Q3 2011 - the market has clearly slowed

    further across Europe!

    by Gary Kibblewhite


    It is dicut at the mment t

    nd and market researcher r

    statistician that is shwing buish

    gures r the Wrd markets. Even

    the Chinese manuacturing sectr

    has swed despite the underying

    Chinese GDP sti grwing at

    ver 9% pa. This is refected in

    ur industry inputs which shw

    a sharp sw-dwn in eectrnic

    cmpnent rders and saes

    acrss Eurpe in Q3.

    Graphic T6 bew, this shws the

    grwth/decine in quartery saes

    r each cuntry cmpared with

    the same quarter ast year. Nw

    it is ny Nrdic and France that

    are sti shwing a margina biings

    grwth and a ther regins have

    aready experienced a decine.

    Hwever, we mustnt rget that

    Q3 is aways a bad quarter!!

    Secndy Graphic T5 shws that

    cumuative ytd bkings r mst

    Eurpe have cntinued t drp

    when cmpared with ast year with

    a regins drpping rm between

    1.5% (UK) t 18.2% (Nrdic).



    Eurstat shws that The eur

    area seasnay-adjusted

    unempyment rate was up

    t 10.2% in September 2011

    cmpared with 10.1% in August2011 and 8% in September ast

    We mustnt orgetthat Q3 is alwaysa bad quarter

    Only Nordic andFrance are still

    showing a marginalbillings growth

    year. This is nt gd news r

    uture manuacturing utput.

    The atest Eurpean Industria

    prductin gures reeased by

    Eurstat n the 12th octber are

    r August 2011 and shw that,

    cmpared with August 2010,

    industria prductin increased by





    Total components

    Graphic T1 shws that, n a

    quartery basis, tta biings were

    2% dwn n the same quarter ast

    year and 11% dwn n Q2. Frthe secnd quarter running the

    Just t remind readers. I yuwud ike t have the riginagraphics used in this artice justemai t the IDEA secretary atsegreteria@ideaelectronics.com

    The IDEA statistics are taken rmactua bkings and biings returnsmade by a substantia percentage the eectrnic cmpnentdistributrs in Eurpe, incuding a

    the majr distributin grups.Their saes represent Circa 70% the tta Eurpean distributinmarket s the trends shwn aretruy representative.


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    F r i ri El r ic

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    Total bookings andbillings still run abovethe 2009 level

    bk:bi rati is bew 1:1. It ks

    ike we are ging t see the trendwe experienced in 2009 happening




    Each quarter we k at bth

    bking and biing trends by bth

    prduct and by market.

    Firsty prduct. Breaking the

    prduct tta int the main

    eements, initiay the argest:


    Graphic S1 shws that, pst minr

    adjustments t shw actua gures

    r Itay, we nw have had three

    negative bk:bi rati quarters

    running. Whist tta bkings and

    biings sti run abve the 2009

    For the 2nd quarterrunning the total

    components book:billratio is below 1:1

    t be a pr Q4 biings number.




    Graphic T3 shws that ny the

    Nrdic regin shwed a sma

    grwth ver the prir quarter buta ther regins shwed a decine

    ver bth the same quarter ast

    year and the immediatey prir


    T add t the misery, graphics

    T2 bew cvers bkings trends

    cmparing current quarter with the

    ast quarter ( Q/Q-1) and the same

    quarter ast year ( Q/QYHevetica

    Neue (T1) ). A regins are shwing

    a negative.

    eve the bkings weakness ks

    ike it is ging t ead t a pryear end.

    Passive Components

    Graphic P1 cvering Passives

    shws a secnd quarter

    negative bk:bi ratis with tta

    Eurpean bkings and biings

    abut the same as Q3 2009.

    Electromechanical components

    Even emech & ther cmpnents

    shwed a decine in bk:bi rati

    this quarter eading t what is ikey





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    distributin channes. ADEC has becme

    an imprtant industry rganizatin t

    ensure that the eectrnics industry is

    prtected within Suth Arica.

    ADEC has as strng representatin at

    the South African Electronics Industry

    Federation (SAEIF) which is wrking

    csey with the Deartment of Trade

    and Industryt prtect and grw the

    eectrnics industry.

    one the initiatives where ADEC is very

    much invved in is t review current

    imprt duties in rder t prmte ca

    manuacturing. We have bserved an

    aarming trend in recent mnths wherekey R&D and manuacturing cmpanies

    are in prcess dwnscaing their

    wrkrce with the intend t imprt

    cmpete manuactured prducts. Such

    activities wi nt ny aect imprts

    eectrnic cmpnents negativey, but

    it wi as reduce jbs and aect the

    ecnmy negativey.

    The utk r 2012 is cautius

    ptimistic, but a industry payersincuding gvernment needs t wrk

    tgether t ensure that grwth is

    sustainabe in the ng term.

    Metering are prbaby the tw mst

    imprtant actrs which may stimuate

    the eectrnics industry in the medium

    term. At this stage, nthing is hwever

    certain and gvernment and state wned

    enterprises such as Eskom wi pay a

    majr re in the utcme this grwth.

    Risks that we shud be cautius is

    the repacement cay manuacturer

    prducts with cmpete imprted

    prducts r kits. High risk areas are

    autmtive reated prducts, Set

    Tp bxes and eectricity meters.

    Many these prducts are currenty

    being exprted and it wi be a ss

    r the Suth Arican ecnmy i R&D

    and manuacturing is reduced. The

    eectrnics industry needs t wrk cser

    with gvernment t prtect and grw

    these industries.

    The Suth Arican eectrnics industry

    has aways been very innvative and new

    ideas shud be appied twards ca

    R&D and manuacturing gba trends

    such as energy ecient prducts. lED

    ighting is a gd exampe sme gd

    innvatin which is currenty taking pace

    in Suth Arica.

    Frm an ADEC perspective, it is

    critica that cmpnent distributrs

    need t ensure that they cntinue tadd adequate vaue int the suppy

    chain which wi make it attractive r

    manuacturers t dea thrugh credibe

    crreated with SAs grwth 8.1%. The

    mre interesting anaysis is t k what

    is happening currenty in the US and

    Eurpe in rder t specuate what we can

    expect in Suth Arica during 2012.

    During 2011, US and Eurpean nancia

    turbuence wed hard n the hees

    the massive earthquake in Japan,

    causing imbaances in semicnductr

    suppy and demand.

    The International Distribution o

    Electronics Association (IDEA) has

    indicated that there is a biings grwth

    between 8% and 12% r Q2 2011

    cmpared t Q2 2010 r Eurpean

    cuntries. Their statistics indicate that

    the Eurpean grwth rate is n a sharp


    Anaysts urther recast that gba

    semicnductr saes wi grw a swer

    5% in 2012. The gba semicnductrindustry in 2012 cud be impacted by

    a number macrecnmic issues,

    incuding high unempyment in the U.S.,

    the nging debt crisis, the dds a

    dube-dip U.S. recessin in the United

    States and Japan, and the ear infatin

    in China, India, and Brazi.

    Frm a pure crreatin perspective, we

    can expect that the grwth rate 8.1%

    cmpnents saes in Suth Arica may

    decine t 4% twards the end 2012.Hwever, we need t k at the Suth

    Arican industry t rene this crreatin.

    Eectrnic prducts such as smart

    phnes, media tabets, mbie PCs, set

    tp bxes, lCD TVs, wired netwrks,

    industria autmatin, and autmtive

    intainment wi be the majr driver

    eectrnics saes wrdwide.

    Hwever, the Suth Arican industry is

    very weak in mst these areas.There are majr prjects n the hrizn

    which may stimuate the grwth the

    SA eectrnics industry in the cming tw

    years. The Digital Terrestrial Television

    switchover prject and Smart

    The ast 4 years have been a

    rercaster ride r the Suth

    Arican eectrnics industry.

    Suth Arican imprt statistics (see

    attached graph) has shwn that Suth

    Arica experienced a signicant decine in

    imprts eectrnic cmpnents in 2009

    due t the 2008 gba nancia crisis.

    During 2010 the SA ecnmy recvered

    and eectrnic imprts were n the

    increase again. In terms cmpnentsaes, this recvery ny reaized twards

    the secnd ha 2010 and cntinued

    int 2011.

    Accrding t ADEC statistics, the year

    n year grwth r eectrnic cmpnents

    saes r the 12 mnth perid ending

    June 2011 was 8.1%.

    The SA eectrnics industry d nt ny

    ag gba trends by abut 12 mnths,

    but these trends are as dampened

    signicanty, which is wecmed in a

    recessinary perid.

    In rder t determine hw the SAeectrnics industry is ding cmpared

    t gba markets we shud be king

    sighty back int gba trends. Saes

    grwth gba semicnductrs surged

    by arund 32% in 2010 which can be

    by Kobus Botes

    ADEC Chairman

    Technical Marketing Manager

    Arrow Altech Distribution (Pty) Ltd.

    Year on year growthor electronic

    components sales or the12 month period endingJune 2011 was 8.1%

    The Digital TerrestrialTelevision switchover

    project and SmartMetering are probably

    the two mostimportant actors

    The South African market, an overview

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    by Franco Musiari

    Technical Director, Assodelwww.assodel.it

    and by Silvio BaronchelliPresident of IDEA

    Grasping the picture o the solid statelighting market is not an easy job.Firstly because there isnt a defnitivesource o reliable inormation thatcan capture the global lighting marketand secondly because there is a rapidprolieration o new comers. Not toorget that this type o reports typicallyhave a purchase ee that is prohibitiveand when they become accessible theyare usually out o date...

    ANEWREPORTThere is a new report releasedby McKinsey & Company andcommissioned by Osram: Lightingthe Way: Perspectives on the GlobalLighting Market.

    The report takes a broad view othe lighting industry with particularreerence to LED market share. Theinormation have been generatedthrough a survey developed in June 2011with interviews o lighting proessionals

    and consumers in the USA, Germany,Japan, China, Russia, Brazil, and India.Feedback was collected rom morethan 650 respondents representingthe design sector and more than 1,000respondents representing lightingproducts consumers. The report bringsan overview o the global lightingmarket, an evaluation o the impacto LED technology on lighting and anexamination o LED penetration.

    ThELEDLIGhTINGMARKETAccording to the report, the globallighting market will reach a revenuelevel o approximately110billion

    by 2020. Population increases,urbanization and governmentregulations that avoursenergy efciency measuresare indicated as the keydrivers or this growth.Currently LED technology is tooexpensive to be competitiveand able to conquer a wideapplication base but theexpectation that the LEDcosts will decrease at a rateo 30 percent per annum willaccelerate the adoption osuch a technology.

    The graph shows that in 2010 the SSLmarket was worth 7 billion with a 10%market share. The picture is going tochange drastically by 2016 when themarket is orecasted to reach 40 billionater a Compound Annual Growth Rateo 34% clearly showing the above

    mentioned acceleration. At this pointin time the SSL market should graspapproximately41% o the total lightingmarket.

    Got at that point the accelerationwill slow and rom 2016 to 2020 theMcKinsey report suggests that theCAGR will drop at the 13% level. Thismeans that in 2020 the SSL marketshould account or 64 billion with 59%o the total market.

    ThEKEyMARKETSEGMENTSIts clear, looking to the graph, thatthe report is taking in consideration

    the three main sectors o the lightingmarket: generalligting, automotiveligting and backligting.

    General lighting, which accounts or75% o the total lighting market, is themain market area or the coming growthand the one that will see the greatesttransormation due to LEDs.

    In particular the applications inarchitectural lighting are viewed asan area o early adoption because othe incorporation o color control and,as McKinsey reports, will see an 85%market share by 2020.


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    need t address unpredictabe cnsumer

    needs, the vera iabiity shud reside

    with the origina Equipment Manuacturer

    wh utimatey decides n his prduct

    marketing strategy.

    Sme the key questins t answer:




    or both?









    owned and defned?

    Vendr Managed Inventry is a way

    t mitigate risk and psitin inventry

    buers at strategic pints in the suppy

    chain. As in ur gba ecnmy

    suppy chains cmpete mre than

    cmpanies, it shud as encurage

    suppy chain team-mates t cabrate,

    agree strategy and metrics, and share

    inrmatin, risk and reward.

    Distributrs are uniquey psitined t

    depy VMI services r oEMs and their

    assciated cntract manuacturers.

    They have the abiity t mitigate materia

    iabiity with their wide custmer base and

    rebaance inventry between the varius

    oEM prductin sites.

    Inventry is a very pweru and

    dangerus asset... as much as is needed

    and as itte as pssibe!


    hen it cmes t inventry

    strategy, yu can ee bd

    pressure rising acrss exec

    teams. Its understandabe as it is

    accepting that the wrd is anague,

    that cnsumer behaviur des nt

    w ve year pans and in a way

    answering Edward Lorenzs questin

    at the American Assciatin r the

    Advancement Science cnerence:

    Predictability: Does the Flap o a

    Butterys Wings in Brazil Set o a

    Tornado in Texas?. Accepting the

    cncept a necessary inventry

    is accepting rictin in mechanicaprcesses, and its a saer anding in the

    rea wrd.

    once yu embrace the idea yu need t

    take a deep breath and get prepared r

    many seepess nights. Inventry prtects

    against uncertainties, but as deays the

    understanding and impact prbems!

    Fr the ean manuacturers, the greatest

    maniestatin waste can be und in

    unneeded quantities raw materias,wrk in prgress and nished gds

    (Daniel L. Gardner - 2004 - Business &


    The rst thing t d is reach ut t yur

    upstream and dwnstream partners and

    ay dwn the undatin yur inventry


    Inventry shud be seen as the ue, r

    better, the xygen the suppy chain. I ts

    everynes prbem and as it refects the

    DearOriginal Equipment


    SSL Market (forecast!)

    Is your inventory an accident, a way to address supply chain (in)efciency

    or a conscious decision to support your supply chain strategy?

    by Pascal Fernandez

    Vice president SPDEI

    and VP Avnet Velocity


    Led Lighting Market By Sector (eur billions)

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract



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    EID NEwS

    Eric Schuck has been namedpresident Arrow Euroe, MiddleEast and Africa (EMEA). In this re,Mr. Schuck wi ead the eectrniccmpnents prducts and servicesbusiness r the EMA regin, reprtingdirecty t Peter Kng, president Arrw Gba Cmpnents.

    Avnet Memec annunced itstransrmatin int a verticay aignedand custmer cused business hasawed it t dube its majr accuntbase rm 400 t ver 1000 and tripeits mnthy saes in just ve years.

    Fwing the severe fash fdingin Thaiand, the csure manybusinesses in the regin has theptentia t impact the eectrnicssuppy chain. Element14 has createda dedicated nine space at ThaiandFding which wi act as a centrarepsitry r the eectrnics industryn the situatin, whie additinay beinga cnduit r inrmatin fw at thisdicut time

    Farnell has aunched an a newdedicated maintenance and prductincatague, eaturing prducts rmver 300 the wrds eadingmanuacturers. Cmprising ver 500pages, the new catague bringstgether many prducts ranging rmcnnectrs, cabes, and batteries t testand measurement equipment, sderingprducts and reays.Premier Farne as annunces agba ranchise distributin agreementwith Fox Electronics, a speciaist inthe design and suppy requencycntrers.

    Mouser Electronics has signed agba distributin agreement withutra-w-pwer RF speciaist NordicSemiconductor, with Toumaz, asuppier in w cst, utraw energywireess teemetry techngies andwith Segger which deiver embeddeddevepment ts t design engineerswrdwide. Muser Eectrnics asannunces the aunch its secndmedica appicatins productKnowledge Center (pKC) training sitedevted t medica therapies. Museras annunces that it is an authrizedgba distributr r the cmpeteprti Natina prducts rmTexas Instruments (TI).

    RS Comonents has wn thelgistics and Distributin operatinsaward at the Eurpean Suppy ChainExceence Awards 2011. This awardrecgnises rganisatins in Eurpe thatdemnstrate exceence in their suppychain peratins.


    Source: Electronics Industry Digest

    September 2011 bkings

    increased +16% ver

    September 2010. YTD

    bkings are up +5.1%. Sequentiay,

    rders increased +3.2% rm August

    2011. 3Q11 bkings were up +6.9%


    September biings increased +16%

    rm September 2010, and +9.9%

    year-t-date. Sequentiay, saes

    increased +7.4% rm August 2011.

    3Q11 biings were up +9.1% year-


    The September BTB rati was 0.92,

    3Q11 was 0.95, and year-t-date is

    0.99. The wing charts shw the

    industry BTB since octber 2009.

    The September bk-t-bi 0.92

    is, hwever, the urth cnsecutive

    mnth with a bk-t-bi rati ess

    than 1.0.The wing tabes shw the recent

    biings histry the cnnectr


    We have achieved 23 cnsecutive

    mnths year-ver-year increases

    in mnthy biings. order demand

    increased in September 2011, but

    cntinued saes grwth wi be dicut

    t achieve in 4Q11 because

    stness in wrd ecnmies.

    Regional performanceThe wing tabes shw September

    2011 bkings and biings

    perrmance by gegraphic regin.

    Year-t-date bkings have swed t

    singe-digit grwth in Nrth America,

    Eurpe, Asia Pacic, and RoW.

    September year-t-date bkings

    turned psitive r China at 1.1%.

    Japan has imprved t -2.4%.

    Year-t-date biings shw dube-digit grwth in Eurpe and RoW.

    Year-t-date biings are singe digits in

    a ther regins. Year-t-date biings

    in Japan turned psitive t 1% r the

    rst time since March 2011.

    3Q11 Sales performance

    The cnnectr industry shipped

    $12,857 miin in 3Q11, up 9.1%

    ver 3Q10. This set a new industry

    recrd r saes in a quarter.

    The third quarter, especiay

    September, was much strnger

    than we expected. Theautmtive and transprtatin

    sectrs were particuary strng.

    Teecmmunicatins (mbie devices

    and mbie netwrks) and cmputer

    sectrs had gd perrmances in

    the quarter. Miitary and industria

    were market aggers. In spite much

    The third quarter,especially September,

    was much strongerthan we expected

    The connectorindustry has achievedtwo outstanding years

    since the horrifcbusiness conditions

    in 2009

    by Ron Bishop

    Bishop & Associates



    pERCENTAGE CHANGE 2009/2010/2011 Table 1

    Strong September Drives

    3Q11 Connector Industry GrowthCONNECTOR INDUSTRY BOOK-TO-BILL RATIO Figure 1

    SEpTEMBER 2011 BOOKINGS Table 2

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    decine. This is nt a psitive sign

    r uture cnnectr saes because

    cnnectr saes csey track the

    perrmance semicnductrs.

    Eectrnic distributrs are

    reprting mid-singe-digit grwth in

    cmpnents and have swed their

    rders t cmpnent manuacturers


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    We estimate that4Q11 will decline

    -5.3% sequentially, butstill achieve

    +3.8% growthyear-over-year

    pubicized ecnmic wes, Eurpean

    cnnectr saes were utstanding.

    Much Eurpes cnnectr grwth is

    due t a strng autmtive market.North America connector saes

    thrugh September 2011 have grwn

    aster than Chinas (7.9% vs. 6.8%).

    It has been ver a decade since that

    has ccurred.

    Euroean connector saes are

    up an incredibe 16.5% thrugh


    The cnnectr industry has achieved

    tw utstanding years since the

    hrric business cnditins in 2009.

    The wing tabe shws hw the

    industry has perrmed ver the past

    eeven quarters and ur estimate r

    4Q11. We estimate that 4Q11 wi

    decine -5.3% sequentiay, but sti

    achieve +3.8% grwth year-ver-year.

    Outlook 4Q11 and full year


    Semicnductr demand has swed

    and the past tw mnths have

    resuted in a year-ver-year saes




    accrdingy. The cnnectr industry

    bk-t-bi rati has been bew 1.0

    r ur cnsecutive mnths, with

    September resuting in a very pr BTB

    rati 0.92. With rders swing earier

    in the quarter and heavy shipments

    in September, the industry backg is


    We are experiencing swing demand

    r eectrnic prducts. Hwever, we

    beieve the key wrd is slowing. We

    d nt beieve there is a arge decine in

    demand ahead us. Fr exampe, U.S.

    GDP grwth 2.5% in the third quarter

    is an encuraging trend that essens the

    prbabiity a dube-dip recessin.

    Here is hw we see the next ew


    4Q11 - Sequentia decine in saes rm

    4Q11 in the 5% range. Year-ver-year

    grwth rm 4Q10 arund 4%.

    1Q12 - Tugh cmparisns t 1Q11.

    Cntinued swing demand and the

    Chinese New Year resut in sequentiaand year-ver-year decines in the mid-


    2Q12 - Sequentia imprvement in

    saes, but a decine in year-ver-year


    3Q11 + 4Q11 - Gradua imprvement

    in saes with bth quarters achieving

    sequentia and year-ver-year grwth.

    The utk r 2012 is mdest grwth

    in the 4% t 6% range.

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract



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    When ptted n a

    garithmic scae graph

    the gba eectrnic

    cmpnents saes revenue nw

    csey tracks gba GDP. Tday it

    generay appears n the psitive

    side the grwth curve because

    the pervasive and increasing use

    eectrnics in daiy ie but his

    was nt aways the case.

    As itte as a decade ag the typica

    gba cyces, driven argey by

    advancement in semicnductr

    prcess techngies, were

    perids very high grwth

    wed by a capse wed by

    a sw advance twards the next


    This pattern hwever des nt

    appear t be wed by the UK

    eectrnic cmpnents markets

    and GDP grwth. The UK

    eectrnic cmpnents markets

    are n track t achieve a grwth

    apprximatey 7% in 2011,

    cnsidating n what was a

    phenmena 26% grwth in 2010,

    whist the 2011 UK GDP grwth

    is recast at 2% an imprvement

    ver the minima grwth in 2010.

    Why is this?

    Its very hard t justiy using hard

    data but anecdta evidence

    suggests that the wide breadth

    UK based system integratrs in

    the aerspace, autmtive medica

    and industria markets are actuay

    enjying signicanty mre success

    in internatina markets than they

    are being given credit r.

    Statistica inrmatin prvided

    by ecsn members indicates that

    there has as been an increase in

    the saes rm the UK eectrnic

    cmpnents, bth directy by

    custmers t their subsidiaries

    r sub-cntractrs and by UK

    based distributrs in supprt

    their custmers in Eastern

    Eurpe and China. The same

    statistica inrmatin enabes

    me t estimate that this trade

    has been grwing steadiy ver

    the ast decade and may nw

    accunt r 5% t 7% the UK

    eectrnic cmpnents saes

    revenue. Accrding t UK oEM

    custmers the primary reasn r

    this activity is t gain cntr ver

    the eectrnic cmpnents used

    in the bard assemby prcess t

    maintain quaity standards, but it

    as enabes them t wied much

    greater infuence ver suppiers,

    pricing and avaiabiity.

    So What Is Likely To

    Haen in 2012?

    A wide crss sectin eectrnic

    cmpnents industry eaders

    remains sceptica abut the ca

    and gba ecnmic prspects.

    A very unscientic p ver

    150 US executives ast week

    reveaed that the verwheming

    majrity beieve that were in the

    midst a W shaped ecnmic

    situatin i.e. a urther shrt perid

    decine pssiby ng enugh

    t be technicay cassied as a

    recessin, r at best case l

    shaped i.e. a perid itte grwth

    r decine. This utcme refected

    a simiar p carried ut with the

    The UK electroniccomponents markets

    are on track toachieve a growth oapproximately 7% in2011, consolidating

    on what was aphenomenal 26%

    growth in 2010

    The outlook oremployment in the

    electronics industry isnot really is not as badas the problems in theoverall economy may


    by Adam Fletcher

    Chairman of IDEA and ECSN


    Forecasting 2012:

    Reasons to Be Cheerful

    The outlook or employment in the electronics industry is not

    really is not as bad as the problems in the overall economy

    may suggest says Adam Fletcher - Chairman at the Electronic

    Components Supply Network. As many organisations enter

    the fnal stages o their 2012 business planning cycle Fletcher

    justifes his optimism by reviewing key data and inormation

    sources, but he also shares his concerns that this will continue

    to be a low job creation recovery at best, which is likely to remain

    an ongoing problem or many developed economies...

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    same grup in 2009, despite the

    act that a very bvius V shaped

    recvery was taking pace.

    Their past experience suggests

    that these industry executives

    shud reaise that the recvery

    amst aways vershts, decines

    and then nrmaises. The drpped

    tennis ba anagy is ten used

    by ecnmists when describing a

    recessin: A tennis ba wi aways

    bunce back up again; its ny the

    timing thats unknwn.

    But in the current and very

    uncertain ecnmic times thers

    have ikened the gba ecnmy

    t drpping a fat tba; n

    hitting the grund it bunces back,

    but nt much! The chaenge r

    everybdy is t pump mre air int

    the ba s that it bunces back


    Signifcant drags

    There are a numbers signicant

    drags n UK ecnmic activity;

    histricay w eves activity

    in the husing market, wer

    cnsumer spending as debt is paid

    , stubbrny high unempyment

    rates and the turbuence created

    by the Eur regin currency and

    debt crisis, t name just a ew.

    These drags are being refected

    in wer than nrma cnsumer

    cndence eves,which has nwspread t industria markets with

    primary indices ike the Industrial

    Purchasing Managers Indexand

    CBI Industry Confdence Surveys

    drpping bew unity.

    These surveys whist very useu

    indicatrs d smetimes becme a

    se-uing prphecy as they have

    the eect ensuring cnsumers

    and industriaists becme mre


    I I L

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    Many organisationsnow run rolling 12month orecasts basedon multiple possibleoutcome scenarios,

    only frming up theirplans or one or twoquarters at a time

    based on the evolvingoutcome

    negative. This is particuary true

    i visibiity custmer demand in

    the suppy netwrk as becmes

    bscured. In the eectrniccmpnents industry we have

    as had t cpe with the impact

    the East Japan Earthquake and

    Tsunami and nw serius fding

    in Thaiand...

    Customer visibility cloudy

    but trends still Visible

    Frtunatey the eves visibiity

    in the eectrnic cmpnents

    suppy netwrk, whist nt perect

    remain reasnaby gd and when

    inked t ast cmmunicatin

    and accurate anaysis the

    inrmatin, prvide the basis r

    gd business panning.

    In 2010 the avaiabe capacity

    in the eectrnic cmpnents

    markets did in sme areas

    versht demand as the whe

    industry attempted t grab sme

    market share.This ver capacity has, r is in the

    prcess , been withdrawn and

    as a resut lead-times r mst

    cmmdity parts wi return t

    4-to-6 weeks (athugh there are

    sme specic prduct categries

    that are ikey t remain n

    extended ead-times).

    Fr many UK businesses,

    particuary thse in the eectrnics

    market it remains very dicut t

    recast 12 mnths activity with

    any accuracy.

    Unrtunatey, recasting remains

    a critica business panning area

    and ne against which many

    rganisatins chse t make

    imprtant perating decisins.

    The rganisatins wh enjy

    mst success are prbaby thse

    wh have made a very signicant

    investment in their business

    panning prcess, uy invving

    their partners up and dwn the

    suppy netwrk - its rarey uck!

    Many rganisatins nw run

    ring 12 mnth recasts based

    n mutipe pssibe utcme

    scenaris, ny rming up their

    pans r ne r tw quartersat a time based n the evving


    on beha ur members ecsn is

    nw engaging with a wide range

    rganisatins in the UK eectrnic

    cmpnents suppy netwrk t

    try and accuratey recast the

    utcme by quarter in 2012.

    This prcess wi be cmpete by

    the end Nvember when ecsn

    shares the inrmatin widey

    acrss the eectrnics industry

    via the media t prvide sme

    assistance in the panning prcess

    and industry bench-marking r a.

    Whist nt wanting t pre-judge the

    ecsn members recast utcme

    and assuming that there are n

    urther majr natura r unreseen

    ecnmic disasters, I wud be

    very surprised i ur recast des

    nt refect w singe digit grwth

    r the UK and Eire eectrnic

    cmpnents markets in 2012.

    The 2012 utk r thse

    individuas and rganisatins in

    the UK and Eire eectrnic markets

    remains bright. Tdays atest and

    greatest new prducts are aready

    being redesigned with increasedunctinaity. Hws that r a great

    reasn t be cheeru?

    Additina inrmatin abut

    The Eectrnic Cmpnents Suppy

    Netwrk and Adec may be und

    at the wing website:

    www.ecsn-uk.orgwith reguar

    industry updates avaiabe t a n

    the Breaking News pages.

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    cur/heat seectin, Therma

    management, Driver eectrnics,

    optics, light measurement &

    panning, Street, buiding, signage

    & theatre, light shaping (diuser) &

    stware cntr & autmatin

    The secnd event wi be nTuesday 26th June 2012 at the

    Willims Cc C

    and wi cver RF & Wireess t

    incude RF & Wireess teemetering,

    Wireess sensr techngies,

    Antenna design, large w-pwer

    wireess netwrks, Shrt & ng-

    wave wireess techngies.

    The third event wi be n Tuesday

    October 23rd 2012 (exact date &precise tpics r this event may

    change sighty) at the Wiiams

    Fwing the successuaunch Fortronic in the

    UK in 2011 a urther three

    events are panned t take pace at

    the Wiiams F1 Cnerence Centre

    near oxrd. Each event incudes

    bth wrkshps & technica

    seminars and is ree t attendees.

    The rst event in 2012 is schedued

    t cver lED & lighting design

    which wi take pace n the 27th

    March 2012 (exact date & precise

    tpics r this event may change

    sighty) at the Wiiams Cnerence


    The cntent wi cver lED

    Building on Fortronic success!

    cnerence centre and cver Pwer

    & pwer management. Incuding

    Digita cntr, Pwer eciency,

    Cntr techniques, Pwer

    mdues, Pwer management, &

    Pwer techngy innvatin.

    A three events wi w the

    prven Frtrnic rmat

    Fr urther inrmatin n

    prgramme cntent and

    spnsrship packages pease


    Chris Osborn

    Fortronic UK Director

    +44 (0)7824444612 r emai chris@


    Further inrmatin can be und at


    Three moreFortronic design


    workshops for

    the UK


    Fr the ast 20 years the IDEANews has been supprted bythe Trade Assciatins acrssthe Wrd but increasing cstshave ed us t ering a singespnsrship r each urissues. The IDEA Newsetter witherere be Spnsred in utureand thisIssue with spnsrshiprm Bisho & Associatesshwsthe rmat we are using

    The spnsr wi have their name

    as a spnsr shwn tgetherwith their cmpany g.They wi as have either netw-cumn r tw singe-cumnadverts per issue.Just t remind yu, the IDEANews is circuated t ver4.000 named individuas in ver3.000 eectrnics cmpanies in10 majr cuntries acrss theWrd.

    Sponsorship costs for 2012 are:1 issue: 1.200 (1.050 r $1.700)

    2 issues: 1.100 (970 r $1.600)per issue4 issues: 1.000 (880 r $1.400)per issue

    Fr mre inrmatin cntactsegreteria@ideaelectronics.com


    The Fortronic Technical

    Forum cncept has been prvenver 5 years events in Itayand is supprted by IDEA, anInternatina assciatin undedin 1987 with the express intentt spread gd practice withinthe gba eectrnic cmpnentindustry.

    The Frtrnic TechnicaFrums have been extendedInternatinay in 2010 t Turkey &

    Tunisia and in June 2011 the rstevent was hed in the UK.

    Why Fortronic Forum

    1. QUaLItYFrtrnic guarantees the quaity the cntents the cnerencesand the rganizatin the wheevent.

    2. teCHnICaL dIreCtorAn expert the sectr whcrdinates the cnerences andthe speakers.

    3. SHare WItH US

    A prgram cperatin withthe spnsrs the event t pan,prmte, cmmunicate, veriy theprmtin the event.

    4. edUCatIonaLA training seminar t transerdesign cmpetences t theattending technicians.




    Editor in ChiE: Ga Kbblewe

    Editors: Aam lece (UK);rb Ga (UsA); slv Bacell a

    ac Mua (ial); Lea ne (sveza);Wlam Zeu (Gema); Am Wag (Ca);

    PUBLishEr: slv Bacell

    intErnAtionAL ProMotion By: ConsortiUM ELEttriMPEXPUBLishEd By: tecmpee scal - Va C. lam, 19 - 20134 Mla - ial

    PrintEd By: sevz tpgafc Cal Clmb - rme


    I I L

    L I



  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    In qualit di leader nella progettazione

    e distributore globale di semicondut-

    tori e componenti elettronici, Mouseragevola limmissione sul mercato dei

    prodotti pi innovativi e delle

    tecnologie pi allavanguardia di oltre 450fornitori. In un settore dove la maggiorparte dei distributori di componenti elet-

    tronici tende a fornire grandi quantit per

    la produzione di massa, Mouser focalizza i

    suoi servizi sulla catena di progettazione.


    consegna i semiconduttori e i componenti

    elettronici pi allavanguardia in ogni

    categoria: gli ordini vengono infattievasi il giorno stesso da un moderno

    centro di distribuzione che si estende su

    Mouser Electronics: un vantaggio

    competitivo per i clienti

    una superficie di oltre 150.000 metriquadrati ed certificato AS9120A.Acquistando da Mouser, i progettistidi tutta Europa avranno la certezzadi progettare prodotti altamenteinnovativi basati sulle tecnologie pi

    avanzate e caratterizzati da funzionalitesclusive, lunghi cicli di vita e tempidi commercializzazione ridotti, hacommentato Mark Burr-Lonnon, vicepresidente di Mouser per larea EMEA.


    altalenanti per tutto il 2011, i

    semiconduttori continuano a essere

    lenabling technologyper eccellenza.

    Secondo Gartner, ad esempio, a metdel 2011 la crescita del mercato dei

    semiconduttori a livello mondiale

    stata del 5,1%. IHS iSuppli avevainvece previsto una crescita del 7,1%,

    partendo dal 7% registrato nel primo

    trimestre. La crescita ha poi conosciuto

    una flessione nel terzo trimestre,

    arrivando rispettivamente al 4,6% e al2,9%. Tuttavia, secondo SemiconductorIndustry Association, ad agosto 2011 ilfatturato per il settore dei semiconduttori

    aumentato del 4,4% rispetto allo stesso

    periodo dellanno precedente.

    In base a unindagine condotta da IDC,

    entro il 2015 si registrer un aumento delnumero di utenti Internet che avranno

    accesso al web tramite dispositivi mobili

    il tutto a discapito della linea fissa.

    Poich sempre pi consumatori si

    collegano tramite cellulare o altri mobile

    device, il miglioramento di alcune

    funzionalit quali i touch screen, la

    connettivit, la potenza di elaborazione

    per applicazioni video/audio/media e la

    durata della batteria rappresenta una delle

    principali sfide di progettazione nello

    A&V ELETTRONICA Anno XXIII - 09/2011



    Il distributore a catalogo si propone di risolvere le attuali sfide di progettazione elettronica

    attraverso un forte supporto locale e strumenti allavanguardia

    Colloqui & Interviste

    Mouser assicura un forte supporto

    locale con 9 centri di assistenza

    Mark Burr-Lonnon,

    vice presidente di


    I fornitori

    presenti con

    i loro prodotti


    di Mouser

    oltre 450

  • 8/3/2019 AVE9 2011 Abstract


    sviluppo di prodotti di nuova generazione.

    Per far fronte a questa crescita, Mouser

    distribuisce i semiconduttori prodotti

    dalle principali aziende tecnologiche

    al mondo, tra cui Texas Instruments,Maxim, Infineon, NXP Semiconductors,ON Semiconductor, ATMEL, Microchip eFreescale Semiconductor.Per noi i semiconduttori sono una verae propria enabling technology, - ha

    commentato Burr-Lonnon -I semiconduttori interessano praticamentetutti i settori e i mercati. Ma non solo:trattandosi della tecnologia di base

    per molti nuovi progetti, favorisconolinnovazione allinterno di mercati increscita come quello sanitario, dellenergia,dei dispositivi mobili e automotive.Per fare un paragone, nel settoredellelettronica i semiconduttori hanno la

    stessa importanza del ferro e dellacciaioper le fabbriche manifatturiere nel periodo

    della rivoluzione industriale.

    A&V ELETTRONICA Anno XXIII - 09/2011



    Colloqui & Interviste

    SUPPORTO IMMEDIATOED EFFICIENTEUn fattore chiave per il successo di

    Mouser in Europa sicuramente il

    supporto a livello locale, fornito da

    nove centri di assistenza clienti cherispondono efficacemente a ogni richiesta,

    indipendentemente dalle dimensioni

    dellazienda o dallentit dellordine. Oltre

    a un ufficio in Italia, Mouser dispone

    anche di filiali locali in Germania, Francia,

    Repubblica Ceca, Spagna, Regno Unito e

    Israele. Inoltre, a settembre sono stati

    inaugurati nuovi uffici in Svezia e Olanda.Mouser presente sul territorio con 19centri globali e gestisce le comunicazioniin 17 lingue.

    Dietro a questa capillare rete di supporto

    si cela il costante impegno di Mouser

    nel gratificare e sorprendere i clienti

    garantendo loro unassistenza di qualit,

    precisione negli ordini e consegna entro

    i tempi previsti. Mouser fornisce servizi

    specializzati e non impone un quantitativo

    minimo dordine. I clienti possono

    richiedere preventivi, verificare le scorte dimagazzino, conoscere lo stato dellordine

    oppure inoltrare ordini nella loro valuta

    locale, con spedizione gratuita per importi

    superiori a 50 euro.


    rispetto ai suoi concorrenti. Con Mouser,

    grazie ai quattro canali di vendita

    MouserMobile, Internet, i cataloghi egli uffici locali progettisti e acquirentipossono infatti accedere 24 ore su 24, 7

    giorni su 7 ai prodotti e alle novit offerte.

    La presenza di questi quattro canali di

    vendita assicura sempre la disponibilit

    dei prodotti, indipendentemente da dove si

    trova il cliente e dallorario.

    MouserMobile un sito web ricco di

    funzionalit ottimizzato per le applicazioni

    mobile dove sono disponibili tutti i

    prodotti distribuiti da Mouser in pi lingue

    e valute diverse. Il sito supporta pi di 25piattaforme mobile, inclusi iPhone e iPad.

    Il sito web di Mouser, aggiornato


    Elsenheimerstr. 1180687 MunichGermanyLocal: +49 8952 04621 10Fax: +49 8952 04621 20munich@mouser.com

    Centro Direzionale MilanofioriStrada 1 Palazzo E120090 Assago(MI) ItalyLocal: +39 025 750 65 71

    Fax: +39 025 751 64 78italy@mouser.comwww.mouser.com

    quotidianamente con i nuovi prodotti,

    disponibile in 17 lingue diverse e mostra

    i prezzi in 16 valute. Mouser.com fornisce

    accesso immediato a oltre 2 milioni diprodotti acquistabili online e consente discaricare pi di 6 milioni di data sheet e

    schemi di riferimento.

    Il sito ospita pi di 1.600 ProductKnowledge Center completi di informazionidettagliate, note applicative e funzionalit

    sui prodotti e sulle tecnologie - hacommentato Burr-Lonnon -Sul sitovengono anche segnalati i componenti

    considerati obsoleti o non consigliati perla progettazione di nuove soluzioni (NRND,Not Recommended for New Designs). inoltre disponibile uno strumento di

    project management con funzionalit diriordinazione automatica, importazionedelle distinte e conferma automaticadellordine.

    Secondo quanto affermato da Burr-

    Lonnon, Mouser continuer a mettere

    a disposizione dei suoi clienti anche

    una versione cartacea del catalogo,

    impegnandosi ad aggiornarlo edizionedopo edizione, eliminando i prodotti
