Ave. 5 Y:s*,**!ffi!ffiffi H ffi R-F - Constant...

Post on 19-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Ave. 5 Y:s*,**!ffi!ffiffi H ffi R-F - Constant...

s@@@@s@ s@0s@0@@@@@@s@@s@@@sss@ss@osss@@@@a@g"*" oun lnpY gF G9ADI\LUPF $s&s 7000 35th Ave. SWSeattle, WA 98126

Attn: Vacation Bible School5 Y:s*,**!ffi!ffiffi Attn:Vacation Bible schoor (qao"i"1ar;.--_ I

H ffi zolzy"catio"g;bl .CuD<k?ES W ftegistration{or^

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6 I ^^F?'ly ffoistrati.'l q?y ry1.y]:L_, I 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. @

6 | S0O Late Regstration (by June 20th) | SH@v nll , E ,t^^. at\(.Y sName: M/F Age:- S@ 1. Child's Name:

0 Date of Birth: Grade in Fall: School: S@ua. tv5 Allergies or other medical conditions: @

@ 2. Child,s Name: M / F Age:



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X Date of Birth: Grade in Fall: School: Stv sP Allergies or other medical conditions: S@ ,=ru-r-e: M/F Age:- gS 3. Child's Name:

I Date of Birth: Grade in Fall: School: @

6v@5 Allergies or other medical conditions: @o8q ParenUGuardian's Name: Sc,5 ParenUGuardian's Name:

sg Street address:

6 city: st:- ziv:


Ssg Primary Phone:

6 Secondary Phone: SF E-mail #1: (required for communication) S6

L-rrrqrt rl' \l EqUllE(l lLJl L/\Jllllllulrreqtrvrr/ &

6 s9 E-mait #2:@5 In case of emergency, a parenUguardian will be called first. Provide an alternate contact if Sa - -L ^ r- Drr^h^' g'S that nerson cannot be reached: Phone:@

illqt lJsr>(rll l,cllllllrL UE lsqt S

6 Parish or other church (if not OLG):ag Person(s) permitted to pick up your child: @s

64tl , - -t- - --1 ---r---,'!^ - ^--^J..-:a:^^ ^* rlot-t, V Nl Sq Would you like to hear about volunteer opportunities at VBC?: Y

- N


trvuru yLru llnitltJ ltEcll o":"t YvrurIrseI vF},vrrurrrlree @

5 (childcare provided for volunteers) @

S ParenUGuardian Signature: Date: @

6 (paymentwill secure placement of the first 1a0 campers) S6

(fayment Wlll SeCUre PtaceILeIIL ut .tte t,IsL tvu va,t,Pc,-) ($rD,

H An emergency medical form must also be completed (on back). lf your child has been in Sunday School at Our Lady of IS Guadalupe in the 2016-2 O17 year, we already have your form on file.6 o"",T:fl:,11? i,Tl'^',11i11';Yi^l'X::1iil",#:;"":'"il "'" &

@ lnformation'. Marion Kari or Helen Oesterle,206-935-0358 e6s



Early Registration (bY MaY 1st)$60 Late Regstration {by June 20th)

Vacation Bible Camp June 26th through June 30th

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Pre-K through 5th grade

$60/child (scholarships available) On-line or In-person Registration now available

We are very excited to offer Vacation Bible Camp here at OLG this summer! It truly takes an entire community to evangelize our faith to our children and children in our neighboring communities in the form of our Vacation Bible Camp! We need your time, talents, and skills to spread God’s Mighty Word in the following areas: • Steering Committee to help plan and staff daily events • Senior High Students to be “Crew Leaders” for our elementary

campers • Junior High Students to be “Crew Leaders” for our pre-k

campers • Musicians to lead songs • People who love to act, be dramatic, and tell stories • Carpenters and other volunteers good with set design • Kitchen crew leaders to help provide snacks each day • Daily volunteers to help staff the stations as “Station Leaders” • Prayer Team members to keep our entire week of camp in

prayer • Registration volunteers to help with “sign in” and “sign out”

daily Our Lady of Guadalupe parish wants to make this Vacation Bible Camp a very special week for all who participate and we need your help! For more information, please contact Marion (marionk@olgseattle.org) or Helen (heleno@olgseattle.org) or call Marion or Helen at the parish office: (206) 935-0358.

Looking for Ways to Help with Our Vacation Bible Camp This Year?

Please Help us with donations, items to be borrowed and scholarships for children who want to go to camp this summer!

It truly takes an entire community to evangelize our faith to our children and children in our neighboring communities in the form of our Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible Camp which will be help June 26th through June 30th.

In the Narthex of our church, we have tags that represent items that we need to borrow. We also have tags of items that we would appreciate being donated, to help us keep our vacation bible camp cost low. This enables more children in our parish community and neighboring community to participate in our Maker Fun Factory – Created by God Built for a Purpose.

Here is how you can help: You are invited to take one of our bumble bee tags of an item that we can borrow

and return the tag filled out along with the item that you are lending us by June 9th to the pastoral center.

You are invited to take a bumble bee tag of an item that you want to donate, fill it out and bring to the pastoral center by June 9th.

You are invited to take a scholarship tag indicating your desire to sponsor one child for our vacation bible camp, fill it out and return the tag and payment to the pastoral center by June 9th. To sponsor one child the cost is $60.00.

Thank you for your prayers and support in making our Maker Fun Factory a wonderful success for our children.