Avari Tower Report (1)

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Transcript of Avari Tower Report (1)








This report on VALUES, ATTITUDE & JOB SATISFACTION of AVARI TOWER Karachi, which is related to the course ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, assigned to the students of BBA-4C group members has been completed on 18-12-2012, and is reported and submitted to Rafiq Ahmed Khan on 19-12-2012.


RAMSHA ISLAM ______________________

RAMEESHA SAHER ______________________

ROMAISA FURQAAN ______________________

SHAFAQ TARIQ ______________________

M. BILAL ALI ______________________

M. WAQAS FAROOQUI _______________________

SIGNATURE OF COURSE INSTRUCTOR ___________________________



First of all we are thankful to Almighty ALLAH for giving us strengths and endowing us with the privilege of completing our report on Avari Towers.

We are also thankful to our course facilitator, Sir Rafiq Ahmed Khan, who provided us with every possible information, support, encouragement, guidance and help in highs and lows, so that we can gather the required information for our report, enlightening us with the core concepts through his teaching experience which is related to our topic.

We are also grateful to Mr. REHAN WAHID, Sales Director of Avari Tower, for giving his valuable time & providing us with the relevant information of their organization, related to our topic.




This report is focusing on the serving business of AVARI TOWER KARACHI, involved in identifying the importance of values, attitude and job satisfaction structure in the organization. We visited the hotel and interviewed Sales Director of Avari who provided us with all the relevant information about their organization's core values, employee attitudes and job satisfaction thoroughly. Overall working of the organization is focused including all the major departments and their respective working in the organization related to our topic.

Sales Director of Avari has provided us with the information about the structures and basis which is involved in the formulation of their core values, what importance these core valued enjoy in the organization in directing the whole organization's functioning, how these core values are serving in creating an effective and productive environment for the employees, how employees are tuned and motivated to fit and follow the core values with loyalty and spirit of commitment, by the organization in order to make them comply with the established standards and required level, what relation do their core values experience in comparison with the international standards. Moreover an attempt to discuss the Hofstede's Framework in relation with the targeted organization has also been done through the questionnaire and relevant information has been gathered accordingly, regarding the organization's power distance criteria, their prior focus on collectivism or individualism, promotion of quantity of life (profitability) or quality of life (internal and external relations), what measures are implemented in case to avoid uncertain threats and their degree of orientation towards short term objectives and long term objectives.

Additionally, detailed knowledge has been provided regarding the attitudes of employees in the organization, attitudes regarding subordinate jobs who are working in the organization, how top management is involved in dealing and in directing these attitudes in the required behaviors which is demanded by the organization, organization's efforts towards molding the attitudes of new employees, what measures are taken and formulated by the organization in case of any divergent attitudes.

Further on useful information related to the job satisfaction level of employees in the organization is also provided, what efforts and programs organization is offering and initiated by the management to satisfy their employees, what facilities, incentive and training programs organization is offering throughout the year, what efforts are made by the organization in terms of solving the problems of their employees, what meetings and programs are enforced and what top level management do to help and guide their employees in order to make them competent and to boost their performance level.



Page no.

Chapter one Introduction…………………………………………………………..09-10 Purpose of research……………………………………………………..11 Scope of research……………………………………………………….12 Research methodology…………………………………………….........13

Chapter Two Literature review………………………………………………………15-19

Chapter Three Introduction of Avari towers……………………………………………..21 How organization is practicing?..............................................................22-25

Chapter four Comparison between Avari towers and benchmark……………………..27 Quality…………………………………………………………………...27 Safety and security…………………………………………………….. ..28 Work environment……………………………………………………….30 Provision of facilities…………………………………………………...30-31 Promotion opportunities and employee recognition programs………... 31 Findings (job satisfaction)………………………………………………. 32 Findings…………………………………………………………………. 33

Chapter five Conclusion………………………………………………………………..34 Recommendations………………………………………………………..35 References………………………………………………………………..36





The focus of our study is VALUES, ATTITUDES & JOB SATISFACTION. Values are the basic conviction that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence which is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence. Values are the core formulations that contain within themselves a judgmental element which guards and guides the individuals regarding what are right, good and desirable behaviors. Values have both content and intensity attribute Values are basically those established platforms on which the entire unit works and comply with them which means that values are not flexible or fluid, values cannot be changes as they are major factors on which any family, institution or organization functions. Values which are formed and maintained in any unit, combined and interrelated, forms a value system in which hierarchy is involved which is based on the individual's values in terms of their intensity.

From the organizational perspective, values hold remarkable importance which lays the foundations of our understandings in case of people's attitudes and motivation, influencing our perceptions as well. When individuals enter in an organization, the first effort which organizations do is to make them understand the importance of their organizational values and to mold employees in accordance with those values, individuals are made informed about what they ought to do and what not ought to do, and values are basic core factors which guides the individual behaviors in the organization, it prohibits the employees not to attempt any wrong behaviors and remain within their boundaries of authority and follows the established standards of the organization and which basically nurtures in balancing the attitudes of individuals.

Followed up by value, attitudes of employees which are the evaluative statements, either favorable or unfavorable, about people, events or objects. It basically reflects how an individual particularly feel about the particular situation, object or other people. Attitudes of individuals plays an important role in order to generate individual perception, it guides the individual responses which ultimately guides and lead them towards their future actions which can either be positive or negative.

Attitudes of employees at work means deciding the values that would guide an employee in his work. In organizations attitudes of employees plays a major role in making them to act in accordance with the organization's requirements, the overall behavior of employees totally and significantly depends upon their attitudes about their jobs, because if employee attitudes are negative regarding their job or organization, inconsistency prevails between attitudes and respective individual behaviors which manipulates employee behaviors ultimately as a result of which divergent attitude and behaviors occurs in the organization and the organization will suffer resulting in less job satisfaction among employees, least job and organizational commitment and high turnover. But when desirable attitudes are formed it results in creating desired response, and positive evaluations from the employees regarding their jobs and tasks which are assigned to them


which will ultimately benefit the organization experiencing positive feedback from employees, less turnover rate and creating job satisfaction among employees.

When individual attitudes guide them in their working environment it give rise to 3 types of attitudes among which job satisfaction is one of the most important. Job satisfaction can be defined as an individual general attitude towards his/her job. Job satisfaction occurs when individuals are provided with proper salaries, resources, job requirements which fits well in relation to their skills, proper incremental procedures and promotion plans, extra facilities which provides ease to employees, includes medical facilities, insurance, transportation etc, along with this provision of proper salary structures and training programs which not only polishes employees skill but also make them gain new skills and techniques which not only help the employees but also increase the productivity and performance of organization etc.

The importance of job satisfaction in the organizational behavior cannot be ignored; it is basically due to the fact that job satisfaction is ultimately related with employee performance and productivity. The more employees have job satisfaction, more effective their working will be. However, it is valid to say that every satisfied worker is not productive but organization who are higher in productivity have basically more satisfied workers, it is because of the reason that productivity is a result of employee effort and when employee will be satisfied with their jobs and organization they will do more efforts to accomplish their tasks with accuracy and efficiency, which ultimately results in less absenteeism and turnover and employees will start to involve not only in their tasks but in other tasks if organization wants them to engage in those tasks with all spirit of devotion and commitment. Apart from this if job satisfaction is less among employees it will result in leading the employees towards leaving organization, lacking loyalty, neglecting the organizational requirements and demands which will make the organizational reputation and productivity risky and difficult to grow.

Therefore, the importance of these three factors i.e. values, attitudes and job satisfaction plays a major role in the organizational structure, guiding the behavior of employees in different degrees of influence which not only affects the whole organizational internal infrastructure but also affects the organization's image in their related working sector.



The purpose of our study is to gain knowledge in the related spheres of our selected topic i.e. VALUES, ATTITUDES & JOB SATISFACTION, what implementations, effects, outcomes are emerged in the organization when these factors are governed properly or improperly.

We selected this topic as a part of our study with an objective to identify as in from the realistic point of view what values servicing business mainly focuses, how these values are guiding the whole functioning of the organization, what are the core factors which makes an organization to formulate such values in order to run the business and what efforts organization do in order to make the employees work in accordance with those core values.

Moreover, our study is also concentrating on the attitudes of the employees, what attitudes employees basically experience when they enter in the organization, how their attitudes are guided & changed in favor or against the organization, what are the reasons of employee divergent attitudes and behavior and what measures organizations take to overcome such problems.

Additionally, we are also focusing on the job satisfaction level of organization, our objective in this part if to identify the major facilities, environment, rewards and incentive programs, salary structures, training programs and other special meetings and programs which organization are introducing to maintain the employee satisfaction level of their employees, what are the reasons in the organization which leads to employee dissatisfaction and how much effect their turnover rates, profitability rates are experiencing as a result of that.



Space and range of our study involved in documenting this report is to understand the core values, attitude of employees and their job satisfaction that takes place in servicing business. How servicing business is involved in establishing and formulation of such values to guide their business transactions, what role attitude plays in the organization's working scenarios, what criteria organization and employee focuses when it comes to guiding attitudes of employee in order to make them abide by the core values, what are the basic techniques which organizations uses to mold the employee attitudes and their respective behaviors. Also what role job satisfaction plays in the organization for the employees, why it is necessary for the organization to maintain desirable job satisfaction level of employees, what practices policies and systems organization is following to create job satisfaction among their employees and how it is affecting the whole organization performance and productivity.

The scope of our research is not limited to a single department; we are focusing on the whole organization, including all the major departments which contribute in the functioning of the organization.



This section presents an overview of the methods used in the study. Areas covered include the type of research, sample and sample size, study universe and procedure of data collection.

RESEARCH TYPE:The study we have conducted is the comparative analysis of servicing business in relation to the established international or core standards (various researches) regarding the values, attitudes and job satisfaction.

TARGET POPULATION & SIZE OF THE SAMPLE:Data is collected from servicing organization i.e., AVARI TOWER KARACHI and functioning of all department is considered in the research study related to our topic.

STUDY UNIVERSE:The public sector of Pakistan is a large area which is basically impossible to cover from the practical point of view. The population included is the members associated with AVARI TOWERS KARACHI.


A questionnaire comprising of 35 questions was prepared and sent to the Sales Director of AVARI TOWER KARACHI. Information which was required in the questionnaire was related to identifying the core values of organization, what employee’s attitudes organization faces and what is the level of job satisfaction of their employees. All the relevant information was asked which is related to the focused topics is covered accordingly, through the questions, interview with the sales director was also conducted so that further any extra relevant knowledge regarding the topic can be gathered easily. Data which is collected is primary data, no secondary sources are involved.





Researches related to core values are as follows:

1. Service quality is considered the life of hotel (Min & Min, 1996) and core of service management (Chen, 2008) Service quality is related with customer satisfaction (Shi & Su, 2007) and customer satisfaction is associated with customers revisit intention (Han, Back & Barrett, 2009). If an effective image is portrayed to customers, it will create competitive advantage for hotel (Ryu, Han & Kim, 2008). As a result of service development process three concept of service is composed and these three steps are service process, system and Service resources-structure (Edvardsson, 1997).

2. (Enz & Taylor, 2002, p.119). In this article the terms safety and security are defined as two different concepts. First, safety deals with the guest and the hotel staff and is designed to prevent any person from being harmed in any way at the property. These precautions aim at threats like fires, dangerous substances or any other forms of potential injuries (p.122). Second, security is described in this context as a measure that is in place in order to provide protection to the hotel or the customers’ belongings; any elements of crime are also involved and the attempt is made to prevent them (p.122). The decision has been made to follow the example of the authors, Enz & Taylor, who in turn base their decision on Ellis and Stipanuk (as cited in Enz & Taylor) to include safety as part of the security procedure (p.122). 

3. Perceptions of hotel service and facilities by business and leisure travelers. As business travelers and leisure travelers are the major segments served by hotels, a number of studies in the past investigated business travelers and leisure travelers’ hotels selection behavior and related issues. For instance, Knutson’s (1988) comprehensive study showed that both business and leisure travelers considered clean, comfortable, well maintained rooms, convenient location, prompt and courteous service, and a safe and secure environment important when selecting a hotel for the first time or for repeat visits. Cladotte and Turgeon’s (1988) analysis of the data gathered from the members of the American Hotel and Motel Association stated that helpful employees, cleanliness and neatness of establishment, quality of service and employee knowledge of service were critical considerations for guests. Atkinson (1988) stated that cleanliness, security, value for money, courtesy and helpfulness of staff are found to be key attributes for travelers. Ananth et al. (1992) surveyed 510 travelers, asking them to rate the importance of 57 hotel attributes in hotel choice decision. Price and quality are rated as the most important attributes, followed by attributes related to security and convenience of location. In Barsky and Labagh’s (1992) study, three attributes (employee attitudes, location and rooms) emerged as the s alient ones influencing both business and leisure travelers’ hotel choice decisions. Clow et al. (1994), Lewis (1985) and Marshall (1993) mentioned that security, personal interactions, and room rates were the important considerations for the


leisure travelers.

4. In every organization service and quality plays a vital role for every customers (Brombacher, 2000). Customer is the main person who defines the Quality (Berry & Parasuraman & Zeithaml, & Adsit & Hater& Vanetti & Veale, 1993). For providing good quality service to customers, it is necessary for hotel managers to understand the expectations of its customers (Shi & Su, 2007; Nilssom. Johnson & Gustafsson, 2001) and then develop such programs that can address issues of customers (Narangajavana and Hu, 2008) and bring improvement in service quality (Chen, 2008). Expectation is based on the customer's demands and values but company's image or status in the market also plays an important role (Edvardsson, 1997). To identify and enumerate “what drives what” will track towards quality improvement, reduction in cost and ultimately customer satisfaction (Buckley & Chillarege, 1995). To measure customer behavioral intention: hotel image, value and customer satisfaction should be included (Ryu, Han & Kim, 2008).

5. For hotel managers, it is not necessary to just get room related revenue, but revenue can be generated by improving service related facilities like better service production, errorfree delivery, upgrading guest facilities and augmenting prestige of hotel (Narangajavana and Hu, 2008). Hotel employees generally perceive that only two things are important in service quality, one is cleanliness of room and other is courtesy of employees (Shi & Su, 2007), but other aspects that make a standard of hospitality and important for service quality improvement are atmospheric impression and decoration of hotel (Shi & Su, 2007) along with previous two aspects (Min & Min, 1996).

Following are some researches related to employee attitudes:

1. In this study we examine whether a workplace can induce good or bad attitudes among its employees and whether any such workplace attitudes affect economic outcomes. This study analyzes responses of thousands of employees working in nearly two hundred branches to the employee opinion survey of a major US bank in 1994 and 1996. The results document the existence and persistence of a genuine workplace effect in how workers view their jobs and organizations. Employee attitudes differ significantly across branches in ways that cannot be explained by branches randomly drawing workers from a distribution of workers with different innate attitudes. Furthermore, newly hired workers adopt the favorable or unfavorable attitudes that the branches exhibited before they arrived. These workplace attitudes also have significant effects on economic outcomes. Branches with less favorable attitudes have higher turnover, lower levels of sales, and lower rates of sales growth than branches where workers have more favorable attitudes. Less favorable branch attitudes are also a significant predictor of subsequent branch closings. The results show that there are happy and unhappy workplaces, as well as happy and unhappy workers, with very different patterns of turnover and productivity in these workplaces.


2. Maria Vakola, Ioannis Nikolaou, (2005) conducted research with the purpose to explore the linkage between employees’ attitudes towards organizational change and two of the most significant constructs in organizational behavior; occupational stress and organizational commitment. A total of 292 participants completed ASSET, a new “Organizational Screening Tool”, which, among other things, measures workplace stress and organizational commitment and a measure assessing attitudes towards organizational change. The results were in the expected direction showing negative correlations between occupational stressors and attitudes to change, indicating that highly stressed individuals demonstrate decreased commitment and increased reluctance to accept organizational change interventions. The most significant impact on attitudes to change was coming from bad work relationships emphasizing the importance of that occupational stressor on employees’ attitudes towards change. The study showed that good and effective work relationships are very important in organizational change. Handling conflicts, building supportive work relationships and communicating effectively all contribute to the formulation of positive attitudes to change and, therefore, to the success of a change programme. In addition, organizations need to examine the extra workload which organizational change may create. Increase in workload is not only easily attributable to the change but it also makes change unattractive and problematic leading to non-supportive attitudes.

3. Judy Waight, Juan M. Madera, (2011) conducted a research the purpose of which was to examine ethnic differences in organizational attitudes as a function of offering diversity training. Using survey methodology, 186 students majoring in hotel and restaurant management that were part- or full-time employees at a hospitality operation were requested to participate. Participants were forwarded an e-mail with the link to the survey that contained the measures of interests, as well as demographic questions, control variables, and a debriefing statement. The results showed that offering diversity training at the workplace had a significant effect for ethnic minorities' job satisfaction, perceived workplace discrimination, and turnover intentions, but this effect was not found for majority-member participants. Perceived workplace discrimination mediated the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Therefore, this research shows that by offering diversity training, organizations potentially send signals to their employees that a diverse workforce is important.

Following are some researches related to job satisfaction of employees, providing the criteria to relate our targeted organization's job satisfaction level with these researches and their proved results in order to begin comparison in later stage of our report, respectively.

The benchmark or the main criteria of job satisfaction develops when the organizations evaluate that how much satisfied people are in their jobs and working environment. The answer of this seems to be qualified "yes" in the United States and in other developed countries. Researches all around the world suggested the results that satisfaction level


vary a lot, depending on which facet of the job satisfaction. Employees on average are observed to be satisfied when their job descriptions are fair, relation with the supervisors and management is healthy and promotion opportunities are fair and motivating. Studies conducted in the Asian Pacific region have also founded compensation and benefits when not properly provided or planned, is considered as a major source complaint among the employees. In Watson Wyatt's first WorkIndia survey covering 515 companies across 11 Asian countries, only 30% responded favorably to their compensation and benefits. Therefore results of study provided that the need of proper compensation and benefits plans, supervision, communication structures, teamwork environment, proper salary scales is necessary in order to create satisfaction among employees. Following are some researches which are showing the importance of these core factors in job satisfaction.

1. Rice Robert W (2005) reworked the findings of McFarlin, Dean B. Bennett, and Debbie E, which was related to the employee job satisfaction level requirements among employed college students and business administrative students, in order to relate and prove that the criteria of job satisfaction level results of past research are changed in this current age or not. Same sample was taken to conduct the research again. On the basis of discrepancy theories of satisfaction, hypothesis that satisfaction with specific job facets is uniquely related to discrepancies between current job facet experiences and desired levels of those same job facet experiences (i.e., between what employees now get from their jobs and what they want from their jobs) was formulated. Seventy-eight employed college students provided questionnaire data to test this hypothesis for each of 13 separate job facets (e.g., hourly pay, manager employee contact, facilities, promotion opportunities). Results supported the unique predictive capacity hypothesis. A second sample of 47 master's of business administration students provided similar results, that employees set demands and requirements should be fair in terms of the provision of hourly pay, communicative interactions and sound promotion opportunities with no extreme discrepancies between the desired and provided level of satisfaction which contributes uniquely towards the generation of a sense of job satisfaction among employees.

2. Sut I Wong Humborstad, (Department of Leadership and Organizational Management, BI Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway), Chad Perry, (Gibaran Graduate School of Business, Adelaide, Australia), in 2004 conducted a research in China in order to find out the relationship between perceived empowerment practices and Chinese service employee service effort and turnover intention, also to examine the mediating role of employee job attitudes in this relationship. In order to test hypotheses about the relationships above, survey data were collected by a self-administered questionnaire from frontline service workers at six, four and five-star hotels in the Macau Special Administrative Region of China. The final sample of 290 participants rated empowerment practices in their workplace, as well as their job attitudes, service effort and turnover intention. Perceived empowerment practices were measured through questionnaire. Employee job attitudes were also measured using job satisfaction and organizational commitment scales. The findings of the study provided the statistically significant results for a full mediating effect of job attitudes on the relationship between empowerment practices and turnover intention. However, the relationship between


empowerment and Chinese employee service effort was insignificant, which means that the opportunity of empowerment which was provided, was not enough and therefore the service efforts of employees was less and not effective as a result of which employee attitudes were contradictory and turnover intentions of leaving the jobs were high.

3. David H Peters, Subrata Chakraborty, Prasanta Mahapatra and Laura Steinhardt in 2010 conducted a research in two Indian states in order to identify the job incentive and satisfaction relationship. Moreover, the study was conducted with an objective to explore important aspects of health worker satisfaction and motivation in two Indian states working in public and private sectors. The targeted population of India was Uttar and Andhra Pradesh. The results of the research suggested that there was high similarities in the ratings for areas of satisfaction and motivation across both practice settings. Four groups of factors were identified, with those relating to job content and work environment viewed as the most important characteristics of the ideal job, and rated higher than a good income. Proper system of increments, bonuses, promotion were rated having a high degree of preference. In both targeted samples, workers rated "good employment benefits" as significantly more important. As well as a "superior who recognizes work". Therefore, the findings of the study concluded that the managers and policy makers, particularly give specific importance on emphasizing and promoting non-financial motivators such as working environment and skill development opportunities.

4. Danford et al (2004, 2005), Krenn et al (2010) researched on the effects of flat hierarchy organizational structure on job satisfaction. The sample which was selected was the organizations of Austria. Questionnaire consisting of the related research was prepared and was filled by the employees of the Australian organization. The results of the research proved that employees of the organization were facing least dilemmas as the environment of the organization was promoting the flat structural hierarchy, greater degree of job satisfaction was calculated and the favorable attitudes were diagnosed, it was also reported that the previous management structure was vertical which was creating conflicts between the management and inconsistent attitudes were taking place at large resulting in creating contradictory environment in the organization.

5. Lee Huey Yiing, (Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Kamarul Zaman Bin Ahmad, (Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) conducted the study with the purpose of which was to investigate the moderating effects of organizational culture on the relationships between leadership behavior and organizational commitment and between organizational commitment and job satisfaction and performance in the Malaysian setting. Data were gathered from 238 Malaysian MBA part-time students and the researchers' working peers. Data on the respondents' organizational culture and leadership behaviors, and how they affect organizational commitment, job satisfaction and employee performance, were collected using the OCI, leadership behavior questionnaire, single global rating for job satisfaction and overall performance questionnaire, respectively. The results were obtained with a few exceptions, leadership behavior was found to be significantly related to organizational commitment, and organizational culture played an important role in moderating this relationship. Organizational commitment was found to


be significantly associated with job satisfaction, but not with employee performance. However, only supportive culture influenced the relationship between commitment and satisfaction.




Mr. Byram D. Avari (Chairman) and his sons Dinshaw and Xerxes own and operate the Avari Group of companies.

The group is the 1st Pakistani Company to have obtained management contracts to operate internationally.

The Avari group of companies initiated the Hotel business from Lahore. AVARI HOTEL today capture the locations of all the major cities of Pakistan i.e.

Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad plus they are also operating internationally i.e. in Dubai. The branches of Avari Hotels with their locations are; Lahore – Avari Lahore Hotel,

Karachi – Avari Towers Karachi and Beach Luxury, Islamabad – Avari Express , Dubai – Avari Dubai Hotel, and is also established in Toronto as well.


Pakistan’s leading Hotel in 2011. Avari Gardens awarded 1st Prize in 152nd Annual Spring Flower Show 2010. Avari Express – a newly opened Boutique Residence in Islamabad. Avari Towers Karachi has received the award for the best Chinese and best Japanese

restaurants in 2008. Avari Towers Karachi has received the award for the best Hotel of the year 2008.


AVARI Tower is located on main Fatima Jinnah Road in the Centre of Karachi’s commercial business district.

This hotel was built in 1985. It redefines the business hotel category which has been designed to cater for every

possible need a business traveler may have. The building is comprised of 17-stories with 220 rooms, 2-large meeting halls, 4

board rooms, Health Club, Swimming Pool, Coffee Shop, Chinese, Japanese and Pakistani Restaurants.

There are around 440 numbers of employees, including the executives, currently serving the AVARI TOWERS KARACHI.

The organization comprises of overall 20 to 25 departments among which major departments are marketing, sales, account and finance, banquet, food, service quality control, human resource, IT, management, R&D, and security department which are having their further sub departments.



As being a servicing business, Avari is a well known hotel in Karachi whose core values are established in accordance with the nature of its business, the core values of Avari are 3 which are as follows: Service Safety Security

The main reason due to which these core values are formed is that, as being the leading hotel in Karachi, the need of being at the top level and in order to provide their targeted customers which are the Section A and B and top executives of different companies, foreign delegates, all the satisfactory services of hoteling creates the demand to provide efficient and luxury services which not only ensures profitability for the organization but also satisfy their customers so that the organization can retain their valuable customers. Being a servicing business Avari tower is offering exquisite and comfortable hoteling arrangements for their customers which not only delivers better services but also safe and secure environment for their customers, so that the organization can remain consistent in order to meet the criteria of international standard of a 5 star hotel. Currently customer rating of Avari is 90 to 95% satisfactory which means that the organizational core values are being followed quite well which is resulting in positive feedbacks from customers.

Moreover, in order to maintain conformity with their established core values, organization believes that the employees should also act in accordance with those set standards. The organization itself believe to formulate such system for their employees where they can not only work tension free but can discuss their problems with the management freely, following all the core values, therefore the organization follows horizontal hierarchy. Organization treats their employees as their family members, the rule of no discrimination, tolerance oriented system is followed, priority to promote collectivism is also given importance at large and the use of word WE is specially focused because organization wants to appreciate their employee efforts in every task which not only motivates the employee to remain committed with their jobs but also creates within themselves the sense of importance to follow tho values of organization properly and not to deviate from them.

Value system of Avari towers is developed in a way that every individual or employee which organization hires stay focused within their spheres of authority and in order to avoid conflict, all employees are allowed to take decisions within their areas of authority, empowerment is appreciated but up to a certain limit, novel and creative ideas and solutions from every employees is always appreciated, equal importance is given to all the internal and external links of the organization. Additionally, in case of any uncertain


threat which in a country like Pakistan is common like the problem of inflation, influence from political parties, uncertain country conditions, there are certain events in which the organization is forced to deviate from their core values but in all extreme efforts are implemented by the organization so that none of such actions prevails for longer and corrective actions can be formulated and implemented as soon as possible.Management plays a vital role in any organization in directing their behaviors in favorable and unfavorable manners. Considering the attitude system in Avari, attitudes of employees, managers and supervisors plays an important role as well. In Avari tower, employee’s attitudes are also considered to be the core responsibility of management for guiding their behaviors, because in order to make the employees comply with the required criteria which an organization demands, initially requires the fulfillment or formulation or molding positive attitudes towards their jobs.

Considering the targeted organization, attitudes of employees are attempted to mold through making various efforts, top management believes to mold or guide the employee attitude so that desired favorable response can occur. The demand of desired attitudes by the organization is tried to achieve through providing various training programs, proper orientation sessions, hiring plans, for the employees both new and existing employees so that consistency exists.

As the organization is consisted of employees who are both fresh and existing and comprises of equal percentage, among which female employees are least for about 10% or less, its is more easy to mold the attitudes of fresh employees as compare to the experienced or existing ones due to the reason that fresh employees can easily fit within the required attitude as compare to the experienced who try to use their own experience as well when they start working in other organizations. It is also considered as prior responsibility of by the organization that the employee job description, and tasks assigned should fit well with their skills which directly affects their attitudes and behaviors. Moreover, proper facilities, incentive, rewards and evaluation systems are implemented or provided by the organization so that least divergent attitudes prevail in the organization.

Additionally, organization records shows that certain divergent attitudes and behavior had occurred in the organization resulting in leading towards the blames of employee harassment by newly hired employees on the organization and further court cases. However, corrective measures have been taken by the organization introducing training programs plus a 3 to 6 months probationary period which is started when the contract is signed, providing the authority to both employee and management to quit or fire in case of any dissatisfactory attitudes or behaviors committed between the probationary period, investigation takes place if certain undesired attitudes are committed in the organization and actions are implemented accordingly. This policy is followed in case if extreme disappointing results have occurred. But in spite of such cases sound position is gained by the organization in the servicing business which reports high employee commitment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment by the employees, satisfactorily.

When attitudes of the employee works in consistency with their behaviors and all the


desired organizational demands and employees wishes are getting fulfilled, job satisfaction occurs in the organization which has a direct connection with organization's productivity and performance.

There are 440 employees working in Avari currently, among which senior (old) and fresh employees consist of equal percentage, the number of female employees working in the organization consist of 10% or less, the employees comprises of all ages ranging from 18 to 75. In order to create job satisfaction among their employees Avari tower focuses on horizontal hierarchy which is tolerance oriented and where communication structures are more regular, a system of tolerance oriented system is followed where in case if an employee eats something or do something wrong no extreme actions of firing, punishments are implemented however flexibilities are given and employees are motivated to tell truth and remain loyal.

For the solution of employee problems, communication and internal meetings known as Avari Internal Top is held monthly in each department, attended by employees and supervisors, where employee problems are discussed carefully and employee feedback is taken, communicated to the top management afterwards and all the relevant efforts are done to solve the problems (not all but the important relevant employee problems), HR consultation is also provided, even if any employee is facing any financial problems, organization also helps them with cash and kind so that their problems are solved instantly.

Not only this, organization is also providing many facilities and employees recognition programs so that they remain motivated and show good performance. Salary scale in Avari starts from min wage of 8000 PKR which is standard, no employee is given less salary from this standard, up to 150000 PKR for high position employees, in case of facilities medical facilities, transportation facilities for both male and female staff is provided, depending on the shifts organization is also offering employees to have meal in the hotel one time, moreover medical facility is not only provided in hospitals for employees, organization plans employee medical every year on their expense as well, leaves and day off are also given which includes: casual leaves, sick leaves and emergency leaves.

In order to boost employee performance in organization the authority of making decisions within the area of influence is given and appreciated widely along with the privilege to participate in solving problems and giving suggestion regarding various matters because the organization believes in valuing their employee ideas which can be creative and novel, this criteria is followed to establish among employees the sense that they are the part an important of organization and are considered as a family member which not only benefit the organization but also helps employee growth, also plans yearly games, debates, training sessions in other departments (which is known as cross exposure) employees from every department, every month are given this privilege who are showing remarkable performance which is known as Promoted Work Opportunity in other Departments or Internal House Training, also External House Training is also given in which 2 highly appreciated employees of every department who are performing


consistently better in organization are sent to other Avari branches so that they can experience working practices of those branches as well, annual dinner and lunch are also planned for all employees every year, lucky draws are also held. Among incentive programs bonuses, increments, promotions, shields are also awarded to the deserving employee in order to boost their spirits and satisfaction.

As a result of these provisions Avari Tower's employees are retaining their job commitment and satisfaction appreciably resulting up to 90 to 95% which is reducing up employee turnover rate of less than 10%., which is ultimately leading the company towards sound performance, less absenteeism and enhanced organizational citizenship behavior where employees are motivated and ready to work for tasks, apart from their jobs.





The core values Avari Towers reflect what is really important and matters to them as a company and group of individuals. Core values are the solid foundation and main principles of our company culture. They believe their strength is rooted in their core values: putting people first, pursuing excellence, embracing change, acting with integrity and serving world. The organization itself believe to introduce such system for their employees where they can not only perform their tasks tension free but can discuss their problems with the management openly, following all the core values, therefore the organization follows horizontal hierarchy. Organization treats their employees as their family members, the rule of no discrimination, tolerance oriented system is followed, importance to promote collectivism is also given consideration at large.

In order to compare the bench mark with Avari Tower, it is compared in the following parts:

1. QUALITY: Service quality is considered substantial when it comes to define organizational success. The winning strategy is to deliver excellent quality service to customers. In the present milieu, need to improve service quality in Pakistan hotel industry have come under limelight due to stiff competition where hotels are trying to carve competitive advantage through the human factor. Excellent quality service not only results in a profit strategy but also it is energizing for employees to perform to their potential to meet challenges. By providing quality service, organizations can sustain customers’ confidence and competitive advantages over their competitors. The service quality is basically the service corresponding to customer expectations and any hotel can win by satisfying those needs of customers. When new and improved quality services are developed for customers, then it is crucial to meet expectations of customers of different categories in this competitive advantage.

While comparing it with the quality of service provided by Avari towers, they appreciate the myriad of choices and alternatives their customers have to choose from, and therefore set the bar high for them, to provide the highest quality services and products they possibly can. They constantly challenge themselves to update and enhance. Innovation, constant training and refurbishment help create an environment whereby their guests and their employees refer to their properties as their home from home. They believe that care comes from caring and so provide a level of care for their team members


that inspires by example, generates trust, respect, open and honest communication and appreciation. They work hard to meet or exceed their customers' expectations on every visitor touch point they have with them. By delighting and satisfying their customers, they ensure the longevity of their business and employment for their team. By serving their customers with very personable, proficient, friendly, competent service, and listening to their needs they create memorable and distinctive experiences as well as loyal, returning guests.


Safety and Security are of great concern for the hotel industry worldwide. Not only recent developments in terms of terrorism but much more the daily incidents that might occur in hotels continuously stimulate the need for a staff that is well trained and serious about the tasks at hand. Restaurant staffs also play an important role in safety and security. Based on the experiences and observation of one of the writers when the writer had traineeship (August 2001 – July 2002) at a hotel, the restaurant staffs should protect the guests and property. For example, the staffs should ensure the security of guest’s belonging by giving attention to suspicious activities or person. Others, the staffs should clean the broken glass in the restaurant immediately so that no guests are having accident. As a hotel staff has an important role related to safety and security, it is expected that the staff has good competencies.

Avari tower consider guest comfort and security as our priority, particularly when faced with today's global security challenges.

Trained hotel staff responsible and accountable for looking after the security and well-being of our guests and visitors.

Advanced security technologies to facilitate safeguarding your security, such as; integrated surveillance systems, advanced lock and access control systems, and sophisticated asset protection tools.

Rigorous security and safety assessments and reviews. Dedicated Fire/Life/Safety systems and monitoring. Comprehensive emergency response plans that staff are regularly trained on.

Avari tower are renowned for our authentic hospitality and our personalized guest experience. As our valued guest, we are committed to creating an environment of security and well-being throughout your stay. 

Moreover, on the basis of power distance the organization is focusing on the horizontal hierarchy, but privilege to take decisions is only promoted within the area of authority, supervisors who are high on positions do not allow this at all, the need for collectivism rather than individualism is more appreciated, the use of word WE is specially focused because organization wants to appreciate their employee efforts in every task which not only motivates the employee to remain committed with their jobs but also creates within themselves the sense of importance to follow tho values of organization properly and not to deviate from them. The sense of developing team work among the organization's


employee is widely considered and promoted , communication meetings are held in order to guide employees so that they can comply with the core values and ensures there continuation in a sound manner while serving customers. Apart from focusing on the profitability (quantity of life), equal emphasis is laid upon benefiting employees and external links so that sound relationship develops (quality of life). As due to the current city conditions the question of uncertain events arises problems like inflation, political pressure and instable conditions (external threats), among internal threats company faces the problems of information leakage, bugs problems etc. These problems are solved due to increasing hotel charges, Give and take policies i.e offering less charges to political parties in order to save tax, proper maintenance. Partial emphasis is laid upon short and long term orientation, proper forecasting structures are formed to plan what is need to be achieved like budgets, year expenses, other meetings and conferences and employees promotion and other activities. Also focus on the past practices is also followed when faced by problems; past scenarios are revised as well. Hotel is also participating in fulfilling social obligations through giving donations in charities and other such institutions.

In case of job attitudes, comparison of Avari Towers with the gathered researches is done to formulate and relate the workings of organization whether showing conformity or deviation.

In order to create favorable attitude of employees an organization needs to offer various training programs and other efforts, so that they can fully get aware with the organizational culture, with its workings also it is important to make them fit in those jobs in which they are experts. By doing this employee attitude not only will be molded as per requirements, employees will be motivated to participate more and more leading to less divergent attitudes and conformity ensuring commitment and satisfaction.

Comparing this with the workings of Avari Towers, the organization is offering various training programs, orientation sessions for their employees in which training internally and externally is provided which helps in employee growth and polishing their skills further. Additionally the environment of the organization focuses on flat (horizontal hierarchy) which promotes tolerance, consultation of problems and other emergencies freely, and treating employees as a family member, which enables employees to mold their attitudes accordingly in favor of organization and results in committed job behaviors. These sessions provide guidance to employees and skills are checked and assessed properly.

Apart from this certain divergent attitude cases also happened in Avari, these events occurred while hiring new employees. Fresh employees who are hired recently, passes through interview sessions. When new employees are hired, a contract is made between both organization and employees that in case of any unsatisfactory circumstances both the parties has the authority to leave or fire. Human Resource department is 100% involved. After this training session starts, which consists of 2 to 3 weeks and after this probationary period starts which consists of 3 to 6 months and after these all stages final decision is made. These policies are enforced recently, to avoid any possible wrong act


because in past employee harassment and fraud cases has been filed against the organization leading to court. But in spite of this turnover rate of less than 10% is reported which is considered as good for the organization.

In case of job satisfaction, following comparison of Avari tower with the established benchmark and related researches is derived, the comparison is divided into the following parts:


According to the researches and studies gathered in the literature review the findings focuses on the basis that environment of the organization following horizontal or flat hierarchy, contributes effectively in creating job satisfaction among employees. The nature of job satisfaction lies among employees when they feel free to explore themselves, when there is enough space provided to employees in case of communication with their peers and also with the top management so that they can discuss all the relevant work related information with every one effectively not only this where they can enjoy the privilege to discuss their problems with their managers so that their problems are solved, also in relation to communicate their ideas and suggestions which can not only provide better alternatives for decision making and problem solving but also creates a sense of being recognized and part of the company where team work is promoted and no one is considered as isolated .

Comparing this with the working environment of Avari Tower, the organization as well is following horizontal hierarchy, where the system of tolerance orientation is promoted, members of Avari Towers are considered as a part of family where discriminations are enjoyed least. The organization believes in the use of word WE, which means that the all the achievements are shared combine appreciating all he members that whatever the goals are achieved it is not due to the efforts of a single employees or manager but everyone is appreciated equally. 100% HR consultation is provided to employees when they are facing any problems moreover extreme punishments like firing employees is not promoted but they are motivated to tell truth and remain loyal even if they commit mistakes. The company follows the system of mentor and student. Communication meetings known as Avari Internal Top are held in every department every month where discussion takes place regarding employee problems in every department all the employees supervisors of respective departments attend this meeting, company has its OPEN TOUR POLICY system where in case of financial problems or sudden emergencies, employees can directly talk with the top management and they are given help in cash and kind. Decision making authority is provided in a limited sphere because it is thought that "if someone else will take decisions then the requirement of supervisor or employee is excluded and everyone needs to contribute in company working, that why they are employed in organization". However, sharing of opinions, suggestions are very much promoted by the management and are highly appreciated.



According to the researches and their results gathered, provision of facilities apart from the salary contributes effectively in creating job satisfaction among employees that includes medical, leaves, and transportation etc plays major role developing satisfaction among employees. These facilities are one of major facets which contribute in job satisfaction and which employee thinks that certain privileges should be provided.

Comparing this with the working of Avari Tower, salary scale of the organization is starting from min wage of 8000 PKR (standard) up to 150000 PKR. Apart from this, organization is providing medical facilities for their employees in hospital, not only this employee medical is also done from the expense of top management every year. Also in case of accidents and other emergencies employees are provided help in cash and kind. Both male and female staff is provided with the transportation facility, because organization considers the safety of their employees at prior level due to current conditions of the country. Depending on the shift in which employee work, they are given one time meal moreover if the employee is feeling hungry they can ask from their supervisors and can have lunch or dinner but not always. Moreover, casual leaves, sick leaves and annual leaves are also allowed to employees.


According to the researches emphasis has been laid on the fact that promotion opportunities and employee recognition plans are very much effective and contributes highly in developing job satisfaction among employees. The research suggested and prove that employee apart from the provision of salary are reported to be more satisfied with their jobs when proper promotion and recognition programs including training other extra activities, rewards systems are planned effectively, because of the fact these factors contributes in inner satisfaction of their employees and helps them in attaining growth and experience along with appreciation boost their motivation level which ultimately results in OCB (organizational citizenship behavior) leading employees to get involved in other tasks as well apart from their respective jobs.

Comparing this with the Avari Tower, the organization is widely and immensely focusing on these factors. Communication meetings are held in each department where employees with remarkable performances are appreciated and are awarded with shields, training programs are commenced for employees selected from every department, where they are provided the opportunity known as Cross Exposure or Internal House training and where they can work in other departments gaining experience not only in their field of work but also in others which is termed as Promoted working opportunities, 2 best employees of every department are selected and are sent to other branches of Avari to experience their working practices this training of employees is known as External House Training.

Moreover, increments, promotions and bonuses are also provided to employees. Annual dinner and lunch is also arranged where certificated are awarded to employees, along


with this extracurricular programs are also held which include games, debates and lucky draws.

In order to gain employee feedback regarding their satisfaction levels communication meeting are held where employee and supervisors interact and all the relevant problems are discussed and then communicated to the top management who implement necessary actions. As according to the data gathered employees are reported to be high at job satisfaction level of 90 to 95% and employee turnover rate is less than 10%, which is ultimately resulting in efficient employee performance and commitment, less absenteeism, showing loyalty towards their work and participating effectively, currently.


Being ranked as number 1 hotel among the top 19 hotels of Karachi, employees at Avari enjoys a sense of satisfaction that they are working with one of the most premium brand in the hotel industry. This leads in greater output at work by the employees

At Avari, any accomplishment of task or job is considered as a team effort. The management emphasizes the concept of ‘WE’ among the employees and treat all of the employees as a family which generates a sense of unity among the employees and they perform their jobs more diligently.

Employees are encouraged to discuss their problems with the authorities regarding any of the problems they are facing and any kind of help; if needed is fulfilled by the authorities. Open communication is supported and communication meetings are conducted on weekly basis.

Within a given sphere decision making is allowed. For instance, decisions that are to be taken with reference to one’s designated position is allowed by the management.

Training programs are organized on regular basis so there are ambiguities in the code of conduct for employees, so they know how they have to work at Avari and they perform much better.

In case of any emergency, like sick leaves or leave for any serious concern are easily granted with the idea of understanding different background of every employee and dealing them in absolute accordance to that. When workers do not have to worry about their personal affairs, they will be more devoted towards their professional matters and responsibilities.

Adequate and proper appraisal system to keep employees motivated.

WEAKNESSES Among the entire workforce, only 10% consists of females. According to the

international standards the ratio of female employees in any organization should not be that low and the workforce should include both males and females in adequate proportion. This might create dissatisfaction among the other female


employees. Since Avari is in to people serving business, there can be a million reasons for

job dissatisfaction. There can be much more to it than just a job, dealing with people all of the time is not exactly like doing paper work so people have to super careful and chances of mistakes will always remain viable in this business.

Participative decision making with respect to the organization is not encouraged. Employees can make decisions within their designated spheres only.

Being number 1 among the top hotels of Karachi, employees might find it difficult to deal with the extreme work pressure and continuous working hours that might result in high stress level and less job involvement.

One of the reasons that might result in dissatisfaction among the employees that Avari caters the top notch sectors of the society that is the upper class. Less tolerance of any of the mistakes or performance not complying with the standards.

FINDINGS ( Attitudes and Values)

STRENGTHS High standard security system is promoted through ensuring trained and well

committed staff members conforming to the core value of security. Well trained, committed and educated staff which are serving up to the required level

as per the standards of the hotel. Excellent services at Avari as they try to maintain up to International level in

providing quality service and security which not only proves the hotel but also made it a well recommended hotel for foreign delegates.

Ensuring satisfactory services for the customers, which ultimately has increased the customer satisfaction ratings to 90% to 95%.

Promoting teamwork, tolerance oriented atmosphere in the organization. Proper training programs are being planned in the organization which is helping in

molding employee attitudes positively. Turnover rate of less than 10% is reported. Employee commitment towards their jobs is reported to be satisfactory and rated as

90% to 95%. Fresh employee attitudes are reported to be molded easily.

WEAKNESSES In spite of the fact that organization focuses on horizontal hierarchy complete

empowerment is not promoted, employees are only allowed to take decisions within their authority. There suggestions and opinions are appreciated but the power to take ultimate decisions remains in the hand of top management.

Hotel charges are increased to cover costs.


Favors are provided to political parties by offering them low charges. Taxes are being saved through favors. Organization finds it difficult to mold the attitudes of experienced employees which

hinders in learning the required attitudes. Lack of supervision and assessment programs which has resulted in divergent

attitudes of fraud and harassment, affecting the goodwill of the organization.


In a nut shell, Avari tower stands tall in all of the discussed areas, whether it is job satisfaction or values or attitudes. This is a true depiction if why Avari Towers is enjoying the top position among all of the leading hotels of Karachi. People working at Avari Towers gives it all what is required to make a hotel number one.

However there is always room for improvement and there are always errors in the performance of the workers. At Avari Towers it is made sure that all of the areas of concern are looked after and proper course of action to eliminate or at least reduce the problematic areas is followed. Still Avari Towers is placed ahead of every other hotel in Karachi and continues its journey towards excellence.



Evaluate your employees often. This should include talking with their immediate supervisors and observing them while they work and interact with guests. Identify those who need additional training in customer service and also those who deserve to be rewarded.

Publicly recognize employees who are mentioned specifically by guests as offering a positive experience and exhibiting excellent customer service. Even verbal recognition of a job well done can help motivate your other employees to improve their customer service skills.

Fair policies should be enforced when charging political parties and other customers. Proper efforts should be made to ensure that no confidential information leaks. Taxes should be given properly. Supervisors must show encouraging replies on employee attempt of decision making

by appreciating their ideas which can not only help the organization but also result in employee growth.

Proper supervision should be guaranteed when hiring new employees so that past events of court cases can be eliminated completely.

Proper investigation should take place in the organization when cases regarding negative attitudes and behaviors occur.










Management book by Stephen P. Robins.




Q1: What are you core organizational values? Q2: How would you motivate your employees to follow your core values in order to make them comply with the established standards?

Q3: Is your core values are formed on the criteria to meet the international demands and standards?

Q4: Your organization focuses on which hierarchy? Flat or horizontal?

Q5: Do managers (middle) participates in decision making?

Q6: Communication of information is done directly (top managers to employee) or indirectly (managers to supervisors to employees)?

Q7: Does you organization focuses on employee empowerment? If YES then in what ways?

Q8: Does your organization favors team work (collective participation)?


Q9: what relationship your organization enjoys with your internal and external links? (satisfactory, neutral, fair).

Q10: What internal and external threats (problems) your organization faces?

Q11: What efforts are made to overcome those problems?

Q12: Do employees participate in problem solving?

Q13: Apart from giving emphasis on profitability, does your organizational values gives importance to the past traditions/ practices, social obligations etc?

Q14: Do employee opinions are appreciated? If YES then why?

Q15: When hiring new employees, how they are tunes to fit in the organization?

Q16: How employee attitudes ae mold or polished in order to make them behave in accordance with the organizational standards?

Q17: About what percentage of old (senior) and fresh employees are working in your organization currently?

Q18: Are there any female employees working in your organization? If yes then of about what percentage female employees comprises in your organization?

Q19: Which organizational values are considered as important in your organization when it comes to guiding the behavior of employees towards their respective tasks/ jobs? Or if there are any divergent attitudes of employees?

Q20: What is the percentage of employees working in the organization in case of age?(25 to 35, 45 to 55, 65 to 75).

Q21: What facilities or incentives your organization is offering to your employees? (medical, transportation and others).


Q22: What is the salary procedure in your organization (top management to lower level managers, workers).

Q23: What programs regarding employee recognition are initiated go boost their working efficiency in terms of performance?

Q24: Is there any leverage provided to employees? (emergency leaves, punctuality etc). If YES then list such facilities is required.

Q25: Does workshops, seminars, training programs etc are offered to employees? If yes then which programs are offered.

Q26: If YES with the above questions how often these programs are offered or planned in a year?Q27: How much employees are committed with their jobs or tasks assigned to them? (ans in percentage)

Q28: Does employee feedback is taken in your organization?

Q29: If yes with the above question, what procedures or programs are initiated to gain employee feedback regarding their job satisfaction?

Q30: What results are obtained from those feedbacks regarding satisfaction? Ans in percentage.

Q30: Are there any situation of problems regarding unsatisfactory attitudes of employees in case of their jobs are experienced by your organization?

Q31: Do your employees participate in other activities and tasks apart from their job? If yes about what percentage of employees participates.

Q33: Which employees are more satisfied in your organization (old or newly hired/employed) and among male and females?

Q32 How many departments are there in your organization? List of departments is required.