Autonomy - Transactional Analysis

Post on 08-May-2015

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Achieving autonomy is the ultimate goal in transactional analysis.Being autonomous means being self governing, determining one’s own destiny, taking responsibility for one’s own actions and feelings and throwing off patterns that are irrelevant and inappropriate to living in the here and now

Transcript of Autonomy - Transactional Analysis


“Man Ultimately decides for himself! And in the end, education must be education towards the ability to decide. “

Victor Frankl

Autonomy• Achieving autonomy is the

ultimate goal in transactional analysis.

• Being autonomous means being self governing, determining one’s own destiny, taking responsibility for one’s own actions and feelings and throwing off patterns that are irrelevant and inappropriate to living in the here and now.


• Every one has the

capacity to obtain a

measure of autonomy.

• But in spite of that fact

that autonomy is a

human birthright, few

actually achieve it.

“Man is born free, but one of the first things he learns is to do as he is told and he spends the rest of his life doing that. Thus his first enslavement is to his parents. He follows their instructions forevermore, retaining only in some cases, the right to choose his own methods and consoling himself with an illusion of autonomy.“

Eric Berne

AutonomyAccording to Berne, autonomy is manifested

by release or recovery of three capacities.





Awareness is the capacity to see, hear, feel, taste and smell things as pure sensual impressions, in the way a new born infant does.


• Awareness is knowing what is

happening now.

• An autonomous person is aware.

• This person peels away the layers

of contamination from the Adult

and beings to hear, see, smell,

touch, taste, study and evaluate



• Knowing that life is temporal, an aware person appreciates

nature now.

• An aware person experiences that part of the universe

know to the self, as well as the mystery of those universes

yet to be discovered.


• An aware person is all

there and fully aware.

• People who are aware

know where they are,

what they are doing and

how they feel about it.

“If we could first know where we are and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do and how to do it.“

Abraham Lincoln

Awareness• The first step to integration is

awareness, with the Adult as executive.

• A person who becomes aware of acting like a tyrant or a sulk can decide what to do about this behavior – whether to knowingly keep it, own it and be it or whether to throw it in the pail along with the rest of the garbage, if that is what he or she decides it is.

“Everything is grounded in awareness.“

Frank Perls


Spontaneity means the capacity to choose from a full range of options in feeling, thinking and behaving.

Spontaneity• An autonomous person is

spontaneous and flexible –

not foolishly impulsive.

• This person sees the many

options available and uses

what behavior seems to be

appropriate to the situation

and to her or his goal.

Spontaneity• A spontaneous person is

liberated, making and accepting responsibility by personal choices.

• He uses or recaptures the ability to decide independently.

• Within realistic limitations, the person knowingly take responsibility for a self imposed destiny.

“Decisionless is evil – evil is the aimless whirl of human potentialities without which nothing can be achieved and by which , if they take no direction but remain trapped in themselves, everything goes awry .“

Martin Buber

Spontaneity• A person must do more than

make a decision. Unless the person acts on that decision, it is meaningless.

• Only when one’s inner ethics and outward behavior match is a person congruent and whole.

• A spontaneous person is free to do his own thing but not at the expense of other through exploitation and / or indifference.


• Intimacy means open sharing of feelings and wants between you and another person.

• It is expressing the natural child feeling of warmth, tenderness and closeness to others.

• Many people suffer from an inability to express such closeness.

“…Americans need so many more therapist than the rest of the world need because they just don’t know how to be intimate – that they have no intimate friendships, by comparison with the Europeans and that, therefore, they really have no deep friends to unburden themselves.”

Abraham Maslow


• Autonomous people risk friendships and intimacy when they decide it is appropriate.

• This does not come easy to people who have restricted their affectionate feelings and are not in the habit of expressing them.

• In fact, they may feel awkward, even phony, when they first try to go against old programming.


• In the process of developing the capacity for intimacy, a person becomes more open – learns to let go, becomes more self revealing by dropping some of the masks – but always with the awareness of the Adult.


• Autonomous people are concerned with being.

• They allow their own capacities to unfold and encourage others to do the same.

• They are not concerned with getting more, but with being more.

Autonomy• Berne implied that

autonomy was the same thing as freedom from the script.

• It can be defined as the behavior, thinking or feeling which is a response to here and now reality, rather than a response to the script beliefs.


• Does autonomous means being in adult all the times?

• An autonomous person engages in problem solving instead of passivity.

Integrated Adult• People moving toward

autonomy expand their personal capacities for awareness, spontaneity and intimacy. As this occurs, they develop integrated adult ego states.

• Filtering more and more Parent and Child material through their Adult and learning new behavior patterns are parts of the integrating process.

Integrated Adult

• The person in the process of integration takes responsibility for everything he or she feels, thinks and believes and also either has or develops an ethical system of life – Ethos.

• In addition, the person develops social graciousness and experiences the emotions of passion, tenderness and suffering – Pathos.





Unaware and contaminated






Adult awareness of Parent and






Adult Re –alignment and De - contamination





Adult Filtering of behavior





Integration process

Integrated Adult• The integrated Adult appears

to be similar to what Erich Fromm calls the fully develop person and to what Abraham Maslow calls the self actualized person.

• In addition to using their own talents and intellects, Maslow claims, self actualizing people take responsibility for others as well as for themselves and have a childlike capability for awareness and pleasure.

“ To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”

E E Cummings

Prepared by

Manu Melwin JoyResearch Scholar

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