Automating Bypass Testing for Web Applications Vasileios Papadimitriou vpapadim@gmu

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Automating Bypass Testing for Web Applications Vasileios Papadimitriou The Volgenau School of Information Technology & Engineering Dept. of Information & Software Engineering George Mason University Fairfax, VA USA. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Automating Bypass Testing for Web Applications Vasileios Papadimitriou vpapadim@gmu

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 1

Automating Bypass Testing for Web Applications


The Volgenau School of Information Technology & EngineeringDept. of Information & Software Engineering

George Mason UniversityFairfax, VA USA

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 2


• World Wide Web changed the methods of software development and deployment– We value reliability, usability, and security more than

“time to market”– “Extremely loosely coupled” systems– Browser based clients– HTTP

• Web applications become vulnerable to input manipulation that may:– Reduce reliability– Compromise security

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 3

Introduction (cont.)

• Offutt and Wu's work on bypass testing of web application is extended – Theoretical background is revised to support use of

automated approach

• HttpUnit is used to build a prototype software application that automatically:– Parses HMTL pages– Identifies forms and their fields – Creates bypass test cases – Submits test cases to the application’s server

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 4

Presentation Outline

• Client side validation types & rules to automatically generate test cases

• AutoBypass testing tool and demo

• Experiment design

• Results

• Conclusions

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 5

Types of Client Input Validation

• Client side input validation is performed by HTML form controls, their attributes, and client side scripts that access DOM

• Validation types are categorized in HTML and Scripting.– HTML supports syntactic validation– Client scripting can perform both syntactic and semantic validation

HTML Constraints Scripting Constraints• Length (max input characters)

• Value (preset values)

• Transfer Mode (GET or POST)

• Field Element (preset fields)

• Target URL (links with values)

• Data Type (e.g. integer check)

• Data Format (e.g. ZIP code format)

• Data Value (e.g. age value range)

• Inter-Value (e.g. credit # + exp. date)

• Invalid Characters (e.g. <,../,&)

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 6

Example Interface:yahoo registration form

Limited Length (HTML)

Preset Values (HTML)Preset Transfer Mode in form definition (HTML)

Preset No of Fields (HTML)

URL with preset Values (HTML)

Data Value, Type, & Formatvalidation (script)

Inter Value validation (script)

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 7

Test Value Selection

• Challenge: – How to automatically provide effective test values?

• “Semantic Domain Problem” (SDP) – Values within the application domain are needed – Enumeration of all possible test values is inefficient

• Possible Solutions – Random Values (ineffective)– Automatically generated values (too hard)– Study application and construct a set of values (feasible)– Tester input (feasible)

• AutoBypass uses a input domain created by parsing the interface and tester input

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 8


• AutoBypass Steps (the big picture)

Parse Interface

Set Default Values

Generate Test Cases

& Run Tests

Review Results

• All HTML violation rules are used to generate test cases

• This version of AutoBypass does NOT automatically violate scripting validation, but:– AutoBypass behaves as a browser with scripts disabled

– Tester can provide test inputs that will bypass scripting validation.

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 9


• Demo:


Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 10


AutoBypass Architecture

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 11

Experiment Design

How well can the tool perform on real web applications?

• Null Hypothesis:– Bypass testing of web applications will NOT expose more

faults than standard testing.

• Independent Variable:– Method of testing web applications. – Two values are compared:

• Bypass method • Industry standard testing method

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 12

Experiment Design (cont.)

Dependent Variable:• Type of the server response given an invalid request

submission:– (V) Valid Responses: invalid inputs are adequately

processed by the server

– (F) Faults & Failures: invalid inputs that cause abnormal server behavior (typically caught by web server when application fails to handle the error)

– (E) Exposure: invalid input is not recognized by the server and abnormal software behavior is exposed to the users

* both F & E are invalid responses

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 13

Experiment Design (cont.)

• Appropriateness vs. Expectancy– Responses for Invalid inputs are not defined

• Preliminary results show a variety of “valid” responses– Further classification is defined

(V1) Server acknowledges the invalid request and provides an explicit message regarding the violation

(V2) Server produces a generic error message

(V3) Server apparently ignores the invalid request and produces an appropriate response

(V4) Server apparently ignores the request completely

• It is unknown whether valid responses have actually resulted to corrupted data on the server.

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 14

Subject Selection

• Criteria:– Complexity of the application– Ability to perform bypass testing

• Assumptions for web applications tested:– Products designed by professionals– Tested by their designers (yet testing methods are

not well known or well defined)– Used by significant number of users

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 15



demo.joomla.orPoll, Users

phpMyAdmin Main page, Set Theme, SQL Query, DB Stats

brainbench.comSubmit Request Info, New user

myspace.comEvents & Music Search

bankofamerica.comATM locator, Site search Service availability Detail submit, Shopping cart control Froogle, Language tools

pageflakes.comRegistration Quote search


mutex.gmu.eduLogin form Notepad, Composer, Search reminder, Weather Search

barnesandnoble.comCart manager, Book search/results Item dispatch,Handle buy

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 16

Results (1 of 2)

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 17

Results (2 of 2)

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Result Graphs

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 19

Results Summary

• 24% of tests caused invalid responses• Hypothesis is rejected

* with the exception of Google and Amazon

• Problems Found:– Crashes and incorrect output

(and possibly corrupt data on the servers)

– Potential security vulnerabilities• Invalid input passed to the application without

validation• Invalid input reached database queries

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 20

Results Summary (cont.)

• Testing Cost– Average of 1.8 hours per module tested

~ 1¾ hours of human labor & 5 minutes computer processing

• Violation Rules effectiveness

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 21

Confounding Variables

• AutoBypass Implementation– Tested for validity of results – Some Violation rules are not implemented

(Scripting rules)

• Sample Selection– Complex interfaces could not be parsed– Selected only public, non-critical applications– Some interfaces had to be modified to allow


Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 22

Confounding Variables (cont.)

• Tester Value Selection– Selection of additional values that violated the

constraints – Little or no familiarity with the application domain

• Result Evaluation– Challenging process

~ 90% of the testing cost

– No access to server –faults may not be detected– Manual verification– Cross Rater evaluation would be helpful

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 23


• Bypass testing can reveal errors in web applications beyond what standard testing can find– Programs are still designed to depend on client’s side interface

constraints– Subjects with significant number of users were less affected

• Assumed to be the most expensive software

• Web development can benefit from bypass testing– Inexpensive to test applications in terms of resources and human labor.– Efficient method creating limited test cases– AutoBypass performs testing on external system level

• Access to the application source or server is NOT required. • Platform independent • Can be combined with standard testing.

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 24

Ways to improve AutoBypass

• Improve interface parser– Eliminate scripting limitations

• Implement scripting violation rules• Widen the scope of testing from a form/page to a site

– Test sequence of events

– Application level Input Domain

• Explore possibilities for automated response evaluation

Aug. 2, 2005 Vasileios Papadimitriou 25


Vasileios Papadimitriou