Automatic Synthesis Using Genetic Programming of Both the Topology and Sizing for Five Post-2000...

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Transcript of Automatic Synthesis Using Genetic Programming of Both the Topology and Sizing for Five Post-2000...

Automatic Synthesis Using Genetic Programming of Both the Topology and Sizing for Five Post-2000 Patented Analog and Mixed Analog-Digital Circuits

Matthew J. StreeterGenetic Programming, Inc.Mountain View, California

Martin A. KeaneEconometrics, Inc.


John R. KozaStanford UniversityStanford, California

SSMSD 2003, Las Vegas, February 23-25


• Basics of Genetic Programming (GP)

• Circuit Synthesis using GP

• Five post-2000 circuits

Basics of Genetic Programming (GP)

Main Ideas of GP

• Breed computer programs to solve problems

• Programs represented as trees in style of LISP language

• Programs can create anything (e.g., circuit, equation, circuit+equations)

Pseudo-code for GP

1) Create initial random population

2) Evaluate fitness

3) Select fitter individuals to reproduce

4) Apply reproduction operations (crossover, mutation) to create new population

5) Return to 2 and repeat until solution found

Random Initial Population

• Function set: {+, *, /, -}

• Terminal set: {A, B, C}

+ +








(1) Choose “+” (2) Choose “*” (3-5) Choose “A”, “B”, “C”

Fitness Evaluation

• 4 random equations shown

• Fitness is shaded areaTarget curve


Fitness: 0.67 1.0 1.67 2.67


• Subtrees are swapped to create offspring

0.234Z + X – 0.789

X 0.789

0.234 Z



ZY(Y + 0.314Z)



0.314 Z



*1 1

2 25 5

8 9

3 34 46 7 76

X 0.789


0.314 Z



Y + 0.314Z + X – 0.789




0.234 Z


0.234Z Y2





Some Applications of GP

• Classic AI problems (simple planning & control strategies, classification, equation discovery)

• Algorithms (sorting networks, search heuristics, quantum algorithms)

• Art (evolved melodies, images)

• Synthesis (circuits, controllers, antennas, metabolic pathways)

Circuit Synthesis Using GP

• Computer programs represent circuits via developmental process

• Programs grow a circuit from an initial embryo

• Fitness measured (primarily) by circuit’s frequency or transient response

Initial Circuit

• Consists of test fixture (VSOURCE, RSOURCE, RLOAD) and embryo (Z0, Z1)



2 3


Developmental Process

• Component-inserting functions

• Topology-modifying functions

• Connection functions



2 3


Developmental Process: An Example

Developmental Process: An Example

Developmental Process: An Example

Fitness Measure

• Curve-matching (like earlier example) based on circuit’s response in frequency or time domain

• Sometimes have additional constraints (e.g., distortion, low component count)

Previously Evolved Circuits

• Filters (lowpass, highpass, bandpass)

• Amplifiers (60 and 96 dB amplifiers, negative feedback amplifier)

• Computational circuits (squaring, cubing, square root, cube root, logarithm)

• Voltage reference circuit

• Digital circuits (DAC, NAND)

Five Post-2000 Patented Circuits

Patent Inventor InstitutionLow-voltage balun circuit

Sang Gug Lee Information and Communications University

Mixed analog-digital variable capacitor

Turgut Sefket Aytur

Lucent Technologies Inc.

Voltage-current converter

Akira Ikeuchi and Naoshi Tokuda

Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.

High-current load circuit

Timothy Daun-Lindberg and Michael Miller

IBM Corporation

Low-Voltage cubic function generator

Stefano Cipriani and Anthony A. Takeshian

Conexant Systems, Inc.


• All circuit simulations in SPICE

• Circuits evolved on 1,000 processor supercomputer

• Population between 2 and 5 million, 100-200 generations

Setup: Low-voltage Balun Circuit

• Produces two half-amplitude signals with 180 degree phase difference

• Patented circuit operates with 1 V power supply

Patented circuit

Setup: Low-voltage Balun Circuit

• Frequency sweep fitness cases for magnitude & phase angle

• Penalty for total harmonic distortion (THD)

Embryo & Test fixture

Setup: Voltage-current Converter

• Produces stable output current proportional to difference between two inputs voltages

• Advantage over prior art: inputs not limited by power supply Patented circuit

Setup: Voltage-current Converter

• Four time-domain fitness cases using various input signals

• Time-varying voltage source VS forces stable output current at IOUT0

Embryo & Test fixture

Setup: Low-voltage Cubic Function Generator

• Cubing computational circuit using 2 V power supply

Patented circuit

Setup: Low-voltage Cubic Function Generator

• Four time-domain fitness cases using various input signals

Embryo & Test fixture

Results: Low-voltage Balun Circuit

• Evolved solution is better in terms of frequency response & THD

• C302 is in the patent claims

• Evolved circuit reads on some, but not all, claims of patent Evolved circuit

Results: Voltage-current Converter

• Evolved solution has 62% of absolute error of patent circuit on our fitness cases

• Evolved circuit solves problem in explainable way

Evolved circuit

Results: Low-voltage Cubic Function Generator

• Evolved solution has 59% of absolute error of patent circuit on our fitness cases

Evolved circuit

Future Work

• Verify SPICE results

• Consider manufacturability (e.g., variation in component values, parasitic effects)

• We are looking for good problems

Results: Low-Voltage Balun Circuit

Results: Voltage-current converter

Results: Low-voltage cubic function generator