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Theoretical Population Biology 73 (2008) 47–62

Simplifying a physiologically structured population modelto a stage-structured biomass model

Andre M. De Roosa,�, Tim Schellekensa,b, Tobias Van Kootenb, Karen Van De Wolfshaara,David Claessena, Lennart Perssonb

aInstitute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, P.O.Box 94084, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The NetherlandsbDepartment of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden

Received 19 December 2006

Available online 4 October 2007


We formulate and analyze an archetypal consumer–resource model in terms of ordinary differential equations that consistently

translates individual life history processes, in particular food-dependent growth in body size and stage-specific differences between

juveniles and adults in resource use and mortality, to the population level. This stage-structured model is derived as an approximation to

a physiologically structured population model, which accounts for a complete size-distribution of the consumer population and which is

based on assumptions about the energy budget and size-dependent life history of individual consumers. The approximation ensures that

under equilibrium conditions predictions of both models are completely identical. In addition we find that under non-equilibrium

conditions the stage-structured model gives rise to dynamics that closely approximate the dynamics exhibited by the size-structured

model, as long as adult consumers are superior foragers than juveniles with a higher mass-specific ingestion rate. When the mass-specific

intake rate of juvenile consumers is higher, the size-structured model exhibits single-generation cycles, in which a single cohort of

consumers dominates population dynamics throughout its life time and the population composition varies over time between a

dominance by juveniles and adults, respectively. The stage-structured model does not capture these dynamics because it incorporates a

distributed time delay between the birth and maturation of an individual organism in contrast to the size-structured model, in which

maturation is a discrete event in individual life history. We investigate model dynamics with both semi-chemostat and logistic resource


r 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Stage-structured model; Food-dependent individual growth; Population size-structure; Consumer–resource; Population dynamics; Archetypal


1. Introduction

Physiologically structured population models (PSPM;Metz and Diekmann, 1986; De Roos, 1997) are a class ofmodels which explicitly link individual life history andpopulation dynamics. PSPM are based on a core model ofall relevant individual-level processes, in particular feeding,development, reproduction and mortality. These processesare dependent on the state of the individual organism itselfand the environment in which it lives. Body size has oftenbeen used as the representative variable determining the

individual or i-state, whereas food density has been mostfrequently used to characterize its environment. Given amodel of the individual life history and the interaction ofthe individual with its environment (e.g. its food source)bookkeeping operations suffice to arrive at the specifica-tion of the dynamics of the population or p-state. Thispopulation-level model can either be formulated in terms ofpartial differential (Metz and Diekmann, 1986; De Roos,1997) or integral equations (Diekmann et al., 1994). PSPMcan be analyzed using a number of different techniques.Apart from investigating them analytically, their dynamicscan be studied with a numerical integration method(De Roos, 1988; De Roos et al., 1992; De Roos, 1997),which has proved its robustness in a variety of cases


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�Corresponding author. Fax: +3120 5257754.

E-mail address: (A.M. De Roos).

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(e.g. De Roos et al., 1990; Claessen et al., 2000). Morerecently, numerical bifurcation methods have been devel-oped (Kirkilionis et al., 2001; Diekmann et al., 2003),which allow to compute branches of equilibria of themodels as a function of one of the model parameters(e.g. Claessen and De Roos, 2003).

Individual-level models that form the core of PSPM, forexample those describing population dynamics of fish(e.g. Persson et al., 1998; Claessen et al., 2000) orzooplankton (e.g. De Roos et al., 1990), are usually basedon a consistent set of assumptions about the acquisitionand use of food and energy for covering maintenancerequirements, growth in body size and reproduction. Non-trivial and parameter-rich functions of body size and foodare often used to model the life history processes, since theyare as much as possible based on experimental data under arange of laboratory conditions. Hence, the core model of aPSPM generally is a detailed, mechanistic mathematicaldescription of individual life. On the one hand, thismechanistic rooting in individual life history allows fordisentangling in detail the causal relationships between theindividual-level processes and the generated populationdynamics (for illustrative examples, see Claessen et al.,2000; Persson et al., 2003, 2004). On the other hand, theresulting complexity of the PSPM makes model analysis adaunting task despite the continuation techniques recentlydeveloped by Kirkilionis et al. (2001). Studies of PSPMwith more than a single species are therefore rare (Van DeWolfshaar et al., 2006).

Studies of PSPM with individual body size as structuringi-state variable have contributed significantly to ourunderstanding about the consequences of size-dependentindividual life history processes for population dynamics.In systems of a size-structured consumer feeding on anunstructured resource population intraspecific competitionamong differently sized consumer individuals may give riseto population cycles with a period equal to the generationtime of the consumer (Persson et al., 1998; De Roos andPersson, 2003; De Roos et al., 2003). These populationdynamic effects are the most prominent consequences ofsize-dependent individual life history processes when thesize-structured population occupies the highest trophiclevel in the modeled community. In contrast, if species atlower trophic levels are size-structured, size-dependent lifehistory processes may also influence the structure andpossible equilibria of the ecological community. De Roosand Persson (2002) have shown that an unstructuredpredator population foraging size-selectively on small preyindividuals may suffer from an emergent Allee effect, whichresults from food-dependence in the prey life history. Theyfound that for a range of parameter values a predator–preyand a predator-free community state could coexist, whichare both locally stable. A similar bistability occurs whenpredators forage size-selectively on large consumers(De Roos and Persson, 2005a). Furthermore, Van Kootenet al. (2005) show that bistability may also occur bet-ween two different community equilibria in which both

predators and consumers coexist, but at different densitiesand with different equilibrium population structures. VanDe Wolfshaar et al. (2006) study the interaction betweentwo size-structured populations in an intraguild-predationsystem with top predators and intermediate consumers. Inthis setting, the size-dependent interaction strongly limitsthe possibilities of coexistence and as a rule bistabilityoccurs between a predator-dominated and a prey-domi-nated equilibrium. All these community consequences havebeen shown to arise primarily because individual growth isfood-dependent and hence varies with population density(De Roos and Persson, 2002, 2005a). This makes food-dependent growth in body size the key life history processthat sets size-structured models apart from unstructured aswell as age-structured models.In few-species systems size-dependent life history pro-

cesses and in particular food-dependent growth thuspromote the occurrence of multiple community equilibriaunder the same conditions. These equilibria may differ inthree important aspects: the species composition of thecommunity, the numerical abundances and the structure(i.e size distribution) of the constituting populations. Theresults inspire the question to what extent such effects alsooccur in larger communities involving more than two size-structured populations and to what extent they influencethe dynamics and structure of such communities. It is,however, infeasible to address this question using modelsthat are composed of elements as complex as the size-structured population models, which have for examplebeen used to investigate the emergent Allee effect (De Roosand Persson, 2002). A simpler, more aggregated model isrequired as a core building block to formulate andsuccessfully analyze models of larger species ensembles.Unstructured models of the Lotka–Volterra type, however,only account for reproduction and death as life historyprocesses that are important for population dynamics.These models ignore individual growth in body size despitethat it is an important process in the life history of mostspecies (Werner, 1988), leading to major changes in theirecology during ontogeny. There is hence a clear need for anarchetypal, population dynamic model, which realisticallyaccounts for food- and size-dependent growth in body size,but which is nonetheless more amenable to analysis thanthe PSPMs that account for a complete population sizedistribution. In this paper we derive and investigate theproperties of such an archetypal, population dynamicmodel. The model, which we refer to as the stage-structured

biomass model, is formulated in terms of a set of ordinarydifferential equations. Nonetheless, under equilibriumconditions the model predictions are identical to those ofa PSPM accounting for a continuous size-distribution,from which the stage-structured biomass model is derived.Under these conditions the model therefore consistentlytranslates individual life history processes, in particularfood-dependent growth in body size, to the populationlevel. In the following sections we derive the structuredbiomass community model from its underlying PSPM and

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compare the dynamics of both models under a range ofconditions.

2. Model derivation

2.1. Size-structured population model

We start the derivation of the stage-structured biomassmodel by formulating a size-structured population model,which is rigorously based on individual life history.The model incorporates in a simple manner the three mostbasic aspects of size-dependent life histories: (1) bothforaging rate and metabolic requirements increase withbody size; (2) growth in body size depends on foodavailability; and (3) small, juvenile individuals donot reproduce but use their energy for growth anddevelopment, while larger, adult individuals use theirenergy for reproduction. All dynamic energy budgetmodels that have been formulated to describe individualacquisition and use of food for growth and reproductionincorporate these basic assumptions in one way or another(see for example Gurney et al., 1990; Persson et al., 1998;Kooijman, 2000).

As individual- or i-state we characterize individuals withtheir size s, which we interpret as body weight or mass.Individuals are assumed to be born with size sb and matureon reaching size sm. All individuals are assumed to forageon the shared resource, the density of which is denoted byR, following a Holling type-II functional response withhalf-saturation constant H. Their maximum ingestion rateis assumed to scale linearly with body size s. For juvenileindividuals (sbososm) we assume that the proportionalityconstant of this scaling relation equals Imax, while foradults we assume it to equal qImax (De Roos and Persson,2003). The factor q phenomenologically captures stage-specific differences in resource availability and resource usebetween juveniles and adults. It is introduced to avoid thecomplexity of modeling such stage-specific feeding differ-ences in a more mechanistic manner with separateresources for juveniles and adults. Ingested resource isassimilated with efficiency s and first used to covermaintenance requirements. These are also assumed to scalelinearly with body size s with proportionality constant T.The remaining net energy production is converted into newconsumer biomass. Juvenile individuals (sbososm) pro-duce new biomass through growth in body size, whileadults are assumed to convert all their net biomassproduction into new offspring. Adults hence do not growand have the identical size s ¼ sm. Overhead costsassociated with growth in body size or the production ofoffspring are assumed to be subsumed in the maintenancerequirements (Yodzis and Innes, 1992). Producing off-spring therefore requires a biomass investment per new-born individual equal to the size at birth sb.

These assumptions lead to the following expressions forthe net biomass production per unit body mass as a function

of resource density R:

njðRÞ ¼ sImax


H þ R� T (1)


naðRÞ ¼ sqImax


H þ R� T , (2)

for juveniles and adults, respectively. The expressionsclosely follow the bioenergetics approach introduced byYodzis and Innes (1992) except for the fact that wedistinguish between juveniles and adults, which may differin their resource use as well as their mortality.At low resource densities ingestion may be insufficient to

cover maintenance requirements, leading to a negative netbiomass production for juveniles, adults or both of them.We will assume that juvenile growth equals 0 when juvenilenet biomass production is negative and that similarlyreproduction equals 0 when adult net biomass productionis negative. We introduce the notation nþj ðRÞ and nþa ðRÞ toindicate the net biomass production by a juvenile and anadult, respectively, restricted to non-negative values:

nþj ðRÞ ¼sImax


H þ R� T if R4


sImax=T � 1;

0 otherwise;

8<: (3)

nþa ðRÞ ¼sqImax


H þ R� T if R4


sqImax=T � 1;

0 otherwise:

8<: (4)

The above assumptions on individual life history implythat the juvenile growth rate in body mass, denoted bygðR; sÞ, follows:

gðR; sÞ ¼ nþj ðRÞs



H þ R� T

� �s if R4


sImax=T � 1;

0 otherwise

8><>: ð5Þ

while the rate bðR; smÞ at which adults reproduce offspringof size sb is given by

bðR; smÞ ¼ nþa ðRÞsm




H þ R� T

� �sm


if R4H

sqImax=T � 1;

0 otherwise:



Note that adults do not grow in body size any more afterreaching the size at maturation sm. We assume that juvenileand adult individuals are exposed to a constant back-ground mortality rate mj and ma, respectively. On top ofthat, we assume that all juvenile consumers irrespective oftheir body size experience an additional starvation mor-tality equal to �njðRÞ when food intake is insufficient tocover their maintenance requirements and hence njðRÞo0.Similarly, we assume adult consumers to experience an

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additional starvation mortality equal to �naðRÞ on top oftheir background mortality, if adult ingestion is smallerthan maintenance (naðRÞo0). Total juvenile and adultmortality, which we indicate with djðRÞ and daðRÞ,respectively, hence equal:

djðRÞ ¼mj if R4


sImax=T � 1;

mj � njðRÞ otherwise

8><>: (7)


daðRÞ ¼ma if R4


sqImax=T � 1;

ma � naðRÞ otherwise;

8><>: (8)

respectively. When the food intake of individuals is smallerthan their maintenance, these assumptions about mortalityensure for every value of body size s that the decrease inbiomass of the cohort of consumers with that body sizeexactly equals the balance between total food assimilationand total maintenance rate of that cohort. Hence, theassumptions guarantee conservation of energy and biomassat the level of consumer size cohorts under both growingand starvation conditions.

Finally, we will study model predictions with twodifferent types of resource dynamics in the absence ofconsumers. We either assume that in the absence ofconsumers the resource density follows semi-chemostatdynamics (Persson et al., 1998):

GðRÞ ¼ dðRmax � RÞ. (9)

Alternatively, we assume that resource dynamics follows alogistic growth process:

GðRÞ ¼ dR 1�R


� �. (10)

For both types of dynamics Rmax equals the resourcedensity in the absence of consumers. The parameter drepresents the resource turn-over and per capita growthrate in case of semi-chemostat and logistic resourcedynamics, respectively. The resource density decreasesdue to the consorted foraging of all consumers on it.

Let cðt; sÞ represent the size distribution of juvenileconsumers with sbpsosm and CðtÞ the total number ofadult consumers with s ¼ sm. The dynamics of theconsumer–resource system can then be described by thefollowing set of differential equations:

qcðt; sÞ


qgðR; sÞcðt; sÞ

qs¼ �djðRÞ cðt; sÞ for sbpsosm,


gðR; sbÞcðt; sbÞ ¼ bðR; smÞC, (11b)


dt¼ gðR; smÞcðt; smÞ � daðRÞC, (11c)


dt¼ GðRÞ �


H þ RImax

Z sm


s cðt; sÞ dsþ qImaxsmC

� �


(see Metz and Diekmann, 1986; De Roos, 1997). Thepartial differential equation (11a) describes the change inthe juvenile size distribution cðt; sÞ due to growth andmortality, whereas the boundary condition (11b) accountsfor its change due to reproduction of offspring. The ODE(11c) describes the dynamics of the number of adultconsumers as a balance between a maturation term(gðR; smÞcðt; smÞ) and mortality (daðRÞC). In a similarway the ODE (11d) describes the change in resourcedensity due to resource production and resource foragingby consumers.

2.2. Stage-structured biomass model

In this section we aggregate the size-structuredmodel (11) into a biomass-based consumer–resourcemodel in terms of ordinary differential equations.We use two differential equations to describe the dyna-mics of the total biomass in the juvenile and adult stage,defined as

J ¼

Z sm


s cðt; sÞ ds (12)


A ¼ smC, (13)

respectively, and a third equation for the dynamics of theresource density R. The latter is identical to the ODE (11d),but rewritten in terms of R, J and A. For the followingderivation we first assume that ingestion is sufficiently highfor both juveniles and adults to cover maintenancerequirements, such that juvenile and adult net-production,njðRÞ and naðRÞ, respectively, are positive. Consequently,the expressions for the juvenile growth and adult reproduc-tion rate simplify to gðR; sÞ ¼ njðRÞs (see Eq. (5)) andbðR; smÞ ¼ naðRÞsm=sb (see Eq. (6)), respectively. Further-more, under these conditions starvation mortality can beneglected, such that the juvenile and adult mortalityrates, djðRÞ and daðRÞ, can be replaced by the backgroundvalues mj and ma, respectively. In the second part of thissection we will extend the model to cover also starvationconditions.The ODE for A can be derived in a straightforward

manner by multiplying the left- and right-hand side of theODE for C (11c) with the adult size sm


dt¼ smgðR; smÞcðt; smÞ � maA. (14)

The ODE for J can be derived by first differentiatingthe integral in the right-hand side of the definition for J

(Eq. (12)) with respect to time and subsequently usingthe partial differential equation (11a) to substitute the

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time derivative:



Z sm


sqcðt; sÞ


¼ �

Z sm


sqgðR; sÞcðt; sÞ


Z sm


smjcðt; sÞ ds

¼ �sgðR; sÞcðt; sÞ��sm


Z sm


gðR; sÞcðt; sÞ ds� mjJ.

Using the boundary condition (11b) and the expressionsgðR; sÞ ¼ njðRÞs (Eq. (5)) and bðR; smÞ ¼ naðRÞsm=sb

(Eq. (6)) for the juvenile growth rate and the adultfecundity, respectively, this ODE can be written as


dt¼ naðRÞA� smgðR; smÞ cðt; smÞ þ njðRÞJ � mjJ.

To arrive at a closed system of ODEs the maturation term

smgðR; smÞcðt; smÞ ¼ njðRÞs2mcðt; smÞ (15)

has to be expressed in terms of J and A. This reformulationwill be carried out in such a way that the equilibria of theclosed system of ODEs are identical to the equilibria of thebasic size-structured model (11). In an equilibrium ofthe size-structured model the following equality relates thevalue of the stable size-distribution, which we denote by~cðsÞ, at any size s to its value at sb:

gðR; sÞ~cðsÞ ¼ gðR; sbÞ~cðsbÞ exp �

Z s



gðR; xÞdx

� �.

In this expression the exponential term represents theindividual survival probability up to size s. Using Eq. (5)for the juvenile growth rate in size the integral in theexponential term can be evaluated, leading to

~cðsÞ ¼gðR; sbÞ~cðsbÞ

nj s



� ��mj=nj

. (16)

Here and in the following derivation we suppress theargument of the resource-dependent function njðRÞ toshorten the notation. Using the stationary size distributionthe equilibrium juvenile biomass density ~J can be written as

~J ¼

Z sm


s~cðsÞ ds

¼gðR; sbÞ~cðsbÞ




Z sm


s�mj=nj ds

¼gðR; sbÞ~cðsbÞ

nj � mj


b ðs1�mj=nj

m � s1�mj=nj

b Þ.

From this equality the product gðR; sbÞ~cðsbÞ smj=nj

b can beexpressed in terms of ~J:

gðR; sbÞ~cðsbÞ smj=nj

b ¼nj � mj


m � s1�mj=nj


~J. (17)

Given expression (16) for the equilibrium size distributionthe maturation term (15) can be rewritten as

njs2m ~cðsmÞ ¼ gðR; sbÞ~cðsbÞs


b s1�mj=nj


which can be expressed using Eq. (17) in terms of ~J:

njs2m ~cðsmÞ ¼

nj � mj



� �1�mj=nj

~J. (18)

Now define the function gðvÞ as

gðvÞ ¼v� mj

1� z1�mj=v(19)

with z ¼ sb=sm, the ratio of newborn and maturation bodysize. Notice that the function gðvÞ has the same sign as v,has a regular limit equal to �mj= lnðzÞ for v! mj andapproaches 0 for v # 0. Re-introducing the food-depen-dence of the juvenile net-biomass production rate njðRÞ thedynamics of the resource, juvenile and adult consumerdensities can now be described by the following systemof ODEs:


dt¼ naðRÞAþ njðRÞJ � gðnjðRÞÞJ � mjJ, (20a)


dt¼ gðnjðRÞÞJ � maA, (20b)


dt¼ GðRÞ �


H þ RðImaxJ þ qImaxAÞ. (20c)

It should be noted that in the absence of differences inresource use between juveniles and adults (i.e. when q ¼ 1)njðRÞ always equals naðRÞ. If in addition juveniles andadults both experience the same background mortality(mj ¼ ma) the above system of equations can be simplifiedinto the following system of two equations for the totalconsumer biomass, B ¼ J þ A, and the resource density R


dt¼ nðRÞB� mB, (21a)


dt¼ GðRÞ � Imax


H þ RB (21b)

in which nðRÞ ¼ njðRÞ ¼ naðRÞ and m ¼ mj ¼ ma. Ignoringbackground mortality altogether (i.e. setting m ¼ 0) Yodzisand Innes (1992) formulated the above system of equationsas a bio-energetic model for consumer–resource dynamics.Hence, the stage-structured biomass model is related to theYodzis and Innes-model, but accounts in addition forseparate consumer life stages that differ in their use ofresources and their exposure to predators.The derivation of the stage-structured consumer–

resource model (20) is based on the assumption that thenet biomass production is positive for individuals of allsizes. More specifically for

njðRÞ40 and naðRÞ40. (22)

In equilibrium situations these two size-independentconditions necessarily hold and by argument of continuityit can also be reasoned that the conditions hold in theneighborhood of any equilibrium state. However,when resource density is so low that juvenile and adultbiomass production turn negative (njðRÞo0 and naðRÞo0,

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respectively) juvenile growth in body size and adultfecundity reduce to 0. Under these conditions the juvenilesize distribution cðt; sÞ and the adult consumer density C

only change due to background and starvation mortalityand dynamics are described by

qcðt; sÞ

qt¼ �djðRÞcðt; sÞ for sbpsosm,


dt¼ �daðRÞC,


dt¼ GðRÞ �


H þ RImax

Z sm


scðt; sÞ dsþ qImaxsmC

� �.

As before we can straightforwardly derive an ODE foradult biomass A from the above system of equations bymultiplying the left- and right-hand side of dC=dt with theadult size sm. The ODE for juvenile biomass J is againderived by differentiating the integral expression for J

(Eq. (12)) and substitution of the partial differentialequation for cðt; sÞ. This derivation is, however, simplifiedbecause reproduction and growth in body size do not occurunder starvation conditions. The dynamics of the stage-structured biomass model under starvation conditions ishence described by the following system of ODEs:


dt¼ �ðmj � njðRÞÞJ, (23a)


dt¼ �ðma � naðRÞÞA, (23b)


dt¼ GðRÞ �


H þ RðImaxJ þ qImaxAÞ (23c)

in which we have substituted the expressions for thejuvenile and adult death rate, djðRÞ (Eq. (7)) and daðRÞ

(Eq. (8)), respectively, that hold under conditions ofnegative net biomass production rates.

Combining Eqs. (20) and (23) describing dynamics undergrowing and starvation conditions, respectively, the generalform of the stage-structured biomass model is given by thefollowing system of ODEs:


dt¼ nþa ðRÞAþ njðRÞJ � gðnþj ðRÞÞJ � mjJ, (24a)


dt¼ gðnþj ðRÞÞJ þ naðRÞA� nþa ðRÞA� maA, (24b)


dt¼ GðRÞ �


H þ RðImax J þ qImaxAÞ. (24c)

In comparison to the model equations (20) the secondODE contains two additional terms naðRÞA and nþa ðRÞA,which cancel as long as naðRÞ is positive and amount tonaðRÞA otherwise, reflecting the starvation mortality ofadults under conditions of negative net-biomass produc-tion (see Eq. (23b)). Furthermore, under these conditionsthe reproduction rate equals 0, as indicated by nþa ðRÞ in thefirst term of the first ODE. The second term in the ODE for

J reflects that juvenile net production rate njðRÞ increasesjuvenile biomass when juvenile ingestion is larger thanmaintenance and that juvenile biomass decreases otherwiseas a consequence of starvation mortality. The assumptionson the individual mortality rate djðRÞ (Eq. (7)) guaranteethat the latter biomass loss rate exactly equals the negativebiomass balance between ingestion and maintenance(see Eq. (23a)). The final difference between Eqs. (20)and (24) is the restriction of the maturation term gðnþj ðRÞÞJto non-negative values, reflecting the assumption thatjuvenile growth stops when juvenile net-production turnsnegative.

2.3. Scaling and parameterization

We will only briefly describe how we have non-dimensionalized both the size-structured and the stage-structured biomass model without presenting the scaledmodel equations themselves. The half-saturation constantH represents a resource biomass density, expressed in termsof gram biomass per unit volume. Changing its value canbe considered to reflect changes in the unit volume, inwhich we express the densities R, J and A. Without loss ofgenerality we can therefore choose the value of H equal to1, bearing in mind that this fixes the environmental volumein which the consumer population is assumed to live andthus scales the biomass densities R, J and A. The timevariable t we scale with the mass-specific metabolic rateparameter T. To this end we define a new time variablet0 ¼ tT and express the dynamics of resource andconsumers as a function of t0. Note that in the followingunits of time hence refer to the inverse of the metabolic rateparameter T. The resulting set of equations for the stage-structured biomass model is largely identical to the set (24)except for that the values of H and T are set equal to 1 andthe rate parameters d, Imax, mj and ma are expressed asmultiples of the mass-specific metabolic rate parameter T.In the size-structured model (11) time and the densities ofresource R and adult consumers C are scaled as in thestage-structured model, i.e. with the metabolic rateparameter T and the half-saturation constant H, respec-tively. However, in addition we scale the body size variables by the maturation size sm, rephrasing the model in termsof the scaled size variable s0 ¼ s=sm. This scaling necessi-tates that the juvenile consumer size distribution cðt; sÞ is inaddition scaled by the factor sm, defining the scaled juvenileconsumer density as c0ðt; s0Þ ¼ cðt; s0 � smÞsm=H. The scaledsize at birth now equals z ¼ sb=sm, which variable alsogoverns the maturation rate (19) in the stage-structuredbiomass model.After scaling the model dynamics are governed by two

parameters governing resource growth in the absence ofconsumers and six parameters describing growth, develop-ment, reproduction and death of consumers. In case ofsemi-chemostat resource dynamics we adopt the defaultvalue Rmax ¼ 2 and d ¼ 1 for the maximum resource den-sity in the absence of consumers and the resource turn-over

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rate, respectively. The latter value implies that resourceturn-over rate is approximately equal to the turn-over rateof consumer biomass through maintenance. In case oflogistic resource growth we study model dynamics as afunction of Rmax, as its value tends to significantly affectdynamics predicted by consumer–resource models with so-called paradox-of-enrichment cycles (Rosenzweig, 1971)occurring at high values of Rmax. For the resource percapita growth rate we choose as default value d ¼ 1.

Across differently sized consumer, species mass-specificmetabolic rate, mass-specific maximum ingestion rate andmortality rate all tend to be proportional to the quarterpower of adult body size of the species (Peters, 1983;Yodzis and Innes, 1992; Brown et al., 2004). For the mass-specific maximum ingestion rate an estimate of 0.1 for theproportionality constant in this quarter-power scalingrelation can be derived from data on zooplankton grazingrates presented by Hansen et al. (1997). Peters (1983)estimates the proportionality constant for the mass-specificmetabolic rate scaling to equal 0.01, which is in line withestimates provided by Yodzis and Innes (1992) and Brownet al. (2004). These two estimates lead to a default valueImax ¼ 10 for the ratio between the mass-specific maximumingestion rate and the mass-specific metabolic rate.Gillooly et al. (2001) provide an estimate for theproportionality constant in the quarter-power scaling lawof mortality rate equal to 0.001. We therefore assume thatthe ratio between background mortality rate and metabolicrate equals 0.1 for both juvenile and adult consumers, i.e.mj ¼ ma ¼ 0:1. The ratio between newborn and maturationsize we estimated from data on egg and adult weight for alarge number of marine copepod species presented byHuntley and Lopez (1992). These data show the ratio torange between 0.001 and 0.02 with a median value of0.01. As default value we therefore adopt z ¼ 0:01.

For assimilation efficiency we assume as default value s ¼0:5 on the basis of data provided by Peters (1983) andYodzis and Innes (1992). Finally, we will investigate modeldynamics while varying the value of q representing the ratiobetween juvenile and adult maximum ingestion rate. Anestimate for this parameter can hardly be derived fromexperimental data as it is only a phenomenologicalrepresentation of stage-specific differences in resourceavailability and resource use between juveniles and adults.

3. Results

3.1. Semi-chemostat resource dynamics

Fig. 1 illustrates the dynamics of both the size-structuredmodel (11) and the stage-structured biomass model (24)with semi-chemostat resource dynamics when starting fromthe same initial conditions. Both models predict exactly thesame dynamics for the resource density, which rapidly andsmoothly approaches its equilibrium value. Predictions forthe dynamics of juvenile and adult consumer biomass,however, differ between the two models. Most promi-nently, in the size-structured model juvenile and adultbiomass follow damped oscillations and adult biomassinitially decreases, whereas in the stage-structured modelboth juvenile and adult biomass smoothly approach thestable equilibrium with adult biomass increasing immedi-ately from t ¼ 0. The stage-structured model is derivedfrom the size-structured one by relating the (equilibrium)maturation rate to the (equilibrium) juvenile density.Essentially, this relationship translates into the assumptionthat at any point in time the size-distribution of juvenileconsumers equals the equilibrium size distribution thatwould result given the prevailing resource density and









e b















0 100 200 300







Juvenile b




0 100 200 300







Adult b




Fig. 1. Dynamics of resource (left, top panel), total (right, top panel), juvenile (left, bottom panel) and adult consumer biomass (right, bottom panel) as

predicted by the size-structured model (11) (gray lines) and the stage-structured biomass model (24) (black lines) with semi-chemostat resource dynamics,

starting from the same initial conditions: Rð0Þ ¼ 1:0, Cð0Þ ¼ Að0Þ ¼ 0:2 and cð0; sÞ ¼ 0. q ¼ 1:0, all other parameters have default values.

A.M. De Roos et al. / Theoretical Population Biology 73 (2008) 47–62 53

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consumer population birth rate. As a consequence, thebirth of new consumers immediately translates into asimultaneous increase in maturation rate and is smearedout over time. In contrast, in the size-structuredmodel individual birth events lead to distinct maturationevents at a later point in time, which is determinedby the time that the newborn consumers need to growfrom the size at birth sb to the maturation size sm. Thisdifference explains why the increase in juvenile biomass inthe stage-structured model translates into an immediateincrease in adult biomass due to maturation, whereasadult biomass in the size-structured model only increasesafter t ¼ 15.

The transient dynamics shown in Fig. 1 ultimately leadto an equilibrium, which in both models is locally stable forthe particular value of q ¼ 1. In the size-structured modelstable equilibria are only expected to occur when juvenileand adult consumers are roughly equivalent competitors,i.e. for values of q close to 1 (De Roos and Persson, 2003).Sustained population cycles are expected to arise wheneither juvenile or adult consumers have a distinct compe-titive advantage (q significantly smaller or larger than 1,respectively). Although the size-structured model differs insome aspects from the model studied by De Roos andPersson (2003) these predictions hold true as is shown inFig. 2. This figure illustrates the long-term dynamicspredicted by both models as a function of q by plottingequilibrium densities of resource, juvenile, adult and totalconsumer biomass in case the model equilibrium is stableand the maximum and minimum values of these biomassdensities in case the long-term dynamics are oscillatory.For qo1 there is a large range of parameters for which thesize-structured model exhibits regular population cycles, in

which especially juvenile and adult consumer biomassexhibit large-amplitude oscillations. Oscillations in re-source and total consumer biomass (Fig. 2, top panels)are smaller. These cycles are so-called single-generationcycles (Nisbet and Gurney, 1983), in which a single cohortof consumers dominates the population dynamics through-out its entire life and the cycle period is slightly larger thanthe juvenile delay between birth and maturation. Juvenileand adult consumers hence do not occur simultaneously inthe population, but mostly alternate in time (De Roos andPersson, 2003). De Roos and Persson (2003) refer to thesecycles as juvenile-driven cycles as they arise through acompetitive dominance of juvenile consumers. Also for q

significantly larger than 1 regular population cycles with aperiod slightly larger than the juvenile delay are observedin the size-structured model, but these are of much smalleramplitude. Again, the oscillations in juvenile and adultbiomass are larger than the oscillations in total consumerbiomass, as well as resource biomass, but the differencesare minimal. Juvenile and adult consumers coexist con-tinuously in the population, distinguishing these cyclesfrom the single-generation cycles occurring for qo1. DeRoos and Persson (2003) provide a detailed analysis of thecharacteristics and mechanisms giving rise to both types ofpopulation cycles and we will hence not discuss them hereany further.The stage-structured model predicts the equilibrium to

be stable throughout the entire range of q-values for whichan internal equilibrium occurs (Fig. 2). Hence, it does notexhibit any of the oscillatory dynamics displayed by thesize-structured model. The two models yield identicalpredictions for q between approximately 0.9 and 1.6 (seeFig. 2). Even though population cycles occur for both qo1









e b















0 0.5 1 1.5 2







Juvenile b




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5







Adult b




Fig. 2. Maximum and minimum (during one cycle) resource density (left, top panel), total (right, top panel), juvenile (left, bottom panel) and adult

consumer biomass (right, bottom panel) as predicted by the size-structured model (11) (gray lines) and the stage-structured biomass model (24) (black lines)

with semi-chemostat resource dynamics for different values of q. Gray triangles indicate the time-averaged biomass densities of resource, juvenile, adult

and total consumers in the size-structured model in case of population oscillations. These results were obtained using long numerical simulations of model

dynamics with regular, stepwise increases as well as decreases in q. Rmax ¼ 2:0, all other parameters have default values.

A.M. De Roos et al. / Theoretical Population Biology 73 (2008) 47–6254

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and q41, we argue that for q41 the differences betweenthe stage-structured and size-structured model are in factminor, because (1) average biomass densities of resource,juvenile, adult and total consumers measured over longtime periods in the size-structured model are alwaysapproximately equal to the equilibrium values predictedby the stage-structured model and (2) both models predictjuveniles and adults to coexist continuously in thepopulation, even in case the size-structured modelexhibits sustained oscillations. In contrast, for qo1 theequilibrium densities of resource, juvenile, adult andtotal consumer biomass predicted by the stage-structuredmodel are significantly different from the time-averagedvalues of these densities in the population cycles predictedby the size-structured model (Fig. 2), during whichthe stage-structured model moreover fails to capture thealternating occurrence of juveniles and adults in thepopulation.

The stage-structured biomass model hence poorlyapproximates the predictions of the size-structured modelin case the latter exhibits juvenile-driven, single-generationcycles. Otherwise, the predictions of both models arecompletely identical whenever they approach a stableequilibrium and similar when oscillations occur that aredriven by competitive dominance of adult consumers(q41). We have found these conclusions to be largelyindependent of the values of Rmax and d that govern thesemi-chemostat dynamics. Both parameters change theresource productivity, which equals dRmax, in the sameway. Increases in these parameters translate into almostproportional increases in both juvenile and adult consumerbiomass, but generally do not change model dynamics in arelative sense.

3.2. Logistic resource dynamics

Similar to the results obtained with semi-chemostatresource growth, dynamics with logistic resource growthpredicted by the stage-structured biomass model for q closeto or larger than 1 closely resemble the dynamics of thesize-structured model. Fig. 3 illustrates the long-termdynamics predicted by both models for q ¼ 1 by plottingthe densities of resource, juvenile, adult and total consumerbiomass as a function of the maximum resource densityRmax. The figure shows the equilibrium biomass densities incase of a stable equilibrium and the observed maximumand minimum values of these biomass densities in case thelong-term dynamics are fluctuating. For low values of Rmax

both models predict the equilibrium to be stable, while forlarger values of Rmax large-amplitude cycles occur. Thesecycles are equivalent to the predator–prey cycles thatgenerally occur in models with logistic resource growth anda non-linear consumer functional response (so called‘‘paradox-of-enrichment’’ cycles, Rosenzweig, 1971; or‘‘prey-escape’’ cycles, De Roos et al., 1990). The Hopfbifurcation point separating the parameter ranges withstable equilibria and limit cycles, respectively, occurs inboth models at the same parameter value. In addition, bothmodels make identical predictions about most aspects ofthe population cycles, in particular the maximum andminimum values of resource and total consumer biomassas well as the period of the oscillations. The stage-structured biomass model predicts only a more adult-biased stage-distribution of the consumer populationduring the cycles: in the stage-structured model adultbiomass is up to twice as high and juvenile biomass only60% of the densities in the size-structured model.









e b















1 1.5 2 2.5 3







Juvenile b




1 1.5 2 2.5 3







Adult b




Fig. 3. Maximum and minimum resource density (left, top panel), total (right, top panel), juvenile (left, bottom panel) and adult consumer biomass (right,

bottom panel) as predicted by the size-structured model (11) (gray lines) and the stage-structured biomass model (24) (black lines) with logistic resource

dynamics for different values of Rmax. These results were obtained using long numerical simulations of model dynamics with regular, stepwise increases as

well as decreases in Rmax. q ¼ 1:0, all other parameters have default values.

A.M. De Roos et al. / Theoretical Population Biology 73 (2008) 47–62 55

Author's personal copy

Fig. 4 shows the large-amplitude cycles that occur forq ¼ 1:0 and Rmax ¼ 2:5. The figure illustrates that both thesize-structured and stage-structured model make identicalpredictions for the resource biomass density and the cycleperiod, as well as for total consumer biomass, while thestage-structured model predicts higher adult consumerbiomass densities. The cycles are characterized by highlycorrelated, in-phase oscillations in both juvenile and adultbiomass density. A rapid increase in resource density at thebeginning of a cycle quickly leads to an increase inpopulation birth rate. These newborn individuals rapidlymature (in 2–3 time units), which leads to the almostsimultaneous increase in adult density. High populationbirth rates and rapid maturation will sustain as long asresource densities are high, while both reproduction and

maturation stop when resource densities decline to verylow levels. Hence, whenever reproduction occurs, thenewborn individuals will rapidly mature. As a conse-quence, population size-structure plays hardly any role inthese cycles.For q ¼ 2:0 the stage-structured and size-structured

model predict two types of regular population cycles(Fig. 5) to occur. Both models predict that for Rmax41:8the large-amplitude cycles occur that were also found forq ¼ 1:0. With q ¼ 2:0 the period of these cycles as observedin the stage-structured model is slightly larger than the cycleperiod in the size-structured model. Otherwise, the simila-rities and differences in predictions of both models regardingthese cycles are like those discussed above for q ¼ 1:0. Bothmodels predict the occurrence of a second type of regular



e b




















0 10


Juvenile b













Adult b




20 30 40 10 20 30 40

Fig. 4. Large-amplitude cycles as predicted by the size-structured model (11) (gray lines) and the stage-structured biomass model (24) (black lines) with

logistic resource dynamics for q ¼ 1:0 and Rmax ¼ 2:5, all other parameters having default values. Transient dynamics of resource (left, top panel), total

(right, top panel), juvenile (left, bottom panel) and adult consumer biomass (right, bottom panel) has been discarded.








e b















1 1.5 2 2.5 3







Juvenile b




1 1.5 2 2.5 3







dult b




Fig. 5. As Fig. 3, but for q ¼ 2:0.

A.M. De Roos et al. / Theoretical Population Biology 73 (2008) 47–6256

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population cycles with a much smaller amplitude forRmax40:9. The stage-structured model predicts these cyclesto occur for all values of Rmax40:9 with only a limitedincrease in cycle amplitude with increasing Rmax. For lowvalues of Rmax both models make similar predictions aboutthe amplitude of these cycles, but the size-structured modelpredicts it to increase at higher values of Rmax and shows aloss of stability of these cycles for Rmax42:4. In both modelsthe two types of cycles hence occur as alternative attractorsfor intermediate values of Rmax.

Fig. 6 shows that both models make comparablepredictions about the period of the small-amplitude cycles.The cycle period is much shorter than the juvenile stage

duration (30–35 time units for the cycles shown in Fig. 6).The fluctuations in resource density cause both reproduc-tion and juvenile growth to stop during phases of lowresource densities, but juvenile growth is more affectedbecause of the foraging superiority of adults (q ¼ 2:0). Alljuveniles experience several bouts of retarded growthduring their development, as the juvenile stage durationis considerably longer than the cycle period. Juvenile andadult consumers are present during all phases of thepopulation cycle and oscillate roughly in phase. The stage-structured model again predicts a more adult-biasedpopulation composition, like for the large-amplitudecycles.








e b




















Juvenile b










Adult b




10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40

Fig. 6. Small-amplitude cycles as predicted by the size-structured model (11) (gray lines) and the stage-structured biomass model (24) (black lines) with

logistic resource dynamics for q ¼ 2:0 and Rmax ¼ 2:0, all other parameters having default values. Transient dynamics of resource (left, top panel), total

(right, top panel), juvenile (left, bottom panel) and adult consumer biomass (right, bottom panel) has been discarded.







e b














1 1.5 2 2.5 3








Juvenile b




1 1.5 2 2.5 3








dult b




Fig. 7. As Fig. 3, but for q ¼ 0:5. For Rmaxo1:8 dynamics are irregular. Hence, multiple maximum and minimum densities of resource, total, juvenile and

adult consumer biomass occur for the same parameter value. These are indicated with gray dots to distinguish these irregular dynamics from the regular

population cycles occurring for Rmax41:8.

A.M. De Roos et al. / Theoretical Population Biology 73 (2008) 47–62 57

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Dynamics of the stage-structured model for q ¼ 0:5 arequalitatively similar to its dynamics with q ¼ 2:0 (Fig. 7): atlarger values of Rmax the population exhibits either a small-or a large-amplitude cycle with the same characteristics asdiscussed above for q ¼ 2:0. For our default parametervalues the small-amplitude cycles occur for Rmax41:2,while the large-amplitude cycles occur as an alternativeattractor for Rmax42:6. In the size-structured model large-amplitude cycles also occur when q ¼ 0:5 for values ofRmax41:8 (Fig. 7), but small-amplitude cycles do not. ForRmax41:8 the size-structured model thus exhibits only oneof the types of dynamics that are found in the stage-structured model. Similarities and differences betweenpredictions of both models regarding the large-amplitudecycles are like discussed above for larger values of q.

For Rmaxo1:8 the size-structured model exhibitsdynamics related to the single-generation oscillations foundwith semi-chemostat resource growth for qo1 (De Roosand Persson, 2003).

Fig. 8 illustrates these dynamics for q ¼ 0:5 andRmax ¼ 1:2. Notice that the stage-structured model predictsequilibrium dynamics for these parameter values, whichhas been omitted from the figure for clarity. In contrast toall other types of population cycles described above, inwhich juvenile and adult biomass exhibited highly corre-lated, in-phase oscillations, the population cycles shown inFig. 8 are characterized by an alternation in time ofjuvenile and adult consumers. The period of the cycles(roughly 15 time units in Fig. 8) is slightly larger than thejuvenile stage duration (roughly 12 time units). Resourcedensities are once during an entire population cycle andthen for short periods only sufficiently high for reproduc-tion to occur (at t ¼ 12, 27 and 42 in Fig. 8; note the adult

starvation threshold). The newborn cohort of individualsdominates the population dynamics throughout its lifetimeand gives rise to the next dominant cohort. The increase injuvenile biomass following a reproduction pulse induces arapid decline in resource biomass leading to starvationmortality among adults. Juvenile biomass shows a bimodaldynamics during the cycle. In the first half of the cyclejuvenile biomass decreases due to background and starva-tion mortality, whereas growth in body size of juvenilesleads to an increase in their total biomass shortly beforethey mature. After maturation, the adults at first experi-ence still some starvation mortality, until resource densitieshave recovered sufficiently to give rise to the nextgeneration cycle.Resource, juvenile and adult consumer biomass densities

may hence exhibit more than a single (local) maximumduring a population cycle, as a consequence of theinterplay between food-dependent reproduction, mortalityand growth in body size. With increasing Rmax the cyclesbecome more and more irregular due to the interplaybetween the oscillatory propensity embodied in the logisticresource growth and the single-generation characteristic ofthe consumer dynamics. For Rmax between 1.45 and 1.8dynamics of the size-structured model are so irregular thatthey appear chaotic. Nonetheless, the single-generationcharacteristic of the population cycles is preserved with analternation in time of juveniles and adult consumers(results not shown). In contrast, the stage-structured modeldoes not exhibit any irregular dynamics, presumablybecause it misses the mechanism for single-generationdynamics in the consumer population. For q ¼ 0:5 and lowvalues of Rmax the size-structured and stage-structuredmodel therefore differ in their predictions, mainly due tothe single-generation type cycles that do occur for qo1 inthe size-structured, but not in the stage-structured modelwith its distributed time delay between the birth andmaturation of an individual organism.

4. Discussion

We derived the stage-structured biomass model from asize-structured population model, which is individual basedand accounts for a continuous size distribution ofconsumers. The derivation ensures that every equilibriumwe find in the stage-structured model has an identicalcounterpart in the full size-structured model. Mostimportantly, however, the derivation from a size-structuredpopulation model implies that the stage-structured biomassmodel consistently translates assumptions about consump-tion, growth and bioenergetics of individual consumersinto a resource-dependent, population-level maturationrate, rather than the more intuitive approach of assumingan ad-hoc, phenomenological dependence of maturationon resource density. We therefore argue that underequilibrium conditions the stage-structured biomass modelis rigorously individual based. We have shown that thesize-structured and stage-structured model even make










e b










10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 8. Size-structured model dynamics, showing resource (gray lines),

juvenile (black, solid lines) and adult (black, dashed lines) consumer

biomass, with logistic resource dynamics for q ¼ 0:5 and Rmax ¼ 1:2, allother parameters having default values. Transient dynamics has been

discarded. Horizontal, dotted lines indicate the resource levels at which

juvenile (lower line) and adult (upper line) net biomass production equals 0

(see the conditions in Eqs. (3) and (4)). For lower resource densities

starvation mortality occurs.

A.M. De Roos et al. / Theoretical Population Biology 73 (2008) 47–6258

Author's personal copy

similar predictions under non-equilibrium conditions, aslong as q is close to or larger than 1. As the main differencebetween the models, the stage-structured model fails tocapture the single-generation cycles predicted by the size-structured model when juvenile consumers are competi-tively superior to adults.

To allow simplification of the size-structured populationmodel into a stage-structured biomass model in terms oftwo ODEs, we followed Yodzis and Innes (1992) in theirassumption that within species consumer ingestion andmaintenance are proportional to consumer body size(Yodzis and Innes, 1992, p. 1154) (Note that thisassumption is distinct from but easily confused with theirassumption that among different species the mass-specificrates of ingestion and maintenance scale with a power�0:25 of the species body mass, Yodzis and Innes, 1992,p. 1155–1156). For both ingestion and maintenance rateintraspecific size-scaling exponents different from 1 havebeen reported (Peters, 1983; Brown et al., 2004). Yodzisand Innes (1992) argue that this discrepancy will not leadto greatly different values for the ingestion and main-tenance rate of the population as a whole, given that theintraspecific size-scaling exponents tend to have valuesaround 0.75. These authors hence consider the assumptionthat ingestion and maintenance scale proportional to bodysize justifiable on the grounds that it leads to a tractable,parameter-sparse model. In the context of the stage-structured biomass model the consequences of the assump-tion are not immediately clear. The model results suggestthat dynamics are to a considerable extent shaped by thecompetitive balance between juvenile and adult consumers(see also De Roos and Persson, 2003). A size-scalingexponent smaller dan unity for ingestion rate would implythat juveniles are more competitive than adults whilegathering food. This would make the type of dynamicsreported for qo1 more likely to occur. In contrast, asmaller-than-unity, size-scaling exponent for maintenancerequirements would give adult consumers an energeticadvantage over juveniles, making the types of dynamics asreported for q41 more likely to occur. The net effect ofdifferent size-scaling exponents for ingestion and main-tenance will therefore be hard to predict in general and willdepend on the detailed values of both exponents.

We derived the stage-structured model because of theneed for an archetypal, population dynamic model thatconsistently accounts for food- and size-dependent growthin body size, in addition to the two life history processes,i.e. reproduction and mortality, that are normally incor-porated in Lotka–Volterra type population models. Incontrast to PSPM that account for an entire populationsize distribution, the model is simple enough to be used inmulti-species community models, in which individual bodysize plays an important role. The stage-structured modelcan in addition be used to assess the generality ofconclusions derived from PSPMs. Because of their com-plexity, it has been questioned whether individual-basedand physiologically structured population models can lead

to broad conclusions, applying to a variety of systems, oryield system-specific insights only (Bolker et al., 2003).Murdoch and Nisbet (1996; see also Murdoch et al., 1992))have proposed that the generality of individual-basedmodels can be assessed by investigating a chain of relatedmodels of increasing simplicity that nonetheless embodythe mechanisms, which are considered relevant for thepopulation dynamics observed. In this spirit the stage-structured model can be used to assess the robustness andgenerality of the claim that many of the community effectsobserved in size-structured community models are inducedby food-dependent individual growth in body size(De Roos and Persson, 2005a). Similar to Murdoch andNisbet (1996), De Roos and Persson (2005b) also advocatea hierarchical approach to individual-based model analysis,but stressed in addition the importance of an individual-level basis for both model development and simplification.The stage-structured biomass model also fits in with thelatter perspective, as it is formally derived from and hencebased on a strictly individual-based model accounting foran entire population size distribution.We formulated the stage-structured model while only

distinguishing between juvenile and adult consumers. Themodel is, however, readily extended to account for moreconsumer stages, both juvenile and adult. Consider asituation in which a total of N þ 1 stages is distinguished,which are indexed by i ¼ 0; . . . ;N, and let the biomass inthese stages be represented by Ci. The dynamics of theentire consumer population is then described by:




ð1� kiÞnþi ðRÞCi

þ n0ðRÞC0 � g0ðnþ0 ðRÞÞC0 � m0C0 ð25aÞ


dt¼ gi�1ðki�1nþi�1ðRÞÞCi�1 þ niðRÞCi � ð1� kiÞnþi ðRÞCi

� giðki nþi ðRÞÞCi � miCi for i ¼ 1; . . . ;N. ð25bÞ

In these equations the parameters ki represent the fractionof biomass production that the individuals in a particularstage invest in somatic growth, while the remainder isinvested into reproduction. Their weight-specific somaticgrowth and reproduction rates hence equal kiniðRÞ and1� kið ÞniðRÞ, respectively. For mathematical reasons it hasto be assumed that the smallest juveniles do not reproduce(k0 ¼ 1), while the largest adults do not grow (kN ¼ 0). Forthe youngest juvenile stage recruitment of biomass to thestage is through reproduction, which is described by thesummation term in the right-hand side of equation (25a).Otherwise the equations describing the dynamics of thevarious stages are similar. The terms � 1� kið Þnþi ðRÞCi onlytake effect under starvation conditions and ensure massbalance under these conditions. Analogous to Eq. (19) thematuration functions are defined as

giv ¼v� mi

1� z1�mi=vi

. (26)

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In which the parameter zi represents the ratio of the initialand final mass in stage i. Like the two-stage model that weanalyzed, this multi-stage extension predicts the sameequilibria as a size-structured model in terms of partialdifferential equations (Metz and Diekmann, 1986; DeRoos, 1997), in which individuals in the different stagesexperience different mortality rates mi and/or have differentbiomass production rates niðRÞ through differences in theirintake rate or in their resource base.

Iwasa et al. (1987, 1989) pioneered the simplification ofecosystem models with large numbers of state variablesinto aggregated models of lower dimension phrased interms of a smaller set of composite state variables. Thissimplification can either be exact, in which case thedynamics of the composite state variables is identical inboth the original, high-dimensional model and its aggre-gated analogue. Iwasa et al. (1987) refer to this procedureas ‘‘perfect aggregation’’. Alternatively, the aggregation ofthe original ecosystem model may be approximate, inwhich case the difference in dynamics of the compositestate variables as described by both models is in one way orthe other minimized. Aggregation has been applied tomodels of varying complexity, ranging from food chainmodels of moderate dimension (Kooi et al., 1998, 2002) todetailed models of an entire ecosystem (Raick et al., 2006).For spatially structured population dynamic models anumber of aggregation approaches have been developed inrecent years (see Dieckmann et al., 2002, for an overview).The necessary conditions that allow perfect aggregation ofPSPM were derived by Metz and Diekmann (1991), whileArino et al. (2000) and Bravo de la Parra et al. (2000)provide examples of approximate aggregation of age-structured population models. One approach to carry outapproximate model aggregation exploits differences in timeor spatial scale of various sub-processes for modelsimplification (Auger and Poggiale, 1998; Auger et al.,2000; Auger and Lett, 2003). Processes taking place on afast time scale are then assumed to have reachedequilibrium when considering dynamics of processes atthe slower time scale. Our simplification of a size-structured model into a stage-structured analogue is basedon such a distinction of time scales. Essentially, we assumethat dynamics of the size distribution within the juvenilestage are taking place on a fast time scale compared to thedemographic processes of reproduction, maturation andmortality. Hence, we assume that on the populationdynamic time scale the juvenile size-distribution is con-tinuously in the equilibrium state that corresponds to thecurrent population birth rate and resource density.

The assumption clearly breaks down in case of thesingle-generation cycles, which occur in the size-structuredmodel for qo1 and during which the population consists ofa cohort of individuals of approximately the same age andsize. In the size-structured model this entire cohort ofindividuals will mature at roughly the same time. Incontrast, in the stage-structured model the assumption of apersistent equilibrium size-distribution within the juvenile

stage implies that maturation of these individuals isdistributed over time, hence occurs continuously withsome individuals maturing immediately after they are born.This explains the deviations we find between the size-structured and stage-structured model for qo1. Thejuvenile period can also be modeled with multiple juvenilestages using the model extension presented in Eq. (25).Increasing the number of juvenile stages will progressivelyreduce the possibility that individuals mature shortly afterthey are born and will hence lead to a better approximationof the discreteness of the maturation process in the size-structured model. Indeed, the same stage-structured modelas derived in this paper, but with two instead of a singlejuvenile stage predicts the occurrence of cycles for someq-values smaller than 1 and semi-chemostat resourcedynamics (results not shown). The cycles found are,however, characterized by a small amplitude and contin-uous coexistence of juveniles and adults in the population.The representation of the juvenile period as two stageshence leads to predictions that are qualitatively moresimilar to the predictions of the size-structured model, buta good approximation of the discreteness of maturationduring the single-generation cycles requires a largernumber of juvenile stages. These results also make clearthat synchronized maturation of consumers that are bornat the same time promotes the occurrence of populationoscillations in size-structured consumer–resource systems,which arise because of size-dependent competition amongcohorts (De Roos and Persson, 2003). Any increase invariability in the timing of maturation among consumersthat are born at the same time will decrease this propensity.Even though body size has been recognized to play an

important role in ecological communities (Woodwardet al., 2005) current community models only take it intoaccount to a limited extent. The cascade model (Cohenet al., 1990) is based on Lotka–Volterra type interactionsbetween species and ignores body size of species. The nichemodel (Williams and Martinez, 2000) has been combinedwith population dynamic equations based on the bio-energetic approach developed by Yodzis and Innes (1992),but the food web is constructed by ordering species on thebasis of their niche value, which is not related to body size(Williams and Martinez, 2004; Brose et al., 2005). As aconsequence, in this model changes in body size aresynonymous to changes in the interaction strength betweenspecies. As of yet, Loeuille and Loreau (2005) present theonly community model that is consistently based on bodysize considerations. In this model the body size of aparticular species determines on which other species it canforage, with which species it competes through interferencecompetition as well as its loss rate through maintenanceand mortality. The model is, however, an unstructuredmodel and ignores within-species size variation. The stage-structured community model we derived provides a usefulapproach to investigate the influence of within-species sizevariation on community dynamics. In particular, it can beused to address the question whether food-dependent

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Author's personal copy

growth and size-specific predation promote the occurrenceof multiple community equilibria under the same condi-tions as well as the diversity of ecological communities, asrecently hypothesized by De Roos and Persson (2005a).


L. Persson is financially supported by grants from theSwedish Research Council and the Swedish ResearchCouncil for Environment, Agricultural Sciences andSpatial Planning. Two anonymous reviewers providednumerous comments that helped us to improve themanuscript significantly.


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