Australian Medical Expeditions- where you learn while vacationing

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Australian Medical Expeditions- where you learn while vacationing

OzmedexAustralian Medical Expeditions-

where you learn while vacationing 

Learn CPD whilst in the wild with professional trainers assisting you!

Binding medical and legal strategies under one big umbrella! 

Prepare yourself to face emergency cardiac medical trauma relief. Brush up on your skills with verified doctors helping you in

each step! 

Join Kruger Park Expedition with Australian Medical Expeditions providing you medical

knowledge on vacation! 

A cardiac arrest or heart attack need not be a trauma anymore! Learn up heart attack relief remedies &

treatments with AME certified doctors! 

Learn emergency medical relief whilst camping out in the wild. Mixing knowledge with pure thrill! 

Australia calls- Join our Fraser Island medical expedition tour and learn valuable emergency

medical relief on vacation

Tour with AME and learn up essential medical trauma relief and treatment on the


Website: Address: Level 18, 123 Eagle

Street Brisbane

QLD, Australia, Pin : 4000


Phone no: +61 458984748