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{lrcs cntcb to ~Jadiltnt.tnt vunmanl to J\d J;l o. 61, L902, ~tc. lO.

Priuled 1111cler "fio. 14: Report from Printing ('ommiltee, 9 .Vovember, 1922.

To lhs Exc-£LT.F.XCY THE GovBRXOR,-

Thr Trustee~ of the Australian ) [uscu m have lhc honor to submit to your Excellency their Sixty-,•ighth Report, being r,,r the year ended 30th J une, 1922.


Then• ha<~ tl('en no alteration in the memlx•rship of the Boal'li clut·ing lhl' yt•at-.

The following is a li!lt of the Trustees, with a record of their attendan<.es at Board :lleetings; thert• were l•lrvl'n ordinary during the yrar :-

l\fr. J ames :\fcKcrn ...

Statutory-His Ho nor t he l!hil.'t .Jus trice ' L' hc 1 [on. t.he Coloni~l Secretarv •rur Hon. the ,\ ttorncy-Gencrai The lion. the Colonial Treasurer The Audltor-G<'ncrnl ...

Crown Tmslee.

Official Trustees.

The Prl'sidcnt o£ the l\l<'Jic:\1 Board {Dr. T. S. Dix~on, .President)

Appoinlcd-'flw Hon. tlw Prc~idcnt of the Legislatin Council 'l'hc Crown , olicitor ... The , urvryor-Gcneral and Chit'£ Sun·eyor ... .. . , ccr~'tnry [or Public Works and ) fjnister for Railways ... .Minbtcr of Public I nstruction

Eleclire Trustees.

Prof. W .. \ . ll<1swdl, )LA., D. e., F.R.S.... ... ... *Prof. ~ir T. W. K Dtwid, K.B.E., C.)LG., B.A., F.R.:). ~lr. W. U. Hargnwes Dr. Eric Sinclair ... . ..

*Colonel 'l'lw lion. Sir James Burns, K.C.)f.G. , ) l.L.C .... IJr . .J. H. ~l. Robertson

*~l r. BrrH'st Wunderlicb *IJr. Q. If. Abbott, B .. \. l\fr .• r. V er non T he Hon. D. L••vy, B.A., LL.B., M.L.A .... l\t r . ,J. ,J. (I'Jctnhnr, "\LA. , I3.Sc. l\1r. U. McRa•·

• Lcav.: of ;tb,euce !or 1 ar~ of tl.c ~·· ar.

76i J

.. . 10

8 9

7 2 7 8 6 3 3 3 3 3

11 ·1-



-- . . , . thrN· l-!t·ctionaJ ('ommitt<·cs, f>lt·rb·d yearly in Ut>cc· n~bl'r. lll('(·t To facJltt .\ tt• the \\ Or), or th• Ro.ud. . ·'tl. tll~l·r llllf\'ii'W ·rtw Jloll~>l' Comnuttct• dt"tis

ll l I d t' IS on mat tt·r:; conung '' 1 1111 • · ' · nront 1 y !Lilt man· rl'co_mnH'Il a 1_01 • J s ·h n•atters as st.r·nctural impron•ments, altt·mtions. and .. \l;t·ncrnlly with all qucst10ns a!Tr<'llll!-' th~ sta~f, n

11. · m · t 1 tilt' llllbucation" of the !\lus<'um and llw

o.tdditi h s · t'fi · • I Pubht·atiOI\ Comuuttc" con ro" · ort'~; I e • c·wn 1 c . 1 blicatiuns. thP Finam·t• aJl(! Puhliritv ( 'ommittt·t· ;-.upcn·iscs acouis•tion and p:-.chan<•c o spi'Cinwn-.. anc pu ' · · 1 · · ·I ~1 l ) · .,. · · · .... · d 1 ·, " ·ur"s ror the JltlrJ>OSt' of JlOpu an>~ng t Jc ,, Ul'Cl\111 am mt~ ong 'ihr. finanCf's of tht• JllStltntJOn an t t'\'II'PS tn•l•::< • · • il'l contx·nt~ and Niucationul aunmtagt'S bl'tll'r J..nown Lo the pubbc. .

The mt>mhr rs of tla•st• Committees an•l tlll'ir attenda ncl' during tl~t ~·t•ar an· dl'hulcd bt•low; tl_w 'd · 11 ' 1 of rM·Il co1111111'tt" l' \t the Dc•N•mber llwctmg of th<' Bonrd tltt' nwmbt·r~lnp

!'rest !'r.l 1s e.r O!JIC'I O a mcnt >C r "~ ' · ' d i\1 "\' 1 I' I h

'tt as· 1~r· · n ~,cl to r·1,·c ::tl\(1 rrrta· in c·h·lll<~l'S in personnel wt'rt• mn c. I r. ,, llllt t•r H'h {on ~ C<U" CO Ill 1111 t'C' \\' 11 , I " " , < • ,... , > • • (, , •

Ji f b ) Ill ~ •cl b\· :\lr ('oahJ1m as •·hairman of thr Fuu\1\<:C anrl I ubhe1t ~· omnntt t>f', wlurh .-a,·e o <L s~uce ''as rrp · , c • · ~"- ' - ,. H ( · wa.<~ str<'n"t.hrnPcl hy thl' aclditio.n of ;\lr. \ Prl\011. )lr. )lci\E>rn bccnnw C'hauman oft. w ou,~ ~· omnutll·r·

)fJ succesSou to ;\lr: Coghhm, and Mr. ?1IcH1w wus r1Pctt·r1 a nwmht•r of san11• cOilllllltt.CI<' . llw mr mhPrs .,r the Scit•ntiiic l llld Publication Cummittt•c were n•-<•lcc:tcd.

llou~e Commitlee -Finance and P11blirit!l Committee-Mr. Wund,rJich (('hairman till D.•c.) .. 5 1\[r. Coghlan (C'hairmnn till Dt•t·.) ...

Mr. Coghlan (Chairman) Dr. Dixson Mr. l\IcKrrn Mr. Hargr;wes Sir Jam\"3 Burn'! Mr. \' ernol

Twd ve meetings were held.

Scientific (tml

Dr. Sinrlair (Chairman) Profes.sor Haswcll Mr. F:t•tcher ...

Elt•vcn m"ctirH!S were held.

7 )lr. )JcKcrn (Ch:iirmnu)

2 Dr. Dixson . " 1:3 Proft•ssor Ha«wcll 8 ~lr. lfnrgra,·e-;

5 Dr. Robertson 4 ilfr. 1\l cRac ".

l~lcv,'n rneeti t.g:-o were hr ld.

Publication Oomnt illee-8 ?rorrssor D:l\'id 8 Dr. Abbot ll

2. ST.\FF.

;; 10 !)

8 (i


I .{

A numhr r· of changc·s ltnw takl•n plat·c during tlw ~ t ar . }lr. H. \Y. Bn•t nall. 'l.uologist in eharg!' of Lowt'r ln\'crtx• lm\Lt•s who~<' health \\' liS impairl-'d hv his war !wn·it·t•, rl'tired on hrcak·down l "' ll~ion on :> th J)l--centbrr, 192 1, nnrl Mr. 1!'. A. 1\leNcill was promot:Pd to fill tit<' v:1ca.Hc_Y. 1\lr. T. lloug<' ~mith rommrncNI t.luty n'l Assi.;;tunt )linernlogil>t and Pctrolo{!iSt on 18th .July, 1921. })rl'srs. }k.:\t•i ll all(! :-:mith \H'rt'

promott>'l to br ~'i rst-clas,; Scicntifi r Allsist an ts 0 11 :~rd )larc·h, 1922. Tlw Hoard '' a:; un«urrrs~ful in obtaining a COI111ll' lr nt P!dll'ontolo_gist. and dccid<·cl lo appoint t wo cadets. .\lN:s r:-:. 0. P. \\'hith·~· and \V. Bmud ntll.n wcrl' sclt•c·tt•cl , and <·ommcncTd duty on 18th .-\ pril , I ~l 22. .\ t'ting-l> ro frs~or L. Hnrri~on. B.Rc .. ll.A .• a nd ~Jr. E. A. Brigg~<. 1!.:-:c .. of tlw Biology Ot•part mcnt , l 'ni ,•crsit,r of :-;_rclrwy. w<· r•• appointt·d Honoro.1ry Zoologists from 1st .July. 192 1. .\tt t'IHI!lnt W. llarnrs was traJI,rt·rrNI tu the Ta:-.icl(·rmist ',. :shop on I st . . ) u1w, 1922, and \\' . A. ~h·cl way was app<.i n ten to tlw .\ t it' nclu nt stulf in his plnc·e. .\. ( '. :-1a wt;•JI '1\'llS a.ppointf'd .Junior ~h·1<srn_gr r on 9th )Jay. hu t rrsi!!IWcl on tlw 15t h to t•ntl'r tl {' Publ ic• :-:"rvir·t•, un I was sm·<'t'l'ded by 11. Doylr·, who ··ntl·rtll c1n his dutit·s on 16th )Jay. Tlw 'l''e:< rt'!!fCt to n·port tlt;tt '\ttxmdant T. Ro<'hford clit•d on 2:3rd :-:•·p!.Ptuhc·r, 1!!21. aftPr ten yenrs' :orn·i c·c• . To fill t hi-; \':!Call<'~' )Jr. ·K G. Morris WllS a ppointl'd, and commr n('N] dul\' on lOth Ottolwr. 1 9~1. )Jrs. K. Fm:><·r. \\'omnn _\ ttemlnnt, c-nt•·n•(l on Si\ month~ ' h•U\ '(' prior t o rr tirl'nH'nt. )Jr;;, FnlSI'r has bC'I'II , , faithful ~~·n·nni uf l hc Rotr.l ror t ill' long IH' rio.l of t hirty ~ th rN· )'l'ars. )lrs. F. )1. :-:mit h ;; l) ('('l·t•clt•cl )l rs. Fnl~I'T on -<ih '1arch, 1922, but resigned 27th .June.

Thr followin!! is 3 list of tlw )[u~rum ~tafT a;; a l 30th .J unr, 1922 :-

Da te o£ N:1mc t\nd Ollicc. fir11t tlpp<Jin tmuul

in th•· ) l useum.

Charlc~s And~> rson , ~LA .. U.Hc .. Director ... ... ... .. .1 22 -l uly, Charles ll('dlcy, l'rir1cipal Krrper of Coll t•c tion~ and ('onehulngi!o t ... I April. _\Uan 1!. )fcCullor h, Zoologist in t·hargc of Fishc«... .. . ... ... I .Juh·, Wm. W. 'rhorpt', Etlmologi~<t . . . .. . .. . . .. I 9 tkf., _\nthony Musgrn\'(' , Entomologist ... .. . ... ... ... ... 7 i"t·b .. J. ~oy K!n?~10rn. ZooloJ!ist in _c: h~ rgt• of Hi rcls. Rl' ptilt•!< , nnd .\ mphil.ia.. I :--"1'1.. Ellrs Le U. l roughton. Zoolog1st 111 c· harg~ of ~lamma ls nncl l-'kcll'tons ... 13 .Inn .. \<'.A . Ak:"{~ ill. 7.oologisi in cltargr or Lower ltl\'Cl'lt• bratr~ ... ... I ~ l\Jay, 'l'. Hodg;• ~m it h. ~lint·ntlo_gi'>t a nd Prtrologi~t I ~ .luf, .. '1' . Ha n ·<·y J ohnslon, )I. \ ., l>.~c· .. Hon. Zonlogi;,;t I" 1-'!'1;., Edw. F. ll allmann, B.l"c· .. Iron. 7.oulogist ... ..., \) .) 1utt·, .1\.1•'. B. IIttU, li on. Orn i tltolo"i ~ l 7 :-:,.pt .. ({. A. Wat~rhou~t·. Ft~c. li on~ Entomoloei~i :J (kt . ll .. J. Vari:A'r , H .. \ ., lfon. l~ntonwlugi"t ... 1


2 .luh , t. Harriilon, B.~·~· ., IL \ ., lion. Zoologist ... 1 .Ju l~·. 1•~- A. Briggs, 13 .~t· .. Hon. Zoologist.... 1 .ltu\, ..

I HO\ l ~!l l l!l(IJ 18\J!l lUI O J!J()j I !Il l!{ I HI 1 1!121 HlO~

I!Xlll 1!11 7 J!IHl 1!1211 1!121 1!112

l>aw or appointruent to prc«•nt posil ion.

H )l\·b., 11 l·'t·h .. I ,Juh', I .) u l ~·. I .) 11111'. I F, h .. I l•'t·h., :l l•'t·h .. :~ \ Jar. ;j )J.n .. I \ priL 7 h('l.. :1 Od . 2 .1uh. I .J ul~·. I .l ui.L

1!12 1 Hl:!l J!ll li I Hllli 1!120 I! 21 1!121 l!l2:.l 1!12:! I !IO!I 1!112 IH l i Ill HI I !1211 )!121 1!121

, l


Musenm .'tall' as a~ 30th June, 1922 ··ontin u-:d.

:\ilmc and Ollit·t•. I Oulc or Uate uf fir.,.l nppointmPnl ,, ppui ntmenL to in lhu ,\[u>t:ntu. !Jfi'SCU1. po•ition.

.!\l is.~ C. ~I .• J. A lla n, .\ s~<i«htnl in Concholo<ry ... 1 ti ~'eh., 1917 !j ~ov., L9ro

.-\rthur A. Li,·ingstom·, l'ad~>t ... ~ .. 2-1 )(:\\·, 1920 21 .\lay, 1920 Thomas U. t'ampbcll, ( 'adet ... G. P. \Vhitl<>y, <'adct .. .

13 Dec., 1920 1 :3 Dec., 1920

W. Honrdmnu. ('wlet 18 April. 1!122 18 April, 1922

H. 0. Fletchrr. General ,\ ::sic;tant 18 April, 1922 18 .\ pril, J922

Wm. A. Hainbow. Li brn rian ... ...


6 Au:z., 1!118 16 ~hty, 1921

F. D . .\tc·Carthy. Ubrnry Asl"is tant ... ... 13 .July, 1902 1 Oct., 1916

.Ja• .. \ . Trimhlc• . .\.ccountant, and f:ecrctar;;·to Di·;~ctor ::: ... 29 ,\Jar., 1920 29 Mar., 1920

I .luly, 1H09 I Oct., 1916 T . • \ . .\lurphy. Clerk ... .. . . .. ... ... ... I .\lay, I!) 11 I Oct., 1916 R. II. Conuolly, Mc'iSl~ng<'r 8 )i'eb., 1921 8 l~cb ., 192l H. Do de. Me~sC'ngrr ... 16 May, 1922 ]() .\I a ,-, 1922 .h-s. \\~. \\'oodlwad, PriulC'r ... 27 :-\rpt., 1897 27 S"pt., 1897 Tho~ .. \. Hcnson, Arti tic1•r ... , I Ma~ , l!l02 6 Oct., 1920 G. Chn:<. ClutLon. Articulator ... 25 April, L!)01. J J\lay, 1913 Henrv ~-Grant. Taxidc•rnu::>t 5 Oc1., J!JO!l 2 ~lar., 19 1~ .1. H. \\'right, .\ s~i:>taut Taxi<lt• rmist 13 .\Lay, 190~ 5 :"\o,·., 1917 ,)O~(' (lh King~ l l'y, Assist<tnt Artit'ulator 21 .July, I !ll :~ 21 .July, 1913 lkrb<"rt .Jark,.;un, A•~i ... tant Artificer 9 .June, l !110 6 (kt., 1920 W. B~trnes, • \ "sist ant 'L'axidermi~t 11 ~'rb .. 1907 I .June, 1922 J ohn f'ronin, C'hicf A tt<•ndan t ;) ,July, 19()$) 5 .July, 1009 Arthu r Barn<'s, :-\cnior .\.Ltendant ... 1 7 Dec., lt\97 1:3 1\ pril, 19:20 J. T. L('t'. :\ t tt•ndant ... ' 11 :-\qlt .. 1!105 !j .\ pril, 1909 . John \\' atson, .\ ttcndant $ .\la.\·, 191l ~ ~by, 191{ T .. ) ohn<>ton, Attendant 13 Dct• ., 1915 13 lll'c., 1915 E. '1'. ll ill , At l!'ndant. ... ... , g Oct., 1917 8 Oct., 1!)1 7 D. )[n"•ey, At!l'nilant l-1 Dl'c .. 1917 ~ Dec., 1917 A. B. \\'elsh, .\ ttendunt I XoL. 1918 l XO\'., 191~ E. 0. Morri:l, Attendant 10 Oct., 1 !121 tO Oct., 1921 W. A. ,\Icdwll\', .\t temlunt 2 .June. 1922 2 ·' lllll', 1922 All•xanrler .\la.ckay, Xitrht \\'atchman 13 ~f ar., 191!) I :1 )Jar., 1915 ~'!urdork .\[nckay, Xight Watchmau 11 ~qlt .• l!lt5 11 ~('pt., 1915

3. B t:ll.DI!\GS AXU (.;HOt:!\llS.

'feodt•r,,, rl'turnn hie l !)th Decem ber, J H21, were r"tllc 1 for the improwmcnt of the Willi1tm-street frontage and for the constructiou of a roadway from Willi:un-stn•Pt to tht• n·ttr of the )lusrum premilws, but none of tht• tl'ntll•r'l were considered acccptnblr, and it was n•solvcd to postponr th<' work meanwhile.. A commcncenwnt has hcen made• with tht• instalhttioo of rlcctrie li~hting, and already the paheontological gallery, the bourd-roorn nnd front ofllcrl<, and the lion 1u1d Antardic cast·~ have bt•rn lighted. The work was prrformt•d hy tlw Rttrgin l•:lectrit• C'ompany. undt•r the :mpcrvision of the Go\'ernrn4"nL Archit«:t, and ~ivrs C\'t·ry satisfaction. T ht• next portion of the work, includinl! lightinl( of tlw bascmrnt, lite library, and some of Lht' poorly-lightc•d otlices in the sout.h wing ill now procct•ding. It is al~o intend!! I to supp!y elcctri<· power to dri\·c the printing machiuc.

4 .• \.'CT!;:XD.\Xn: OF \'JSITQR:-;.

The i\hHwum continm•d open throughout t.l1!' year during tht• usual hours, on wl'rk-tlays (:\fonda.>:s cxct•ptc·d) from JQ a.m. to 5 p.n1., and on Rundays from 2 to 5 p.m. On illonclays, except wiH•n a pubhe ltolitlay falls on that d;ty. tht• ~luseum i" dosed for deaning purposes, but in tht• aftr•rnoons "tudC'nts are ndmittf'd, anrlthi~ pri,•i lPgc was frc•t•ly u~wcltlurin~ the )'l'Hr. On Eil.(ht Tlour D<ly. 3rcl Octobt: r, the number oi visitors wa~ 5,600, which is the highcRt .rccordl•d in thr history of the Museum.

, '1Hnmary. ~un.-t .• ,~. Tohl. Yf3r. WePk·tlll.\'li.

1913- 1911 (lst July to 30Lh June) ... 104,830 49.313 l()-l,24.3 1914.- 1915 .. "

10~,922 4.6,6 11 156,533 1915- HllG .. .. l25,9i8 52,669 17 ,M1 1916-1!117 .. "

133,615 52,399 1 t-t),Q-1 l 1917- 191 ::1 .. "

140,9i7 5!1,!120 200, 97 HI! - 1!119 .. .. l-12.\177 li:3.ii20 201i.197 1919- 1!1:20 .. 115,03~ 52,190 1!17,548 I !120-1 !121 .. t59,!Jiu ti:l,OIG 22~.592

1!l2l- Hl22 .. .. 151,54 t G2,R89 21 11,4.3)

li. E\IIIBlTS.

Thr mo~t nota bit• t•xhibit inRtallc•d durin~ thr• )'I'Ur is lhr Bont~wain Birtlj.!roup. which show:< a famil:C: of thc•,t• beautiful bird ~ on a ro<kv C'!ifT nf thr•i r Lord llowt• Island honw. 'l'h(' h;u·kground rt•prr~l·nts &

\ndt· '<Wt'"P of ~•·a and ~<k\. wtth a· small j,.fnnd and tht• \\nt'XI<•d ht·ll!hts of Lord liO\It' 111 till' di><t:mrl'. A sr•rtio11 0 [ th•• t·c;in l'ollt·dion was tl1i::: \'«•a r pla('l·d on exluhition. lt is not pos~iblo•, owing to lad:

of spac·c•, to c·xhihiL th" whot.· l'ollt·etiun, hut it is hop••d thut h,Y )'t•riodirally thangin~ the coutcuts o( tl~ case:; uumi!:>Juati"t'> nr.l~ from tune to uutc be ••n;tlolt·d to ~,.,. tlw mo~t intl'rc·~ting c•oim;.


G. Trn: Ausrr. <\ tJAX Musr.e~t l\1.\0!ZtNF..

Three numbers of the 11111gn?.inl' appNtr<•cl during tlw y<'nr, and Uu• clcmaud for copit•s has steadily increased. T h<' s<'cond n umber was increased from an edition of 1.000 to on<' of 2,000, and the fo~rth. lo :3.0'J0 to enable :-~pccimcn copiPs to h~> sent to publir .~cho?l s . V err gruti.~ying re,·1ews of_ th_c. pubheat10u hnn~ appeared in" Xaturc," "The ) luseums .Journal, " Xatural H tston·, and other periO(hcnls.

7. LmRAP.Y.

During the· year the Library acquirPrl by purchase, cxch~ngc•! and uouation -208 vo! un~<·S, irrespec,tivo o( loose part~ and reprints. As usual C<·onomy has been practised 10 the purchas_e :10d ~mdtng of voluru.cs.

The damp rondition of thr basement. wlwrr thc \'alnable collection of fore1gn s<>rmb. man~· of whtclt are not reprc~rntt·d in otlwr Rydn<'y librari<'s, arc :~tor_ed ._ i ~ n continual sourc<' of conccrn. It IS only by constant. attentiou that the growth of mould:< c·an be mlnb1t cd.

Considerablc• assistaner hns bl'en rl'ml c• n·cl to research st.udents, not only jn this Stnf c·, IJilf ~!so from other parts of thr ( 'ommonw<'ttl t h nnd ~<'W Zc•tdand. Jl.t•tists and designt·r~ ha\'e also mad<' <•xtcnstvC' use of thr contents of the Libran·.

As in past yrars, the Lilmuian. ~fr. W .. \. Rainbow, l!u.s super,·i,..rd the• production of the Jluseum publication!\. nncl givPn YlllnablP a:>l'istanr<> in tlu· work of edttmg.

H. LJ•:C'T(]Rl~~ .

The seri t•s of popu lar lrclurrs held during Lll<' year, was. as usual, wc• ll ~llc•mlcd by the· pul.lic ; ind<·C'd, it is now the rul r for the· lc·ctln·<· rt)Olll to bc• nowded well bc•(orc the ach r rltsl'd hour, and nHm· thau Oll!'l~ a ccommeJation was insufficient for the audit·lll'<'.

Suhjt>ch and lt•chtrPr,.. during the Yl'ltr Wt·r<.> as follows: -1921- 7 July " Ausin\litul Marsupials and why thl'y arc· worth protrC'Iing," Dr. \\'. K. C:rcgory.

H July .. Monolrl' llH's a nd Mnrsupiu1s,·· L. Hnrrison, R.Sc. , B.A. 11 Au~ust-" Snake>~ and l-:>nakl' \'ruom,·• J. H. Kinghorn. ~ R,•ptrrnbcr ·· Lord Howc bland : a South St•a Tragedy," ' .\ . IL )lcCulloclt. L:3 OctolH·r- " .\nt:; and ,\ nt Communities, .. A. ~Ltsl!f8Ye. 10 ~owmber-" Primitive ,\lan,'' L. Hurrison, R.Rc., B .. \.

1922 22 ~ l arch ·· ExtrrminntioJJ of \'rrrnin: PreYent ion of Plague· a111l other Insect-home Diseases," l)r. J. S. Purdv.

13 .\pril .. The, 'tory of the Hookworm ... Dr. W. A. SawyN. 11 .\lay .. Life in Past .\ ges ... Dr. ( ' .. \ndf'rson. ~ .J um· - ".Australian Heptiles, ., .J. H. Kinghorn .

Undt'r the auspices of tlH· Hoyal .\ u!-.trala~ian Orrulhologists' 'LnioH, C'u ptain S . .\. \\' hite deliwreu, on 7lh Oclobrr, n lcctttre cntithl .. The lkoHornic Va lue of our Birds."

The Tntstl•es, desiring lo t•xtc·nd the l'COJI<' of these· popular lecture~ to ('tllbrnce suuurbun tll\U country crntres, institutc·d during tlw Yl'ar •· Th<.> .\.u,;tra1iun )lus<'Ulll Ext<'usion Lcctun·s, ·· and tht• fir~t addrc•s;; o( the series, cntitll•d .. Lord How" Island: A Xnturalists' Par:ulhw," was d eli\'C'r<'<l by )lr .• \ . R. )Jc(.'ul!och at t hl· Railway Institute. Devonshir<'-st r<'et,. ydney, on 11th .\ pnl. T he Jlrt•!oidl·nt, J)r. T. Rtori,· Dix,on. guw u brid preliminary a<ldrcss on tlw r\i ms and \\ ork of tlw ~lu~t·um .

~). Cou.J::• 1'1N<' .

A vigorous eampa.ign of fi,•ld collt•cting has beeu purstH·d durin~ t.lll' yt~ur in confortuity witlr l11e policy o[ the 13oard. )lC'~sr,.;. E. Le G. Troughton and .J. 11 . \\'right madt an ~::xt<.>ndl.'tl trip. ].lsting for about two months, along tht• l~nst \\'est HaihHI} line in ~outh and \Ye::.lcrn "\ustrnlia nnd southwa:-d:; to .\llmn,v, and st•curt•d :. largt• and valuable gt·twrtd ('ollcction, including a number o£ rare mamnHIIt~. During t,hc last fortnight thC'y were joi ned b.\' }lr. H . H. ( l m nt, who, with l\ lr. \<Yright ,lntcr proccPdNI to tht• Hcc·hNdtl' Arrhipclap:o. \\'c·slern Australi11, with nu I'XJwdition orguni~cd b _\' illr. ll. F. Bat~MC't Hull. ll onorary Orni· t holo~-:ist, on IH'half of )fr. Jl. L. \\'hitc · tht•y wcr<' suc·ct";sful in collt>din!! n uumlwr of st·als, hiru-;. nnd native ~at:;. 1u·sidt•s a. numu<'r of 111\'ertebrutt•)l, Thr Trustct':> dt•sir<' to <'X prp-.s llwi r indl'hlt·d rw~s to )lcs~rs. Anthony Tlordt•rn and A. S. Lc Sonrf, who g<'nrrously nssi,tl•d thE' Eust \rl'"'t ExpNlition with a grant from the Hordt>rn Lt• Boucf Hc·s<'llrch Fund, and to l\lr. Il . L. \\'hitc who kindly jm·itrd th<' Trnstct·s to ~end two ofticc•rs to t.he Hl'ch<'rdJC Archipel,tgo with his part y. ' ·

A Wl'll·NJUippc:d cxpcditio!l was S<'nt to T.ord Ilowt· Tsland in January lo obtain spt·c-imcn::; ami ske~c·hcs for tiH' pur!>osc of mnktng a nu111.b('r of. group rxhi~its in thl' ~l u~cum. This party con~ish'd, bC'sldcs J[r .• \.H. ~le( ulloch. the leadt'r, of :'lltss P. J... Clark<.'. artist. ~lessns. E. L1• U. Trourrhton. G.('. Clutton ~nd W. Barm•s. Tll('y s<.>cun·d OYer l OO birch and a largt· collection of fishes, ~·or:\ls, and otht•r 1 nvcrtcbrates, ami numerou>~ skrtches and photograph~, whit·h will be ulilis<"d in tht• (·on:;t rut'! ion of t 11 o birt~ g;o_ups ~.nd ?I c·oral gr ou p. 'l'his cxpt·d~tion was larg1• ly linanccd by donations fron1 i\1 e:<srs. A .K und 0 . I hti!Jps, R11· .JumPs Burns, 'l'rustt't>, and Rtr llugh and Mr. \\'ill iam Dix110n. to whom tht• ' l'ruiltres tt•ndt•r their grateful thank:!. Thanks l\rc also duP to lhe Lord ll owc ! ~land Boanl of l'ontrol for their cordi;LI c·o-opcration.

)lr .. \ . )lusgrave ;;p<'nt a fortrught t'Ollt·ding in tlw l'pp(•r ChichC'ilter \'allr\·, ~''" ~uuth Wale~, whC'rc he S<'cllr<"d !L nu~1bc·r or. mamn:'al·. and. ins~cts, ~ncl )lr .. J. H. 1\:inghorn acco;npanit•d 1 bt· nwtul~t·rs of the Royal .\ustralastan Or111thologJsts Unton tn thl'H' annual C'nmp-out at Wallis Lah, '1'unC'urn' . Nrw South Wa],,::;. ·

• )Jr. T . ,ll odg~ ~rnil.h ;;1!<·nt lwo ":"~k,.. at Hhe<.>p 'tation Uully, 8o11ling .\ llt>r Pu111 t. 1u-ar :Xundlto, :\cw • .outh \\ •lit> tnwsttgattng the ongtn of th<· .garnets occurring in th1• Gn•at RPqu•nltm· Hrlt. untl pn•par1ug u dc•ttult•d map of tlw area. A larg1' st~rtcs of rol'ks ami min<'rals was 1·olh·l'tnl h\' )Jr. ~nuth lUll ~Ir. D. A. Porter, who a('l'Ompanird him and ga\'c valuahll· as.,istom•t•. ·



On tlln•1• O<' during __ the year tw~ nwmbcr" of tht· ~lu;;cum stuff \\l'rt' privill'grd to accompany the titut~· ~rawlt•r (,oonarubcc on one or Its <·rui;;f•s, during which our otliecrs, ;\l t'~><rs. }'. A. )!cXeill, .\ .• \. Ll\'lllgstolll', a!lll H. 0 . Fletcher, S!'Ctlrt'd valuable ('Ollt•(·tions or marine' oruanisms. Rince thc lamrnl•1ble loss of t}n• F.I.:::i. •· Endt>a,·our!" tlw .'tat<- tnl\\ler;.. furnish our only mru~s of making offshore ,.oJ~ectl.ons, and _tlw frustee:s deeply appr.-clate tilt• courtt•sy of )lr. E. B. Jlarknt>sf<. (.'.)1.(;., l'nuer-. e<'retary. ( 'lucf Ht•crrtary ~ Urp;lrtm~~l~, .Mr .. \_. P. Runuuprgn•enl', JJHllliii'(Cr. tntc Trawling IndustrY. and Capt.'lin Flt•tt. of lilt• " ltOOill\lllbt·c, m allow1ng our officers to make tht•st> trip~. ·

10. Cr:n.\TORI \L \\'onK .

. lla11wttd' ()Ir. E. Le G. Troul{hton in eharg~>). Among!it donations rN•t•intl duri11<1 thr vt>ar werr u nu mill'~ f r<llll t lu• Tarouga Z_oological Park Trust. including n .. Drill" (P a pw lt•m·opltcwg) and oth~r monkt·ys, n fill!' !-;t•a Lt•opllrd (0!/murll!nu.~ l~plony:r). captun•d at llee \\'hy. )\c•w South Walc•s, two untclop«'i\. a wombat, nnJ u mu.nlwr of kan).{a~oo,; ami possums. Oth<'r dot~ation~ iueludc•tl :-t'' t'rlll ring-tail .. d 'possums, vossib1y rt•prc·~rntlll!-( a 1ww SJil'<'ws. and srvcral smaller marsupials hy )Jr. ll. L. \\hilt·: t lw ran· llundJoldt's Woolh· .\lonkcoy (l,affOihri:'' ltt!folrirlw), ~nd foreign c_arni,·o~<'s hy ,\lr. 1~. S . . )o~~·ph ; u <·olh·tiou of marsupials and rmll'n(K fron~ ~tat10ns ?n thrT lrans-Au!\trallan Hallway h~· l\lr. A. H. L1• Hmwf; lmts, rat«. aud marsupial!< from _tl11· ('hwlH'!II<'r Hl\:e.r, );ew_ South 'T<tlt>~. hy ~Jr. X. W. ('uyh·y; a ,·aluahlt• aud intrrrsting collection of !lklllH. skulls, and sptrll spectmcns o( nat1ve rut s and marsupial~ from 'l'uRmania (1·ollrctcd bv 1\lr. H. B~trrell), .!>Y ~~ll•ssrs .. \ . ~- Le So~cf and B_u~rcl l. A skin aud slo~ ll of n rrcently dcl<eribed sub-;pecirs of I) ,\llwrt 1 11 I Jmlangrr (/ Mucloclurus albrrlt>u coro11atu.~) wus lli'I J\lii'Pd hv JHirrhaHl': this Papuan Sl1CCills

cll•sl·rih,•d in 1 ~7 1 , was not previously r~>prest•ntPcl in the c-ollection. · ' A snct·P~t~ful c·oll l'otin~ <·xpedition 1o South and Wcstnn Anstralia. in l' ltargc• o£ J\lr. Troughton,

a~~istt•d by 1\lr .. J. IL \\'right. and, during thr fin:tl fortnight , bv l\lr. ( 1. H. Or:tnl, obtained JOS mam1n:tl11, including 11 :;cries of the rar<' anrl interesting '· ll ont•y • Mousl' .. (Tarsipi'S spntsera), and :;pt•cinwns u[ t hr Uundc•d A nt-rn.trr ( Jlyrmerobi lliJ fruwitiLW<), and 11 nurnlwr o[ mur!l\1 pia is, IHtts. and rats, mtmy of whit•h wrrr not, or only poorly. representPd in the t•oll .. ction~. Photographs of living mammals ll!ld otlll'r !;Ubjc•cts WI'T<' ~ecurcd and a ' 'aluable !<PJ'it'~ of fil•ld nott·s. Four Reals and a number o( rats wen: I'Ollt•ctl'd hy 1\h•ssr:<. rr. ·. ({rant aml .J. H . Wright 011 an t'Xprdition to tlw HPdu•rch t• .\ n·hipt•lago. ~outh­\\'c·~t .\•d by ) Jr. A. F. Ba~st>t Hull. )lr. A. )fusgran' sc·<·un·d u numbt·ro£ iut<·rr~ting marsupials and rorh·nt~ whilt• collrcting on tht• Uppt>r Chidtf'stcr \'allt•y , Xt•w Routh Wult•:;.

Onr hundred and seventy-si.x mammals were skinned and trcntcd '"' tlw taxidermists. Six lt•<·turettcs were gh'en to mixed classes of hlind l·hildn•n on .\ustrali11n nnimals. Specimens wt>re

sclectl·d antlurran!!t'd for various Yisiting lt'Cturrrs. )Jr. A. S. Lt• So\wf hn ... bl't'll freqlll·ntly a~sisted with information and tlata, and ..\lr. A. ll. S. Lucas, )L\., B .• ·c· .. was ;;upplit·d "ith !I list of ;;J>eeics described sinl'<' 1\HY.I.

S!.-!'le/1))1.~ (Ji r. K l.r U. Troughton in chnr!!e). The crania or th«' suh-f;1lltily Potoruimc (rat kau!!nroo~. &c·.). and of a st>ction of the 'lacroJ>odida> (wullabir~) wt•rc• sortl'd. 111an~ corrections being madt>. A rollll•lrt<' skeleton of a WrstPrn Australian aboriginal. prcsrntl'd h~· l>r. Jt'. ,\. Rodway. is the only one from that Hlatt• iu th,· collection. 'fhP cannon hom• of a !Jor~t·, ronml "hirh a pi, tc• of wirr bat! bPcon e lixl'd and <·mbt•dcl<'d, was prtscnted 1):· ]llr. K <'. Wat!IOII. and i!< thr• ~nhjt·c·t of an·arttde in tLc ;.'llusn m J/aqrmnr.

Om· h und rl'd ~ku lis and several sk<'lrtons wrrr clt·anl'<l and prP)Jn rNI h_,. tltl' lll't iculntors, providing vnhmhll' matt•rinl for study and Pxchangc.

IJird.~ (Mr .. ) . H. Kinghom in charg1·; 1\l r. IJ. 0. Wlc·\c-IH·r, Axsi:;lant ). During t.he yrnr 841 specimr·ns o[ hirtls nnd r•ggs Wl'rl' addt•u to the collecLion. 66:3 prP~cntc·d. 17::! ('Ollt•t•lt•d. and 6 l'X<·hangcd. Among the donution~ wt•r!' i)OO rglo(s of 1-aoa birds l>y tlw Au:;trala:<iltn Antardit· l•:xpt•dition t'ounnittt•r, 10.0 eggs of .\ nwricnn bird,; lw ,\lr . . \ . !<'. Bass!'t Hull. and 60 :skin:- of Bird:-. of J'arndi,t· h_,. tht lkpnrtmrnt ol Customs. Out of till' total inuuhcr t·ollcctc•l about 70 Wt'rt> obtai1wd bv .\l t·"~r:-.. Troughton. Crant. and \Yright in 1-iou\h and \\' (•stt•rn .\ nstralia. and o-..·rr 100 Wl'rt' sPrurNI ni Lord ll ow•· l:;laml h~· thr )lus<•um party lcrl hY .\lr .. \ . 1{. \it'('ulloch .

. ,'inc·c• Mr. Kingborn a:-;suowu chargt• of the dcpMtnwut in :\la~. I!J21. !!rt·nt proun·:s~ has b~cn madt· in tlu· r:nalo_gning tlnd nrrun!fing of the colll'ctio~. On.'r 12.~JOO nttnloJ.:U<' l'ard~ han hr<'n written. and all tlw .\u!>lralinn birds in tbe rr£erenCP and duphl'at•• t·ollt•rtwu-< nr•· now enrd mdt•xNI. so that om· eau a:;<·t·rtain in a f1•w minutt•s t•xacth· what ~Jll'Cies art• in tlw t·oll•·<·tirm ;uul wht•rt• tht·y an· ston'd. )Jr. Kinghorn spt·nks vt•ry highly of the r.x<·l'lh·nt work ) l r. Il . 0. Flt•H·ht•r hu ... donP 111 a:;st:.ting to put tl L

colh·ctiou in ordt•r. In ~t·ph'mlwr lht• .\ nnual Confl'renc~ ?f tlw Hoyal .\uo;trah~;.inn Ornithologist . rnion was b~ld in tl e

\lusru111. and owincr to the advanced conditiOn of tlw <·atalogut• 11 \Ill' posslblt• to supply tlwm wlth much llt't'l•ssnry in£ormat7on. )lr. Kinghorn also attcndrd till' annual t·;unp·llllt of tlw L nion at Walli~ Lakr-. Tunrurn·. );l'w Routh Wttlrs.

Xunwrous ll'tter:-~ of inquiry havf' be1•n ath•ndt·~l to, and nu1n~· stud!'n!,.. 01111~ oth•·r~ have· had i~forn-a­tion suppli1•d to tht•m. S<'Yf'ntl articles 113\'1' bl'Cn wrlttt•n for tlw M u.W'II/11 .llm1tr:nw. nml n paper \I'Tittt'!lln t•ollaboration with )lr. '\. \\'. ('aylt•y has just bl'l'll l'OillJ'll•tt·d; ll d,•,tb 111th tlw ,;latu-.; of senral st•u. b1rd~ lwlonging lo lltP Prort•llari;l group.

Tlw g.tllt-ry c-olh·dions have been thorough!;· at~rnch·d to hy 'll:"~r>'. 11. R. (:r:lllt and J. 11 .. \\' righ~, with tJu• aHsi;;\t1ncP of .\lr. w. 13arnc~. who ahly c·arru·d out tlu· dutl<':! of tht• taxHl t'rllll~t~ tltutng tht•lr abst•nt·c- on <·flll<•c·ting <'X[H•ditions.

fl ,.pldPs a111[ , f 111 pltibhms (JJr . .J. R. Kinghorn in <'hargt·).- ,\ddi tion:. '.IUnthr_r i OJ, bring an inc:n~~c or ;jfiK ()\'(•r lust yc•ttr's lll'l{Uillitions. Of the total numbl·r fi()7 WI'Tt' Jli'CSI' IIt ;-tl, l ll~·hult Ill-( 11 \ nluubh· t'tllleci!Oil of ,J(JO ~<JH'l·inH•ns prt'liPnkcl hv Mr. ,J. J. Fll't.l'hrr. ~!. .\ ., B.~c·. , 'l' ruslt•t•. Hpt'l'llllt'n" ll~ th.t• num_hl'r of 131) ll't'rt• c•oll1•('\c-tl b1· ~lt•Rst' !-1 . 'l'roughton. Urant. and ~\ .right iu ~uuth and \\ ,·~ll'rn Austruha. _mdudlllg St'Wral run•, an11 11 rc•w ·species appun•ntly new. 'flw sp1r1t rollN·twn>< htiVl' rt'l't'll't•d tht• attt>ntwn nrc''":.nry for th1•ir l.(Ooclt·ollrlition. ancl thr catalogue ha>< lu•t•n rarPfull_v l'ill'l'kt•tl.



Two p:trti,.s of school tt>achers were conduct<'d round the Museum, and lecturcttcs wl're given .i~ the Hcptih• nn 1 Bird galleries. )!all\' letters of inquir;• Juwr h<'<'ll !Ulfl\\'t>rt'd,. and onr a. hundred VISitors han• bl't'll attt•ndt•cl to. A ~hort ; rticle was writtt>n for thr Museum Ma,qa-:.1ne by "lr. Kmghorn, who also d<·livNcd two lt•eturcs on n•ptilt.>s in the lecture hall.

Fisllr~ ()lr .. \ . H. ~IcC'ul loch in char~e: .Cadl't G .. r. Whitll'Y, :\ ssistan!).-'fhe space a\:ai~able ~o~ the storage of tlw rt'ft•rencc and duplicate collectiOns hav1ng .bt•com~ filled to 1ts utmost capac1t~ •. additiona l sheldng w11 s pro,·id1•d in a new spirit-room. By transfrrnug th<• 1.11\'<'rtcbratNl from the old spl~lt-honttc to thrsc new shelves we h:wc bct'n able to expand the bottle .<'oll<·l'twn of \'e.!:ll'br~tcs. and so to m_corpora~e 11 ·nr;tl misc<•llancous rollections. including a large lot rt'CCI \'ed from thr I< 1shcm•s Department. Into theu· Jl"OJH'r po~ition~. This <'Xpansion. so long needPd, will grt>atly cxpt'ditr future work on the group.

' l'lw nt•t•d for a good supply of suitable bottles is very !(rt'at. and now presents the greatest obstacle to the advanct•mt•nt of the collection~.

Our Qut'l'n!\land fishes ba,·e bet'n considerably Pnrir lwd b,\' s(•veral consignments r eceived from ~Jr. 1~ . IL Rainford, while another \'aluablc lot was collected at King Georgt• Sound , \\'t·l'tern .Australia, by a party under the lradership of ~Jr. E. Le(;. Trough! on. A numbt'r of highly interesting fishes, i1~cluclin~ somr large nnd little known rays. were coll t>ctrd h~: nwmh<'r~ of thr sta~, who hav<' b.een 11erm•tted to nec·ompnny tlw Fit11tc tra wlr rs at diffcrrnt times; whde thr un•q•~<' <·?llcct,lon of Ant1trct 1~ ~shes gather(d to-:rthr r by the Australasian Antarctic Expedition was pn•srntrd to th1s i\ lusrum by the Prmtmg of Records t'omlllittrc of the J~xiJcdition.

A number of very interesting casts hav<' b<'cn prrpnrrd for exhibition in the ~all eries. including u Hibbon-fish ('l'rachy]>lcrus jacksonen.sis). and thr<'C Lung-fislws (Nrncemtodu.~ f orM('n). The !u tter art' to hr arrangPd in a group to represent th<' mttural eonditions of the!!<' n'IIHU'kltblc fish(•S. Another method of Pxhibiting fisht>fi. by combining the skin with a plastt'r cast, has proved very satisfactory. and a number of sueh ~rc•cinwns a re being prrpared for exhibi tio'n in a coral-pool group.

The followin~ papers have been published : '' ('IH'ck List of the Fishes and Fish-like Animals of Xrw South Walrs. Part 3," Auslr. Zoologist. ii,

:3, 1!)22, pp. 86 130, pis. xxv-xliii. " Xotcs on. and DC"scriptions of Australian Fish('s, Xo. 2.'' Pror. Linn. Soc. S.S. Tfales, xlYi. -1, 1921,

pp. J:)7 Ji2, pJs. XXX\'ii-xJi. ")\ol!•;; und Illustrations of Queensland F ishes, ~o. 2," .llt·m. Qlcl . .1/us .. Yii, 3. 1921. pp. 16·1 liS,

l'k Yiii-xi.

ln~rrt~ and Aml"lwid<: ()fr. A. :_\fusgra\·e in chargl': ('add '1'. (:. {'amplwll .\ ssistant).-During the year con><idcrublc time has been spent in writing labels for the gullcry collrction. and at the same tinll' revising and rt>arranging the specimens there exhibited. In addition. the cabinet collections han been O\'t>rhaulrd and rrvised. and the purely routine work of registl'ring, entaloguing, and intercalating the large colll•ctions rcccin•d from various sources into the p:eneral colll•ct wn. hns tu ken up a great amount of time.

Xunu•rous donations \Wl'<' recei,·ed during rlw ~·1'<11. tlw l•tr~P,( lwing thut of pcrtion of tl1e G .• L \\'at!·rhoust• c·ollt'ction of Jndo-.\ustmlian Hhopalocem. Tv houH' this (•ollt'ction addition:tl cabinets W!'ll'

rrquin•d, and two wcr<' purd,ascd. Th~<;c will bold only about <t lfUHrtt•r of thr !<J •t'cim~ns that )Jr. \\'att•rhousc intends to presnnt to tl1c institution. Larp,l' eollt•t·tions o{ .\ustralian Diptrra wer,• recciwd from Dr. K W. l?l'rfJ.UliOII (F!_vdney), "Pru£. 'L'. Han·<'.V .John"lon (Qut-PHSIHIHI ), and )Jr. G. H. Hardy rt·~p<•t·livt·ly. To ~lr . H . J. C'art,,r wr llr<' again i1tdcbtNl for nutnv r<'Jlr<'Rt•nfatiws of J\ ustralian ColeoptPIII. i ncl ud i ng p:ua typl•f\ of sp<•ci('s described by hi 111. Thr Tru~f,,t:s gnall'f ull r ad\JlOWlt•dg<' the rpcd11t oi a J.trgc· el)ll(·cfion of parn~itic insects and amdmids from tl11• \\'<;lleonH· hurr•nu of ::3cientifie Resrareh, Londo11.

A larqr rol lcction of .\ustnt.lian 13rrs, idrnti fird br Mr. H. llnda•r, of Brio;;bt~nc, Queensland. wa~< purC'hus(•d fi'OIII Mr. G. H. Hardy. ·

('ullcctions of lllisct•!laneous insects made in th<' \'i rinit ,. of SwlrH'\' \\'Prl' pn•!'Pntt•d to tltr )Juscum h,-}lr . .\l usgn\\'t' and C'adt•t C'ampbt•ll. · · • ·

In an.;w<·r to a request by Prof. Yng,·c :-\jostcdt, of Ktoc·khol111, to b(• Hllowcd to t•xtnniue thP ...-\ rricliid;t' in our collr<·t ion. th(• sprri nwns werr forwardl:'d to hi m. and ha' P si HC\' bt•t•n n•t Uflh'd .

. \ t•oll(•dinf,( trip to th<' l'ppcr ChichestPr \'ullr,·. Xl•w i'outh \\'al,·s. was 1111ldc during tl1e ,-car for tlat• purpo:-P of c·ollt•rting tht• in•wct« in that district. ·\ larj:(r C'OIIt•(·tion of inwc·ts \\<l" madt• h~- n j1art~· to Lord llow.· J,J;md. nnclt·r th•·lc;tde~hip of )J r. A. B. )ld'ullodt and,,,, llrt' indt•l.u•d to onr of the r"sidrnt ... o[ tlw island, .\Jr. H. Raxtc•r, for lllllt'h Yaluahll' assishmc-t· in ,,.,·urin~ "Jit'(·iuwu>< fur tlw :.\fu~t·um .

.llall,.•m (:,\Jr.<:. liPdlt·,- in charj!'P: )li!.'!< ,) .• \llan .\ ssistani) \ nwng donation<: n•t·l i\'(•d during tlw )'t'ar \Wrt' ~~·wn "P•·c·u•<:, not pn·,;ously in tlw coiiPttion. frn1n l'mnta l ~i\!·r mouth. Zuluhmd. :O:outh .\frieR, pn·~··ntt•d h~· .\Jr. H . \\". R(•ll ) larky. Eighty-! hrP(' '-J•rC'i(•s of H a\~ttii1\ll ;,hPII!< \\'t'fr rcl·eiv!.'d in PXC'hanJ!e wuh .\lr. ('. !?. )!artt of Honolulu. and a :-t•rit·>- of J'ata!Jonian .\tc,llu~c·n from tht• .\lu~rum of Bm•nos Aytl"'• :O:outh Arm·rica.

,\ n i~t~rrsnnt! rollt•t·tion of sht·ll;-. both marim· and tt•rrrstriul. wtt>< gntlwrNl in \\' t•sh·rn • .\u,tralia hy an expeditiOn lo tlH• Hccherchp .\rclupdaffo, umh•r tht•l•·udt•r~<hip of )Jr .. \ . F. Bu<>S\'( Hull.

The ll ar~rt'a\·('s ('ullrction of Foreign Shells t•xhibit<•d in t lw Bird r<IOIII ha$ h<•c•n rrno,·atrd, tlw writ!t•n lal)(·.ls rephwt•d by pri~tt, the enUre l'Pri<·s r<'·Hrranged ,.:o a~ to lw morr acc<'~sibl(• to visitors. A larw• se~liOI\ of tht· .\ ustral1an lm·ah·rs ha::s brcn dw(·krd and re!-(iston•d "'' .\Ji,;s _\Jlan, and the ~peci<',.: Cntalogn<' 1" nlmo!lt compl<'t.(•d. ·

1\ lenp:thy pnprr. illustrated by fifteun pint\·~. in whidt t.h1• .'\u~;fralinn mcm lwrs of the marint' ga ·trropods of the famil~· 'l'urrid.u arc re\'iscd, has bt•<·n co111pld1•(l by .\fr. ll (•dh·y, uml is now iu tla· jlrt'SS .

. . Jl.!cuilll' l urcrlebrata Ph. F'. A. ~IcNc· ill iu ehnrl!'r; ('add A. A. Li,·ingst01w .• \1\sishllll) .• \11 tit" a<·qu•~•twn'l of the. y~1lr han• IJt•<·n l'l~ rd -t;~tnl<l!-fll•·d . ~1nd put awny in tlu·ir r<'SJwt'lin rolkcti(>ns. Tlw l:h<·t~dll~ an cl C'IMK1fymg of tlw collccttOn~'< 111 thl' ~pmt.-houst•. gall1•ry. and dry :.ton•, ha8 lli'<Hh· reaclwd hnahty, wtth lh!' n·..;ult. that C'OIIlf!IPtc <·ard <:atalogut•s an• llnl\ in <'Xi~ll'lll'l' for ull lout thrPt' t•f tlw man.'· e:roups rnnc·rrn,.rl. ,\ 11 g.dlt'ry and dry "torr rolll'ttion;.; han la•Pn rt·t;ularh- fumitrat .. d. :\nllmatn· adtlitioni llttcrculalt•d in till' formt>r, log<•tlwr with dl'~criptiw lul11 k · ·




'l'wo rxdu1n,::r rollt•rlions have hecn dcspalrhrd durinrr !IH· n·nr. Onr of thrH' inelud,cJ fort1'-h1 <>

~pt'l'ic~ of lot•al l>l'l'llpoda. sent to the B<'rnice P. Bi:>hop )ln~r~un. Jionolnlu, Jl:muii. in u•tu1n for a llwcl.­want<'d ~rri~~ oft lw romm~nrr ll a waii:1n SJ.C<·ics. Tlw otlll'r i n<"ludrd t wt•nly-om• ~I N·irs of Echinocl'rmata, ~··nllo Dr .. 1 · Odhncr, of Nor_kholm. m exchange for whic·h ll't' rcccind n l'aluablr H•tics of 127 SJ l'cin;c-ns. "'ll"' cono;r,gnnwnt-; of ,\ mphlpotla and Tsopoda ha1·p bt•rn l'cnt to Prof. ('. {'hilton, ('antnl un· ( 'ol!t:!:<'. );t•II:Zt•aland. who lu~s bcrn good cnou!?h to apj><'l'd his idPntificaticns tu th(' Yarious SJt•eirs, aliC'I >O .~nrid:t·tl our rrfo•r<'ll!'<' t·ollt•rhon" to 1\u apprrcrable ext('nt. The rrpor t on a n•t·tion ol tbo Dt'<'IIJ oda collectcJ l,y the F. J.:-;. ·· _ 1~111h•a\·our .. has her!' rrcriwrl for publication hom .\Ji~~ ) 1. .1. Hat hbun, r•nd wao; nccompuni<rl bv thr "JWl'llllt'lh conct·rnNI. " ork hns been started on thr dist 1ibutiun of this matrrial to tP.c quious rli\ISt'lll\1" of tlw ( 'Qlllll\Ol''~cnlth . and ~hP man~s~ript and illu~trations n1c now n••HI1• for tll' printrr. A hnl(•' Ull\OUI\1 or \ u.-tnllasum .\ntarctiC Rxpl'fhtlon mall:riaJ has hc•pn JlTI'SI'llll'd Jurin!! thr \'l'llr by t l.c· Prllltin!! of Ht•c·ords ( 'ommttter of the Expedition. This i ndudt•s t Ju· follt•winl! wo1 hd 'and ne•m cl <·uJJt.dion-;: PolyrlHc·tn. rl'turnrd hy P rof. W. B. Btmbam. of ~rw Zl'nlund: J~chinod<'rlllllta. lc-tllll'ccl l11· Prof. Bt•ne Ktl'hlc•r, of Paris: Porifera (calcareous), n•ttlflwd bv Prof. ,\ . Dt·mh·. of En!!land. d;uwtion'i include many conqip,lllill'nts of tropical S(:l'('ies from ~ J r. J~. 11. Hainfonl. of I!owcl~. Qt;((·n~Ja.~d . wh(l lw" diligt•ntl~· roliN·tt·d in our intrrc•sts for ~ome time J•ll!.t : nnd 11 c·oll1•dion of lkea1 oda fH m LuHl Howr J ~lmd. sc•cnrrd by :\lt>ssrs . .\IcCulloch and T ronghton of till' l\J n~r11nt statT.

Tlw following nrticll's wcrc published in the _. rustralian Jlu~t'/1111 .llarto:illl' :-­.. Quaint Crustnrf'ans." by F. A. :\Ir:Kci ll , I'OI. i, Xo. 2, pp. !)7 !l: •· Pt•ruliar Agl'ucir'l of Animnl Distrilution, .. by F. A. ilk:\'ri ll. ,·ol. i. No. a. pp. ti> !>.

f:'lfn11Jioyy (:\•Jr. W. \V. Thorpr in rharg!': Mr. H. 0. Flctchl' r, As~islant). Tlw rhid clonationl'l rcc~1ivod during llw .vrar wcrt•: .\ collcc·tion of aboriginnl wt•apon~ from \\'rstrrn Australia, by Dr. F . .\. Hodwny: Nij!t•rinn nwtal omamcJtt!<. b.\· i\l r .. Jamrs C. Law: ('hint'l!t' gantl1lilig und opiu111 outfits, by S!•nioi·-St•r~ran~ P. C'harlton; a lllllll!>i vr rhtn1-shcll im pl!'nll'n~ from \\' ul pole• l:< lnnd, by i\1 r. A. (' . .\ lacka y · a lar!(c• rl~lw-work " idol,'' W cstrrn Papua, by 1\! r. H . G. A. H nrding ; a (i no• fll' ril'~ of l~gyptological spt'cinwns In· ~~ .. ~~r~. K and .\ . Wunclt•rJich: C<tn·ing,; fmm th" .\ dminllty l:<lumbc, Bi~mHn·k A rchipeln).,O, by n r·. \' . !\1. ('opplt'"O'I: wc·apons and implr•mcnts from l:'o~rth Auslrali!l . by i\lr:<. Dai~y ~1. Baic•s: c·roc·odile cnrving and shc·ll ornnnH'llt, Solomon lslands, hy i\lr. Harry \\'iekha m: bullroan•rs nnrl otlu•r obj .. l'ls frc·m Britil'llt Papu.l. b~· .\Jr. A. 1'. Lyons.

By pnrehusr. from .\fr. 'l' . . J. Drnham. we ucquirrd a mi'<rPilnn!'Oil" c·ullt•c·t ion from tlw late C:t>m1a1• l"olomo:r J,Jnnrl-, and a number of :->outh ~ra spt>ars. including ril.(ltt from :->t. .\lattbias, Bi>ma1ck An·hip.·lago, \l't'rt' purt'ha~rd from :\Jr .. J. n. LaW"OII .

. \ 11Uilllwr of \'ic·tori<111 aborigmi'J 1\XI'!' and llakt••l implt•mt•nt" wt•n· ohtain,.cJ by c·xthnn~n with )Jr .. \ . ~- Kc•nyon and the Kational )lu~t·um. )!dboun>c•.

Tlu dt•:minJ:! of thr exhihitNl collection :md rr-lining: of u1~r·s wns <·cmtpktl'd enrly in ~'t·pt<mhr. Thi:< wNk was follo\n·d by intt•rior cleanin~ of table and liu>r <"IIH'~.

Tlu• rPrcptio J> , dt•anin~. disin{l.'ctin!!. cata!o~u.iug. and st01ing of tlw lar~t 1 hu1nwnld toJleo:on from );rw (:uiiH ,1 wns tlw work of s<•wral wrrk:>. This i~ now hou~t·d wit h. hut ~IJ•anltt· from. I h 1\:[u;:n Otlic-inl ('ollrction in thr hll~><·nwnt ;:;ton•.

Th, t·hi"f l'thno.,rnphicnJ in~tall:ltion~ during thr _l'l'ar <'ompri~ .. d a tnhli· c·a:-~• of ~m11ll objnt« from tlw !'oJomon lslauds: "<'hinosc opium and f!aml..ling imph•m(•nts unci lll lltt' liuls: 11 •l't of .. hing .. !:-J car, from th~: :O:'llomon lsland;:;; "c·ns•· of Eg~·ptoloiti t·a l SJ·t•t·inwns. ~ J r. 11. tl. Fll'!dll'r a~si,•d twc) tbys 1 •· r \l'l'<'k.

/ 1ol ·({m/ol'l •J• ()Jr. \\'. \\'. Tlwrpr i1. <'harg<:').- Thr prinl'ipnlj!ilts w<· ~t· : .! rtllt~ and ~t·t·th uf r~:linc t h•ll'('~lor.• nf t he• horsr•, fm111 !1\,·br-.l:·d.a and \Y ,·omiuu. L: l'i t r•rl ~tn lt's of A Ill!' llt'n, b.v t !1r .\ lll<·rJclln 'ln:'rl:m of X1tlural l l i:-~lorv :"\c·w York; rcom:•i11« of :lliol•wi•1 from Lord ll rlll't' Isla nd. by 1\lr. H.Y. Hi 11~'3,nnd fr om \\'alp,1IP J,.Jun.t', hy ill r. 1\ . ('. ;\1:\C'I.h.v : vPrt•·hr,l" o[ ('i1nnliovu•r•1.~. :\Pttin~ luclll llu\\ns. <:n<·t·n~l:ll:d. hy .\Jr. t:. .\lilburn .

. \ nnmbrr of ~iliriliNI roral:~ nnd ga~<lt'rO!•ods wc•r1• C'ollt'r'll'cl JH'III' OoJd,•n, ~0111 h .\ustrulia, h~·l\kfsrs. E. Lt•. (1. 'l'mn~htl)n and ,J. ll . \\' right.

.\ r•• lm•t•d morlt· l and a ft•m ur of tbt' ~igantic din•••au•· C'flllllllll."f/11111• 1\11" rl'n·i\'l•tl by t·:~odwn~l' With thC' .\nwrieun ..\lusc·um of :Xatural lliHor~··

.\ lll/usmnt1ro (..\fr.\\'.\\'. Thnr('L' in rllarg:c.} .\ s tlonati••n~ we• l t•t·ci~·c·tl, a •111:111 t•uiiL•ction of t~r~r,•nt fon•ign r·oins from ~lr. \\'. Qut•c. and,\ numbrr of Tnrkish ('uins from ~Jr. h .. I• .• \ndt•rst'll. Thro·t· 1111htnry nwtlul~. two in d u plica t r, wt•n• prl'~entl'd h~· diP l'l'rn·t,r ry. D1•p;u I nwnt of Dt•fl'll<'l', .\h·ll.omm•. )luny Yisitors llan· <·aJI,•d bringing t'Oin-. for idt•ntifieation dunng: !lw ,rntr .

.ll•unal.\ 111 rf Rod~ (.\Jr. T. IT. ~lllith in dmrgt•). 0 1'1'r 1:;0 spo•cilllt'll' \\t'rt· r•·gis\1-r!'rl during tl:e ~···ar. of 11hid1 mort• than half wt•r,• tl<'<Jnirrd by th•• purrha,c· of tlw <·ullt'l'li~>n 11~ _)Jr. <.'._ T>. Rydt·r. Tlus c·ollt·c·tioll c·o•l'i"lt•d of mint•rnl>< ('hit•lh· from );t•w :'outh \\'alt''· Qtll'<'l\'-llllld. ami I asmanut. .\-< u~ual. we ha1··· urr1uirc•d nllunblt material l•y 'rxdwngl' 11ith .\Jr. J'"l~t·c·tor (:1•orgo• l'ru!tlr. c~f tla· T>t•J:·Hlllll'nt_ o~ .\lin··~. )Jr. D . . \ . Jlortt•r has agaiu pn·s<·l'tt>d a numbt•r of lll111t'raJs from tlu ~~·~~ l·.u)!bnd ll1strll t. ~Cl\ l'uuth \\'.t Jo·,.

J)urin " tht• \'l'!lf<l ntunht•rol dc~eriptiw Jab('ls lrnvt· bt•t•n •• dclt·d tu tlw !!allt·rL 'l'wn '~"••ks ·,n•ro· spPnl at SIH'ep ~tatiou Gully. Howhng .\Il l"\' J>oint, ::\t 11 :'outl•.\\';dr•s inn~tigaiin~

tIll' origin of t lw uros<ulari t l' 1-(ll rnd oc·<•urring in till· (: rt·u I :-;l'fJII'llt Ill<' J!,.Jf. .\ dPt:nlo•ol 1nu I' of the nrt•a. u ''"'!' rl'\'i"w ll'll.."'nwclo•, and nlwut ninl't\' rol'k ~1weim!'ll" \lc·Jo· l't•llt-t to d. .llut·lt la_thoralury 110rk ha" yet to l.t• don... l 'nfnrt un:lll'l,· tJH• 11 ork is 'twing- !l!·lnyc•d by tlw rlitlindl.\' uT pro<·un_nl!' :-.hd,·~ tllld tilt' lack of 11 suilahlr mit·rosrOJh'. :\ !lhort 1·i~it of a f"" hour·,,' dura!Hrll Wlh mudt· t n Il l<' Hnllwuy ()tHII ry. \1dp-ll'n. ~t·w "iouth \\ alc•s, whr•n• n lllllllh<'l' of intr-rc•«lill).( SJil't'illl ·n" ''''~'~' t•nllo•!'l<'ll. , .

In thc JuhornLory 11 numhc·r of c·IH·mintl anaiy~t'" lut\'1' 111'1'11 c·nrrlt'cl out: n~ wl'lr n~ c-rv"ta_llop:1plnrn l m ·t~ll"<'llll'lll< nn 1 Jll'l.rologietd dPtt•rminatiou.;. 'I'Lc• n·-<ult nf 1111~ 11nrk w11l Ill' t•uthc,dl •tl Ill tlw IH'XL ".\li l"r:do~k<LI :\nil'<'



The following paper was publi:::lted :-" Muu•ralogical Notes, No. xi," by C. Andcrson, R ec. Austr . .Ylus., xiii. 5, 1922, pp. 201-212.

8Jiin't-lwtse CollPcfiO!IS (Mr. F. A. McNeill in cluu·ge; Cadet w. Board man , Assista,nt).-Advance in this section has been largely held back through shortage of bottlc.!s; in the absence of larger stocks the propor distribution of collections is impossible. Tlw eYa1>oration of spirit from the bottles has been kt•pt iu c.bcck through the efforts of Cadot A. 1\. LivingstoM, who has diligently attended to the coJl,~ctions in this regard. The large slate vats have been subject to periodical iH.spections and the contained preservative kept up to strcnath. No fungus &rowths arc now present. The overcrowding of the collections. felt so acutP!y last yeal'. has 11ow bee~ complctel:• overcome. Advantage has been taken of tho e.xt.ra space afforned by the,rision of another spirit-house, and most of the invertebrate collections arc now stor<'<i in these new 'luarters. This mow! will allow of greater facility in the proper systematic catalo~uing and distribution of the reference mutcria.I-n matt~.' I' at present recehring the greatest attention. Much work has been done in the preparin~ for de:~patch of coll('cting materials for use by the .Museum ~mployecs, and others intcrrstcd in the work of the institution.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the year ended 30t.h .June, 1922.

Endow· mcnt


l'ubllc Account. __ , T<~trus.


Acoouut. Public

,\ccount. Totals.

£ '· d. £ s. d. £ ~. d. £ 8 . d. £ • . d. £ •• d . llalauce from ln><t yenr

Pl\rllnrnrnt:uy .\(!Jlroprfatlon,_ Salaries ... .•. . .. Contingencies

Statutory £ndowtncut

:Resumption .\ucouut

Sale of J'ublication•­Records Post Cards ... . .. Nest ruJd Egg Catalogue ... Catalogue~ .. . . .. :Uemoirl\ .. . Maguinc .. .

Msga~inc .Advorti~lliimt:;


51l I tl 2 Snlnrio,__

1,000 11 11

l.160 ·I l

I) 0 !) l l \) 4 9 :; () 3 0 2 5 0

20(1 11 0

2$ 10 Cl

oil 16 2 J>lrettor. atlll l'riuci}>nl KCCilllr of Collcctionil . . . ., .

l'lrst·cla$• Solcntlftc .\$>11-;tunt~ 13,32'.1 7 LL <:adct< nnd (luncrut .\.o;slstants 2,104 :s 7 t'lerlcal Stntf

l-----!1:;,433 ll 6 31cchanic< Attendant< ...

l ,OCIO 0 0

1,160 ~ I

Cont ln}!encic:;­O"crUmc and :';undny• ln$urunc.u Pcn~ion~ ... ... . . . Building nnd )l.aintenance-

Ctl;tPi Ue1>nir~ ... ..• .. .

Su~~[.~~~~~~~~~~tributloos .. . EmJ>Ioyceo· C'omrlbntlon•

217 11 5 St.ntut.ory nod Additional Endow· ment.-

Worklng llxpenoes ... Purclln<~ or Spcelmon~ ... Cut"\loguc•, Pu bllslllng oC-

~'laguzin<J . . . .. . . .. lU>cord< ... .. . ... . .•

28 11) 0

Donat lonstowards Collcetlnl(frlp• lllscellaneous ..• .. . . ..


!Sit 0 I) 1:1 l!) I) Purcha.•e or Book>< and nookblndlo~

1~3 19 0 J.>rescrvat ion ot SJ)CChllens .. .

lJJterest.-Scvcutb Wur I,oan Pence J.Ottu ... Reserve .\ ccount

Transfer Reserve to 'Rndowment ..• !l'ran~fer Si•larJe~ to I~ndowment ...

25 0 0 20 0 0 1$ 5 7


Pu hlioity nutl Ad vcrt.ising .. . Tool$ and l'lnut ... . .. ('ollcctlng and TraYcllin1 ... )\i~olltuwoul'i ... . .. h"tnllatlon ot ~:Jcetrle J,i)lht.

'fr•tn.:for from Jte.::er,·o Account Jlalnnee

4'18 16 ! 47 l7 0

~so o 11 71 12 8

25~ 3 8 62 1 3 ~5 4 6

a9s .. io 6 20 la o

382 16 a 465 0 0 U87 5 2

1,397 ;I 7 2,534 4 :!

8(1;; IS 4 1.2:18 1\1 ll 2.039 13 2 3,081 12 10

435 17 6 259 I 0 ~os 0 0

383 1\) 2 57 J ll

1,604 7 2 s:l9 2 7

564 610 0 10 0

21 19 1l

~(""3 6 00 11 2

so"i'o 2

aii ... s 7

ll,187 12 0

43;) 17 0 2i9 L 0 208 0 0


2,H3 u 9

2,;;os 1 0 382 16 3 465 0 0 987 5 2

£ a,\iH l:! :! 1~,~:1:1 11 6 lll,018 :1 0 £ 3,\IH 1:! 11 119,078 3 U

List of I nvt:st.ment:; :-~event.l! '"Rr Lo<Wl, at !3 p~<r cent .. .. Pt'ace Loan, at 5 per cent .... Fix,ld Dc.posit Ra11k of Nr.w :->outh Wait>~, at ·1 per cent.

Examined and fo\lnd corrcct,-

£ 500 <100


P. W. H~H'l'l-l,

s. 0 0 ()

d. 0 0 0

18th .July, 1922. J nst:ector of Public Accou uts.

The Common Seal of the ?lluseum was ht>reunto affix<'d by order of the Board, this 22nd day of September, 1922.

'r. STORIE DIXSON, President. C. ANDER80~, Director. (L.s.)

j 2. APPE!><DICES .

Tl.c Lilowing Appendices ar~ attached, viz. :-

1. Lht of the Publications of tbe Australian Museum. 2. Catalogue of the Additions to the Library.




Lillt of nvnihLble pub!it·l\tion.s of t he An.stra lian :\Iu::.eum :-

I.-AJmulll Hcport.~. xo~. :l"-3:3, I ' 1-6; :~6-·H, 18.39-l X!I7 ; lli li:J, l"H9 l ~ll!l; Gi, l 'l :ll .


J. C'ntulo::~nl• of tl~· .\.tbtmlinn llir~,., in tlw Athtr.diat• :'lfthl'Hlll, 1,) E. P. Ramsay. l'arl J, .~C'I'l[Hi rc .. ) 1_~ 1 6 .. Part II. 1->trtgf'.'>. lf\91. (St!<·utlllt>dition, n•vi~cd hy .\ .. J. :\orth, 1 '9:~. ) J art II1. I stll;\C't. 1891. Part T\ Haln·utlt'~. 1 ~!1 1.

li. ('atalu;.(U<' of tbe Lilmny of the• . \.uo;tr; h.n ) l HM'UIIl 1!\'>:5. \\'tth two ;o;upplcm<'nts.

7. l'at.~lu~nt· of 1\ n.tlc···tiun of Fussil~ in th<' \ustr • .Jian \hhOIIIII . ' ' ith Introductory Xft(C<; hv 1~. Reil t<-. J ~83. · •

!:1. lksl'l'iptiv<' c.~talo)!UC' ul tht> Gl'tlPrnl ( 'ulll'l'liou l•l Mill< rab in th<· ,\ nstmlian :\[wscum, bv F. H;dt<'. 1~8'>. .

10. (':Lialo~ll<' of l~l'hinoclerm.ata in thr .\u,.lmlinn Jlusc•tiJll. t.y·I~.I'. H•Ltn.-HW. Part l , Ecllin i I R8:l. S"t'otul rdit iutt, 1890. ' ' '

13. Drsc·ripth·p C'atalrJgU€' of the ;-lpongt•s of tlw Aul>tt•nli.~u \ lnsttllll. 1,,,. It. vun Lcmlc11fdu. 1888.

l l. ('t~tnlogun u( I he lt'i':!h~>s in tht' Au::.tralinn ~ [ll:il'lllll. I'M! I Pt~l a·ic•tlwan Fi!;hrs. · By .J. l>uu!!la'> O~ilby. 188~. ·

15. Cntnlngtw uf tlw :\[nt•iflt' ~hell,; of Austrnlit~ nnd T:~~ llumit~ , lty .1. Bmzi<·r. Part J, Ceplud<lpol!n., 1892. Pnt't II. Ptl't'oputla. 18!)~. Pt\l't lll , f :;~,t~r·•p·•rl.l (\lnt·rx) 18!)3.

Hi. C:\talr>~tw of .\n,tralian :\IMumals, with fnt wdn1 tor.1· Xotl's otl I :.,m·ru.l 1Tnmmalng\·, hy .1. lluHJ.tla~ Ogilhy. l8U2. ·

17. J),·,niptil·•• Cat •• t.,gut· uf lhr Tunit·at.l in tllf• .\u fr.di,,n \[u~qun, hy \\. ~\. HnJman. 189.'.

11 I.- '>pel'itll C'alrdu•JifCS. 1. '\t·-t an•l E!£1-!- ,,f Bird., found brr('(li•t:! in \u,t ralia and r.,•nlltHin, 1.,· .\ .. J. '\orth. \\,1 I,

1\JIIl-l~ll. \'ul. II, l!lllfi-1901). \'vi. III. 1~1111-ltll:?. \'t•l. 1\', Hll:3-Hil5.


I. Athtmlian Lrpidc.ptrra and tlwi Tr.'ll"furmati. no;, h1 \.\\. ,, . .,tt, 11ith Illu,lration<; h.' hi~ <hmghtf'l'~. )lr,; . .\Iorguu and \Ir". l•'orcll' \'ol. T, l'>!l l. \'ol H , <•ditl'd nntl r.-Yiwd IH· ~l r~ . I•'•l"dC and.\. s. Ulliti, 18\llHl~.


l. lli,ton· a ttcl 1> •q•riptivll of tltt• :-\k~·h·t •11 ol a IH 11' SI' rn1 \\'lt• h• iu th•· .ht;.!t.,liall lfusruU1, hy \\'. l;, "all. 1851.

:3. 'l'hr .~toll of 1•\umfuti, Ellic·l' (~wup: l t-. Z '"1>:.! lbla•t.v, nut! (lr•nrml Ktrud.ure, IJast:d on ( 'ulitodion~ umclr hy C'. Ht•dlc~·. I !lfi I !Hill.

·L ~l'icntific· RC'stllts pf the Trawling I.<:xpt•ditiL•n n{ II.\f l '.:-: . "'l'l11•1i-.," oJY fht> t'<Jt\i'>t ol S ew Hmll h \Yak~ in I•'cbnta r.r and l\[mrlt, l~!J~. I ~!J!J-1 ~ll l.

I' l.-H,t·ord~.

'rho Ltcrm·tlg .:onmin UI'S<·t·iption-; of specime 1". nL·tOHHh .ol PXpt•dition,, allll ulht:r n•,ulb uf the •,;, otific work of the .\[n,.•um ;-lt;di.

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] . Li:.tof Old IJueumcnt:-.and Hclir::. ill th .. \ tl't ··.di; n .\[u~l'lllll, 18t{ I. Urpt int.-ll with additions. 1890.

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\\'.\ ( :i'\ Elt, \ \ •>ldcmar. I.' l11dn~trio des .\m-n•·uu1. IJt'-<<Ti pt iun 1'.\ st(·nml i•t ue dt·:; t'•UI­•ttucltc ns deb arait:l!(••·s clo: Jn rt!!ion lllct!t..lllt' tlr• In f:us.•ic (Pt·ilu·ipnlt•mt·nt de Jeur l<t·· tmilt•, du nid cl dt:> C'ocun~). ('llll'>it'tatiuu oh·~ .\raic]JI!eij d'Apn·~ '"" natticulnrit{a tic· lcur Lnduslrio et ~a v.tleut punt la l'!tilu. ~-t<•ui<' de t'<'tl<' elm•"''· l.a Xnture d" I' Act i , it1l psy<,!uqut• d··s t\rlli!· nt'<'M rlnu.~ le choi\ clt! l't~mpltt<:t•mt•u t. <I•·• mulO:riau'C cL dt I' \ rdt it;·ctur;, p •u•· l •uro t'!lllstruNiuu•. 1-'luduati•lll~. d~\ inhnu~ d \'ariMiom$ rh·• instinc·t-. !.·1 llll.rt·ht• d.J dl'\·elopn:cnt pr 1grt·ssif de. lll'tind" nid!licate•trs ct lo•s fnl'l<'UI'i', <JUi tlo'·tc•rmiJv•nt sa clircctum g:•u\ mk. Be-lwrdtt ~ do \\'uldrmat \\'n)!lll'l". ( .1/ t'.W)irl ' r l r '"· / m rrr. Srict ,, ' rle S!. r~rcr;'vJ I{'' I ,,, •\r '' ']',nu \:1.11, .\' '· J l.)

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:'limthcrn Tcnil<ll'\', I S2:3 1!127. \\'t·Hict'lt Porl, \ i ;turitl , l>l21i-lll2i .

~«'rh·~ LV, \·ol. t. Lt>2'tl Pup(•r .. . Z.:c:clit'll .\. \"Ill. l.

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.\'\D STATI:-\Tit ·-.,. Ollit· Yc•tr-hu • •If tlw l'nmnwn\\t·tlth of.\ tslralia. X'· 11, I!J21. Con taininc_: t tlhnrttati\'t• Sl:lti•tu ' f •r the 1'(·riotl I!JIII 1!!211. nnd (' orr<'' 1< I Slo\li,ti"Q fill' tit!• l't·riod l iS1! t u I O'J.

J ""I. 'l\ "· 'lo·ll• •ur•w. I !Ill. p., ·•·ntc.l

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l'r"'·.tl cl • I 'ul. /'\,.,,. Snlut:'. I !1;!:!. 2JlW :!:J LIXXE.\X I)OC'IETY or Xl·:\r soL'Til



\\'.\LE•. l'ro.•t: lin!:'• ,,.),, xl.l "·'• Hllli 192t.l.

•J \'vh. ~\ u. Svolnc•\", 1\llU :! I. l'~t··•·Ut~J l'l'BLI<' J.JBH<\R\ ul•' x1m· snl rH

\\'.\LI~":i. ~lfTC!IEL I , Ll HIUitY. ,\u' tmlu~iua 'l'ok!"t\S unci l'oin~. '"' Dr . • \rthut• . \ndt·•·"•· 192 1. •

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\ 'ok 102 Hli. HliS :H. U \·oLs. 4lu. L<J11dCJll, HH8 21. l'nrd:ual 201 ~0- 1

20J[ll IWYAI, i:ltJC'TErY u~· LOl\DO:\. sopbil·al Tl·a:tsacti.m><, ::l<"ri~s B. in~ P!tjlC s nf 11 Binlo.l[icnl \ 'ul. t:o.


t'h•u·ac•la ·•

1 P>l. $1'o. J.,mdmt, Hl2l. 201~9 --Ycn1· Bu 11<, 192:?.

I 1·ol. l)I'O, L•mclon, 19:.!2. Purcbnnd 2Jl18 !J THJXC: :\ll'SI~l';\1. Xcwitall'.J Zonlngic·11', a.

,Journal uf zn.>l >!; • in cunnecti 1>1 with tlw ... \'nl;. X'-11 '-'"1, HJI!l :!0.

i volt. -Hn. Tring. l !l 19 :!0 Pr~~enwt :!01111! YEAR-BOOK of the l:!tit·ntilic· and Lt·arnc• J

Socic·lit:s uf (:r<'Ul lhit,.ll\ and ltt·lancl : A Rt•tnrtl u{ the· \\'orJ.. donv in ~c·icnt•t•. l ~itN·atUl'C, nn<l .:\I'L fbring llw :--\ .. s.~i·Jn !920 :11. Thirtv-ei:.d1th .\nnunl lssne.

t' vol. Svu. London, Hl21. J>urclaacd :WJ9,i :r.OOLil<.:H',\L BE<'UHD, ' l'h(!. \ 'ulumt• tlw

t.VI, I. c·in~ Ht·<·nrds of Zoolng:iea1 Lil<·•·ature rt•lating chiefly to llw year 11)10.

I n>l. 8vo. Lontlnn , l H21. !'1 reh.:u.ei 20 1 !U-i ZOOI.OGfi'A L :-<mH;'I'\ OF I..O.s'DOl\. l'ro-

t•eed tg~ uf t'·c (!cnl'rhl ,\lce\ill!,(S fur



zow:J :lOW l :!Otci.i 2\ltfili 20167 201<)


::>c·icntilie BJsine•<. I !Ill) I !1:!0. I \'nl. th-u. London, 19 1\l :!1'. PreuliU•

Dmttsu Uo~JJ).to.l::>.

lndia .

UEOJ..ot!H'AL TJ{\' l;:Y OF !~DJ.\- ~l~n,.,ira. \ 'ol. :-..L\ 111. U<:olodcal Nol~s on ;\lesvpo­tnmin, \\ith ~pedulll'fcrenrc to Occun>.lllQ~S uf Pcll'>Jlt:um. hy E. 11. P!ISIUt'. Calcuttu. 1()22 .

1 ,.,,[. S1·o. C:nlt·ulla, 1922. GO\'ER;OtEl'\'1' UF BA1WDt\. Rcpnrt to the

• • 1111 the ,\l"l'iue Zoolo~y <>f Okba-m:uulal in K :utitt\\lll', by .Jamcs Horrwll l'a1·L 11. \\'ith Supplemt•ntury Hql '>rls <HI

:-<p~cial Uruup> by other .\ut hews. I l'ol. l•'ul. L·•nd<>n, 1916.

J )ll)lr\?\ ~I t.::mU~I. Hccord~. Vnl. \'11, ltll2.

XI, I!JI:i. '-11 '-111, l!Jiti 17. '\11'-"'- HJ IS. \\'1 . 1!)19. '\1'( XX, 102).

U vol:!. 8>'<>. <'tlhllla, Hll2- 2U. ) l A DH .\ H FISH r;IUES Ulci'A H'I'11JI,;l\1',

llullc•ti1i :\u. 12. )ladra•. 11)21. I ,.,,1. s.-o. )la lra~. 1921. l"rwentet


20100 20190

2011 :3

:W17i>-U 202SS

20 177


2~) I i 2 2J287

:.'.0 113 20 tH

21\l)!H 2Ulil

2UO!J,j 202lll

20 169 20170


( 'wmdCI.

HOYAL ;-;t)( 'JI~TY OJ.o'C.\NAI>A. Pro('ccdings a nd;. 'l'lu rd ·~ries.

\'ol. XI\', !llec;tin~ of ;\l11v. 1920. x1·. ~ leN in~t of Mn~•, 1921.

2 vt• ls. tl1'o . Ottnwn, 1921.

t·.~. 0 F .\ ~1 E H !('A.

JJi.<lrirt vf {'tJ/umlJia. Mi!UCUL'l' UR 1~. l'.S. lJ I~l'AWrJII~N'L' O b'.

~ear-bcml<, l!l20 I l'ol. l!V11. \\'oshinl{t.on. 1921.

.\M ERJ<'X~ E'I'HNOLOCW , 13URE.\ U 01~. ;{Jth nn<L :31ith Annual H<'p•11·ts . 1913-l !, Hl l +-L.>

:3 w lli. ·H o. \\'11shin<~t<m . 192 1. --]3 IJI<•till 72. Tlw 011 I f'tu·rc•tl Pack uf th<•

Ji'nx 1ndi••ns, lw 'l'nmwn ?.lic>hc·ls<m. --13ulh•t in 7 1. ' 1•:-'"'" 'Rtiun uf a ::li t .. at

Sanbiu~u .\ hui!zo ll~ . 1>.1•'. Me.\ it·o, by AI fl•,vl ~I. T oZZl'l'.

2 vob. s~n. \\'a<lungton, I 921. l•'l:::JJ~<: It JI :t-;, l '.S. Bl'l-t E.-\l' O L'.

Bull,•tin, xxxn . 1!1 17 IS. "-~'1'! 1 , 1!11 !1 :W.

:>. l'ols. l>vo. \\'a~hing ton . l!hll- 22. 1~1SHI':H ll'::ol, C ·L BL' :U:.\t OJo'. Hupot·t of

th<' l'.R ( 'omnl i·«i mer u[ l•'islwric-s for the fiscal .v~ar~ I !I HJ- 19:?0, " ith Appeudie<'s.

2 vok Svn. W >1~!1ingtoo, Hl21. l'l~UTrTSOXL\l': f~STTTUTIO~. Anuual R<· ·

p w·t vf the Bmu·d c.r He~en ts uf the . . . s !1o11ing t lw O]>rt'<ll i·.ms. K'(jl<'lltli l lm·s, und C\,nd iti on of t lw ln~titllti 111 for the Yl'IU' c nli11g :30th .l mw, 19 l 'l 19 1H. '

2 nols. ll\'o, \l'tcshi!l)1!UII , 1920- 1921. F .K N .\ 'l' lOXAL ~WSgl'.\I. An nua l Jtel""'ts .

fnt• the y~n 1-s ending :loth . j un <>, I !l2<l Hl2l. 2 \'Ills. 8Yo. \\'tl$ hin_gton. J 920-1921.

L'.K XA'J' IONA.L ;\l l ' SEC,\1. l'roc·PNiings. , • .,1 ... J7- .;s.

2 V·lls. 8Yn. \\'nsh in!! ton. 1921.

f 'alifom i11.

Jrnw :\C•1uircd.

Presen ted



Present tl



Prcsc>n k d


20179 C'A I, fi-' ORNI.\ 14'rA'1'8 mxt:•W BCH E \l'. .Bulle t ill Xo. 81:1. P<'trnlC'uffi Hcs >UI'l'l'S of ( '·di fornin '' ith s j•<'ri d rt'kn•nc·c• t • unproln>d . \r()nS, by 1.:1.\\'l'C'Iltc \'aw!C'r Lc·ck.

· I \-ol. 8vo. f\act•imw nto. 1921. l're~entecl 2UJ8U --Hcport X \'ll of llw l';i tntc ;11inl'ra logis t.

L \ 'OL 8vn. sn~MnlOnto. I 92 1. P1·csen terl 2{1 1111 \O L' X( l .'.H;:\IllltJ.\L, ~WRRl'~l. i\1. 11. dt•.

2Q2 l-3




:) trti',V o f itS )t'o uncln t i.m IIIHl t hl' n i.Jjects uf i ts fo1u1dc r. J)escr-ipti m uf i ls VIII i<•US ga llcri,..s. Bt jo{ sket •l.r.; 'f the lll<JSt, nnt:~.hll' ~xhiui ts, "it h 1\CC-lunt~ nf th<'i t· uriJ::in ~~nd of the pc i nls t• f hist•1ry an cl intlush i~~ rt:'JJI't>ilc'n lt•rl !Jv tlwm.

I ' 'ol. 8\'0, S;111 .l:'rand~c-u. 1921.

fftrll'•tiinn I '1twcl•. P AK-PAf'llll( ' l':'\ 10 :'\. P mt ePclin!!s uf th<•

F irst l'an-P;wific ( 'unft•n •n t·<· ... liono­lu ltl, trnwnii, Augu~l 2nd 111 2Uth, 1920.


1 vnl. !!vu. Hnnnlulu, 1921. Prcs('nted

l mlittllfl .

L'iDIA:-<A DI~PABT:\fl;;~1' 0 1' HECJLUGY AND N.\TnUL H I~SOlJI1CEH. Furt it•th Annual Re port , Hll -1.

I vul. Sm. F ntt \raync, IIJ lU. Presen ted

.1/ it!tiyan.

~I ICH fCA~ AC'ADE~[Y Ol•' f'(' lEXCE. 'l'wontv-~ccoud ntUl llUI repor t . 1920. ·

1 \'OL 8vo. L~tnsine:. 1921. Prcsent.od ) lTClHGAX t: IW LOC:lCAL AXIJ HiOLOG-

lCAL SUR\'f~\'. Pub!b~titm !;!0, GNJiogicnl St>rics 2:>. I nland

T.;1ke.s <>£ i\lichigan, I>~· I. D. Scot t. .Publi ·al ittn 31. Uiolo!!ical Sc1·ies 6. Miocc[.

lancous Pap<'rd u n tho Bot.1ny of i\l iC"higau by C. 1<. Dndg<'.

2 "''[~. 8''"· L1.n'ling, 1!)21. Prcsen t.erl

I HeJt. No. I 6onk~. rtow nc<tnlred


2018 1

20272 20273 20274 2027:> 2027() 202i7 2U2iS 2U2HI 2U2HIJ 2021H 202 2





202~ .1-!il

mCIIIGA~ WJWI'g BO .-UW (JJI' ACH~ ICUL­TrRK Jrifty-eighth Annual R eport of tlw Sccrt·tarv of the . . . of the Sta te of Mir hi"nn 'and Thirty-second Annual R e­por t nf l hl' B xpcrinwnt S t>at.ion from 1st .rutv 1918 tCt :30th June, Hll9. .

·' 1 'vc•l. Svn. F ort Wnync, 1920. Presented

--1-'ilh ·-nin(h Annunl !~cport of the Secretni'Y 1lf t'he ·. . . of t ltc S tatl' of Michigan, ltlld 1 hir ty-thi rd An nun! Rrport of the rl;o.llt'rimrnt St ntion hum ,July, 1919- .J une, IH20. I \'OL th·n. Lnnsing. Jll2L. l'rcscnlcd

.UlE IHt'AX .H'.-\l>K~I Y OF ARTS M \TJ f>ClK:-\ C'RS. Pmr<'"din!.'l;. \ 'ols. x1.1', I!JOO- Hilll.

Xl..\ 1, l!l i (J-1!) 11. XLVII , J!!l i - UJ l :?.

HVIJI , 19 12 -Hll:t XI.rX , 1!) 1;{ J\)1-!.

1.., Hll.J- 1\l l.i . 1 1, l!ll ii- IIHG.

LU, I !Jll)- 1!)17. urr, Hl i7- 11Hll. 1.11, l!llS-19 10. 1. 1•, Hl 19 - l!l:.!·l.

10 I'(,J~. $vu. !{o~ton, ! 009 l !):?tl Prell<'nted

"\.\ll~H!C'.\X AS. 'OCL\.'rllJ ;o{ Ol•' BGONO..\lif ' ~~~'1'1'0.\lOLOU ISTS. Index 1 I to t he J .iiN·atlll'(' tt f A ml'l'lCHit Economic ]!;uto• molue:Y. lst .luunarv, l!ll.>. to :l i s t. Jlqwui bt>t', l!) Ill. <".un pilc•c! IJy A[u.hel < 'olc·nrrl. C'd i trd hy J·;. Port<•r l~l'l f.

1 \'oL iS~·IJ. ~1'-'h·ost• Highland~, l!l2 1. l'urehascd

p[<;,V.lOD\ :-fl'SJo:U~I. Tlw :\ilu inc• Hou111 u[ th!' P c!l boch• ;\luscum u f Sal<'m

· 1 ,-.. L ~"''· Sall'm 1!121. !'rc~c·rtted

.\"ezr Y ()r/:.

_o\:\1 WH. IC,\:-\ AHt{O('JA'I'lOX L·' OR T H E .\D. \'AXC'K\[EXT U I•' S('IJo:Nf'R l'l·ocecrJ . c•(•t•tlin g~. \ ' o];< l.Yf I \ 11 , Ll X.· I. X t , l907-19 1Q.

2 vuls. Svol, New York. l !ll)i l!)l(), Prescnt~d

Allllmlf'AN l KST1TUTW 01:' .\1L.\'HW EX­(.:!J.\;gJo;HH. Hulldin• . Xns. G2~l:!U, 8~!:!+. !l l liiG. Wehrunn •, 191 2- llC'I'<'Ill h!•r, 191!1.

:?:~ vr•l8. $nl. Nr:w Ynrk. HlJ2- HiliJ. Presented

20217--~-~ Trunsn<:t ion~. Yol~. ). X un LXI, HW2- l!H!l.

:~o:no-7 1 2$ 1·ul~. R\'o. ~l'W York, 1902-I!)Lll.

'lc;u·-hool;;,. UH2- l91 3. 2 vols. Hvc.. X.-w Y u!'k. 19 12- 13. Presented

2Ul;JO ;:;4 .unm tt 'A:'\ .\'.\.T l!HAT ,L~T. \'ols. xux-wr, l!H5-I!JI !J.

202(JJ 202Uti 20207 20208 2020!)

2018 1

20 l8Ci 20187 :!0 188 20189

20289 20290

.j 1•ul~. 1:!1•o. .:'olcw Y Prk. Hl l :}-] 020. Presented

--\ 'ol. T. I t; 4. , u . I ~llH. ' I 1\ ", I $ 71 ., Y, 1S7:?. ., VI, 1872.

5 vu l~. Svo. :o;a(t'm, L!>ll!S- 1872. Purchn!ed

NJ~\Y ~UHK t->1'.\TI•: COl,J.I~<; 8 OF . \.UH f . CU LTt; H 1~. 'rhlrLy-second Almunl R epnrt <If Lhc . 1\l Curncll Vnivursil v und o[ t.hc A~ricu ltuca l Ji;xp('t'itllCn~ 8tution . Vnl. 1, 19 19.

1 vol. 81·o .. Albnny, !920.

~E\Y WlRK :5'1'.\ '!'Jt: )illSEIDL :'le\ cn ticth Ann nul Ro_por~, \'ul. c.

l:;cvcnt~•-fi rst An;;unl Hcp'_>d, \!~1. ~~-

l 1 l'cscnted

4 ·;·ols. S~n. Al'ban;.:· 1\ll!J. Pc~~entcd --SCI'<mt.y-sccnnd Annual R t•port, \ 'nl. tt .

I! " Ill. l U<l. Albany, l iJ18. l'rcsentc<

nr;. xo.l




2()088 200S9





wr:-;CO~ST:\ ta:OT.Oc:ICAL .\XU X.l'l'l'lt.\1. HISTORY 8\."H\ EL

BuJIPtin Xo. 5;), Soil S<>ries No. 27. Soli Survey of Northern Wi~~oMin. 191 !).

Dullt•t in No. 68, !o:tlucational Rt~ril.'s No. 11. The tkoi!Taphy and Economic l)e,·clr•pmt•ut of f'nut h-ea~t<·rn \\'is<'on,in. 19:21.

now acquired.


2 vols. •,.<,, ~larli~on, 1921. Prc~rntcd



Bonds ].IJ. \'prnntwortUt•ht• Rcdactcur<': ,Julius J.cdmN und T.uthli4 ~ ! iller. 1857-1Sii8.

Bands v:.. \'1. I ~61-1862. Bands \'TT. 1 6:1.

3 v<•ls. Sm. \\'kn, lS.H-1 fl:1. Presrnled

(.: Etlll A~ Y.

GE(lEXBAl.:'RS )IORPHOI.O<:l. CHF:S .J:\HHBl'C'II . Band XI.1X. ..

2 \•Oh!. 1 •.

Svo. Leiplli)!. 19 19. Purchused

nea. ~o. \ Bco~s.





HI'! Idjen-1-l<'evland, monografie lf. Jlic Geologic en Gcomorphologic ''an den

ldjcn·door Dr. C:. L. 1.>. l((.'mmerlin!(. .o\nnlvse ,-an mrrkwnardi!(c wntrr:!<JOrtt•n

op.hct ldjcn-IIC'(',I!)nnd duur Dr. H. W. Woudstrn. l ,•ol. 4to. Roto,•in. Presented

bllNJHT I~R YAN I<OLONH:N. Rapport be· trcflonde een \'Oflrloopig ondcnook nnnt• den tocstand ,·an d~ \'isscht'rij rn de lndu~trie ,·nn Zeeprodul•h•n in dr Kolonie C'lltnc.lo. inl(cvolge ht't -'linisteri~l·l Rc·sluit ,·nn 22 No,·em ber, 190 I. t door l'rof. .). Boeke. 'l'wcrdc Gcdcc•lto. l1<bouwl.

I. Report on the }'isiH!s rollected by Dr. .J. Bockc, in the Uut<'h \\est Jndirs, I 904-190.1, \dth comparaliYc nnh•s on marine lishcs of Tropical West Mrica, by .J . .1\kb.<'la~tr.

2. Stnlk-evcd Crustncrnns of tbc Dutch West l •{dic~. collectccl by Dr .• J. Bo<'ke, 1904-l!IO:i, by )far\' .J. Rnthbun.

a. Jsopod Crustacean~ nf the Dutch West lndics, by Jlarriet Richartlson.

In 1 ''ol .. 4to. a'Grnvcnhnge, 1919. Pl'cscntcd

E'ydnt): J ohn $JI(;II<t, -~ttlng CuHillmUll rlilllu-1922. [18. ld.)

76781 -C