Aula 2 good manners obedience

Post on 27-May-2015

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good manners, obedience, Project semillas del futuro

Transcript of Aula 2 good manners obedience




Spiritualist  Center  Léon  Denis    



Subject:  Good  Manners  -­‐  Obedience   Date:  26th  of  october  2012     Teachers:  Pilar  et  Elaine   Objectives:  Stimulate  the  good  manners  practice  in  children.   Initial  activity:  Prayer   Initial  motivation:  Lively  song     Time:  5  min   Main  activity:    

1st  moment  =  Before  telling  the  tale,  see  the  video  about  the  bunny  on  the  computer.    2d  moment  =  dramatization  of  the  tale  “white  as  snow”  with  the  figurines  (enclosed).    

3rd   moment   =   talk   about   the   tale   with   the   children  (obedience  in  the  classroom,  at  home,  at  school  …)    


                     Time:  30  min  

Activity  of  implementation  of  the  subject:   1st     moment   =   paint   on   the   enclosed   sheet   of   paper   (the  bunny’s  masks)  

                     Time:  15  min  

Closing:  educational  games  and  the  song.     Evaluation:  














Translated  by  MC  Matos.  

Snowflake the White Bunny

One day, Mummy Rabbit had one more bunny. He was so cute! So white! He was so white that he was called Snowflake Bunny.

He was the smallest of all his brothers and sisters. As time went by he grew up, always cute, always white. But, as he grew up, Mummy Rabbit was more and more worried. Do you know why? Because Snowflake used to go out by himself without asking permission to Mummy Rabbit and he used to have long walks that could be very dangerous.

Mummy Rabbit used to say:

- Son, when you want to go out, ask permission to Mummy. And never forget to say where you’re going to. Don’t ever go near the Blue Lake, it is very dangerous!!

That was in vain. As soon as Mummy Rabbit got distracted Snowflake used to run to the Blue Lake to watch the beautiful water, so blue that it looked like a mirror.

One day, Snowflake had an idea. He went to see his friend Smiling Duckling and both together they thought of a plan.

Without Mummy’s knowing, one night in the moonlight as everybody was sleeping, one little white thing was moving in the garden produce.

Who was that? Do you know it?

That’s it!!! It was Snowflake who was hiding in the vegetables but suddenly, when nobody could see him, he had a look around, raised his ears and very, very slowly he walked and walked... He looked up and saw the moon and the stars shining far away in the sky.

It seemed to him the sky was so beautiful but he couldn’t waste his time so he decided to walk faster. Where could he go so late that night?

Knock! Knock! Knock! Rang his feet as he ran and ran...

Suddenly he stopped. Near a tree was his friend Smiling Duckling, he was sleeping.

- Wake up! Wake up! Wake up Smiling Duckling!

Smiling Duckling rubbed his eyes, blinked a little and still very sleepy shouted with fear:

- Quack! Quack! Quack! Who’s calling me?

- hussshhhh!!! Smiling Duckling, don’t make noise!! It’s me, Snowflake. Don’t you remember we had to meet tonight?

- But so late? asked Smiling Duckling very sleepy.

- I’m sorry but I could not come earlier said Snowflake.

- Alright, so, what are we waiting for? Let’s go, said Smiling Duckling.

Then they started to walk side by side. They walked and walked and walked… until they decided to stop, tired and asking themselves... Where are we? They looked around them and saw the Blue Lake. What a surprise! They were in the Blue Lake!!! Both friends looked at each other and smiled happy.

Then, very slowly, they went near the shore and saw a little boat tied to a tree.

Smiling Duckling and Snowflake jumped into it and started to row. How great! what a wonderful walk!

They decided to stop in a place where there were so many flowers, yellow and red flowers and Smiling Duckling said, delighted:

- They’re wonderful! If only I could take one of them.

Then Snowflake, very quickly, bent down to take the flower for his friend but...This is a disaster!! The boat capsized and Snowflake fell down into the water asking for help!

Smiling Duckling also fell into the water but he could swim so he swam up to the shore the faster he could and looked for some help desperately for his friend who was already drowning.

In that moment, a dog’s barking was heard. It was Lulo, Mummy Rabbit’s dog who was in the neighbourhood. Lulo jumped into the water, swam very bravely and with lots of efforts could take his friend Snowflake out of the water of the Blue Lake.

Mummy Rabbit heard Lulo’s barking and came running and helped her son to dry himself.

- Why didn’t you listen to me, son? She asked. You could have drowned!

- I know Mummy, I know. From now on I promise to be more obedient, answered Snowflake.

Snowflake had been saved and from that day on he didn’t go out, not even once, without asking permission and he never forgot the terrible fright he got.

And that’s the end of the story...

Translated by MC Matos.  


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