August 7, 2016 HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH · Davidsonville, MD Sun. Collection ReportAdoration...

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Transcript of August 7, 2016 HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH · Davidsonville, MD Sun. Collection ReportAdoration...

SPIRITUAL LIFE AT HOLY FAMILY Baptism: Call the Par ish Office as early as possible to make arrangements. A Baptism Preparation Class is required for first time parents.

Reconciliation: Saturday at 3:30 p.m. through 4:45 p.m., and by appointment.

Communion Calls: Call the Par ish Office if you wish Holy Communion brought to a member of your family.

Marriage: Call the Par ish Office at least 9 months before the anticipated date of the wedding.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.): Email Char les Burk at to inquire about full membership in


Catholic faith. Classes run September through Easter.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Children & Youth (R.C.I.C.): Contact Sharon Graham, Director of Religious Education at 410-798-5680.

Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Oratory: For information, email Mary St. Denis at r

Rosary: Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel.

Prayer Network: To have prayers said for a special intention, call Chuck & Sally Miller at 410-798-4884.

For a complete list of Ministries, visit our website at

HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH 826 West Central Ave. P.O. Box 130 Davidsonville, Maryland 21035

Holding to the truth, we pass on the Catholic and Apostolic Faith

For a complete list of staff emails, visit our website at Bulletin Deadline: Monday at 9am


Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00a.m. • Thursday: 7:00a.m. Saturday: 5:00p.m. • Sunday: 7:45, 9:15 and 11:00a.m. Weekday Masses in the Chapel • Communion Service Mondays 9:00a.m.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Edgewater . . . . . 4 4 3 -2 0 3 -1 0 0 2 Saturday: 5:00p.m. Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00a.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00a.m. Wednesday 9:00a.m. Communion Service Mass in Spanish: Saturdays at 7:00p.m.

(except first Sat. of the month)

Our Lady of Sorrows , Owensville . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 -8 6 7 -2 0 5 9 Saturday: 5:00p.m. Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30a.m.

Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. (excluding First Fridays) 10:30a.m. Tues. Adoration 9a.m. to 3p.m. with Mass at 10:30a.m.

First Fridays: Mass & Supper at 6p.m.

Liturgy Committee ....................................................... Ruth Milano Youth Ministry Coordinator (ext. 33) ................ Mike MacDonald Director of Music Ministry (ext. 36) ............................. Ron Brown Director of Fellowship Ministry (ext. 23) .................... Joan Jenkins Hospitality Manager (ext. 27) ................................ Louisa Woolery Office of Religious Education ................................... 410-798-5680 Director (ext. 30) ................................................. Sharon Graham Office Assistant (ext. 29) ....................................... Eileen Messer Pastoral Council Chairperson ................................. Doni Dondero Pastoral Council Vice Chairperson ........................... Jack Weaver School of the Incarnation (PreK-8) .......................... 410-519-2285 Principal: Mrs. Lisa Shipley

Parish Office (Washington line) ................................301-261-7399 (Baltimore line) ...................................410-269-0586 FAX .............................................................................410-798-5315 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m; Friday 8:30a.m.- Noon Pastor (ext. 32)...................................................... Rev. Andy Aaron Permanent Deacon (410-320-3301) .............................. Tom Beales Permanent Deacon …………………………………Doug Lovejoy Administrative Assistant (ext. 22) .......................... Audrey Bushee Parish Secretary (ext. 35) ...................................... Donna Wardrup Receptionist (ext. 21) ................................................ Jeanne Collins Accountant (ext. 24) ..................................................... Jean Phillips Director of Maintenance (ext. 49) ............................... Elmer Deras Director of Adult Enrichment (ext. 34) .............. Christy Cosgrove Family Ministry Coordinator (ext. 25)………………Cyndi Zajic

August 7, 2016

Holy Family

Sunday Wis 18:6-9/Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22/ Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Lk 12:32-48

Monday Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c/Ps 148:1-2, 11-14/Mt 17:22-27

Tuesday Ez 2:8-3:4/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131/ Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

Wednesday 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-9/Jn 12:24-26

Thursday Ez 12:1-12/Ps 78:56-59, 61-62/Mt 18:21-19:1

Friday Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Is 12:2-6/ Mt 19:3-12

Saturday Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/ Mt 19:13-15

Next Sunday Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/ Lk 12:49-53

Readings for August 7, 2016

Mon. 9:00 a.m. Communion Service

Tues. 9:00 a.m. For the repose of the soul of Joseph L. Laurino

Wed. 9:00 a.m.

For the repose of the soul of Paul Spangler

Thurs. 7:00 a.m. For the repose of the soul of Ella Tobin

Fri. 9:00 a.m. For the repose of the soul of Elizabeth Luby

Sat. 5:00 p.m. For the repose of the soul of Rosemary Fridrich (Fr. Andy)

Sun. 7:45 a.m. For the repose of the soul of Vince Tana (Fr. Andy)

Sun. 9:15 a.m.

For the repose of the souls of Mr. & Mrs. Puccia (Fr. Andy)

Sun. 11:00 a.m. For the intentions of our Parishioners (Fr. Andy)

PRAY FOR OUR SICK ESPECIALLY: Helen Kline, Judy Ricker, Katie Sabo, Ken Carter, Lou Yaeger, John Haar, Mark Phillips, Jr., Jamie Dickey, Bobby Beales, Ed Lakitsky, Pam Thayer, Caroline Jordan, Carolyn Shaffer, Geri McCarthy, Lloyd Shelton, Sandi Matthews, Mark Edgar, and for those on the prayer network.

SUMMER VACATION! To find Mass times visit

Dear Friends, Today in the Gospel reading from Luke 12 we are called to BE READY. To be people who help others “give alms” and who are “like servants who await their master’s return….ready to open…when he comes and knocks.” In our lives we are given lots of choices. The choice to try to put Jesus first, put love first in our lives and then the choice to put our pride or material things or personal convenience first. Of course, even a person who is “ready” for Jesus will, at times, take vacations, and will rest and will have to pray through the challenge of helping others versus making sure their own kids are provided for….But at least we can say this much, we need to challenge ourselves and pray about this question. How well am I doing at being a person who helps others, and shares the message of Jesus in the world? So we gather at Church and we follow Jesus to figure out how to be rich in God’s sight. MARK YOUR CALENDARS:

Family sports night on Thursdays during the summer in the rear parking lot of the Church.

Men’s basketball pick-up outside, rear parking lot, from 7pm-9pm every Tuesday throughout the summer weather permitting.

IN HARMONY YOUTH PLAYERS presents “Godspell” on Friday, August 12th and Saturday, August 13th at 7pm in Unity Hall. $5 ticket donation.

Welcome Kol Shalom Synagogue members and Rabbi Phil Pohl to Holy Family for a recitation of Psalms and refreshments (kosher) in Unity Hall, on Wednesday, August 17th at 7:30pm. Rabbi Pohl will sing some of the songs in their original Hebrew for us to enjoy that night! Myself and members of the parish group that sponsored the study of the Psalms this summer will host the event. All are welcome.

Friday, August 19th at 7:05pm, Bowie Baysox game with fireworks afterwards. Tickets on sale after all Masses this weekend and next weekend in the Upper Gallery. Still the best deal of the summer, only $5 a ticket! $12 on game day.

Beginning this Fall, “Friday Fellowship!” First Friday of the month 10am in the JMJ Café. Socializing, games and refreshments for all!

Visit to keep up with all of our upcoming events! There’s a lot!!

God Bless, Fr. Andy

"Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour when the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come." Lk 12:39-40

Flower Memorials this Weekend Blessed Mother

In Memory of Carolyn Beanie Chaney

Davidsonville, MD

Sun. Adoration continues, Oratory Godspell Rehearsal Noon-5pm, Unity Hall Baptisms 12:30pm, Church Family Mass 5pm, Church

Mon. Adoration continues, Oratory Godspell Rehearsal 5pm-9pm, Unity Hall Rosary Group 6:30pm-7pm, Chapel

Tues. Adoration continues, Oratory Liturgy Committee Meeting 1pm, Library Godspell Rehearsal 6pm-9pm, Classrooms 4-6 Men’s Basketball 7pm-9pm, Rear Parking Lot

Wed. Adoration continues, Oratory Confessions 8am, 11am, & 7pm, Church Godspell Rehearsal 5pm-9pm, Unity Hall Altar Server Training 6:30pm-7:30pm, Church Bereavement Program 7pm-9pm, Classroom 16 2nd & 4th Men’s Group 7:30pm-9pm, Classrooms 10 & 11

Thurs. Adoration continues, Oratory 2nd & 4th Men’s Group 6:15am-=7am, Chapel Staff Meeting 9:45am, Library Godspell Rehearsal 5pm-9pm, Unity Hall CODA 6:30pm-7:30pm, Classroom 2 Knights of Columbus Meeting 7pm-9:30pm, Classrooms 10 & 11 Family Sports Night 7pm-9pm, Rear Parking Lot Family Mass Choir Rehearsal 7pm-8pm, Church Alcoholics Anonymous 8pm-9pm, Classrooms 4 & 5 ALANON 8pm-9pm, Classroom 6

Fri. Adoration continues, Oratory Floral Arranging 9:30am, Church & Liturgy Workspace Photo Directory Pictures 2pm-9pm, Classrooms 17 & 18 Godspell Performance 7pm, Unity Hall

Sat. Adoration continues, Oratory 2nd & 4th Men’s Group 7am-8:30am, Classrooms 10 & 11 Photo Directory Pictures 2pm-9pm, Classrooms 17 & 18 Godspell Performance 7pm, Unity Hall

Collection Report

July 23rd & 24th Offertory $8,487

Mortgage & Maintenance $5,969 Poor Box $453

July 30th & 31st Offertory $13,780

Mortgage & Maintenance $1,770 Poor Box $488

Catholic Schools $995

July Faith Direct Totals Offertory $37,576/Budget $44,000 Mortgage & Maintenance $10,927

Missionary Cooperative $668

Month of July Totals Offertory $55,558/Budget $44,000

Mortgage & Maintenance $27,345/Budget $20,000 Poor Box $3,773

Missionary Cooperative $1,034 Catholic Schools $995

SUMMER FAMILY SPORT NIGHT: Every Thursday, from 7pm to 9pm in the back parking lot of Holy Family. Fun for the entire family!

NEW FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP: Fall program for adults! Join us after daily Mass in the JMJ Café for a game of cards or a round of Mahjong! Bridge anyone! If interested in helping coordinate this program, email Cyndi Zajic at

Men’s basketball pick-up outside, rear parking lot, from 7pm-9pm every Tuesday throughout the summer weather permitting.

SAVE THE DATE! This year the picnic will be held on Sunday, September 11th from Noon-4pm. The theme this year is “God Bless America!” Plans for the events are in progress which means lots of volunteers! Please contact Joan Jenkins at to help us plan this


HOLY FAMILY 6TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT: Monday, September 26th at Old South Country Club at 11:15am with a dinner back at Unity Hall. It's great fun and fellowship and helps our Church raise money to support the Parish activities. We

raised $9,000 last year! Aside from players at any level we also need donations of silent auction items and tee box sponsors. Contact Chris Jedrey for more information at 443-474-8395 or email

INSPIRING CATHOLIC CD’S: Featuring "Beloved" by Tim Gray. With humor and clarity, Dr. Gray presents biblical principles that are foundational to finding happiness in

marriage. He discusses the blessings and struggles of married life and how, despite our fallen nature, spouses can heal and build their marriages and become each others greatest blessing. In the Narthex you will see the display rack filled with “NEW” and inspiring talks. For just $4 you can enrich your own faith or help someone you know. Checks can be made payable to Holy Family Church.

Raymond Prefontaine, father of Michelle Fitzurka

James Schraf, husband of Dolores

Arthur Neill, husband of Sharon and father of Wendy Harrell

19th Sunday in ordinary time

RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE: Prayerfully consider becoming an active member. You can do as much or as little as your time allows. Please email Christy Cosgrove at

FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION is open! Visit our website at to download the form. Classes start Sunday, September 11th and Monday, September 12th.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNUAL CRAB FEAST: South County Council #8251 is having their annual "All You Can Eat" crab feast on Sunday, August 21st from 2pm to 5pm at Our Lady of Sorrows Hall (off Route 2 onto Route 255), 101 Owensville Road, West

River. $35 per person; $10 children 7-12 years of age. For tickets contact Kenny at 301-440-5246 or Ralph at 410-703-5671.

CATECHISTS AND AIDES NEEDED: We want those who minister to children, to do so with excellence, always striving for relevant ways to provide modern applications of the ageless gospel message.

If you are an adult, 18 years and older, who love God and God’s children, give us a call at 410-798-5680. Training and support is provided. Check the bulletin/calendar for upcoming training dates.

SAVE THE DATE: Welcome Kol Shalom Synagogue members and Rabbi Phil Pohl to Holy Family for a recitation of Psalms and refreshments in Unity Hall, on Wednesday, August 17th at

7:30pm. Fr. Andy and members of the parish group that sponsored the study of the Psalms this summer will host the event. All are welcome.

Pregnant, Need Help? Call the Gabriel Network 1-800-ANGEL-OK, Birthright 410-384-7700.

End of Life Issues? Contact the National Catholic

Bioethics Centers at

ncbc-offers-free-ethics-consultations or call 215-877-


FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY is not a holy day of obligation this year. Fr. Andy will be celebrating Mass on Monday, August 15th at 9am and 7pm in the Church.

Enjoy singing and praising God’s name in song? Please consider joining one of our choirs. Contact Ron Brown at Put “HFCC Music Ministry” in the subject line.

Men’s Choir: Sing the first Sunday of the month at the 11am Mass. Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, August 25th at 7:30pm in the Music Rehearsal Room.

Traditional Choir: Sing each Sunday at the 9:15am Mass. Rehearsals begin on Thursday, August 25th at 7:30pm in the Church.

Choristers: Sing the second Sunday of the Month at the 11am Mass. Rehearsals begin on Sunday, October 16th at 4pm in the Church. Parents, for more information contact Jane Beery at

CONTEMPORARY GROUP: Sings the 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month at the 11am Mass starting August 21st and the 1st Sunday of the month at the 5pm Youth Mass. All rehearsals and

set up are prior to the Mass. For more specific information contact Bill MacDonald at

ATTENDE DOMINE means “Hear us, Lord.” It is Holy Family’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) for those interested in becoming members of the Roman Catholic Church. There is no commitment required. This is a time of inquiry and exploration. Sessions begin on Tuesday,

September 20th from 7pm-8:30pm in classrooms 10 & 11. See the flyer in the bulletin this weekend and look for our booth at the August 21st Ministry Fair. Questions or for more information contact Charles Burk at or call 410-721-4543.

ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTRY NEWS: Holy Family received a grant for native Trees and Shrubs from Unity Gardens. They were planted by a dozen of our loving parishioners by the Chapel and at the recently cleared invasive forest edge behind the Post

Office. Last fall Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake provided 60 trees that were planted at the rear of the property. The Environmental Ministry is looking for your help by adopting a tree or shrub of your choice. This is a great opportunity for the kids to get involved. All plants are native to Maryland and specifically wildlife supportive. We will put your family's name on the tag so you can always find them. You need to water them in the summer when it has not rained in a week. A milk jug will do. I will send you an email reminder. Empty Nest Syndrome…adopt a tree or bush! Contact Chris Gordon, Environmental Coordinator at or call 301-585-1950.

THE WALKING WITH PURPOSE parish program at Holy Family Catholic Church is introducing a new session this fall: Opening Your Heart. This foundational, 22-week course is designed for women who are new to WWP as well as those with more Bible study experience. We welcome past participants and invite new women to join us! In addition to Opening Your Heart, Holy Family will also offer Discovering Our Dignity, a study that gives us modern-day advice from women of the Bible. Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Bible study that aims to bring women to a deeper, personal relationship with Christ through personal study and small group discussions that link our everyday challenges with solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. We will meet Wednesdays at 9:40am or 7:10pm beginning September 21st. Child care will be available for the morning session. For more information go to and or contact Dodie Seppi at or 443-607-6476. We hope to see you!

August 7, 2016

HEALING MASS: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19. The day is coming to receive spiritual and physical healing from our Lord Jesus Christ through the anointing hands of Father Binoy. Join the

Prayer Group on Tuesday, August 23rd at 7:30pm in the Church. For more information contact Rose King at Prayer group resumes on Tuesday, August 16th at 7:30pm in the Chapel.

UNDERSTANDING YOUR GRIEF: The 2016 program will continue with meetings once a month on the second Wednesdays of August. The third monthly session will be held on August 10th, beginning at 7pm in Classroom 16.

BATTER, BATTER, UP! We are visiting the Bowie Baysox this summer on Friday, August 19th. Game time is 7:05pm. Our opponent is the Akron Rubber Ducks. Still the best deal of the summer, tickets are only $5 and Altar Servers are

free plus receive $20 to spend at the game. General admission the day of the game is $12 so don’t procrastinate. After the game, the Baysox light up the skies with a fireworks extravaganza! Ticket sales will be available in the Upper Gallery, after all Masses, this weekend and August 13th & 14th. Tickets can also be purchased through the parish office during business hours. Must pay ahead!

IN HARMONY YOUTH PLAYERS presents “Godspell” on Friday, August 12th and Saturday, August 13th at 7pm in Unity Hall. $5 ticket donation. Questions, please email Cyndi Zajic at or call 410-269-0586 or 301-261-7399 (ext. 25).

CREATING A HEALTHY FAMILY:A support group for families affected by emotional abuse and physical violence in the home. An opportunity for those in need to find fellowship

and resources for their daily lives. Join us on Tuesday, August 23rd at 6:30pm in classroom 14.

LADIES OF THE KNIGHTS, Council 8261 are once again collecting school supplies for the Anne Arundel County school children through August

14th. Please help us out by filling our bins. Items needed: sharpened #2 pencils, 24 count crayons, liquid glue/glue sticks, washable markers, thin dry erase markers, big pink eraser, large boxes tissues, hand sanitizer, liquid soap, Ziploc bags, blunt scissors, wide ruled notebook paper, folders with pockets, Marble composition books, highlighters, 5x8 pencil case, colored pencils, post-it notes, red pens, 3x5 index cards, 3-ring binders, and pack of dividers. Thank you from the students of AAC schools!

HOLY FAMILY’S NEW PHOTO DIRECTORY! Tell your story! Be included in our ongoing photography event. Each family receives a complimentary 8x10 portrait and a free directory for participating! Please go to the lower level.

GOOD NEWS! Because so many of our faithful parishioners are taking much-needed vacations and were unable to schedule photo sessions during our early August dates, we have added end-of-the month dates (after school starts) for your family photo sessions! The newly added dates are Thursday, August 25th, Friday, August 26th and Saturday, August 27th.

Schedule your photo appointment today online with your cell phone, tablet or computer. Simply visit the link at and follow the steps. The link is also in the weekly blast or at If you need help signing up, email Ron Van Nest at Put photo directory in the subject line.

Also, Holy Family’s Picture Directory Team is looking for snapshots of you and your family at Church-related functions. If you have any snapshots that you would like to have considered for our new directory, please submit them. Navigate to this link at and follow the instructions to upload the pictures. If you have any questions at all, please contact Linda Wilk, 410-956-0406;

HAVE YOU CONSIDERED CATHOLIC SCHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD?: School of the Incarnation has openings for the upcoming 2016-2017 school

year. Please call to find out more about the exciting programs at our school. A Catholic education may be a possibility for your family. Call today for more information or to schedule a tour at 410-519-2285.

SCHOOL OF THE INCARNATION is seeking qualified childcare group leaders and assistants for our after-school program serving children ages 4-14. Responsibilities include student

supervision during indoor and outdoor play, assistance with homework, and planning and implementing activities and crafts. Qualifications include high school diploma and satisfactory criminal background check. Hours are Monday through Friday, 2:45pm-6pm. CPR & First aid training provided. Please contact Laura Minakowski at (410)519-2285 or

HELP WANTED in the nursery on Sunday mornings from 9am until 12:30pm. This is a paid position. For more information or to apply, please contact Eileen Messer at

TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: Please join us for our fall study, Israel's Story, Part 1, on Tuesdays, August 30th-October 11th, from 7pm-8:30pm in classroom 12. The 7 sessions will provide participants with an overview of how ancient Israel understood its relationship to God,

its history, its beliefs, and its hopes, as documented in the Hebrew Scriptures. Cost is $10. Israel's Story, Part 2 will follow from October 18th-November 29th. Please contact Tina at for more information or sign up at the upcoming Ministry Fair.

19th Sunday in ordinary time

MIKE MACDONALD Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Confirmation (301) 261-7399 / (410) 269-0586 ext. 33

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP: We will resume our normal schedule on Sunday, September 18th at 5:30pm in the Youth Center. Don’t worry though, lots of Summer fun to come!!

SUNDAY EVENING MASS: Holy Family has a Sunday evening Mass once a month at 5pm focused on our youth but all are welcome! Our next Mass is this Sunday, August 7th.

HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER PRAY AND PLAY DROP-INS: Every Wednesday during the summer, teens are invited to join us. We will meet in the Chapel at 9am for morning Mass, then go out to the back parking lot for Ultimate Frisbee, and end with a pizza lunch at noon.

This is FREE for all high school students (including those who just finished 8

th grade!), so bring a friend. Our next one

will be Wednesday, August 10th. Bad weather won’t stop us, we’ll just do something fun inside!

MIDDLE SCHOOL: We will resume our normal schedule on Friday, September 9th at 7pm in the Youth Center. Stay posted for Summer fun events!!

ST. THOMAS AQUINAS TUTORIAL (STAT) is seeking tutors for the 2016-2017 academic school year for the following areas of integrated study: 7th Grade

Humanities and Latin. STAT offers a Catholic, hybrid classical program, meeting twice weekly, which provides the opportunity for home-schooled children in grades two through eight to receive thorough instruction, not only from their parents, but also from dedicated and talented tutors. For more information on employment please complete the contact page at or contact us at

CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! All incoming 9th graders are invited to register for Confirmation Preparation this year. Registration will close on Friday, September 2nd. The registration form can be found at the following link: http:// All incoming 8th grade students who wish to be Confirmed next year should enroll in Faith Formation for their 8th grade year unless you attend a Catholic school.