August 2012

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Across the Country and Around the World

Transcript of August 2012

The Voice of Manifestation Newsletter wants to take this opportunity to acknowledge Lady

Lisa Jones on her Birthday.

Happy Birthday Lady Lisa!!

Commission is an authorization to perform certain duties or tasks.

Matthew 28:18-20 says, and Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto

me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatso-

ever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.


It is the desire of the Voice Team to be obedient to that authority, and to that commission. To

go across the country and around the world spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We, The

Voice, encourage you to do the same. Lead some one to Christ. Be that vessel that the Father

wants to use to offer salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life.

This month The Voice wants to introduce our new team members, Fay Miller, Jenelle Johnson,

Elaine Williams & Pat Knowles. Together we will spread the gospel.

We encourage you to read Dr. Mark Jones' Words of Reflection on Page 3. Don’t forget our

prayer focals on Page 4 as we corporately fast on every Tuesday. Woman of Worship

(W.O.W.), Page 5 encourages us to Lead by Example. Prophetess Gail Boles encourages us to

Embrace New Age on Page 8. Remember to follow the chronological bible reading, where

Teacher Eva Johnson provides us help to understand on Page 14. There is more, go through the

pages and allow the Holy Sprit to minister to your spirit. Remember this is the year of

“Excuseless Maturity”.

The Voice of Manifestation Newsletter wants to take this opportunity to acknowledge Lady

Don’t forget that adds are FREE!, so if you would like to communicate with the community or

partners, please email your information to Yesmin Negron at or call


Partners, share the link with your friends, coworkers & family!!

Till the next time, Manifest

Yesmin Negron

VOM Newsletter Dept Leader

The Voice

As servants of our Lord and guided by scrip-

ture: 2 Chronicles 7:14; If my people, who are

called by my name, will humble themselves

and pray and seek my face and turn from their

wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and

I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Vision: The Lord will raise up 1,000,000

prayer partners to join with us in non-political,

non-partisan 24/7 prayer during the conven-

tions for the leaders of our nation to seek wis-

dom and guidance of the Lord for themselves

and for our country.

Aim: To build a house of prayer consisting of

churches, Christian ministries, and individuals

from all peoples and nations; joining together

as living stones in non-partisan, non-political

prayer during the 2012 political conventions.

Vision Background: Forty to fifty thousand

local, state and national leaders, along with

media and delegates will be gathering in

Tampa for the Republican National Conven-

tion from August 27 thru 30, 2012. As resi-

dents of Tampa, we know that because the

Lord is gathering our nation's leaders to our

city, He has also given us the privilege and re-

sponsibility to cover these men and women in

prayer. An equal number of leaders will also

be gathering in Charlotte, NC for the Democ-

ratic National Convention, to be held Septem-

ber 3 thru 6, 2012. We are reaching out to our

brothers and sisters in Charlotte to share in this

calling to lead a nation in prayer for our

elected officials. We are praying that during

these conventions, the Lord will raise up 1 mil-

lion prayer partners to join with us in non-

political, non-partisan, 24/7 prayer for the

leaders and our nation to seek wisdom and

guidance of the Lord for themselves and for

our country. We understand that the future of

our nation is not dependent upon the leadership

of any one person or party, but upon God's

people turning and praying to the One upon

whose shoulders all government rests (Isaiah

9:6). We also understand according to Scrip-

ture that "the King's heart is like channels of

water in the Hand of the Lord. He turns it

wherever He desires” (Proverbs 21:1). There-

fore we have confidence in God alone knowing

that He is in Charge. We know that only in Je-

sus will our nation find its hope and purpose.

Consequently, these conventions have created

the catalyst to gather his people together as one

body with one voice, crying out to Him alone

for the healing of our land.

Join us in 24/7 prayer for our leaders and na-

tion. Sign up at The Center for Manifestation

at the Conventions’ Prayer Coverage Table or

login to

CFM Intercessory Department

To be a true Woman of God you must live to set a

Godly example. Many of us have grown up in house-

holds that have set unhealthy examples. For example:

I grew up with a domineering family, we got whipped

for everything, and the women were very hostile.

So, when I grew up with this as my norm. When I

started having children this behavior was set in my

mentality. I was domineering, hostile, and I beat my

kids for everything. Until one day the Lord spoke to

me, and he said, "Stop beating them for everything.

Do I beat you for every little mistake?" I said, No.

Then he said, "Stop yelling at them. They are not your

slaves." This began my journey of changing from an

unhealthy example to a Godly example. Many times

we don't want to change because it's our norm. We

grew up with these dysfunctional mindsets, and we

think it's okay. These dysfunctional mindsets go with

us everywhere we go. We blame everyone else instead

of pointing to ourselves.

I wanted to mention that because the way we think

determines our level of service to others, and the

world. You can't lead by example if you always have a

nasty attitude. You can't lead by example if you feel

threatened by other peoples' opinions. You can't lead

by example if you don't know who you are in Christ or

you have an identity crisis. Your coming to church

looks great. Mingling in with the congregation makes

you look saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy

Ghost. You shine when it comes to gifts and talents.

So, your spiritual life in that sense looks fine. But

your personal life is a hot mess. God is always con-

cerned about our inner man first. God has called us to

be holy down on the inside. Not just these outward

functions. Why? Because God wants us to be an ex-

ample in everything we do. On our job, with our

spouse & children, in our conversation, our service to

others, our facial expressions, our temper, in our

smiles, hugs, and our voice.

Isn't it amazing that the Bible says 'a soft answer turns

away wrath'. He's talking about our tone of voice here.

If you've been known to go off on every little thing,

no one can tell you anything because they already

know your reaction is going to be with ANGER. Your

children can't share anything with you because you

have something slick to say with a nasty tone of voice.

Listen ladies, God is after your attitude. Because it is a

part of your representation of Him.

We can't live one way in the church, and then when we

get home, or at work we cut the fool. Listen, church

don't start on Sunday or Monday. It starts when you're

at home. We must live our best when we're out of the

sanctuary. We must have a fervent heart of passion for

Christ. So, when we're in other environments, people

will know that we are his bride. As the saying goes

"Practice what you preach". "People hear what you

say, but they watch what you do". Don't preach noth-

ing you're not living. We must be the first to do it right

so that when others see us, they will follow it right.

Women of God are loving, sweet, kind, gentle, patient,

caring, fervent in prayer, long suffering, full of mercy

and compassion. We live with a worshipful, and ser-

vant's heart before the Father.

I speak to every woman. I don't care where you've

been or what you've gone through.

You are a leading lady. Be the example God has called

you to be. You are special in His eyes.

1 Tim 4:12

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example

of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in

spirit, in faith, in purity.

2 Thes 3:9

Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves

an ensample unto you to follow us.

Staying the course,

It does not take much for the mind to be battered

Just one open window that has been shattered

Trying to see where the pieces had fell

While the adversary anticipates your journey to hell

Battered and bruised with thoughts of the past

Conflicting, confusing, frustrating I now feel lost

Thinking how much longer will this ordeal last

My life and I are no longer related to the cost

When the hour of despair comes your way

And there is no one to which you can share

When you are lost on the highway

And cannot find any sign to direct you anywhere

Confused to the moment and abused with doubt

Wondering how and when will you get out

With your mind spinning like a ferri wheel

Loosing your balance between fake and real

The mind is now in need of His healing power

To reconstruct through His mercy and favor

Believing in His word without a shadow of doubt

The Lord reminds you He is the only way out.


Jennifer Cole

So many have asked me this question. What does it

feel like to turn 50? First and foremost I’m blessed.

I chose to embrace my age with confidence, dig-

nity, and joy. “It doesn’t bother me becoming 50 at

all. I have had amazing life experiences and hope-

fully, another 50 years of experiences ahead of

me.” All of my experiences, for better or for worse,

have all culminated to mold me into who I am this

day. I have met some of the most amazing people

who have influenced my life.

My journey to this point in my life has been filled

with many triumphs and tragedies, gladness and

sorrow, for which I am grateful for. No one can

truly appreciate the sweet without tasting the bitter.

As I reminisce in my mind through the many roads

I have traveled down, I know beyond a shadow of a

doubt that there were angels watching over me in

the first most traumatic half of my life. In this sec-

ond half, so far I have been blessed with the Holy

Spirit to guide my path and my direction as long as

I hearken to the still small voice.

Embracing the wisdom that comes with age and

experience and experiencing life as it is meant to be

lived, it’s not about a size on the tag or a number on

the scale. It’s about days filled with joy and laugh-

ter. It’s about enjoying time with good friends and

celebrating another year of living. Actually I feel so

much younger at 50 than I ever did at 40. I’m no

longer obsessed with the size I wear or the small

little flaws that seemed so huge just a few short

years earlier. I have learned to embrace me as I am

today. After all, we only get one shot at this journey

so why focus on the negatives.

Turning 50 means looking back at the choices

you've made; the places you've been and embracing

the amazing person they've helped you to become.

It means wearing your confidence like a smile

and striding through your life- regret-free, fear-

less, and purposeful; appreciating just how far

you've traveled yet realizing the best of the best

is yet to come. It means wrapping yourself in

happiness and celebrating every minute of be-

ing fifty as if it were the best time of your life--

because it truly is!

Excellent Things About Turning 50: You're less fearful

You're not afraid to have opinions

You know yourself

You have a greater appreciation of life

It's easier to laugh at yourself

It's easier to take life less seriously

You stop caring about what other people think

You stop sweating the small stuff

You have a lifetime of wisdom to help you

make decisions

You are more at peace

You're less critical of your body and weight

You know that eating right and exercise are the

best medicine

You embrace your imperfections

You have a reason for forgetting things

You have a reason for losing things

Your inner confidence shines

You can enjoy being settled in life


Your wisdom

Your advice

Your ability to let go

Your ability to forgive others

Your ability to forgive yourself

Last but not least getting your dream car for

your… birthdayJ

Live Bold and Bloom…

As always~ thanks for reading~ until next time

be ALL that God created YOU to be.

Embrace whatever age that you are…

Embracing New Age Fit Fabulous & Beautifully 50

Jesus is offering us salvation by choosing to believe in Him. To believe in Him is to accept

Him with all of our heart as the true and genuine Son of God. When we choose to believe

with all our heart in Christ, the Holy Spirit takes over, filling us with His presence. Then and

only then, our heart is supplied with love, light, life, freedom, joy, knowledge, and under-

standing. Transformation takes place and our life is never the same.

Many are complicated with the thoughts of trying to get their life in order; for instance, end-

ing a relationship, the decision to stop smoking or even drinking, moving to a different area,

getting a new car, etc. Not realizing that the freedom of all of our complicated issues come

after Christ reigns in our lives.

Others have walked away from a life with Christ and lost consciousness or have become in-

sensitive to Christ. Every so often the still voice of the Holy Spirit is heard, but there is no


The Voice of the Holy Spirit is speaking again, Come! My children come unto the throne of

grace to obtain mercy, where you will find forgiveness of sin, and find grace which is giving

purification of unrighteousness and support in difficult times, and to help in time of need.

I encourage you not to think about it but to suddenly embrace this invitation that it is given to

you. Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, so with a simple prayer allowing Christ to come into

your heart, I assure you that your life will never be the same.

Pray out loud, Father, I confess that I am a sinner, I have sinned against you. But today, I

humble myself before You, acknowledging You as who You are, Almighty God. I repent,

please forgive me. I believe Jesus Christ died for me. I welcome You into my heart. Holy

Spirit, purity my heart, show me your ways, lead me & guide me. Fill me with your Spirit. I

want to live for you. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Welcome to God’s family!! Now, I encourage you to make time to spend with God. Reading

His Word, praying, and fasting are the first steps to a closer walk with Him. Find a Bible-

believing, Bible-teaching church where the Word of God is taught. And, share the gospel,

which is a commission to all.

If you need more information about salvation or if you need prayer, call 813-325-5730 or visit

Where we develop and encourage our children to know God intimately, love Him passionately, and serve Him


This Months Teaching Series

Jesus showed you how to grow and to know God

Aug week 1: Jesus grew every day, just like you Aug week 2: When Jesus was twelve years old, He went with

His parents to Jerusalem Aug week 3: Jesus grew in wisdom. He studied the Bible, just like other boys His age

Aug week 4: Jesus showed you how to grow and know God

There are two lessons in this story Jesus is your example, not just for you but for our chil-

dren. He shows us what our children should be like as a

child. Remember that Jesus was a real human just like

your child. He was fully God and fully human. Even

more if you call yourself a “Christian.”

Jesus’ example shows us we need to be saved. As chil-

dren, they do not perfectly obey us as parents/

guardians. It’s not because they are a kid. It’s because

of sin. It’s because at times they don’t want to obey

their parents. We need God to take away

our sins and give us a new heart. And that

is what He promises to do if we will repent

and trust in Jesus.

REMINDER……Do Not Forget to give your child money for tithing and offering. Let them know it is important to you be-cause it is important to God.

My name is Diana Boyce and I have been a resi-

dent of Florida for 9yrs now. I am loving living in

Florida, however, I am originally from Indianapo-

lis, Indiana. I am the youngest of seven children,

mother of three, grandmother of four and a proud

owner of two cats and a dog.

In the spring of 2009, I found myself in need of a

church home and a covering for me and my family.

It was during the series teachings on the “People

Piece and the “Wisdom Dynamic” that I knew that

I had to become a partner and I did. I am so ex-

cited to say that I have been growing by leaps and

bounds, loving my church family and no longer

allowing fear and circumstances to play a part in

dictating my steps.

I find myself trusting God more than I ever have

and more consistently relying on the fact that my

steps are ordered by the word of God. I count it a

blessing to be a part of CFM’s Leadership Team,

along with the Prophetic Dance and Flag Ministry.

I am so amazed at God and He is so awesome! I

am a true witness that He is able to do exceedingly,

abundantly, above all we could ever ask or think

according to His power at work in us. So no matter

what the situation or circumstance, ‘Stay the

Course’. Continue pressing towards the mark of

your high calling in Christ and trust and know that

God will see you through it all. Thank you so

much Apostle for being a true father to the king-

dom, and mama Lisa for keeping it real. I love you


Be Blessed,

Sis Diana

The Book of Proverbs

The Hebrew title is Mishle Shelomoh. The Greek title

is Paroimial Salomontos. The Latin title is Liber

Proverbiorum and according to rabbinical writings it

was called Sepher Hokhmah or “Book of Wisdom.”

According to Revell’s Bible Dictionary, the Book of

Proverbs are “a collection of pithy statements sum-

ming up truths learned from life’s experience.”

The Book of Proverbs can be divided as follows:

Treatise on Wisdom - Chapters 1- 9

Proverbs of Solomon – Chapters 10:1 –22:16

Sayings of the Wise – Chapters 22:17 – 24:22

Sayings of the Wise – Chapter 24:23-34

Proverbs of Solomon – Chapters 25:1 – 29:27

Words of Agur – Chapter 30

Words of Lemuel – Chapter 31:1-9

In Praise of a Good Wife – Chapter 31:10-31

Nothing is known about Agur except he was the son

of Jakeh and Lemuel was possibly a King. The Bible

does not give any further information about them,

however, in other ancient writings they were men-

tioned as possibly from the Arabian tribe of Massa,

but nothing is certain in this regard. Massa was one of

the sons of Ishmael. (Genesis 25:14 and I Chronicles


There are many key verses in the Book of Prov-

erbs. Many that are used by Christians and non-

Christians alike but the favorites are:

Proverbs 1:5-7: “A wise man will hear and will in-

crease learning; and a man of understanding shall

attain unto wise counsels, To understand a proverb

and the interpretation, the words of the wise and their

riddles. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of

knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruc-


Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your

heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all

your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your


There are also many key chapters, however, Proverbs

31 stands out and reveals a very high view of women.

What we can learn from the Book of Proverbs:

The Fear (Reverence) of the Lord

Successful Living/Living Skills (according to

God’s Word)


Practical Instruction



Knowledge for All Ages

Skill in Understanding

A Code of Behavior

And so much more…………

I Kings 4:29-32 says King Solomon spoke 3,000

proverbs and he received a portion of wisdom that

was greater than any other man.

As you read the Book of Proverbs, think about the

things you need to do or change in light of the wisdom

you are learning. Do not rely on your own under-

standing but seek God’s wisdom in every aspect of

your life.

Next Month We Will Explore - Ecclesiastes


ONLY Teacher Eva Johnson

Words can't express our love for you

For all you give and everything you do

God blessed us when he made the choice

To allow us to hear your anointed voice

Speak living words into our lives

As you lead us daily without compromise

The example of strength and integrity

The type of leader we strive to be

You've shown us love in unimaginable ways

Even in the midst of our darkest days

Reminding us to keep the faith

To trust the lord and not go astray

You've been the Father to help us grow

To guide us to where God would have us to go

And on this day we appreciate

Every drop of love you ever gave

And all the times you're at heaven’s gate

Sending prayers to intercede

What more could we truly need

You are the Angel of this house

A light that satin could not burn out

A warrior who stands with armor of Christ

We thank God for the blessing of YOU in our life.

We Love You Apostle Mark



Lady of Virtue: A Look at Proverbs 31:27

One of my current devotionals is from the book

Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall and Debby

Jones. If you are unmarried, I highly recommend

reading this book! There is a chapter in it called

Lady of Virtue and it goes in-depth about being a

Pearl of Great Price. One of the questions in the

book asked, ‘What quality has God led you to de-

velop from Proverbs 31’? After praying and really

evaluating my character, I was lead to verse 27:

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and

eateth not the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27


She looks well to how things go in her household,

and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent, and

self-pity) she will not eat. Proverbs 31:27 [AMP]

I then went to and studied the

breakdown of the verse, and what every phrase


She looketh well: to observe accurately, to look

out or about, spy, keep watch, observe, watch.

To the ways: way of acting, i.e. her domestic


Of her household: household affairs, household

containing a family;

And eateth: to cause to eat, feed;

Not the bread: bread, food, grain;

Of idleness: sluggishness, laziness, slothfulness;

The breakdown from the Amplified version trans-

lated idleness to imply gossip, discontent, and self-

pity. I initially didn’t understand how the Amplified

Bible translation related to what the Hebrew version

of the verse meant. So my study pursued. I then

defined idleness the three words given via the Am-

plified version.

As a result:

Idle: lacking worth or basis (i.e. idle chatter,

idle pleasure); not turned to normal or appropriate

use, shiftless, lazy, avoiding work or employment;

to look busy while accomplishing nothing or to en-

gage in work of little or no practical value; to move

lazily without purpose; to run at a slow speed or out

of gear

Gossip: idle talk or rumor, especially about the

personal or private affairs of others; casual or un-

constrained conversation or reports about other peo-

ple typically involving details that are not con-

firmed as being true; a person who habitually

spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.

Discontent: lack of contentment; dissatisfaction

with one’s circumstances; a restless longing for

better circumstances; not happy.

Self-pity: a feeling of sorrow (often self-

indulgent) over your own sufferings, difficulties, or


“Self-pity is the psychological state of mind of an

individual in perceived adverse situations who has

not accepted the situation and does not have the

confidence nor ability to cope with it.” –J. Sober,


Excuse me, God, umm…could you not kick me in

the face? This definitely spoke to what I was experi-

encing at work. I was being fed by idleness, full of

things that hindered my growth and development in

my career. God wants us to be dedicated to him in

our total lives, not just at home, not just at church,

but everywhere in everything: all the time! I tried to

compromise my way out of correction with, “But

God, I don’t gossip about people! I get bored at

work and look at WonderWall, or read People

Magazine…I pray for Beyonce’! How am I sup-

posed to keep up with what’s going on with Breezy

or Kanye and Kim?!” You can guess how far that

got me…Then, I would complain about not having

anything to do and nobody helping me out with the

things I came up with and waah, waah, waah! Talk

about discontentment and self-pity! After reading

those definitions of idle, the one that hit me hard

was “To look busy while accomplishing nothing or

to engage in work of little or no practical value”. I

became a pro at that people!

Well, those days are gone. I can’t tell you how

many times I’ve heard someone talk about becom-

ing a Proverbs 31 Woman, or saying that they are

virtuously walking with God. The truth is, half the

Victoria Thompson

time they hadn’t really done a complete study for themselves of what that means and then apply it to their entire

life. God dealt with me in this and more from just one verse. We are called to excuseless maturity, believers. The

process isn’t painless, and I surely am being broken, but to God be the glory. I know what His word says is true,

Jeremiah 29:11 [AMP] reads, ‘ For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts

and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” God has big plans for

us, but we must submit to correction.

Be encouraged,


Reflecting on the recent incident at the theater in Colorado, one can feel helpless

in a world where senseless random violence is occurring more and more fre-

quently. Twelve souls were lost as a man opened a exit door at the theater and

unleashed a barrage of bullets in the crowd. The motive of this demonically con-

trolled individual is still unknown, but as believers we understand that evil does-

n’t have to have rhyme or reason as the expression goes. This society has glori-

fied violence for so long that this shouldn’t even be surprising, even though it is

appalling. My heart goes out to the families of the victims of this horrendous

incident. As men, how are we to respond to an incident such as this? My first re-

sponse is to look inward and realize that without Christ I could accomplish de-

praved acts just like this one. This is why men need to step out of self and reach

out to other young men as much as we can. We may not be able to save the

world, but in the marketplace of ideas we do have words of power that can influ-

ence a generation to stand up for the higher ideals spoken about in scripture.

Men we are significant! One candle can light the darkness so that a thousand can

see the way. Believe in yourself and in your ability to influence the culture for

Jesus, and pray for a revival in the land. Remember this quote: The only thing

necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Be Blessed and Manifest


By: Eric Durham

The word MYRRH invokes images of the

Magi bearing gifts to the new-born baby


Myrrh is not as

important in mainstream

world culture as it once was

in ancient times. Once con-

sidered more precious than

gold or silver, Myrrh was

transported many miles via

camel caravans.

This was mentioned in Gene-

sis 37: 23-28-where it states: “Ishmaelites came from

Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and


So what exactly is Myrrh?

It is the rare bitter gum resin from an ugly thorny tree

that grows in harsh arid regions at the edges of the Ara-

bian desert, specifically Oman

and Yemen.

It is harvested by cutting gashes

in the trunks of these scraggly

then collected and dried.

Biblically speaking, perhaps this

was symbolic of the wounds that

Jesus would suffer at the hands of

the Roman whips.

Or the tears that were shed by Him and for Him.

Maybe the thorns in the crown that he would wear on

that fateful day came from this very same tree?

Yet Myrrh is also known for its healing properties.

It was used on open wounds and bruises just as the

Scripture stated, “By His wounds we are healed!”

But Myrrh was also used in embalming procedures by

the ancient Egyptians as well as in other regions of the

Middle East. So maybe that gift of Myrrh by the Magi

was a foretaste of Jesus’ death?

Traditionally in Jew-

ish culture only about

one pound of Myrrh

was used for embalm-

ing as it was an expen-

sive substance.

But John 19:39 states

that Nicodemus gave about 100 pounds of it for the

burial preparation of Jesus’ body.

Nicodemus showed his love for Jesus through this ma-

terial gift of tremendous cost and rarity.

So the gift of Myrrh was symbolic of Jesus’ main pur-

pose on this earth. It was a purpose ordained from His

birth, to suffer physically and emotionally, die and be

buried. (Although we know that he didn’t stay buried!)

Myrrh was often mixed with wine and drunk as an anal-

gesic or pain killer. This was offered to Jesus on the

cross as stated in Mark 15:23.

But Myrrh had and still has an important role in the

perfume industry.

It was powdered and added to clothing and bedding for

its aromatic properties.

It was applied to the door posts of a bridegroom on his

wedding night before his bride was brought to him.

Song of Solomon echoes this in chapter 5 verse 5.

Some Biblical scholars suggest this was a metaphor for

Christ as the bridegroom and his church.

As stated before, Myrrh was often sprinkled on the

clothes of the bridegroom on his wedding day. Not

only did it smell good, but it made an undeniable state-

ment that he was sparing no expense for his bride.

It was believed that the Queen of Sheba brought great

quantities of this herb and other spices from Yemen as

gifts for King Solomon. When the sons of Jacob re-

turned to him with the request from Joseph to bring

Benjamin to Egypt, the old patriarch sent products from

the land of Palestine in an attempt to appease the prime

minister. The shipment included Myrrh, along with

almonds, pistachio nuts, honey, and spices (Genesis


Myrrh was pulverized and placed in a sack to be worn

between the breasts of a woman to enhance her beauty

and allure. Psalms 45:8; Proverbs 7:17; Song of Solo-

mon 1:13; and Song of Solomon 3:6 all refer to this


Esther and all of the other potential queen candidates

were subjected to 6 months of myrrh treatments before

they could be seen by the king of Persia. (Esther 2:12)

The importance of

Myrrh has receded

in our culture re-

placed by Armani

and Cleo and even

the common de-

odorant stick or

spray. However, it

remains an impor-

tant ingredient in

certain toothpastes

and mouthwashes and even some perfumes.

And today, modern medicine continues to find pharma-

cological uses for this ancient herb, Myrrh.

Keith Lashley MYRRH

It is said that Myrrh has antiseptic, astringent and anti-

inflammatory properties. Some writings and modern

websites say it is effective in the treatment of mouth

and throat infections such as mouth ulcers, inflamed

gums, sore throats, and tonsillitis.

Myrrh has been used to lessen joint pain in arthritis and

some clinical research indicates anti-inflammatory

properties; but its content of steroidal saponins allows

it the added bonus of reducing serum cholesterol levels.

A number of studies reveal the potential to treat rheu-

matoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

As a salve, the herb treats hemorrhoids, wounds, and


In Germany, approval has been given for the use of

Myrrh in the topical treatment of inflammations of the

throat, gums, and mouth, as well as for prosthesis pres-

sure marks. In France, it has received approval for

nasal congestion from the common cold.

As with all herbal compounds, consult your doctor

before using this powerful agent in the treatment of any

severe conditions and particularly possible interaction

with other medication you may be taking.

These fragrances and especially Frankincense were

familiar to Jesus because they were used in the first

Hebrew temples as directed by God and were potent

purifiers and laden with symbolism.

But even as we recognize the potential healing powers

of Myrrh, one thing we will never forget - the symbolic

role it played in the lowly manger in Bethlehem where

Jesus was born.

And while the Magi could not have known that Jesus

would be born in a stable (which we all know is a pretty

unpleasant smelling place), God, the Father, knew, and

made sure that not only would the smells of the stable

be diluted with the pungent and symbolic, Frankin-

cense, but that His Son, Jesus, would also be comforted

and soothed with the very pleasant aroma of Myrrh.