Audit 1Report on Audit Planning of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

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Report on Audit Planning of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Transcript of Audit 1Report on Audit Planning of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Report on Audit Planning of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Submitted to:Md. Moniruzzaman(lecturer, Dept. of AIS)Submitted by:Group Name:Corporate Warriors14th BatchDepartment of Accounting and Information Systems

Group Details:

Corporate WarriorsNameID No

1Salma Hakim Xinia 92

2Arabinda Das100

3Nidal Adnan Kibria102

4Ayesha Siddiqa103

5Najmul Huda140

6Nishat Farjana Mushtary157

7A S M Ferdous Rahman173

8Abdullah Al Mahmud175

9Sandip Kumar Ghosh177

Table of Content:

TopicPage No.

Abstract 04

Audit Planning05

Bangladesh Standards on Auditing09

Understanding of the Industry11

Understanding of the Entity15

Materiality and Risk Assessment19




The first step of an audit is planning. In this report we tried to find out the meaning, importance and others aspects of audit. We mentioned the standards that an auditor has to follow in case of planning an audit. After the theoretical explanations we did the audit planning of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited on a sample basis which helped us to understand the concept more precisely. We also provided an opinion based on findings up to the planning level of our audit.

Audit PlanningThe first generally accepted auditing standard of fieldwork requires adequate planning. For audit purpose Planning means to develop a general strategy and a detailed approach for the expected nature, timing and extent of the audit. Auditor plans to perform the audit in an efficient and timely manner. Adequate planning for audit work helps to ensure that appropriate attention is devoted to important areas of the audit, those potential problems are identified and that the work is completed expeditiously. The extent of planning will vary according to the size of the entity, the complexity of the audit and the auditor`s experience with the entity and knowledge of the business.

There are some steps which are required to audit planning:

Understanding of client`s entity and industry: The auditor should obtain a clear understanding of the entity and its environment to identify and assess the risks of material misstatements of the financial statements whether due to fraud or error and to design and perform further audit procedures. Usually, following steps are followed to obtain an understanding of the client`s business and industry.

Auditor should review the prior year`s working paper to understand the entity`s activities in a better way. Auditor should review industry and business data which is very much related to information about the industry collected from various industry publications. Auditor should visit client operations. Auditor should make inquiries of audit committee for better understanding. Auditor should make inquiries of management. Auditor should determine whether there exists any related party or not. The auditors are expected to be highly knowledgeable about GAAP and the applicable IASs/BASs and ISAs/ for better understanding; auditor should consider impact of applicable accounting and auditing pronouncements.Perform analytical procedures:Analytical procedures are defined by SAS 56 as evaluations of financial information made by study of plausible relationship among financial and non-financial data. . . . . . Involving comparisons of recorded amounts to expectations developed by the auditor. So for better understanding, auditor should perform analytical procedures to identify or judge whether it confirms his/her expectations or not.

The effective use of analytical procedures in the planning phase involves the systematic completion of following steps:

Auditor should identify calculations or comparisons to be made because the extent of analytical procedures used in planning vary based on size and complexity of the client`s business, availability of data and the professional judgment of the auditor. Auditor may perform several types of calculations like vertical analysis, ratio analysis, trend analysis etc. Auditor should develop expectations based on variety of sources such as internal client source and external sources. At this step, auditor should perform calculations or comparisons. The auditor`s understanding about the clients business is enhanced when the calculations and comparisons are analyzed. Through this, significant differences are identified. At this step, auditor should conduct investigation which is related to unexpected differences. Auditor should determine the effects on audit report.Set materiality level:The auditor`s materiality judgment about materiality in planning stage is often referred to as planning materiality. This materiality may differ from the materiality levels used at the conclusion of the audit in evaluating the findings of the audit because the surrounding circumstances may change and additional information about the client will have been obtained during the course of the audit. So it is necessary to set a materiality level at the planning stage. There are some factors which are considered in making preliminary judgments at the planning stage, are discussed in below: Auditor should assess materiality at financial statement level. Here, the financial statement materiality is the minimum aggregate misstatement in a financial statement that is important enough to prevent the financial statements from being presented fairly in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP). Auditor should assess materiality at account balance level. Account balance materiality is the minimum misstatement in an account balance that can exist in an account balance for it to be considered materially misstated. Auditor should allocate financial statement materiality to accountsRisk assessment: The risk that auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated is known as audit risk. The audit risks are manly two types (1) Risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, (2) Detection risk.(1)Risk of material misstatement of the financial statement: The risk that the financial statements are materially misstated prior to audit is referred as audit risk. The category of audit risk is also known as the risk of material misstatement at the assertion level. The risk of material misstatement at the assertion level consists of two components mainly: Inherent risk and Control risk. Inherent risk: Inherent risk is the suspect ability of an assertion to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, assuming that there are no related controls. The risk of such misstatement is greater for some assertions and related class of transactions, account balances and disclosures than for others. Control risk: Control risk is the risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion and that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, will not be prevented or detected and corrected, on a timely basis by the entity`s internal control.(2)Detection risk: Detection risk is the risk that the auditor will not detect a misstatement that exists in an assertion that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements. Detection risk is a function of the effectiveness of an audit procedure and of its application by the auditor. There is an inverse relationship between detection risk and combined level of inherent and control risk.

The audit risk can be identified through the following means: Auditor should consider incentives of managers and employees. Auditor should identify the users of financial statements. Auditor should apply audit tools to investigate client`s operations and the risks of material misstatements and should use analytical procedures.Obtain understanding of client`s ICS (Internal Control System):Internal control is the process designed and effected by those charged with governance, management and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the entity`s objective with regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Internal control consist of five components: (1) The control environment (2) The entity`s risk assessment process (3) The information system (4) Control activities and (5) Monitoring of control.At planning phase of audit, the auditor should obtain an understanding of client`s internal control structure. In this regard the following steps can be followed: The auditor should understand the design of policies and procedures pertaining to each ICS components. The auditor should demine whether the policies and procedures have been placed in operations. Auditor should document the understanding of the Ices component.

Bangladesh Standards on AuditingThere are three BSAs which are related with audit planning. So an auditor working in Bangladesh must have complete understanding of them in order to follow them properly. We have studied all 3 BSAs. Some important points mentioned in these BSAs are described below:BSA 300: Planning an audit for Financial Statements The auditor should plan the audit so that the engagement will be performed in an effective manner. The auditor should perform procedures regarding the continuance of the client relationship and the specific audit engagement. The auditor should establish the overall audit strategy for the audit. The auditor should develop an audit plan for the audit in order to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level. The overall audit strategy and the audit plan should be updated and changed as necessary during the course of the audit. The auditor should document the overall audit strategy and the audit plan, including any significant changes made during the audit engagement.

BSA 315: Identifying and assessing the risks of the material misstatement through understanding the entity and its environment The auditor should understand the entity, environment & its internal control to identify & assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statement. The auditor should perform the inquiries of management, analytical procedures & observation & inspection. The auditor should determine whether the changes have occurred that may affect the relevance of the information in that current audit. The auditor should obtain information about relevant industry & regulatory & other external factors. The auditor should obtain the understanding about nature of the entity. The auditor should obtain the understanding of companys objective, strategies & measurement & review of entitys financial performance.

BSA 320: Materiality in planning and performing an audit The auditors determination about materiality is a matter of professional judgment, and is affected by the auditors perception of the financial information needs of users of the financial statements. The auditor shall reverse materiality for the financial statements as a whole in the event of becoming aware of information during the audit that would have caused the auditor to have determined a different amount initially. The auditor shall include in the audit documentation the following amounts and the factors considered in their determination: Materiality, for the financial statements as a whole. The materiality levels for particular class of transactions, account balances or disclosures. Performance materiality.

Understanding of the industryThe pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh:The pharmaceutical sector is one of the most developed hi-tech sectors which are contributing in the countrys economy. The Drug Act of 1940 and its rules formed the basis of the countrys drug legislation. After the promulgamation of Drug Control Ordinance-1982, the development of this sector was accelerated. The professional knowledge, thoughts and innovative ideas of the pharmaceutical professionals working in this sector are the key factors for this development. Due to recent development of this sector it is exporting medicines to the global market including European market. This sector is also providing 97% of the total medicine requirements of the local market. Leading pharmaceutical companies are expanding their business with the aim to expand export market. Recently few new industries have been established with high tech equipments and professionals which will enhance the strength of this sector.Some of the local pharmaceutical companies improved range and quality of their products considerably. The national companies account for more than 65 % of the pharmaceutical business in Bangladesh. However, over 50 new factories came up in last three years, of which about two dozen took to aggressive marketing. Out of 230 companies, 200, including five multinationals, have their manufacturing facilities. At least 21 companies produce 41 active pharmaceutical ingredients. Multinational and large national companies generally follow current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) including rigorous quality control of their products. Business in the countrys pharmaceutical sector has been forecast to grow by 13% percent in 2010, propelled by healthy investment and favorable government policy to explore international markets.With over US$250 million investments in the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh, the sector has emerged as the countrys most developed hi-tech one that contributes significantly to the national economy.Meeting over 97 percent of the domestic requirements, pharmaceutical products from Bangladesh have reached the international market spreading over 72 countries around the world including Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and China. Pharma companies are now trying to penetrate into the medicine market of European and African continents. Expressing optimism, the BAPI (Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceutical Industries) president also said that export value of the countrys pharmaceutical sector is growing significantly.With favorable government policy, BAPIs president expects a vibrant growth in domestic and overseas business in the coming years.According to Export promotion Bureau (EPB), pharmaceutical export witnessed 6.21 per cent growth in the fiscal 2008-2009, earning US$45.67 million, which was recorded US$ 43 million in fiscal 2007-2008. PEST-L analysisIt is a part of the external analysis when conducting a strategic analysis or doing market research and gives an overview of the different macro environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. It is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. Politically, Bangladesh appears stable after decades of instability and corruption; Economically, Bangladeshs economy continued to grow throughout the global downturn. However, the export value of pharmaceuticals, through small, is growing at 50 percent per year. The industry produces quality medicines for millions of people in Bangladesh. Almost self-reliant in Pharmaceutical products, the industry meets 97% of national demand for medicines. Remarkably this sector consistently creates job opportunities for highly qualified people. Demographically, the projected population of Bangladesh in 2015 will be nearly twice of Vietnam and nearly three times that of the UK and France. Official reporting of Bangladeshs health spending is scarce, but it does appear that expenditure is increasing. Bangladesh has the lowest physician rate in the world. Bangladesh is an extremely poor country, and many of the population cannot afford to see health professionals when they fall ill, therefore been a long tradition of self-medication in the country. The pharmaceutical distribution network tends to be more retail oriented and bulk of distribution is done by the companies. An anarchic situation is prevailing in the marketing and sales of medicines in Bangladesh. Thousands of illegal and unlicensed drug stores exists in cities, towns and rural hats and bazaars, which leads to the unnecessary sale of often poorly- manufactured pharmaceuticals. Despite the country possessing huge manufacturing capabilities, the complete lack of R&D in domestic companies could cause the market to stagnate. Legally, Bangladesh does not have to abide by the WTOs TRIPS agreement until 2016, an aspect which is being exploited by the domestic generic industry. Most companies follow the good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards, set by the UN World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to, a good number of Bangladeshi companies have won accreditation for export in some developed countries. So, Bangladesh drug policy requires all its pharmaceuticals manufacturers to strictly comply with the standards.

Analytical procedureIn this part we compared Beximco Pharmaceuticals with two other leading pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh, Square and Renata. We compared some leading indicators, like Gross Turnover, Profit after Tax and Total Asset with indicates a companys growth and stability.

The given bar chart provides information on gross turnover of Beximco pharmaceutical and other pharmaceutical companies. According to the bar chart, there was a rapid increase in the gross turnover of Square pharmaceutical ltd than Beximco and Renate Pharmaceutical ltd. More specifically, in 2010 gross turnover of Beximco , Square and Renata were 486,82,54,915, 1136,65,97,928 and 390,07,32,314 respectively.

The give bar chart shows the total assets of Beximco and other pharmaceutical companies. According to this bar chart, there was high increase of total assets for Beximco pharmaceutical. More specifically, total assets of Beximco , Square and Renata were 1989,19,33,422 , 1325,12,42,856 and 385,13,69,286 respectively.

The given bar chart provides information on profit after tax of Beximco and other pharmaceutical companies. According to this bar chart, there was high increase of profit after tax for Square pharmaceutical. More specifically, profit after tax of Beximco , Square and Renata were 62,47,40,307, 189,00,52,929 and 60,35,24,452 respectively.

Understanding of the EntityBeximco Pharmaceuticals LimitedFounded in 1976 and based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, BPL manufactures and sells genericpharmaceutical formulation products, active pharmaceutical ingredients and intravenousfluids. The Company also manufactures and markets its own branded generics for almostall diseases. The Company also undertakes contract manufacturing for multinationalpharmaceutical companies. The Company operates from a 20 acre site in Dhaka andcurrently employs over 2,400 staff.The Company's products are sold to retail outlets, medical institutions and otherpharmaceutical manufacturers in Bangladesh, in regional markets such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar and in other markets overseas, principally in East Africa, Pacific Island and Central American countries and South EastAsia, including Singapore and Hong Kong.Beximco Pharma is a leading edge pharmaceutical company, based in Dhaka, Bangladeshand is acclaimed for outstanding product quality, world-class manufacturing facilities, product development capabilities and outstanding service.They produce and market 'branded generics' for almost all diseases from AIDS to cancer, from infection to asthma, from hypertension to diabetes, for both national andinternational markets. We also manufacture active pharmaceutical ingredients andintravenous fluids and contract manufacture for major international brands of leadingmultinational companies. We partner our activities to the humanities quest for longer, healthier, and happier life.Beximco Pharma is the largest exporter of medicines from Bangladesh and received Export (Gold) trophy for record three times. We are also helping to protect our environment we arethe only pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh and among the few in the worldproducing CFC free inhalers for asthma patients.We employ more than 2,400 staff, including over 300 qualified professionals such aspharmacists, chemists, microbiologists, engineers, doctors etc. And for employees, Beximco Pharma is not just a great workplace, but is a great way of life.As a publicly listed company, Beximco Pharmas shares are traded on AIM (London Stock Exchange), Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges.

Key Company Information

Year of Establishment: 1976 Country of Incorporation: Bangladesh Commercial Production: 1980 Status : Public Limited Company Business Line: Manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical Finished Formulation Products, Large Volume Parenterals and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) Main Country of operation: BangladeshCorporate Headquarter & Registered Address 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 2, Dhaka- 1205, Bangladesh Overseas Offices & Associates: Australia, Bhutan, Cambodia, Chile, Ghana, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Yemen Authorized Capital (Taka): 9,100 million Paid-up Capital (Taka): 1,824 million Number of Shareholders: Around 68,000 Stock Exchange Listings: Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges of Bangladesh and AIM of London Stock Exchange Number of Employees :2,511

Below we present a year wise comparison of Beximco Pharma limited in different aspects like Total Sales, Earning per Share, and Profit before tax etc.

Here, in the graph shown above, we can see that total sales of Beximco Pharma has increased at a constant rate except a slight decrease in the year 2007

From the graph presenting the earnings per share of the company in different years, we can see that earnings per share have constantly decreased till 2008. After 2008 it started to increase again.

Above we have the graph of profit before tax and we can see that only except the year 2007 there is an increasing trend every year.

Materiality and Risk AssessmentMateriality is one of the basic and important concepts of auditing. Auditing andAssurance Standard (AAS) (hitherto known as Standard Auditing Practices (SAPs))-13,Audit Materiality, establishes standards on the concept of materiality and its relationship with audit risk.

Materiality is an expression of the relative significance or importance of a particular matter in the context of financial statements. According to FASB 2The magnitude of an omission or misstatements of accounting information that, in the light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of reasonable person relying on the information would have been changed or influenced by the omission or misstatements .

The true and fair presentation of the financial statements depends, among other things, upon the concept of materiality. Materiality is a relative term. What may be material in one circumstance may not be material in another. The consideration of materiality is the matter of professional judgment and experience of the auditor. There are number of matters that are to be considered to decide on materiality. But, however, there are no sets of rules or prescriptions that may be considered and applied consistently to decide on materiality in all circumstances. In this paper, some matters are discussed, which may be considered by the auditor while making materiality assessments.

The materiality concept should be considered by the auditor before making an opinion on the financial statements. The client or management of the entity has the responsibility to ensure that whether the financial statements reveal all relevant material information. When material information is not disclosed or materially misstated, the financial statements will not present true and fair picture. It will not be possible for the auditor to make an opinion on the financial statements without considering materiality concept. The assessment of what is material is the matter of professional judgment and experience of the auditor.

AAS-13, Audit Materiality, establishes standards on the concept of materiality and its relationship with audit risk which is another important concept of auditing. According to it information is material if its misstatement (i.e. omission or erroneous statement) could influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial information. Materiality depends on the size and nature of the item, judged in the particular circumstances of its misstatement. Thus, materiality provides a threshold or cut-off point rather than being a primary qualitative characteristic which the information must have if it is to be useful. There are no specific rules or prescriptions that can be followed in all circumstances to assess materiality. It is the matter for the auditor to decide whether a particular misstatement or an item has material impact on the financial statements or not. Thus it is considered as the thresh hold.

In case of applying materiality, there are five closely related steps .The steps are illustrated in below-

Planning extent of textEvaluating Results

The steps start with setting preliminary judgment about materiality and allocating this estimate to the segments of the audit. The first two steps are done as part of planning. Estimation of the amount of misstatements in each segment takes place throughout the audit. The final two steps are done near the end of the audit during the engagement completion phase. Now explain the steps in follow:

1. Set preliminary judgment about materiality: In applying materiality the first step is to set the preliminary judgment about materiality. It is the maximum amount by the auditor believes that the statements could be misstated and still not affect the decisions of reasonable users. The auditor will often change the preliminary judgment about materiality during the audit. When that is done, the new judgment is called a revised judgment about materiality.

Several factors affect setting a preliminary judgment about for a given set of financial statements .The most important of these are discussed in below- Materiality is a relative rather than an absolute concept Bases are needed for evaluating materiality like net sales, gross sale ,net income Qualitative factors also affect materiality

The FASB and AICPA are currently unwilling to provide specific materiality guidelines to practitioners .The concern is that such guidelines might be applied without considering all the complexities that should affect the auditors final decision.

2. Allocate preliminary judgment about materiality to segments: The allocation of the preliminary judgment about materiality to segments is necessary because evidence is accumulated by segments rather than for the financial statements as whole, if the auditor s have a preliminary judgment about materiality for each segment; it helps them decide the appropriate audit evidence to accumulate.The purpose of allocating the preliminary judgment about materiality to balance sheet accounts is to help the auditor decide the appropriate evidence to accumulate for each account. The main aim of allocation should be to minimize audit cost.

3. Estimate misstatement and compare with preliminary judgment: When the auditor performs audit procedures for each segment of the audit, a worksheet is kept of all misstatements found. These misstatements are used to estimate the total misstatements in inventory costs .The total is called an estimate or often a projection because only a sample, rather than the entire population, was audited. The calculation of the direct projection estimate of misstatements is;

Net misstatement in the sample /Total sampled total recorded population total recorded population value=Direct projection estimate of misstatement.

Risk:There is a close relationship between materiality and risk. An effective auditor recognizes that risks exist and deals with that risk in an appropriate manner. Most risks auditors encounter are difficult to measure and require careful thought to respond to appropriately .For analyzing risk, an auditor primarily use audit risk model. Now we explain the audit risk model- Audit risk Model :The primary way that auditors deal with risk in planning audit evidence is through the application of the risk audit risk model. It is a formal model reflecting the relationships between acceptable audit risk, inherent risk, control risk and planned detection risk. We can illustrate it by following way- PDR= AAR/ (IRCR) The four risk risks in the audit risk model are sufficiently important .These four risks are explain in below: Planned Detection Risk: Planned detection risk is a measure of risk that audit evidence for a segment will fail to detect misstatement exist. Planned detection risk will change only if the auditor changes one of the other factors in model.

Inherent Risk: Inherent risk is a measure of the auditors assessment of the likelihood that there are material misstatements in a segment before considering the effectiveness of internal control. Inherent risk has been assessed high for inventory and warehousing and lower for payroll and personnel and capital acquisition and repayment. The assessment was likely based on discussions with management, knowledge of the company and results in audits of previous years.

Control Risk: Control risk is a measure of the auditors assessment of the likelihood that misstatements exceeding a tolerable amount in a segment will not be prevented or detected by the clients internal controls. Control risk represents An assessment of whether a clients internal controls are effective for preventing or detecting misstatements The auditors intention to make that assessment at a level below the maximum as part of the audit plan. The more effective the internal controls, the lower the risk factor that could be assigned to control risk.

Acceptable audit risk: Acceptable audit risk is a measure of how willing the auditor is to accept that the financial statements may be materiality misstated after the audit is completed and unqualified audit opinion has been issued.

When auditor decides on a lower acceptable audit risk, it means the auditor wants to be more certain that the financial statements are not materially misstated. Zero risk would be certainty and a 100 percent risk would be complete uncertainty. Complete assurance of the accuracy of the financial statements is not economically practical.

Often auditors refers to the terms audit assurance, overall assurance or level of assurance instead of acceptable audit risk. Audit assurance or any of the equivalent terms is the complement of acceptable audit risk, that is, one minus acceptable audit risk.

In case of risk, there are some factors which affect the risk in many ways. Now we illustrate the relationship of factors influencing risks to risks and risks to planned evidence:

Factors Influencing Risks Risks Audit Evidence

AARReliance by external users Likelihood of financial failure Integrity of management

Nature of business Factors related to misstatements

Planned audit evidenceArising from fraudulent f/s PDR IRResults of previous audit Related parties Non routine transactions Make up population

CREffectiveness of internal controls Planned reliance

Figure: Relationship of factors influencing risk to risks and risks to planned evidence

Relationship of risk and materiality: Risk and materiality share the relationship that an auditor must state an opinion of financial statements and the statement is either qualified or not, contingent upon the validity of the financial statements. The auditor's opinions on the financial statements are appropriate or inappropriate. If the opinion is inappropriate than an there is a chance that the auditor inadvertently failed to appropriately state an opinion about "financial statements that are materially misstated" (AU Section 312, 2002). When the audit risk is blatant the auditor will reveal the nature of the risk and state that he/she has obtained reasonable assurance that "material misstatements are detected" (AU Section 312, 2002).

In case of above figure, there exist relationship different types of risks and evidence; here we illustrate the relationship of risk to evidence by following table:SituationAARIRCRPDRAmount of evidence required






There is an inverse relationship between materiality and the degree of audit risk. When conducting an audit, the auditor should consider materiality and its relationship with audit risk. The level of detection risk can be considered only after considering the level of inherent and control risks. While planning an audit, the auditor should keep in mind that the audit risk is to be kept at an acceptably low level. The range, efficiency, efficacy, nature and timing of the procedures performed by the auditor will determine the level (i.e. high or low) of detection risk. The nature of evidence is also an important factor that may determine the level of detection risk. For instance, the external evidence like confirmations or certificates from third parties like bank may reduce the level of detection risk than internal evidence.

The consideration of the materiality of an item is the matter of professional judgment and experience of the auditor. The financial statements must contain all the material information to show true and fair picture. AAS-2, Objective and Scope of the Audit of Financial Statements, states that the auditors opinion helps determination of the true and fair view of the financial position and operating results of an enterprise. The user, however, should not assume that the auditors opinion is an assurance as to the future viability of the enterprise or the efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted the affairs of the enterprise.Materiality and Risk Assessment of Beximco pharmaceutical LimitedFor assessing risk, first we have to set the level of materiality of Beximco pharmaceutical Limited. Here we use the first two steps of materiality like set the preliminary judgment about materiality and allocate preliminary judgment about materiality to segments. As we are in planning stage, thats why we use these two steps.

Set preliminary judgment about materiality:In case of setting preliminary judgment, we use earning from operation of Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd. We can illustrate it in follow;

We use earning from operation as a base because it is more reliable to users and regarded as a critical item of information for users. The minimum level is 5% of earnings from operations and maximum level is 10% and the amount is 43373371 to 86746743.

Allocate preliminary judgment about materiality to segments (Tolerable Misstatements):Now we allocate the preliminary judgment to the different segments (tolerable misstatements) and use tolerable misstatement which is twice of preliminary judgment about materiality. In case of Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd. We allocate tolerable misstatement to different accounts of balance sheet. We can illustrate it by following table: Tolerable Misstatement Allocated to Balance Sheet of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd

In above case, zero or small tolerable misstatement because account can be audited at low cost and no misstated are expected. We used large tolerable misstatement because account is large and requires extensive sampling to audit the account and moderately large tolerable misstatement because a relatively large number of misstatements are expected.

Risk Assessment of Beximco Pharmaceuticals LimitedRisk-based auditing is an approach to audit management which is informed by an audit risk assessment. It's important to remember that the assessment is not an audit; the audit still needs to be completed, keeping the findings of the audit risk assessment in mind. One major limitation in the application of the audit risk model is the difficulty of measuring the components of the model.For assessing the risk of Beximco Pharmaceutical LTD, we use audit risk model. As we know, in audit risk model, there are three types of risk like planned detection risk, control risk and inherent risk. First of all we have to identify these risks and then assess the risk.Due to our limitation, we cannot examine the company physically and thats why we do not assess the risk of the company and we do not show the risk as numerical figure .But according to our observation and previous years audit report, we consider significant audit risk for Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited.Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh. The company continues to adhere to the global standards and take initiatives to remain more competitive in order to maintain its strong track record.

RecommendationThe audit risk model is primarily a planning model and is therefore of limited use in evaluating results. As there are no hard rules over materiality and items can be material by nature as well as by value, so great care must be used in revising the risk factors when the actual results are not as favorable as planned.As we did the PEST-L analysis, we found that there is relationship between change the of govt. and companys profitability. So, great care has to be taken regarding this fact.However, as we were limited to audit only up the planning stage and used previous years data as the only source of information, we can express that up to this point company looks sound and therefore we are ready to accept a significant amount acceptable audit risk.

Conclusion:Planning is the very first and important stage of audit. A successful audit and ensure a successful audit. In our report we developed an understanding about audit planning, and audited our client, Beximco Pharmaceuticals limited on a test basis. It helped us understand the concept of audit planning by making bridge between a theoretical and practical knowledge. However, due to our limitations, we couldnt gather information from internal sources which is a must for auditing. Instead we used previous years annual report as the source of information. We tried to find the condition of the company in political, economic, social, technological and legal aspects. We also stated an opinion based on our audit planning