Audio clips are used to give a different perspective, they ... Web viewDifferent news programmes...

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Transcript of Audio clips are used to give a different perspective, they ... Web viewDifferent news programmes...

The ‘Style’ GuideContents:FORMS

Bulletin Headline News Programme Copy only With audio clips Wraps Live cross Two way (live and as live)

STYLES Related to audience Public service Commercial Community Small-scale Local Regional National Internet Satellite & cable

PART 2Legal & regulatory constraints:

Handling of stories involving minors Contempt of court Libel & defamation Coverage of elections Official secrets act Ofcom BBC editorial guidelines

Ethics (DEBATE): Serious & sensational stories Invasion of privacy Public interest

News values: Story priority (national & local, domestic & foreign) Immediacy Follow-up angles Availability of audio Newsroom policy Human interest Public interest agenda




A bulletin is defined as a broadcasted short summary of news. The fact it’s only a brief summary means that in-depth detail is avoided and only key points are expressed in the broadcast in order to get as much of the daily news in as possible. The BBC would be a good example of a news bulletin,, this is their five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service on radio. People predominantly listen to the radio when in their cars. This was broadcasted at 8:00am, this is prime time for people to be in the car on the way to work or school runs etc. meaning people are only listening to the radio for a shorter period of time. We don’t sit to listen to the radio the way we sit to watch the TV. Therefore News reporters need to get as much of the daily news in a shorter broadcast time as possible in order for listeners to hear everything. The news bulletin’s differ depending in what station as they all have different target audiences. The BBC bulletin involves the daily important more intelligent news, whereas Kiss FM give more celebrity news & gossip, as well as incorporating some of the more important topics but predominantly showcasing ‘fun’ news. Due to news bulletins on the radio being audio based, it is better to keep them short, as listeners aren’t going to want to listen to the news for an hour like when we watch TV, which is different as we get the visual aspect as well as the audio aspect.

HEADLINEThe next form is a headline. A headline is the title of the story used to draw the audience in to the rest of the story. It is used to introduce the rest of the story. They tend to be short & sharp in order to get the main point of the story in one sentence. Headlines are found in most reports. For example in this BBC Radio 4 news report ( their first headline at 00.24 “Police investigating disappearance of 24 year old student in Glasgow”. This is a good example of a headline as it is short, concise and expresses the key issue in the story. Headlines are the part of the story we read/listen to first, so it needs to be something that will draw us in as well as be informative.


A news programmes is a particular section devoted to the news. These give us detailed and in-depth descriptions of what is going on. For example here, on Radio 4’s webpage they have an entire category dedicated to News podcasts: News briefing, midnight news etc. News programmes differ slightly than something like a bulletin. This is because bulletin’s give a brief of the daily news, whereas news programmes tend to be more specific to location or 1 or 2 big stories. Here in this thirty minute broadcast they discuss national as well as international news. Or just in more depth in general.

( Similar to bulletin’s, news programmes differ depending on the audience. Different news programmes word their script differently based on their audience. This is because your target audience needs to be able to understand and be interested in what you're discussing. For example, &, these two scripts have different target audiences, which is apparent on the wording. The Newsbeat script uses slightly more informal language and shorter more concise points whereas the Five Live news fleshes the story out more. As well as uses language such as "Tony Blaire has said remarkable progress is being made". The other report discussing the same story states "Tony Blaire thanked troops for the courage they've shown". This is done because they need to relate to their target audience, therefore using slightly more sophisticated language such as "remarkable progress" would relate to Five Live's audience a lot better than "thanked troops", however this slightly more informal tone relates perfectly to the Newsbeat audience. 


COPY ONLY This form of radio is where the story is read by the news reporter alone, meaning no interviews, video clips etc. Just the reporter reading the current events. This tends to be the case on new events when not much information is released so only a small description is available. (   This is the BBC’s midnight news. From 8.20-8.44 would be a copy only story. The reporter is giving a brief explanation of what has happened without the aid of interviews etc. This is because it is a new story so not much information has been released. This feature isn’t used usually unless it is a new story as things like interviews and cross overs make the report more interesting to listen to.

WITH AUDIO CLIPSThis form is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a broadcast that holds interviews and pre-recorded audio clips to incorporate in the news show.

Audio clips are used to give a different perspective, they can be used as a debate tool where the pre-recorded clip suggests one thing which the news reporter can then fall back on to create a discussion. Therefore making it more interesting to the listener. Audio clips allow listeners to get more of an understanding as to what’s going on rather than with copy only when we hear the story in less detail as only one presenter is explaining.   (05.11-05.28). In this BBC radio news broadcast we here an audio clip from David Cameron, this is done to give the listeners more of an insight and a political view on the topic.

News bulletins tend to lack in audio clips, this is because they are a summary therefore a lot shorter, so interviews and pre-recorded material isn’t really necessary. However on something like a news programme you are more likely to find audio clips as they discuss the topics in greater depth, therefore a different perspective etc. is beneficial.

WRAPSA wrap is the ending to a news story (wrapping up). This is usually done by saying “in other news”. This is to change the topic without it seeming too abrupt.

5 (2.30-2.36) this is an example of a wrap when the reporter says, “anything could happen. Here…” The ‘here’ is to indicate a change in news topic.

LIVE CROSSThis is somewhat similar to ‘with audio clips’ as it doesn’t just involve the one presenter. A live cross is when the presenter crosses over to another presenter, usually out of the studio on a set location.

We usually see this in sports on the radio. For example on talkSPORT (, here they do a live cross over from the studio over to Spain. The effect this would have on us as listeners is that it allows us to feel more part of the action as we are hearing the player speak live from another country. It also makes the story more exciting to listen to as we hear an interview and the players’ thoughts, not just the stations presenter thoughts.

TWO WAY (LIVE AND AS LIVE)Similar to live cross, however the footage is pre-recorded. This means it can be played at any time in the radio show. Again, in this BBC midnight news show, they incorporate two way (live and as live) (4.48-5.29). Here they use pre-recorded information by David Cameron discussing property prices and their tax. This is important to the broadcast because we get to hear and understand more of the story by hearing from our Prime minister.


Related to audience is how the radio station targets their demographic. This can be done in many ways, from what music they play, what stories they say in the news, and who presents it. Relating to the audience is key when running a radio station, if your show doesn’t relate to the audience, they’re won’t be an audience. Take Capital FM for example. They pride themselves on being the number 1 hit music station, they target their ‘music loving fans’ by playing the latest hits in


the charts as they know this is what they’re fans want. Not just what music choice you play makes an impact on the audience, but also what news stories. For example BBC Radio 4. According to their service license “The service should appeal to listeners seeking intelligent programmes in many genres which inform, educate and entertain." Meaning their target demographic would be people who enjoy intelligent programmes therefore suggesting a slightly older audience. BBC Radio 4 relate to their audience well by using a presenter of a similar age group to the audience. 30+. This would help relate to the audience as it means the presenter would be on a similar wave-length to the audience. BBC Radio 4 have also used the topic of their news stories to relate to the audience. This is done by only the most important stories are mentioned, national & international, there is no sports news or anything with a slightly more upbeat nature. For example this Radio 4 broadcast ( ‘World at One’ we can hear that they have tried to reach out to their audience by using a presenter of a similar age, hosted by Martha Kearney (57). Not only this but also the topics, they start by discussing politics (0.10) and ending with politics (56.38), suggesting their intelligent audience. Whereas on the Capital FM news bulletin they discuss celebrity news, this is because they are the ‘number 1 hit music station’, meaning their listeners will want to hear the latest celebrity gossip. This is important in all styles of radio, in particular with small-scale radio stations as they have a more specific target audience. As previously mentioned in ‘news programmes’, radio stations alter their script in order to relate to the audience. A radio station with a younger audience may want to include celebrity news as well as important news whereas a station with a more mature audience might only express the important news as their audience may have no interest in celebrity news. For example in these two screenshots (top, heart radio news bulletin. Bottom, BBC Radio news highlights). Heart radio have a showbiz section whereas BBC Radio only discuss topics the more mature audience would relate too, hence why there are no showbiz clips.


PUBLIC SERVICEPublic service radio is radio that is funded by the public through license fees. This means it has to be an accurate representation of the UK and more for the public use rather than commercial use, therefore there is no room to be biased. BBC are a public service broadcaster, they have to follow a set of guidelines in order to appeal to the public who fund them. These guidelines include: “promoting education & learning; representing the UK, its nations & regions; bringing the UK to the world & the world to the UK”. They achieve these guidelines by targeting to a variety of people. They have created multiple radio stations in order to do this, Radio 1, radio 4 etc. These two stations have completely opposite audiences, meaning the BBC has created a station for everyone therefore serving the public. Meaning they have to say what the public want to hear. For example the elections, on the BBC we would hear a variety of opinions whereas on a commercial station they are allowed to express their personal feelings as they don’t have to directly serve the public’s opinions.


Commercial radio is radio that gains its budget from sponsorship & advertising. These radio stations tend to serve local/regional areas. The effect this has on radio news is that due to it being local/regional they are more targeted towards regions & culture etc. Commercial radio stations are usually owned by one of the three: Global, Bauer & UTV. Bauer owns stations such as Magic. Magic has a target audience of 25-44 year olds who enjoy being entertained, whereas BBC Radio 4’s audience of 35+ year olds who enjoy the more formal tone. They allow sponsorship opportunities in order to promote their new ideas. For example for Magic’s Christmas single they were allowing people to apply for sponsorship in order to gain public awareness of the single. This is what makes them a commercial radio stations.

COMMUNITYCommunity radio serves geographic communities & communities of interest. This means that they have a coverage radius of about 5km. Radio stations such as Penwith Radio, which is made for the Penzance population: as well as Marlow FM, for Marlow & Big City radio, for Birmingham.  According to OFCOM, community radio serves a purpose not just to talk at the community but become a big part of it, this involves encouraging & allowing members of the community to be involved in the radio station. Presenters on community radio are volunteers allowing opportunities for everyone. For community radio a license isn’t necessary unless you are a registered company, if that is the case then only one community radio license is available. In terms of income, advertising is allowed however half of the stations income needs to be from another area. An example of community radio would be the Regatta radio, this airs every year during the Henley royal regatta, and this serves the community of Henley giving all the updates on races. Here is a clip from their 2014 Sunday highlights, aired on their radio station ( This is very specific to the audience, involving details only from the Regatta serving the people of Henley’s interests

SMALL-SCALEWith an even smaller target audience than community, small-scale radio is usually done in universities & colleges. This means they would need to target specifically for the uni/college, involving topics such as college


sports and upcoming events. For example Morton College Radio in the U.S. Similarly to community radio, small-scale radio intends to give the opportunity of becoming a part of the station to everyone, being run by volunteers of the college. Due to it being small-scale all the news topics will be local and to do with the community its serving. For example college radio, the news topics will be upcoming events of the college, any important information students need to know etc. These stations are only available to the college students and staff. Small-scale stations would have news updates on traffic in that particular area, and other news that is applicable to the area. This kind of news also tends to be slightly more informal than something like BBC Radio 4, this is because of the smaller audience. There are less people to directly relate to. Small-scale radio sounds incredibly similar to local radio however local radio is on a larger scale, for example BBC Radio Berkshire. That covers the whole of Berkshire not just one specific town. Therefore local radio is slightly more broad in terms of being specific to the area.

LOCALLocal radio is radio focusing on a specific area e.g. Berkshire. Due to it being this specific news etc needs to be to do with the area. BBC does a lot of local radio news stations, for example BBC Berkshire. Local radio stations target their audience obviously very specifically depending on the area. Including news stories only related to that area and addressing their audience specifically do this. For example, from listening to BBC Radio Berkshire it seems as if the presenters do more of the talking and play less music. Whereas on a radio station such as Capital FM, they tend to focus more on the music side than anything else, as they pride themselves on being “the number 1 hit music station”. This suggests the Berkshire audience to be slightly more mature (perhaps they don't want to listen to the charts all day), therefore they have to be addressed in a certain way. Depending on their interests.   , this means all their news is Berkshire based. From listening to one of their broadcasts they have “local chef Paul Clerehugh brings his tips & favorite recipes for a great weekend…” the importance of this is the fact they are using local guests.


In terms of radio news all the topics in local news are based on the area the station is serving. For example BBC Radio Berkshire ( in this they discuss the murder of a boy from Reading, this is because the people of Berkshire will want to know about local events.

REGIONALRegional radio is radio targeted to a specific place, slightly larger than local radio, but smaller than National radio. The point of this is it allows specific listeners needs and wants to be met. Radio stations such as Capital FM are regional as they focus on London. Other examples would be Heart London Radio.Capital FM. London have such a vast mainstream audience they need to make their news etc. relatable to pretty much everyone. From looking on their website as to what stories are covered on air ( they seem to address a variety of different issues from celebrity news to news on murder issues. They are targeting their wide audience by including a wide range of stories. Regional radio stations specify their news to that specific reason, however they do include national news. Usually at the start then the main part of the news will be regional.

NATIONALThese types of radio stations are incredibly large scale stations covering news and topics that considered most important to the nation. Some UK National radio stations would include: Absolute Radio, BBC Radio 1 & BBC Radio 4 etc.For example Radio 1,   , here they are discussing international news (discussing Michael Jackson: 01.30) as well as Government changes in the UK (04.17). Radio 1 have a target audience of people aged around 15-29, they have targeted their audience by having music to separate the stories as well as incorporating upbeat music in the background to give it a more fun feel even though it's the news. Whereas BBC Radio 4, may include the same stories however they use a completely different tone in order to address the audience. Radio 4 has an audience of people over 35. BBC Radio 1 has a ‘newsbeat’ section of their radio where they spend a short amount of time discussing the news. Whereas BBC Radio 4 have news programmes that reach up to


an hour in length. This suggests Radio 4’s target audience of an older more mature target audience and Radio 1’s demographic being the younger generation. This is because the more mature person would prefer to listen to a more lengthy news show rather than a quick update.

INTERNETInternet radio is a form of audio broadcasting available online. Also known as webcasting since it is not transmitted broadly through wireless means. A majority of stations allow Internet radio. For example the BBC allow you to listen live as well as listen to previous news broadcasts over the past 30 days. Capital FM also allows listeners to ‘listen live’ via the Internet. The benefits to Internet radio are that it allows you to listen wherever whenever, boosting awareness of a station, as the listener isn’t limited to the car or in the home. Internet radio tends to be the case with larger-scale stations rather than smaller scale stations such as community stations. This is because the larger more national stations have the funding and the fan base for this. Whereas smaller stations are run by volunteers with barely any funding.

SATELLITE & CABLEThis is radio broadcasted from satellites to cars & vehicles. It is different to terrestrial radio, which is the standard radio for cars, satellite radio being available via subscription offering a wider variety of stations. Cable radio, also known as cable FM transmits signals via a cord.






News Programme Copy only With audio clips Wraps Live cross Two way (live and as live)

STYLES Related to audience

Public service



Small-scale Local Regional National Internet Satellite & cable




This involves the protection of minors when publishing a story about them. If proceedings are being reported at a youth court then you are not allowed to


publish information such as: name, address, school and photographs of the minor. As well as any other information that may lead to the identification of the minor (anyone under 18). In any other court than a youth court these exact restrictions do not apply. However the court make an order putting these restrictions in place – Section 39. Again, preventing the child from identification. An example of this would be This is a story from the Manchester Evening News. As you can see they haven’t included any details of the boy, only the estimated time of the offence. This is because they do not want to run the risk of putting the child at any form of risk.

CONTEMPT OF COURTThis is the offence of being disrespectful towards a court of law in the form of behaviours that opposes authority, justice & the dignity of court. If this law is breached then there is possibility or prosecution or being sued. As well as interference with the administration of justice.For example This is contempt of court as they are discussing the details of the case online.

LIBEL & DEFAMATIONThis is the protection of a person’s reputation. With this law in place people are able to sue for damage done to their reputation. Something is seen as defamatory if it; causes them to be shunned/avoided; disparages them in their office, trade or profession; exposes them to hatred, ridicule and/or contempt. Libel is pictures published in print or writing. The picture doesn’t need to be broadcasted to more than one person in order for it to be considered libelFor example In this case Cameron Diaz & Shane Nickerson were friends with pictures suggesting otherwise resulting in the damage of both Cameron’s & Shane’s separate relationships. Cameron Diaz then sued for defamation. As said in the article it is unknown the amount Cameron Diaz sued for.

COVERAGE OF ELECTIONSThis involves what is broadcasted over the referendum period. During these periods broadcasters must be impartial. Ofcom have designed a set of guidelines


known as Section 6. These rules state that “equal coverage must also consider giving appropriate coverage to other or independent candidates”. It isn’t necessary for the BBC to follow these guidelines, however they have made their own. In 2008 Ofcom fined talkSPORT £20,000 as they breached this impartiality rule. Ofcom regulator stated “they had seriously breached the due impartiality rules at the time of the election. The presenter directly encouraged listeners to vote for Boris Johnson in the upcoming London mayoral elections and criticised Ken Livingstone”. This was an issue as it is swaying the listeners and ‘trying to persuade’ them to vote for one politician in particular. This is therefore not a fair or accurate report as it is opinion based, not based on factual references. Coverage during elections needs to be accurate, in other words it needs to be factually correct. In terms of in news, politicians cannot be used as reporters therefore must not act as if reporting. This is because of the chance of it being considered false or misleading. Politicians must not be paid for interviews except on certain circumstances.

OFFICIAL SECRETS ACTThis is the law protecting the Government from secrets that if revealed could damage national security. There haven’t been too many breaches of this act due to the fact the Government have the resources to keep certain information incredibly private.However in 2007 there was a breach. Two reporters received a sentence of 6 months for leaking a memo between President Bush & Tony Blaire. The reporters stated it was for public interest. This means that its useful information to the public and they have a right to know if it is in their interest. There is a fine line between what comes under ‘public interest’ and then what is considered ‘invasion of privacy’. There is no exact definition as to what draws the line.

OFCOM Ofcom are the government approved regulatory authority for broadcasting throughout all media. They are important in radio news because they make the guidelines for what is/isn’t allowed to be broadcasted and how to approach what is broadcasted. For example designing the rule of impartiality when covering the referendum period. Ofcom’s main duties are to ensure radio listeners are approached appropriately and fairly and are not exposed to any misleading information. Ofcom have devised a ‘Broadcasting Code’, this covers: protection


of under 18s; harm & offence; crime; religion; news & current affairs; elections & referendums; fairness; privacy; references to brands on radio. If any of Ofcom’s rules are breached they have the right to sue. For example as mentioned earlier: talkSPORT were fined £20,000 due to rules being discarded on impartiality during the elections. Similarly to the official secrets act and laws on libel defamation, Ofcom have legal rights and their regulations must be followed in order for radio to be broadcasted.

BBC EDITORIAL GUIDELINESBriefly mentioned earlier these guidelines are made by the BBC, meaning the BBC don’t necessarily have to follow Ofcom’s rules as long as they stick to their own. These guidelines entail rules, which aim to keep the BBC’s ethical & editorial standards at their highest, meaning to “respect the privacy of listeners, to be fair, to avoid unjustifiable offence & to provide appropriate protection for audiences from harm”. Despite the BBC trying their best to keep all shows and broadcasts to stick to these guidelines at all times, sometimes these rules get breached. One of these guidelines is to not heavily endorse a commercial product. However the BBC ran an all day Harry Potter radio day. BBC Radio 1 broadcast 33 trails promoting the day across 12-and-a-half hours of airtime. These guidelines have been made to be similar to Ofcom rules, they both promote fair broadcasting as well as appropriate broadcasting resulting in happy listeners. Again, like Ofcom rules the BBC editorial guidelines are part of the law – Section 18.1.

ETHICSInvasion of privacy / public interest is incredibly open to opinion. What is considered in the public interest but then what draws the line to invasion of privacy? Invasion of privacy is defined as “an intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person who’s privacy has been invaded the right to take legal action”.

I partook in a debate, discussing both sides to this topic. Why us as the public have a right to know every detail about a celebrity as well as why some things should stay ‘private’. We looked at the article of Kate & William (Royal family). They were holidaying in France when the paparazzi photographed Kate topless resulting in these images being leaked in the ‘Closer’ magazine. The family then took legal action against this. In the debate it was discussed that due to the fact they are The Royal Family, they are


in the public eye. They should expect for the paparazzi to want to take pictures of them everywhere and anywhere, therefore because they are public figures they should allow this whatever the circumstances. However, this opinion was contradicted. It was said that due to the fact they were on a ‘private’ holiday in ‘private’ accommodation the paparazzi do not have the right to enter in order to take these pictures.

Hacking into a person’s telephone was also discussed in the debate. Is this ethical? One side argued that no; of course it is not ethical. You are going into someone’s private, personal life and taking information. Publishing it to put it in the public eye, which isn’t fair to that person. However, another side disagreed with this and said it was beneficial. It was stated that by hacking into phones etc. it enables the police to be able to find evidence in that person. These two opinions contradicted one another, for example it was mentioned that what if a pedophile had evidence on their phone about what they were doing, is that ethical? Some said of course because it gave evidence therefore being able to put the person in prison. On the other hand it was said that no, it would not give evidence as hacking into peoples phones is illegal anyway. Also the fact that he’s a pedophile makes no difference, he should still have the same privacy right as any body else. Therefore the police should not be able to hack into their phone. I agree with this point that the police don’t have the right no matter what the circumstances, especially seeing as it is illegal anyway ( Why would the police have the right to invade privacy at such a level?


This is the order in which stories are broadcasted. For example, celebrity news first, then sports news last. A lot of this is based on personal interests. If were doing a news broadcast, would pop culture be one of the first stories mentioned if mentioned at all? It would most likely not be there as listeners are not interested in pop culture as much as perhaps listeners. Story priority is incredibly opinion based. There are no rules stating which stories are considered ‘more important’ than others. This is why it is open to debate. The news bulletin I listened to was BBC Radio 1Xtra 12.00pm newsbeat. From listening to this broadcast the order of the stories was as followed: celebrity news, government news, and then ending with sports new. Radio 1Xtra have a target audience of 15-24 year olds


( This means that they have put celebrity news first for a reason. This would be because people between the ages of 15 & 24, they are more interested in pop culture and the world of celebrities. They started buy talking about Michael Jackson, and how he requested the drugs that killed him. This is top priority out of news for this station, due to the interests of the audience. Not suggesting they are not interested in the more political side of the world, but they are more ‘into’ pop culture & celebrities. Following on from the celeb world was Government issues with do bosses have enough power to sack “slackers”. They broadcasted this by starting with an audio clip of Alan Sugar saying “you’re fired”. This is considered important news because it is again relatable to the audience. Most 15-24 year olds will have jobs with management. Be it a small part time job on the weekend or a more managerial role. It applies to all of the audience. Therefore the BBC is successfully approaching their target demographic. This differs to something like BBC Radio 4. Their news broadcast would be completely different due to the different audience. Radio 4 has a slightly more mature audience. With an interest in the more ‘important’ topics such as Government over celebrity news. For example in this BBC Radio 4 broadcast ( the order of the stories and the way they are delivered are different. They start by discussing Hilary Clinton’s White House Campaign, following with Ed Miliband’s manifesto, then discussing David Cameron’s increase on property tax, finishing with sports news, golf being they main topic. This differs to the 1Xtra broadcast, as they are appealing to a different audience. The more mature audience as you can see prefers the more serious news, such as politics. Three quarters of this news broadcast is politician based, with the last quarter involving sport. However one third of the 1Xtra broadcast is Government based.

IMMEDIACYIn terms of immediacy, meaning how recent the stories are. In this BBC Radio 1Xtra broadcast it seems that all the stories mentioned in the broadcast were relatively new at the time (2010). There are still articles with this information that came out in 2013 ( This relates to the audience, as they want to know the new gossip about the celebrities. This is because celebrities are all over the Internet, which we as younger audiences have access anytime, anywhere. Therefore radio is becoming less and less popular with a younger audience, meaning stations have to keep up to date with news etc. in order to receive listeners. The Radio 4 broadcast also has incredibly new news. For example they mostly discuss politics. They have a correspondent live in America at the White House for Hilary Clinton’s campaign (01.18).


FOLLOW-UP ANGLESA follow-up angle is a journalistic term, meaning a story with more details still available. Therefore something is a follow-up story if a report has been previously broadcasted on the event, then a new report comes out later. Follow-ups are necessary because it allows the details of the event to be fleshed out more, for example if there isn’t enough time to flesh out the story (e.g. Radio 1 news beat) then a later report is necessary in order for the public to get as much information as possible. For example,, this story states that it is a follow-up on a man that has been missing, this follow-up marks the 1 year mark to his disappearance. The reason for this follow up is to allow publishers to give more specific details that when it was breaking news. When the story first came out very little detail was available ( in this report which was issued the day after his disappearance it doesn’t give much detail and says “supposedly” suggesting they’re not too sure yet. However if you have a look at the later report, the detail is much more specific. For example when the report gives details of the time of disappearance, they can estimate the exact time he went missing “05:00am”.

AVAILABILITY OF AUDIOThere are audio clips within this 1Xtra broadcast. Again, in an attempt to relate to the audience. One of them being at 01.45-01.48, an audio clip of Alan Sugar saying his famous line “you’re fired”. They have incorporated this because ‘The Apprentice’ is a very popular show; especially due to the fact they candidates tend to be quite young entrepreneurs. Therefore connecting to 1Xtra’s younger audience. In the radio 4 broadcast audio clips are used as well. However they use interviews etc. with no little audio clips to draw the audience in like with the Alan Sugar clip. For example they have used audio clips to show correspondents on the scene of Hilary Clinton’s campaign (01.18).

NEWSROOM POLICYSimilar to BBC Editorial Guidelines as well as Ofcom guidelines, newsroom policy is particular rules that a certain newsroom follows. This is so everything runs smoothly. These policies differ depending on the company.For example the BBC guidelines state that all broadcasts must be fair and appeal to public interest ( The guardian’s policies (,5814,642387,00.html) are somewhat similar to the BBC’s, in the fact that they both revolve highly


around the trust between them and their listeners in terms of the accuracy of the reports.

HUMAN & PUBLIC INTERESTWhat type of stories are they? In the examples mentioned earlier Radio 1 ( ) predominantly uses public interest stories rather than human, whereas radio 4 ( ) uses human rather than public interest. This is all based on the audience’s preferences and what they like to know about. For example there is no celebrity pop culture news (public interest news) in the radio 4 broadcast, however a majority of the 1Xtra broadcast is celebrity pop culture.

BIBLIOGRAPHY – PART 2Legal & regulatory constraints:

Handling of stories involving minors

Contempt of court

Libel & defamation

Coverage of elections


Official secrets act


BBC editorial guidelines

Ethics: (DEBATE) Serious & sensational stories Invasion of privacy Public interest

News values: Story priority


Follow-up angles

Availability of audio Newsroom policy,5814,642387,00.html

Human & public interest agenda