Audience Feedback: Short Film

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Audience Feedback: Short Film


1 2 3 4 501234567

1. How much did you enjoy the film?

Scale 1-5 1 = Poor 5 = Excellent



1 2 3 4 50





3. How much do you think the short film raised awareness of the important of education?

Scale 1-5 1 = Poor 5 = Excellent



A summary of the overall response

2. What is the message the you received from the short film? - The important of education which will lead to your career, education is one of the key to success - Make the right decisions earlier, so you can live a good life - Think about your future and consider what decisions you make that could impact you later on - Make wise decisions

8. Did you find any aspects of the short film offensive? i.e. Representation of social status, age, gender …Overall responses are the no there were any content which offended them

11. Have you learnt anything from the short film? What?- Try at school?- Don’t give up- Don’t day dream - I’ve learnt that no matter how hard school life maybe, dropping out is never the answer- The world or work is unfair so you should stay to be able to get a job - Concentrate in my education

14. Can you suggest any improvements?- Scene before he wakes up? - Camera quality - During the Christmas scene the camera glitch, that could be improved