Atypical ˚˚Extraction ˚˚of ˚˚Maxillary ˚˚Central˚ ˚Incisor for the ... › pdf ›...

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Int. J. Odontostomat.,13(3):292-298, 2019.

Atypical Extraction of Maxillary Central Incisor for the Correction of Angle Class II Malocclusion

Extracción Atípica de Incisivo Central Maxilar en la Corrección de la Maloclusión de Angle Clase II

Anderson Paulo Barbosa Lima1; Graziela Oro Cericato2; Matheus Melo Pithon3;Ademir Franco4; Alex Moreira Herval5 & Luiz Renato Paranhos5

LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRANCO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Atypical extractionof maxillary central incisor for the correction of Angle Class II malocclusion. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):292-298, 2019. ABSTRACT: This case describes the treatment of Class II malocclusion in a patient missing one of the maxillarycentral incisors due to traumatic impaction. The treatment approach consisted in the extraction of the remaining maxillarycentral incisor, followed by diastema closure and re-anatomization of lateral incisors into central incisors. The results obtainedwere considered satisfactory concerning occlusal, aesthetic and functional aspects. This therapeutic approach may be usedas an alternative for similar cases.

KEY WORDS: tooth movement, tooth extraction, Angle class II malocclusion, corrective orthodontics.


Dental Class II malocclusion is one of the mostprevalent orthodontic problems. This type ofmalocclusion may present different clinical features,such as protruded upper teeth, retruded lower teeth,or even a combination of both (Saikoski et al., 2014;Nagayama et al., 2015).

Several therapeutic approaches may be usedto treat this type of malocclusion, among which aredistalization of teeth with intra- and extraoral appliancesand dental extractions (Hematpour et al. 2014; ElRefaei et al., 2014; Pithon, 2014). In the latter, the teethmost commonly selected are premolars. The selectionof premolars is based on the middle position of suchteeth in the dental arch and their size, as well as theexistence of two premolars bilaterally in thehemiarches. However, there are given clinical situationsin which the extraction of premolars is not possible; inthese cases, other teeth such as molars, incisors, and

canines might be involved (Livas et al., 2011; Vermaet al., 2013).

When maxillary central incisors arecompromised by extensive decay (beyond thecementoenamel junction), fracture, ankylosis, orinappropriate position, their atypical extraction isconsidered an acceptable alternative (Janson et al.,2010). In this case, several factors should beconsidered, such as: facial biotype, tooth size andshape, type of occlusion, gap to be closed and rootlength (Sabri, 2002).

Based on the exposed, this study aims to reportthe treatment of Class II malocclusion in a patientmissing the maxillary central incisor by extracting thecontralateral central incisor. The results achievedshowed correction of malocclusion with aesthetic andfunctional gains.

1 Private Practice, São Lourenço, MG, Brazil.2 Dental School, Faculdade Meridional – IMED, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.3 Dental School, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia - UESB, Jequié, BA, Brazil.4 Department of Therapeutic Stomatology, Institute of Dentistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian

Federation.5 Departament of Preventive and Social Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.



An Afro-Caucasian female aged 19.3 yearsold was referred to the orthodontic clinic complainingof “crooked teeth”. The patient was in good generaland oral health and presented history of caries andsatisfactorily dental restorations. Clinically, thefeature that most stood out was the absence of hermaxillary left central incisor (tooth #21).

According to the extra-oral examination andmeasurements in the lateral teleradiography, thepatient had brachyfacial features (SN.GoGn of23.2º, SN.Gn of 62.3º, and FMA of 21.8º), with mildfacial asymmetry, convex profile – maxillaryprotrusion (SNA 95.1º) –, and light mandibularretrusion, as shown in Figure 1 and Table I.

The intraoral examination revealed thepresence of lower anterior crowding with castdiscrepancy of -3.5 mm, presence of maxillary an-terior diastema, absence of the left maxillary cen-tral incisor (#21), and presence of Class II, Division1 malocclusion with 3⁄4-complete severity (7 mm),as shown in Figures 2 and 3.

Factor Clinical norm Before treatment After treatmentNAP 0º 20º 16º

SNA 82º 95.1º 89ºSNB 80º 84º 81ºANB 2º 11º 9ºSDN 76º 80.7º 78º

SN.GoGn 32º 23.2º 27ºSN.Gn 67º 62.3º 66º1.1 131º 123.7º 128º1.NA 22º 14.1º 7º

1-NA 4 mm 2.6 mm 1 mm1.NB 25º 31.2º 36º1-NB 4 mm 7.4 mm 6 mm1-Line I 0 -2.2 mm -1 mm

HNB 9° to 2º 21.5º 16ºH-nose 9-11 mm -3.1 mm 2 mmFMA 25º 21.8º 26ºFMIA 68º 54.3º 49º

IMPA 87º 103.9º 106º

The radiographic examinations

showed that tooth #21 was unerupted andpoorly positioned in the buccal and hori-zontal directions at the height of the ante-rior nasal spine. The upper and lower thirdmolars were also poorly positioned andimpacted. No other abnormality wasverified (Fig. 4). Treatment Goals - Creating a relationship of the maxillarytooth occluding between two lower teeth;

- Reducing biprotrusion, thus providing aharmonious profile;

- Reducing overjet, closing the diastemacaused by impaction of tooth #21, andobtaining laterality and protrusionfunctions. Treatment Alternatives. Somealternatives for the treatment of thismalocclusion are described below:

- Orthodontic traction of the maxillary leftcentral incisor (#21) followed by theextraction of maxillary first premolars;

- Extraction of the two maxillary firstpremolars (#14 and #24) and the impacted

Table I. Baseline and post-treatment measurements obtained inthe cephalometric analysis.

Fig. 2. Intraoral photographsbefore treatment. A) Front; B)Right side; C) Left side.

Fig. 1. Extraoral photographs before treatment. A) Front; B) Smiling; C)Profile.

LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRANCO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Atypical extraction of maxillary central incisor for the correction of Angle ClassII malocclusion. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):292-298, 2019.


incisor (#21) with subsequent installation of anosseointegrated implant in the region of dental element#21;

- Extraction of the maxillary right first premolar (#14) andthe maxillary left central incisor (#21), followed bymesialization of the left lateral incisor (#22) and its re-anatomization into the central incisor;

- Extraction of both maxillary central incisorsfollowed by diastema closure and re-anatomizationsteps (lateral incisors turning into central incisorsand canines turning into lateral incisors). This wasthe selected option reported herein. Treatment Progress. The treatment selected wasthe extraction of the right and left maxillary centralincisors, followed by mesialization and re-anatomization of maxillary lateral incisors, canines,and premolars into central incisors, lateral incisors,and canines, respectively, leading the molars toAngle Class II relationship.

Initially, the extraction of tooth #21(unerupted) was requested so the treatment couldbe started. The orthodontic treatment began bycementing the transpalatal bar between teeth #16and #26 in order to anchor the verticalization of teeth#17 and #27. Subsequently, a fixed appliance wasinstalled - Roth prescription (Abzil, São José do RioPreto, SP, Brazil), 0.022"X0.028" slot.

Then, the extraction of the maxillary rightincisor (#11) was requested, considering its crownwas worn and used as a temporary crown. The initialwires used were 0.014" and 0.016" NiTi. Later, thethermoactivated rectangular 0.017" x 0.025" wireswere used and the mesialization of the left and rightlateral incisors was performed, always along withinterproximal wear on the extracted central incisor.

As the edentulous space was reduced, there-anatomization of the maxillary anterior teeth (#12

Fig. 3. Photographs of plaster castsbefore treatment.

Fig. 4. Panoramic radiograph before treatment showing an unsatisfactory position of tooth 21. The lateral teleradiographyelucidates the position of tooth 21.

LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRANCO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Atypical extraction of maxillary central incisor for the correction of Angle ClassII malocclusion. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):292-298, 2019.


and #22) was performed. The brackets were rebondedto such teeth before the mesialization movement of allanterior maxillary teeth. The 0.019" x 0.025" steel wirewas used to start the mesialization movements ofmaxillary canines and premolars, aided byintermaxillary 1/8 elastics with Class III vector. Aftermesialization, the re-anatomization of maxillary caninesand premolars was performed.

A slice was made in the mandibular teeth #33-43 for better placing the incisors relative to thesymphysis, considering the lower incisors were buccallyoriented as shown in the IMPA measurement of 103.9º,1. NB of 31.2º, and 1/./1 of 123.7º (Table I).

Two years after the beginning of treatment, theintercuspation procedure was started. At the end ofintercuspation and occlusal adjustment, the fixedappliance was removed and the retainers wereinstalled. A fixed hygienic retention for maxillary teeth#13-23 was installed in association with a removableretention for the mandibular arch (Wraparound), for anintended use of 24 months. Treatment Results. The following results wereachieved: relationship of an upper tooth occludingbetween two lower teeth, reduction of biprotrusion andoverjet, closure of maxillary anterior diastemas (Figs.5 and 6), functional activity with contact betweenincisors in protrusive movements, and group functionin lateral movements without contact with the unworkedside. The radiographic follow-up showed no significantabsorption in the roots of the teeth due to orthodonticmovements. The cephalometric Point A was found tobe positioned posteriorly, leading to profileimprovements (Fig. 7).

Fig. 6. Lateral teleradiography after treatment. Note theposition of point A.

Fig. 5. Extraoral photographs after treatment. A) Front; B)Smiling; C) Profile.

Fig. 7. Photographs ofplaster casts after treatment.

Finally, Figure 7 shows a harmonious gingivalcontour that contributes to acceptable gingivalaesthetics. The lower incisors underwent lingualinclination, which improved their relationship with themiddle of the symphysis.

LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRANCO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Atypical extraction of maxillary central incisor for the correction of Angle ClassII malocclusion. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):292-298, 2019.


Fig. 8. Intraoral photographs aftertreatment. A) Front; B) Right side;C) Left side.

Fig. 9. Radiographicimages after treatment. A)Panoramic; B) Periapicalradiographs of maxillaryincisors; C) Periapicalradiographs of mandibularincisors.


Dental eruption is a physiological process that should be impeccablyprecise. The deciduous and permanent teeth are formed within the alveolarbone and they erupt in a sequence established by nature (Neto & Falcão,2014). Failures in tooth eruption may be caused by certain conditionssuch as trauma, lack of arch space, ankylosis of deciduous teeth, or theexistence of physical barriers such as supernumerary teeth, tumors, or

cysts (Romero-Maroto & Sáez-Gómez, 2009). In this case report,the patient presented the leftmaxillary central incisor (#21) withdilacerated root and crown in hori-zontal position, which preventedtraction.

The extraction of premolarsis widely accepted by orthodontistsin the treatment of Angle Class IImalocclusion, for it allows obtaininga satisfactory occlusal andaesthetic outcome (Zentner et al.,2003; Janson et al., 2007).

In this report, maxillaryprotrusion might be compensatedby extracting maxillary premolarsand the left central incisor, replacingthe latter with an osseointegratedimplant and fixed prosthesis with anartificial tooth. However, the patientdeclined this option due to thenumber of dental extractions andthe financial cost. Another optionproposed and accepted by thepatient was the extraction of theright and left maxillary incisors,followed by the re-anatomization oflateral incisors into central incisors,canines into lateral incisors, andpremolars into canines. The mainadvantages of this approach arepreventing osseointegrated implantinstallation, preserving two naturalteeth in the maxillary arch (upperfirst premolars), and reducing thetime and total cost of orthodontictreatment. Reducing treatment timeis one of the approaches forpreventing the occurrence ofexternal root resorption, which is amajor sequel from orthodonticmovement in association with otherfactors.

In addition to cost, anotherdisadvantage of the treatment withosseointegrated implants is that thepatient of the present study was ayoung adult, which means lack ofgrowth in the implant installation

LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRANCO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Atypical extraction of maxillary central incisor for the correction of Angle ClassII malocclusion. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):292-298, 2019.


area. Moreover, growth and dental extrusion arepresent in all three dimensions of other adjacent regionsand according to some studies, these would likely occurin the third and fourth decades of life, causing a futuredemand for replacing the osseointegrated implant (Iseri& Solow, 1996). Another difficulty would lie in controllingthe gingival contour in the implant region without theexistence of shadows, as this is an aestheticallydemanding area (Janson et al., 2010). In this case, theoption of extracting the maxillary central incisors was atreatment alternative for Class II malocclusion, becausethe inappropriate position of tooth #21 did not allow itstraction. Preserving the natural tooth and migrating itinto the extraction space help correcting bone defects,because when the tooth is replaced slowly, theperiodontal support structures follow the movement andform the alveolar bone in the extraction space(Robertsson & Mohlin, 2000; Deryckere et al., 2001).

In order to achieve a satisfactory functional andaesthetic result, several issues had to be resolved. Themaxillary lateral incisors had thin roots, whichimplicated in more cautious and limited movements toprevent the inclination of roots during displacement;otherwise, re-anatomization would be challenging andthere would be loss of interdental papilla, andconsequently the formation of black triangles.

This situation was managed with the use ofbends in the finishing arch or angulations in thebrackets, in order to create root parallelism. However,the patient decided to have the appliance removedbefore the end of treatment, when the crown was stillinclined, making it difficult to reshape the maxillary la-teral incisor, thus highlighting the black triangle due tothe lack of interdental papilla (Figs. 8 and 9). A papillaryreconstruction was performed by means of an envelopeflap and a graft of attached gingiva in the regionbetween the maxillary lateral incisors, after rootparallelism. This procedure was refused by the patient.

The extrusion of maxillary canines and theintrusion of maxillary premolars would be performedfor a correct gingival height, but the treatment endedearly. The appropriate aesthetic treatment shouldinclude tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, and gingivalplastic surgery (Ishihara et al., 2013), but the resultobtained was pleasingly accepted by the patient.

Space closure through maxillary caninesreplacing the lateral incisors provides a satisfactoryresult, but leads to major occlusal changes (Ishiharaet al.). The maxillary canine is larger in the buccal-

palatal direction than the maxillary incisor. Therefore,wearing the palatal surface is required to avoidpremature contacts with the mandibular incisors(Janson et al., 2010). In addition, the labial surfaceshould be worn to become flatter. Studies have shownthat wearing the palatal and labial surfaces does notdamage either dentin or pulp (Janson et al. 2010;Ishihara et al.). Thus, the cusp tip and the labial surfacewere reduced to form a flat surface. The angles wererounded in the mesial and distal aspects to completethe re-anatomization of maxillary canines.

Canines are responsible for disocclusion duringright and left lateral movements. In the present case,this function was not performed due to the mesializationtowards the region of the maxillary incisor. Thus,disocclusion was adjusted to be performed by a groupof teeth, which is also considered satisfactory. Inparallel, individual torques, extrusions, and dentalrotations were performed to ensure proper mandiblelateralization movements. A radiographic follow-upshould be conducted, as a long-term problem may occur,meaning the root volume of the premolar is smaller thanthat of the maxillary canine (Ishihara et al.).

This type of mechanics is a potential therapeuticoption, considering the biological limits and periodontalstructures. The treatment plan focused on theimpossibility of traction of the maxillary central incisor,which was then replaced by adjacent teeth occupyingthe gap left by the extractions. This procedure waschosen because the patient refused to have anosseointegrated implant and fixed prosthesis with anartificial tooth. All treatment goals were satisfactorily achievedand the patient accepted the final result.


The atypical extraction of a maxillary centralincisor is not a routine protocol in orthodontics.However, in the case of poorly positioned teeth thatcomplicate and/or prevent traction, atypical extractionmight be a good alternative to preserve the natural teethand prevent the need for an osseointegrated implantin adult/young patients. The re-anatomization of maxillary anterior teethand gingival plastic surgery are required for asatisfactory aesthetic result.

LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRANCO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Atypical extraction of maxillary central incisor for the correction of Angle ClassII malocclusion. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):292-298, 2019.


LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRAN-CO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Extracciónatípica de incisivo central maxilar en la corrección de lamaloclusión de Angle Clase II. Int. J. Odontostomat.,13(3):292-298, 2019.

RESUMEN: Este caso clínico describe el tratamien-to de la mala oclusión de Clase II en un paciente con ausen-cia de uno de los incisivos centrales superiores debido aimpactación. El abordaje del tratamiento consistió en la ex-tracción de este elemento dental y del otro incisivo central,seguido del cierre de los diastemas y reanatomización delos incisivos laterales en incisivos centrales. Los resultadosobtenidos fueron considerados satisfactorios con relación alos aspectos oclusales, estéticos y funcionales. Así, esta pla-nificación se puede utilizar como una nueva alternativa deabordaje terapéutico para estos casos.

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Corresponding author:Professor Luiz Renato ParanhosAv. Pará, 1720, Bloco 2G, sala 1UmuaramaCEP: 38405-320. Uberlândia-MGBRASIL


Received: 26-10-2018Accepted: 12-04-2019

LIMA, A. P. B.; CERICATO, G. O.; PITHON, M. M.; FRANCO, A.; HERVAL, A. M. & PARANHOS, L. R. Atypical extraction of maxillary central incisor for the correction of Angle ClassII malocclusion. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(3):292-298, 2019.