Attention Gradu- First Presbyterian...

Post on 04-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Attention Gradu- First Presbyterian...

First Presbyterian Church Founded June 15, 1818


We seek to be a Church United in Christ, Scripturally Based, and

a Compassionate Community of Faith.

(The worship service is broadcast over WLOR AM 1550 or FM 98.1)

307 Gates Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801 256-536-3354 ~Fax (256) 536-3038

E-Mail: Home page:

First Presbyterian is a Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a Stephen Ministry Congregation


8:30 AM - Worship Service/SAN 9:30 AM - Sunday School 10:30 AM - Worship Service/SAN 11:30 AM - NO Handbell Rehearsal 5:00 PM - NO PYC MONDAY, April 17 HOLIDAY - OFFICE CLOSED

9:00 AM - FF Preschool 4:30 PM - Evening Bible Study/LIB TUESDAY, April 18

6:15 AM - Outback/GBH 9:00 AM - FF Preschool 9:30 AM - Transformational Yoga/CH 6:00 PM - HMC/CR 6:00 PM - Outback/GBH 6:30 PM - Boy Scouts 633/GBH WEDNESDAY, April 19

7:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study/FH 9:00 AM - FF Preschool 9:15 AM - Wed. Morning Disciple 1/LIB 1:30 PM - Prayer Shawl Ministry/LIB 5:30 PM - WNL Dinner/Program/FH 6:30 PM - Salzburg Choir rehearsal/CR 7:15 PM - Chancel Choir rehearsal/CR THURSDAY, April 20

9:00 AM - FF Preschool 9:00 AM - Thursday Morning Disciple 1/LIB 9:30 AM - Transformational Yoga/CH 11:15 AM - FPC Prayer Group/LIB 12:15 PM - Al-Anon/GBH 5:30 PM - Thursday Evening Disciple 1/LIB FRIDAY, April 21

9:00 AM - FF Preschool SATURDAY, April 22

7:00 AM - Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser/FH 7:30 AM - Early Christian Study Group/ LIB SUNDAY, April 23

8:30 AM - Worship Service/JAH 9:30 AM - Sunday School 10:30 AM - Worship Service/SAN 11:30 AM - Handbell Rehearsal/BR 5:00 PM - PYC/FH 6:00 PM - Bible Study/LIB

* April 16th - NO PYC (Easter) * April 23rd - PYC at 5pm * April 30th - PYC at 5pm We still have slots available for meal providers. You can sign up at or if you would rather donate the cost is $75.00. Please make sure you write in the memo line designated to PYC dinners. Available dates: April 23rd and 30th.

Many thanks to the members of the Brass orchestra: David Dorfman, Kate Dupuis, Mara Snowman, Steve Fisher, Davin Vance, Sarah Shifrin, Amanda Dimov and Joe Cochran for playing this morning.

Many thanks to our Chancel Choir and especially Jan McKemie and David Jones for their hard work during this Lenten Season.

Chancel Choir rehearsal is every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in the choir room.


Rev. Rosemary McMahan, Interim Pastor Ext. 122

Dr. Patricia Hacker, Director of Music Ext. 126

Dr. Frank Contreras, Organist

Angela Green, Director of Children’s Ministry Ext. 129

Lacey Guthrie, First Friends Preschool Director Ext. 128

Cynde Tannehill, Pastor’s Secretary/Notary Ext. 132

Amber Stewart, Receptionist Ext. 130

Finance Department Ext. 136

Johann Malan, Facilities Coordinator Ext. 121

Quentin Fitzpatrick, Sexton

In case of emergency please contact the church office at 256-536-3354, ext.132.

Calendar Legend: BR - Bell Room CH - Carriage House (GBH) CER - Christian Ed Resource upstairs CR - Choir Room FH - Fellowship Hall GBH - Gideon Blackburn House HR - Historical Room JAH - John Allan Hall (GBH) LIB - Library SAN - Sanctuary SMR - Stephen Ministry Room (GBH)

Lectionary Readings April 23, 2017

Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31

Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-21

“Flower Dedication” enve-lopes are available at the bulletin board or in the pew racks with a small card inside

the envelope that you will fill out and place back in the envelope with your $50.

Upcoming available dates: May 7, 14, 28; June 11, 18, 25.


We welcome you as a participant in worship today. We pray that you will find this service meaningful. Worship is but one of the many ministries of First Presbyterian Church.

Please remember to turn off all cell phones and pagers. Also please DO NOT take flash photographs during the services.

Please sign in: The red Friendship Folders will be passed during the offering.

Looking for a Church home? Please speak with Pastor Rosemary or the “Ask Me” person standing at the rear of the church.

Ushers serving this morning: 8:30 a.m.: The Stucky Family 10:30 a.m.: Andrew Bevel, Anne Brigance, Mary Margaret Cofield and Dag Rowe

The flowers this morning are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Colonel Lee James by Kathleen James. The flowers this morning are given to the Glory of God and in honor of Katie Elizabeth Fogle on her 21st birthday by Sheila and Na-talie Fogle. The church office will be closed on Monday, April 17 for the Easter holiday.

From the Pastor: In an effort to keep the pastor informed of any illnesses, hospitaliza-tions, or deaths, please contact either the pas-tor’s assistant, Cynde Tannehill, or Pastor Rosemary directly. Secondhand information has to be checked out and often delays an ex-pected pastoral response. Contact information is listed in this newsletter and in the weekly bulletins. Thank you.

Resurrection of the Lord/Easter

April 16, 2017

8:30 a.m./10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Save the Date! June 26-29, 2017

The Presbytery Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering will

be at First Presbyterian in Ath-ens on April 25, 2017 with reg-istration at 9:15 a.m. A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

Housing Needed for New Youth


The youth committee is excited to an-nounce that through a partnership with CYMT, our church will soon have a new youth director! As part of the compensa-tion, we need to provide housing. We are asking the congregation for leads on a small apartment/house that could be used for this.

If you have any ideas or questions, please contact Nancy Lundy at or 256-508-0339.

Attention Gradu-ates! We need the following information by Monday, May 8th for publication in the May 21st church bul-letin: Graduate’s name, High School,

College or Graduate School name, plans for the fall (include college and major if known) and a photo. Please send your information to Cynde at

Branches of The Vine A Spring Celebration

Thursday, April 27, 2017 5:30-8:00 PM Baron Bluff Burritt on the Mountain

Business Attire - $50 per person

All proceeds will support

The Vine Pastoral Counseling Center


Join us for an evening filled with wonderful fellowship and unique silent and

live auctions. Catered by Lyn's Gracious Goodness!


Community Grief Support Group meets every Tuesday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Facilitator: The Rev. Carl Malm of the Center for Loss, Grief and Change (a ministry of the Huntsville Assoc. of Pastoral Care)

Location: The Community Room of Hope Presby-terian Church 10001 Bailey Cove Road SE At the intersection of Bailey Cover and Weather-ly. Park on the east side of the building and use the door behind the white fenced playground.

Questions: 256-883-6539 or

Congratulations to Margaret and Ben Davis on the April 6 birth of their son, Robert “Robby” Hale Davis.

Assemble in God’s Name With the chiming of the bell, we quietly and prayerfully prepare our hearts and minds

to worship God.

Chiming of the Bell Prelude Easter Carillon Robert J. Powell

David Jones, organ and Brass

Welcome and Announcements Rev. Rosemary McMahan

Choral Introit (10:30) Alleluia, He Lives! Joel Raney

Chancel Choir and Brass

*Call to Worship Liturgists: (8:30) Angela Green; (10:30) Stephanie Hyatt

Leader: Behold the victory of our God: Jesus, our Lord, has conquered the grave. People: Christ is risen! Alleluia! Leader: Sin and death shall reign no more. People: Christ is risen! Alleluia! Leader: Let this place resound with joy. People: Christ is risen! Alleluia! Thanks be to God.

*Opening Prayer

*Opening Hymn 232 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today EASTER HYMN

Prayer of Confession Rev. Rosemary McMahan

God of life, you have raised us up to new life, even as you raised your Son Jesus from the grave. You have rebuilt our broken house, granting us to live in the glory of your own dwelling place. Still, we have turned away from you. We have not set our hearts and minds on things above, but have cared instead for the things of the earth, neglecting that which lives forever. Forgive us for turning away from your free gift of resurrection life. Remind us of the wonder of your new life breathed into us by your Spirit. Enfold us with your life, given to us forever through the resurrection of our Redeeming Savior, Jesus Christ. Now hear our silent confession . . .

Kyrie Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us KYRIE

(8:30) Lord, have mercy upon us, Christ, have mercy upon us, Lord, have mercy upon us.

(10:30) Lord, have mercy upon us, (3 times) Christ, have mercy upon us, (3 times) Lord, have mercy upon us. (3 times)

Assurance of Pardon Rev. Rosemary McMahan

*Hymn 248 Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! HYMN TO JOY

*The Passing of the Peace (8:30)

Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Proclaim God’s Word

First Lesson - Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 pew Bible, OT, pg. 565

pew Bible (large print), OT, pg. 694

*Stand as you are able.

Anthem Come, People of the Risen King Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

Chancel Choir arr. Lloyd Larson Sarah Shifrin, horn and Amanda Dimov, violin

Time for Young Disciples Angela Green At this time all children will be invited to come to the chancel steps. Children ages KINDERGARTEN AND YOUNGER are dismissed to the nursery. FIRST GRADE AND UP should remain in the sanctuary with parents.

Second Lesson - John 20:1-18 pew Bible, NT, pg.114

pew Bible (large print), NT, pg.140

Sermon “Weeping and Laughing” Rev. Rosemary McMahan

Respond To God’s Word

*Hymn 238 Thine Is the Glory JUDAS MACCABEUS

*Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) Hymnal pg.35

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal pg.35

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Presentation of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings

Offertory A Resurrection Declaration Victor C. Johnson

Chancel Choir and Brass

*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD ONE HUNDREDTH

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Offertory Prayer

*Closing Hymn 246 Christ Is Alive! TRURO At this time, we invite the congregation to come forward and join the choir in singing the

Hallelujah Chorus.

*Benediction *Benediction Response Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah G. F. Handel

*Postlude Postlude in Classic Style Gordon Young

Jan McKemie, organ

CCLI # 1345744

TO ADD NAMES TO THE PRAYER REQUEST FOR SIX WEEKS, please call or email Cynde Tannehill, Pastor’s Secretary, or use the Prayer and Care page by printing your prayer request and placing it in the offering plate. Prayer requests only remain on the list for SIX WEEKS unless you contact Cynde at the church office. If you know of someone who is in the hospital or need to inform the church of a death in your family, you may also contact Cynde Tannehill. Thank you!


Members: Anne Boles, Dr. Frank Contreras, Marlyn Harris, David Hatch, J. R. Howard, Kara Howard, Sharon Hudson, LaRhue Johnson; Mamie Jones, Cay Lambert, Lorinne Lilly, Sage Lyons, III, Bonnie Morris, and Sanders Pair.

Friends & Relatives: Judith Fields - Friend of Jan and Bob McKemie; Robin Freisen -

Friend of the Wessel Family; Lendon Hoffmeyer - Great-Grandson of Betty Thompson;

Marilyn and Les Holt - Friends of Frank Contreras; Cecil Hurt - Brother-in-law of Jeanette

Hollis; Beverlee Leo - Mother of Lori Smith; Margaret Linn - Mother of Melissa Jones;

Markes Little - Brother of Peggy Galloway; Luke Matthews - Uncle of Houston Matthews;

Maryanne Nicholas - Friend of Ginger and Danny Bryant; Erskine Payne - Father of Bill

Payne; Diana Rose - Mother of Serena Neely; Patricia Smith - Mother of David Smith; Mitzi

Summers - Friend of Pat Kyser; Tent City - Friends of Carol Cotney.

Members and Relatives in Specialty Care: Annabell Aust (Regency Village); Lorinne

Lilly (Magnolia Cottage); Darwin Perkins (Brookdale Place); Ray Rose (Diversicare of Big

Springs); Virginia Rowe (Whitesburg Gardens); Marge Sharp (Birmingham).

The Church: The Pastor Nominating Committee; First Presbyterian Church, the Session, the

North Alabama Presbytery, and for our new Director of Youth Ministry.

Military & International: All those serving in the armed forces.

Our Nation: President Trump and our representatives.

First Presbyterian Missions & Ministries: Appalachia Service Project (ASP); Good

Samaritans; International Missionary Fellowship (; The Vine Pastoral

Counseling Center; The Presbyterian Home for Children; Second Mile Preschool, Kids to

Love, and the CUP program.

First Presbyterian Boy Scout Troop 633 Saturday, April 22 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall

$5 per person; children under 5 year eat free!

Breakfast includes sausage, orange juice, coffee and milk. Artisan pancakes are created to your specific order - artisan in that they are specified by YOU!

Bring your family and friends!