Attawheed Final

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  • 7/28/2019 Attawheed Final



    The three principles that every Muslim, male and female, must learn are knowing ones Lord,Religion and Prophet.

    If it is said to you, Who is your Lord? Say, My Lord is the One who nurtured me and all of thecreation with His Bounties. He is the One that I worship, I have none to worship but Him.

    If it is said to you, What is your Religion? Say, My Religion is Islam, which is submission toAllah with Tawhid(Islamic Monotheism) and obedience to Him in worship, and disassociationfrom Shirk(polytheism) and its people.

    If it is said to you, Who is your Prophet? Say, Muhammad ( ) bin Abdullah bin Abdul-

    Muttalib bin Hashim. Hashim is from Quraysh. Quraysh are from the Arabs and the Arabs arefrom the children of Ismail bin Ibrahim.

    There are two issues which are the foundation of the Religion:

    1. The order to worship Allah alone, without any partners, instigating that worship, havingloyalty towards it and to consider the one leaving it as an unbeliever.

    2. Warning against Shirk in worshipping Allah, to be stern and to show enmity against it and toconsider the one doing it as an unbeliever.

    Following are the 7 conditions of La ilaha ill-Allah (None has the right to be worshipped exceptAllah) with supporting evidences from the Quran and Sunnah:

    1. Knowledge (of its meaning) - as Allah says:

    So know (O Muhammad ) that La ilaha ill-Allah (None has the right to beworshipped but Allah)... Surah Muhammad Ayah 19

    Except those who bear witness to the truth, and they know. Surah Az-Zukhruf Ayah 86

    They testify La ilaha ill-Allah, pronouncing with their tongues (while they know) with their hearts.

    In a hadith narrated by Uthman he says the Messenger of Allah said, Whoever dies knowing La ilaha

    ill-Allah will enter Jannah (Paradise).1Muslim

    2. Certainty (which is complete knowledge that negates doubt and suspicion - the conditionfor honesty in the faith is absence of doubt. The one with doubt is of the hypocrites) - as Allahsays:Only those are the believers who have believed in Allah and His Messenger, and afterward doubt not but

    strive with their wealth and their lives for the Cause of Allah. Those! They are the truthful.



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    Surah Al-Hujurat Ayah 15

    In a long hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever youmeet behind this wall and testifies La ilaha ill-Allah, with certainty in his heart, give him goodtidings of Jannah.2

    3. Sincerity (that negates Shirk) - as Allah says:

    And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allah, and worship none but HimAlone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him)...3

    In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah he says that the Prophet said, The most fortunateperson to have my intercession is the one who says, La ilaha ill-Allah sincerely from his heartand soul.4

    4. Truthfulness (that negates lying and prevents hypocrisy) - as Allah says:

    Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: We believe, and will not betested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make (it)known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of)those who are liars.5

    Muadh bin Jabal narrated that the Prophet said, No servant testifies La ilaha ill-Allahtruthfully from his heart except that Allah will make him forbidden for the Fire. 6

    5. Love (for these words and what they means, and to be happy with it) also it is do with wala

    wal bara, that is to love and hate for the sake of Allaah - as Allaah says:

    And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). Theylove them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else)...7

    O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his Religion (Islam), Allah willbring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, sterntowards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allah, and never afraid of the blame of theblamers8Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, One who has three qualities will find thesweetness of Iman: Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anyone else, he

    loves a person for the sake of Allah, and he hates to return to unbelief after Allah has savedhim from it, as he hates to be thrown into the Fire.9

    6. Submission(to its duties [Quran and Sunah], which are compulsory actions sincerely forAllah, seeking His pleasure) - as Allah says:

    2 Reported by Muslim3 Surah Al-Bayyinah Ayah 54 Reported by Bukhari5 Surah Al-Ankabut Ayahtain 2-36 Reported by Bukhari and Muslim7

    Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 1658 Surah Al-Maidah Ayah 549 Reported by Bukhari and Muslim


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    And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islamic Monotheism) to your Lordand submit to Him (in Islam), before the torment comes upon you, then you will not behelped.10

    But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad ) judge inall disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, andaccept (them) with full submission.11

    7. Acceptance [inwardly and outwardly] (that negates rejection) - as Allah says:

    And similarly, We sent not a warner before you (O Muhammad ) to any town (people) butthe luxurious ones among them said: We found our fathers following a certain way andreligion, and we will indeed follow their footsteps. (The warner) said: Even if I bring you betterguidance than that which you found your fathers following? They said: Verily, we disbelieve inthat which you have been sent. So We took revenge of them, then see what was the end ofthose who denied (Islamic Monotheism).12

    The four Categories Of Tawhid.13

    1. Tawhid Ar-Rububiyyah - This is the Tawhid of Allah in his Essence, his Namesand Attributes, and His Actions. This is to attest that Allah is The Lord, Creator and Owner ofeverything. That He is the One Who gives and takes life, that He is the One Who benefits andharms. That He alone responds to the invocation in times of desperation. The command is

    solely with Him, all good is in His Hand. He is capable of what He Wills, and He has no partner.This category includes faith in Qadr (predestination). Allaah subhanahu wa taaala is unic in HisEssence i.e. His throne, etc.

    This Tawhid alone is not enough for a servant to enter Islam. He must accept the othercategories of Tawhid (which follow). The polytheists in the time of the Prophet attested tothis Tawhid but it did not enter them into Islam. The Messenger fought them and made theirblood and wealth halal, as Allah says:

    Say (O Muhammad ): Who provides for you from the sky and from the earth? Or Who owns hearing and sight? And Who brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead fromthe living? And Who disposes the affairs? They will say: Allah...14

    2. Tawhid Al-Asma Was-Siffat - This is to attest that Allah has knowledge and powerover everything. That He is Al-Hayy (The Ever-Living), Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer), He is notaffected by fatigue or sleep, His will prevails, He has infinite wisdom, He is As-Sami (The All-Hearer), Al-Basir (The All-Seer), He is Ar-Rauf (The Most Kind), Ar-Rahim (The Merciful), He isabove the Throne and He encompasses all creation.

    10 Surah Az-Zumar Ayah 5411 Surah An-Nisa Ayah 6512

    Surah Az-Zukhruf Ayat 23-2513Tawhid is to maintain the Unity of Allah in everything14 Surah Yunus Ayah 31


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    Again this type of Tawhid alone is not enough to enter Islam. One must also accept thecategories of Tawhid.

    3. Tawheed Al-Hakimiyya (unicity in lawgiving) - This to attest that Allaah is unic in

    his actions (ruling is one of them) and nobody has the right to tamper neither with Allaahs ruleon earth nor with his legislation.This category is based on the fundamental concept that Allaahalone is the only Lawgiver.

    In regards to this Allah said: "Is it not Allah the best of rulers(Ruling includes legislating, judgingand executing the orders) ?" [Al-Quran, Surah At-Teen, Ayah 8]

    Likewise he also said "And he Allah doesn't allow anyone to share with him in his rule." [Al-Quran, Surah Al-Kahf, Ayah 26]

    Since Allah is the only Lawgiver, Tawheed Al-Hakimiyyah is known of Islam by necessity. Asfor those who attempt to hide Tawheed Al-Hakimiyyah from the believers, they slide itunderneath Tawheed Ar-Rububiyyah and claim they mean the same thing.

    4. Tawhid Al-Uluhiyyah or Lailahailla Allaah - This category has been one ofcontention for the people of the past and present. This is the Tawhid of Allah with ouractions.This is based on sincere worship of Allah. Worship which includes love, fear, hope,dependence and invocation to Allah alone. All acts of worship, both the inward and outward,must be performed purely for Allah. None of these acts of worship can be performed for anyoneelse, whether an angel, prophet or human, as Allah says:

    You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and every thing).15

    Shirk or Polytheism

    1. Shirk in the worship of Allah - This is the greatest sin that can be committed againstAllah because it is transgression against His Lordship and an aggression against His Divinity.Shirk is to equate Allah with others in what is exclusive to Allah. Why should this not be thegreatest sin committed against Allah when He is the One Who brought the creation intoexistence and sustained them with His Bounties? Included in this is slaughtering for other than

    Allah, like for the Jinn or graves, as Allah says:

    Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him in worship, but He forgivesexcept that (anything else) to whom He pleases16

    The different types of Shirk

    Shirk is of three types: major, minor, and hidden. Allah does not forgive major Shirk or acceptany righteous deed associated with it, as Allah says:

    15 Surah Al-Fatiha Ayah 516 Surah An-Nisa Ayah 48


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    Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him in worship, but He forgivesexcept that (anything else) to whom He pleases...17

    If you join others in worship with Allah, (then) surely (all) your deeds will be in vain, and youwill certainly be among the losers.18

    But if they had joined in worship others with Allah, all that they used to do would have beenof no benefit to them.19

    Shirk is not forgiven except with repentance. If one meets Allah committing this Shirk he willabide in the Hellfire for all eternity, as mentioned in the previous Ayah (verse) from Surah An-Nisa.

    This is why the polytheists from amongst the grave worshippers and others will say to theirgods in the Hellfire:

    By Allah, we were truly in a manifest error, when we held you (false gods) as equals (inworship) with the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists).20

    They did not equate their gods with Allah in creating, sustaining, giving and taking life. Theyonly equated them in love - which is the essence of worship, and reverence - which is a greatact of worship. That is why Allah condemned those who do not revere Him:

    What is the matter with you, [that you fear not Allah (His punishment), and] you hope not forreward (from Allah or you believe not in His Oneness).21

    Evil, in its entirety, goes back to associating others with Allah.Major Shirkis of eight types:

    1.Shirk of Ibada:

    a Offering sacrifices for Jins or idols or graves S6 V162 / S108 V2Anyone sacrificing for theAwliya (friends), idols or jinn has left Islam and entered into thedomain of unbelief and error for directing an act of worship to other than Allah. Included inmajor Shirk is sacrifice for other than Allah. Sacrificing for Allah is an act of worship, as Hesays:

    Say (O Muhammad ): Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah,

    the Lord of the Alamin.22

    b Vowing S76 V7

    17 Surah An-Nisa Ayah 4818 Surah Az-Zumar Ayah 6519 Surah Al-Anam Ayah 8820 Surah Ash-Shuara Ayahtain 97-9821 Surah Nuh Ayah 13

    22 Surah Al-Anam Ayah 162


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    Whoever makes a vow in the name of a Wali(friend) has discarded the ties of Islam from hisneck, because it is not allowed to make a vow except in the name of Allah. Making a vow forother than Allah is contrary to what the Prophet was sent with. 23c Seeking refuge from Jins S72 V6d Other fundamental branches of faith such as repentence, etc.

    2.Shirk in Dua (supplication) - Allah says in the Quran:Allaah (swt) says, And invoke not besides Allaah any such that will never profit you nor hurtyou, but if you did so, you shall certainly be of the Dhalimoon 10 : 106/107Anyone who places intermediaries between himself and Allaah, and seek assistance fromthem, has committed major shirk. So wassila is permissible only when a person is still alive[likewise Umar (ra) from the uncle of the Prophet (saw)]Shirk, in our time, has become more extreme than in the past, because the people of the pastused to commit Shirk in easy times and were sincere in hard times. However, Shirk in thepresent age is permanent in both easy and hard times

    One who makes intermediaries between himself and Allah, invoking them, asking them forintercession, and depending on them. This person is an unbeliever by Ijmaa (consensus).

    There are two types of intercession:

    b. Disapproved intercession - This is sought from other than Allah and is the mostfrequent and dangerous. Many, ascribing to Islam, who do not know Islam or its reality, havemade intermediaries between themselves and Allah, invoking them to remove tragedies,relieve distress and hardship.

    This consists of making Duaa to saints in the graves. Or saying Ya Abd Al-Qadir Jillani help me

    (in any matter)..... Saying Ya Muhammed (pbuh) as if he is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. It ispermitted to go to his grave in Medinah and give him salams.What is the difference between the Christian who make duaa to Jesus and the so-calledMuslims who make duaa to Abd Al-Qadir Jillani and the Messenger (PBUH).

    As Muslims we cannot perform particular forms of Tawassul. That is saying things like Oh Allahgrant me this by the Glory of Muahammed, or by the Honour you have bestowed uponMuhammadas both these are shirk. Allah responds to this in Sura Az-Zumr verse 3:

    "Now, surely, sincere obedience is due to Allah (alone) and (as for) those who take guardiansbesides Him, (saying), We do not serve them save that they may make us nearer to Allah,surely Allah will judge between them in that in which they differ; surely Allah does not guide him

    aright who is a liar, ungrateful."

    The type of tawassul mentioned above was never practised by any of the Sahaba. Indeedwhen there was a drought in Medinah Umar went to the living uncle of the Messenger (pbuh)Abbas and asked him to pray for it to rain. He (Omar) never went to the grave of theMessenger(pbuh) and did tawassul like some of the people do today.

    This makes them unbelievers, by the consensus of the Muslims, because Allah did not revealBooks and send Messengers except to propagate the message to worship Him alone. Thegrave worshippers refused and made intermediaries, asking them to bring benefit and avertharm. They have made this the worship Allah commanded. When anyone disapproves of thispractice, they accuse him of not respecting theAwliya and the righteous. They falsely claim


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    that they do not ask Allah directly out of respect for Him, saying that He must have anintermediary, just as a king can not be asked except through an intermediary, and that Allah ismore deserving of this than a king. However, Allah says in the following verses:

    Say (O Muhammad ): Call upon those whom you assert (to be associate gods) besides

    Allah, they possess not even the weight of an atom (or a small ant), either in the Heavens or onthe Earth, nor have they any share in either, nor there is for Him any supporter from amongthem. Intercession with Him profits not, except for him whom He permits23

    And invoke not besides Allah, any that will neither profit you, nor hurt you, but if you did so,you shall certainly be one of the Zalimun. And if Allah touches you with hurt, there is none whocan remove it but He; and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can repel HisFavour, which He causes it to reach whomsoever of His slaves He will. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.24

    In a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas, he said that when it was said to the Prophet , What Allah

    and you will, he said, Have you made me an equal with Allah? What Allah wills alone.25

    b. Affirmed intercession - This is sought from Allah and it is only for the people of Tawhidand Sincerity. This is with two conditions:

    - Permission from Allah for the intercessor, as He says:

    Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission?..26

    - Allahs pleasure with the one being interceded for, as He says:

    Whose intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He willsand pleases.27

    This means pleased with his actions and words. The actions of the polytheists will be scattereddust. They will have no intercession as a compensation for their intentions. One who hastenssomething before its time is punished, by being forbidden that thing.

    3. Shirk in Niyah (intention), Iradah (thought), and Qasd(aim) Allah says:Whosoever desires the life of the world and its glitter; to them We shall pay in full (the wages

    of) their deeds therein, and they will have no diminution therein. They are those for whom thereis nothing in the Hereafter but Fire; and vain are the deeds they did therein. And of no effect isthat which they used to do.28

    The Shirk in intention is a never-ending ocean with very few escaping from it. Whoever wantsother than the pleasure of Allah, intends other than to get closer to Him and seeks reward fromother than Him has committed Shirk in his intention and action.

    23 Surah Saba Ayahtain 22-2324 Surah Yunus Ayahtain 106-10725 Reported by Ahmad26

    Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 25527 Surah An-Najm Ayah 2628 Surah Hud Ayahtain 15-16


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    This Shirk is major when the intention is completely for other than Allah (shirk of hypocrites).If the intention was for Allah and then it changes to Riya (showing off), then this is consideredto be minor Shirk. However, it is regarded as major sin.As for the hidden showing off it might be a minor sin or fall into the category of major sin or

    forgiven with its specific duaa. Hidden Shirk is mentioned in an authentic hadith:

    Shirk in this Ummah (community, nation) is more inconspicuous than the movement of anant...29

    The expiation of this Shirk can be found in the saying of the Prophet : O Allah! I seek refuge with You from associating anything with You, while knowing, and I seek Your forgiveness forwhat I do not know.30

    4. Shirk in Taah (Obedience) - Allah says in the Quran:

    They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah,and (they also took as their Lord) Messiah, son of Maryam (Mary), while they (Jews andChristians) were commanded [in the Torah and the Gospel] to worship none but One God(Allah) La ilaha illa huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Praise and Glory be toHim, (far above is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him).31

    This Ayah is explained by the hadith reported by At-Tirmidhi, and others, from Adi bin Hatim.He heard the Prophet reading the Ayah They have taken their rabbis and monks and theMessiah, son of Maryam, as lords besides Allah. He said to the Prophet , We did not

    worship them. He said, Did they not make haram what Allah made halal, and you made itharam, and they made halal what Allah made haram, and you made it halal? He said, Yes.The Prophet said, That is worshipping them.

    5. Shirk in Mahabbah (Love) - Allah says in the Quran:

    And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah).They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else)32

    You find polytheists loving their idols just as they love Allah or even more. If the idols are

    violated against they become angrier than they do for Allah. They rejoice for the idols morethan they rejoice for Allah.There are four types of love and a distinction must be made between them:

    a. Love of Allah - This is not enough to be saved from the punishment of Allah and attain Hisreward, because the polytheists, Christians and Jews love Allah.

    b. Love of what Allah loves - This is what brings one into Islam from unbelief. The mostbeloved people to Allah are the strongest in this love. This is wala and Bara.

    29 Reported by Ibn Hibban30

    Reported by Ibn Hibban31 Surah At-Tawbah Ayah 3132 Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 165


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    c. Love for the sake of Allah - This is a requisite of what He loves.

    d. Loving others with Allah - This love is Shirk and anyone who loves anything with Allah, notfor His sake, has taken it as a partner besides Allah. This is the love of the polytheists as

    illustrated in the previous Ayah.

    6. Shirk of HakimiyyaTawheed Al-Hakimiyyah is known of islam by necessity. Approving todays parliaments, votingfor them is major shirk because Allah said in regards to his governance : "And he Allah doesn'tallow anyone to share with him in his rule." [Al-Quran, Surah Al-Kahf, Ayah 26]If someone claims that to dismantle the Shariah is Minor shirk they are wrong as it implies thatAllah is an oppressor and Allah has overreacted when He turned the Jews into apes and swinefor tempering with the Sabbath? Allaah is Just and they are the wrong doers.

    Moreover, ruling in Arabic includes three different meanings that are the three stages in theprocess of ruling, that is : Legislating (sharia), judging and executing the orders.If the legislating is not tampered with and there is occasional breach in judging or executing theorders then it is minor. But if the legislating has been changed it is the major shirk known ofislam by necessity.

    7. Shirk of Magic and those who claim to know the unseen

    Allaah has ordered His Prophet to convey to the people:

    " Say (O Muhammad s.a.w): I possess no power of benefit or hurt to myself except as

    Allah wills. If I had the knowledge of the Ghaib (unseen), I should have secured formyself an abundance of wealth, and no evil should have touched me. I am but a warner,and a bringer of glad tidings unto people who believe " [7:188]

    If the leader of all mankind and the best of them, our Prophet (s.a.w) does not possess anygood nor any harm for himself except what is willed by Allah, how could any other human beingdo so? There are numerous verses in the Noble Qur'an in this context.

    As regards learning magic, teaching it, and practicing it is regarded as an open kufr. To consultthe soothsayers, magicians, astrologers and others of their tribe who try to predict theunknown, it is a reprehensible act; to believe in them is more reprehensible and objectionable

    and it is form of blasphemy because the Prophet (s.a.w) has said:

    " The prayers of a person who consults a soothsayer about anything,will not be accepted for forty days " [Muslim]

    8. Shirk At-tawaafThis is the shirk of doing tawaaf around the graves of people. Tawaaf (circumbulating aroundthe kaba) is a form of worship because a person needs to be in a state of Woodoo. There is aHadith from the Messenger (pbuh) which means that Tawaaf is salah. Since tawwaf is a act of

    worship you cannot associate others with Allah. This practice is found in places like Egypt,


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    India and Pakistan. We should give evidence to ignorant people indulging in such thing beforepronouncing them kafirs.

    Minor shirk is of many types, namely:

    1. Shirk of fearAllaah (swt) said, but when the fighting was prescribed for them, a section of them fear men

    as they fear Allaah 4:77This is minor as far as someone does not deny one pillar of islam.

    2. Shirk of tawakkulIt is a minor shirk to put someones trust on other creatures in order to seek protection.

    3. Showing off :This Shirk in worship nullifies the reward of the action; if the action is obligatory, one may bepunished for it because it is as if he did not do the action and so is punished for leaving theorder. Eventhough it is a minor shirk it is regarded as a major sin.

    4. To swear with names other than AllahThis was a common practice of the Arabs during the Prophet's (s.a.w.s.) time. They used toswear with the Ka'aba's name, with a pious ancestor's name, or more commonly, with thenames of the idols they worshipped, e.g. Al-Latta, Az-Uzza etc. This is shirk because indirectlyit gives some recognition of power or glorification to the being named. Says the Prophet(s.a.w.s.):

    Whoever swears with other than Allah, he has committed an act of shirk and kufr.

    5. To adorn something that is believed to be a form of 'protection frommisfortune'

    Again, this was a common practice of the early Arabs and is to some extent still prevalenttoday. Wearing certain bangles, necklaces and amulets was believed to be able to weaken jinnor evil spirits or protect oneself from 'al-ain', misfortune etc.

    6. To believe in evil omens

    This happens when a person intends to do something, but decides not to do it because ofexperiencing or 'seeing' certain evil signs or omens such as no 13, a cat crossing the way, ect.

    The eight types of major Shirk (previously mentioned) take one out of Islam because they aresupposed to be known from islam by necessity, apart from the shirk of tawaaf. In this case,someone should be given evidence first on the basis of impediments of takfeer. Allaah (swt)has called them unbelievers for calling others with Him, as He says:

    And whoever invokes (or worships), besides Allah, any other ilah (gods), of whom he has noproof, then his reckoning is only with his Lord. Surely! Al-Kafirun (the disbelievers) will not besuccessful.33

    Why does shirk occupy such a serious position in Islam?33 Surah Al-Muminun Ayah 117


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    Several of the main reasons are:

    1. Shirk causes the greatest downfall of human status and dignity

    Man is the best creation of Allah (s.w.t.), created in 'the highest of forms' (Al Tin:4). He is the

    khalifatul fir ardh [the vicegerent of Allah (s.w.t.)]. He falls 'to the lowest of the low' (Al Tin:5)when he takes any other creation of Allah (s.w.t.) as deities or gods.

    Turn unto Allah (only), not ascribing partners unto Him, for whoso ascribespartners unto Allah, it is as if he had fallen from the sky and the birds hadsnatched him or the wind had blown him to a far off place. (Al Hajj:31)

    2. Shirk is the root of evil and superstition

    It is because of shirk that man can believe in the powers of jinn, spirits and particular humanbeings. Some believe that they can predict future events or cause an event to occur or not to

    occur. All these can give rise to various forms of evil or ignorant practices.

    3.Shirk is tyranny and injustice

    An injustice is to withhold someone's rights or treat someone in an unfair manner. In praisingand worshipping deities that have no power whatsoever to control his life, man forgets Allah's(s.w.t.) sole right to be worshipped. He ignores his Creator, Who had given him his life and thusis ungrateful and unjust to Allah (s.w.t.).

    When Luqman said to his son while advising him "Oh my son! Do not

    ascribe partners to Allah. Indeed shirk is a great injustice." (Luqman:13)

    4. Shirk is the cause of anxiety and fear

    Because the mushrik believes in the powers of his various deities, he is always living inconstant fear, whereas the only one to be feared is Allah (s.w.t.), as all other things aredependent upon Him.

    We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because theyascribe partners unto Allah for which no warrant has been revealed. (AlNisa:151)

    5.Shirk denies rewards in the hereafter

    For those who associate partners with Allah (s.w.t.), heaven has been made haram for them.

    Indeed they do blaspheme those who say that Allah is Jesus, the son ofMary, but Jesus said "O children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and yourLord". Whoever joins other gods with Allah, Allah will forbid him heaven and thefire will be his abode. (Al Maidah:72)


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    What Nullifies Your Islam?

    Following are ten things that nullify a persons Islam:

    1. Shirk of worship2. Shirk of Duaa (wassilah)3. One who does not call the unbelievers Kuffar(unbelievers) or doubts their

    unbelief or regards their faith as correct, is a Kafir (unbeliever).

    One who sees the beliefs of the Kuffar as correct or regards the oppression and unbelief theyare upon as good, is an unbeliever, by the consensus of the Muslims.Allah has called them unbelievers in many places in the Quran. A person cannot be judged tobe a Muslim until he regards the unbelievers as they are. If he abstains from this, while theissue is clear, or doubts their unbelief when it is clear, he is the same as them.

    In a hadith narrated by Abu Malik, the Messenger of Allah said, Whoever says La ilaha ill-Allah and disbelieves in what is worshipped besides Allah, his blood and wealth becomeunlawful and his reckoning is with Allah.34Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when theysaid to their people: Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah, wehave rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever, untilyou believe in Allah Alone35 Also refer to Zukhruf:26-27/Tawbah:23/Mujadalah:22

    This is a threat and a severe warning from Allah to one that follows their religion. The Prophetordered the separation of the believers from unbelievers so as not to be of them. He said, I

    am innocent from every Muslim residing amongst the unbelievers(in their land). They said, O

    Messenger of Allah! Why? He said, They should not see each others fire.36

    The Prophet said, Whoever mixes with an unbeliever and lives with him is the same ashim.37

    Where is the religion of Ibrahim? Where is love and hate for Allah? Most people are notconcerned with any of this.

    4. Shirk of hakimiyyah :One who believes that the guidance of anyone other

    than the Prophet is more complete than the guidance of the Prophet himself, or the judgement of other than the Prophet is better than the judgement of theProphet himself. This person is an unbeliever.

    An example of such a person is the one that prefers the judgement of Tawaghit(plural oftaghut: general term used for anything that is pleased with being worshipped besides Allah.The Taghut can be something worshipped, someone followed i.e. voting for MPs or democraticparliaments wearing Islamic dress or someone obeyed i.e. a ruler who dismantle Allaahslegislation, in disobedience to Allah and His Messenger).

    34 Reported by Muslim35

    Surah Al-Mumtahinah Ayah 436 Reported by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi37 Reported by Abu Dawud


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    a. One who believes that the guidance of anyone other than the Prophet is more complete than the guidance of the Prophet himself . This is a seriousissue because it destines the one who believes in it to the Hellfire and it is the rejection ofrevelation and reason.

    The Shariah of Muhammad abrogates all other legal codes. It is the easiest and thesimplest Shariah, as the Prophet said, The most loved religion by Allah is Al-Hanifiyah As-Samhah (monotheistic and simple).38 How can the guidance of anyone else be more completethan the guidance of the Prophet ? He said, If Musa was alive and you followed him, leaving me, you would have gone astray.39

    Allah has favoured this nation by perfecting their religion and completing His blessing throughMuhammad ( ), as He says:

    This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and havechosen for you Islam as your religion40

    We should choose that which Allah has chosen for us (i.e. Islam). Anyone seeking a religionother than this is of the unbelievers, as He says:

    Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam41

    And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in theHereafter he will be one of the losers.42

    b. One who believes that the judgement of other than the Prophet is

    better than the judgement of the Prophet , such as the one who prefers thejudgement of tawaghit over the judgement of the Prophet . This person is an unbeliever byconsensus of the people of knowledge.

    Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sentdown to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgement orruling (in their disputes) to the Taghut while they have been ordered to reject them? ButShaytan wishes to lead them far astray.43

    The above-mentioned verse can be applied on those who vote or adhere to parliaments orlegislate or rule instead of Allaahs shariah.

    Every Muslim, male and female, should know that the judgement and the rule of Allah and HisMessenger comes before any other one. Every issue occurring between people is to bereferred to the judgement of Allah and His Messenger , as Allah mentions in the Quran:

    38 Reported by Al-Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad39 Reported by An-Nasai40 Surah Al-Maidah Ayah 341

    Surah Al-Imran Ayah 1942 Surah Al-Imran Ayah 8543 Surah An-Nisa Ayah 60


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    But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad ) judge inall disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, andaccept (them) with full submission.44

    Allah swore by Himself that they will not have faith until they fulfil three things:

    1. They make the Messenger judge in all affairs2. They find in themselves no resistance against his judgement3. They submit completely and totally to his judgement.

    How can any sane person be pleased with being judged with laws made by the creation? Laws,which are the excess of thought and the garbage of minds, over the judgement of Allah, whichHe revealed to His Messenger to bring people out of darkness into light? Laws that areunjust, oppressive and falsely steal the wealth of people.And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Kafirun(disbelievers).45

    Ruling by what Allah has revealed and believing that the judgement of the Messenger isbetter than the judgement of anyone else are from the requisites of La ilaha ill-Allah. Whoeverclaims otherwise has not understood this testimony. Moreover, this person has contradicted it,because compliance is one of its conditions.

    5. Hypocritical Kufr: One who hates anything that the Prophet camewith, regardless of whether he acts upon it, is an unbeliever.

    This is by agreement of the scholars. Hating something that the Messenger came with,whether it is words or deeds, is a kind of hypocrisy in belief; such a hypocrite is in the lowest

    depths of the Fire. This may be amongst other things, the hatred of polygamy, of women notbeing on the same level as men, of the womans blood money being half of a man or the

    witness of two women being the same as the witness of one man. They detest the saying of theProphet , I have not seen anyone, more deficient in mind and religion, who affects the mindof a resolute man than one of you (women)46 Consequently, you find them outstretchingtheir tongues over this great hadith, either misinterpreting it, or classifying it as weak with theargument that the intellect contradicts it, and so on.

    They are Kuffar even if they act on the content of the text because they did not complete theconditions of La ilaha ill-Allah. One of its conditions is love of what it implies and to be happy

    with it. Many peoples hearts have become constricted and unhappy; they detest what it

    implies. This is the action of the hypocrites, who act on many of the outward religious practices,for some reason, while inwardly despising them.

    6. Kufr of mockery: One who mocks anything from the religion of theMessenger , or its reward or punishment, is an unbeliever.

    Say: Was it at Allah, and His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,etc.) and His Messenger ( ) that you were mocking? Make no excuse; you have disbelievedafter you had believed47

    44 Surah An-Nisa Ayah 6545

    Surah Al-Maidah Ayah 4446 Reported by Bukhari and Muslim47 Surah At-Tawbah Ayahtain 65-66


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    Mocking anything the Messenger came with is disbelief, by consensus of the Muslims, even if actual mockery was not intended (like joking).

    Many actions can take one into the state of unbelief, such as: one who mocks anything the

    Messenger came with, one who mocks religious knowledge and its people because theyare religious, one who mocks the reward of Allah or His punishment, one who mocks peoplecommanding good and forbidding evil because of their commanding and forbidding, one whomocks the Salah (prayer) whether obligatory or optional, one who mocks the people who

    perform Salah because of their Salah, one who mocks someone who grows his beard becauseof growing the beard and one who mocks someone that abandons usury because ofabandoning it. Mocking anything the Messenger came with is from the characteristics of the hypocrites, as Allah says:

    Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those whobelieved. And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery); and

    when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting; and when they saw them,they said: Verily! these have indeed gone astray! But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not beensent as watchers over them (the believers). But this Day (the Day of Resurrection), those whobelieve will laugh at the disbelievers. On thrones, looking (at all things). Are not the believerspaid for what they used to do?48

    People of knowledge have divided mocking anything the Messenger came with into twotypes:

    1. Explicit mockery - Concerning which the Ayah was revealed.2. Implicit mockery - This is a sea without a coast (has no ending), like winking with the eyes,sticking the tongue out, stretching the lips, gesturing with the hand when the Quran is recitedor the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah is mentioned, or when commanding good andforbidding evil, as Allah says:

    Say: Was it at Allah and His Ayat and His Messenger ( ) that you were you mocking?Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your had believed49

    Following are few examples of insulting Allaah subahanahu wa taala or His Prophet (saw):

    -To believe that there will be other Prophets after Muhammad (saw)

    - To reject that Muhammad (saw) is the best of the creation- To believe that the Quaan is not preserved- To insult an angel- To believe that Allaah (swt) came on earth in a form of human being- To describe Allaah with human qualities- To describe a man with Godly qualities

    Every Muslim must oppose those mocking the Religion of Allah and what the Messengercame with, even if they are their closest relatives. He should not sit with them, so as not to beof them. Whoever hears the Ayat of Allah being rejected and mocked by the people he is

    48 Surah Al-Mutaffifun Ayat 29-3649 Surah At-Taubah Ayahtain 65-66


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    sitting with, while being pleased to sit with them, is the same as them, both in sin and inrejecting Islam. Refer to women:140

    7. Shirk of magic,which includes Sarf(a kind of magic that makes the person hatewhat he likes) andAtf(a kind of magic that makes the person like what he hates). Whoeverdoes magic or is pleased with it is a Kafir.

    But neither of these two (Angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said: We are onlyfor trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us) 50

    The majority of the scholars, including Imams Abu Hanifah, Malik and Ahmad, are of the viewthat the magician is a Kafirbecause of the previous Ayah.The conclusion on this issue is that if the magic involves reverence to other than Allah, such asstars and Jinn and so on, then this is kufr without any doubt. From this kind is the magic ofHarut and Marut which is mentioned in the Ayah from Surah Al-Baqarah.

    If the magic does not amount to kufr, like using the special properties of ointments (i.e. usingtrickery instead of real magic) this is haram and severely forbidden, but the person does notbecome a kafir.

    In both cases, the magician has to be killed because he spreads corruption on the earth, andcan separate a man and his wife. His stay on the face of the earth is a great danger and greatcorruption for individuals and societies. Killing him is an end to his corruption and relief for thepeople and the land. The Sahabah unanimously agreed that the magician should be killed.

    The evidence for the punishment of magicians

    For the majority of the scholars who say that the magician should be sentenced by a judge,their proof is what Jundub related. The Messenger of Allah said: The punishment for themagician is to be struck with the sword.51

    8. Supporting and helping the unbelievers over the Muslims.

    And if any amongst you takes them as Awliya, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allahguides not those people who are the Zalimun.52 Refer also to 2:166-167 33:66 58:22 3:28

    Supporting the unbelievers and helping them is a great tribulation which sadly many of ourMuslims suffer from. This is a time where ignorance is widespread, knowledge is little and themeans of evil are abundant; where whims have taken over and become deep rooted.Classical scholars consider below cases as wala (giving allegience to the kuffars):

    - To help them with ones tongue or ones hand- To follow their system (Mutabaa)- To love them and make close friendship with them

    Those who adhere to their system(Mutabaa) by believing or implementing the whole or a partof the kafir system (even one single) or approving it at the expense of the Quraan is a major


    Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 10251 Reported by At-Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim and others52 Surah Al-Maidah Ayah 51


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    disbelief because, in this respect, Allaah the Almighty said, Have you seen those who claimthat they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which has been sent downtbefore you, and they wish to be ruled or (judged) by taghoot (man made system,tribalism,etc.).

    9.One who believes that some people are permitted to go outside the legalcode of Muhammad(saw) or those who make halaal haram and vice versa,as Khidr was permitted to go out of the legal code of Musa. This person is a Kafir.

    Such a person is a Kafirbecause his action implies the disbelief of the Ayah:

    And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they willseparate you away from His Path53

    Ibn Masud narrated: The Messenger of Allah drew a line for us and then said, This isAllahs Path. Then he drew lines to the left and right of the first line and said, These areseparate paths and each path has a Shaytan calling to it. Then he recited, And verily, this isMy Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths for they will separate you away fromHis Path.54

    Whoever desires to leave the Shariah of Muhammad , or thinks he does not need it, hasdiscarded the ties of Islam from his neck. There is no doubt that the Book of Allah orders us tofollow the Messenger and not to stray from his obedience; straying is a compelling cause for the Fire. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, All of my Ummah will

    enter the Jannah, except who refuses. They said, Who refuses O Messenger of Allah? Hesaid, Whoever obeys me will enter Jannah, and whoever disobeys me has refused.55

    It is established that the Prophet said about his virtue over other Prophets, Prophets usedto be sent specifically to their own people. I have been sent to all people.56

    Kufr is nothing but obstinacy and rejecting what the Messenger came with for the saying ofsomeone else. If rejecting what the Messenger came with is Kufr then what about leavingthe Shariah completely?An example:A man was sent by the Prophet (saw) to kill another man who deliberately cohabited with his

    fathers wife. Ibn Katheer stated that the man in question was killed as a kafir because hiswealth was handed over to Baitulmal. 4:22 /Ibn Katheer V1-479

    10. Turning away from the religion of Allah, not learning or acting on it.

    53 Surah Al-Anam Ayah 15354

    Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and others55 Reported by Bukhari56 Reported by Bukhari


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    Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire...60

    This is a lengthy issue; there are those who know the truth but do not act on it in fear of losingsome worldly thing61 or to appease someone. There are also those who act on it outwardly but

    not inwardly. If you ask him what he believes with his heart, he does not know.

    You should understand the following two Ayat from the Book of Allah:

    1. Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had believed62

    It is established that some people who fought the Romans with the Messenger becameunbelievers because of a word they said in jest and play. It becomes clear that one who speaksKufr or acts on it in fear of losing wealth and position or to appease someone, is greater thanone who says a word in jest.

    2. Whoever disbelieved in Allah after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whoseheart is at rest with Faith - but such as open their breast to disbelief - on them is wrath fromAllah, and theirs will be a great torment.63

    Allah did not excuse them, except for the one who is forced while his heart is settled with Iman.Anyone else is an unbeliever after his faith, whether he does it out of fear, hope, appeasement,patriotism for his country, people, clan, wealth or does it jokingly or for any other purpose.

    Nifaq (hypocrisy) is of two types:

    1. Hypocrisy in belief. This type of hypocrite is in the lowest depths of the Fire. This is ofsix kinds:1. Disbelieving the Messenger2. Disbelieving some of what the Messenger came with3. Disliking the Messenger4. Disliking some of what the Messenger came with5. Rejoicing at the defeat of the Messengers religion6. Displeasure at the victory of the Messengers religion.

    2. Hypocrisy in action. This is of five kinds as mentioned in the following two hadith:

    The sign of a hypocrite are three: if he speaks, he lies; if he promises, he does not fulfil it; if heis trusted, he is mistrustful. In another narration, If he argues, he is abusive and if he makes acovenant, he is treacherous.64

    60 Surah An-Nisa Ayah 14561 This is true especially in these times. and the matter has become worse. You see some people fightingthe people of Tawhid. The followers give offerings to their masters by condemning the people of Tawhidand complaining of them so that their masters do not cut off their bribes. Despite this, these people claimfaith. These people show sorrow because of those who despise the enemies of Allah and get close toAllah by detesting them. This is a combination of hypocrisy together with inadequacy in Tawhid andnegligence of its duties.62

    Surah At-Tawbah Ayah 6663 Surah An-Nahl Ayah 10664 Reported by Bukhari and Muslim


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    The meaning of Taghut and the main heads of Taghut

    Know that the first duty that Allah has obligated on the son of Adam is faith in Allah anddisbelief in the Taghut.

    And verily, We have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming): Worship Allah(alone) and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut65

    The manner of disbelief in the Taghut is that one believes the falseness of worshipping otherthan Allah and one leaves this worship, hates it and regards the worshippers upon it asunbelievers and has enmity against them.

    The meaning of faith in Allah is that one believes He is the One to be worshipped alone withoutanyone else and makes all acts of worship sincerely and purely for Allah. One must love the

    people of sincerity and have loyalty for them. One must hate the people of Shirk and haveenmity against them. This is the religion of Ibrahim and the one who turns away from it debaseshimself. This is the example that Allah mentioned in the Ayah:

    Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when theysaid to their people: Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah, wehave rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever, untilyou believe in Allah Alone66

    Taghut is the general term for anything that is pleased with being worshipped besides Allah.The Taghut can be something worshipped or someone followed, or obeyed in disobedience to

    Allah and His Messenger . The Tawaghit are many; the five main ones are:

    1. Shaytan - Who calls to worship of other than Allah - as Allah says:

    Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, that you should not worship Shaytan? Verily, heis a plain enemy to you.67

    2. The oppressive ruler - who changes the laws of Allah - as Allah says:

    Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sentdown to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgement (intheir disputes) to the Taghut while they have been ordered to reject them. But Shaytan wishesto lead them far astray.68

    3. One who does not rule by what Allah has revealed - as Allah says:

    Whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Kafirun.69

    65 Surah An-Nahl Ayah 3666 Surah Al-Mumtahinah Ayah 467

    Surah Yasin Ayah 6068 Surah An-Nisa Ayah 6069 Surah Al-Maidah Ayah 44


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    4. The one who claims to have knowledge of the unseen - as Allah says:

    And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And Heknows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but He knows it.There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a

    Clear Record.70

    5. One who is pleased with being worshipped besides Allah - as Allah says:

    And if any of them should say: Verily, I am an ilah (a god) besides Him (Allah), such a one Weshould recompense with Hell. Thus we recompense the Zalimun.71

    Know that a person does not have faith in Allah until he disbelieves in the Taghut.

    Verily, the Right Path (Rushd) has become distinct from the wrong path (Ghayy).

    Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the mosttrustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.72Rushdis the religion of Muhammad and G hayyis the religion of Abu Jahl. The strongest hold is theShahadah of La ilaha ill-Allah. It comprises of negation and affirmation. Negating all acts of

    worship for other than Allah and affirming all acts of worship for Allah alone, without anypartners.

    Oh Allaah guide us to the truth by your leave, in that which they haveDiffered for verily you guide whom you will to a straight path.Praise be to Allaah andpeace and blessings be upon Allaahs Messenger,his family and his followers.Ameen

    The types of people in the Muslim Ummah today

    70 Surah Al-Anam Ayah 5971 Surah Al-Anbiya Ayah 2972 Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 256


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    The Aqeedah is what you must believe in decisively and have no doubt about, with knowledge,awareness and sincerity. You cannot understand Tawheed without to understand what is kufrand what is shirk. Likewise, in order to know what is right you must know what is wrong. Theyare prerequisite to each other and cannot be separated.

    It is reported in As-Sunnan ad-Daarimeen in the chapter Umar bin al-Khattab:The knot of Islaam will un-tie one after one if anybody grows up to be Muslims withoutto know what is jaahiliyyah.This is why the non-Muslims who reverts back Islaam usually appreciates the deen more as heknows the jaahiliyyah. The one who doesnt know what shirk is and what the Quran condemnsand exposes, he will fall down deep into it.The majority of those who believe in Allah are in fact Mushrik as Allah says in the Quraan thatthe believers will not know that they are Mushrik (12: 106). The messenger Muhammad (saw)also said: the shirk of my Ummah will spread the way the ants spread in any place.

    Ibn Qayyim, a student of Ibn Taymiyyah said in his book Zaad ul maaad, kitaab ul eemaan:The shirk will continue to spread until in covers those who are far away and those whoare near but the ghurabaa (the strangers who are promised paradise) will keep onrejecting it. But they are always a minority; hence nobody listens to them and will botherabout them.To declare that Allah is the creator or the provider is not enough to become Muslim. You mustgive up before take up i.e. give up all kufr, shirk, culture and jaahiliyyah and then take usIslaam, Eemaan and Tawheed.The four great Imams all had the same Aqeedah of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaah. They believedin Allahs names and attributes, in Al-Qadr, Eemaan, in seeing and meeting almighty Allah(swt) etc. They all affirmed Allahs names and attributes and never negated them under the lieof purifying Allah. Many people today attribute false sayings and statements to them, such asto say Imaam Abu Haneefah believed eemaan was stagnant! These blatant lies andfabrications should be ignored as none of them are true.Before we classify the types of Muslims that are present in our Ummah today, a few thingshave to be understood first...

    At-TalaazumThe kaafir is the one who shows and conceals kufr i.e. in his inner (heart) and apparent(actions) is kufr (non-Islaam). They have something called At-Talaazum - moulding betweenthe inner and the outer. What they say is what they conceal, therefore the kaafir commits kufrand in his heart is kufr.

    1. Inner Al-Baatin (what is in the heart, intentions etc.)2. Outer Az-Zaahir (actions whether verbal or physical in tongue and limbs)

    The inner and outer of every person must be the same unless he is a hypocrite i.e. he shows

    and acts upon what he doesnt believe in. Hence the Munaafiq (hypocrite) has no Talaazum in


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    kufr or eemaan. In his inner is kufr but he shows eemaan, and this can be seen among manyso called Muslims today who have the signs of hypocrisy in their apparent actions and sayings.The hypocrite declares that he believes in Allaah, the messenger, Islaam etc. but in his heart itdoes not (has no Talaazum), as Allaah clearly says in the Quraan: And of mankind, there

    are some (hypocrites) who say: We believe in Allh and the Last Day while in fact theybelieve not.(EMQ Al-Baqarah, 2: 8)

    Therefore, it must be understood that Eemaan is qawl (sayings), amal (actions) and niyyah(intention), as appose to the incorrect predominant understanding of eemaan i.e. belief or faithin ones heart. And this eemaan has Talaazum, moulding the inner (intentions) with outer(sayings and actions).Az-ZandaqahAz-Zandaqah is to promote kufr and shirk in the name of Islaam. The Zindeeq is more

    dangerous than the kaafir as he promotes his kufr, bida and shirk by using the divine text asevidence i.e. to say pornography is allowed as Allaah says in the Quraan...etc. TheseZanaadiqah are the worst of all creatures, far worse than the disbelievers. They usually have allthe qualifications of the people of hell-fire i.e. they are zindeeq (heretic), munaafiq (hypocrite),murtad (apostate), faasiq (sinner) and zaalim (oppressor) all in one!Zandaqah can be seen in many Muslims today who commit evil, sin and wholesale apostasy allunder the name of Islaam. Rather than to say voting for man-made law is apostasy they sayvoting is fard! These Zanaadiqah are worse than your average apostates; they are zindeeqmurtad (heretic apostate). In fact, all fuqahaa agree that a zindeeq will be killed with norepentance whatsoever! Whereas your average apostate has the opportunity to repent andtake back what he or she said or did.To simplify things, the inner and outer of an apostate, zindeeq and murjih, hypocrite andMuslim are illustrated below:

    The inner (what is in theheart i.e. intentions)

    Type of personThe outer (what is apparentin the sayings and actions)

    Usually believes in Islaamand the final messenger


    Murtad (apostate)But his actions are either kufr

    or shirk akbar

    Islaam or kufr? This is difficultto tell as he is such a

    hypocrite, but usually kufrZindeeq (heretic)

    Kufr actions but presented asIslamic

    Believes in Islaam and finalmessenger (saw)

    Murji-ah (those who separateeemaan from actions)

    Some kufr and some Islamicactions

    Kufr, shirk, bida etc. Munaafiq (hypocrite) Islaam and eemaan

    Believes in Islaam and the

    final messenger (saw)Muslim (Muwahhid) Islaam and eemaan


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    10 main types of people in the Muslim Ummah today

    From studying our reality today we can clearly see that there are many different types ofMuslims, some who are (Muslim) and some who claim to be Muslims. We have decided tocategories this division of the Ummah into 10 main sections in order for the Ummah ofMuhammad (saw) to be aware of the deviants and keep distance from them. Among these 10there are those who commit much corruption, kufr and nifaaq (hypocrisy).

    1. Az-Zalamiyoon those who do not care (people who say I dont care)

    These people are living in darkness and have no concern about the affairs of the MuslimUmmah. They are politically and socially unaware of what is around them and often live on their

    own or isolate themselves from society. They do not care about the affairs of Muslims in Iraq,Palestine, Chechnya, the Mujaahideen, the Ulama; their only concern is me, myself and I.Muslims are not allowed to say: I dont care rather we must care about the affairs of theMuslim Ummah and the Mujaahideen, about society and the establishment of the Islamic state.The messenger of Allaah (saw) said: No one of you is a believer until he loves for hisbrother what he loves for himself. Therefore a Muslim MUST CARE about his Muslimbrothers and sisters, not just in his local community but also across the world.Examples: some Tableeghis, talafis etc.There are many Zalamiyoon within the Ummah today. They care not about the apostate rulersand say it does not concern me; Allaah will account my actions not the actions of others.These people are completely void of any knowledge and do not fit the description of a believer.

    2. Az-Zanaadiqah people who spread kufr, shirk and bida in the name of Islaam

    As mentioned and explained above, these Zanaadiqah are the most evil or all evil. Examples ofthose who are Zindeeq are:Salmaan Rushdie

    This man is a murtad zindeeq as he was attacking Islaam and using so called evidence fromthe Quraan and Sunnah.The QadiyaanisThe Qadiyaanis are kaafir zindeeq (not murtad) as they are non-Muslims who claim to beMuslims. They believe Muhammad (saw) is a messenger but not final. They call their ownplaces of worship and shrines masjid (mosque). They are kaafir as they do not testify themessenger Muhammad (saw) to be the last a final messenger and promote all their bida, shirkand kufr in the name of Islaam.Nation of Islaam

    These too are kaafir zindeeq as they sell their kufr as Islaam. They justify their blatant racismwith the deen and have their own book which they call the Quraan.


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    Most Muslims commit zandaqah (even the Salafi Talafis), knowingly or unknowingly. They sellharaam as halaal and justify their rationality and desires with verses from the Quraan andahadeeth.

    Examples: Qadiyaanis, Nation of Islaam, some talafis, government organisations andscholars.

    3. Ahlil Ahwaa-e wal bidaee wat tasawwuf people of hawa (desire), bida(innovation) and Sufism (superstition)

    These people follow their beloved Taaghout - rational desires and innovation. They are peoplewho elevate their parents, peers and Anbiyah etc. by more than what is allowed. They havedived deep into their temptations, dunya, philosophy, bida and choose to worship their rationthan Allaah (swt).

    Allah (swt) says in the Quraan:Have you seen him who has taken as his ilh (the oneyou worship) his own desire? Would you then be a Wakl (a disposer of his affairs or awatcher) over him? (EMQ Al-Furqaan, 25: 43)And: and do not follow the vain desires of people who went astray in times gone by,and who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the Right Path."(EMQ Al-Maaidah,5: 77)

    Like Shaitaan, they are people who do not want to submit to Allaah exclusively and wish tobring people to their own misguided and doomed path to Hell-fire.Examples: People who leave Islamic organisations, Young Muslims, fake Jihaadis, some newMuslims etc.

    4. Ahlul Fisq wal Mujoun - people of corruption and evil doers

    The ahlul Fisq wal Mujoun are dominant everywhere in a kufr society. They even declarethemselves as not practicing. They go to night clubs, cinemas, clubs, theatres, universitiesand colleges and free-mix with foreign men and women. They listen to music, have girl-friendsand boy-friends, drink, smoke drugs and cigarettes etc.

    Examples: People in university campuses and colleges, young Muslims5. As-Salafiyyat ut-Talafiyyah the fake, dispraised and rotten Salafis

    The fake salafis study the Quraan, ahadeeth and fitrah (natural disposition). They follow theusool (foundations) of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaah, claiming to be the protectors of the deenand Ahl ul-Haq, but in condition; they will not enter any struggle against kufr, shirk or taaghout.

    If their own practicing of the deen leads them to struggle against kufr, shirk and taawaagheet,they would completely leave it and follow a different deviant Tareeqah. However, they arehappy and content with just speaking about Allaahs names and attributes all day. They are

    hard-core Khawaarij when it comes to the Mujaahideen (they call the Mujaahideen kaafir,aoodhubillah), murji-ah when it comes to the apostate rulers, and zindeeq in other areas.


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    The Jaamiyyah and Madkhaliyyah within the talafis follow the governmental scholars of SaudiArabia and work as free lance informers and government spies. They also fall under thecategory of Zanaadiqah, Ahlul Irjaa-a (separate eemaan from actions) and Az-Zalamiyoon

    when it comes to the apostate rulers of Muslim countries.

    6. The practicing Muslims from the seculars

    They are Ahlul Ibaadah wal Iltizaam (people of worship and practicing Islaam). They aregenerally practicing and watch out for halaal food, salat, perform Hajj, fast in Ramadaan andare commit to follow hukm Sharee in general. However, they are silent and do not speak out offear of being arrested or labelled terrorist, though they support the Mujaahideen secretly andthe sincere Muslim activists financially.They have no walaa and baraa in the sense they say not all kuffar are bad people and semi-detach themselves from the global Muslim Ummah. They are in between the haq and the

    baatil. They are probably the best out of the 10 deviant types of Muslims today.7. Ahl ul-Irjaa-a people who separate eemaan from actions

    These people are mostly from the Ashaa-irah and Matureedis, though most of Muslims fallunder this category. They separate eemaan from actions based upon weak narrationsattributed to the messenger of Allaah (saw) and Abu Haneefah. They do not call the rulers ofMuslim countries apostates as they say what they are doing is kufr, but we cannot call themkaafir.They actively spread the murji-ah ideas within the Muslim Ummah. They are people whocompromise with kufr and are semi hypocrites in the sense that they do not declare what theybelieve in or what has authentic evidence. They say it is your own opinion, be realistic andaccept reality and we need to integrate (and become kaafir).

    Examples: Ikhwan ul-Muslimeen, Young Muslim organisations, talafis and most Muslims8. Those who believe in reaction

    These people are power seekers and kill or envy anybody that gets in their way. If someonedisagrees with them they call them kafir of people of fitnah. They actively work with the kuffar

    Socialists and take the Jews and their best example.Examples: Young Muslim organisations, MAB, ISB

    9. At-Tajammuaat ul Ilmaniyyah - The Nationalistic and patriotic

    Most Muslims fall under this category too, especially from Palestine and the Asian sub-continent. They love their nation and claim it was created for Islaam when it was created forkufr. Nationalism is a disease and the main cause of disunity (besides lack of Tawheed). It is aform of Taaghout and Muslims must give it up before they take up eemaan and Islaam.

    Examples: Nationalistic groups, PLO, Jamaati Islaam, most Muslims


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    10. Ilmaanis - The secularists

    The secularists do not practice the deen. They are generally law abiding apostates whoseparate Islaam from lifes affairs. They do no want the Shariah to be implemented, thoughsome falsely claim they do, as they believe Islaam must reconcile and adapt to the 21 st century

    or modern times.

    They are people who rise against haq and stand for shirk, kufr, nifaaq, transgression, apostasy,zandaqah, munkar, bida and baatil etc. They are generally apostates as they there is no suchthing as secularism in Islaam and secularism is a deen in itself.

    Examples: MCB, CAIR (in the US), Young Muslims, MAB, ISB, British Muslims and AmericanMaarslims (with an American accent) etc.


    It is vital for us as Muslims to be aware and disassociate ourselves from these deviant sects.However, we must remember that they are still ahl ul-Qibla (Muslims) unless they have nopreventions of Takfeer. To make sure we always follow the straight path, we must take theunderstanding of the Sahaabah as our Islamic standard for any matters related to the deen ofIslaam. It is only the Shariah i.e. the Khilaafah (Islamic state) that can re-unite this Ummah andtake it out from its darkness into the light of eemaan.