Atheist says: “I hear no voice at all. There is complete silence from heaven. Therefore, there is...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Atheist says: “I hear no voice at all. There is complete silence from heaven. Therefore, there is...

  • Atheist says: I hear no voice at all. There iscomplete silence from heaven. Therefore,there is no God. Mystic says: God spoke audibly to me today. Iheard his voice or God told me to ask youfor money of God told me to be a preacher. Both are wrong. God has spoken, and He is stillspeaking to mankind today, but not like that! Psalm 19 is about hearing the voice of God.

  • God is Speaking to Mankind in Creation(General Revelation). (19:1-6)A.Simple observation teaches us Someone made the world who is powerful, wise and good.

    Rom. 1:18-20: 18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the true by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.(NIV)

    B.Scientific studies confirm the power and wisdom of Godto the nth degree.

  • C.David was particularly impressed by the sun.

  • If there were a highway from the Earth to the Sun, how long would it take to travel to the Sun, driving at 65 miles per hour?

    A.163 years and 120 days

  • The advantage of general revelation is that there are no language barriers. Verses 1-6 identify several features of this revelation:

    1.It is continuous revelation (vv. 1-2).2.It is universal in scope (vv. 3-4).3.It is silent in nature (v. 3).4.Its declaration: Glory of GodUniverse is His handiworkIllustrations of Gods power and wisdom:1.Water spider2.Salmon3.Homing pigeons4.Human body our eyes and heart

  • The Human EyeThe Camera

  • Conclusion:

    Design demands a Designer!Laws of Universe point to a Lawgiver!Principles of Mathematics point to a Mathematician!

    Heb. 3:4:Every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.

    How Great is the God We Worship!3.Rejoices the heart - Those who follow the directions of Gods will rejoice, their hearts will be filled with gladness.

  • God is Speaking to Mankind in His Written Word(19:7-11)The basic names of Gods Word:1.Law that which rules, guides and directs.2.Testimony it bears witness to God.3.Precept that which is entrusted to us.4.Commandment orders as to what to do.5.Fear the effect the Word creates in us.6.Rules right decisions or judgments.

  • The essential nature of Gods Word:1.Perfect complete.2.Sure reliable and dependable.3.Right correct and true.4.Pure no falsehood or error.5.Clean clear and pure.6.True - righteous, just and fair.The effect of Gods Word:1.Converts restores, revives the soul.2.Makes wise understanding.3.Rejoices the heart fills with gladness.4.Enlightens instructs, informs.5.Endures permanent, never outdated.6.Righteous true and righteous altogether.

  • How Should We Respond to the Word?(19:10-11)A.Value it properly more valuable than gold.B.Receive it warmly.C.Obey it diligently.Davids Prayer (19:12-14)A. He prayed for forgiveness of secret sins.B. He prayed for protection from presumptuous sins.C. He prayed for acceptance in his speech and thoughts.

  • God is Speaking

    General RevelationSpecial Revelation

    Through HisThrough HisWorks theWord theCreationScriptures

    Be Careful To Listen!

  • Have you been listening to God?Are you receiving His message with an open heart?Are you ready to respond to His calling in faith?Are you ready to respond by obeying His directions for so that you can be saved?Why not tonight put your faith in God and His Word into practice as you respond to heavens invitation?
