ATEP-901 Production Engineering and Workshop · PDF fileHill International Edition, 2004 4....

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Transcript of ATEP-901 Production Engineering and Workshop · PDF fileHill International Edition, 2004 4....


First Semester Syllabus on the M.Tech Course on Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship


Sl.No. Course


Course Title L T P Hours/



1 ATEP 901 Production Engineering and Workshop Technology 2 0 1 4 3

2 ATEP 902 Environmental Engineering 3 0 0 3 3

3 ATEP 903 Entrepreneurship Development & Micro Enterprise


3 0 0 3 3

4 ATEP 904 Design and Layout of Plants 3 0 0 3 3

5 ATEP 905 Alternate Energy Sources 2 0 0 4 3

6 ATEP 906 Disaster Management 2 0 0 2 2

7 ATEP 907 Values and Ethics in Business 2 0 0 2 2

Total 17 0 2 21 19

ATEP-901 Production Engineering and Workshop Technology 3- Credits

Management functions, Evolution of Management Theory, Management approach to Planning,

Analysis and Control functions involved in a Production System; Production cycles, planning

functions; Types of industry : Job, Batch, Continuous, Mass and Flow Productions; Organisation

and policies in respect of production planning and control; Product design and development;

Forecasting techniques; Scheduling, Sequencing and plant loading for optimal utilization;

Queueing models and line balancing; Materials Planning and Control, Inventory Management;

Value Analysis; Productivity Analysis, Mechanics of production control.

Type of production and production processes, product configuration and manufacturing

requirements. Pattern making, allowances and core making. Casting processes of ferrous and

non-ferrous metals including die casting, investment casting, centrifugal casting, loam molding,

transfer molding. Solidification principles, design of molds, rising, spurs and gating system,

casting defects.

Metal joining processes: soldering, brazing, fusion and non-fusion welding processes, various

modern welding processes like TIG, MIG, Submerged Arc Welding, Friction Welding and

Welding defects.

Fundamentals of hot and cold working processes – forging, extrusion and rolling

Thermal treatment Surface cooling CAT & CAM, Application of CNC lathe cold extrusion

Reading List :


1. S.N. Chary, Production and Operations Management, TMH. 2. Koontz & Weihrich, Essentials of Management. TMH.

3. E.S. Buffa and R.K. Sarin, Modern Production / Operations Management, John Wiley &


4. P.N.Rao, Manufacturing Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding TMH. 5. James S.Campbell, Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes, TMH.

6. G.E.Linnert, Welding Metallurgy, AWS.

7. P.C.Pandey and C.K.Singh, Production Engineering Sciences, Standard Publishers Ltd. 8. A.Ghosh and A.K.Mallick, Manufacturing Science , Wiley Eastern.


ATEP-902 Environmental Engineering 3- Credits

Module – I

Concepts of Environment, Environmental gradients, Tolerance levels of environment factor, EU,

US and Indian Environmental Law. Chemistry in Environmental Engineering: Chemistry of the

atmosphere, combustion related air pollution, global environmental problems - ozone

depletion,greenhouse effect, acid rain etc.

Ecological Concepts: Biotic and Abiotic components, Ecosystem Process: Energy transfer, Food

Chain and Food Web, Water cycle, Oxygen cycle, Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle etc., Soil

chemistry. Soil composition, properties, identification and classification.

Noise pollution Effect of noise on people, rating systems, community noise sources and criteria,

traffic noise prediction, noise control. Noise standards, measurement and control.

Module – II

Waste Water Treatment: Water Treatment: water quality standards and parameters, Ground

water. Water treatment processes, Pre-treatment of water, Conventional process, advanced water

treatment process. DO and BOD of Waste water treatment process, primary and secondary

treatment of waste water, Activated sludge treatment: Anaerobic digestion, Reactor

configurations and methane production.

Water resources, characteristics of water, water pollutants, oxygen demanding wastes, surface

water quality, groundwater quality, water treatment systems, biomedical wastes treatment

technologies and disposal options.

Rainwater harvesting, recharging of underground water.

Module – III

Solid waste, Definition and characteristics of industrial and hazardous wastes. Hazardous waste

management, Solid Waste Management, Source classification and composition of MSW:

Separation, storage and transportation, Reuse and recycling, Waste Minimization Techniques.

Hazardous Waste Management, Hazardous waste and their generation, Transportation and

treatment: Incinerators, Inorganic waste treatment. E.I.A., Environmental auditing, Hazardous

substances and risk analysis: Hazardous substance legislation, risk assessment, hazard

deification, potential carcinogens, toxicity testing in animals, human exposure assessment.

Slaughterhouse waste

Module – IV

Environmental Impact Assessment

Reading Lists :


1. G. Kiely, Environmental Engineering Irwin: McGraw Hill International Edition, 1997

2. Arcadio P. Sincero & Gergoria A. Sincero, Environmental Engineering, PHI


3. M. L. Davis and S. J. Masen,Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, McGraw

Hill International Edition, 2004

4. Curringham & Saigo, Environmental Science, TMH,

5. Gilbert M. Masters & Wendell P. Ela, An Introduction to Environmental Engineering and

Science, PHI Publication.

6. Gilbert M Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science:

7. J. G. Henry and G. W Heinke, Environmental Science and Engineering 8. M.L. Davis and D.A. cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering :


ATEP-903 Entrepreneurship Development & Micro Enterprise Management 3- Credits

Sl.No Subject Matter No of



1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Meaning, Role of Entrepreneur,

Entrepreneur Process: different approaches, Motivation for

becoming an Entrepreneur

Two Sessions 2

2 SME Concept, its role, status, prospects and policies for

promotion of SMEs

One Sessions 1

3 Importance of Entrepreneurship: innovations, Qualities of

successful Entrepreneur, Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of

Entrepreneur, Issues & Problems Entrepreneurial Practices,

Two Sessions 2

4 Contribution of Entrepreneurs: Towards R&D, creates Wealth of

Nation & Self prospect with Challenge

One Sessions 1

5 Entrepreneur Carrier: Different Stages, Entrepreneur

Development Programmers (EDPs).

Two Sessions 2

6 Characteristics of Entrepreneurship: Risk taker, Perceptive,

Curious, Imaginative, Persistent, Goal setting, Hardworking,

Research & Management Skill, Organising & Controlling, Soft

skills and Feasibility

Two Sessions 2

7 Women Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, promotion Hurdles and

Prospects of women Entrepreneurs.

Two Sessions 2

8 Factors & Models of Entrepreneurial Development Two Sessions 2

9 Social Entrepreneurial Initiative: Solving social Problems,

Business plan, Strategic Plan vs Business Plan

Two Sessions 2

10 Forest based Industries: Mobilization of resources from NTFP

products, Processing units, Technical and Financial Feasibility

study and analysis

of projects under self employment scheme including small


Two Sessions 2

11 Farm based enterprises for production and post production of






Crops: Cereals, Legumes, Oilseeds; Horticulture crops : Fruits

and vegetables; Livestock production : Poultry, Fishery,

Medicinal and Aromatic plants.

Handlooms & Sericulture; Handicraft, coir, jute & leather

Agro-Eco Tourism

12 Micro entrepreneurial skills development and good production


Two Sessions 2

13 Risk Management:

Risk Factor

Sensitivity Analysis

Vulnerability Analysis

External Risk

Internal Risk

Environmental Risk

Nine Sessions 9

Reading Lists :


1. N. V. R. Naidu, Naidu I. K, Management and Entrepreneurship. International Pvt Ltd, 01-Jan-


2. Frank Martin and Marcus Thompson Palgrave, Social Enterprise Developing Sustainable

Businesses, Macmillan

3.Thomas Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough, Doug Wilson Pearson Essentials of

entrepreneurship and small business management, Prentice Hall, 2008

4. Robert D. Hisrich Entrepreneurship 6/E Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2011


David R. Stokes, Nicholas Wilson Cengage Learning EMEA, ‘Small Business Management and

Entrepreneurship’, Business & Economics, 2006.

Donald F. Kuratko Cengage Learning, ‘Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice’, Business &

Economics, 14-Nov-2008


ATEP-904 Design and Layout of Plants 3- Credits

Objectives of Facility Design : Types of layout problems, the layout function; organisation of

layout: Product, process, Group Layout.

Process design, product analysis, Computerised process planning; Analysis and design of

Material flow: Systems approach to flow cycle, flow possibilities, facility layout, process charts,

string diagram, flow process chart; quantitative analysis of material flow; line balancing

techniques, optimal material flow configuration.

Space and area allocation for production and physical plant service; Computerised handling of

layout algorithms;

Introduction to various Mechanical Handling Systems and equipment for handling unit load and

bulk materials, namely pulley blocks, winches, electric hoists, EOT cranes, belt conveyor,

Bucket elevator, Screw conveyor and pneumatic conveyor. Kinematic analysis and design

procedures of their component mechanisms. Design concept of warehouse facilities

commensurate with adopted kind of handling and transfer devices; Concepts of AGVs, AS/RS

and other automated materials handling devices. Automated packaging devices; design of

Integrated Plant Layout for Product Handling Systems.

Ergonomics considerations – Space, energy, time and activity

Comfortable working environment and layouts utilities


Experiments and computational work involving production planning and scheduling, process

planning, resource allocation, machine loading

and optimization;

Plant facility layout models, mechanical, electro-analogue models for optimal plant facility

location analysis, analogue and computer aided models for physical path analysis of production

program/project activity;

Network analysis and optimization; product quality planning and control analysis models;

production system simulation, simulated system

in maintenance programs, system dynamics, computer applications in Plant Location and Layout.

Reading Lists :


1. James M. Apple, Plant Layout and Material Handling, John Wiley & Sons

2. Richard L. Francis & John A. White, Facility Layout and Location – An Analytical Approach

Prentice Hall

3. James M. Apple, Material Handling Systems Design, John Wiley & Sons.

4. Kroemer, KHE Lewis, Ergonomic Design of Material Handling Systems

5. Allegri, T.H, Materials Handling (Principles & Practice), CBS


ATEP-905 Alternate Energy Sources 3- Credits

Unit-I New Renewable Energy Sources: Solar, biomass, wind, tidal, geothermal, microhydel, etc. –their availability & potential. Conversion of solar energy into various forms of energy (heat, electricity, mechanical etc.) Unit - II Geothermal & Tidal Energy: Basic principles, systems used in practice and applications, resource assessment criteria, status in India. Unit-III Solar Thermal Energy: Solar thermal devices: Radiation geometry, various types of solar collectors, flat plate & concentrating collectors, their construction working & application, hot water & hot air systems, industrial hot water systems, low pressure steam generation, solar dryers, solar pond,space heating & space conditioning, design criteria and methodologies for solar thermal applications. Solar concentrator and their applications, solar thermal power generation. use of solar thermal systems with existing systems, economic analysis of solar thermal systems, example of hybrid systems. Unit-IV Solar Photovoltaic: Solar photovoltaic conversion: Basic principle of SPV conversion, types of solar cells, fabrication of SPV cells, modules.SPV systems : Different configurations, SPV system components and their characteristics, applications, hybrid SPV system.SPV system designing: Block diagram of general SPV system, load estimation, selection of inverter, battery sizing, array sizing, wiring for SPV system. Grid synchronized inverter system. Unit-V Wind Energy: Wind energy conversion technologies, aerodynamics of wind turbine rotor, site selection. Wind resource assessment, various models to predict wind pattern and their analysis, concept of wind farms, various aspects of wind turbine design, hybrid wind energy systems – Wind + diesel power, wind + conventional grid, wind + photovoltaic system etc.

Unit-VI Hydrogen & Fuel Cell: (06 Hours) Hydrogen as a renewable energy source, source of hydrogen, fuel for vehicles. Hydrogen production: Direct electrolysis of water, direct thermal decomposition of water, biological and biochemical methods of hydrogen production. Storage of hydrogen: Gaseous, cryogenic and metal hydride. Utilization of hydrogen fuel cell – Principle of working, construction and applications.


ATEP 906 Disaster Management 2 Credits

Module – 1 Understanding the Basic Concepts: Disaster, Risk, Vulnerability and Hazard

Disaster - Definition and it’s Interpretation, Understanding Risk, Hazard, Vulnerability,

Understanding Community in the context of disaster, Disaster – It’s relationship with other

branches of knowledge - in Physical sciences, Bio-sciences and Social sciences.

Module – 2 Disasters and Development

Defining Development – Theories and Interpretation, Relationship between development and

disaster, Disaster and Climate Change, Disaster and Poverty

Module – 3 Disaster Management

Disaster Management Act of India 2005 and its comparison with that of other countries. Disaster

Management - A Paradigm Shift -- Relief Centric to Pro-active, Holistic and an Integrated

approach Hyogo Framework of Action – Mainstreaming DRR through Development


Mainstreaming DRR through Flagship Programmes and India’s march towards MDG.

Module - 4 Disaster Profile

World Disaster Profile, Disaster Timeline, Indian Disaster Profile with specific emphasis

on Flood, Cyclone, Drought, Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslides, Snow Avalanches, Fire

Incidents, NIDM Guidelines on various disasters : (a) Biological Disaster (b) Chemical

Terrorism Disaster (c) Nuclear and Radiological Disaster (d) Urban Flooding (e) Incident

Response System, Use of statistics in Disaster Management

Module – 5 Disasters and Governance

Role and Responsibilities of Government Machinery in all phases of disaster (Mitigation,

Preparedness, Response and Recovery Phases),

Role of N.G.O and Civil Society (NIDM Guidelines for NGO),

Role of Media (Audio, Video, and Print),

Early Warning System Training and Capacity Building for Disaster Management,

Psycho-social Support System and Mental Health Services in disasters,

Disaster in course curriculum (National School Safety Programmes),

Disaster and Indigenous Knowledge system,

Disaster and financial Institutions (Role of Banking, Insurance, Microfinance and Corporate



ATEP-907 Values and Ethics in Business 2- Credits

Science, Technology and Engineering as knowledge and as Social and Professional Activities

Effects of Technological Growth:

Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources,

Reports of the Club of Rome

Limits of growth: sustainable development

Energy Crisis: Renewable Energy Resources

Environmental degradation, pollution and Eco-friendly Technologies

Environmental Regulations, Environmental Ethics

Appropriate Technology Movement of Schumacher;

later developments Technology and developing notions.

Problems of Technology transfer,

Technology assessment impact analysis

Human Operator in Engineering Projects and Industries

Problems of man, machine, interaction, Impact of assembly line and automation.

Human centered Technology.

Ethics of Profession:

Engineering profession: Ethical issues in Engineering practice, Conflicts between business

demands and professional ideals.

Social and ethical responsibilities of Technologists

Codes of professional ethics

Whistle blowing and beyond, Case studies.

Profession and Human Values:

Values Crisis in contemporary society

Nature of values: Value Spectrum of a good life

Psychological values: Integrated personality; mental health

Societal values: The modern search for a good society, justice, democracy, secularism, rule of

law, values in Indian Constitution.

Aesthetic values: Perception and enjoyment of beauty, simplicity, clarity

Moral and ethical values: Nature of moral judgments; canons of ethics; ethics of virtue; ethics of

duty; ethics of responsibility.

Business Ethics:



Conflict Resolution

Organizational Ethics

Human Resource Management



1. Stephen H Unger, Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineers, John Wiley

& Sons, New York 1994 (2nd Ed)

2. Deborah Johnson, Ethical Issues in Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey


3. A N Tripathi, Human values in the Engineering Profession, Monograph published by IIM,

Calcutta 1996.


Second Semester Syllabus on the M.Tech Course on Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship


Sl.No. Course Code

Course Title L T P Hours/ Week


1 ATEP 908 Development Communication 2 0 0 2 2

2 ATEP 909 Managerial and Political Economics 3 0 0 3 3

3 ATEP 910 Project & Financial Management 3 0 1 5 4

4 ATEP 911 ERP Solutions and Knowledge Management 2 0 0 2 2

5 ATEP 912 Appropriate Technologies 3 0 1 3 4

6 ATEP 913 Resource Management 4 0 0 4 4

7 ATEP 914 Enterprise Opportunities / Options 3 0 1 3 4

Total 20 0 1 22 23

ATEP 908 Second Semester Syllabus on 4 Credits


1. Concept and relevance of Development Communication

2. The Nature and Component of Development Process


1. Industry

2. Agriculture

3. Health and Sanitation

4. Environment Protection and

5. Socioeconomic Development


1. Dominant Theory

2. Self Reliance Theory

3. Diffusion Theory

4. Dependent and Inter-dependence theory


1. Social Development

2. Economic Development

3. Political Development

4. Cultural Development

5. Good Governance


1. Planning Development Communication Campaign by Government, NGO and UN Agencies


Mode of Teaching:

Seminar Style of Discussion, Lecture, Assignment and Examination

Reading Lists:


1. Murthy, D.V.R. Development of Journalism, Dominant Publishers, 2001

2. Naarula, Uma. Development Communication Theory and Practice, Har-Anand Publication Ltd.

New Delhi; 1990.

3. Sharma, Suresh Chandra, Media Communication and Development, Rawat Publication, 1987.

UNESCO, ‘Different Theories and Practice’, 1982


1. Development Communication

2. Communication for Development

3. Communication for Development and Change

4. International Journal of Information Communication and Technologies


ATEP 909 Second Semester Syllabus on 3 Credits

Managerial and Political Economics


1. Definition, nature and Scope of Managerial Economics

2. Managerial Economics and Micro-Economics

3. Application of Economics in Managerial decision making

4. Politics of Economic Crisis


1. Proprietary Firms

2. Partnership Firms

3. Joint Stock Companies

4. Public Sector Undertakings

5. Cooperative Societies

6. Non-Profit Organization

7. Organizational Goals

8. Profit Maximization


1. Determinant of Market Demand

2. Law of Demand

3. Elasticity of Demand

4. Measurement of Demands and its use

5. The Techniques of Demand Forecasting

6. Political and Market Solutions to Collective Problems


1. Meaning of Production Function

2. Law of Variable Productions

3. Law of Supply and Elasticity of Supply

4. Cost and Cost Functions

5. Short term Cost and their use in Decision Making

6. Determinants of Costs

7. Monetary and Fiscal Policy

8. Breakeven Analysis

9. Cost Forecasting


1. Pricing Decision under different Market forms like, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly

2. Pricing Methods


3. Pricing in public Sector undertakings and Cooperative Societies


1. Private vs Public Goods

2. Govt. investment

3. Overall Resource Allocation

4. Steps in Cost benefit analysis

5. Justification of cost benefit analysis


1. Need for Govt. intervention in the Market

2. Price Control

3. Support prices and Administered Prices

4. Prevention and Control of Monopoly

5. Protection of Consumers’ interest

6. Economic Liberalization

7. Globalization, the Financial Crisis and the Recession

8. Process of Disinvestments

9. Need and Methods

10. Policy Planning as a guide to overall Business Development

Reading Lists:


1. Andrew Gillespie, Business Economics, Oxford University Press, 2013

2. Damodaran, Managerial Economics,2nd ed. Oxford University Press.2013

3. Dominick Salvatore, Managerial Economics, 7th ed. Oxford university Press. 2013

4. Keat, Managerial Economics: Economic Tools for Today’s Decision Makers. 6th ed.Pearson, 2012

5. Mark Hirschey, Managerial Economics, 10th ed. Thomson: South Western College Publishing,


6. Petersen/Jain, Managerial Economics, Pearson, 2012.

7. James P. , Caporaso and Devid P.Levine, Theories of Political Economy, New York, Cambridge

University Press, 1992

8. Peter, A. Gouravich, Politics in Hard Times, Cornell University Press, 1988.


1. Journal on Managerial Economics

2. Journal of Managerial Issues

3. Managerial and Decision Economics

4. Cambridge Journal of Economics


ATEP 910 Second Semester Syllabus on 4 Credits



Purpose, life cycle and Uniqueness


Profitability, Competitive Necessity and Operating Necessity


1. Overview: Goals, Scope and the schedule to be followed

2. Background: The reasons for the project and gives some identification of main reasons for

initiating the project.

3. Objectives: Detailed statement of the general goals mentioned in the background.

4. Approach: Broadly points at the way in which the project aims to accomplish its objectives

5. Schedule: Various tasks for the preparation of cost effective master schedule.

6. Resources: The task wise budget and aggregated to form the project budget. Other resources,

like capital equipment and rented machines are also budgeted and scheduled.

7. Staffing: List of the Personnel requirements (specialized skills/any training to be imparted.

8. Monitoring: Control, Procedures. Various techniques of collecting and evaluating information on

project performances including finance.

9. Risk: Plan for unforeseen problems for unanticipated crisis, including anticipated disasters.


1. Responsibility

2. Acquiring Resources

3. Staffing Project

4. Dealing with Obstacles

5. Communication

6. Negotiations

7. Scheduling

8. Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

9. Networking Techniques


1. Human and Mechanical Problems

2. Budgeting

3. Labour unrest etc.


1. Performance, Cost and Time

2. Post Performance Control: after completion of the Project

3. Recording of Good and Bad Practices from scheduling to budgeting to control.


Reading lists:


1. Archibald, R.D, Managing High Technology Programmes, New York: John Wiley, 1992

2. Bierman, H. The Capital Budgeting Decision: Economic Analysis of Investment Projects ( 7th

ed.)New York: Macmillan, 1988

3. Kerzner, H. Project Management: A System Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling

(9th ed.) . New York: John Wiley, 2005.

4. Meredith, J.R. and S.J.Mantel, Project Management: A Managerial Approach (6th ed). New York:

John Wiley, 2005


1. Beale, P. and M.Freeman, ‘Successful Project Execution: A Model’, Project Management Journal,

December, 1991.

2. Cookie-Davis, T. ‘Return of the Project Manager’, Management Today, May 1990

3. Takeuchi, and I.Nonaka, ’The New Product Development Game,’ Harvard Business Review,

January-February, 1986.


ATEP 911 Second Semester Syllabus on 3 Credits

ERP Solutions and Knowledge Management


1. ERP Solution and Its Utility

2. Usability

3. Security


1. Team Structure: Centralized, Decentralized and Tree Structure

2. Domain Specialized


1. ERP Solution in Practice

2. User’s suggestions from Manual to ERP Transformation


1. Fragmentation of ERP

2. Types of User with their data accessibility

3. Proposal for more user friendly interface and abilities

4. Configuration

5. Customization

6. Extension

7. Data flow diagram process for different segments


1. Advantages & Purposes

2. Disadvantages

3. Benefits


1. Obstacles of ERP

2. Testing and Maintenance of ERP

Reading Lists:


1. Sheilds, Mureell G., E-Business and ERP, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2001

2. Sheilds, Mureell G., E-Business and ERP: Rapid Implementation and Project Planning. John Wiley

and Sons, Inc., 2001


3. Monk, Ellen and Wagner, Brett. Concept s in Enterprise Resource Planning. (3rd ed.) Boston,

Massachusetts: Technology Cengage Learning. 2009

4. O’Brien, James. Management Information System (MIS). New York: McGraw Hill, Irwin, 2011.

5. Chang, SI; Guy Gable; Errol Smythe; Greg Timbrell. Thin Enterprise Resource Planning(2nd

ed.)Boston: Thomson Course Technology. 2006


1. Shaul, L. and Tauber, D. ‘CSFs along ERP life-cycle in SMEs: a field Study. Industrial Management

& Data

Systems, 112(3), 2012.

2. Shaul, L. and Tauber, D. ‘Critical Success Factors in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems:

Review of the

Last Decade’, ACM Computing Surveys, 45(4), 2013.

3. Gill, R. ‘The Rise of two-tier ERP’, Strategic Finance, 93(5), 35-40, 2011

4. Brown, C. and I.Vessey, ‘Managing the Next Wave Enterprise System: Leveraging Lessons from

ERP,’MIS Quarterly Executive, (2), 2003

5. King, W. ‘Ensuring ERP Implementation Success’, Information Systems Management, Summer,


6. Thomson H. Davenport, ‘Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise System’, Harvard Business

Review, July – August, 1998.

7. Vilpola, Inka Heidi. ‘A Method for Improving ERP implementation success by the principles and

process o f user – centred design’. Enterprise Information System, 2(1), 2008.


ATEP 912 Second Semester Syllabus on 4 Credits



1. Concepts, Background and meaning

2. Movement of Appropriate Technology

3. Practical Implications and Theoretical issues


1. Alternate energy sources:

a. Solar energy

b. Wind energy

c. Bio-fuels

d. Bio-gas

e. Tidal energy

f. Stem energy

2. Disaster Mitigation:

a. Earthquake/ Cyclone Resistant housing design with appropriate Materials

b. Landslide

c. Flood Resistant Habitation

d. Fire resistant Houses

3. Water and Sanitation:

a. Rain Water Harvesting , Designing Dams and Pipelines

b. Appropriate Technique for construction and design of Sanitation

c. Sewerage

d. Water Recycling

e. Solid and Liquid Waste Management


a. Glass

b. Paper

c. Tin

d. Wood wastes

e. Recycling Units


1. Regional Specific Technologies and Knowledge

2. Preparation of Human and Material Resources

3. Transfer and Exchange of Appropriate Technologies



1. Demonstration and sale of the Products

2. Development of Appropriate Technology Park

3. Role of Entrepreneurs towards Promotion of Such Products


1. Stimulating R&D activities in small organization for rapid dissemination of Technological advances

2. Small Business Innovation Research Programme 3. Small Business Technology Transfer Programme 4. Subsidies for up gradation of small venture 5. Business Incubation

Reading Lists:


1. Barrett Hazeltine and Christopher Bull, Appropriate Technology: Tools Choices and Implications

2. Richard Heeks, Technology and Developing Countries: Practical Applications Theoretical Issues

3. John Pickford, The Worth of Water Technical Briefs on Health, Water and Sanitation,

Intermediate Technology Publications, 1998

4. Stevenson, L and A.Lundstrom. Patterns and Trends in Entrepreneurship: SME Policy and Practice

in Ten Economies, Orebro, Sweden:The Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research

5. Storey, D.J. Understanding the Small Business. London and New York:Routledge, 1994

6. _________, Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium Enterprises and Public Policies, Hand Book of

Entrepreneurship Research, New York: Springer, 2005


1. Knopp, L. ‘State of the Business Incubation’, NBIA, Review, August 2007, 24(4)

2. Duff, A.. ‘ Best Practice in Business Incubator Management’, AUSTEP Strategic Partnering Pty

Ltd, 2004

3. Lichtenstein, G.A. ‘The Significance of Relationship in Entrepreneurship in Two Business

Incubator.’ Ohio: NBIA Publication., 1992.


Second Semester Syllabus on



Definition and the meaning of Resource Management

i. Types of Resources

ii. Information Resource

iii. Functions of Information Resource

iv. Importance of Information Resource

v. Human Resource

vi. Natural Resource

vii. Land Resources


The Preparation of Resource Inventory would be through Participation of the Stakeholders.


i. Purpose of Resource Typing

ii. Maintenance of Inventory – State/ Local Government level


i. Tools, techniques and Methodology

ii. Application of Geographical Information System (GIS), Remote-sensing, Global positing System

(GPS), and ICT for mapping of Natural Resources.

Reading Lists:


1. Michael, J. Conroy, James T. Peterson. Decision Making in Natural Resource Management: A

Structured, Adaptive Approach, Wiley Publication

2. Kohl, Michael, Magnussen. Steen S. Marchetti, Marco. Sampling Methods, Remote Sensing and

GIS Multi-resource Forest Inventory, Springer Publication.

3. Paul A. Longley, Michael F. Good Child, David J. Maguire and David W.Rhind,

Geographic Information Systems and Science, Wiley Publication

4. Stan Morain. GIS Solutions in Natural Resource Management


1. Resource Conservation and Recycling Journal

2. Information Resources Management

3. Resource Management Materials

4. Annual Review of Environment and Resource


Second Semester Syllabus on

ATEP 913 Enterprise Opportunities/Options 4 Credits

Opportunities of Enterprise:

Location and Types of Enterprise:

i. Rural: a. Agro based b. Forest based c. Community based d. others

ii. Urban: a. Small b. Medium c. Large d. others

Capacity based Enterprise:

i. MSR of the Entrepreneurs

ii. Skill up-gradation initiative based on activities/capabilities

iii. Training need assessment & preparation of Participatory Training modules

iv. Pursuing Training

Opportunity Cost:

i. Definition

ii. Opportunity costs in Production: a. Explicit costs b. Implicit costs

iii. Budget constraint

iv. Opportunity cost of Capital

v. Cost- benefit analysis

Growth of business:

i. New Business Idea

ii. Advantages

iii. Disadvantages

iv. Selection Process

v. Knowledge(Technical & Domain) and experience

vi. Contacts

vii. Goals & Aspirations

Buying a Business:

i. Introduction

ii. Challenges in buying a business: a. Advantages b. Disadvantages

iii. Process of Buying: a. Information Collection b. Site visit, c. Assessment d.

additional information, e. Negotiation.

Business Plan:

i. Description of the Business


ii. Writing a Business Plan

iii. Uses of a Business Plan

iv. Data collection for Business Plan

v. Kinds of Business Plan

Reading Lists:


James M. Buchanan, 2008, opportunity Cost, The New palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Ed.

Gartner W.B, 1990, ‘What are we Talking about when we talk about Entrepreneurship’, Journal

of Business Venturing, 5

Porter, M.E.(1985), Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, New York.

Praag C.M. Van and H.Van ophem (1995), ‘Determinants of Willingness and Opportunity to start

As an Entrepreneur,’ Kyklos, 48.

Birley S and D F Muzyka (1997), Entrepreneurship , London; pitman

Castrogiovanni, G.J. (1996) ‘Pre-Startup Planning and Survival of New Small Businesses,’ Journal

of Management, 22(6).

Delloite and Touche(2003) Writing an Effective Business Plan, Delloitte and Toouche LLP, New


Sahlman, W.A(1997) ‘How to Write a Great business Plan’, Harvard Business Review, July –


Kawasaki, G (2004), The art of the Start: The Time Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for anyone

Starting anything, Port folio: Penguin.


Strategic Management Journal

Journal of Business Venturing

International Small Business journal