At Least Three Tips to Liberate Your Creativity

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of At Least Three Tips to Liberate Your Creativity

At least three tips

to liberate your

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Brought to you by:

Brought to you by:

and Jill Badonsky

There is something inside you, that is greater than any obstacle.

There is something inside you, that is greater than any obstacle.

Trust it.

any obstacle

any obstacle

There’s one

now… sigh.

any obstacle

When you feel stuck

Speak to yourself from this place of power

any obstacle

any obstacle

So what,I’ll do itanyway.

I can dothis.

I can’t wait to see what I



To be engaged in any creative process

is to be engaged in one of the most radically wonderful things we can do

while on the planet.

is to be engaged in one of the most radically wonderful things we can do

while on the planet.

Whether it is to paint a picture,

write a heart-felt poem

write a heart-felt poem

write a heart-felt poem

write a heart-felt poem

or say something funny

or say something funny

or say something funny


Creativity is a dance with our divinity because we are bringing something new into creation

Creativity is a dance with our divinity because we are bringing something new into creation

or we are modifying something in existence to be more of who WE are.

or we are modifying something in existence to be more of who WE are.

This includes creating beautyor making something that evokes emotion,

creating change in our lives

creating solutions to all the puzzles life gives us everyday in

relationships and at work

or in liberating our ability to be authentically ourselves

If you get stuck trying to be creative, all you really need to know :

is the

If you get stuck trying to be creative, all you really need to know :

is the



is the




If you get stuck trying to be creative, all you really need to know :

is the




If you get stuck trying to be creative, all you really need to know :

How you think about thenext small step

How you think about thenext small step

will determine

how inspired you feel

your enjoyment of the process,

your confidence in yourself

and your willingness to come back to it

and your willingness to come back to it

and your willingness to come back to it

over and over.

and your willingness to come back to it

over and over.

And over

If you

Or compare yourself to others

Or tell yourself you’re not good enough,



And ruthlessly expect perfection,

And ruthlessly expect perfection,

Still not good enough

or otherwise beat yourself up

or otherwise beat yourself up

or otherwise beat yourself up

You will procrastinate.

You will procrastinate.And allow yourself to become distracted.

Shiny things!

You will resist getting started or be cranky because you’re getting in your own way and aren’t answering your creative CALL.

which, when answered is, as mentioned above, radically wonderful.


which, when answered is, as mentioned above, radically wonderful.



If you believe your fears about the creative process, you may not even start at all


– or you’ll quit soon after you begin.

– or you’ll quit soon after you begin.

– or you’ll quit soon after you begin.

All these things are common so don’t think you’re alone if they sound familiar.  

All these things are common so don’t think you’re alone if they sound familiar.  

It’s already been done

I can’t find the


I don’t know where to start

I’m not good


I don’t know what I’m


But trust this:

You have creative aspects within you that when activated

You have creative aspects within you that when activated

You have creative aspects within you that when activated

will cancel your subscriptionto the voices that blather away your creative delight.

You have creative aspects within you that when activated

will cancel your subscriptionto the voices that blather away your creative delight.

BlatherBlather Blather

You have creative aspects within you that when activated

will cancel your subscriptionto the voices that blather away your creative delight.


These creative aspects within you, awaken when you ask certain


These creative aspects within you, awaken when you ask certain

questions. ????

I want to share two of those questions with you,

I want to share two of those questions with you, although there are many more.

These questions are going to seem kind of obvious but you would be SURPRISED how many people ask the opposite questions:

• How can I put pressure on myself?

• How can I make this more difficult?

Those are the opposite questions.

Don’t ask those questions unless you want to further block yourself.

The questions you want to ask RIGHT NOW are:

The questions you want to ask RIGHT NOW are:

How can I make what I’m doing

more fun?

How can I make what I’m doing

more fun?

How can I make what I’m doing

more fun?

How can I make what I’m doing

more fun?


How can I make this easier?

You don’t need immediate answers to these questions, although you may have one.

You don’t need immediate answers to these questions, although you may have one or two.

You don’t need immediate answers to these questions, although you may have one or twoor seventy-two.

Your subconscious will be working on

answers to these questions if you ask them without putting a lot of pressure on


Your subconscious will be working on

answers to these questions if you ask them without putting a lot of pressure on


and after a while

you may notice that things begin to effortlessly become easier and

more fun,

you may notice that things begin to effortlessly become easier and

you may notice that things begin to effortlessly become easier and

more fun,

Which means you’ll be more likely to want

to show up again

Which means you’ll be more likely to want

to show up again and again

Which means you’ll be more likely to want to show up again and again

AND againand again and again and again and again and again and again

to this radically wonderful thing

called creativity

to this radically wonderful thing

called creativity

to this radically wonderful thing

called creativity

to this radically wonderful thing

called creativity.

Which meansyou’ll get goodat it, you’ll finish things,and mostimportantly, you’ll enjoyit even more.

BONUSYou get one more creativity tool because

you hung in there this long.

When there is something creative you want to do, consider saying this:

I GET todo this

When there is something creative you want to do, consider saying this:

Instead of

Instead ofI HAVE

todo this

Instead ofI HAVE

todo this

A lot of peoplesay that, and it drags their energy down

I GET todo this

I GET todo this

Creates more energy, eagerness,

AND follow-through.

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching is full of these kinds of tools. They have liberated

thousands of people’s stuck creativity.

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching is full of these kinds of tools. They have liberated

thousands of people’s stuck creativity.

For more about that, shoot over to

Or email

Written and illustrated by Jill Badonsky

Written and illustrated by Jill Badonsky

Written and illustrated by Jill BadonskyFounder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification

ProgramShe can teach you to be a KMCC coach.

Written and illustrated by Jill BadonskyFounder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification

ProgramShe can teach you to be a KMCC coach.

Written and illustrated by Jill BadonskyFounder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification

ProgramShe can teach you to be a KMCC coach.© 2015 Jill Badonsky


