ASUS ANDROID TABLETS WITH KEYBOARDS YOU Can Do It In YOUR Classroom! Joanne F. Christensen 10/12.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of ASUS ANDROID TABLETS WITH KEYBOARDS YOU Can Do It In YOUR Classroom! Joanne F. Christensen 10/12.

Procedures for Use

Check the library calendar using Outlook.Send Joanne and Teri an email requesting

a date and class periods you will be using the lab.

Teacher gets/brings back tablets.

Before using, assign students a tablet in My Student.Click FFM. Click Add Class Material.

Before using, assign students a tablet in My Student.Type Android Lab in Description. Click Auto-fill Numbers to assign students. Match students with assigned tablets.

Removable KeyboardMake sure to firmly attach and release the keyboard.

On/Off Button

On/off button on top left of tablet.

Trouble shooting: Push and hold this button if tablet is “stuck” (won’t do anything).



Basic Touch Screen

Navigation Icons


Internet Access (Browser)

Apps Icon

Apps Page

Apps Page

Common Apps Teachers Use

Skydrive App: Cloud Storage

Skydrive App: Cloud Storage


◦Student Same as computer log-in

◦Faculty Regular login (jchristensen) Password: Employee number with zero (0)

◦Classified employees No rights at this time.

Skydrive App: Cloud Storage

Saves documents and pictures in the cloud.

Can be transferred from one computer to another.

Enables users to go from Office to Polaris Office (word processing app used with the tablets).

Skydrive App: CAUTION

Students can log into Skydrive using the app or through the internet (Browser).

If they use the app, the MUST LOG OUT or the next student using the tablet will be able to access their account.

By using the Browser, students automatically are logged out when the exit the webpage.


Please keep the lab plugged in when not in use so the tablets are charged.


Please keep the lab locked and the key in a safe place out of reach of the students.


Before returning, please make sure all the tablets are back and in order and plugged in for the next teacher.


Report any problems with the tablets to Joanne or Teri, so we can get them resolved (please include tablet number and problem).

If you need any more apps added to the tablets, please let Joanne know. This has to go through Velden, and the district has to push up the app.

Finally. . .

After you use the lab, please help us assess its validity by completing the survey at:

. . .using this new lab!

Finally. . .

Image Sources

Android Lab Survey:

ASUS Tablet: Enjoy: http:// Microsoft Outlook Calendar.SkyDrive: SkyDrive Cloud: WSD My Student.