Assure leason plan sample

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Assure leason plan sample

Chase Chapman

Assure Unit Plan


This unit plan will focus on America’s part in World War 2 and the important role the United

States played in winning the war, the events to cause the U.S. to join the war and the long lasting

effects the war caused. Students will be using many different technologies to complete this unit

plan as well as completing their 2 week studies on WWII with a presentation of what they

learned. This will allow students to preset what they have learned to the class in a fun and new

way. This is also designed to be a taste of what a college project could be like, also preparing

students for work that will come later in their education.

I. Analyze Learners

The students that this lesson plan will focus on are those ranging from 9th to 12th grade. All

should have the necessary background knowledge of WWII and technology skills to

complete this unit plan. These consist of a basic understanding of the events of WWII and

simple computer skills. These computer skills include research and creating a PowerPoint

like presentation. The skill set is designed to be for any student either honors, special needs,

or the majority population of students. Along with this students are able to contact me at any

time if questions arise since some activities could be difficult.

II. State Objectives

Part 1:


Analyze and evaluate the changing boundaries of world maps as a result of wars (e.g.,

Europe World War I, World War II, Cold War Era and Middle East conflicts).


Assess the ambitions of the Japanese in their decision to attack Pearl Harbor and its

influence on the outcome of WWII.


Examine and identify the penalties of war faced by the Japanese in the United States and

their homeland.


Investigate and cite evidence about the significance of the events of the European and

Pacific Theaters of the war.


Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an

accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.


Read and comprehend history/social studies texts at or above grade level text complexity

band independently and proficiently.


Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and

media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or

solve a problem.

Part 2


Student uses audio, video, pictures, clip art, moviemaker programs, webpage design

software, electronic documents and other files to collaborate for the creation of electronic

products that inform multiple audiences both inside and outside the school environment.


Student remains composed and focused, even under stress, willingly aligns his/her

personal goals to the goals of others when appropriate, approaches conflict from win-win

perspective, and derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals.

III. Select Media

Syllabus on WWII Unit plan

Map of Pacific Battles worksheet (worksheet 1)

Allied and Axis Powers Gun worksheet (worksheet2)

Pearl Harbor Reading Worksheet (Work Sheet 3)

Tablets for students

Dry Erase Board




Access to computer lab

Note cards

Group Project Desks

Rubric for each assignment

Teacher Websites

Provides great ideas for topics to teach about (certain battles/ Events)

Provides many Video Clips that will be used during class time.


Offers other sources in which to help myself teach the students.

Student Websites

Technology guide for learning new applications or programs on a computer or


Presentation website

Virtual drop box to easily submit assignments

Allows for students to look up notes or study material that others have posted

IV. Utilize Media And Materials

Prior Knowledge

This unit plan is designed for students ranging from 9th – 12th grade. By this point

students would have already learned basic skills associated with group work along

with simple computer skills. These basic skills will be needed to complete the

assignments for the next week. For those who do not know these basic skills the

students are encouraged to work together to complete assignments. This allows for

groups to help one another and teach amongst themselves. Also a basic understanding

of United States history will be needed to understand material.

Day 1

On day one students will receive the Syllabus and assignment list for the unit plan

that will be covered in the next 8 days. This will be followed by a quick preview of

what is to come that follows the Syllabus including grading scale and what will be

assigned/ due on what days. Students will then randomly select into their unit plan

group who they would be working with for the next week. This will then be followed

by a brief Q&A segment about WWII on an application found on the tablets

provided. The answers will be projected for the entire class to see and then allow

students to give comments about the answers provided. The last minutes of class will

be open for discussion is anyone has any further question and allows the groups to

exchange contact information.

Day 2

The second day will begin with all of the technology information needed for the final

group project that will be due on the 8th and final day of the unit plan. This includes

the URL for websites such as Lynda, easy note card, turn it in, and Prezi. The final

project will consist of a 5-7 minute Prezi presentation about the most interesting

material they learned in the unit plan. Along with the presentation the students will be

giving a speech about a minute long (About one minute per student which would

equal 5-7 minutes in length) about what is going on during the presentation. The rest

of the class will be informed to take notes since this information will likely be a test

question later on.

Students will then start leaning about the reasons that caused the United States to join

in the war. This will include the attack on Pearl Harbor. Both sets of information will

be presented using Prezi (the same website students will be using in their final

project) this will be joined by the Pearl Harbor worksheet using the smart tables

(interactive tables) to do the assignment. This worksheet gives good background

information on reasons tensions before Pearl Harbor was high and why the Japanese

attacked. Once finished it will be submitted in the account for the class.

After the assignment is submitted the groups can get together to start thinking about

what to do their Prezi presentation and speech on. The students will be allowed to use

the computer lab to do further research if desired and also the tablets if not in the

computer lab during any further free time in class.

Day 3

Day 3 will start with small group discussions about Pearl Harbor and why the United

States joined the war. Mainly just a simple review about what we looked over in the

class before. The worksheet that was turned in the day before will be returned and a

brief period of time will be devoted to explaining and giving out the answers.

Students will then be given time to work in their groups and farther deciding on what

to do the topic on. Before the class is to be let out worksheet number one or the Map

of the Pacific worksheet will be given as an in class assignment due by the end of

class. This will help give students a better understanding of when and where major

battles took place. This also gives a visual timeline for the students to go by while

learning about other major battles.

Day 4

To start the class I will hand back the assignment given to the students the day before.

Next each group of students is to randomly draw one of the major battles in the

pacific to look up in class. There will be three options to choose from. 1. The battle of

Midway, 2. The Battle of Iwo Jima, 3. The dropping of the atomic bombs. The group

then will go to on the provided tablets to look up information about the

event they picked and each student must write their own one page report about their

findings. The groups however must share the same common facts and answer but

must be written in the individual students own words. Quotes are allowed but a

citation will not be needed since the History channel website is the only source

needed to complete the report. These will be due the beginning of day 5 so I

encourage that students share answers before class time ends.

Day 5

The day will start with groups giving a brief description about the events that

happened in enough detail to teach the class the major points. The groups will be

graded on their findings. The remainder of the students will take notes on easy note

card and share their notes with the entire class online. This assures that all students

have all the study material needed for the upcoming quiz on day 7.

Day 6

Class receives study guide for unit plan quiz. Quiz will be like the Q&A session at the

begging of the plan with every person in an individual group sharing the same score.

Groups will work together to find the answers on the study guide. To pass the rest of

the class period I will give out Work sheet 2 that will be for participation grade only

but not tell the students that way more will do the assignment.

Day 7

The start of day 7 will begin with the unit quiz about all the material taught of the past

six days. The groups will works together with the test materials and one students form

each group will submit the combined answers from the group. Every member of a

group will receive the same grade since the quiz will be taken in groups. When the

individual from the group turns in the quiz answers he or she will also gather

everyone Allied and Axis powers gun worksheet and turn them in at the same time.

When a group is finished with the quiz they can be dismissed to a computer lab to

continue work on the Prezi Presentation and speech which is due the following day.

This will take the remainder of the class time.

Day 8

The final day of the unit plan will be the Prezi Presentation for each group along with

their speeches that need to be presented during the presentation. Students will have

hand in the presentations grade but the overall grade will come from the instructor.

Having peer comments helps the groups learn what they did well and what needs

work from the eyes of peers. Not just the teacher. Also this will give me an

understanding on how many students paid attention during the presentations.

V. Require Learner Participation

Getting the attention of students in high school is hard enough. Studying history

which can be a long boring subject to focus on if one is not interested makes getting

high school students attention that much more difficult. To help keep the students

interested I broke them into groups. This allows for the students to talk to each other

and it takes every student to do his or her individual part to make the learning of the

unit plan successful. This also gives me a chance to hear and see who is participating

and who is not. Also since the quiz grade and the presentation grade are the major

grade of this unit plan if one misses any information in these days it would be

difficult to pass. Also there is little time to waste since the free time provided needs to

be used for the presentation. It would be difficult to finish the project if this time is


VI. Evaluate and Revise

The way in which I will evaluate the learning achievement is by the presentation and

the speech given at the end of the unit plan. This allows for each student to present

what he or she has learned and give a visual aid to better get their point across.


This will be completed by studying the battles in the Pacific. When the United States

took control over these islands it also expanded the territory boundaries of the U.S.


By studying the events before the Attack on Pearl Harbor in worksheet 3 will give an

insight to why the Japanese decided to attack the United States.


This will be accomplished by the random selection assignment about the battles or

events. One of the choices was the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan


This will also be completed by the random selection of events. It allows students to

learn about different events that occurred in the Pacific.


The use of the History Channel website will be an example of a secondary source of

information. They do extensive research about events before posting them to the



Having students to their own research about major events gives them independent

responsibility for their grade they achieve.


Having not only the instructor teach some of the lessons, the students will be teaching

themselves through research and have other students teach the class by giving

reports on their findings.


The use of tablets, the projector, and computer allows for students to have a good

exposure to technology. If they need help learning how to use a program or

application I have provided to help explain how to use this new

technology they may not have heard of before.


Having students work together allows for a less stressful environment for the

individual student. If you student start to fall behind for personal reason they have

others to lean on and learn from. This also expands their friend group and allows

for more social expansion as well.