Assignment 5 planning swede project

Post on 07-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Assignment 5 planning swede project

Assignment 5- Planning of Swede task

Film LocationBy Tom Macklin

By Tom Macklin

Scene Location in trailer: Description of location needed What it looks like in the trailer:

Long grand corridor, Lobby room Large room for the lobby, where the first scene is shot.

Stairs The stairwell will be need to have railings and look dark and plain.

Office room This picture is showing an office sort of room in pitch black, the room is decently big and creepy with the lights out... For this scene we will probably film in one of our team members house.

corridor This room is just as dark as the last, but it is a long corridor with a little zombie girl at the end,

Glass plain For this scene we just need a simple, hard to see through glass, there will be a zombie on the other side who will jump scare the audience

Scene Location in trailer: Description of location and why its good: What it looks like:

Long grand corridor, Lobby room In our school there are lots of big corridors, this one in particular we can use as our first shot, this has a large door in the back which we can use effects to make it all white, matching the spooky entrance in the trailer.

Stairs I have found a stairwell in Windsor which is spooky enough, it is concrete with no decorations and has hand railings like the trailer, however out school also has good stairs we can use.

Office room For the office scene, a good location that I found was the offices for our schools house leaders,this is a big room with lots of shelf's and items for our firemen can look at.

corridor In our school there is multiple corridors that we can use, this one in particular has very few doors and windows, meaning we can make it pitch black for our scene even in midday.

Glass plain In our school there are many windows that we can use for this little jump scare scene, we can use a blured window such as the one on our media room, or a small window in the door.

Costumes, actors and propsBy Sachin Sharma

Props/costume/ make up that we


Fireman helmet Fireman jacket (safety


Torches Boots/ appropriate shoes

Suitable clothes for the child

Fireman gloves Equipment belt

Bio hazard costume, including mask

Black eye make up

Prop/costume Who is going to get it? How/where are they going to get them?

Image of prop

Helmets Sachin, Tom Home (cycling helmets)

Boots Sachin, Jack Home

Torches Sachin, Tom Home

Belt Tom, Ihab Home

Gloves Sachin, Ihab Home

Fireman jacket Tom Borrow it from the school (safety jacket)

Bio hazard costume Sachin Home

Character Research Actor Before and after

Fireman one

Fireman 2

Monster child

Bio hazard suit

ScriptBy Jack Melton

Page 1&2 screenshots

Page 3&4 screenshots

Page 5&6 screenshots

Storyboard By Ihab Saeed