Assignment 5

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Transcript of Assignment 5

Assignment 5: Documentary Topic ResearchChelsea Fashole-Luke

Education.Do we really need it?

Does a good education guarantee a good future?

Are young people forced to think about their futures too early on?

Does a university degree mean a better and more secure job than those without?

Are the ‘right’ qualifications all employers look for now?

Are more and more people losing their jobs to machines?

Unemployment rates in the UK

Are good grades always essential for a good university then a good job?

Does having to choose a career path at the age of 14/15/16 affect choices later in life?

What is the effect of having a degree vs. not having one?

Thinking About The Future Too Early?

“under a new government scheme, students as young as the age of 7 are to be offered careers advice. The scheme which is being tested in 38 local primary schools, aims to encourage pupils to develop aspirations at a young age as well as to provide relevant career guidance that will enable them to make fully formed decisions regarding their future when the time comes”.

~ source:

Having A Degree vs. Not Having One.

Source: linkedin.comSource:

Most employers favour experience and skill over grades

Most wont take on an entry level hire unless they are certain they can positively impact the company

Lots of employers care more about the impact employees make rather than what grades and/or qualifications they have

Its harder to get a job these days and having a degree makes it easier for employers to choose between similar applicants, where only one may have a degree

Some look up to Lord Sugar as inspiration – he became one of the richest men and without any grades or educational qualifications

Degrees aren't always ‘golden tickets’ into employment

Having A Degree vs. Not Having One.

The Cost Of Education vs. The Value Of It.

“The value is there but the opportunities are scarce”

“When opportunities become less, the value decreases”

“In 2013 29%% of first year students said their course was poor value for money, compared with 16% in 2006”.

~ source:…

Unemployment Rates.

Rates fell by 4000 in three months to June leaving 2.51m out of work

Number of people claiming jobseekers allowance in July fell more sharply, down by 29000 to 1.4m

Unemployment rate remains at 7.8%


Number of people in work increased by 69000 in three months to June, up to 29.78m

Highest ever since records began in 1971

307000 more people in employment in the UK compared to last year

People Losing Jobs To Technology.

Some argue that impressive advances in computer technology are largely responsible for the sluggish employment growth over the last decade or so

Many workers are losing jobs to machines who can do their jobs more efficiently and for less money

It is inevitable that technology will continue to take more jobs

Technology is getting better and better at routine jobs

More and more competition for jobs

Social Networking.And how it affects us as people.

Is social networking taking up too much time in our lives?

Web 1.0

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

Social networking crazes

How much do we share online with strangers?

Social networking on the go (mobiles, tablets etc.)

How its changed and evolved over the years

Children younger and younger are jumping onto social networking sites

The dangers of social networking

How are we letting it control us (becoming addicted etc.)

The Internet.

The internet is a large group of computers that are connected to each other

It is used to send information all around the world between computers

It was created in the USA and was first connected in October 1969

The ‘World Wide Web was created in Switzerland in 1989


Web 1.0.

‘read-only web’

Web 1.0 sites are static: contain information that is useful but no reason for visitor to return to page

- i.e. personal page about site owners that never changes

- Web 2.0 version may be a blog etc. that owners can update

Web 1.0 sites are non-interactive: visitors cannot contribute to sites

- On the other hand, websites suck as Wikipedia allow users to change and contribute to articles

“shopping carts are web 1.0”: shopping cart applications present products to customers (like a catalogue), in which people from all over the world can purchase from. (source:


Web 2.0.

‘read-write web’

More user generated content

- i.e youtube (and other websites alike) rely on user submissions

Allows users to be more involved in what is available to them information-wise

Allows users to interact with each other and contribute content


Web 3.0.


‘a third phase of the evolution of the World Wide Web’

The idea that the internet ‘understands’ the pieces of information it stores and is able to make logical connections between them

‘the web becoming smarter, getting to know you better from your browsing history and delivering relevant content’

Makes links and delivers content relevant to all you’ve contributed during web 2.0


Social Network Crazes.

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr etc

Twitter: 140 character limit messages or ‘microblog posts’ known as ‘tweets’ delivered to the ‘timelines’ of those following

Facebook: allows users to have their own profile and add friends who can see what they're up to

YouTube: allows users to upload video content which can be viewed by users all around the world for free

Tumblr: blogging site, allows users to post original content as well as ‘reblog’ the content of others.

How Social Media Has Changed Over The Years.

In the beginning, users were more concerned with designing their own pages (think MySpace, Piczo, bebo etc)

‘Customisation has now evolved to personalisation’

Social media allows users to ‘control’ who and what they follow and vice-versa

Ad targeting based on users’ choices also allows for a better experience

Has made the ‘inaccessible accessible’

- Can now interact with favourite celebs etc. first hand through tweeting etc.

- Can now engage with big name brands easily

Customers can now help big brands spread the word of their products


On The Go.

Apps are now available on mobile technology

Mobile phones

iPads/tablets etc.

Users can easily downloads social networking apps as well as use the internet away from home

Some apps do not even require an internet connection to work

“Some users, especially teens, engage in what is called “friend-collecting behaviour” which entails users friending people they don’t know or that they wouldn’t talk to in person in order to increase the size of their online network”

How Social Networking Affects Us.

“This could be an impression management strategy, as the user may assume that a large number of friends/followers will make them appear more popular to others”.

“ just as in our offline lives, we are judged online by the company we keep”. However, online, people can see our whole social network of friends.


How Social Networking Affects Relationships.

PROS: “the social networking world brings

you a variety of information. That certainly aid in the progression of learning about someone, whether its links to articles they might enjoy reading or general musings about life’s happenings..”


Allows you to connect with more people.

Many couples these days have met on dating sites such as ‘’ and go on to enjoy happy marriages.

Allows us to see too much of people too soon?

Causes us to judge others based on their online personas.

How Social Networking Affects Relationships.

“Facebook itself isn’t to blame for the demise of domestic bliss. Instead, its an avenue by which threats can develop if you fail to communicate about them, and one that can exacerbate problems that already exist”.

Everything is available to the general public – including those close to you - if you choose to put it all out there

CONS: Facebook cited

as one of the main contributions to divorce in todays society


Not many restrictions on creatively expressing oneself

Easy way to share information

Informal support of other’s work

General understanding and respect of other peoples forms of expression

An alternative way of socialising (Chau, 2010)

~ source:…

How Social Networking Affects Children.

“more than 1 on 4 teens say that using their social networking site makes them feel less shy (29%) and more outgoing (28%);1 in 5 says it makes them feel more confident (20%), more popular (19%), and more sympathetic to others(19%); and 15% say it makes them feel better about themselves.”

~ source:

(insert picture of statistics)

“Not just an avenue for socialising; kids and teens can be creative, interact and learn. Social networking provides an alternative way to get students interested in learning with a new and unconventional medium”

~ source:…

“teens who use Facebook more often show more narcissistic tendencies while young adults who have a strong fb presence show more signs of other psychological disorders

- e.g. Antisocial behaviours, mania and aggressive tendencies”

How Social Networking Affects Children.

“Negative affect on children, pre-teens and teenagers by making them more prone to anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders”


Thank you.

How has fashion changed over the years?

50s/60s/70s/80s/90s/00s fashion

Fashion today

High street stores

Vintage/thrift shops today

People who dress ‘differently’

Famous fashion ‘icons’ (Madonna, lady gaga etc.)

Fashions fads

Fashion influences in young people today

Labels and how they affect fashion choices today (Goths, punks, hipsters, indie, skaters etc.)

50’s Fashion.

White t-shirts

Motorcycle jackets

Bermuda shorts

Pedal pushers

Poodle skirts

Saddle shoes

Ballerina flats

Full skirts with petticoats

Strapless evening gowns


Cat eye glasses


60’s Fashion.

The ‘hippie’ era

Bell bottoms


T-shirts with messages

Pale lipstick/dark eyeliner

Long hair for men

Beehive hair

Go-go boots

Peace signs

Paisley and Indian prints


Circular sunglasses


70’s Fashion.

The ‘disco’ age

Western boots

Logo t-shirts

Denim (lots of it)


Earth tones

Leotards and wrap around skirts


Platform shoes


80’s Fashion.

Frilled collars and hems

Bright vests and shirts

Power suits (with big shoulder pads)

Lace fingerless gloves


Tunics over leggings

Big bows

Big hair

Fair-isle sweaters

Ankle socks

Penny loafers

Leg warmers


90’s Fashion.

Designer athletic shoes


Mini skirts

Designer trainers

Puffy jackets

Chain wallets

Baggy trousers

Coloured hair

Bare midriffs


Grunge style

Doc Martens & Converse

Bum bags/fanny packs



00’s Fashion.

Low-rise trousers


Graphic t-shirts

Bare midriffs

Tank tops

Bell-bottomed jeans

Skinny jeans

Vans/Converse/Ugg boots/Crocs

Silly bandz

Oversized sunglasses


Fashion Icons Over The Years.


- Audrey Hepburn

- Grace Kelly

- Marlon Brando

- Elvis Presley

- Elizabeth Taylor

- Sophia Loren

- Marilyn Monroe


- Julie Christie

- Twiggy

- Catherine Deneuve

- Jackie Onassis

- Diana Ross

- Pattie Boyd

- Cher


- Farrah Fawcett

- Bianca Jagger

- Debbie Harry

- John Travolta

- David Bowie

- Jerry Hall

- Iman

- Diane Von Furstenberg


- Kate Moss

- Kurt Cobain

- Will Smith

- Cindy Crawford

- Spice Girls

- Christina Aguilera

- Britney Spears

- Gwen Stefani


- Sarah jessica Parker

- Chloe Sevigny

- Blake Lively

- Lady GaGa

- Diane Kruger

- Michelle Obama

- George Clooney

- Jared Letto


- Princess Diana

- Molly Ringwald

- Madonna

- Don Johnson

- Grace Jones

- Demi Moore

- Stephanie Seymour

- Joan Collins

Fashion Icons Over The Years. Continued.

Labels and How They Affect Fashion Choices. Goth








