Assignment 4

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Assignment 4

FA102a, Research and Brand Developement

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment One, Research

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

“Ask Ray | Article on Integrating Digital Media

Into Children’s Lives by My Wife Sonya

Kurzweil, PhD”

Assignment One, Research

“She is interested in the way that digital media

can be integrated into the lives of children and


Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment One, Research

“Play is a remarkably creative process that

fosters emotional health, imagination, original

thinking, problem solving, critical thinking, and

self-regulation. What children see or interact

with on the screen is only a representation of

things in the real world.”


Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment One, Research

“It's this combination of low and high-tech

resources that enables immersive learning to

take place.”

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment One, Description of Future Product or Service

Utilizing Technology to Develop Creativity

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Two, Naming Process

Selected words from original post:Interacting, Children, Technology, Creativity

Generated name possibilities:Children’s InterCreate (using interacting, creativity)

Children’s TechCreate (using technology, creativity)

Selected name:Children’s TechCreate

Justification for selected name:Makes obvious who the product is for. Does not give away exactly what the product does, but uses words to intrigue customers.

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Two, Brand Character Diagram

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Three, Logotype Research, Diagram Word


Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Three, Logotype Research

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Three, Finished Logotype

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Research


Apple Inc.


Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Creating Community

• Direct messaged friends on Facebook

• Posted on existing Facebook groups I am a

part of

• Posted to personal timeline

• Had a friend post to her personal timeline

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Facebook Page

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Facebook Page

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Facebook Page

Technology and Art for Children Amanda Bentley