Assignment 11 draft 5-1

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Assignment 11 draft 5-1


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Group Work: Group work:

Teacher assessment of our second opening sequence:

Feedback of our first opening sequence:

Decisions and Revisions.• While we were making draft two, we came across a

problem that we would face – this was the filming of the curtains opening.

• We decided not to do this, as when the curtains opened quickly, too much light flooded into the room which affected the lens of the camera.

• Also, originally we wanted to have a gust of wind blow papers from our character’s desk. This proved too hard to film as we didn’t have a powerful enough electrical fan.

Decisions and Revisions.• Another decision we had to make whilst filming was

the idea of a shadow figure being seen in the character’s laptop.

• We couldn’t do this as the laptop couldn’t be switched off any other way than manually.

• To combat this, we reverted back to the initial idea of the shadow being seen in the television.

New Idea • Drew goes on to Google and researches supernatural events, she

clicks on the first option.

• As she is typing, her door opens slowly, confused she gets up and shuts the door.

• She walks halfway back to her chair, when more forcefully, the door swings open again, She stands against the door to keep it closed, breathing heavily, and sees her television turn on.

• She grabs her camera to try and document this, and her wardrobe doors start banging rapidly.

• Drew nervously opens the door to find nothing inside. An an unseen person/thing approaches her from behind as she rifles through her wardrobe.

New Storyboard. Key: Match on Action

Key: Match on Action


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New Script.

New Script.

New Shot list. Shot number

Shot type

1 Close up – of words on the blog.

1a Close up – Of the characters face.

1b Close up- Of the characters hands typing.

1c Close up – Of the results on Google.

2 Mid shot – Of the character sitting at her desk.

2a Mid shot – Character takes off her glasses in disbelief.

2b Extreme close up – Of her eyes as she reads what is on screen.

3 Long shot – The door opens slowly.

3a Long shot – Character peers to see who is at the door.

4 Mid shot - As she leans forward to see who is there.

4a Reverse shot - Showing what the character can see

4b Long shot – As she returns to her room and shuts the door.

4c Mid shot – As the door re-opens.

4d Mid shot – Showing the character shut her door and stand in front of it.

Shot number Shot type

4e Long shot – Of character with her back against the door.

5 Close up – Television turns on by itself.

5a Close up – Of characters reaction.

6 Mid shot – Character walks back to her desk to get camera.

6a Close up – Of character grabbing her camera and turning it on.

7 Close up – As character films herself.

7a Mid shot– Of the television as she films it.

7b Close up – Of the plugs as she tries to pull them out.

7c Mid shot – As she turns the television off at the set.

7d Reverse shot - when she sees the shadow in the television and tries to film it.

8 Close up - As she films the wardrobe doors banging.

8a POV shot – As she reaches for the handle to open the door.

8b POV shot – As she looks through the wardrobe.

8c POV shot – As something approaches her from behind

8d Close up – As she is startled by the presence behind her.

Transitions and special effects.

• For draft three, we want to use cross dissolve over the text, so it flows nicely.

• We have also considered using a special effect for the video camera when the character records herself.

Changes in character and mise en scene.• For draft three, we want to make our character look more nerdy.

• We will accomplish this by using large oversized glasses, and a simpler costume that makes her look even less confident than in the first and second drafts.

Titles.• After making draft two, we realised that the titles on a

black screen didn’t work as well as we initially thought it would.

• It made the opening sequence too disjointed and wasn’t appropriate for the type of opening sequence that we wanted to make as we had a linear narrative.

• For draft three, we want to put our titles on screen alongside our footage. This will work better as it won’t break away from what is happening.