Assign.12. horror target audience.

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Transcript of Assign.12. horror target audience.



(Bailey Harris-Kelly, Adam Wilkowski, Conner Harling, Ihab Saeed)

Pearl and Dean Demographic Profile:"House at the End of the Street"

Target Audience – "House at the End of the Street"

■ The target audience for the House at the End of the Street is primarily focused on the age bracket of 15-24 year old's (it peaks at  51%) and this is because of the fact that the horror genre is aimed at these types of people; they want to be entertained by seeing big visual effects that hook the audience at hand. Even though the events that occur in the film are disturbing, the younger market still go and watch the film to get frightened-they want a 'high' and this may be why there is a larger proportion of females going to watch these kinds of films (peaks at 57%)…

■ Social Grade - Class C1: 34%

YouGov Demographic Profile:"The Shining"

Target Audience: Demographics/ Psychographics ("The Shining")■ The current audience that watch this is film are 40-52 year old's as it

is a film that came out when they were younger and so, therefore, it is regarded as a horror classic for all to watch (especially that generation e.g. in north West).

■ Lower class practice e.g. labour workers are the one's that watch these types of films.

■ It is based on a book and this may be the reason of why people within the media and publishing profession watch these kind of films, more than those in the fashion and entertainment industry. 

YouGov Profile: "Alien" 1979

Why the "Alien" target audience contains these Demographics/Psychographics 

■ It was released in theaters in 1979, when the current audience (age 40-45) were young 

■ General and Niche interests include science and technology: the film has science fiction elements and will appeal to this interest 

■ The film is favored by ABC1 social grades as it's considered to be a classic and would be enjoyed by a wider class audience 

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The target audience for Texas chainsaw massacre, is varied. Both websites that give information on this had opposite views. I believe that the age its set for is 18-24 years of age, males, with a social grade of C2

Pearl & Dean: Scream 4 • The target audience age group for

scream 4 is between 15-24 years of age. This is due to the genre of the film it appeals to the younger generation more than it does to the older generations

• The main demographic gender that watch this film are male with 61%

• the Class is C2.